-I Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning. March 23, 1340 vFAGE NINE Own a Better Used Car, . .for Springtime Motoring Pleasure Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUsaJffe-d AdTCttiaUc Three Insertions per Una 2Sc Six Insertions per no 40 On nonll per Una SI 1 tllnlmsm chart lie: I U min im a in Sic: I'tL min. 46c No refund. Copy tot lata page accepted until :ll tha avealng before putrttco ttoo for elaaaafWtlon Copy re ceived Altar thla tbna will be rw under the heading Toe Late ta Claaslfv.- . Tba Stataamaa aaaumaa aa flnaa ctal reaponalbUtt? 'or arrora which may appear 1 advertleeaw-ete ova llshed In I la columns and In raea where this rapar la al fault will re print thai part a aa advertisement la which tba typographical mistake occur. Tha Stataamaa reeervee Uia right ta relect quaatlonabla advertising ft further reeervee tha right ta placa all advertising under tha proper classification. A "BUnd" Ad an ad contalntr-s a Statearnan bos number for an ad dress Is for tha protectloa of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by latter The Statesman Is not at liberty to dlvulae Informa tlon as to tha Ideality of an adver tiser ualn a "Blind ad. Livestock FARMERS unvmnurnf RKNOfRINO WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGES. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERK IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT 4411 SALEM ayrin nnnruiriP riias i - Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthless an- Stroala at a moment a notice, xiera Fertiliser a By Products Co. 15th and Turner Road Phone Salem SOOt Colect Note: We sell meat meal ta teed a-.oi BABT CHICKS It Varieties, In :rkidlng Reds, Rock a. Hampahire. Lea; liorna. Day old pullets, eockerele. Started ehlcka. Phone 221(1. Lees ilatcbery. Help Wanted tit WEEKLY. CROW Mushroom. Cellar, abed. We buy fresh. 5c dry 912 lb. rRRE BOOK. Mushrooma. IS I Third, Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Male I TOUNO MEN to solicit A work n truck for Bor's Home. Small sal ary and room and board. Apply 721 8. inn. St. Help Wanted Female GIRL for heewrk. Inq,. 17t Waller. EXP. HSEKPR. to take charge of tome. Bom 555. Statesman. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN TO sella new farm tool now being introduced ror tne ursi inn in thla atate. Non-competrtlve. Has strong sales appeu. E.VT farmer a d-flnlte prospect. Tboaa with farm ax- rrlenca given first consideration, oiiuu. baala. Write or see C. A. Sha-l-n. Box 42, Barlow, Ore. ajbyapaaaaasaasajaais"a TANK TRUCK salesman. Must have local experience. All Innuirlee will be treated In strictest, cowiiaence IV) i 87. Statesman. Situations Wanted ' LAWN. HARDEN work. Ph. TOUNO, MARRIED man needa work bully. Phona !. WANTED, BY graduate nun hour- If nursing. Tel. 4tis. URESSMAK. Mrs Adaitt. Pb, : Spading of all kinds, lilt Madison. For Sale Miscellaneous p.iiiiinnMl rfriserator. cu. ft. feed Telour davenport chair $ 10.00 twiitlfnl waL bedroom suite liS.tO I2 Axmlnlater rug $10.00 XII Wilton rug $20.00 IKS lamps A sliadea, floor sam ples . 2 4.98 h ull sixe enaavl crib A mattress 10.S Maple bunk bli, hardwool I15.7S t'OHN BROS.. 303 N. ,LIBERTr MAN'S BICTCLE: also Bulck mo tr In gd. rood. 1147 N. Commercial TTsED 5-PC. lroora set, 119.50 OKVL'KTZ Kt-'RNiTURE CO 275 N. Utterly. XilAATWs1 a aiaae aaaaaaaaaaasasasat WAREIinUSB CLEARANCE NEW AND USED APPLIANCES 1 FRIG IDA I RE, USED. late model. 4 ft. afse. Make oa an offer! OREATLY REDUCED I 2 Coldapota. used, ( cu. ft. deluxe iKvlfl rrfrUrrrato-s. 2 Coldsnota, new, slightly damaged C s Line t a. Bargains! I m ft. GUflllan refrigerator com p'.etehr overhauled lt. J Kenmore waaiier, deluxe model. I aWt aiae. waa IS3.95. now $4.6. 1 gma rangettea. aoto. oven control nmonstratora. reg. $4.5t, now 124.- J Circulating oil heaters, constant l-rl valve 5-gal. tank, reg. $0, now 2.t5. It Battery radios, late console and table model at 44 to t reduction. t only, naw gaa rangea. 4 -burner. Were ltl.6t. now i 95. J naa rangea. new. were $99.95. bow '''"gEARS. ROEBUCK CO. 4l State Phona 191. j snr nnniiriri ri ri i "' SHOW CASKS, wall raaea for aale PERR I H URIU BTUKB jjjlanjXnJXT aa aa BEAUTIFY TOUR lawns with or fgfnah lawn stakes. Order now. M. L. Rnwuvnd. ( Thompson Ave. sLJ!JUJIslaLBtUIa a TRAILER HOUSE. 29S Ptaa Street. SHAKES MA KB CASH offer: Oood grade-cnt ahakaa, ahlnglea for anderroaraa. Lim ited quantity. Good buy for aomaona Call lllJ. ADVERTISLNO Waatra AttTtrtialnc RcpraaaaLaUva Oeorge O. Ooaa, In. Bat Francisco. Loa Aagelea, SaatUa xattra AdrtrUtist BeprtMSUUvc Bryan Cbk L OrimtB A Bmnaaav, 1m bscagw New York. Detroit Atiaaut ATafaraaT at faa Piastaffara a4 Saasa Orrexm a Saoand Claaa al after. Pwa juaed a-verv arna aawyx afoadair itaslaaaa aVtaw 2M iaaXA Cammarcioi Afrart. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Man SubsertpUoai Ravtaw ta Ad raaea w5u. Oro-: Dauy a-d Sunday II. ti eaaua; t Moa. Sl.tt. t amoa 12 It: I yaar $S.tt. Elaewhara it aota MkV twII-M for 1 Ttau ! adar f7 2t a rar t adtranc tm Martoo 4ani adjacent aouaUaa. Money to Loan QUICK GASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone (9149) to Salem's oldest, large home owned and hoane. sangfj Uiaaee institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and leans snade la strictest privacy. Tou will be given every cons! deration In tba re paying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In full any time to reduce tha coat. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans, made on furniture, cars or note. 8EK ROT H. 8IMMONSTMGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Uc No. M-ltt GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 134 So. Commercial St. first door aout of Ladd at Buah Bank Convenient ground WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP TOU WITH TOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden ar field equipment, bouse painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If tou reeeiva Tou pay monthly 1 4t.fr 4.VZ loa.ot -"2 ISO.OS 1008 100 04 1244 joo.os 20.1 s The above payments Include Interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up to liOO.OO. Tou will like our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 292. 2nd fl. 1st. Nat'L Bk. Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 44 4 S-22S M-2T9 8tats Licenses Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. Itb rUKIR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICE.NSK NO H lit rrxririrxiuLiLii iaiis" -- -'- eee. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ra - . . " fAr nmmw mr bih cava. Na delay ar rod tape. Tou will re tain possession or tna nicw. J TO 2t MCNTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS ,2. South Comrcl.1 -treet jij. ru'M-M-.-.-.-.-i-.- - ' ' - - - mmm FHA LOANS arao prtj. . 101 Abrama A Ellis Inc. Maaoafe Bids. For Sale Miscellaneous PLANED LUMBER, direct from mllL ehtplap and dimension. Intereat ing prlcea. delivered. Richardson s Ranch. Kalis City. USED ROUND oak extenalon din ing tables. $J.5. OKVTJRTZ FURNI TURE CO.. 275 N. Liberty. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE low prlcea on New and Used Furniture. Urge stock. thre floors : 2 warehouaea. NASH FURNITURE CO. OLD raRTILIZER. phone 560. -MO. OLD bicycle In good condition. IU Inq. McKay's Service 8tation. USED VKIXTTR davenports. $4.95. GKVUKTZ FURNITURE CO.. 275 N. ,w5tm-r.rL-i.n. EASTER POTTED plants and cut flower. Jay Morris, Florist. Phona S27. THE HAMK for Ls NASH FUR NITURE CO , home of Lange Rangea and Low Prlcea. U8KD VEI.OUR hod davenport In good condition. tl.5. OKVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO., 276 N. Liberty. THE APRON Shop. C7 N High mwtST PRICES - Beat Valuea in the Country. Now : Cash - Terms or Trade. NASH FURNITURE CO. CASH REUISTER. Adding machine. Scale aervlca. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter n.xcnange. &l Court. USED 6 PC. breakfast st, $7.95. GKVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 275 N. Uberty. CASH RUO aale. Surplus atock of nationallr advrtitteJ ruif. J.iO to ir9 S4 now $?4.E0 tin. White stork lasts. Ijtrge selection to choose from. Note wool rugs advance Mar. 25th. Buy now and (af. NASH FUKN1TURE CO. The Home of Iange Ranges. Low Prices. 1 USED KNKKHOLK dsk. $.!5 GKVURTZ -URNITUKE CO, 275 N Libertr. SALE WALNUT sheila tc a aack nrlna sacka Klorfeln Packing Co. 28t t High -, - r, - - Bikes A Rep KamMen. 142 8 Lib. HOUSE TRAILER. 18-ft. deluxe, lrrrs 4. II aa everything. Terms ' down. baL to suit. Ray. 405 S. 9th. Independence. Wanted Miscellaneous WNTD.. MOTORCYCLE, Ph. 2615. WANTED FOR cash, walnuta A rtl oarta. Also meats M. KlorCain Pack- lag Ca 2t 8 High. Phona Till. WantetJ Furniture WI PAT SPOT CASH. r. N. A GLENN WOODRY. Ph. lilt Uaed Furniture. R. Forgey. P. T445. Rliicellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES PI ring or Mall Your Ptctaa for Repair OR. HARRY 8EMLE& DENTIST AUaky Bldg.. t A Morrison. BR. 8427 PRACTICE PIANOS 81 H. L. Stiff. uuuiArii"iriri"irT i O, C. PATTERSON aboa repair- bag naa moraa to aerry bu For Rent Rooms nrrTBM Marion fineelal waeklr and monthhr r tea ta peram. guaata Manoa -nee Sbosx Aaildoaa tnia at low ncaav HOTEL SALEM, tow moothlg rataa. Room and Board ROOM A BOARD. 2I . Ph. 1580. rnmr atata offices). AWAY FROM borne, .want good eoOktng. Call at asv aunun. uuij- nrnri- " ' ' ' ' " " " SEE MA Bawen. 80S N Liberty nn-xr rsTs-"i- - BHD, RM . men. Stelnke'a. P. 8884 . u i i n r i ii i - " ' " REASONABLE Rm. A Brd, 1 blk. from City liall. iat ceniar. ROOM. BOARD. Sit BeUama St. i . " mmmmmmmmmm For Rent Apartments LADY TO share apt. and half ax- pee sea. Box tS. Statesman. VERY NICELY fum. t r. apt-. Ita, nrir. bath. IZt. ia bum. MODERN i ROOM newty furnlahed BDartment. Mnst aee to apprrciaio lieaaonabfe. 772 N. Winter St. n att PlTTUfAN kitchen. Nk-e- fura. w omen 4r girts xuj. ji" Money to Loan floor location Lie. No. 8-1 29 Phone 91 CS Springtime - Easter Means Dress-up Time Fix-np Time Tune-up Time USE OUR Cash Credit Service TO MEET YOUR SPRING NEEDS $50 Total costs $4.0 for 5 Moa. $75 Total costs $6.90 for 5 Moa. Othrr amounts in proportion Phone write or come in Personal Finance Co. 'America's Largest Co. in the Small Loan Field" 2nd Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Opp. Court Houae State A High M 165 - state Llcenae - a-11 J Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salam real ae tata. Will pay t Interest. W. ti. URABfeiNHOKaT Ctfc, REALTORS aMaaawaawaaaaaeassawasaasaai LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawktna a Kooerta. FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonda. See B. C Zlalln ski. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC Pbone 4105 or 9746. Financial BEN J. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. G. Delano, 290 N. Church. For Rent Apartments Ufin 1TRV rt 1 T-m Knth ra- frig., heat, water, gar. Ph. 2408. e r , rt-iiiL'iutrpn et CIS tt ! kill. L 1 il.. I.Jill'Jl ' . I. I, . . V . O. E. RAE, 1255 State, Phone 8781 COZY 1 R, apt. 587. 889 N. Capitol. aaaaaaaaaaaasaasas 1 R. FURN- newly decorated. Heat, water, adults. 244 Marlon. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, heat, lights, water, $85 Sagla- 2 R- FURN., $12-814. 485 S.Com'L 2 R. FURN.. prU batji. 852 N. High. 2 R. FURN. Bath, steam heat. friz.. garage. 2005 N. CapitoL Furn. apt. lta. wter 151 N. 12th. APT., mod. home, adulta. 449 N. Cap. 2 R-. prlr. bath. 250 S. Cottage. 1 A 2 R. FURN. apt.. $45 Ferry. FURNISHED APT.. 1209 Court. CHOICE S R. apt. Tha Devereaux. PATTON APTS.. furnlahed, 822 State. Ph. 8244. Apt. J. 5 ROOM MOD. fum, auto. beat. hot water, close In Phona 3387. APARTMENT?. $32.60 to $27.5t Royal Court Apt a. Phona 3958 SEE THE Fisher Apt a before yon decide. Large A Airy. Rock wool in sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout. 8 Com'l A nak Sta 2 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, heat. 528. 1440 Waller. 2 Rms. Mod. CIom in. Ph. 888 1. BEAUTIFULLY furn. 3 rm. corner Apt. 310 Leslie, Apt. No. 1. 3 R. furn. apt. Ph. 79S3. APTS. FOR rent. 246 H State. 5 RM. FURN. apt., close In. adulta only. 404 N. Church. 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt. $12.50 and $16.50. 1935 Center. FURN APT. B64 & Com'l P 8758 FURN. NEW. L.. w.. hL 420 S. 20. aasaa"eaasa,,aeepeJaa.a,aa LGE. 4 RM. fum. apt. Prlv. ent. A bath. Close in. Inq. 634 .N. High. Furn. 2 A 2 rm. apts. 590 Union. CLOSE-IN. 2 rm. furn. apt, 1st fir. Adults, gar. 1017 S. Commercial. NICE 2 ROOM furn. apt. close In xi. S91 N Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap itol Homelike and commodioua, APTS.. FURN.. unfurn. Children relcome. $6 up. 1310 a 13th. P. 7089 For Rent Fiona WE HAVE THE PRSPECT IF TOU want to sell, asehanga. tease, rent, sea atr Ljirsen or Mr. Coi Una with Hawkins A Roberta. Thrill of TFaf 6lR7ff Of A SeNSe OF fJLwMOft. " f gj) if aft-' "''"li'-fetAaa- M V For Sale Used Cars SPRING Is in the Air GO PLACES THIS TEAR IN ONE OF OUR VERY FAMOUS USED CARS. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. IF NOT WE'LL GET IT FOR TOU. 1936 Plymouth 4-Dr. Touring Sedan ....$425 1937 Plymouth DcL. Coupe $495 1938 Plymouth DeL. Coupe $565 1938 Chrysler Royal Sedan $745 1937 Graham 4-Dr. Sedan $545 1939 Plymouth DeL. Sedan ...$745 1937 Buick Tr. Sed. $625 1938 Dodge Tr. Sed. $675 1936 Pontiac DeL. Coupe $425 1935 Packard Coupe $395 See these and many other wonderful buya at our big new USED CAR SUPER MARKET At the corner Com'L A Center Straets SaJem Auto Co. Chrysler - Plymouth 425 N. Commercial Street Salam Open Sunday For Real Buys in Cart or Trucks SEE P. A. EIKER USED CAR DEPT. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 42 1 & COMMERCIAL STREET 1929 CHEV., READY to go. Not Junk. Cheap. 2350 Myrtle Ave., Salem. 1S37 CHRTSLER ROYAL Sedan, overdrive, 22,200 honest miles. $595. Owner going eaat Box 990, Statesman. 1934 FORD Coop. Radio, heater, rumble seat. 1C" wheel a Phone 6689. Wanted Used Cars WANTED TO buy. best car for 958 cash. Bi. 654. Statesman. -WANT Lata modal light panel da livery. Route 6. Box 299, Salem. For Rent Houses FURN. MOD. 4 rma. and nook: S bedrma., fireplace, gar., adulta. $37.80, 380 McNary. West Salem. R. MODERN, Hollywood, $30.00 5 R. modern, N. CapitoL $30.00. t R., Saginaw, $20.00. $ R, 8. High. $18.00. W. O. KRUEQER 147 N. Com'L Phona 4T2I. FURN. HSE., $25. W. Salem R. Eat 6 R, $15 MO. S675 Portland Rd. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses. H. P GRANT. 829 Court Phone 6744. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol SMALL FURN. bouse. 4836 or 8212. FURN. A UNFURN. houses. MEL- VIN JOHNSON, 725 Court Th. 3723 UNFURN. OR furn. bung., Oak Vil la Court Adulta. Inquire 995 MILL 6 rma near aenlor high $33. Ph. 6222 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 21 State Street inquire room ZOO TeL 2718. Wanted to Rent REAS.. MOD. hse., 2 or S bedrma, out of town. Box 552, Statesman. WANT 4 BEDROOM house, at least 2 bedrooms downstairs, walking dis tance. Must bf neat & clean. Tel. 6963. Louis Bechtel or Mabel Need ham 341 State Street ror Salt; Real Estate LISTEN WILL YOU accept" this $2000 giftT We are offering a $6500 house for 24, 500. It Is located close to state Uldga. A a real buy $1000. will handle. See Mrs. EUl with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. EXTRA NICE MODERN 4 BDRM. HOUSE near H. S., full bsmt, $3500. WORTH IT. SHOW NOW. leaving. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 529 Court Phone S744. FOR SALE: On new road, tract of land, fine business and service station location. L, R. Oldenburg, Phone 22772. a Lifetime For Sale Used Can Lead the Easter Parade In a New Used Car 1936 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN, radio and heater $645 1938 NASH LAFAYETTE DeLUXE 4-DOOR TOURING SEDAN .$695 1934 OLDSMOBILE 4-HOOR SEDAN $245 1933 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN, motor reconditioned $245 Marion and Liberty Street Lot VALLEY MOTOR CO. 21 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSON, BEN DRAOER, ART HANSON It's What You Get That Counts DONT BE FOOLED BY PROMISES Get the Milk in the Cocoanut Right Now Bonesteele's Square Deal Policies WILL ADD SO MUCH TO TOUR FUTURE ENJOYMENT SERIOUSLY LET US SHOW TOU FIRST THEN DECIDE A large selection of late model sedans and coupes. Below market prices. And we will make you a real trade on your present car. Bonesteele s Sales and Service $Tt N. CHURCH For Sale Real Estate BUILDING SITES A. HOME SITES located about mile outside city limits, city wa ter, good view. Price $500. Terms. Good also bldg. lota located 3., just outside city limits. Beautiful view of city A mountains, city water. I'rlces range from $$50 to $1250. To see these lots, call O. H. Grabenhorst Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. HOME BARGAINS $15t. DOWN, BAL. $18.50 per mo. will buy thla 4 rm. plast home loca ted In 8. Salem, near store, schoola A bus line. Price $1500. $400 down. bal. $20 per mo. will buy this 5 rm. plast borne with base ment, fur., A In good condition. Price $1800. Call G. H. Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. NON-RESIDENT OWNER wires us to aell his modern home on N. Fifth. 5 large rma., nook, floored attic, base ment, furnace, gar., corner lot P. H. BELL, REALTOR 42$ Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. MUST SELL by and of mo.. $2350 new 4 rm. houae for $2050 $300 do. 770 ROSKMONT STREET NEW. JUST finished the final word In streamlined comfort luxury and beauty, 5 rms., nook, hardwood floors, basement, garage. In a restricted dis trict. 1830 N. 18th. Small down pay ment Terms to suit buyer. Owner W' A.9la.de-te! -TeL 4?!' lizA .I?'. BARGAIN ACREAGE 27 A. MOSTLY cultivated. Apples, cherries, prunes A filberts. Sold about $400 from prunes last year. Water piped through place. No buildings. mL S. off river rd.. $1475. Terms. 5580. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Listings wanted. -Sea N. J. LIN DG REN, 175 S. High- NICE home, hdwd fL. fireplace, fur nace. Sell or trade equity reas. $200 cash will handle. 981 co Statesman. FOR SALE: 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land in Idaho. Ir rigation available. Ph. 4 034. owner. STRICTLY MOD. New 6 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 550S. QUICK TRADE: Clear lot 50x125 on Waller near 22d, S. E. Salem, value $150.00; for good sedan. Some cash. N. RIckert. Tlgard, Ore. MODERN 5 RM.. North Salem home. 82350. Kxcellent buy. O. E. RAE, 1255 State. Phone 71. Exchange Real Estate TRADES 10 ACRES NEAR Scio to trade for a home In Salem. Two homes Pen 4 corners to trade for homes in Salem. Three acres on highway south to trade for a home in Salem. Half acre tract In Chllda Add, to sell for $500. An acre with modern home of equal value in Salem. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 11 SI. fl rma. close In for smaller. Ph. $222. Card fm this directory nut oa a monthly basfjs only. Bate: 91.23 per Uaa per moath. Auto Brakes ' MTka Pane 7t South CommTclai Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and racosdltlonad Harry W Scott 14T a Corn el P. 4tl Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4A. R. E. Nortbaaaa. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda. Baat ments tlttf. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor aale. Salem San J A GravaL P t40$ Florists BratthaupfA 44) Court Phone 1904 House Moving Ralatac, lavallng Perkins Broa. $4$t Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Ca New mattress, eld remade, rag cleaning A Weaving & 12th A Wilbur TeL $441 Zwiekera, CAPITOL REDDING CO Pbone 4tt Naturopathic Physician DR. v? H ROCKWELL. Naturopath te Physician, IT9t Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4302 Office Hours II a.m. ta :$t p.m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTATION Business Directory For Sale Used Cars BETWEEN CENTER ft CHEMEKETA ExchangeReal Estate EXCHANGE WELL BUILT 1 rm. house 2 large lots, S. Salem price $5000 trade for in or near Bakersfleld. Calif. See Mxa, Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phona 1211. For Sale Farms LISTEN TO THIS 12 H ACRES ON Willamette river. 2 acres bearing filberts, about 1 A. large cherry trees, A. peachea, 4 A. prunes a good t rm. home, extra large living rm. Evergreen shade trees by house, fruit houas and garage. Price reduced for a, short time to $, 700. See It today. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phona $241. FOR SALE 1 A. LOCATED ON West Side Highway. Fair bldgs. 17 A. In crqp A uai. nasi ure. 01 crop goes at tna price of $32.00 per acre. Thla la a steaL See Mr. Larsen. with HAWK INS A ROBERTS, INC. 2. A. FINE RIVER bottom aandv loam. 30 A. under cult, bat f ina Ma ture. Water right for IS acree. Good 6-R. house, good barn, elec water sys tem. On highway. S A. English rye grass, 2 A. ladino clover, bal. red ciover. trice iuo.uu. see Mr. Lar sen, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. LOOK AT this $2250 buys 40 A. 4 mi. irom uaiias on good rd.tR. hse., chicken hse.. barn. I A of nrunes. 1 A. of cherries, some oat a A veatch. Running water. 14 mt to achooL Reas. aown payment will handle. H. E. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Acreage A GOOD LAND BUT ENOUGH TIMBER to pay for It r ine strong creett, mountain water, cheap blags.. 310 acres near mvcH road if it's a bargain you want see mis. t:an Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phone 82$1. ACREAGE BARGAINS $50 DOWN & BAL. $16:50 per mo. will handle 2 A. with new unfin. house, well, all in bearing cherries, flood road, close to highway A schooL i-rice i.u. 2Vi A. located near Sarez schnnl 1 rm. houne, large chicken house, bear ing irun, parea roaa. Tlce II050. $100 down. bal. $15 per mo. $300. down & $20 rr mo. will n this 5 rm. plast home located 1 mile outside city limits, on paved road. Fireplace A plumbing. Price $2100. Call G. H. Grabenhorst jr., with W. H. v. .... ii.., mytv.i 1. at kj. IM ACRE, S RM. houae, chicken uuubv ec warn. 5u, siav aown. kj. r.. i;ai izo5 state. Ph. $711 10 A. C.t IIM Unil . T A bath. Full bam t Elec numn. FVnlf trees. Rnnnlng water. A. oats A JL -u. win iaae trade or some terms. H. E. WEIR, J1J Oreg. Bid. Ph. t411 Papering, Painting NEAT Work. raaa. Johnson Ph.2T22 HERBERT 8. WOOD. TeL JIT! Pltunbing S.3! GENERAL rapalr ark. ' . & uoarty. fa. f$94, Printing nrw vsmpuwUk programabooks or any kind of prlnt- ". qui too otaiesmaa rnnuag ua partmant Hi a CmxnerclaL Taio Roofing COMP BUILT-UP rooflna raaaira bant, watarprooflng. Beam State nvuiws to. w. tjopaiasx Tardav wans ca rtomo fnooa ceil. Schools COMPLETE roar HIGH SCHOOL mt home. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. write ror catalog. American School rT. o. rtox tno. t-ortiana. Ore. Sheep Shearing W. i. COCHRAN. Rtl&IIA. 4119. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner oil.' caB 2131. La rma Transfer Co. Trueka to Portland dally Well Drilling R. A. WXST. rt. I aoa 448. Ph. 114F9. Suburban BARGAIN DAY! WELL BUILT S TT. old mod.. rlat.. home, near Englewood. H acre. $3700 $37t down. $25 mo.1. C. H. SANDERS 119 S. High 1$1. Resort Property BEACH FRONT cotUge. near Dor chester House at Brae Mar. $2000.00. can 33Z! lor iniormation. Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION, grocery atore. atock A equipment new building, ex cellent Hvlng quarters lease, good lo cation $100. Louis Herhte! or Mabel Needham 341 State Street Room 4. GOING SERVICE station, average 3000 gaL per mo: Building, liv. quar ters, large frontage. $100 $1000 derp. If you want a good business, see agent. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. SMALL APT. hse. for' sale. Inq. 430 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD.s,$l.5 A $3. Ph. 7421. DRY WOOD, tohone 9560. ATTENTION BUY wood that lasts -real old fir. $5.50. Ph. 7061. WOOD. Ph. 1270 Oraen. 412 N. 21st. WHY NOT Phona 100F15t 1 4, MILL WOOD. TeL 5241. Wood at west end of Court St. Load. $3.50. 9 cda. K-ln. old fir. $1$. Ph. 4700. ASH. FIR. prune. 22129. Judd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7$tT. Old fir 95. Knots $5. Slab $4. Ph. 9454. Personal LONELY? WORTHWHILE aweot- neart husband, wife tor you. r. O. 71. Loa Angeles. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FIN Al HKARIXG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the anderaigned aa adminis trator of tb.t estate of Mary E. Rlcnet, deceased, has filed In tba County Court of Marlon County. Oregon, hit final account In taid estate, and that the 2nd day of April. 1940. at ten o'clock A.M. and the Court Room of said Court have been appointed ay said Court at the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final accoant and the Bat tlement thereof. LLOYD T. RICHES Administrator Llojd T. Riehea 351 N. Summer St, Salem, Oregon. M. l--lf-f-39. NOTIOK OF INTENTION TO IM- FBOVK THE SOUTH ONE HALF OF TRADE STREET BETWEEN THE EA8T LINE OF LIBERTY STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF HIGH STREET IN THE CITY OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to lmprore the south one half of Trade Street between the east line of Liberty Street and the west line of High Street, in the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and al ley intersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the es tablished grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 4 16 i? X 23 27 28 30 VZA 31 WA 'A 33 3W 36 37 3? 43 MM 5T 57 HORIZONTAL Si Ukranian assembUea 35 the dUl 86 rescue 8S freshet 89 commotion 40 at that time 41 a shelter 45 anger 48 hall t 49 weird 50 - weight unit SI obstruct oatem ruler t cry of a crow IX former Turkish officer 1$ convex moldint; 1 4? reverence 15 Portuguese tJtla IS old and - worthy of respect IB Hebre-w measure tO note of Goido'iscala 21 official - mallet 23' nit 1 1 uw of bones 27 ardor 28 4hot in -billiards . 29 measure of area SO Roman household god XI Oriental salutation 82 frozen water 13 neater pronoaa i Answer ta yesterday's puzzle. II K OIITilk Demonstrates 1 v. stepreaeatatiTe Hoffman Something new in attractions oa Capitol Hill came when Repre sentative Clare Hoffman of Mich igan went up to tha speaker's rostrum and proceeded to show his colleagues how to fold a baby diaper using the triangular the ory which calls for but on safety pin. It seems Hoffman waa at tempting to put over a point in an attack on Secretary of the In terior Harold Ickes, himself t father of a baby. Legal Notice street with a ( Inch Portland ce ment concrete pavement, 17.91 feet In width, la accordance with the plana and specifications there for, which were adopted by tha Common Council on the IS day of March, 1940, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above-described im provement by and through tha Street Improvement Department of the City of Satem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem. Oregon, this 18 day of March. 1949. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. M 22-23-24-26-27-28-29-30-31; Ap. 2-3. BIDS WANTED School Board of District No. 3, will receive separate sealed bids on the old school house, the wood shed and one outbuilding, furnishings and electric wiring not included. Bids opened March 25, at 8 p.m. Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. Orton H. Hllfiker, Clerk, Route T. Box 430. Salem. Mar. 9-16-23 Lodges SALEM LODGK Na. 4 AF A AM Monday. March 2f. F. a Degree. J. P. Pi land. W. M. Pscifjs Lodge So. 90. A.r.AA.11. PC Degree. Wednesday, Msr. 97, 7:30 p.m. Wm, iferriott, W.M. IO H 'A IM 21 17 20 2M 2 26 2W 3S HO 42 146 7 'A S3 53 affirmative reply TERTICAL 1 possessed 2 past tea nra 10 cobblsi'a U tiny 17 aa astrin- . gwt 19 humans , 21 frozen ' 22 winced ' 23 chaexbaavs 24 epoch 23 kind of braid 26 mountaim crest 28 European Jtraiper tree 81 relixW 32 aenseleaa - remark i 4 he carried 85 mimie . - -81 a purple -:-aaweed; SSWtrlitter , 0 trim sad -. neat . 41 locotnotrvw . 42 nucleated 6 declare t was the victor 7 fermented beverage 8 ennui cIdCITTaTSI 44 Swiss canton r ( 46.) eggs of ftsh 47 printer's - 4? I i "1 :!i ft n H