Tli. OEEGfOIT STATESMAN. Scdexn. Oregon, Friday Morning, MarcH 22. 1940 FACT WINhTLLM Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Ctartrtrl AdwrlMng Thre insertion per line .. 25c Sis Insertions per line 40c One mum b per line $1 26 Minimum charge 2&e; t tl min imum 35c; 6 tl mtn 4&e No refunds. Copy for thla paae accepted until :30 the evening before puhth-a tlon foi clHsiflftton Copy r. celved nr this time will be run under th heading Too lte to Classify " Th Statesman assumes no finan ctat responsibility fix nirr which may aifeai In advertisements ti:b lished In Its rolumn and In mar where this paper l at fault will im print that p rt of an Brtoeriliwment la whlrb th typorapcl ml ink occur The Statesman reserve trie right to reteri Questionable advertising It furthei reserves the right to ail advertising antler the proper rtansffVeftoti A "Blind' Ad en ad eontamlr-s a Statesman bem number et an ad dress ls fot the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answeied toy letter The Statesman Is not at liberty t divulge Informs tlon as to the Identity of an adver tlaer uetna a Rllnr ad Livestock FARMERS MONTOOMKRT RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. PR EE OF CHARGE DEAD AND WORTH MOSS HORSES AN I' COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WII.IJIMKTTE VAI.I.IST WE PAT TOP PRICKS PHONE US l OIXETT Mil SAI.EM nnirtran nnftn'nrinnnnfii Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION Wa pick up dead and worthless an Ttlmals at a moment's notice. Salem Fertiliser A By Products Co. Z jlu ana xurner iuu . T.,- - 3..1 KAAA PAlaf Note: W sell meat meal to feed lwuuu-i n nrui--.---i--i.-ji-- i jimju-uxsitim : BABT CHICKS 10 Varieties. In cluding Reds. Rocks, Hampshire. Leg i.n. ty. nlit nnltota cockerels. 'started chicks. Phone 22861. Lee's .Hatcnery. Auctions AUCTION SELLING THE furnishings from Capitol Hotel ef 50 rooms at corner of State and Com'L Sts.. Sat.. March 23. starting it It i. m.. consisting of dressers, beds spring. mattresses, sheets, quilts, dishes, sinks, heaters, ranges, tables, desks, rockers, chairs, rugs, sinks, exceptional antique walnut bedroom suite. Don't fall to attend this Auction! Will N. Teeter, Auctioneer. 116 Marlon St.. Salem. Help Wanted ISO WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms, Cellar, shed. We buy trash. 15c, dry Sl.JS ID. 1" (ItB. BtfW.&. BUIIBWTOi 1937 Tbtra. sesttia. waan. Help Wanted Male WANTED: MARRIED man for farm work. Experienced with tractor A dairy. Albert H. Thompson. Rt. 1. Jf ferson. Or. 6 mi. N. on Pac. H wy. I TOTJNG MEN to solicit A work a track for Boy's Home. Small sal ary and room and board. Apply 721 S. 12th St. Help Wanted Female LADIES. NEED money? Would $3 interest vouf Neatness and good personality required. Permanent U you quaiiry. sera, acuowm, vici Argo. Salesmen Wanted TANK TRUCK salesman. Must have local experience. All Inquiries will be treated In strictest confidence. Box 987, Statesman. Situations Wanted WANTED, BT graduate nurse hour ly nursing. Tel. 4616. DRBSSMAK. Mn Adsitt. Ph. 82 MID. AGED German lady wishes wrk.. coun. pref. K. 5, B. 43. M. Alwine. IF TOU need a partner or exper ienced merchandiser, call 9S8S. M. M. Calser. 882 N. 20th Spading of all kinds. 1410 Madison. For Sale Miscellaneous USED 5-PC. bedroom set, $59.50. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 276 N. liberty. .-nr- WARKHOUSE CLEARANCE NEW AND USED APPLIANCES 1 FRIUIDAIRE, USED, late model. 4 U ft. shte. Make, us an offer ! GREATLY REDUCED! 3 Col depots, used, 6 cu. ft. deluxe model refrigerators. S Coldspota, new, slightly damaged cabinets. Bargains! 1 H ft. Gilfilian refrigerator com pletely overhauled $60. 1 Ken more washer, deluxe model. 8 heet sixe. was $89.95, now $49.95. 2 gas rangettes, auto, oven control demonstrators, reg. $49.50, now $34. 5. 3 Circulating oil heaters, constant lerl valve 6-gal. tank, reg. $60, now $29.95. 10 Batberar radios, late console and table modela at 40 to 60 reductions. 2 only, new gas ranges. 4-burner. Were $119.50. now $69.95. 3 Gas ranges, new, were $99. 9, now 859 95 SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. 4S4 State Phone 9193. SHOW CASES, wall cases for sale. PERRY'S DRUG STORE BEAUTIFY YOUR lawns with or iginal lawn stakes. Order now, M. L. Rowland, 668 Thompson Ave. TRAILER HOUSE. 295 Pine Street. SHAKES MAKE CASH offer: Good grade cut shakes, shingles for undercourse. Lim ited quantity. Good buy for someone. Call 8103. rcfiontalesman ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives George D Close Inc. 8aa Francisco Ijos Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A tirunson. I no. Chicago New York Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered at the t'oioftue at Salem Oregon a Second VJn Mutter, 'no tiehed evert mnrmnff except Monday Buaintf of tic tit 8a th Commercial Street. m , SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Mall Subscription Rates In Advance. Within Oregon: Daily rand Sunday Mo 60 cents; Moa II 60 . Mot ST to - I real $5 0 Elsewhere 60 cents Mr Ifo. or 09 tot I te advance Wr ropy I cent Newastands. S eents By tity Cixter- 60cents a month T.2 a rear ta a drape la Marlon 6Mid adjacent oountleai Own a Better Used Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone 9168) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institution. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given erery consideration In the re paying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can pay In full any time to reduce the cost Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or not. SEE F,OT J1- SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie. No. M-158 GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORATION 136 So. Commercial St. First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient ground WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment. hou9e pointing, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debtsT Borrow In confidence from the Calkins finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If rou receive " You pay monthly $ 40.00 $ 4.02 109.00 6 72 150.00 10 08 200.GG 13.44 300.00 20.16 The above payments Include Interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00 You will like our friendly service, small monthly pavments. and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd fL 1st. Natl. Bk. Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-228 & M-27S State Licenses Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 4th r'UtoH GUARDIAN BL'II.MNU LICENSE NO M 159 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACT8 REFINANCED to rs ituce payment Money for new r used car. No delay er red tape You will re tain possession of the vehicle. I TO 20 MCNTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 1168 Lie No M-182 FHA LOANS 4"!5,. stso prlr. loan A brimr A Ellis Inc Masonic Bldg For Sale Miscellaneous USED ROUND oan extension din ing tables, $3.95. GEVURTZ FURNI TURE CO., 275 N. Liberty. 3 MILKING COWS and Spotted Po lin hogs. Call evenings. 1 mL north of Monmouth on highway. II. D. Stand- ley. Independence. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE 1 o w Ices on New and Used furniture. rge stock, three floors : 2 warehouses. OLD FERTILIZER, phone 9560. -MO. OLD bicycle "to good condition, $16. Inq. McKay's Service Station. XJxnJJ-aXJJnJn-rJl-rlrl'l"1 e USED VKLOVR davenports, $4.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 275 N. Liberty. SEVERAL USED wood ranges for saie. $10.00 A up small sixes. Mont gomery Ward A Co.. Salem. EASTER POTTED plants and cut flowera. Jay Morris, Florist. Phone 8637. THE SAME for Lees! NASH FUR NITURE CO.. home of Lange Ranges and Low Prices. USED VELOUR bed davenport In good ronditlon. $19.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 275 N. Liberty. USED TREADLE new tug machine $5.00. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. THE APRON Shop. 679 N High LOWEST PRICES - Best Varues In the Country. Now ! Cash - Terms or Trade. NASH FURNITURE CO. -ICLI DIMierrn kAArm maptllne Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Seal service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange- 156 Court. TTRBrn K TC breakfast set. $7.95 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 275 N. Liberty. USED GRT7NOW refrigerator Just overhauled $60 terms. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem.' CASH RUG sale. Surplus stock of nationally advertised rugs. $23.50 to $59.50 now $24.50 up. While stock lasts. Large selection to choose from. Note wool rugs advance Mar. 25th. Buy now and save. NASH FURNITURE CO. The Home of Iange Ranges. Low Prices. 12 USED RADIOS $5.00 each, or If you take the lot, $30 for all of them you haul them home. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. Ore. 1 USED KNEEHOLE desk. $5.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 375 N. Liberty. SALE WALNUT sheila, tc a sack orlrtg sacks. Klorfeln Packing Co. 389 S High Bikes Rep, hamsneit. 148 8 Lib SEVERAL USED electric ranges $2.50 each you haul them Mont gomery Ward A Co.. Salem. CAST IRON trash burner with colls for water heating. $15.00. Montgomery Ward A Co, Salem. HOUSE TRAILER. 16-ft. deluxe, sleeps 4. Has everything. Terms down. baL to suit. Ray. 405 S. 9th. Independence. NEW, ALL WHITE washing ma chine with 20-pc. set of pastel pottery dishes $42.95. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. Wantetl- M iseellaneons WANTED KOR cash, walnuts A fll oerts. Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack ing Cm 290 8 High. Phone 7633. Wanted Furniture -WE PAT SPOT CASH. F. N A GLENN WOODRY Ph. 5110 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 7445 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair I' WO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Tom Ph'.tea for Repair DR. HARRY SKMI.ER. DENTIST Altskv Bldg. 3d A Morrison. BR 2427 PRACTICK PIANOS 12 H U St Iff G. C PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved to 485 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms HOTEl MARION r .... .. cnui v L. I u nri monthlf rates t perm guests Marlon Coffee Shop delicious meals at low ortce HOTEl SAI.EM. low monthly rate Room and Board ROOM A BOARD. $25 mo. Ph. 8580. netr state offices. away FROM home, want good home coo kiag. call at 45 Marion, Money to Loan floor location Lie. No. S-1S8 Phons 9168 Springtime Easter Means Dress-up Time Fix-up Time Tune-up Time USE OUR Cash Credit Service TO MEET YOUR SPRING NEEDS $50 Total, costs $4.60 for 5 Mas. $75 Total costs $6790 for 5 Mos. Other amounts In proportion Phone write or come In Personal Finance Co. "America's largest Co. in the Small Loan Field" 2nd Floor New Bligh Bldg. Opp. Court House State & High M-165 - State License - S-122 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. W. H. GRABKNHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zielln skt, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Phono 4109 or 745. Financial BENJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. 605 N Liberty BRD.. RM . men. Steinke's. P. 8384. REASONABLE Rm. A Brd. 1 blk. from City Hall. 555 Center. ROOM. BOARD, 315 Belleru St. For Rent Apartments 3 R., BATH, lt-..W.. $20. Ph. Til. ZuVDY TO share apt. and half ex penses. Box 989. Statesman. VERY NICELY fum. 2 rm. apt.. Its., washer, priv. bath, $26. 1599 State. MODERN 5 ROOM newly furnished apartment. Must see to appreciate. Reasonable. 772 N. Winter St. 1 R. APT. PULLMAN kitchen. Nice ly furn. Women or girls only. 1119 Oak. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Lts., water, $3.50 week. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. 5 ROOM MOD. furn, auto. heat, hot water, close In Phone 3367. . APARTMENTS. $32.60 to $37.60 Royal Court Apts. Phone 3968 SEE THE Fisher Apt before yew decide. Large A Airy Rock wool In sulated against beat A eold. Venetian Blinds throughout S Com-1 A Oak St 3 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, heat, $20. 1440 Waller. STRATTON Apt, 2 A 3 rm. P. 3842. 1 RM. FURN. Lts., water A Maytag. $10. 1620 Ferry 3 Rm Mod. Close in. Ph. 8884. BEAUTIFULLY fum. 3 rm. corner Apt. 310 Leslie. Apt. No. 1. 3 R. furn. apt. Ph. 7983. 2 RM. FURN. apt. 145 E.-M'fr- 1 R. A KITCHENETTE apt., $15. 3 blks court house. Ivan Martin, Ph. 4419. 2 R. FURN. APT, $12. 344 N. 18th. APTS. FOR rent, 246 H State. 5 RM. FURN. apt, close In, adults only. 404 N. Church. 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt.. $13.50 and $16.50. 1935 Center. fy?4: .fT: ?6-l .a Com': p ,7SA FURN. NEW. L, w, ht. 420 S. 20. LGE. 4 RM. furn. apt. Prlv. ent. A bath. Close In. Inq. 694 N. High. Fum. 3 A 3 rm. apt. 690 Union. CLOSE-IN. 3 rm. furn. apt., 1st fir. Adults, gar. 1047 S. Commercial. NICE 3 ROOM furn. apt, close In $15. 891 N Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court, 1000 N. Cap tto Homelike and commodious. APTS.. FURN, unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1310 a 13th. P. 7089. Bridge See TfiAT EJlRD w T?Y FIFTH slzZ LIMC. TfllRO COCOiMW RIGHT 1 H'tOT eeuiMO tu' ewo ? no, ru' one I vTm T VJITH TH' HOW RiVieO GLASSES. I X',. . Hr's th' feLA-w i T&o Ytxj : SL ABOOT OoeSNT PLAY BfttOGe. I Vf hjeveR susPtFCT n, wouco st-o T3 ' r LOOKS Pe?TECT-Y rJORAVU. . GOES To SHOW YtXJ cvw vevc J y Atfs KOCe A MAM BYAPRfAftANCeS I l! tyfc : Car. . .for For Rent Apartments Fum. apt. It, wter, 1S1 N. 13th. APT, mod. home, sdult 449 N. Can. 2 R, prlv. bath. 250 S. Cottage. 1 A 2 R. FURN. apt, 645 Ferry. FURNISHED APT., 1209 Court. CHOICE 3 R. apt. The Devereaux. PATTON APTS, furnished. 833 state. rh. 0Z44. Apt. s. For Rent Houses NEW 3 TL Stoves. 31 8.50. Ph. 71 IT LARGE 4 BEDROOM home, suit able for roomers and boarders, $25.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Plione 8121, 5 R. MODERN. Hollywood, $30.00. r T . 1 ' . ... -I . -I A AA 6 R, Saginaw, $20.00. 3 R, S. High, $18.00. W. G. KRUEGER 117 N. Com'l. Phone 4728. FURN. USE., $25. W. Salem R. Est. 5 R., $15 MO. 2675 Portland Rd. 3 RM. NEWLY plastered, part furn. water pd, 1 - mo. i'n. 3IZ. 4 ROOM, NOOK, basement, furnace. elec. range, JZ7.50. 4 rooms, new, $70.00. O K REALTY. 219 Court Street COUPLE TO live In 5 R. mod. furn. house, small expense. Write Box 986, Statesman. FURNISHED AND unfurn bouse H. P GRANT. 629 Court. Phone 6744 NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. R A. FORKNER 1853 N Capitol SMALL FURN house. 4 838 or 6313. FURN. St UNFURN. houses. MEL- VIN JOHNSON, 725 Court. Ph. 3723 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange, lease, rent, see Mr Ijirsen or Mr Col tins with Hawkins A Roberta UNFURN. OR furn. bung.. Oak VU la Court. Adults. Inquire 995 Mill. N. EARLY NEW 5 R mod. house. 332.50. 1138 Jefferson. Ph. 6784. 6 rms near senior high $33. Ph. 6222 For Rent Farms FARM FOR RENT 40 ACRES NEAR Macleay. good 4 R. house, good barn. Several acres strawberries. $20.00 per month. See Mr. Collins, with HAWKINS A ROB ERTS, INC. For Rent WILL LEASE to the right party 10 A. best of onion A garden land. Im med. poss. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. OFFICE ROOMS. SCI Stat Street inquire room 200 Tel. 3713 For Sali Real Estate FOR SALE Lots owned by City . $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street NEW 4 R, close in sub.. Urge lot, $1900, $30 dn. New mod. 4 R. A nk. A. W. Salem. Hwd. firs., lovely bath, $2200, $250 dn. 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113. PEOPLE LEAVING TOWN $2350.. S ROOM HOME. 3 bedrooms, bath, full bsmt. garage. MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 3121. EXTRA NICE MODERN 4 BDRM. HOUSE near H. S.. full bsmt.. $3500. WORTH IT. SHOW NOW, leaving. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 529 Court Phone 6744. MUST SELL by end of mo.. 92350 new 4 rm. house for $2050 $300 dn. 770 ROSEMONT STREET NEW, JUST finished the final word In streamlined comfort, luxury and beauty. 6 rms., nook, hardwood floors, basement, garage. In a restricted dis trict. 1830 -N. 18th. Small down pay ment. Terms to suit buyer. Owner W. A. Cladek, Tel. 4277, 1435 N. 18th. FOR SALE On new road, tract of land, fine business and service station location. L, R. Oldenburg. Phone 22772. BARGAIN ACREAGE 27 A. MOSTLY cultivated. Apples, cherries, prunes A filberts. Sold about $400 from prunes last year. Water piped through place. No buildings. 6 ml. S. off river rd, $1475. Terms. 6580. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LIN1XJREN. 175 S. High- SPECIAL $3850 FOR A $4500 home 6 rms. A modern Hollywood dlst. See It today. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. A SNAP MUST BE SOLD 5 ROOM HOUSE, basement, fur nace, fireplace, V4 acre; cost $3600. Offered for $2500. Make your offer for terms. O K REALTY. 219 COURT NICE home, hdwd fL, fireplace, fur nace. Sell or trade equity reas. $200 cash will handle. 984 co Statesman. FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land In Idaho. Ir ligation available. Ph. 4034. owner. STRICTLY MOD. New 6 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fin location. Easy terms. Owner. 5506. Springtime Motoring Pleasure For Sale Used Cars You Always Get a Better USED CAR From Your Buick Deder 1939 1939 1938 1937 1936 1933 oiitK bpeual 4tOOC bedan v"Od BkiCK bpecial 2-d.r. vnor beuun .. fOuj ouiva iecial Se- sz-p dan, radio and heater OD fepecial rnr Coupe VvOJ iscick. Special rir Sedan 5D1D BL'lCK 60 Series Annr Sedan $OD ZfO I Luxe Coupe. Radio A JOO heater YflO OrtO V-s Deluxe S345 Coupe 1936 cou l".8.."!!.0 $325 1934 EE? !! $225 1936 APLANE 9iZ7Z VJ U fcJTT . 1Q07 iNASil LAt'A i"KTTE Ainr AO t Touring Sedan ft'lVO 1935 r".f:r.L $345 1937 1933 1932 Sedan,' overdrive JpDVi) Ol-DSMOUILE $265 $185 elan CHEVROLET Six wheel Sedan - Cheapies Low Pricen out .jjia of Miles tie 1 1 in inemi Sedan . $145 BL1CK 1 o r Sedan PlOD 1931 1931 1928 1928 1930 1930 1929 1929 1929 Sedan 2 OD BUICK Coupe $ Sedan $ 45 CHEVROLET a Coach 5? OD CHEVROLET a - Coupe , a D PONTIAC a oe Sedan . , 5? OO DURA NT a 0, Coupe D "lr CARS TAKEN IN TRADE GMAC TERMS 0IT0 I. WILSON BUICK CARS 3 88 N- Commercial Phone 6451. For Real Buys in Cars or Trucks SEE P. A. EIKER USED CAR DEPT. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 430 8. COMMERCIAL STREET 'ST FORD TOUR. Sedan, good tires. Radio and heater. Paint A upholstery excellent. Must sell at one. Call at 434 Union. 1999 CHFTV npinv Junk, Cheap. 2350 Myrtle Ave, Salem. 1537 CHRYSLER ROYAL Sedan. nvHrfv. 99 ft A V. .. . tt ,,.7 Owner going east. Box 990, Statesman. 1914 FOR r fntmm Wat. t . rumbl seat. If wheel. Phone 6689! For Sale Real Estate A FINE HOME PERFECTLY LOCATED In N. 82. Salem. I Jirr. fnH u c pleted with room upstairs for 2 or 8 rooms nd bath. Hear, plumbing and sub-floor already In. Full basement, piped sawdust-burner furnace. Flre- Olace. hwd flnora V...nM.n V. ! 1 .1 garage In connection with cement run- r. . : 1 uiy a loveiy rtome. xou couldn t duplicate It for $5500 00 buf. you can buy for M850.00. and will consider good lot or H acre in trade. Act at once. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INCT' Exchange Real Estate rms. close In for smaller. Ph. 6221. For Sale Farms FOR SALE t1S- ICATED ON West Side Highway. Fair bldgs. 176 A. in crop A bal. pasture. H of crop goes at the price of $32.00 per acre. This Is a ?1-S ' .SM r-". with HAWK INS A ROBERTS, INC. 62. A. FINE RIVER bottom sandy loam, 30 A. under cult., bal. fine pas ture Water right for 18 acres. Good 6-K. house, good barn, elec. water sys tem. On highway. 2 A. English rye grass, 2 A. ladino clover, bal. red clover. Price $3500.00. See Mr Lar sen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. LOOK AT this $2250 buys 40 A. 4 ml. from Dallas on good rd. 6 R. hse chicken hse, barn, A. of prunes $ A. of cherries, some oats A veatch. Running water. i mi. to school. Reas down payment will handle. H. E. WEIR, 213 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8411 Cards la this directory raa on m monthly bes's only. Rate: fl.23 per Use per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panrk 75 fcuth Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W S-ott 147 S Com'cl. P. 4614 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4460 RE. Northnss Kxra valine EXCAVATING oh all kind Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved Dirt for sale Salem Kan I A Gravel P 9406 Florist Brelthaupt s. 447 Court. Phone 6904 House Moving Raising, leveling Perkins Bros. 8461 Mattresses 8ALEM FLUK Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving 8. lltb A Wilbur Tel 84 4 1 Zwtrker CAPITOI. REDDING CO Phone 4069 Naturopathic Physician UK. W H ROCKWELL Naturopath Ic Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4303 Office Hours II a.m. te 8:30 p.m FRES EXAM A CONSULTATION. Business Directory For Sale Used Cars HONEST VALUES 1938 Chev. Master Coupe $525 This Is a buy. Brand new motor hasn't run a mile. 1938 Chev. DeLuxe Touring Sedan $625 Run only 10,883 mil you can't pass this ' one up. 1937 Buick "61 99 Touring Sedan $645 Heater, dual equipment. A very clean car. 1937 LaSalle Tour. 01 A y r m seaan aova Radio heater, defroster, dual equip ment you are certainly getting a lot for your money. 1939 Ford DeLuxe Sport Sedan $725 Radio, heater A defroster, deluxe equipment. 1928 Dodge Sedan $45 A real good car. 1928 Buick Coupe with pickup hox....$35 1928 Studehaker Sed. $65 1931 Chev. Victoria $135 1939 Chevrolet V-Ton Pickup .,..$565 Low mileage a bargain. 1937 Chevrolet Dual Long Truck $550 7.50x20 H. D. tires rear, 7.00x20 fronts. Large flat bed. Low mileage. 1938 International Panel $525 Very clean. A-l mechanical condition. 1933 Chevrolet Dual Long Truck $150 1938 Chev. Suburban Carry-All $625 In excellent condition throughout capacity 8 passengers. McKAY Chevrolet Co. Walt Holman Lawrence Flathare Virgil Sloan 333 Center Open Eves. Ph. 313$. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A Good Used Car That Runs Good , Looks Good i $0-60 Ouarante s Reasonably Priced from a Responsible Dealer SEE) THESE CARS LISTED BELOW FORD 1937 Fordor, built-in trunk. wrijinw mue rinisn, neater, very clean $396 FORD 1937 40 Tudor, original black xiii i. ii, neaier, zd.vvu actual miles. A Dandy $395 FORD 1936 Touring Tudor. Radio, neater, iruna, motor A-l ; in terior like new $336 FORD 1935 Tudor, new paint, good inc, ntw upnoisiery, motor perfect A Real Buy at 275 PLYMOUTH 1935 DeLuxe Coup. Mo- iot mnnuiuonn, new paint, radio, heater $29 DODGE 193$ DeLuxe Coupe. Good tires, beater, defroster, origin al paint, A car like new $39S CHEV. 1933 Sedan. New paint, new uiwiir upnoisiery, mo tor perfect $24$ CHEV. 1931 Sport Sedan. Kn i.r.hl iwijr. iuw paint, motor recon- d I tlon n wneeia. side mounts $176 CHEV. 1931 Sport Coupe. Motor re- "v"cu7 wneeis, new paint, rumbl seat, A Dandy $126 FORD 1930 Town Sedan. Motor re- ooreo, new urea, new uphol stery, new paint $1(6 AS 18 ... 1930 FORD Coach . 1930 CHEV. Plck-uo 1931 CHEV. Coupe - 1929 FORD Pick-up 193$ FORD Coach, new tires 1928 FORD Coach chev. Coach . Jt MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Orval's Used Cars Center A Church -640 Cbemeket Papering. Painting NEAT Work, re Johnson Ph.3723 HERBERT B. WOOD. Tt 3378 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrlu. Oraber Bros, 154 8. Liberty. Ph. tit. Printing HR STATION KR? cards pamphlets program books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 313 & Commercial. Tele nhon 8101. Roofing COMP A BUILT UP rooring repairs bsmt. waterproofing Beaver State .ooflng Co, J W Coprland Yard 520 Wallace Road Phone 6637. Srhools COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog. American School lrf S Rot 41rt PrrHan?t 0-e Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rt I. ft II A 4119. Transfer FOR LOCA1 or distant transfer stor age burner oil call 8131 Larmer Transfer Co Trucks t Portland dalle Well Drilling tt. aw hi. rt. , ba . ra 1 tv Acreage 80 A. 19 MI. FROM Salem. 60 A. nice oak timber, good soil, fenced, easy to (et out, $2100. II A I mL from Salem, I rm. house, small barn, creek, fenced. $1250, H cash. Money to Loan Fire Insure nee MEL VIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. 10 A. CLOSE IN. Mod. house, R. A bath. Full bsmt. Eleo. pump. Fruit trees. Running water. t A. oats A vetch, wtll take trade w some terms. Price $3350. H. E. WEIR, 213 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Suburban BARGAIN DAY! WELL BUILT 8 yr. old mod., plas., home, near Englewood. acre. $3700 $370 down. $25 mo. 5. C. H. SANDERS 118 S.. High 5111 Wanted Real Estate WANT FOR cash, good lot In Sonth Salem, from owner. Box 985, States man. Resort Property BEACH FRONT cottage, near Dor chester House at Brae Mar. $3000.00 Call 3223 for Information. Business Opportunities GOING SERVICE station, average 3000 gal. per mo. Buildings, llv. quar ters, large frontage. $1600 $1000 down. If you want a good business, see agent. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. FOR SALE ILLNESS FORCES sale of going business In nearby city Ask about It See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. SMALL APT. hse. for sale. Inq. 430 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. $4.C0 A $5. Ph. 7421. DRY WOOD, phone 9560. ATTENTION BUT wood that lasts real old fir. $ 5.6 0. Ph. 7061 . WOOD ph. 6270 Green. 413 N 81st. WHY NOT phone 100 PUT I do. MILL WOOD. TeL 6341. Wood et wrest end ot Court St, Losd. $3.50. PLANER WOOD for Imraedlat de livery. Salem Box Co.. Ph.' 9189. - - 8 cd 1 old flr- Ph. 6700. ASH. FIR prune. 22139, Judd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7507. Old fir $5. Knots $5. Blab $4. Ph. 9486. Lost and Fonnd LOST BR6WW Toy Vox Terrier "Peter." Tail bobbed long. Notify caretaker at fairgrounds. Ph. 3043. Reward. Wanted Used Cars WANT Late model light panel de livery. Rout 6. Box 399, Salem. Persona mum v wnD9 unmi w - . heart, husband, wife for yoa. P. O. f I w - - . Kings Valley Has High School Play KINGS VALLEY A play. "Mystery at Midnight." was pre sented by Kings Valley high school students Friday night. The proceeds, $21, will be used for In door baseball and graduation ex penses. Cast of the play Included: Charles Dickson, Lucille Price. Don Hall. Ellen Allen, Marcetl Place Junior Lyday, Loralne Bush, Jessie Pulliam, Uracen Bush, Richard Care. Prompter was Marietta Probst and elec trician, Bud Hobbs. Cross Word Puzzle 1 II !L I2 Ifl 30 I3' l!L !!!! !!L 1 W ifsT 777, hT 75" ImZ if 177 I I YA I II XfA I I HORIZONTAL 1 armed conflict 4 lukewarm 9 Bulgarian coin 12 salutation 13 make amends -14 yellow bugle IS having ten legs 17 washes 19 redbreasted bird 20 turn aside 21 billows 22 pigeons 23 old 24 organ of human body 25 symbol for cobalt 27 Celtic Neptune 28 spread over 29 Roman household god 30 short for Edward 31 wanderer 22 Spanish measure of length 83 large stream 84 deadly 85 slave h!p 17 dried orchid tuber , 88 purple edible seaweed 39 pertaining to a union 41 rice-past glucose 42 common place 44 one-spot card 45 forbid 46 soft drinks 47 meshed fabric Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 3-22 E 1nt re IE HI R bIajMeI SlTiE-IElRlgllftlrilNnlg Average Hat ef IktCsst Legal Notice NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On Saturday the SOth day ot March, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. of the said day. at the Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, 1 will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property situated in Marlon Coun ty, Oregon: Beginning at the East line of. and forty-six and sixty-three one hundredths (46.63) feet South ot the Northeast corner of Lot num bered one (1) In Block numbered twenty-eight (28) in Yew Park Annex Number two (2) ot the City of Salem. Marion County, State ot Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record In the office ot the Recorder of Conveyances of said Marion Coun ty, Oregon. In the Court House of said County at Salem; and run. ning thence South along the East line of Lots numbered one (1) and two (2) of aaid Block num. bered twenty-eight (28) a dis tance of forty-six and sixty-three) one-hundredths (46.63) feet J thence West and parallel with the North line of Block numbered twenty-eight (28) a distance of one hundred (100) feet: thence North and parallel with the East line of said Block forty-six and sixty-three one-hundredths (46.63) fret; thence East and parallel with the North line ot said Block a distance of one bun. dred (100) feet to the place of beginning. Said sale Is being made under Execution Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, to me direct ed in the case of State of Oregon, represented and acting Charles A. Sprague. Governor, Karl Snell, Secretary of State. George W. White. Adjutant General, Paul B. Wallace and Will H. Masters, comprising the World War Veter. ans State Aid Commission. Plain, tiff. vs. Hattle J. Arnold. Klrby T. Arnold. Lonabell Arnold, big wife. William Bulling and Mrs. William Stalling, his wife, De fendants. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. M. 1-8-1&-22-29. No. 10343 Notice Is hereby given that th undersigned by an order of the County Court of th State of Ore gon for th County of Marion, duly mad and entered on th 27th day of February. 1940. was appointed Administrator of th estate of Dora S. Leslie, deceased, and that it has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estat are hereby notified to present the same, dnly verified as re quired by law, to it at th bank ng house of Ladd Busk. Salem, Oregon, within six months of th date of this notice. Dated this First day ot March, 1940. LADD A BUSH COMPANY. Administrator ot the Estat of Dora 8. Leslie, deceased. K. L. CRAWFORD. Attorney for Estate, Ladd V Bush Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. M. 1-8-1S-33-29. Lodges j5c SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF 4k AM Monday. March 8r T. C Deere. J. P. Plland. W. M. PsctrU L4 ST. 60. A.FAA.M. rc Degree. Wedoesdsy, Msr. 37, 7:80 a.m. Wss. Iferriets. W.M. VERTICAL 1 small com pact mass 2 divided pro portionally 8 regain 4 tapestry 5 short jacket 6 seed vessel 7 at home 8 rescue 9 exists 10 always 11 hugs 16 In bed 18 declare 20 English seaport 21 streak left by whip 22 one who plunges 24 adorer 25 shell cover ing an ani mal's back 28 spoken 28 thickets which shel ter gam 29 highest Catholic church 31 split asunder 32 Yslley 33 glossy black bird , 34 withers 35 thick ilico 3 Tibetan i monk ' 37 bristlelik organ jj 89 wooden f ST" i 40 rent 43 Interna Uoiw si language rr