IT OHEGOIT STATESMAN Salem, Oregon. Tfatztsday Morning. March , 1940 PAGES 2SVQT WomenMake Clothes Again If there's a question in your mind about women making their own clothe, Just try to keep tha attention of the silk goods buyer for & few minutes. Too many smart women who plan to do thing (not Just Ulk about them) draw her attention. There are two types of woman, those who sew and those who tioa't. Lucky is the one who can mak her own clothes from the luscious silks and rich wools to be found on the modern store shelves. Women are sewing more and more each year, according to the buyer, especially do the young married women find that there's economy and praetibility in mak ing one's own clothes. ratters s these dsys practically make your clothes for you, admit ted one young seamstress, 1f you follow directions there should be little chance of anything bat a smart fit and good style. Accessories help a lot too, much of the spring style depends upon buckles, pins, clips and "lingerie touches." ReTeres, eye let piquet and white vestees are to be found ready to aid In dress making at home. Thss writer talked to one moth er of two daughters who makes all of theirs and most of her own clothes. She has good taste and a flare for sewing, with the re sult all three are smartly dressed, with great economy. Only this week a young Salem matron wore for the first time a print dress with a sheer wool re din goto, mads by herself, and dis played with great pride. The dress and coat coat $12, including buttons. Not only is it a good looking costume, it's of the best grade of material. Let's see what there are in the new spring materials. Those new screen prints we see in the shop windows are smart material to purchase, because with their bright hues and variety of color combined with allover design, one gets brightness in an easy mate rial to wear. Summer flannel comes in pas tel shades, guaranteed sun and washfast. Handy material for dressmaker dressea. Plaids nave gone tiny, with Simple Crochet Catches Nature's Beauty in Laurs Wheeler Crochet COWL m HgOUCSAFT gswcs. nc Chocolate Cake and Icing m Methodist Class To Have Election Have you ever caught a snow flake and regretted that its beau ty melted away? Here are some caught in crochet, lovely as sher bet, plate or incidental doilies de pending on whether they're In 6 or 9 inch size. Pattern 2295 con tains directions for making doi lies; Illustrations of them and stitches; materials required. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Today's Menu Menu for today will feature a special dessert recipe. Wilted lettuce salad Pounded round steak Artichokes with butter Baked potatoes Coffee mallow whip Cookie COFFKK MALLOW WHIP 1 ( marsh mallows V cup double-strength, freshly made coffee V cup heavy cream y, cup chopped nuts Cut marahmallows in quarters. But just give It a chance, by cooking uncovered In an open pan. and you will get tha true flavor of the lamb which will please every guest with tha in comparable qualities of flavor, the juiciness, and the tenderness of properly roasted lamb. Lamb combines nicely with many accompanying flavors. Of course, mint la the classic. Cur rant, lemon and cranberry are also appropriate tart accompani ments. Here's a good trick for flavor supreme. Rub leg of lamb lightly oh, ever so lightly , with a cut clove of garlic. Yes, it does do something to it. Add hot coffee and let stand uatil tit - ii x r i marshmallows are partially dls- PrillieS Willi Meat solved and the mixture is lumpy. . . Set aside to cool. Beat cream until Qp orGQKlCISt stlrr and roia into cooiea rainn- Chocolate flavored for sure Is this cake and icing. CHOCOLATE DESSERT CAKE 2 cups sifted cake flour 4 teaspoon soda L teaspoon salt cup butter or other shorten ing l? cups sugar 3 eggs, unbeaten 3 squares unsweetened choco late, melted &4 cup sour milk or buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once, measure, add soda and salt, and sift together three times. Cream batter thor oughly, add sugar gradually, and cream well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each; then chocolate and blend. Add flour, alternately with milk. a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth Add vanilla. Bake in two greased 9-inch layer pans In moderate oven (350 degrees) SO minutes, or until done. Spread chocolate mocha frosting (4 recipe) be tween layers and on top and sides of cake. Decorate with pecan meats. CHOCOLATE MOCHA FROSTING 2 tablespoons butter 24 cups sifted confectioners' sugar y, teaspoon vanilla teaspoon salt square unsweetened choco late, melted S tablespoons strong coffee Cream butter; add part of su gar gradually, blending after each addition. Add vanilla, salt, and chocolate and mix welL Add re maining sugar, alternately with coffee, until of right consistency to spread. Beat after each addi tion until smooth. Makes enough, frosting to cover tops of two -inch layers. Spicy Topping On Meat SILYXSTOK Shirley c Syl vester mud Agnes Brendoa of E gene were recent guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Syl Tester and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brendon. The annual election of officers of the Methodist Loyal Guards class has been set for April 19 at the home of Mrs. A. H. fealta. Mrs. George Israelson, president, ha moved to Greahanu Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Km chneck are announcing the birth of a son at the Silverton hospital March If. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Landeaa, are also announcing the birth of a soa at the Silverton hospital, bora March 14. J. c. Schlador who Is with the CCC camp at Toledo 1 spend ing a two weeks' vacation at his Silverton home. Former Turner Woman Is Called TURNER Mrs. Ida Lyle, SI. died at a hospital la Seattle Wednesday morning. Funeral and burial services will be In Seattle. She was born at Turner No vember 25. 1889. and taught school In Marion county for seven year. Survivor re her hus band, Frank Lyle; two daughters. Mrs. Elaine Montgomery and Jean Lyle; grandson, Lyle Mont gomery; mother, Mrs. Alice Win- , per; fire sisters, Mrs. Lena; Birmingham, Mrs. Winnie Wels haar, Mr. Bell Mullen, Sirs. Mary. Ball, Mrs. Fannie Eyestoae. and two brothers, Ben and Karl Wip-Per. Attends School UNION HILL Mrs. Vera Scott attended the lecturers school ia Corvallls on Wednesday, Thnrs day and Friday of last week. mallow mixture. Turn into Indi vidual serving dishes and sprin kle with chopped nuts. Makes servings. riiiai nr od unj, wnu "I T O 1 sharkskins and some taffeta ap- LOIHD IS oPGCldl oetriDK lor iuuii wr. auu wear. peaking of sharkskin, it's a washable rayon, popular for the past several summers, but gaining steadily In Importance, Eighty per cent of the materials In on shop are rayons and ace tates which have Improved great ly la the past few seasons on washability and general appear ance. It won't be long now be fore the little silk worms will be completely unemployed. Occasion Meat Along with our finest linen, our best silver and our most fragile china, we think of a leg of lamb as a fitting climax for the special dinner. The flavor of lamb is distinc tive, and is enhanced by proper cooking. A lamb roast will be "all right" when cooked as a pot roast that Is la a closed pan. Condensed tomato J sic will make a fine sauce to go over meat cakes. The recipe goes Ilk this: Good old prunes appear in a breakfast menu that's dressy. REGAL BREAKFAST 24 pork sausage links 2 4 cooked, pitted prunes 24 grapefruit sections Pour boiling water over pork sausage links in a skillet and let stand covered for 5 minutes. Drain; saute until golden brown and well done. Arrange In the center of a hot platter and keep hot Stuff cavity of each prune with grapefruit section. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of the sau sage fat and in remaining fat saute prunes until well heated. Arrange stuffed prunes around sausages; serve. Serves 6. i f I - I . 1 I ! LffL, J? . II I S .v sT X X U SLfefe Solve tha problem of what the well I dressed guest will wear this Spring I - - 'iVL I'rMlfeftES-X tw Iawm nnrl rrumirv formal Of tDOft I I J ?Z7lX&Ml&2&& ,w ,w " ... I mYmmi vent. In our new pattern book which I ml I show that fashion has "gone Amer- I I fJjI SfPt VA dresses for the pre-schoolers, carefre I I JI?t 3fi3i,''. -'Y A for oflv vouna thinas. smart I I ! Ul I Ti liilatlvl? silhouettes for the business and tiw& -1 II fll I iifil& wonwmirrforma! costumes for moment! I IISlI I -,11 W m o horn end- play clothes for hour J02 bit ccopyx I .Tf 1 1 S todov In time to Wft the Coster I l ty fiJ t M of the ooo is nneea cem I I I XYi 1,1 .r with a Dottm.whkll I Wl Eeclose oecsssary cole of , W iW m nl Ci.i AvPW? Fami Dept. , 243 Vet nth Jf, Nor Yk. M Y. SPICY TOMATO SAUCE 1 can condensed tomato soup 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons vinegar 8 cloves Mix together and heat, simmer for about 8 minutes to blend the flavors. Strain out the cloves and serve with: THE MEAT CAKES 1 pound beef (ground) cup pork (ground) H cup onions, chopped A cup parsley, chopped V cup mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 e Combine the ground beef and pork. Then add the chopped on ions, parsley, mashed potatoes ; seasonings, mustard ana egg; mil thoroughly. Form Into eakes and cook 1 melted fat In a pan until well browned. Enough for t. Serve the meat cake hot crom the nan and over each serving spoon the sauce generously. Meat Cutlet Has New Ingredient crumb will meat cutlet Shredded wheat add Interest to recipe. SAVORY VEAL CUTLET Use veal steak inch thick, cut in pieces for serving. Gener ously sprinkle with salt and pep per. Dip in beaten egg and in shredded wheat crumbs. Dip in beaten egg and again in crumbs. Saute slowly until tender and well browned on both sides; or cutlet may be browned quickly. and then covered and cooked slowly in the oven for about 30 minutes. Serve with a tomato sauce. A coating of shredded wheat crumbs also gives a distinctive flavor to pork chops, chicken or fish. Leaving Silverton, For Nebraska 8ILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Louie Grevson who have been living at 70S Hicks street, will soon leave for their former home in Nebraska. They plan to be gone before the first of April. Orval Stevens of the us army hospital staff of San Francisco, Is spending two weeks with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Titus. Mrs. Albert Prentice and Mr. Fred Williams of Wesatngton, SD, have left for their horn? after a three weeks' visit at the home of their brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Syrtng. MPS EAS.TTEHfr ATT ( If fe " MTM1BMMrm.. Pllllf s NEW! FOR EASTER! BETTY CO-ED HATS I 1. 98 Sturmincj spring hats that will top off Easter out- n Yim U3Vely straws trimmed gayly with Veils, flfflvoro -rlUW Cr. r.n. . . I 1 W ahrrt i n , 1 Lmi3' IO' m nattering lhapes! In all the popular spring colors 1 WWWM..... 8. Pmt. Office New Easter Shades Gaymode Hosiery Lovely 3-thread sheer chiffons, 5-thread street chiffons or 7-thread semi-service all in the newest spring shades all ringless all per fect U. a Pa. Offit Rayon GLOVES 980 Tailored and dressy style ii rich new high colors and dark er shades. Others 4 Be to 1.98 New stylesi PURSES 980 Aa unusual group! A type, shape and color for every out fit I Others 48 to 2.M Rack after Rack of fashionable new COATS i.90 C5 New Spring SHOES 2.98 This fascinating style Is in elasticlzed black faille and pat ent. Many Others from 1.98 to 4.M Abiqua Man Is Cut Working With Saw ABIQUA Delbert Statger is recovering tram a severe eat in his right leg which he sastalaed while working with a saw. Mrs. Lou Boebert ha returned from a week' visit with her daughter, Ruth, at Portland. Bobbie wltham, who na bees ill since fa early January, ha recovered sufficiently to return to school this Week. Bobbie Is at tending at McLaughlin school In this community. Three Comedies to Be Given at Clear Lake CLEAR LAKE Three short comedle will he given by horns talent Friday night at the Clear Lake sehoolhouse. The Clear Lake Improvement club Is sponsoring the program. The three plays are "Grandma Say I Do, -Freckle Way on the Air," and "Screw- loos Court Convenes." pro ceeds from the small admission charge will he used to redecorate the church and dak rooa. r-vt' ii p i sr . Townclad I i ' .wr W i SUIT 19.75 it on but youH I j It's hard to believe such a tiny price could buy so much style and quality! See the fine wool en fabric the lovely pattern the besutlfnl rayon taffeta linings and, above all, the up-to-the-minute s t y 1 1 n g and you'll know why w say, "It pays to shop at Penney 's! WWWWwwVwVwVwWWMwwwwwwMrrV Shop Penney' s Balcony for the newest dresses 1 A style for everyone and a price to fit every purse I New arrivals al most every dayl 1.33 - 2.93 - 3.98 - 4.93 - 6.90 Costume Suits to 19.75 Yoiill be glad you bought a Fine Dnnbury worst ed in the newest trie and color! You'll aDoreciate Townclad's Quality when you first put admire it more than ever after you've given it the wear test Come Jn now and see the smart selection in YOUR size, whether you're "short," "stout, "slim" or "regular." Bef. V. 8. Pt- Offies Marathoa HATS Fine quality far AQ style ialW felts la aad colors. Ready now for Easter I BOYS' 2 PAIIT SUITS Towwcraft SHIRTS Smart worea pet- 4 iQ tens. Sanforised A a""? 9 99 ahruk! Value in trie. andpricel 9.90 TowBcraft TIES Tough cassimerea and worsteds thai stand all the knocking about that regular fellows givel Smartly styled in sports back models with sin gle or double-breasted front Hand tailored wriakle resist!-! Smart! 98 c SLACKS 100 wool sa ftf ardlne. Pleated fi0 style with belt. SOCKS Reg. or slack style. Dressy or sporty 4 pr. SI BOYS' HATS Qflr Wool ftlta mia tyltdl OfUU dots' snmTS 70- Fiae cornit fabrics. Fast color U oi BOYS' SOCKS UE Slack style carter top sUt! MBBBHHHaaMaaaBaaHBMMaBBBaBMsasBBBBssie BOY'S 0XF0I1DS Crepe. Vulcork or Leather Soles, OXFORDS sew heavy -a- 070 Uqee' style. X V. a Fs. Ot&m CifirriAnP Whan too compare price compare qaaEty. too! mVJlriUuJ W-JTa cash and caxry poller nre Tp onwy! 2.79 m faSBBBSSBBBBBBBBSBBBBmVaw J&m