flM OBEGOII STATESMAN, SaUm. Orjoxu Thxmdar Moating. March 21, 1940 rnwA. iiuatU4l 1 Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three Insertions per Una 26c SLt insertions per Una 40e On month per line $1 2S Mini in a a charge 2&: S tl mln- lmam tlr, C U. rain 45e No refunds. Copy to this page accepted until i :Sa -the e awning before iHirWh-a tie fot cUaaJrVation Copy re reived after thla time will be ran under the heading "Toe I .sta to Classify ' Tbe Statesman luumrt da ftnan ctal jreaponafrMIUy foi error- whW-h nuiy atfeai In advertisement ocb tlabed la Its rolumnp and In f where this raer to at fault will re print that part of an advert lemen la which the trpoerraphicsJ mistake occwra The talesman reserves the right te relect questionable advrrtlainB ft fart be reaervea the rteht to place all advertising under the propet rlansif ir-a Hon A "Blind Ad aa ad contalntr-s a Statesman boa aumbet fot an ad drcaa la tot the protection of the advertiser and muat therefore be answered by letter Ttie Htnteaman Is not at liberty te divulge Informs tlon as to the Identity of an adver User ualna "Rtlnd' ad Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP FRKK OK CHAROK DKAD AND WOHTHI.KSS HORSES ANl. COWS ANVWIIKKE IN THE W I LI.AMKTTK VAI.I.KY WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT Mil AI.KM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthless an rimala at a moment's notice, fcalera Fertilizer By Products Co. 25th and Turner Road Phone Salem 5000 Colect Note: We. sell meat meal to feed atorea. -uLnnriJ.Ln r, innnAVlnr , FOR SALE Bay gelding saddle torse. Wt-. 00 lbs. Gentle. 5S3 Center. BABY CHICKS 10 Varieties. In- ? lulling Reds, Rocks. Hampshire. Leg loms. Dav old pullets, cockerels, etarted chicks. Thone 22861, Lees Hatchery. Aurlinns GIGANTIC AUCTION Selling at auction 'the furnishings from 64 rooms of the Capitol Hotel at corner of State and Commercial, Sat-. March 23. at 10 a.m. sharp. Stoves, cupboards and rockers. Watch papers tables. chaJrs, ruifs. sinks, linoleums, rtiattresses, beds, springs, dressers. Itr further advertising. Will N. Tes ter. Auctioneer. 345 Marlon St. Salem. Help Wanted 820 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy fresh. 35c, dry 1 1.35 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 1927 Third, Seattle, Wash. Help Wanted Male S YOUNG MEN to solicit & work n truck for Boy's Home. Small sal ary and room and board. Apply 721 8. J-'th St, Help Wanted Female LADIES. NEED money? Would $3 m H.r Interest von? Neatness, and KOOd rersonality required. Permanent if you qualify. Mrs. McGowan, Hotel A rgo. Situations Wanted SCHOOL GIRL wants work for room a- board. Box 988, Statesman. DRKSSMAK. Mr Adsltt. Ph. 4288 "MlttT AGED German lady wishes wrk.. coun. pref. R. 5. B. 43. M. Alwlne. RELIABLE MAN wants spading, lawn work or Janitor work. Ph. 3668. IF TOU need a partner or exper ienced merchandiser, call 9SS. M. M. I a iaer. 882 N. 20 th CAPABLE, EXP. woman with 9-mo. tviby wants housework. Phone 8561. Spading of all kinds. 1410 Madison. For Sale Miscellaneous SHAKES MAKK CASH offer: Good grade cut aliakes, shingles for underrourse. Lim ited quantity. Good buy for someone. Call 8103. 3 MILKING COWS and Spotted Po l!n hogs. Call evenings, 1 ml. north of Monmouth on highway. 11. U Stand ley. Independence. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE low fi ices on New and Used Furniture, iree stock, three floors: 2 warehouses. NASH FURNITURE CO. OLD FERTILIZER, plione ?S60. (-UO. OLD blcvcle In good condition. IIS. Inq. McKay's Service Station. SEVERAL USED wood ranges for ale. 810.00 A up small sizes. Mont gomery Ward A Co., Salem. airwirrwyw-M ii-M-. n-y n-ir-. -ri-rr - A K ASTER POTTED plants and cut flowers. Jar Morris. Florist. Phone 8637. THE SAME for Less! NASH FUR NITURE CO., home of Lange Ranges and Low Prices. NO. 9 HOP or berry wire, lc a pound. Phone 4993. USED TREADLE awln machine 5.00. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. THE APRON Shoo 7l N High 2-W1IL. HSE. trailer. 7H'xir Cheap. Excellent condition.' 1 34 Hoyt. r-OWEST PRICES - Beat Values In the Country. Now 1 Cash - Terms or Trade. NASn FURNITURE CO. CASH REMITTER Addlna machlBe Typewriter Di?rMetor. 0l-tla tor an4 Scale aerrlee, Alt make sold, rented swapped Roen Typewriter Etrkana 458 Court Ge rcontalesraan ADVERTISING - Western Adfertiaing Repreaentativea George D Close. Inc. San Fraik-ltra Loe Anselea Seattle Eastern Advertising Represents LI res Bryant. GrifHth B run son. Ino. Chtcngo New fork Detroit Ktmd mt tk refrrice ml atoe Orrffon ecorf Ctnma Matter. Pk liahem" ever iwratat mmempt AfeeMtay Bvta aZtce fM South CemeterciaJ Afreet, - il SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ' Mall 8ubacrlptlon Rale la Advese Wit bin . Oregon: Dally and Sunday Va. il cents; t afoe II M : a Moe $2 St; J rear t Elsewhere it eeota per ale. et l 0 fot I wear ta ad ranee per eory S rente Newsstands, i cents By City Carrier Ct eeote a tneenb T a year te adrajkee la MarkM auuf adjacent eouaUea. - Own a Better Used Gar. . , for Springtime Motoring Pleasure Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITE or phone (l(8)to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institution, Tour financial affairs will be discussed and vBna uiaue in siriciesi uinar. iou win INyuig m your tuau or granting oi extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In full any time to reduce tbe cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. . SEE FPT J1 jf?I.OKS uiv v m a a) e GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION is be. ceurterciai SL First door south ot Ladd A Bush Bank r-ru-u- -V nrcn'ent STound floor location WOULD A CASH LOAN HEI-P TOU WITB TOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment, house immtiug. taxea for automobile purchase or refinance or for con sirildatlem of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Klnance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If you rer-eive You pay monthly f 40.00 t 4.02 10O.00 72 150 00 10 0$ 200.00 13.44 300.00 , 20.1$ The above payments Include Interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00 Tou will like our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd H. 1st Natl. Bk. BIdg. Salem. Oregon Phone 444 S S-228 & M-278 State Licenses Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ith KUHiK tMIARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M I St PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re due payments Money for new er used cars No delay er red tape Tou will re lain possession ot the vehicle. - I TO 20 MP NT US TO PAT ROY II . SIMMONS 12 South Commercial Street Phone l8 Lie No M-1B3 FHA LOANS 4Sr. also prlv loans Ahrams A Ellis Inr Maonle BIdg Loans Wanted WANTKD PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real ee tata. Will pav C7 Interest, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS t a K' u n' a Ki y fr r . r f rm rA cttw prooerty Before borrowing tnqulre at FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zlelin ski. with 1HWKINS A ROQJERTS. INC Phone 4109 or 745 Financial BENJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAM Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. For Sale? Miscellaneous USED .GRUNOW refrigerator Just overhauled $S) terms. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. CASH RUG sale. Surplus stock of nationally advertised rugs. 329. 50 to $59. SO now $24. SO up. While stock lasts. Large selection to choose from. Note wool rugs advance Mar. 25th. Buy now and save. NASH FURNITURE CO. Tbe Home of Iange Ranges. I.ow Prii-es. I USED RADIOS $3.00 each, or If you take the lot. $30 for all of them you haul them home. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. Ore. SALE WALNDT shells. c a sack rlng sacks. Klorfela Packing Co. 280 HlKh Bikes a Rep hameaen. 143 S Lib SEVERAL USED electric ranees $2.50 eacl you haul them Mont gomery Ward & Co., Salem. OLD FERTILIZER. Ph. 9360. OOOD, slightly used rug, 7x94. 2140 Mill St. Phone 3378. CAST I RON trash burner with colli for water heatinx. $15.00. Montgomery Ward A Co., Salem. HOUSE TRAILER. 16-ft. deluxe, sleeps 4. Has everything. Terms "A down. bal. to suit. Ray, 405 S. 9th. Independence. DRY Wood, al kinds. Ph. 9560. NEW, ALL WHITE washing ma chine with :0-pc. set of pastel pottery dishes $42.95. Montgomery Ward & Co.. Salem. Wan let! Miscellaneous WANTED I 'OR cash, walnut A fll oerta. Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack ing Ce 20 S High. Phone 7(33. Wfntpl Furniture "WE PA f SPOT CASH." F. N A GLENN WOODRT Ph. Slit Used Furniture R. Forgey. P. 744S Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Krtne or MaH Tour "pietea for Repalt rR HARRT SKMI.ER. DENTIST Allsky BIdg. 3d A Morrison. BR 2427 PRA4TICR PIANOS It H L WtfT seseNa1aeeaaeaaaiBeseaaayaerada O. C PATTERSON shoe repair lag has moved to 485 Ferry St. For Rent Room HOT El MARION Roecna Special weekly and monthly rates te perm, truest a. Marlon Corfee Kttoa deltrtoaa meU at low ortrea uulAnnnn.nnnnj in nnnniU'i-iTi 'i - - " - HOTKI 8 A I. KM. low monthly raUa Room and Board SEE MA Bewen. 0 N Uberty. AWAT FROM home, want good home cooking, call at jtta Marlon BRD RM . men. Steinke'a. P. t3U REASONABLE Rm. A Brd. frem City HalL 655 Center. 1 blk. ROOM. BOARD. 215 Bellevue St. For Rent Apartments ATTRACT! VE A PTS.. 1411 Court. I A 2 R. FURN. apt, 45 Ferry. FURNISHED APT.. 120S Court CHOICE t R. apt. The Derereaux. APTS-, FURN.. onfum. Children welcome, $( up. Ilia S. 13th. P. 7089. S R. A S R furn x unfurn- cleee. quiet. Ph. 5825 after school. MOD. FURN .1st floor. Employed adults til Division. Ph. U20. aeJesyae'aaeseaayaseayaeeay,s PATTON A PTS- furnished. State. Fix. C344. Aat- t- Money to Loan De given every consideration in the re- JIM CLARK. ASST. MOB. ua No s-llt Phone IKS Springtime - Easter Means Dress-up Time Fix-up Time Tune-up Time Use Our "CASH CREDIT" Service TO MEET TOUR SPRING NEEDS $50 Total costs $4.60 for B Mos. $75 Total costs $4.90 for 6 Mos. Other amounts in proportion Phone write or come In PERSONAL FINANCE CO. "America's Largest Co. In the Small Loan Field' 2nd Floor New lilieh BIdg. Opp. Court House State A "High M 165 - State License - S-122 ror Kent Apartments 2 RAI. FURN. apt. Lts., water, $2.50 Week. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. 6 ROOM MOD. furn.. auto, heat hot water, close in Phone 33 C7. APARTMENT.-. $32.50 to $37.50 Koyal Court Apts. Phone 3953 SEE THE Flatter A ins. before yi Ueclde. Ijirse A Airy Rockwoot In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Miinds throughout S Com I A oak Sta 3 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, beat. SJO. MtO Waller. STRATTON Apts.. 2 A 3 rm. P. 3842. 1 RM. FURN. Lts., water A Maytag. $10. 1620 Ferry 3 Rms. Mod. Close in. Ph. 8884. BEAUTIFULLY furn. 3 rm. corner Apt. 310 Leslie. Apt. No. 1. 3 K. furn. apt. Ph. 7983. 2 RM. FURN. apt., 145 E. Miller. 1 R. A KITCHENETTE apt.. $15. 3 blks court house, Ivan Martin. Ph. 4419. 2 R. FURN. APT., $12. 344 N. 18th. APTS. FOR rent. 2i6yj State. t RM. FURN. apt., ctoae In. adults only. 4 04 N. Church. 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt-. $12.50 and $16.50. 1935 Center. FURN; APT. $ S. Com'l , P I7t. FURN. NEW. L., w.. ht. 420 S. 20. LGE. 4 RM. furn. apt. Prlv. ent. A bath. Close In. Inq. 694 N. High. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, heat, lights, water. 5. Sagin aw. Furn. 3 A 3 rm. apts. 690 Union, 4 R. downstairs, good location. Phone 3382. 370 E. Lincoln. Furn. apt. lta. wter., 151 N. ISth. CLOSE-IN. 3 rm. furn. apt.. 1st fir. Adults, gar. 1047 S. Commercial. NICE 2 ROOM furn apt Cloa $15 891 N Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap ltoi Homelike and commodious. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. 2 R.. prlv. bath. 250 S. Cottage, For Rent House NEW 6 R., $20. Stove If desired. R.. stoves, $18.50. Ph. 7113. 5 ROOM FURNISHED house, 25. 710 N. High. NEW 4 RM. he. Fireplace, hwd. firs., funic, gar. $25. 1757 S. Church. 5 R., $15 MO. 2675 Portland Rd. 3 BDRM., MOD., sub. home, $27.50. 3 room furn. apt., prl. entrance. Light, water, tel. Close state house. Well worth $22 50. C. H. SANDERS 1 1 S S. High 5121. 3 RM. NEWLT plastered, part furn., water pd., $12 mo. Ph. 7312. 4 ROOM, NOOK, basement, furnace, elec. range, $27.50. 4 rooms, new, $20.00. O K REALTY. 219 Court Street COUPLE TO live in 5 R. mod, furn. house, small expense. Write Box 988, Statesman. FURNISHED AND unfurn houses H. P GRANT 523 Court Phone $744. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 8(4 N. 16th. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N Capitol How to Torture Your Wife KUrV GOOV1ISHS HUS8ANO IS THC MOST oeSCRVtW rWVJ. if swe purs The -ttw tesr LlTTt. -TtH& Fbft Tfff HOUSe He setrs ir tFtc mnuts hc TrfCT ROOM. SOrlcT Men i CoouO rerroej rVCTVCR AJOT7CCT MVTtIM3. IT certflWjLY is oiseouA04Md c?verJ TfcV TUP VJOrVIAM WHO HAS y OUST BOUGHT A MEW . cveRSTUFFgQ CHAIR For Rent Homes BUAXL FURN. house. 4I2S er ISIS. LA RGB HHay 1774 fir. Pb. 830$. FURN. A UNFURN. houses. KEL VIN JOHNSON, 73 Court, Ph. 3732. WE HAVE THB PHOKPkX? 17 TOU want to aeU. exchange. eeuaa rent, eee sr uarssa e atr cm aa arm Hawkins A Roberta . UNFURN. OR furn. buna;.. Oak Vil la uoart. Aouita. inquire a MIU. . NEARLY NEW I R. mod. house. iz.sa. nil jenereon. Fn. 1714, MeaasaayaaaaaMageaeaeayasaaMM C run near senior high $23. Ph. 5223 -i-'iii",iriii. rm. mod. furn. bouse, for T tno avaO. about Apr. 1. Close m. Ph. 3474. 4 room furn. Inq. 117 N. tfth. S RM. hse. Ctoae In. Basentant. fur nace, built-In kltch. A breakfast nook. Gas stave. Mrs. J. A. Sailla, 545 Court. nxm az. For Rent- Farms FARM FOR RENT 40 ACRES NEAR MacLeay, good 4 k. nouse, good barn. Several acres strawberries. $20.00 per month. See Mr. CoUlDe, with HAWKINS A ROB- KIS, INC. For Rent OFFICK KtttlMS. 31 Slate Street impure rrxim 200 Tel 371$ For Sale Real Estate NEW hse.. 12275. $30 dn. P. 7113. FOR SALE On new road, tract of land, fine business and service station location. L. R. Oldenburg. Phone 22772. 10 ROOM APARTMENT house, fur nished, close In. cheap. 710 N. High. BARGAIN ACREAGE 27 A. MOSTLY cultivated. Apples. cherries, prunes A filberts. Sold about $400 from prunes last year. Water piped through place. No buildings. mi. S. off river rd., $1475. Terms. 6580. NEAR STATE HIGHWAY SHOPS $.150. DOWN. BAL. $21.50 per mo will buy this 5 rm. mod. house. Good eoncl. Iarsre lot. Price 33aOO. $2300. cash will buy 5 rm. borne complftly redecorated inside A out side. Nook, new linoleum, walls pa pered, new roof, garbage. Part base ment. Immediate pose Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with W. H. GRAB ENHORST A CO. HOME BARGAINS 5 RM. MOD. house located In E. Sa lem. Will take good lot In as part down payment. Price $3675. A15U. down. bal. !6.i0 per mo. win buy this 4 rm. plast. home located in . saiem, near store, schools at dus line. Price $1500. $400. down. bal. $20 per mo. will buy this 5 rm. plast home with base ment, rur. A in good condition, .price $1800. $200. down. bal. $20. per mo. win buy a new 4 rm. plast. house, located In N. Salem. Price il 960. see tnese homes, call O. H. Grabenhorst. J r with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. BUILDING SITES V, A, HOME SITES located about H mile outside city limits, city water. good view. Price $500. Terms. Good size bldg. lots located s. just outside city limits. Beautiful view of city A mountains, city water, trices range from ieu. to sizju. 10 see these lots, call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. PEOPLE LEAVING town. $2350, I room home, S bedrooms, bath, full bemt., garage. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 42 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. ell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LIN DO REN. 175 S. High- SPECIAL $3850 FOR A $4500 home rms. A modern Hollywood dial. See R today. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2fl. A FINE HOME PERFECTLY LOCATED In N. E. Salem. Larsre fenced lot. 6 rooms com pleted with room upstairs for 2 or 8 rooms and bath. Heat, plumbing and sub-floor already In. Full basement, piped sawdust-burner furnace. Fire place, hwd. floors A Venetian blinds. garage In connection with cement run way A walks. Truly a lovely home. You couldn't duplicate It for $5500.00. but you can buy it for $4850.00. and will consider good lot or H acre In trade. Act at once. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Xjnl?NAFU ROOM HOUSE, basement, fur nace, fireplace. H acre; cost $3600. Offered for $2500. Make your offer for terms. O K REALTY. J19 COURT ATTENTION! BUS. LOCATION 40 FT. x 100 FT. lot. adjoins an es tablished bus. 4 rm. house, good cond. This would be an excel, property to const, a store-front. Mr. Investor, don't pass this one by. Price $3500.00. all Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H, GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors. CLOSK-IN WINTER ST. PROPERTY MOD. 10 RM. home, full bsmt.. hot water heat, firepl.. hwd. firs., double garage, large cor. lot. excel, cond. This home Is a sacrifice at $7000.00. Excel lent income possibilities. Let me "how you this property. Call Coburn Grsb enhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., Realtors. NICE home, hdwd fl.. fireplace, fur nace. Sell or trade equity reas. $200 cash will handle. 984 co Statesman, FOR SALE 2 nice lota near State St. Also 80 A. good land In Idaho. Ir rigation available, Ph, 4034. owner. STRICTLY MOD. New 5 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 650$. VJMV, Ansel.. I Hcmceo itiAT AH7W ASM TftAV. fCrT TZ SPESle about t;-bwt-ForxsoT". it' OKAY. MCe SiZeT OlO YA RCAD na eOiroAl. ABOUT FrtJLAND? eflCAT r, 1 11 I cn.r For Sale Used Cars SHOP OUR ORIGINAL CUSTOMERS SJiwli0 ltK FaXJPLE OF ouniMi r.n.i.ru b la llUi nACJS TO REAL SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK SIr,IONED CARS. YOU'LL BE TO TRT AND LET US PROVE THAT TOU Hsu r tujupiua. ALL MAKES OF CARS FROM $25.00 to $750.00 TERMS B0NESTEELES SALES AND SERVICE 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 4545 Special for Thursday 1939 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe LOW MILEAGE. IN PERFECT SHAPE. YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AN AL MOST NEW CAR AT A BIG REDUCTION $695 1934 Ford Coupe Very Clean $215 Marion and Liberty Street Lot VALLEY MOTOR CO. 21 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSON. BEN DRAGER, ART HANSON Ihe BEST for LESS IN Pontiac Good-Will Cars 40 PLYMOUTH DL. 4-DR. TR. SEDAN $845 Black color, mohair uphol stery. All of Plymouth's fa mous features. 5000 actual miles. Hurry. '$ PLYMOUTH 4 - D O O R SE DAN $395 The best buy In town. ST CHEVROLET 4-DOOR TOUR ING SEDAN .$495 Radio and heater. Jl FORD DeLUXE 2-DR. SED. $427 30,000 actual miles. Perfect 4 new tires. No. 18. WE INVITE YOUR COMPARISON FOR PRICE AND CONDITION WITH LIKE MAKES A MODELS ANYWHERE MANY MORE TO PICK FROM TERMS A TRADES HERRALL-OWENS CO. 's PONTIAC 8's TWO LOCATIONS 235 8. Com'L - Phone 8169. Lot: Corner Chemeketa A Church Phone 3686 For Real Buys in Cars or Trucks SEE P. A. EIKER USED CAR DEPT. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 430 S. COMMERCIAL STREET Exchange Real Estate WILL TRADE! INCOME PROPERTY located blks. from State St. consisting of one. four room apt., two rive-rm. apta and one small house on rear of lot. Present Income $73. per mo. besides owner's Quarters. Will trade for 20 to 30 acres of good land. Bal. cash. Price $6000. call U. H. tirabenhorst. Jr.. wlth W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. rms. close In for smaller. Ph. 5222. For Salt? Farms FOR SALE 19 A. LOCATED ON West Side Highway. Fair bldgs. 174 A. In crop A bal. pasture. V of crop goes at the price of $32.00 per acre. Thla Is a steal. See Mr. Urwn, with HAWK INS A ROBERTS, INC. 62. A. FINE RIVER bottom sandy f loam, 30 A, under cult., bal. fine pas ture, water right ror is acres. Good C-R. house, good barn, elec. water sys tem. On highway. 2 A. English rye frrasa, 2 A. lad Ino clover, baL red clover. Price $8600.00. See Mr. Lar sen, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. eeeaaeeaWeMaaMypWaaraa COAST DAIRY FARM. Grade A bldgs.. nice house, electricity A water, I creeks through place. Will sell on terms or accept trade. MTRTON MOORE, 331 State Street FOR 8 ALE 29 A., fully Improved. Tillle Severaon, SL Louis, Ore. Business Cards ta this dlrrrtorj rns oat a monthly baa's only. ttatet SI.3 per Use th. Anto Brakes Mike Panes: 78 Hiiutb Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 8 Com'cL p. 4(14 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 R. E. Northneaa Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda Base ment a dug Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sale. Salem SanJ A Gravel. P. 8408 Florists BrelthaapTa 447 Court. Phone 5904 House Moving Raisins, leveling. Parklna Bros. 1411 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rm A Mattress Co. New mattresa, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving a I Ith WUbor Tel 1441 Zwlckera. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 494 Naturopathic Physician DR. W H ROCKWELL Naturepath- te-Pnyaletaa- 1790 fairgrounds Rd Tel 4S0S Office Hours 1 1 a.m ta I :St p-m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTATION. For Sale Used Cart to SAVE ARE STILL OUR FRIENDS. TEARS OF THIS COMMUNITY IS PROOF THAT BUI TOUR CAR. Values Trades Terms OF HIGH GRADE. LOW PRICED, RE- REALLY SURPRISED AT THE SUPER IS TO BUY TOO CAN BE ONE OF OUR BOO ST - BETWEEN CENTER A CHEMEKETA CARS AND TRUCKS BOUGHT, SOLD A exchanged. Also used parts for nearly all makes. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 430 S. COMMERCIAL STREET LOGGING SPECIALS 1938 Chev. Truck, Eaton rear axle. 18-8.25 tires with Tromby Dual axle trailer, 4 in. brakes, 8.25 tires. Complete. $1600.00. 1937 Chev. Truck, Eaton rear axle. 18-8.25 tires with Jorgenson Hea vy Duty single axle trailer with 8.ZS tires and overload springs. Priced at $1050:00. 1937 Chev. Truck, Eaton rear axle, Bronllte transmission, 18-8.25 tires. $475.00. 1937 Chev. Truck, Eaton rear axle. 18-8.25 tires, as is. $300.00. Other Bargains 7 used Pick-ups, used trucks. Priced to sell. ALBANY AUTO CO. ALBANY, OREGON. 1934 FORD Coupe. Radio, heater, rumble seat. 11" wheels. Phone 68. Bulck S sedan. Had good care. New tires. Fine running, beater, ra dio, $460. Owner. You can't beat this. J. M. 531 N. High. Salem. '31 VS Cpe. Very reasonable. Excel lent cond. 593 Center. For Sale Farms LOOK AT this $2250 buys 40 A. 4 ml. from Dallas on good rd. 6 R. hse., chicken hse.. barn. 9 A. of prunes, 2 A. of cherries, aome oats A veatch. Running water. 4 m(. to school. Reas. down payment will handle. H. E. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Acreage ACREAGE BARGAINS $50. DOWN A BAL $14.50 per mo will handle 2 A. with new unfln, house, well, all In bearing cherries. Good road, close to highway A school. Price $1650. $25. down, baL $15. per mo. will buy a line 5 A. tract, some rrult. about I A. of timber, good location, near school A store. Price $1000. 2H A. located near Swegle schooL 1 rni. house, large chicken house, bear ing fruit, paved road. Price $1050, $100 down. DSL ia per mo. tjaii o. H. ra benhorst, jr.. with W, H. GRABEN HORST A CO. Suburban LIVE. WORK and play on the banks of the Willamette. A beautiful garden tract at your own terms. MYRTQN MOORE. $31 H State St Wanted Real Estate WANT FOR cash, good lot In South Salem, from owner. Box 985, States- Directory Panerins. Paintlntz NEAT Work, reaa Johns Pn.ITX HERBERT E WOOD. Tel. 38T8 Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair wrk.. Oraber Broa, 114 S Uberty. Ph. t4. Printing FOR STATION KKT carda pamphlets proaTama. books or any kind of print In, call The Sta teams a Printing Da pertinent. 818 8. Commercial. Tele nhone 91L Roofing COMP A BUILT UP roofing repairs, bsmt. waterproofing. Beaver 8tate aooflng Cow J W Copeland Tarda. 52 Wallace Road Phone 4431. Schools COMPLETE yonr HIGH SCHOOL at borne. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog. American Scbool. Dept. S, Bos 4600. Portland. Ore. Sheep Shearing W. J, COCHRAN. Rt 1. B. 88 A. 4819. Transfer FOR LOCAI or tflatant transfer, star aga. burner eO. call lltl Larmer Transfer Ce Tracks te Portland dalle MOVING, hauling f t 85 nr. Ph. $$4 CITY TRANS. Ph. 4414 rates Well DrDlina K. A. WEST, rt, . kag 4ia. Pa. iitrt Automobiles ATTENTION Car Owners It Is Tune-up Time A Special on Motor Tune-up THIS IS WHAT WE DO. . . for $2.75 Clean aad adjust carburetor. Clean and reapaoe spark plug. Check timing and synchronise dis tributor point. Check generator brushes and charg ing rate. Check battery. Road test car for greater safety. A SPECIAL GOOD UNTIL APRIL 1 SALEM AUTO CO. 43S N. Com'l. .Phone 4873. If ""n-t Prnoertv BEACH FRONT cottage, near Dor cheater House at Brae Mar. $2000.00. Call 3223 for Information. Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR LEASE $500e worth of equipment, long lease on building. Suitable for tea room or eat ing house. C. H. SANDERS 1 1 8 S High 6131. FOR SALE ILLNESS FORCES sale of going bnslness In nearby city Ask about It. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9241. War Picture 1 . "If,. .... -v: .x- v -9 t f- The First World War, authentic 1018 conflict Is billed today through Saturday at the State the atre. Also on the program 1m "Naughty, but Nice" with Anno Sheri dan, Dirk Powell and Gale Fag". Sunday School Postponed UNION HILL The Union Hill Sunday school will ba postponed on Eaater Sunday but will meet in a body for Sunday school and church at the Christian church In Stayton. Other Sunday schools will be at 10 a.m. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 I2 16 17 'A IT 20 21 23 2H 26 27 2a IS s s I 33 33 37 3 3? HI H2 51 1 V7a VA HORIZONTAL 1 Form What if thm largmat dominion a tag mm vommonwaithr IS What country tea one it- vartment of Colomotaf 14 Pertaining to a country of Asia 1 1 silkworm 16 Vassal 18 Sooner than 19 Writing table 21 Frozen water 22 A large deer (pi.) SJ Wk tee tAe Cen- eerar ttWkmt ta Oe Crat mmi tag femtnin lead in "Dtttry Rid AgaiHt 2S Feminine nam S3 Mature persona . 14 Spanish province 86 Member of a Mongolian tribe t7 Whmt lint of fortification do- fend tk French attrrn fron tier? . 87 Defied 29 Filled with reverence 42 High in the ecale 4S Condiment 47 Dance ttep 48 Precipitous 50 Sheltered aide 51 Dinner course 63 Money returned 65 Guides 66 Tears ! VERTICAL 1 Hastened ' Timid rodent Z Cuckoos . 4 Father 6 Printer's raeaxares 6 Cavities ta ground 7 Metric measure ef area 8 Symbol for sodium Cain's brother - 10 Dagger 11 Cards with one spot It Foreigners 17 Land measors Business Opportunities SMALL APT. hse. for sale. Inq, 430 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, phone 9549. ATTENTION BUY wood that la sta real old fir. $1.50. Ph. 74L WIMI fit asTe Graea. 418 N flat, j. ii-"a--u'TuarxrvnrxrijioJinaxai WHY NOT phone 100FUT J da MILL WOOD. TeL $341. Wood at west end of Court St Load. $3.10. PLANER WOOD for Immediate de livery. Salem Box Co.. Ph. 19. ------------ - -i 1 H in i 1 1 i.ri ri ii nj S cda 14-ln. old fir. $15. Ph. 70. ASH. riR. pmn. 25129. Jodd -"----"-- -a- -.-.-ii-ii-i.n.n.njxnrooo Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7507. Old fir $. Knots $5. Slab $4. Pto, 94. Wanted Used Cars WANT 1 .AtS model lla-ht n.nl Am. livery. Route f. Box 299, Salem. Lost and Found Party who took suitcase not nf ru on N. High A Center St. was known. Please return caae and contents te 537 N. 20th and avoid further trouble. FOITND fountain nen. cor.. Center and 18th. Owner pay ad. 374 N. 18th. Personal LONEl.TT WORTHWHILE sweat. neart. huslmnd. wife for you. P. O. Bos i.nn Anaeiea on Screen Here and nncenaored ehoU of the 1014. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF A AM Monday. March IS. F. O. Degree. J. P. Plland, W. M. ft Paelfla Leege 1 FC Iegras. We V 7:30 p.m. Wat. He. ao. A.r.AA.M. ednatday. Mar. 27, Merriott, WML io '4 V7a 2D 30 31 32 2H 36 W3 H6 3 1 0 WUt io the mUthta port of te novelist' nam: Clarenee Bud dington 7 22 Marias plants 24 Length measure 25 Hirer !a Kansas 26 Anything growing thickly 27 Feminine name 2S Track won by wheels 30 Hurried SI Past 82 Head corering 14 Substance 36 Masculine , 38 Means of entrance 89 Imitates 40 Need 41 niostrioas Italian family 44 Masculine name 45 One of a people akin to the) Lithuaniana 48 Golf mounds 48 Weight of India 49 Through 62 Concerning 64 Have existence Answer to yesterday's puzzle. agU m t r e g ypM IE ANE T E L A S fTT A Average tame ef til Lit . tf'tv.