th OSEGOXT STATESMAIL Saitra. Orogon. Wednesday Mcndng. March 23, 1849 FACZ mtz i Thrifty Shoppers Save by Watching FOR Siy--MISCELLANEOUS Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUasifted Advertising- Three Insertions per Una 2&e Six Insertions per lino 40c One month per line 11 28 Minimum charge 2Sc: I tl min im am 35c; C tt- mlu. 46c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted until 4 :3t the evening before publics tloct for classification Copv re ceived after thts time will be rur under the hMdlni "Toe Late to Classify " The Statesman assumes no rtnan elal responsibility foi error which mar appear la advertisements pvb llahed In tta column and In case where this rapet l at fault will re print that pfcrt or an advertisement In which the typographical mistake oecura. The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable adverttsina It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classlficatlon. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman- bos number for an ad dress Is for the protection of thr advertiser and muat therefore he answered tojr letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Inform ttoo as to the Identity of en adver tiser ostna a "Blind" ad Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES ANl COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILI.AMKTTE VAI.l.ET WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT 4 1 1 SALEM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION "We pick up dead and worthless an nimals at a moment's notice. Salem Fertilizer A By Products Co. 25th and Turner Road Phone Salem 5000 Colect Note: We sell meat meal to feed stores. SIX LAYING W. L. pullets and one cockerel. Hollywood strain. Ph. 7178. FOR SALE Bay gelding saddle horse. Wt, 900 Iba. Gentle. 53 Center. BABT CHICKS 10 Varieties, In cluding Reds, Rock?, Hampshire, Leg horns. Day old pullets, cockerels, started chicks. Phone 22861, Lees Hatchery. Auctions GIGANTIC AUCTION Selling; at auction the furnishings from 64 rooms of the Capitol Hotel at corner of State and Commercial, Sat., March 23, at 10 a.m. sharp. Stoves, cupboards and rockers. Watch papers tables, chairs, rugs, sinks, linoleums, mattresses, beds, springs, dressers, for further advertising. Will N. Tee ter. Auctioneer, 345 Marion St. Salem. Heln Wanted J MEN OR women to service an es tablished Real Silk clientele. Apply Fred Gleseke, 9-12, Salem hotel. $39 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, 35c. dry $1 35 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 1927 Third. Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Female LADIES. NEED money? Would $3 a day interest you? Neatness and good personality required. Permanent if you qualify. Mrs. McGowan, Hotel Argo. WOMAN, mature, for permanent profitable work with future. Full or part lime, nnie imuir, uuuivm uu phone No. to Box 974, Statesman. HAVE profitable postion open for an ambitious neat appearing woman. Answer Room 187, Argo Hotel. Situations Wanted DR&SSMAK. Mr AdaitL Ph. 3S MID. AGED German lady wishes wrk., coun. prer. R. a. B. 43. at. Aiwme. RELIABLE MAN wants spading, lawn work or Janitor work. Ph. 3448. IK YOU need a partner or exper ienced merchandiser, call 9588. M. M. Ga tser. 882 N. 20th CAPABLE. EXP. woman with 9-mo. b.ily wants housework. .Phone 8941. Spading of all kinds. 1410 Madison. For Sal r1 inrel'snennii USED FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES ! Vclotir Davenport and chair $10.00 Walnut Bedroom suite, large mirror $30.00 Walnut Dinette table, 4 chairs and buffet $25.75 Reconditioned Electric Refriger ator ..$39.9S Tapestry Bed-Daveno .$22.50 9x13 Axminlater rug .$10.00 Floor sample, spring filled mat tresses $10.00 COHN BROS.. 305 North Liberty St. fut - " -- i THE APRON Shop. 679 N High ALFALFA HAT. Ph. 60F4. Walker. 2-WHL. HSK. trailer, 7i'xl6' cheap. Excellent condition. 1346 Hoyt. CASH REGISTER Adding machine Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange 4-6 Court. SALE WALNUT sheila 8c a sack brtn sacka Klorfeln Parkin Co. 380 8 High Bikes Rep hamsnen. 143 S Lib OLD FERTILIZER. Ph. 9560. GOOD, slightly used rug, 7H9U. 114 Mill St. Phone 3378. HOUSE TRAILER. 16-ft. deluxe. Sleeps 4. Has everything. Terms down, bat to suit. Ray, 405 S. 9th. I ndependence. 000000000000000000000000000000 DRY Wood, el kinds. Ptu 9560. Wa n f ed Mi cell neon WANTED FOR essh walnut HI berta. Alan ments M KlorfHt Pack- n Ol Q rttvti tnn 7t S)rt.o.onStalesman ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives George D. Close. Inc. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle - Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Branson. I no. Chicago New York Detroit Boston. -Atlanta Enter mt the IVerortce at Smlem Oregon mm Seconal Class Matter. Pe Heke4 every avrnea xept Honda Butineme etttee ttt South Commercial Street. 'SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ' Mail Subscription Rates in Advance. 4 Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday Mo. 6 r cents; t Mos I Moa $2 50; I rear $. Elsewhere 10 cents per Mo., or $6 00 for t vear la advance Per copy cents. Newsstands. cants By City Carrier? (0 casts a month 87.24 a year In sdvan in Marion : and adjacent countlea Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone -168) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institution. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest orlvacy. You will be given every consideration in the re paying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can pay In full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. SEE ROY H. SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. Lie. No. M-158 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 134 So. Commercial St. First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient ground WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Kinance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If you receive You pay monthly $ 40.00 $ 4.02 100.00 6.72 150.00 10 08 200.00 13.44 300.00 20.16 The above pavnients Include Interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00. You will like our friendly service, small monttilv pavments, and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd n. 1st. NafL Bk. Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 444 6 S-228 A M-278 State Licenses Quick Cash Loans Personal Finance Co. 2nd Floor New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 Corner State and High Opposite Court House M-165 - State License - S-frZ Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5th KUioK I'll A RIJ1 A N BUILDING LICENSE NO M 159 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TKUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re dues payments. Money for new or used cars No delav ar red tape You will re tain possession of the vehlcls. 1 TO 2 MC NTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie No M-152 FHA U1ANS 4 H'W-ai'io prtv loans Abrams Ellis Inc Masonic Bldg We have $2000 to loan on Improved real estate. . P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oceg. Bldg. Phone 8121. WANTKD PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay C7 Interest. W. H GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins A Roberts FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zielln skl. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Phone 4109 or 745. fr'irtnnfMfd BEN J. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. WANT TO borrow $1500 from pri vate party on b A. well improved, close In E. of town. Will pay $50 per mo. 983. Statesman. Wanted Furniture -WE PAY SPOT CASH." F. N. A GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 6110 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. T445 M r4 1 1 a neo 11 n Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plr.tea for Repair DR. HARRY SEMI.ER. DENTIST Alisky Bldg. 3d A Morrison. BR $437 PRACTH'K PIANOS $2 H L Stiff G. C. PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved to 4 85 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms HOTKL MARION . Rooms. Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low Prices HfTTKI SALEM, low monthly rates KMni and Board SEE MA Bowen. 605 -M Liberty. AWAY FROM home, want good home cooking, call at 650 Marion. LARGE FRONT room. Ph. 8630. BRD., RM . men. Steinke s. P. 8384 REASONABLE Rra. A Brd. 1 blk. from City Hall. 505 Center. ROOM. BOARD. 315 Bellevue St. For Kent Apartments 2 RM. FURN. apt., 145 E. Miller. 1 R A KITCHENETTE apt.. $15. S blks court house. Ivan Martin, Ph. itkru-Lr-j-u-u-Lri-- "- -- 2 R. FURN. APT., $12. 344 N. 18th. APTS. FOR rent, 246 V, State. S RM. FURN. apt., close In. adults only. 404 N. Church. 2 AND $ RM. furn. apt.. $12.50 and $16.50. 1935 Center, g FURN. APT- 664 a Com'l. P 1781 FURN. NEW. L, w, hL 420 S. 20. XTLru-r -rv i - Tir a ru. furn. apt. Priv. enL A bath. Close In. Inq. 694 N. High. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, beau lights, water. 985 Sagin- w-.L. n -,,-----,. -u-Anj-tru-- --J-I--I--.- ---i-r.ri - - 2 R. furn., lights, water, fuel, $18. 2261 Hazel Ave. fn. t. Furn. t A S rm. apts. 590 Union. 4 R. downstairs, good location. Phone J$$g- Jf- Lincoln. njJFrBj :-L1-t;i J-W.ttj-I N' - CLOSE-IN, 8 rm. furn. apt, 1st fir. Adults, gar. 1047 S. Commercial. saaaaaaaaaaaasasssssrss S RM. FURN. apt. auto, beat; gas ref, stores. 355 & 14th. NICE S ROOM furn. apt- close to lls. 19 1 N. Commercial. HAWTHORNS Court. I00 N. Cap- Itoi Homeiika and commodious, Furn. apts. 469 N. Front. Ph. 8208. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. 1 FRONT APT., furn. (45 Ferry. . 3 R, priv. bath. 259 & Cottage. ssNwsNssasaaaasssss 4 RM. FURN, Its., wat.. gar. t rms-. aet bath. 396 8. 2 1st. 4354. Money to Loan floor location Lie No. S-13B Phone 91C8 Fr Rent Apartments APTS.. FURN., unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1310 S. 13th. P. 7089. 2 R. A 3 R.. furn. unfurn., close. quiet. Ph. 5825 after school. MOD. FURN . 1st floor. Employed adults. 335 Division. Ph. 5220. ATTRACTIVE APTS, 1411 Court. PATTON APTS., furnished, 323 State. Ph. 6244. Apt 3. & ROOM MOD. furn-. auto. heat, hot water, close in Phone 337. APARTMENT.-' $32.6t to $37.50 Roval Court Apta Phone 3951 SEK THE. FlMhet Apta Before you let-ide. Large A Airy Rock wool In sula ted against heat A cold. Venetian Hilnds throughout S Com'l A Oak Sts 3 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, heat. 520. 1440 Waller. STRATTON Apts.. 2 A 3 rm. P. 384 2. 1 RM. FURN. Lts.. water A Maytag. $10. 1620 Ferry esssagssasasasrfsMstaSss 3 Rms. Mod, Close in. Ph. 8884. BEAUTIFULLY furn. 3 rm. corner Apt. 310 Leslie. Apt. No. 1. 3 R. furn. apt. Ph. 7983. For Rent Houses NEW 5 R., $20. Stoves If desired. 3 R-, stoves. $18.50. Ph. 7113. 3 BDRM.. MOD., sub. home, $27.50. 3 room furn. apt., prl. entrance. Lights, watt-r, tel. Close state house. Well worth $22.50. C. II. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. 3 RM. NEWLY plastered, part furn.. water po, $12 mo. Pli. 7312. 4 ROOM, NOOK, basement, furnace, elec. range, $27.50. 4 rooms, new, $20.00. O K REALTY, 219 Court Street 5 RM. furn., newly decorated. Gar den. $25. 960 N. 18th. Ph. 9440 after 5 p. m. NEW 3 RM. nicely furn. house, ga rage and utility rm., H arre, $25. 1331 after 5 p. m.. Sixth St., West Salem. COUPLE TO live In 5 R. mod. furn. house, small expense. Write Box 986, Statesman. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses. H. P GRANT. 529 Court. Phone 674 4. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 364 N. 16th. SMALL FURN house. 4838 or 6312. LARGE HSE.. 1775 Fit. Ph. 8208. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N Capitol FURN. A UNFURN. houses. MEL VI N JOHNSON. 725 Co.u.t'. Fn- 3723- WE HA V K THB PRSPECT tr YOU want to aelL exchange, ease. rent, see Mr Larson or Mr. Col Una with Hawkins A Roberta FURNISHED A UNFURNISHED houses. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Ph. 3723. MOD. 6 R. SUBURBAN home. City water. 2 mi. south from Ladd A Bush bank. Ph. 22361. UNFURN. OR furn. bung.. Oak Vil la Court. Adults. Inquire 995 Mill. 7 RM. FURN. house. Park St.. close in. Large garden spot, fruit, chicken pen, free water, beautifully landscaped. $25 mo. Inq. 1906 Center. NEARLY NEW 5 R. mod. house. $32.50. 1138 Jefferson. Pb- 6784. 6 rms near senior high $33. Ph. 5222 6 rm. mod. furn. house, for 7 mo., avail, about Apr. 1. Close in. Ph. 3474. 000000000000000000000000 4 RM. house on Maple Ave. Inquire 1295 N. sLiberty. 4 room furn. Inq. 1170 N. 16th. 3 RM. hse. Close In. Basement, fur nace, built-in kitch. A breakfast nook. Oa stove. Mrs. J. A. Mills, 545 Court. Phone 6792. For Rent Farms FARM FOR RENT 40 ACRES NEAR Macleay. good 4 R. house, good barn. Several acres strawberries. $20.00 per month. See Mr. Collins, with HAWKINS A ROB ERTS, INC. For Rent OKKH'E KIM IMS 3 I Stnte Street iixiiiire room 100 Tel 3713 For Sale Real Estate ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Ijntine-s wanted. -See N. J. LINDGREN. 175 S. High- Trailer 30C, I SV - , i --- - jt?,ye. 'aTn-Tn t TTfaant sit -r ' S5. For Sale Real Estate NEW hse.. $2375, $30 On. P. 7113. FOR SALS Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8633 17 8. High Street SPECIAL $3850 FOR A $4500 home 6 rms. modern Hollywood disc. See it today. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A. MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. A FINE HOME PERFECTLY LOCATED In N. E. Salem. Large fenced lot, 5 rooms com pleted with room upstairs for 3 or 3 rooms and bath. Heat, plumbing and sub-floor already in. Full basement, piped sawdust -burner furnace. Fire place, hwd. floors A Venetian blinds, garage in connection with cement run way A walks. Truly a lovely home. You couldn't duplicate it for $5590.00, but you can buy it for $4 850.00, and will consider good lot or 14 acre In trade. Act at once. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. LOT, 50x66. N. SALEM. Walks, pavement A trees. Inq. 1347 Fir. A SNAP MUST BE SOLD 5 ROOM HOUSE, basement, fur nace, fireplace, acre; cost $3600. Offered for $2500. Make your offer for terms. O K REALTY. 21$ COURT ATTENTION ! BUS. LOCATION 40 FT. x 100 FT. lot, adjoins an es tablished bus. 4 rm. house, good cond. This would be an excel, property to const, a store-front. Mr. Investor, don't pass this one by. Price $3300.00. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST tt CO., Realtors. CLOSE-IN WINTER ST. PROPERTY MOD. 10 RM. home, full bsmt.. hot water heat, firepl., hwd. firs., double garage, large cor. lot, excel, cond. This home is a sacrifice at $7000.00. Excel lent income possibilities. Let me show you this property. Call Coburn Grab enhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors. 00000000000000000000000000000 LET US show you this nice 5 room mod. home, located 795 N. 17th. Close to schools and bus. Must be seen to be appreciated. $3200. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. NICE home, hdwd fl.. fireplace, fur nace. Sell or trade equity reas. $209 cash will handle. 984 co Statesman. BEAUTIFUL PLACE 5 R. house, big walnut A apple trees. On Keizer Rd. Full price $2350, $350 down. F. IL WEIR, Realtor, $12 Oreg. Bldg. FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land in Idaho. Ir rigation available. Ph. 4034, owner. STRICTLY MOD. New 5 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A Schools. Fine location. Easy terms. Owner. 5506. Kxchanee Real Estate SM. FARM of 20 A. to trade for 40 to 100 A. Will pay dlff. or assume up to $4500. F. H. WEIR, Realtors, 212 Oreg. Bldg. 6 rms. close in for smaller. Ph. 6222. TRADE 1 acre A S acres each to trade for nice home in town. 6 room comfortable home on N. 4th to trade for small acreaage close to bus line. 3 bedroom home to trade for 10 acres. Money to loan. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. For Sale Farms 40 A. 25 CULTIVATED. BOR DERS on Luckiamute, grows alfalfa, clover, hops, fair bldgm. Price only $2750. Take small bouse or acreage In trade. 65 A. at Pratum. good soil, none better. Creek, bldgs. Price $6750. Take small house in trade. C. H. SANDERS US S. High 6131. FOR SALE 23 A., fully Improved. Tillie Severson, St. Louis. Ore. FARMS FOR SALE 138 acres, four miles from city lim its. Seven-room house. 80 acres in cul tivation, fine black soli. Ideal location for sub-division. Family orchard, two hams, stock shed, chicken house. Price $17,250. Terms. 79 tt acres near ML Angel, all In cultivation, Willamette silt loam soil, five room modern house, electric wa ter system. Price $12,000, $4000 cash. 105 acres, nine miles from Salem. 93 acres in cultivation, six room house, barn, machine shed, chicken house, year round creek. Pries $4000, $800 cash. 10 acres six miles north of Sa lem, all in cultivation, family orchard, four acres In berries. Price $3000, $1000 cash, balance . WM. McGILCHRIST, Jr. Realtor R. D. Kmbrey Ruth DeSouza 435 State St. Phone 4838 Acreage 1 H A. NEW 5 -room plast. house, ga rage, fruit, good well1 $2500 : $200 down and worth the price. 20 A. good soil, all cultiv. and fenced, new 5-room house,' double cons., plumbing, easily have base. Elect, water system. Could be irrigated. Price $3000; $1000 dn. Some trade. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. 1 A. OF GOOD land with 6 R. house. FHeotric system. Some good trees. On highway E. of town. Full price $2250. $250 down, $15 per mo. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 212 Oreg. Bldg 000000000000000000000000000000l 20 A. small house A barn, well wa tered. 6 mil. from town. Full price $1500. $250 cash, $10 per mo. F. H. WEIR. Realtor. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Tintypes tHJt-U SlMPCV HAVCI IS hitch ur AAJO HAUL. TfV TfeAlt-eTR AROUND WTO Th' SHAOe. I can't Stand This rV)WUT2' For Sale Used Car The BESI for LESS IN Pontiac Good-Will Cars '37 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Touring Sedan.. ..$345 Radio, beater, excellent paint A tires. Spotlight, gas tank lock, chromium-plated wheel rings. Just try to match this. '37 Buick Coope......$595 A black shining beauty. 27,000 miles. Radio and heater. '36 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan $395 The best buy In town. '37 Chevrolet 4-Door Touring Sedan ..$495 Radio and heater. '38 Ford DeLuxe 2-Door Sedan $495 WE INVITE YOUB COMPARISON FOR PRICE AND CONDITION WITH LIKE MAKES A MODELS ANYWHERE MANY MORE TO PICK FROM TERMS A TRADES HERRALL-OWENS CO. 6' s PONTIAC 8"s TWO LOCATIONS 235 3. Com'L Phone 3169. Lot : Corn. Chemeketa A Church Phone 3686 T 1937 FORD COUPE-MODEL 85 DE LUXE. An excellent, low-mileage coupe with radio, heater and other ex tras. Brown finish, good rubber and clean throughout. Priced to sell at once for only $435 Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Commercial Phone 5451 Ask for Bill Harp or Johnnie Clearwater 1934 FORD Coupe. Radio, heater, rumble seat, 16" wheels. Phone 6689. SALE: '31 Chev. truck. 754 S. 21st. 1939 BUICK SPECIAL TOURING 2 DOOR SEDAN with attractive blue finish, clean upholstery. perfeJ motor and good tires. A bargain. Formerly owned by a local business man and has had the best of care. See it today. It's a honey. Priced Anor only 03D Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Commercial St Bill Harp or Phone 5451 Clearwater 36 Rtllck ft adan 1ff ....... New tires. Fine running, heater, ra dio, $450. Owner. You can't beat this. J. M. 631 N. High. Salem. 0000000000000000000000000000000 36 V8 Cne. Verv reaarmahl V.-rr-vl. lent cond. 593 Center. Acreage A. CLOSE IN on paved road, $250, $10 down, $5 per mo. A. tracts on Lansing Ave. FINE BLDG. SITES $400; $250 down, $ 1 0 per mo. Hi A. close in on bus line, 7-rm. house, bath, lights, electric water system, $2275 ; $590 down. 56 A. 15 ml. from Salem. Fenced, stumps A pasture, lays well, $16 117 A. 15 mi. from city. 90 A. stumps A pasture, good laying land. Good soil. 400 cords of wood. All year stream $18.75 per acre. 170 A. 5 ml. from Dallas, cult, 40 rich bottom, fenced with woven wire, 8 -room house, bath, $-rm bouse, hot A cold water, 2 barns, springs A creek. $59 per A. $500 - $1400 A $2000 TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 372$. Wanted Real Estate WANT FOR cash, good lot In South Salem, from owner. Box 985, States man. Business Opportunities FOR SALE. Gd. going groc business with mod. apt A other Income. $1300 equip., stock at invoice. Owner leav ing state. 980. Statesman. FOR 8ALE ILLNESS FORCES sale of going business in nearby city Ask about it. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. SMALL APT. hse. for sale. Inq. 430 N. Liberty. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BEAUTY SHOP with established business. Good location. All equipment goes. This Is your chance to get a good going business. To see this shop, call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. FOR SALE or LEASE $500 worth of equipment, long lease on building. Suitable for tea room or eating house. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 6131. For Sale Wood ATTENTION BUY wood that lasts real old fir. $5.50. Ph. 7061. WOOD. Ph. 6370 Oraen. 413 N Zll DRY WOOD, $4 50 A $5 Ph. 7421. WHY NOT phone 100F15? I do. MILL WOOD. Tel. 5341. Wood at west end of Court St. Load. $3.50. PLANER WOOD for Immediate de livery. Salem Box Co.. Ph. 9189. Business Cards la this directory ran PaneriniT. Paintins on a monthly bes's only. Rate: 91.25 per line per NEAT Work, reaa Johnson Ph.1723 month. HERBERT E WOOD. TeL 3378 Auto Brakes Plumbing Mike Panek Ml South Commercial PLUMBINa GENERAL repair wrk.. Oraber Bros.. 164 S Liberty. Ph. 6694. Bicycles Printing BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott H7 S Corn el P. 4614 FOR STATION KKT. cards, pamphlets . programs, books or any kind of piint- OlimneV Sweep Ing csll The Statesman Printing De- r partment. 916 8. Commercial. Tale TELEPHONIC 4450 R E. Northneaa Pnon 101' . Excavating Roofing EXCAVATING OR all kind Ba COMP A BUILT UP " ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Din t- waterproofing. State foraala Salem San4 A Gravat P 9406 WaluS JL&SF'tfnJ' FlorigU Schools Hrelthaiipf'a 447 Court. Phone 6904 - - COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at II mm home. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. tlOUSe MOVlng Write for catalog. Americas School. Dept. 8, Box 4600. Portland. Ore, Raising, leveling Perkins Broa 1461 i . ; Sheep shearing Mattresses 1 W. J. COCHRAN. RU 1. R II A. 4119 SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, nm transfer cleaning A weaving & 13th A Wilbur . Tel 6441 Zwickera f0R LOCA1 er distant transfer, stor age burner oiL call $131 Larmei CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phone 40 Transfer Co Troeks la Portland dally Natnropathic Physician moving. .iin a,, pk im . i CITY TRANS. Pa.. $914 Reaa rates DR. W H. ROCKWELL Naturopath- ' ' ' - te Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Wstll llalllino Tel 4303 Office Hours II a.m. to i :$ wf" "r""n p.m. FaVES KXAM A CONSULT A- - TiON. R A. WEST. rt's. bes 44s. Pa. tllFft For Sale Wood" S cda, 16-tn. old fir. $1$. Ph. 67 M. ASH. FIR. prune. 22129. Jedd Dry 2nd growth. O. Fir. Ph. 7(07. Old fir $5. Knots $5. Slab $4. Ph. 9466. Wanted Used Cars $309 CASH FOR BEST car offered. Not oyer I years, ph. 6742. 835 D St. WANT Late model light panel de livery. Route 6, Box 398, Salem. Lost and Found Party who took suitcase out of car on N. High A Center St. was known. Please return case and contents to 537 N. 20th and avoid further trouble. FOUND fountain pen. cor Center and 18th. Owner pay ad. 374 N. 18th. Pf?rsonal Why Be Sick? BRING THIS ad to my office on or before March 23d. '40. and It wiU en title you to an appointment for a free spinal x-ray. DR. ROY S. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRACTOR 406 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 6047. UINBI.TI WOKTHWHll-K sweet neart. husltanrt. wife for apu. P. O Bo 71 t.os Angelea Legal Notice No. 10204 IN T n E COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OKECJON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the matter of the Estate of W. H. Burghardt, Deceased. Notice of Hearing on Final Account Notice la hereby given that the undersigned. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of W. H. Burghardt, deceased, has filed her Final Account and Report in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Friday, the 12th day of April, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Courtroom in the County Courthouse In the City of Sa lem, in said county and state, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any ob jections to said Final Account and Report and the final settle ment of said estate. The date of the first publica tion of this notice Is the 13th day of March, 1940, and the last is the 10th day of April, 1940. EMMELINE L. LUDI BURG HARDT, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of W. H. Burghardt, deceased. PAGE AND PAGE, Attorneys for said Estate, Salem, Oregon. M. 13-20-27 Ap.3-10. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, their duly verified final account, as Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Dora L. Leighton, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 2nd day of April, 1940. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty Court House, at Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of February, 1940. CORNELLE STUTTAFORD. EDWARD M. LEIGHTON, As Executors of the last will and testament and Estate of Dora L. Leighton, Deceased.' WALTER S. LAMKIN. Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. F.28 M.6-H-20-27. NOT1CK OF SHERIFF'S SALE By Ylrtue of execution issued by Circuit Court of Oregon for Marlon County In suit: "28311 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, a corporation. Plaintiff. v. THEODORE W. HANSEN, C J. S E C O R and FLORA BLACK, Defendants." therein pending, and to me di rected, I shall, on 30 March 1940, at ten o'clock, a. m.. at west door of county courthouse at Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction, for cash, all right, title and interest possessed by said defendants, or since 6 May 1929, in the following-described real property: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18. 17 and 18. Ken nedy Acres, Marlon County, Ore gon. A. C. BCRK Sheriff of Marion County. Ore gon F 28 M. 6-13-20-27. Directory Legal Notice IN XHU COLSTX COLKT 4K THE BTATK OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. In the matter of the Estate of J oh a J. Tallman. Deceased. NOTICE TO CK EDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marion County. State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 2th day of Feb ruary. 1940, was appointed Ex ecutor of the estate of John J. Tallman, deceased, and that he has duly qualified aa such. Ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied aa required by law, at the offices of Keyea A Page In the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit: February 28. 1940. JOHN W. TALLMAN. Executor of the Estate of John J. Tallman, deceased. KEYES 4k PAGE, Attorneys for ExeciKor, 306 U. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. F.28 M.8-13-20-27. NOTICE OF HKAKINQ ON FINAL ACCOUNT No. 8147 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Administratrix of the Estate of J. B. Ruckel. deceased, has filed her Final Ac count and Report in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and that Thursday, the 21st day of March. 1940. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the county courtroom In the county courthouse in the City of Salem, in said county and state, has been appointed as the time and place for bearing objections to said Final Account and Report and the final settlement of said estate. Date of the first publication of this notice is the 21st day of February, 1940, and the last Is the 20th day of March, 1940. CHARLOTTE R. RUCKEL, Administratrix of the Estate of J. B. Ruckel, deceased. F.21-28-M. 6-13-20. Red Cross School Dates Are Posted The American Red Cross na tional aquatic school will be held June 16 to 21 at Lssaquah, Wash., according to information receired by Judge George Rossman, Mar ion county chapter chairman. In. addition to lifesavlng the program will stress first aid and accident prevention. Chapters have been requested to send first aid workers and farm and home aecident prevention chairmen to the school if possible. Registration for the ten day training camp is limited. Cost is $30. Persons taking advantage of the training camp are expected to volunteer their services to the lo cal chapter for swim campaign program work during the sum mer. Lodg es SALEM LODGE No. 4 AT A AM Monday. March 23. F. C Degree. J. P. Plland. W. M. Pacific Leaf If. 60, rC Degree. Wedaudsr. Mar. 97, 7:90 p.m. Wa. Marriott. W M. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 'A 18 21 22 44 26 27 'A 30 31 33 177 3D 36 37 HI 'A 'A 46 HORIZONTAL 1 summit 4 return a baU in a high curve 7 covers with wax 12 -money of account IS commotion 1 pertaining to plane surface 15 established value 16 motherii ness 18 lizard 20 woody plant 21 ox of China 22 to the shel tered side 2 5 French coin 26 short papal cape 2S native 80 royal residence 12 supply with carbon dioxide Slinfirm 14 ceal s5r moccasin like shoo 86 declaim V wildly 15-f-coating of . .. a wound X plucky ) 42 tittering laugh 45 long cigars 47 masculine 48 sheeplike 49 note of Guido 's scale 80 watersprite 81 reckoned 62 title of respect 83 obtain i Answer to yesterday's puxxie. 3-20 Avaae Haas of Assassin Kills British Leader rr J 1 1 4 i 7 4 4 A.y, A: r v 1 ' is- Z -..0 Kir Mk-hael 0DwycT, top. rrtlrexl British IsxlUa almialsUaXor, was slain, Secretary for India. Lord Z-tlanl, middle, and two other Britoaui protnlaeat la In dia's govoraing were wowsMled by a single aatlve ass ass la March IS at a Iondoa India rueetiag. Hbowa, below, after he was OTerpowerrd by KroO land Yard aeew and booked for merrier la the killer, Mobosaed Klngh A sad. O'Dwyer was chief of sub Indlaai provlare la 1016, wheat he ordered troops to fire into a mob of B.OOO wprteera, killlauf aad wow ad I ng Uoa sands. The aaaaaaln admitted his was a "revrmge" attacks UN photo. IO n 20 23 24 2 20 2f 32 34 SO 37 HO M2 H6 47 2 &3 VERTICAL 1 emL precious stone 2 organ atop 8 allegoric O-Tibetan monk 8 room in harem 6 vessel 'of glass 7 heeled orer Portuguese money of account 10 consnmo 11 crafty 17 before 1 wall decoration 22 fermented beverage 28 stiffening with stares 24 cereal grass 25 a tree 27 oeedle- pointed 29 ascended 80 food for babies 81 literary fragments 82 skill 84 amointa 87 rice-pasta glucose 29 eagle's nest 40 animal 41 determining' factor 42 former Russia ruler 43 seed vessel 44 bamming -bird 4 5 voting Insect 46 Mohammed an name eagle eslattoai St i