Tha OKEGOH STATESMAN. Scdtzo. Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 17. 1940 ACT TWmiI-THBg 4 Thrifty Shoppers Save by Watching FOR SALE--MSCELLA3NrEOUS Ads Daily Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Clawitflrd - Advertising Three Insertions per Una... 2Sc Six Insert ions per Una .... 40c On moots per tine $1 IS Mlnlmam coarse Z5c;. t tt mln Imam See; U mln 45c No refunds. Copy tot thla page accepted until 6:30 tho vnwtn oefeee nootw-a tlon ret cUMiri'-Mtton Copy re cetved after, this time 'Mil be run under the heodioe: "Too I -at to Classify " The guinmaii assume no ctal respuMSibllit to rrurs wlik-n my inmt m iHiMrtwni nub 1 1 shed In Its column ami In case where this rapei h rMh print thai p.rt of an advert t:efneii la whk-h I ho typographical mlatake HTurt ' The bt teaman reserves tho rlgh' to relort Que nlwnwM It furthe reserves tho right to place all advertising under the oropet rlaiwtffc-atkm A "Blind" Ad an ad cootalntc t Statesman bos numii Jot an al dreaa is lot tho protection ot thr advertise! eud must therefore he aniwried By teller Tlw Statesman is not at attoerty to divulge Inform tlon aa to tho identity or an adver riser ualna a "Wind" ad Livestock FARMERS unuTisoUKHT RENDERING WOKKS PICKS UK KRKB Ol CHARUB DEAD AND WOKTHLh HOUSES AND COWS ANYVVHKKH IN THE WIUU KTT E VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US C H.LECT .'A" a. A l'"?? SIX LAYING W. L. pullets and one cockerel, Hollywood strain. Ph. 71 8. HORSES - MARES - MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle, chunky, well broke horses and mule on hand at all times. Lots of mated team. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT given. No carrying charge. ALL. STOCK PRICED TO SELL. Guaran teed as represented. Free delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch. Harry Kuehne, Carl ton, Ore. C ml. E. of Carlton. 7 ml. W . of Newberg is West Cbehalem alley. Help Wanteit $30 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. Wo buy fresh, 85c. dry $1 35 lb FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 1927 Third. Seattle. Wash. MR. OPPORTUNITY KNOX!! IF YOU are an entertainer of any sort, amateur or otherwise, see Cleave Ztartlett at Shattuc' sandwich shop. 154 a High. Salem, to arrange for au dition. -rata AT C"UT X 'I' It' ut.amilll ce.Da.bIe of meeting the public. If you can qua lify, write Box 679. Statesman. -Dm AflTQ arnnnd. rrow. Ing mushrooms ii cellar, shea, wa furnish materials, buy crops. Free book shows bow. Write. Western Mushroom Co., Portland. Oregon. Help Wanted Male MEN TO clear prune orchard for wood, xrees puiiea r. MEN Manufacture Sell your pro ducts. Money making formulas 2c each In lots. Free list. Box 731. Los Ajgelea. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Re liable man wanted to call on farmers in Marlon County. No experience or capital required. Write McNESS CO, 2423 Magnolia St, Oakland, Calif. Help Wanted Female WANTED: EXPER. maid for cook ing A gen. hsework. no washing. Ref erences required. "ri7,innrxr,iar,r,ril- W ANTED EXPER. dental assist ant : must have gd. refer. be good x-ray technician. Apply Dr. Harry Semler, saiem iMTcr- WOW A M for motherless home B. 135. Hwy. Ave. G. Robertson. WOMAN TO work in nursing home. Must stay nignta. zjiw . rounn. i r V 1 ..ritv a4m Ymir Aim dresses FREE. Show new Spring Fash ion Frocks. No canvassing. No Invest ment. Send age and dress size. FASH ION FROCKS, Dept. V-2329. CINCIN NATI. O. v&nv ffwui tnsknv Okill I nir silk ho eierv. Write for details. Ronald Ho siery, 1241 Broadway, New York- WOMAN, mature, for permanent profitable work with future. Full or part time. Write name, address and phone No. to Box 97S, Statesman. HAVE profitable postlon open for an ambitious neat appearing woman. Answer Room 107, Argo HoteL Salesman Wanted SALARY AND EXPENSES PERMANENT POSITION paying salary & exp., based on sm. sales quo ta, open for producer qualified to call upon lge. buyers of stand, maint. equip. Product of nationally known firm used by Indus, plants, institutions, municlp.. school boards. Insurance oo.. real es tate operator and large prop, owners. Protect, ter. Old acts, given. Rap. adv. assured right man. Bx. 982. St a teaman. Situations Wanted DRESSM A K. Mr AdaltL Ph. 4246 YOUNG LADY, comptometer oper ator, typist, bookkeeper and general office wore lei. nso. MALE COOK wishes steady Job gd. references. 75. Statesman. EXPER. GIRL wants housework or cafe. 3590 E. Turner RA. RELIABLE MAN wants spading, few wort or janitor work. Ph- ?668 IE. YOU need t ptrtier or exper ienced merchandiser, call 9SS8. M. M. Oaiser. 482 H. 3th WANTED. HOUSEWORK by young woman. References. I860 Ertxson. For Sale Minrellaneous I -O WEST PRICES, best values in the country. New! Cash terms or trade. Naatt Furniture Co. ACORN Elec. stove 3 bonier and oven, f J. 20S Belle vu a. Kesterson. LIGHT X WHL, trailer.. Bx. US. Highway Atcv Glenn Robert sob. Srr &on jtaltsraan AVERTISINQ Western Adiertlslns Representatives George L. Cloaa, Inc. San Vranetaost, imm Anne tea, Seattle Eactsra Aivmxtstnz epre8estaXlwes Bryant. rtmrb St Pi wusom. h ChfasNf stew TM-k Datrott Bt0wfa- A t lswrTsi Bntvf m thm Oregon lithad Bairwese -erf, Street SUBSCRIPTION RATX3X - Malt SubeeripUesi rtsteei ta snraesi WftoJU Oracos): Daily asd oda ZTr oawTs atom LM i M -VtUi t Tr Cae where SS a es V" staw ee tew tor i RVciire CterTier: eeats eeek gT.ig a rear as Ivlonev to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WKII h. or phone ttlMl to tkatem a otdat tatgee Dome owned and nome managed ftnaaeo Inatliuilon Teui financial affaus will be dtacussed and loans made in atrtcteot prlvary Voa will be given every consideration la the ra vaytng ef your toaa or granting ol esiensiona 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can pay In full any time to reduce toe cest. Only Borrower Sijjns No endorsers Loans made oa furniture, ear er note. SEE ROT H SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie No M lis GtNtKAL FINANCE CORPORA HON I3C So Commercial 8t Uc No 8 IIS Flrei door south of Ladd S Bush Bantt Pbone Convenient srowno Auto Loans Willamette Cretlit Co. 1h HjimiH KIIAKDIAN BUII.IMNti LICENSE NOM I5 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re dura pavmente Monev foi new or used cars No dehv er red tape You will re tain possession of the vehicle. I TO S MPNTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS lit South Commercial Street Phone IH 1'Cri-n?l-ji'ii8 FHA I.OAN5 Vs,. also pnv loans Abrame Ellis Ine Manonic Bldg t i-,n -fd WANTKD PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pav T interest. W. H GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS . a . u iv , vTim An f u rm and cltv property Before borrowing Inquire st Hawkins Roberts rr r. o . r ty ilun mmmA first f S rill mortgages and bonds. See B. C. ZieMn ski. wUh HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. Phone 410 or ims FOR SAIJ-; $1300 and $3500 first mtg. : fi int. Pay semi-annually ; Bood security. rich REIMANN 167 S. High Phone 8632 t in'il WE HAVE $2000 to loan on im proved real estate. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregr. Bldg. Phone 8121. BEN J. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. O. Delano. 290 K. Church. $2000 ON IMPROVED real estate. P. H. BELL. 429 Oreeon Bldg. WANT TO borrow $1500 from pri vate party on i A. well improved, close In E. of town. Will pay $50 per mo. MJ, Statesman. For Sale IMi',neoiia ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE low price on new & used furniture, large stock. 3 floors. 2 wa re houses. NASH FURNITURE CO. LARGE DUO THERM oil circulator, heat 4 R. Used C mo Canned fruit. Bed. dav. 1815 N. Fifth. WRECKING 2 LARGE apt. hses.. 33 N. High. Windows, doors, plumb ing, furnace, siding, fir., etc. THE APRON Shop. S79 N High ALFALFA HAT. Ph. B0F4. ajker. DUSTERS. BALL bearing. Built to order. All sixes. Reasonable. R. F. Schuett. Machine Shop. R. 4. Box 470 A, Phone 9783. DRESSED hog. 1 0c lb. 280 Center. MEAT CASE. C ft. triple glass with motor, reasonable. E. J. Hanson, ml. north underpass. CASH RKOI3TER. Adding machine Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. AH makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange IM! Coart. SALE WAUNUT sheila c a sack orlne aacka Klorfein Parking Co. 380 High Bikes Rep hamader,. 143 S Lib NEW $59.60 BEAUTIFUL waterfall bedroom set. $33. A very special offer. See them this offer is limited. Na tionally advertised bed davenos, $16.95 up. Very lare selection. NASH FURNITURE CO Home of Lange Ranges lew prices. VVanfl - Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash walnuts fll uerta Also meats M. Klorfein Pnck ing Co 20 S High Phone 7833 Wanted Furniture -WE PAY SPOT CASH." F. N. a- GLENN WOODRT Ph. 8110 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 7445 11irll;ineoii Dental PlateTlepair r WO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Wring or Mall Your Pletee for Repati DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Ailsky Bldg. 3d Morrison. BR S4S7 PRAtrrU-K PIANOS $3 H L. Wtlff G. C PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved to 485 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION atooaae. Special weekly and monthly rata to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shea. Oetlctoo meal at low prices UirTKL SAiJOA. tow monthly rate LARGE. CLEAN, airy front bed room. New furniture. Close to town. Washing facilities, $15 month. 891 Union. Pb. 78v ROOM. P1UV. bath. For gentleman. Close In. Phone 71. BASEMENT SITTING-BEDROOM. Close to postoflice, reasonable. Tele phone TT76. ttoom and Board SEE MA Bowen. 60S N Uberty. a way FROM home, want good ham cooking, call at (50 Marlon. x . BRDt. RM . men, Stelnke's. P. SZ -Lf-1J-IJ-u-Lru-l -rxruw"wi' " " " ' REASONABLE Rm. Brd. 1 blk. from City Hall. 655 Center. for Kent Apartments S EM. FURN. apt. close In, adults only. 404 N. Church. AND 3 TtM. Turn. apU 12.5 and BUS.&t. 1S3S UDW r n"ii-i.ii - - . . eniwi or cu O. Tom'L P 8753 ZOOM, "BOARD. $1 Bellevue St. mm. ksw. w bt. 42 a iQ. TUEB. - YEttV -nxB, apt. Prlv. eat. -te. siNi. H4 I. Kign. - T S J 3BL. S30, 2S95 HaxaL S Staf. TOiptaoto. beat ; aas lyT, SSQTO. S. 14th. wi i tu imv4 trn wftrnsa and- lrttelk aaette, Met, JJSs wmw. soo fit, BRD. RM. gar. 1040 N. 17th. LARGE FRONT room. Ph. Money to Loan floor locatloa .ir Kent Apartments NICE 2 ROOM furn. apt. close In $15. 891 N CommerclaL HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap ItOt Homelike and commodioua Furn. apts. 469 N. Front. Ph. 8208. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. 3 ROOM FURNISHED, heat, lights, water, $21.00. O. K. REALTY 219 Court MOD. furn.. hdwd. firs., auto. beat, hot water, close in. Ph. 3367. Furn. 2 A 3 rm apts. 590 Union. Unfurn. apts. Adults. Inq. 1265 N. 4. 2 RM. apt. 4 43 S. Winter. HSEKPG. RM.. basement. 432 Mar- Ion. 1 FRONT APT., furn. 645 Ferry. 2 R.. priv. bath. 250 S. Cottage. 4 RM. FURN.. Its., wat, gar. 3 rma.. pri. bath. 336 S. 21st. 4354. APTS.. FURN'., unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1310 & 13th. P. "089. 2 RM. FURN. apt., adults, lights A water. $10. 398 N. 21st. 2 R. & 3 R.. furn.. unfurn., close, quiet. Ph. 5825 after school. MOD. FURN . 1st floor. Employed adults. 335 Division. Ph. 5220. ATTRACTIVE APTS. 1411 Court. PATTON APTS., furnished. 323 State. Ph. 4244, Apt. 3. 5 ROOM MOD. furn., anto. heat, hot water, close in Phone 3367. - APARTMENTS. $32.60 to $37.60 Royal Court Apts. Phone 3953 SEE THE Fisher Apts before you decide. Largs A Airy. Rock wool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Hilnds throughout S Com'l A Oak Sts 3 RMS. FURN. Lights, water, heat, $20. 1440 Waller. 3 UNFURN. RMS. with bath up stairs 161 S. 14th. 2 RM.. elec. ref rig., washer. 6288 STRATTON Apts.. 2 A 3 rm. P. 3842. 3 R. FURN. BATH, steam heat, ga rage 2005 N. Capitol. 1 RM. FURN. Lts.. water A Maytag. $10. 1620 Ferry 3 Rms. Mod. Close In. Ph. 8884. BEAUTIFULLY furn.i 3 rm. corner Apt. 310 Leslie. Apt. No. 1. MOD. 3 R., gar.. Its., w., $20. 7113. For Rent Hou FURNISHED AND unfurn house a H. P GRANT. 829 ,Cou.r. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 18th. SMALL FURN. house. 4838 or 6312. LARGE HSE.. 1775 Fir. Ph. 8208. FURN. AND unfurn. hous R. A FOKKNER. 1853 N Capitol WE HA V H. THE PROSPKC1 IF YOU want to sell, exchange, ease. rent, see Mr Ijirsen or Mr Col Una with Hawkins A Roberts FURNISHED A houses. MELVIN Court Ph. 3723. UNFURNISHED JOHNSON. 726 5 RM. UNFURN., 2585 Portland Road. MOD. R. SUBURBAN home. City water. 2 mi. south from Ladd A Bush bank. Ph. 22361. NEW 5 R. mod., hardwood floors. 4 miles east.' Ph. 22F16. 4 R. A NOOK. Furnace, fireplace, elec. range, grood location, $27.50. 5 rooms, furnace, $25.00. Q K REALTY 219 Court UNFURN. OR furn. bung.. Oak Vil la Court. Adults. Inquire 995 MilL CLOSE-IN .1 RM. furn. apt.. 1st fir., adults. Gar. 1047 S. Commercial. 1 RM. FURN. house. Park St.. close In. Large garden spot, fruit, chicken pen, free water, beautifully landscaped. $25 mo. Inq. 1906 Center. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. R, A. FORKNER, 1853 fCapitol 5 RM. FURN. hse., close In. Inq. 710 N. High. NEW 5 R., $20. Furn. if desired. 3 R.. W. Salem. $7. Ph. 7113. NEARLY NRW 6 R. mod. house. $32.50. 1138 Jefferson. Ph. 6784. CABIN. $7.50 MO. Ph. 8731. Furn. 4 R. hse., $20. 959 Edgewater. The Timid Soul MR. MILQUCTOAST IS CeTffTAIr HE HAS ACCIDENTALLY " SWkLLOWeO TWtisryoNg chops Money to Loan LOANS - - $25 to $300 . . For Easter Shopping , . To Pay Old Bills It's ts simple as A-B-C. Just do this. A Com in or pho'ie and tell us bow much you need. B Sign and get the cash. C Take up to 20 months to repay In small Instalment which you select to fit your purse. t 60 repays at 9 .$ per mo. for 20 mo. 3100 repay st $ 8.72 per mo. for 20 mo. $200 repays at $13.44 per mo. for 20 mos. Come in. Ask for Mr. Miller. - PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor New Bligh Bldg. Phone 8191 Corner Stale and High Opposite Court House M-165 - State License - S-122 WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment, house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If you receive You pay monthly $ 40.00 $ 4-02 , 100.00 -7 150.00 J0?! 200.00 13.44 300.00 20.16 The above pavments include Interest. AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00. You will like our friendly service. small monthly pavments, and low cost. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY " 202. 2nd fl. 1st. Nat L Bk. Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-228 A M-278 State Licenses For Rent OFFICE KtxMS, .I I State Btieet inouire room 200 Tel 3713 LEASE 20 A. FARM, highway near Monmouth. Privilege to buy Box 97, Statesman. For Rent Farms 10 ACRES, RM. hse.. bath, elec. $15 00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street For Sale Real Estate TODAY'S SPECIAL YOU ARE offered this 5 rm. home Just off State St. near highway and forestry bldg. at a sacrifice. Never been occupied since a complete refin ishing Inside and out. Basement, gar., new roof, etc. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Only $2300. Call R. A. Johnson with, W. II. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 S- Liberty St. Ph. 6468-4434. 1 T7T T-O TTTIT.T vrviTTJ HOME i . J . -L . uuuk. WE WILL furnish material and build you your own home with a very small down payment, bal. like rent. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Phone 8632. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE VARIETY OF trees, creek across back of property. 6 acres of ground, a close-in location. You should see this property before you buy. Price $1250.00. Call Cobum Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. ReaUors. . ----- MUST SELL 4 bdrm. hse.. bar kitchen, furnace, lge. lot. $650 for $1200 equity. Total $1950. 1545 Trade. ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. sell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LINDGREN. 176 S. High-- MOD. 6 RM. suburban home. 3 acres or more. Owner. Bargain. Call Pacific Heating. 246 State SU Ph. 7513, even taga. 2 2 4 73. . w.r r . FOUR ROOM modern house and ga rage, over H acre, $1650 ; would trade for small acreage. 20 SALEM HEIGHTS AVENUE FOR SALE OR TRADE SUBSTANTIAL 6 RM. home A ex tra large lot in good North Salem res idential dlst. Easy terms or will trade for acreage. See Mr. Hardy or Mr. Collins, with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. nn,nnrr WILL TAKE lot as down payment on new 2 bedrm home with gar. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater Phone 5622. STORE BLDG. 21x60 ft.. Hollywood dist . Pac. hwy. 978, Statesman. 6 rm. mod. furn. house, for 7 mo., avail, about Apr. 1. Close in. Ph. 3471. 5 RM. furn.. newly decorated. Gar den, $25. 960 N. 18th. Ph. 9440. 3 Rm. newly plastered, part. furn. Water pd. Ph. 7312. NEW 3-rm. nicely furn. house. Gar age and utility rm. Vs acre, $25. 1331 6th. West Salem. 4 room furn. Inq. 1170 N. 16th. 4 rms near senior high $33. Ph. B222 NEAR STATE BLDGS. $2750 BUTS THIS 7 rm. home on cor. lot on Court St. Plumbing up and dnstrs., remodel readily for upstrs. apt. Furnace, base ment, gar. MR. THRIFTY HOME BUYER. YOU SHOULD BE INTERESTED. $2950 buys this 5 rm. home only t blks. to office bldg. Fireplace, furnace, gar., east front. $450 down. Call R. A. Johnson with, "W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 8468 or 4434 Money to Loan For Sal; Keal Fstate HOME SACRIFICED $4750 BUYS THIS striking 7 rm. coL home near schls. Never been oc cupied since a complete refin lsliing inside and out. Lot 72x100, sev. nut trees, Ven. blinds, doub. gar., doub. plumb ing. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Terms. $1750 buys tUls 6 rm. home on attract ive cor. lot on Falrmount H11L Doub. plumbing, doub. gar., fire place, automatic heat, view of Cascades. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. 13 4 S. Liberty St. Ph. 44 68-4434 YOUR HOME, close In. Vs acre fruit, neat lise., needs repair. Only $1100. You make the terms. A Rare Buy ! BUDROW-KASMIK. REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Phone 5965. FOR SALE NEW 5-R. HOME & i A., close In. $1600.00. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY. 1 TO 5 5 rm. mod. oil heat floored attic look it over at 539 N. 23d St. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ONE TO 6 p. m , Sunday, this beau tiful suburban home. Terms better than FHA. First house on Duncan Ave. north of Silverton Road. Capl tola. ABRAMS A ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 8156 NEW HSE.. $2275, $30 dn. Ph.7113. BEAUTIFUL PLACE 5 R. house, big walnut A apple trees. On Kelxer Rd. Full price $2 350, $350 down. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 212 Oreg. Bldg. NICE LOT about 2 blks. from high school, paved, $350, and assume pav- '"lot N.. paving paid, $17$. 4 R. plast., bath, 2 lots, paving, walks, fruit, W. Salem, $1800, $260 down. Jackson-Dumbeck. 341 State St. MODERN WALKING DISTANCE ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. home with fur niture. $3900. INSPECT AT ONCE. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR C29 Court Ph. 6744-8330. CREEK PROPERTY $2900 BUYS THIS 4 rm. home near new high schl. in good res. dist. with broad frontage on creek. Fireplace, furnace, basement, gar., etc. YOU'LL LIKE IT. $1000 buys this modern 5 rm. home on attractive creek lot with well landscaped yard. Hardwood. fireplace, furnace, gar. A NEAT HOME. $6500 buys this 8 rm. home close-In with attractive grounds, well landscaped and broad frontage on creek. All in good condi tion, new carpeting, new oil heating plant, near new high schl. A COMPLETE HOME IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING. Call R. A. Johnson 'with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468 Or 4436 $150 DN., BAL in monthly pay ments Including taxes, insurance A interest buys a new 2 bedroom home with Earage. Good location, WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater St. . Phone 5622 TO CLOSE estate. Will accept bids around $3000.00 for this 6 rm. home with large lot close in. Only 6 yrs. old. Cost around $4700.00 to build 981, To Statesman. FOR SALE WHY PAY rent? New 2 bedrm. country home, Vi A., water, lights. East at city limits, $1900, $50.00 dn., $17.50 per month. Modern 8 rm. house, basement, fur nace, fireplace. $26U0 ; small dn. pay ment ; bal. $-'.". 00 per month. 4 bedrm. house. 2 le. lots 120x129. East front. N. 21st St. Only $2500. Eay terms. New 2 btdrm. house, llv. rm.. util ity rm.. nook, kitchen, garage, $2900 easy terms. IirK house and lot located near liisii school, $1800, easy terms to right party. 17V4 A., brand new 4 rm. hse., elec tricity, 1 A. beaver dam. about 3 A. in cult.; some timler; pasture. Loca ted east of Brooks, $20u0, $100 down, $15 per month. 3 rm. house and bath located at Newport, room for 3 more cabins ; good location and value. Only $1700. $150.00 dn., $15.00 per month. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Phone 8632. FOR SALE 2 nice lots near State St. Also 80 A. good land In Idaho. Ir rigation available. Ph. 4034, owner. 2 A. CLOSE IN. $15 dn.. $8.50 per mo. Small acreage. Myrton Moore, 331 V4 State St. BARGAIN t BEDRM. PLASTERED cottage: llv. rm.. kitchen, bath, lge. creek lot ; trees; only $1200, $800 cash, bal. $9.00 per month. RICH L. REIMANN 147 S. High Phone 8632. LOTS for sale. Inq. 410 Hoyt. FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125 to $800 See any real estate man or call 8633 187 S. High Street STRICTLY MOD. New 5 Rm. hse. with gar. Near bus line A schools. Fin location. Easy terms. Owner, 6606 $400 CASH AND CAR WILL PURCHASE a 4 R. Engie wood home. BaL loan, $1300. $14.24 mo. IncL tax A Ins. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 529 Court St. Ph. 4744-8314. -vinn.n.ri.n nnnnrnirr -i-, - - - "-- - ctpork m.rvi si0 ft . TInllvwood llst. rac nwy. lei. saf NIFTY AND NICE RMS- NEWLY built. NORTH. Sell $2500. $100 down, $25 mo. SOUTH SUMMER STREET rma, modern, built some time ago, very comfortable, walking dist., $1800, $200 down, $25 mo. SOUTH 12th ST. CORNER T rms, modern, $2600, $200 down. $25 mo. H. Pr GRANT, REALTOR 62-Court St. 4744-4371. Tj-ijrij-xruuii rii-"r" - eaia LEAVING SALEM! LET US show you this nice 6 -room mod. home located at 795 N. 17th. Close to schools. Make offer. C H. SANDERS 118 & High -$13L ATTENTION. 310 BELLEVUE ST. MOD. 7 RM. plast home, full bsmL. steam heat, flrepL, laund. trays, ga rage, beautiful cor. lot. This property is really priced to seU at $4500.00. Let me show you this property. Call George Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO, Realtors. 6 ROOM MODERN house, automatic beat, fireplace. Near McKlnley achooL Corner lot. large room suitable for beauty parlor. $3000. S room bouse, bath, city water, cb cutator- heeteTv creek, acr. ground. $24. Easy terms. . Large well constructed borne, t bed room, dtoms room, nook. bdw. floor, furnace, fireplace, jarare. Wabvets. cor. Int. atoat aertflco. 8X0. Term a. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 77 Court Street For Sale Used Cars NOTICE! Please don't bother to read this ad if you wouldn't like a Nearly New Used Car. OUR USED CAR STOCK IS SELECTED. EACH AND EVERY CAR IS OITT 8TANDLNG IF WE HAVEN'T GOT WHAT YOU WANT IN STOCK, WE GET IT FOR TOU. CHRYSLERS 1938 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN...... ..$745 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN $645 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN .$625 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN $595 1936 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN $495 1934 CHRYSLER AIRFLOW $465 1928 CHRYSLER SEDAN $125 PLYMOUTHS 1939 PLYMOUTH DeLTIXE SEDAN $745 1939 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE COUPE $615 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE COUPE $565 1938 PLYMOUTH ROAD KING COUPE $545 1937 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN $545 1937 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE COUPE $495 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN $365 DeSOTOS 1937 DeSOTO 4-D00R TOURING SEDAN ... $595 1937 DeSOTO 4-D00R TOURING SEDAN....$545 1930 DeSOTO 4-D00R SEDAN $135 MISCELLANEOUS MAKES 1938 DODGE 4-D00R DeLUXE SEDAN $695 1925 DODGE PICKUP $ 25 1925 DODGE TOURING CAR $ 25 1937 GRAHAM SEDAN $545 1936 PONTIAC COUPE $425 1935 PACKARD COUPE $395 1937 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN $625 1928 BUICK PICKUP $ 35 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER DeLUXE SED...$645 1936 CHEVROLET PANEL DELIVERY $350 1930 CHEVROLET COACH $ 65 1933 FORD COACH $245 1930 FORD SEDAN $ 95 1931 FORD DeLUXE COUPE $165 1929 FORD COACH $ 65 1928 STUDEBAKER $ 35 SEE THESE NOW Salem Auto Co. USED CAR SUPER MARKET Chrysler - 435 N. COMMERCIAL ST. OPEN MUST SELL 20 DODGES Within NEXT 10 DAYS HOW WILL WE DO IT? - - - 1st We will give MUCH MORE for your old car. 2nd If car is late model, can advance cash for personal needs and still give down payment. 3rd Arrange amount of payments and date of payments to fit your budget. Hubbard Motor Co. Dodge & Plymouth Distributor HIGH A CHEMEKETA OPEN E 1934 FORD Coupe. Radio, heater, rumble seat. 14" wheela Phone 4689. Exchange Real Estate GOOD HOME near Corrallls to ex change for Salem property. Emma Oel liuy? 441 N. Fourth St, Corvallia. Oregon. Phone 169-J. ... . . v i.m M..II kjim. An mtfwl. era 7 room home arranged fer two families, double plumbing. 2 -car ga rage ; 18 by 20 living room, other 'aof'E.8RAE, . REALTOR. 1266 Stat FOR TRADE Fir beach cottages for Salem borne. Box 344, Newport. ore goo. ..rnuiunf. an irru 4K A. la A . A-. wa. crop, a good rm. house, elec, water system, bath, fireplace, rood family orchard, small lake for Irrlgstlon, stocked A equipped. To trad for acre age any place N. ot Salem, aa far aa Portland. . 3 ACRES with a good 5 rm. bouse, barn, chicken house, 3 miles from 8a lVm. Price $2000. clear. Will trade for house in Salem about equal value. 2VS ACRES about 4 mi. E. of Sa lem. Ha a 4 rm. house, elec. Price $1500. Will exchange for acreage near hI0aRESMSnftne Howell Prairie land all in crop. Has a concrete foun dation ready for a house, garage, chicken bouse, fruit house, and shop, about V4 acre of family orchard, wa ter system, elec light a This place can be bought at a sacrifice. 110 H North Commercial Street NEW I R, $14 dn, $20 mo. New mod. S R, $2200. Take I or t lota BaL easy. 1 A. close R. hse. Take cheap, clear, car for eq. BaL easy. 173 a Liberty Phone H13. I UT-r.-JTJ LI-lTl 124 A, 100 A. IN colt, Good bldgs, creek, paved rd. Close to schooL Very best of aolL $160 per acre. Will take smaller place ta exchange. B. A. FORKNER, IM N. Capitol Wanted Real Estate WANTED SMALL. im. -irk mod. house t oeoea view aa dowa payment. 311 M.-IaerteUaa St, New burg. Oreejoa. For Sale Used Cars Plymouth EVENINGS 8ALEM. OREGON PHONE 411$ SALEM VENINGS '33 CHEV, 4-WHL Master Sedan. Trunk A htr.. $126. 078. Statesman. 14 FORD 2-DR, radio, heater. Best price in Salem. 1110 E. RuraL Business Cards la this directory oa a. asoathly baaf mly. Ratat 91.25 per llae per month. Auto Brakes Mike Paneh f 74 Smith Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NKW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 141 8 Com'd P 4114 llhimncy Swtrejp fKI.KPHONK 4460 R E North nes Kxeavatins EXCAVATING OP all klnda Baae menta dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Salem San I A Gravel. P 148 Florists HrelilMiipl a 447 Cmirt Phooe 6904 House Moring Ralalnx. levelkig Perkins Bros. 1441 Mattresses SALEM fTLUFr Rue Mattresa Co. New mattresa old remade, rea cleaning A weaving, a 131 A Wilbur Tel 4441 Zwtckera - CAPITOI REDDING CO Pbooe 4040 Natnropalhie Phvsician DR. W H. ROCKWELL, Maturoatk le rhyalciaa. 1790 ralrgrouada R4 Tel 4I8. Offlee Hoor II a.m. to :$ a., nucs exam a cxxnsulta- TIOX Exeha nee -Real Estate WANT TO T HADE Good, clean comfortable home, fireplace, 8 bed rooms, wired for elec rsnge, full ce ment basemenL Would consider good 4 room house must be In good condition. See my agent I.OC1S BECHTKL or MABEL NEEDHAM. 341 Stat St, upetslrs. Room 4. $ rms. rloae In for smaller. Ph. 6222. TRADE ROOM HOME on N. Fourth, to trad for small acreage, cloe to bus line. 3 bedroom horn to trad for 14 acres. I acre and 3 acre to trade for c6m fortable lxme In town. MONET TO I1AN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 4 29 Oreg. Bldg. Pbone 8121. SALE OR TRADE 13 A. NEARLY A! J. set to walnuts A prunia. full (waring, price $2Z6, no Incumbrance. Trade for house in Sa lem; what have you? Owner non-renl. dent. H IX)L'IH BECHTKL or MA BEL NEEDHAM, 341 State. Room 4. 40 A. 26 C'ULTIV. Borders on Lucklamute, grows alfalfa, clover, hops, fair bldgs. Prl- only $.'.'. Take small house or acreage In Irade. 66 A. at Pratum. good soil, none let ter, creek, bldga. Price $6750. Take mall hiMise In trade. C. II. SANDERS 118 S. I llxl. JUL , B 110 1 A I j ONE OF the best 30 A. farms In vnl ley with S good Income, highly Im proved, good soil and building pt li e $7250, some terms, would be a good buy at $850. Three bedroom houno, bath, elec lights nnil water avstt-m. large bum. hog A hea houses, t kikhI rows, brood sow; crop In, goes with place ; large family orchard A nut trees loi'iited east. 3 miles rltr limits. See I.OUIR HKCIITKL or MA1JKL NEEDHAM, Room 4. Acrea'e LET VOCR acreage tract keep you. 3 A. modern house, elec. and u ter. $luu (In. 't er mo. $1000 total price. Mrrton Moore. 311V State hi. ONE ACRE 4 rm. plastered hn-e, water system. Owner !50 Mahrt, Pen 4 Corners. li A. NEW 6-ROOM plant, house, g:tmg, fruit, good well. $21100 ; $: down and worth the price. 20 A. Good soil, all cultlv. ami fenced. New S -room house, double cons., plumbing, easily have baas. Ele t. water system. Could be Irrigated. Price $1000; $IU0 dn. Sunt trade. C. H. SANDERS 118 8. High 6131. 1 A. OF iH)l) land with R. hotiKe. Electric system. Some good treea. On highway K. of town. Full price $22(0, $250 down, $15 per mo. F. H. WEIR. Realtor, 21 1 Oreg. Bldg. S ii Durban WHY PAY rent? Let m show you nn acreage tract with house, alec, wit ter and the heat of garden Boll. Cloaa In. $10 per month, dn. payment will le nrranged. Myrton Moore, 311 H Ntute Street. Business Opimrtnniti es BEST POSSIBLE site for atrtnrnmp nr. Halem. Natural setting. Has good house. $4000. R. A. FORKNER. 115$ N. Capitol GOOD 1NCOMR BARGAIN YOU ARE offered this modem apt with established Income of $276 mS a mo. Richly fumtahed. at an. make, elec. equipment In kitchen, walking dist.. waiting Hat. low operating coats, auto. heat, all in good condition. For more Information call R. A. Jotinsna W. H. G ItARKN HORSTSb CO. 134 S. Uberty St. Ph. 4tt or 4434. FOR SALE. Od. going groc. buslnea with mod. apt A other income. $! equip., stock at Invoice. Owner leav ing state. $. Statesman. For Sale Wood .'.W.-'? -Ph"T0 u,Mn- 412 N list. DRY WOOD. $4 I A $5. Ph. 7421. ..y1... NOT- Pnon 100F16T I do. MILL WOOD. Tel. 6341. Wood at west end of Court ML Load. $8.60. $ cda. 16-la. old nr. $16. Ph. 4704. 1 l l i SMUlULIJULri J- PLANER WOOD for linme.ll-ite de livery. Halem Rm Co., Ih. !. .ASf?'- riR: -p-ru'"'' 3312$. Judd Dry 2nd Kfowth. O. Fir. Th. 7;e7. Old fir $3. Knota $1, Slab $1. Ph. ;. UantfNl UmmI rs $300 CAKH FOR BEST tar offered. Not over 3 year. Ph. 676. 825 D ML iVranrtnl LONKI.TT WOIITHWKIIJ? sweet, neart. husband, wire for rou. P O Bo 71 I X Angelea lxst and Found IXST Black natent lea titer t.ur Return keya and paper, keeo money. ii i b. cottage, m. seas. Lodg 8 T SALEM LODGE No. 4 AT A AM Monday. March 3$. T. C Degree. J. P. Illand. W. M. A, Paclfl Ledca He. 6 a. A. f. A A.M. "l8tte4 Meetlag Pri, ftfsr. 16. T:$0 p at. Wm. Merrielt. W.M. Directory Parerina Paintirur NEAT Work, reaa Johnaoa Pa.3731 HERBERT E WflOQ TL $373. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair writ, Oraber Bros, 164 A. Liberty. Ph. S6I4. Print in FOR STATION ICR T rarda. namphleta. frograma book or any kind 4 prlnU ng. call The Btateomaa Prralln Do. partment. $18 S. CommorclaL Tlo Phone 0101. Roofing COMP A BUILT UP roofing repair, bamL. waterproofing. Heaver State Hoofing Co.. J W. Cope land Yards, 430 Walter Road Phone 63f. Schools COMPLETR your HIGH SCHOOL at homo. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Wrke for Catalog. America ' School, Dept. S. Boa 4600. Portland, Ore, Sheep Shearing W. J COCHRAN. Rl I. Bv 31 A' 4818. Trannfer rtM IwDCAl er diataai Imsefer at or, ge burae elL rail 8131 laranr Traaafee Co T rocks to Portland Salle. MOVING, healing It 34 he. pfc. S4 CITY TRANS Pb. 6114 Reaa, rale. Well Uridine R A- WEST. rt. ft. SOS 446. Ph. IIOFS. -4a4 adjacent