Th OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon. Friday Morning. March 15, 1940 PAGE NINETEEN Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advrrtting Three Insertions per ltn 2Se Six Insertions per line 40c One month per line $1 25 Minimum charge 26c: S tl min imum 15c; f tl mtn 46c No refunds. Copy tot this page accepted until 4 :3S the evening before xitlti-a tlon for classif lent ion Copy re ceived after this tlm will be run under the head ins "Too I .at to Classify " The Statesman nuiwi no flnan clal responsibility foi errors which mil tDprai In d -rttiterri-m imb II shed In Its column and In rase where this paper la at fault will re print that pari of an sdvertlnetnent in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It furthei reserves the right to place all advertising under the propel cianatficatkm A "Blind" Ad an ad contatnlrs s Statesman box number fot an ad dress Is fot the protection of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by tetter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind' ad. Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE. DKA I AND WORTHLKSS HORSES AN L COWS ANYWHERE IN THK WIUJkMliTTK VAI.I.KT. WE PAT TOP PRICKS phone us collect ce 1 1 salem TRADE OR sale horses, 3600 lbs. Com I. team dapple gray Scheelar. 1115 N. Auctions ADMINISTRATRIX AUCTION SALE OF THE Furniture and Furnishings from the home of Kdwin Niaeon, de c eased, of Monitor, moved to the F. N. Woodry Auction Mart at 1S10 N. Sum mer St., Salem. Will be sold at auc tion with othr consigners on Satur day, March 16. time 1:30 p. m. : con sisting of good stock trailer, 3 daven ports, 2 satin-finish brass beds. 3 wool ruga, desks, one roll top ; dressers, commodes, bookcases, chairs, tables, mattresses &- springs, good range, heater, dishes. K. utensils. Ice box. lota of rockers: fireplace set. books. Singer sewing machine, 3 other beds complete : pillows, some bedding : trunk, electric sweeper, medicine chest. This Is only a partial list, there are hundreds of other articles. This is a Iarge Sl-. Also there will be lots of importation of spreads, wall tapes tries, table covers. F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Auctioneers. We Buy for Cash or Sell on Commission, Any where. Phone 5110. Help Wanted S3 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, 35c, dry $1.35 lb. FREE BOOK. Mushrooms, 1927 Third. Seattle, wash. UD nPTJOPTTTVtTV IfXIVKS IF YOU are an entertainer of any sort, amateur or otherwise, see Cleave Bartlett at Shattuc's sandwich shop. 154 S. High, Salem, to arrange for au dition. Help Wanted Male MALE COOK wishes steady Job gd. references. 975, Statesman. KXPER. GIRL wants housework or cafe 3590 E. Turner Rd. RELIABLE MAN wants spading, lawn work or janitor work. Ph. 363. Help Wanted Female WANTED: EX PER. maid for cook ing A- gen. hsework. no washing. Ref erences required. Ph. 6617. Salesman Wanted 5 MEN FREE to travel, must have cars. "Something new: every home In terested. Promotion if you qualify. See Mr. Fuller I to J p. m., Morris hotel. 459 State. Situations Wanted ORESSMAK. lire Adettt Ph. 6168 IRON. 25c hr PL 20c. 731S. EXP. SALESMAN able to manage fc'dware, groc, or gen. mdse. Ph. 9588, TOUNO LADY, comptometer oper ator, typist, bookkeeper and general office work. lei. live. For Sale Miscellaneous NELSON BROS. SPECIAL NOT $129. 5 NOT 89.95 BUT 59.95 TOR A BRAND new 1940 13-tube Spartan radio. The latest features In clude : e Automatic tuning American A foreign broadcasts e Phonograph connection Built-in aerial e Television sound circuit Inlaid walnut cabinet e 12" sneaker K "Radio'a Richest Voice" at a sea atlonallv low nrlce. "SHOP SALEM FIRST" Terms Gladly Arranged 355-C1 Chemeketa SALE WALNUT sheila Se a bring sack. Klorfeln Parkin Co. 3 IS m High Bikes Res Kamsoen. 143 a Lie. CASH RBUISTER Adding mechlae. Typewriter. Duplicator. Ca leu later end Scale service. All snakes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. 458 Court. FERTILIZER, PH. SSC0. THK APRON Shop. 871 N High ALFALFA HAT. Ph. I0F4. Walker. DUSTERS. BALL bearing;. Built to order. All sixes. Reasonable. R. F. Bchuett Machine Shop. R. 4, Box 470 A. Phone 9783. -NEW MARION Webster dictionary, res a 754 Front St. ADVERTISING Western Advertising; Representatives n George D. Close. Ine. an Franelaro. Ixe Angeles. Seattle Eastern Ad ver Using Representative Bryant. Urifruh A Branson. lae. Chicago New York. Detroit . Boston. Atlanta ataterew mt the ' fvmtotttcm mt tmlmm Oregon as Second Class Matter. Pms Hiked mverp somnj exempt tondap f uaine ce tit South Commercial trmtU SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rstee In Advance. Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday Mo. ft cents: 1 Moa $188: Men ' : rear Elsewhere I cents Kr MOl. ot f 09 fot I vear In. advance r copy S cent Newsstands, 5 cents Br Ck 42arrtev; seats a tnoeth I.2C- a year la ae LOW COST RESULTS WITH STATESMAN WANT-ADS 12 Words, 3 Times Only 50c! 12 Words, 6 Times Only 80c! Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WHII k. or phone tSlfsl to bsimdi oldest isiges noma owned and home managed finance Institution Taut financial affstrs will be discussed and wars made In strictest privacy u will be fives every consideration la the re neging of your loan or granting el estensione 1 to 24 Months to Repay Toe can pay in full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Sipns No endorsers Loans made on furniture, cars er note. 8KB ROT H SIMMONS MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MOR Lie Ne M 161 GfcMRAL FINANCE CORPORATION 138 So Commercial St. Uc. No 8 118 First doer south of Ladd A Bush Bank Phone 9 1(8 Convenient ground floor location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. its FUMH OUARIMAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M 159 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new er used cars No delay er red tape You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO SO MCNTHS TO PAT ROY II . SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie No M- FHA LOANS 4c. stso prlv loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg. Ijoan Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay c Interest. W. a GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts FOR SALE Good sound first farm mortgages snd bonds. See B. C. Zlelin skl. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Phone 4109 or 9745. Financial BEN J. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip pionthly pay ments. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. 92000 ON IMPROVED real estate. P. H. BELL, 4 29 Oregon Bldg. For? Sale Miscellaneous 4- "NELSON BROS. SPECIAL NOT $119.95 NOT 8 99.95 BUT 89.00 R17YS A BRAND NEW 6 cu. ft Gibson refrigerator complete with a 6 TR. WARRANTY. This refrigerator Includes features found. In the most expensive omsons. e Pure. solid copper evaporator which carries heat away almost twice as fast as the next best metal. e' A completely sealed, all welded all-steel cabinet, built around Tnerni- ocraft Insulation. e The same rugged, noiseless her metically sealed Scotch yoke mechan ism that is used In a.'l Gibson refriger atora. e Genuine, safe Freon refrigerant. A "Champion" coldmaker at an "also-ran price" EH A FA terms. The. lowest available. 355-61 Chemeketa FOR SALE Day old heifer calves from high produclngdarns. Some on hand now. Riioten farm near Roberts. Ph. 22573. USED FURNITURE 4 PC. bedroom set. excellent condition: all hardwood. French grey finish, only $22.50 One occas. chair 2.00 One rocker 2.00 One floor lamp 3.00 One molialr davenport - , 6.50 One velour davenport 4.50 One dresser 10.00 One dresser A chair 7.50 One twin mattress, cotton felt 1.75 One Wilton rug. 9x15. excellent condition 10.50 2 Axmintater rugs, 9x12, good condition, es. 5.00 I wicker babv buggy, like new 4.50 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Phone 3194 155 N. Liberty Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fil berts. Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack tag Ce. 3(9 a High. Phone Tf 38. Wanted Furniture "WB PA f SPOT CASH." N. A GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 1110 Used Furniture. R, Forgey. P. 7445. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR 8ERVICK IN MOST CASES Bring or Malt Your Plates for Repalt DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST A tlsky Bids. Sd A Morrison. BR 2417 PRACTICE PIANOS II A U Stiff O. C PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved to 485 Ferry St. For Rent Rooms hot El Marion Rooms Special weekly snd monthly rates te perm, guesta Marlon Coffee Shoo, delicious mesls st low prices HOT EI SALEM, low monthly rates SLP. R-. very close. 635 Chemeketa. LARGE, CLEAN, airy front bed room. New furniture. Close to town. Washing faculties. SIS month. (91 "Union. Ph. T804. NEWLT FURN. sleep, rm. for la dies. Cooktng A laundry prlv. 535 N. Winter. Ph. 7814. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. 605 N. Liberty. A TMT A V PD-kf kxswasa ri n ft baa! A list S7 Aewaa wvu, e w home cooking, call at 650 Marlon. $22. BRD.. RM.. gar. 1040 N. 17 th. LARGE FRONT room. Ph. 8636. For Rent Apartments 5 RM. FURN. apt, ctose In, adults i only, 404 14. Cburcn. 2 AND 3 RM. furn. apt., $12.50 and $16.50. 1935 Center. 3 ROOM FURNISHED, heat lights. water. $21-00. O. K. KLA L.1' X 219 Court I R. UNFURN. apt-, 1209 Court 2 R A 2 R.. furn- nnfunu close. quiet. Ph. 5825 after school. MOD. F17RN . 1st floor. EmDloyed adulta I3S Division. Ph. 5220. ATTRACTIVE APTS 1411 Court. PATTON A PTH-. furnished. $23 State. Ph. 6244. Apt. S. 5 ROOM MOD. furn- auto. heat. hot water, close In Phone 3367. A PA RTM KNTy 131 EB ta 937.8S Royal Court Ante. Phone 8983 sasaaaaaBsaasasaseeaas'aaweejisj SCJC TUB ruber Anta before roa Isolde. Large A Airy. Rock wool ln- suiateo against neat A cold. Venetian Rilnda threuKhout 8 Oom'l A Oak 8ts FURN. APT, CM 8. ConVL P. 8718. Money to Loan For Rent Apartments FURNISHED 2 ROOMS and kitch enette, heat, lights, water, 985 Sagin aw. NICE Z ROOM fiim ant. eloaa In- $15. 8il N Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. Cap lto Homelike and commodious. Furn. apts, 469 N. Front, Ph. 8208. MOD. 3 A 4 ROOM furn. Ph. 7532. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. APTS., FURN., unfurn. Children welcome. $6 up. 1310 S. 13th. P. 70S9. DOWNSTAIRS furn. apt. lol N. 13. KLT.X. 3 RM. apt.. 444 S. High. FURN. APTS., adults, elec. washer. $9.70 mo. and ui, garage. 624 N. Cap itol. 2 RM. FURN. apt., adults, lights A water. $10. 39 8 N. 21st. 2 AND 3 RM. Prt bath. 639 Center. CLN. APT. A room. 415 N. Church. MOD. furn., hdwd. firs., auto. heat, hot water, close in. Ph. 3367. Furn. 2 A 3 rm apts. 590 Union. Unfurn. apts. Adults. Inq. 1265 N. 4. 2 RM. apt. 445 S. Winter. HSEKPG. RM.. basement, 432 Mar ion. 1 FRONT APT., furn. 645 Ferry. 2 R.. prlv. bath, 250 S. Cottage. 4 RM. FURN., its., wat.. gar. $ rms., prL bath. 396 S. 21st. 4354. For Rent Houses FURNISHED AND unfurn. bouses H. P GRANT. 529 Court. Phone 6744. FURN. BUNG, Oak Villa Court. Adulta No dogs. Inquire 995 MilL NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. SMALL FURN house. 4S38 or 6312. 7 RM. NR. Sr. high. $33. Ph. 5222. WE HAVE several houses for rent. Alio 10 A. with 7 room house A barn, close in. 2 A. with 6 room house A haro for $12.50 per mo. See Mr. Lar sen. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. LARGE USE., 1775 Fir. Ph. 8208. FURN. AND unfurn. houses R A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol WE HAVK THE PRttPKCT IF YOU want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr I ji rsen or Mr Col tins with Hawkins A Roberts FURNISHED A houses MELV1N Court Ph.- 3723. UNFURNISHED JOHNSON. 725 MOD. 5 R. SUBURBAN home. City water. 2 mi. south from Ladd A Bush bank. Ph. 22361. 5 RM. UNFURN, Road. 2585 Portland 5 R., GAR., $16. 1548 Mill. Sec F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED 4 room home, automatic heat. On Falrmount Hill. $32.50. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. NK7E BDRM. country home. 827.50. Large house suitable for tea room, eating house, located 1381 State. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 51S1. 5 R. MOD. A. Free Irrlg. water. Close in. Ph. 7925. MOD. 6 R. SUBURBAN home. City water. 2 ml. south from Ladd A Bush bank. Ph. 22361. NICE 8 B. R. country home, $27.60. Large house suitable for tea room, eating house, located 1381 State. C. H SANDERS 118 S. High 5131 NEW 5 R. mod., hardwood floors, 4 miles east Ph. 22F16. 4 RM. HSE. Inq. 406 N. Cottage. 4 R. A NOOK. Furnace, fireplace, elec. range, good location, $27.50. 5 rooms, furnace, $25.00. O K REALTY 219 Court NEW 6 R.. $20. 3 R., $8. Ph. 7113. For Rent OFFICE ROOM a 31 State Street miuir room 300 Tel 3718 FOR RENT A., plenty fruit, creek, house R.. barn, hen house. See LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEEDHAM, 841 State, Room 4. LEASE 20 A. FARM, highway near Monmouth. Privilege to buy Box 977, Bridge I SC IfVe-V W AlAOe? OMff or TtrfSE SURVEYS ON el06? LlSTtKt To TeSS OUT OF A. WOe-teTNl 3,fc-1.785 AUWYS TAKE TfV BTl6 OJT OP- BuSeVrSS OOU&t-G. our oe 4.000.000 WOeVTIS. OOSSIP WHItftT PlAVIAKi. OUT" OF $,000,000 womw 4 ,000,000 TWMe TN4TY Pt-AY e-T-reT etD tTwj thci Hus&vtfos. rue Nvcevea .amounts "R re. 73 SPOOF" IMG TRta LITYTC WOMAW Money to Loan LOANS - - $25 to $300 . . For Easter Shopping ... To Pay Old Bills It's as simple as A-B-C. Just do this. A Come In or phone snd tell us how much you need. B Sign and get the rash. C Take up to 20 months to repay In small Instalments which you select to fit your purse. $ 50 repays st 3 3.36 per mo. for 20 moa. $100 repays at $ 6.73 per mo. for 20 moa. $200 repsys at $13.44 per mo. for 20 mot. Corns In. Ask for Mr. Miller. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 Corner State and High Opposite Court House M-165 - State License - S-122 WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment, house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example If you receive You pay monthly $ 40.00 $ 4.02 100.00 6.72 150.00 10.08 200.00 13.44 300.00 20.16 The above pavments Include interest AUTOMOBILE Loans up to $500.00. Tou will like our friendly service, small monthly pavments. and low cost CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202, 2nd fl. 1st Nat'L. Bk. Bldg. Salem, Oregon Phone 4446 S-228 A M-278 State Licenses Wttntfil In Kent ELDERLY COUPLE wsnt to rent 4 or 5 rm. hse., not over $15. Ph. 8896. For Sale Real Estate MODERN HOME. Newport. Ore gon, $1250. Inq. 1335 State. Tel. 7982. FOR GOOD buys in real estate. See GUILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9261. NEW. MODERN home, 5 rooms and utility rm., just outside city. East, big lot, $2850 $ 100 down. Bargain in 3 bedroom home, oak tree setting. Modern large lot N. Salem $3250. Ph. ART MADSEN at 6580 ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. Bell or trade. Listings wanted. --See W. J. LINDGREN. 175 S. High Phone HERE'S TOUR chance for a new home N. of Salem out of city limits where taxes are of amt. In city new 4 R. house A bathroom, unfin., only $1200. No down pay. $15.00 per mo. Let us show you this. A real in vestment for the right party. F. H. WEIR, Realtor. 212 Oreg. Bldg. LOTS for sale. Inq. 610 Hoy- MUST SELL t bdrm. hse., bar kitchen, furnace. Ige. lot $650 for $1200 equity. Total $1950. 1545 Trade, ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT RIGHT ACROSS from the park a good 6 rm. mod. house priced for quick sale at $3250. Mtg. $1700. pay able $25 mo. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $S00. See anv real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street ANYTHING IN real estate. Buy. aell or trade. Listings wanted. -See N. J. LINDGREN, 175 S. High MOD. 6 RM. suburban home. 3 acres or more. Owner. Bargain. Call Pacific Heating. 246 State St Ph. 7513. even ings. 2473. FOUR ROOM modern house and ga rage, over y acre, $1650; would trade for small acreage. 20 SALEM HEIGHTS AVENUE NEW HSE.. $2275, $30 dn. Ph. 7113. FINE NEW HOME, English type, large lot trees, view, large rma Beau tiful floors. Fully modern. A snap 13000. 1100 dn.. baL rent BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. $3200 BUYS 6 R. MOD. house. I blks. of Englewood school. Terms. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol Exchange Real Estate GOOD HOME near Corvallls to ex change for Salem property. Emma Gel latly. 442 N. Fourth St. Corvallls. Oregon. Phone 8 8 9-J. EXCHANGE CHOICB CORNER. N. 8alem. 100x140 ft. 7 rm. home, value $3250. Trade' for close In Improved acreage. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. R. SMALL APT. hse. Large lot C!ose In. Ail clear. Will trade for fill ing station or well-located corner lot suitable for Oiling station. Prefer Al bany or Corvallls, or on hwy. H. E. WEIR, 313 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 000,000 4. NtX'T I OomV rrTfTTT YOU ? I Money to Loan For Sale Used Cars Friday & Saturday SPECIALS 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan Heater, new paint, good tires, built-in trunk $465 1931 Chev.Coach, new paint, good tires, motor A-l $119 Orval's Used Cars CENTER at CHURCH ST. Ph. 4702. 37 CHEV. Deluxe Sport Sed.. bar gain, A-l cond. Radio A heater. Trade or term. Call a. m. 1945 Fairgrounds Road. Exchange Real Estate FOR TRADE: Five beach cottages for Salem home. Box 264, Newport Oregon. TRADE ROOM COMFORTABLE home to trade for small acreage close to bus line. 3 bedroom bungalow type home to trade for 10 acres. 1 acre, nice house and 3 acres, each to trade for comfortable home In town. MONEY TO LOAN , "P H BELL, REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. For Sale Farms FOR SALE or trade, an excellent paying farm. 67 H acres. 18 A. filberts. 3d A. wheat, bal. pasture. crop goes with place. 2 creeks, good 4 rm. house, fireplace, bath, elec. water system, chicken hse., bam. 4 ml. Salem will take $1500 for equity if sold at once. Would take late car on this. Phone 124 A.. 100 A. IN cult. Good bldgs.. creek, paved rd. Close to school. Very best of soil. $150 per acre. Will take smaller place In exchange. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol A crease ACREAGE TRACT, close In, elec and water, $10 per mo. Down pymt may be arranged. This won't last MYRTON MOORE, 331 H State Street Wanted Real Estate HAVE A CASH buyer for 20 A. to 40 A. of land nr. Dallas. Oreg. Write or phone me what you may have. F. H. WEIR. Realtor. Ill Oreg. Bldg. WANTED SMALL acreage close In with mod. house ; ocean view lot as down payment. 311 N. Meridian St., New burg, Oregon. Business Opportunities FURNITURE A LEASE of small apartment house, Inq. 430 N. Liberty. WANTED TO lease service station or lot suitable for one write Box 680. Statesman. BEST POSSIBLE site for auto camp nr. Salem. Natural setting. Has good house. $6000. R. A. FORKNER. 18S8 N. Capitol For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. 6370 Graen. 413 N. list. DRY WOOD, $4.60 A $6. Ph. 74$!. WHY NOT Phone 1 00 Fl .6 I do. ATTENTION! BUY wood that lasts I BA?!1?. -1T'. -lg" 5-50- 7061. MILL WOOD. Tel. 5341. Wood st west end of Court St. Load, $3.50. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. S cds. 16-ln. old fir. $16. Ph. 6700. Lost and Found LOST BLACK overcoat Monday morning from car at High and Ferry. Reward. Harry Stone, Monmouth. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet nemrt. husband wife for yoo. P. (X Bos Tl. Los Angelea Business Cards tat this directory oat aaoathlx baste omlj. Rate: S1.2S per month. Auto Brakes Mike Paaek 976 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW sr Harry W Scott 147 8 and reconditioned Com'cL P. 461s Chimney Sweep T ELEPHON B 446S H. 6S. Northneea Excavating EXCAVATING OF sll ktnda Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sale. Salem SanJ A Gravel P 94S8 Florists Bretthaupt'a 447 Court. Phone 6904 House Moving Raisins, leveling. Perkins Bros.. 1441 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving. S 13th A Wilbur Tel 8441. Z wickers. CAPITOL REDpiNO CO Phone 4089 Naturopathic Physician DR. W R. ROCKWELL Naturopath ic Physlclsn, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4303. Office Hours It a.m. te 6:80 p-m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTATIONS Automobiles Buy Tires On Time $1.00 Down and $1.00 Per Week on Any Tire QUALITY MERCHANDISE - - LOW PRICES - - HERE ARE A FEW 450x21 Goodyear..$5.80 550x17 Goodyear..$7.05 FRANK D00LITTLE Master Service Station 395 N. Commercial Street, Salem For Sale I ised ( urs GET SMART Buy from McKAY and Get More FOR YOUR MONEY 1939 Chevrolet De Luxe Sport Sedan $725 This car has run 35.191 miles A has been owned by a local man, has had the finest of care has radio heater deluxe equipment 1939 Chev. y2-Ton Pickup $565 Has run only 15.346 miles as near a perfect car as you will ever find. 1940 Chev. Special Town Sedan $895 rkliiv t-aln hooter t fog lights. defroster A deluxe equipment run 6300 miles. The only qirrerence be tween a new car and this one is the price. 1937 Chev. DeLuxe Sport Sedan $495 This car is In perfect shape through out paint tires upholstering and mechanical condition. 1937 LaSalle Touring Sedan ....$695 Heater, radio, deluxe equipment per' feet throughout 1937 Buick "61" Touring Sedan ....$695 Here's another beauty heater and rsdio. 1938 Packard Touring Sedan ....$745 Here Is a beautiful car all you have to do is "ssk the man who owns one. 1938 Chev. Master Coup $525 Excellent shape throughout new block assembly not s patched up one there is not a better buy in town. 1935 Chev. Standard Coupe $295 Run only 28.975 miles one of the most economical cars Chevrolet ever built you had better hurry because It won t be here long. 1934 Chev. Master Town Sedan $295 Here's another beauty. 1935 Hudson Tour ing Sedan $350 And Mr, she s a beauty. 1936 Chev. Dual Long Truck $295 As is Ifs a buy 33x8 10-ply tires in resr iook simosi new. 1937 Chev. Dual Long Truck, as is.. $395 1936 Ford y2-Ton Panel, as is $295 McKAY Chevrolet Co. Walt Holman Lawrence Flathers Virgil Sloan 338 Center Open Evea Ph. 3188 '33 CHEV.. I-WHL Master Sedan. Trunk A htr.. $226. 978. Statesman. '39 FORD 2-DR. Deluxe Sed., clean A perfect. 114 S Fairgrounds Road. Transportation WANT RIDE to Iowa or vicinity about April 1st Return $0 dsys. Share expenses. References exchanged. Es ther Hamann, Brooke, Ore, Brookslde Park. Directory Papering, Painting NEAT Work, rsaa Johnson Ph.$73l HERBERT WOOD. TsL 837S Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair Oraber Bros, 164 & Liberty. Ph. $!. Printing FOR STATIONERY csrda pamphleta programs books or any kind ef print ing, call The Sts teaman Printing De partment Sll S. Commercial. Tele nhone 916-L Roofing CO MP A BUILT-UP roofing repairs, bemt waterproofing. Besvev Stste ooflng Cow J W Copetend Tarda. 630 Wallace Road Phone 8637. Schools COMPLETE yotrr HIGH SCHOOL et home, DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog. Americaa School. Dept 8. Box 4600. Portland. Ore. Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN, RL L a II A. 4811. Transfer FOR LOCAL er distant transfer, stor age, burner oil. call 8131 Lames Transfer Ce Trucks te Portland dalle MOY1NO. hauling II Si hr. Ph, 1114 CITY TRANS Ph. 6618. Reae. rates "WeTT Drilling A. west. rt. t. 445. I Ills Automobiles 475x19 Goodyear.. $5 .95 600x16 Goodyear.l$7.60 Fir Sale Used I jirs Buy a QUALITY Used Car from 01 10 J. WILSON THEY COST NO MORE THAN Just Ordinary Used Cars 1939 danK Tourin $935 1939 SrKsean! $835 1938 K Sport $735 1937 L'oLuIpeK..s.'".1 $595 lOtA. Rt-'ICK Touring d - 1 r I"dO Sedan No. 1010 D10 "IO.Q" RL'ICK Touring CCC lyOO Sedan, No. 1011A COOD 1933 2SK TourIng $285 1937 SS? f'V.. $435 1936 coS? y-8 $345 1936 5? !" 8tandar.i $325 1934 Fedan IlL- $225 1 OQ7 TF.RRAPLANE 1"J Touring Sedan Wld Iqqt TERRAPLANE iQ'7C l"dO Custom Coupe 0D 1937 . $475 NASH LAFAYETTE Ajnr JLZfO I Touring Sedan 47D 1QQ7 CHRYSLER Royal arnr AO i Touring Sedan 4PDVD lQQC; PLYMOUTH 4Q4r xyOD 2 -door Sedan v3 xO 1932 22 $185 1931 SEE $145 1928 SK $ 45 1931 S Iud!r $145 1930 $ 45 1930 SKOLKT $ 65 1000 CHEVROLET a cf 1VZO Coach 9 d 1928 $ 45 1929 SSnTf! $ 85 1928 cTch"IAC $ 35 1929 5MOB1UB $ 75 1926 cLlSEBA.Kf!!. $ 45 1929 $ 35 WE TRADE - WE DEMONSTRATE WE GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF GMAC TERMS - LOW FINANCE COSTS AND THEIR EXCELLENT INSURANCE PROTECTION OTTO J. WILSON Used Car Dept. 338 N. Commercial St Phons $461. Cross Word Puzzle W7s 'A 12 13 13 11 it 20 2 73 24 2& 2f 21 32 33 35 3 30 3f X4. WO H2 W3 W4 SO 2l 'A Oe 21 HORIZONTAL 42 muse of lyric poetry 44 card game 47 sura (0 wander about idly 81 ascended 54 yellow bugli 55 be in debt 60 baseball term 57 crowlike bird VERTICAL 1 male swaa 2 land measure 1 part of Ic ocomotive I aigayins cap s not rninj 11 metallic rock 11 musical drams 14 wine Yeteel 15 under 17 condition of person 19 rujnred crest 22 epoch 23 meantime 26 stirs to anger 28 Christmas carol 23 pertaining to a dachx 81 behold! S2 conj anctioa Jl cantaloupe) 24 wolframite1 25 symbol for neon So forming the foundation 27 Urdy X3 chemical cons potiTvd fr rose high Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 42 Brazilian money of account N l3iErAlR6jMA, te Kiss For Sale Used Cars The BEST for LESS IN Pontiac Good-Will Used Cars '37 Buick Coupe $595 A black shining beauty. 17.000 actual mllea Radio and heater. '36 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan $395 The best buy in town. '37 Chev. 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan $495 Radio A hen tor. '38 Ford DeL. 2-Dr. Sedan $495 WE INVITE TOIR COMPARISON FOR PRICKS AND CONDITION WITH LIKE MAKES A MODELS ANYWHERE MANY MORE TO PirK FROM TERMS A TRADES HERR ALL-OWENS CO. 6's PONTIAC ' 235 8. Coin l. Phone 8169. REAL VALUES THE CARS LISTED BELOW ARE IN PERFECT CONDITION 1937 FORD 60 FORI KR SEDAN Hullt-ln trunk, heater. Hood tires original paint, motor A-l ... $395 1937 FORD 60 TI'DOR O r I g I n a 1 Calnt. hester. trunk, 25,000 miles, 'pltolstery like new $375 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SF.DA.V Rndio, heater, new fin lull, built in trunk, good motor $396 1931 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN Tw paint motor rebored. 17-ln. wheels $175 1938 FORD COACH New paint, new upnoisiery, g.xxi tires, motor A-l $275 1431 FORD Rdst V-8 wheels ...$ 99 1930 FORD Coach $119 1930 CHEV. Pick-up $ 7 19: CHEV. Coach $ 45 Oival's Used Cars Center A Church S40 Chemeketa "C" SHR0CK To Buy or Sell Your Car Watch for announcement on the opening of our new location. Bigger and bet ter than ever. AVE AT HROCK'S We Have "B O" (Bargains Only) 86 FORD 3-DR., radio, heater. Rest price lo Salem. 1110 E. Rural. Lodges SALEM I XI DOE No. 4 AF A AM Monday. March 88. F. C. Degree. J. P. Plland. W. M. Pselfle Lode We. 10. A.F.aA.M. Steles Meeting fri, afer. IS. 7:80 p.m. Wet. Merrlett, W.M. II N n I 22 2C 26 27 V7? to 31 3W a 37 V HI wo HI 57 ST 2 delayed 4 crouch fearfully 5 above Hebrew letter 7 bitter Tf tea 8 highest Roman church deadly 10 large Australian bird 11 existed 16 Russian rirer 12 outer part f seed 20 eea's ebb and flow (Pi) tl strive te equal 2S silly 24 ninth day before idea 2 delight 27 furnished with shoe-part SO hue S3 pertaining to marriage 24 designating the chief artery So malt beverage 17 another of Apollo 29 commerce) 41 -moisten 44 self 45 cry of a 40 Assam silkworm 42 topas : humming l '" bird 42 binding custom 52 forward 51 - symbol fot . selenium t as 1 P 7?m m