: e'-V Th OREGON STATESMAN. Satom. Oregon. WocLaaadar Morning, March 13, 1940 PAGE NIKE Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Threw Insertions per Una 25c Six Insertions per Hoe 40c On montn par Una $1 15 Minimum charge 25c: t tl min imum 35e: I tl. mln 45c No refunds. Copy for this paxe accepted until :$ the evening before puMlm tlon rot eUtwinfUtion Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the h ratlins "Too I-' to Claealfy " . The Statesman imuiwi no rinan Clal reaponalblltty foi error which may appear In artverttaerrwni pub Itahed In Ita column and In caae where thla paper la at fault will re print that part of an advert lemen tn which the typographic! mlafake occurs. The Sta teaman reservea te rlKht to reject quest lonahle artvertiaina It further reserve the risrht to place all advertlaing under the proper rlaastf icatlon A ""Blind"' Ad an ad rontalntre a Statesman box numlei for an ad dreaa la for the protection of h advertiser and must thereto' e he answered by letter Tlie Stntestuan la not at liberty to llvtile Infnrma tlon as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind- ad Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP FREE OF CflARUB DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES ANl I'OWS ANYWHERE XN THE WILLAMETTE VAI.I.ET WE PAT TOP PRICKS PHONE US COLLECT 1 1 SALEM FOR SALE Jersey bull, one Id. Box 98. Jefferson. year Help Wanted $3 WEEKLY. GROW Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. We buy fresh. 35c. dry 1 1.35 lb FREE BOOK. Mushrooms. 127 Third. Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Male WANTED A TRUCK driver who Will Invest. 3500 as down payment on a new home. Box 971. Statesnmn. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED caretak er handy man. 37 week A batching quarters, i'hone 9303. Help Wanted Female REFINED YOUNG woman. 25 to 30. for gen. housework. Box 970, States man. WANTED First class bsekecper. M-ist be gd. cook, to work In summer home. 350 per mo. Age bet. Z St 45. Hogg BVos 325 Court. TOUNO LADY Neat appearance well acquainted in Salem salary mod erate to start. Apply Box 974. Salem. Salesman Wanted 5 MEN FREE to travel, must have cars. Something- new : every home in forested. Promotion If you rjunlify. See Mr. Fuller 7 to 9 p. m., Morris hotel. 459 State. . Situations Wanted DRB8SMAK. Mr Adaltt. Ph. Zi IRON. 25c hr PI. sew, 20c 7311 KXP. SALESMAN able to manage li'dware. groo. or gen. mdse. Ph. 9588 YOtTNO LADY, comptometer oner tor. typist, bookkeeper and general office work. Tel. 7196. CAPABLE YOUNG housework for room & Wage Ph. 3735. woman wants boa rd a srna 11 For Sale Miscellaneous USED REED babv buggy. I3.95. GBVURTZ FURN'ITLRB CO. SALE WALNUT sheila 6c a sack bring aacka Klorfeln Packing Co. Ill Bikes A Rep tXamsdeh. 143 8 Ut OLWNO LOT I I E IS d ry e r a . 9 8c GEVUftTZ roRXlTlTRE CO. CASH REGISTER. Adding macnine Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. .( Court. INSPECTED boysenberry black berry tips. L. Zielke. Rt. 3. Dial 2257 FERTILIZER, PH. 9560. THE A PRfN Shop. 171 N High UNFINISHED CHESTS of drawers. f 1.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. BARRED ROCK egjrs. set.. 45c: 10. S2.5S. Eva Roseberry. Gervals. Oregon ALFALFA 1? AY. Ph. 60F4. Walker. GOOD COOKING apples 23c box and tin. Pure apple Juice daily. 25e gal Fresh carrot Juice. Open Sundays, t to S. Puritan Cider Wka. West Sclera. 9x11 FELT BASE rugs, choice of patterns. 84.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. a r rw rrrMM.M..i......ii- i- - - - DUSTERS. BALL bearing. Built to order. All sixes. Reasonable. R. F. p.-huett. Machine Shop, R. 4, Box 47ft- A. Phone 9783. lytnnj-irw-r-wiM-M-i ---- lit PIECES OF colored Juanita pottery, made by the makers of the famous Fiesta ware, glassware a cut lerr. Cotnolete table aerrlce for t. Reg. 329.95, spec. 319.95. Pay $1.00 down. Cohn Broa., 305 N. Liberty. NEW MARION Webater dictionary, reaa. 254 Front St. NEW OCCASIONAL chairs uphol stered In tanestrr. 84.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Wanted Furniture "WE PAT SPOT CASH." N. OLKNN WOOPRT Ph. Ill Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 7441 S)r?fiori Statesman ADVERTItNQ Western AdverMslnc RepresentaUvee George D. Close. I no. Saa rranclsco. Ixs Angelea. Seattle Eastern Advertising .Representatives Bryant! Griffith - A Brunson. I no. Chicago New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta f stared mt (S fvatofice ef atew Oregon ea ecoad Claat Hatter. ks l Liked every atorata ea-cet Monday Buia ew4ce tS Mouth Commercial Street. 450BSCKIPT10N RATES: Uall BubaxTrtptton Rates In Advance. Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday Ve. M eente: S Moa. SI S: atoe, tl t Tear Elsewhere cents per ale. er IS 09 fw I eai la advance ftr copy S renla Newaataada. i cents By City Carrier: cents a montn. 7.2S year In advance In Marion Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS, er phone ttiflsi te 8at.rn a oldest aargest noma owned and sea n nance inatuuiton Teui - - .-..-- wim n every oooaioerauoo ra um re- avyma ef your iota or granting at ex tension. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ton can pay la Mn any time to reduce the cost. Onl? Borrower Signs Ne endorsers. Leans made on furniture, ears er note. 8XB ROT H IMMOf.tL MGR. J Hi CLARK. ASST. MGR. He. Ne M t& GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORA riON I3 Bo Cemmerctmj 8t Lie. No 8- Its First door south of Ladd A Bust) Bank Phone 11(1 Convenient ground floor location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ith KUkiK HtJARDlAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M 159 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new er used cars No delay er red tape Tou will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MP NTH TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS IIS South Commercial Street Phone S ICR Lie No M-1S2 FHA LOANS 4a. ateo prl Influx A Drama A Ellis Inc Masonic Masonic Bldg. f4nn Wnnfed WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate wni par c interest. W. H OR A BENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta FOR SALE Good sound first farm morLracea and bonds. See B. C. Ztelln BkL with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC Pheae 4109 or 9745. Financial RKNJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip montniy pay ments. F. G. Delano. 21 N. Church. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fll uerta Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack ing Pa $8 S High. Phone 7433. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CA SES Bring or Mall Tout Plates for Repali DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Aliakv Rlria. 3d A Morrison. BR 3427 PRACTICE PIANOS 12 H. L Stiff CL C. PATTERSON shoe repair ing has moved to 4 S3 Ferry St. WILL GIVE email dog to Rood home. preferably country. License paid. Phone 2-27 42. For Rent Rooms PLEAS. RM.. close In. Lady. 8229. HI IT EI MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests Marlon Coffee Shop delicious meal at low prices HOTEI SALEM low monthly rates SLKKPINO RAI. for ladies with private livlrig rm. laundry, cooking privileges. 635 N. Winter. Ph. 7814. LARGE. WARM room, private home, walking diatance. Phone 7694. SLP. R-. very close. 635 Che.neketa. LARGE. CLEAN, airy front bed room. New furniture. Close to town. Washing facilities, $15 month. 691 Union. Ph. 7804. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. $05 N. Liberty. AWAY FROM home, want good home cooking, call at 450 Marion. GD. R. A brd. Close. 490 S ConV1 $22, BRD.. RM.. gar. 1040 N. 1,7th. For Kent Apartments Bach. apts. Pri ent. 671 N. Capitol. 3 RM FURN. ant. ground fir. Adults. 118. Priv. shower. Ph. 5807. 2 RM. APT., adults. 770 S. CooVI. 639 N. LIBERTY. 3 R.. prlv. ent. 1935 Center. 3 R lower apt., prt. bath. PATTON APTS.. State. Ph. 624 4. Apt. furnished. 3. 322 t ROOM MOD. fum.. auto. heat, hot water, close in Phone 3367. APARTMENTS. $32 50 to $7.S0 Royal Court Apta Phone $95$ H1UC THE Fisher Apta before you declaa. Large Airy Rock wool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Rllmto thretocnout 8 Com'l a Oak St FURN. APT, SSI a Com'L P. $753. NICE 2 ROOM furn. apt-, close it $li. $91 N. Com mere la L HAWTHORNE Court, 1000 N. Itol Homelike and commodloua. Cap- rum, apta, 469 N. Front Ph. $20$. MOD. S 4 ROOM furn. Ph. 7 $32- FURNTSHED APT, 3 rooms and bath. 1$70 N. Cottage. TeL 520$. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. t RM. FURN, $15. S74 N. Church. APTS. FURN.. unfurn. Children welcome, $4 up. 1310 a 13th. P. 7089. St rat ton apta. 3 rm. base, apt. $$42. Newly decor. 4 rm. apt. Ph. 701$. S RM. UNFURN. 3 rm. furn. Very close. Newly dec Ph. 5825. after schL DOWNSTAIRS turn. apt. 151 N. 13 RTTRN. APTS.. adults, elec. washer. $J.7t mo. and up, garage. 624 N. Cap itol. J RM. FURN. apt., adults, lights N. 31st. water. $10. 398 1 OR 2 RM. apt, with kitchenette, built-lna. ht. A h. water. Ph. 7481. 3 AND S RM. Prl bath, 3 Center. CLN. APT. A room. 425 N. Church. 000m MOD. furn.. hdwd. flra.. auto, beat. hot water, clone tn. rn. lift Unfurn. apta Adults. Inq. 1265 N. t0000r ONE rm. furn.. spt In ChrisUaB home. 791 N. Commercial. RM. apt. 44$ 8. Winter. 000m00m00m000i0000000 HSEKPO. RM, basement, 433 Mar lon. p0000000000 1 FRONT APT, furn. S45 Ferry. t0000000 S. 2L, Usu w sv, f 12.S. Fb. 111. RESULTS WITH STATESMAN WANT-ADS 3 Times Only 50c! 12 Words, 6 Times Only 80c! Money to Loan financial a f fa Us will ba dlacusaad and For Kent House? FURNISHED AND unfurn houses H. P GRANT. 529 Court- Phona S744. FURN. BUNG,. Oak Villa Court. Adults No dog. Inquire 99S MilL NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. SMALL FURN house. 4838 or 6313. 7 RM. NR. Sr. high. $33. Ph. $222. WE HAVE several houses for rent. Also 10 A. with 7 room house a barn, close In. 2 A. with 6 room house a barn for $12.50 per mo. See Mr. Lar sen, with HAWKINS a ROBERTS. INC. 5 RM. STRICTLY mod. completely furn. home close in for lease by owner, call 6112 or 6172. 2 HOUSES FOR rent, on for aale. ImjL. 235 Division. 5 R. FURN, newly dec. 950 N. 15th. FURN. 4 RM. house, gar. A M acre. 1?31 Sixth St.. W. Salem. 5 R. furn., newly decorated. N. IStn. Ph. 94 4 0 after 6. 960 FOUR RM. modern boua 17th. Ph. 7357. 130$ N. LARUE .H.- 1776 F,r- Ph- J08- FURN. AND unfurn. houaea R. A. FOKKNER. 1853 N. Capitol WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to aelL exchange ease, rent, see Mr Lnraen or Mr. Col llna with Hawkins a Roberta FURNISHED a UNFURNISHED housea MELV1N JOHNSON. 725 Court Ph. 3723. NEW 4 R., J20, furn. If desired. R.. $S. 6 R.. $27. Ph. 7113. MOD. 5 R. SUBURBAN home. City water. 2 ml. south from Ladd a BuH bank. Ph. 22:161. 5 RM. Road. C.NFURX, 2585 Portland 5 R.. GAR.. 116. 1548 Mill. F. G. Delano. 2S0 N. Cuurdi. Sec FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED 4 room home, autuniatic heat. )n Fairmottnt Hill. $3J 50. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. For Rent OFFICE KIM IMS. 381 State Street uujijire room 200 Tet 371$. V Htil"l lo Rent ELDERLY COUPLE want to rent 4 or 5 rm. he., not over $15. Ph. 8895. For Sale Real Estate MODERN HOME. Newport, Ore gon. il-oO. inq. uj state. leL 7sz. ATTENTION: SO. COM'L. STREET PROPERTY LOCATED IN No. 3 bus. lone. 50x162 ft., 5 rm. house. Mr. Investor, this is an opportunity; don't miss It, Price $l'6j0.00. 14'J8 So. Com 1. St 7 rm. plast. home, basement, garage, 60x102 ft.. cor. lot, klkkI condition. A sacrifice at $25d0.00. $500.00 down. bal. $25.00 per mo. To see these Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. IL GRAHtlN- HORST & CO.. Realtors. FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD 5 .ROOM home near Leslie achl. Price reduced for quick sale. Would consider small acreage for equity. See Mr. Hardy with HAWK INS KOBhKTS, INC BUSINESS BUILDING 21x60 ft. In Salem on Pacific highway. Cash deal. Box 968, Statesman. BARGAIN. $123. W. SALEM lot. Paved st. Good location. 274 Senate Street. Good 5 R. house, garage, wood house. Big lot. Good "awn. Price $2100. Small down payment, baL like rent. isew 5 tl house, only 1U0 down. 6 rm. house, $100 down. Old house, full price $1250. Good terms. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 312 Oreg Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD 6 ROOM, well located home in North Salem. Extra large lot. Lots of fruit, berries 4 shrubnerr. Prop, la clear a a bargain at $2100.00, or would trade on a good new home. See Mr. Hrtrdv or Mr. Collins, with HAWK INS a ROBERTS. INC. FOR GOOD buys In real estate. See CHILDS a MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8C33 167 S. High Street Trailer WftL,MYOtWOHVI 5sL $ SAYS." 'obeavT Sne Wiaj- kaiOA Tboeo I . 3!2ui 4 MC,V AMUNO. I f " tTSsr serrte oov." I ?v exA; . so.s:W.weU VLXTJZT? d 1 STVAV AT TM' SC?XT- I Z? ff IV? AweCKORMOS, I TArC TTKAVfU. I ED -'V P SrrW c cn ill i ty -va i . v i i "i i 4-1 I ... 'Ss . , I i .r I Money to Loan LOANS - - $25 to $300 . . . For Easter Shopping ... To Pay Old Bills It's as simple as A-B-C. Just do this : A Come in or phone and tell us bow much you need. B Sla-n and ret the cash. C Take up to 20 months to repay In email Instalments which you select f A f4 rAiie ntiyss S $0 rebava at $ $.$ per mo. $100 repays at $ S.72 per mo. $200 repays at $13.44 per mo. Come In. Ask PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor New Bligh Bldg. Phone $191 Corner State and High Opposite Court House M-165 - State License - S-122 WOULD A CASH LOAN HL.LP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES : New clothing, house furi.lshings. garden or field equipment. house painting, taxes ror auiomooue purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow In confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example if you receiva You pay monthly $ 40.00 8 4.0 100.00 6.72 150.00 10.0$ 200.00 13.44 300.00 20.16 The above payments Include Interest. . i.rr. ..r.iliTT T ' 7 .. .... n r A A A A You will like our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost, CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd r, 1st- Kat'L Bk. Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 S-228 a M-278 State Licensee For Sale Real Estate MUST SELL. 1330 Saginaw this week ; call from 1 p. m. to 6 :30 p. m. 1395 SO. LIBERTY 8TREET 90x162 FT.. COR. lot. 7 rm. plast. home, laund. trays, garage, an excel, location. Be suie and see this property. Price $2500.00 . call Cobum Graben horst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS. LOT Equity in good North Salem home. On bus line near school. Inq. after t p.m. 2 at Columbia. Equity in small house, $250. 1460 N. 21st. Full pri- $1000. MITST SELL. 1330 Saginaw this week : call from 1 p. m. to 5 :30 p. tn. MUST SELL 4 bdrm. hse.. bar kitchen, furnace, lge. lot. $650 for $1200 equity. Total $1950. 1545 Trade. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT RIGHT ACROSS from the park a good 6 rm. mod. house priced for quick tale at $3250. Mtjr. $1700. pay able $25 mo. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 FINE FULLY MOD. home hdwd. firs, throughout. Cor. lot. pav. pd. Ex loca. A real buy at S4200. Price cut for ouick sale to $3600. Terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd a Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 MUST SELL, 1330 Saginaw thla week ; call from 1 p. m. to i :30 p. m. Kxchanpe Real Estate WANTED A VACANT lot or car as part payment on new noma, l n- 7598. 20 acres near Salem. $2000 avlue. No encumberances, exchange for Port land home East side. W ill assume. 147 N. Com! W. G. KRUEGER l trade: A client has a 6-room house, excel lent condition. Wanta to trade for a small acreaee close to a bus line. Another one has an acre, very well lmnroved. Wants to move to town Yet another one has $ acres. They want to come to Salem, Then, too, we have a 6-room home. will trade for 10 acres. Must be lm proved. P. H. BELL REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone $121 1 A with new 4 rm. hse. Elect, and water. Will trade for city property or equity in property. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 212 Oreg. Bldg. GOOD HOME near Corvnllla to ex change for Salem property. Emma Gel- latly. 4 42 N. Kourtn St., Corvailis, Oregon. Phone 8 8 9-J. EXCHANGE CHOICE CORNER, N. Salem. 100x140 ft. 7 rm. home, value $3250, Trade for close In Improved acreage. Call Mr. uartlett with CinLDS a MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 WANTED. IX5T or acre for equity In new house. Tel. B62Z. FOR TRADE OR SALE ( RM. MOD. home, full basement furn., firepl.. hwd. floors, garage, beau- tirul grounds, will consider good car, bua lot. or grocery bus. aa part pay ment. Price $3600.00. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO.. Realtors. S acre tract east. $3000 value, no encumbrances. Will exchange for home in &aiem. equal value. 147 N. Com'L W. O. KRCEGER Tintypes Money to Loan for SO tnos. for 20 moa for 20 moa. for Mr. Miller. For Salt; Farms A BIQ FARM FOR A LITTLE MONEY OVER 250 ACRKS 11 ml letn on a good road. Fair bldga. with elec. a spring water. 7S A. in cult. uainni-c mnoer at cut-over pasture. A 1?pportunity for stock farmer at $18.50 per A. See Mr. Collins, with HAl v mm JS a ROBERTS. INC. FOR SALE or trade, an excellent paying farm. 67 acres. 18 A. filberts. 35 A. wheat, baL pasture. H crop goes with place. 2 creeks, good 4 rm. house, fireplace, bath, elec. water system, chicken hae.. barn. 4 ml. Salem will &k,i150.0 for iuity if sold at once. Would take late car on thla. Phone 992 S or Rt 4. Box 143. Salem, Acreage ACREAGE SPECIAL 2 ACRE TRACT, mostly in cher ries, 3 room unfin. house, elect lights, food road near achl. Excel, soil. Price 1650.00, $50.00 down, $15.00 per mo. Let me show you this property. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRA BENHORST a CO, Realtora. 5 ACRES 3 MI. from Ral.m a mn. plastered house, elec, cement base ment, water system, large frutt a vegetable house, good barn, creek through place, some fruit, dark soil $2500 down payment $1000 balance terms. See my agent Louis Bechtel or Ma bel Needliam, 341 State St.. Room 4. upstairs. CROISAN CREEK' PROPERTY 10.61 ACRES. PARTLY cultivated, family fruit: year-around spring, good 4 rm. plast. house, basement, fire place, plumbing, barn, garage. Offered ,?4A0000- 5-0 down. baL terms. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H GRABENHORST a CO, REALTORS. Wanteil Real Estate HAVE A CASH buyer for 20 A. to 40 A. of land nr. Dallaa. Oreg. Write or phone me what you may have. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Business Opportunities S A. EXCEL, land, trade In on go ing business. Owner. Box 652. Salem. FURNITURE a LEASE of small apartment house. Inq. 4 30 N. Liberty. SERVICE station and repair shop to lease. One mile from town. Take $.".00 to handle. Golmr businesa with opportunity to Increase. See Merrltt Truax. Hancock Gaa. N. Front a Co lumbia Sts. WANTED TO leasarce aHln or lot suitable for one write Box 680, Statesman. $1250; well-established buslneaa '. strx-k a equ., pleasant living quarters, living room, kitchen, nook. 3 bed rooms. Owner has other interests In the east. See this todav. Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham 341 State St. Room 4. Upstairs For Salt? Wood .-?OI T1 .?370 ren. 412 N 21st. DRY SLAB $ cd. 4 ft. $3.50 cd. or 2 cds.. 16-ln. $4 6$ cd. Sawdust $3 unit. Tel 3364. 0m DRY WOOD. $4 60 a $5 Ph. 7421. WHY NOT phone 100F15T I do. ATTENTION! BUY wood that lasts! ea! .. ilr; 5 50- P"- 1061. MILL WOOD. Tel. 5341. Wood at west end of Court St Load. $3.50. PRT WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. 3 cda 16-ln. old fir, $15. Ph. 6700. Lost and Found LOST BLACK overcoat Monday morning from car at High and Ferry. Reward. Harry Stone, Monmouth. Personal LONELTT WORTHWHUJB sweet heart husband, wlfa for you. P. O. Box 71 l.oa Angelea For Sal; Used Cars 1936 DODGE 4-DOOR trunk Sedan. Inquire at THE COFFEE CUP. 429 No. Church St.. Salem. '33 CHEV.. 6-WHL Master Sedan. Trunk a htr.. $ 2 2 5. 973. Statesman. 39 FORD 2-DR. Deluxe Sed.. clean ft perfect 1145 Fairgrounds Road. Business Cards la this directory ran on m monthly bests only. Rate: f 1.23 per tin per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek 97$ South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 147 S Com'ci. P. 4$1 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4410 R. E, Northnes Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Din for aale Salem Sand a Gravel. P 940$ Florists Brelthaupt'a 447 Court. Phone $904 Fruit Trees 100.00$ PEACH TREES Imp Early Elberta J FL Hale. 8lappy. etc. Sac rifice. Tualatin Valley Nurseries Sherwood. Ore. House Moving Ralalnc leveling Perklna Broa.. $441. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug a Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning weaving. S. 12tA 4k Wilbur TeL $441. Zwtckera, CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069 Well Drilling B. A, WEST. rt. . tea 44$. Ph. Mart. For Sale Used Cars TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY Special Terms and Bigger Trade-in Allowance on Your Old Car on All Late Model Cars 1939 Mercury Sedan Coupe $895.00 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan $645.00 1939 Ford Coupe $675.00 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, radio and heater $585.00 1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Coupe, ra dio, heater, spotlight $745.00 1939 Plymouth Coupe, 14,000 miles $695.00 1937 Plymouth Coupe, radio and heater ....$475.00 1938 Nash Lafayette Sedan, with air con ditioning $695.00 1937 Nash Lafayette Sedan, with overdrive $615.00 1937 LaSalle Sedan, radio and heater $765.00 1935 Packard "120" Sedan $395.00 COURTESY CARS AT A DISCOUNT Four 1940 DeLuxe Ford Sedans The Boss's 1939 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan at a Huge Discount Marion and Liberty Street Lot VALLEY MOTOR CO. 21 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSO.V, BEN DRAGER, ART' HANSON 37 CHEV. Deluxe Sport Sed, bar gain, A-l cond. Radio a heater. Trade or terms. Call a, in. 194$ Fairgrounds Road. Legal Notice No. 10204 IX THE CXR'NTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the matter of the Estate of W. H. BuTRhardt, Deceased. Notice of HearinK on Final Account Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Executrix of tho Last Will and Testament of W. H. Burghardt, deceased, has filed her Final Account and Report In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Friday, the 12th day of April, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Courtroom in the County Courthouse In the City of Sa lem, In said county and state, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any ob jections to said Final Account and Report and the final settle ment of said estate. The date of the first publica tion of this notice Is the 13th day of March. 1940, and the last Is the 10th day of April, 1940. EMMELINE L. LUDI BURG HARDT, Executrix of the Las Will and Testament of W. H. Burghardt, deceased. PAGE AND PAGE, Attorneys for said Estate, Salem, Oregon. M.13-20-27 Ap.3-10. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, their duly verified final account, as Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Dora L. Leighton. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 2nd day of April, 1940. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the Coun ty Court House, at Salem, In Marion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of February. 1940. CORNELLE STUTTAFORD, EDWARD M. LEIGHTON. As Executors of the last will and testament and Estate of Dora L. Leighton, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN. Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. F.28 M.6-13-20-27 Directory Naturopathic Physician R- W H. ROCKWELL Naturopath ic Physician. 179 Fairgrounds Rd Tel 4201. Office Hours II a.m. to $ :$ p.m. FREE EXAM a CONSULTA TION Papering, Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnson Ph.$72$ HERBERT B. WOOD. TeL $$7$ Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk.. Graber Broa, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. $594. Printing FOR STATION KHT card a pamphleta. prograjna. books or sny kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 31$ 8. CommerclaL Tele phone 9101. Roofing COMP a BUILT UP roofing repairs, bamt. waterproofing. Beaver Slate hoofing Co.. J W Copeland Tarda $2$ Wallace Road Phone 4627. Schools COMPLETE your HIGH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOMA. TEXTS FURN. Write for catalog. American SchooL Dept 8, Box 4500. Portland. Ore. Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rt L a $$ A. 4$1$. Transfer FOR LOCAL er dlatant transfer, stor age burner oiL call $131 Larmer Tranafer Co Trucks to Portland dalle MOVING, hauling tl 21 hr. Ph. $$$4 CITY TRANS. Pa. $41$. Reaa, rates. 1 For Sale: Used Cars Legal Notice IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. In the matter of the Estate of John J. Tallman, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marlon County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 26th day of Feb ruary, 1940, was appointed Ex ecutor of the estate of John J. Tallman, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law, at the offices of Keyes A Page in the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wit: February 28. 1840. JOHN W. TALLMAN. Executor of the Estate of John J. Tallman, deceased. KEYES & PAGE. Attorneys for Executor, 306 U. S. National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. F.28 M. 8-13-20-27. TRADE MARK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the T. J. Pendergast Wholesale Liquor Company, of Kansas City. Missouri, has filed its trade marks "White Seal." "Old 1889," and "Bond Brook," and received certificates dated February 2, 1940, from the Secretary of State of Oregon to be used on any al coholic beverages. F.28, M.6-1. 1940. Cross Word Puzzle 1 12 13 IS 14V 1 22 l? 24 26 27 2& 2t 32 3W 35 36 37 50 3? HO We. do 31 33 HORIZONTAL 48 epic poems 1 capital of of trayeU Western 50 lease Samoa 51 coin of India B-eoothern 62 before long- consieuauon 53comTort 8 sword 12 large eat IS care 14 auction 15 deeriike ruminant 17 former Russian ruler 18 condition 19 attack 21 view 23 money of account 28 thicket of trees SO card en dorroouM S2 alt of . oleic acid 83 vicar 84 the earth 15 nativa of northeast Spain 88 consume 17 ea eagle 89 anoint 41 Hindu queen 48 hodgepode 54 Greek letter 55 divided by scalloplike lines VERTICAL 1 exclamation of woe Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 3-l RlOrTKiRlTlsfcdMlAr4lN Average liaM ef seleUaai $$ ataaataa. Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT No. 8147 Notice is hereby siren that the undersigned. Administratrix of the Estate of J. B. Ruckel, deceased, has filed her Final Ac count and Report in the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Marion County, and that Thursday, the 21st dsy of March, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the county courtroom In the eotfhty courthouse in the City of Salem, In said county and state, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and Report and the final settlement of said estate. Date of the first publication of this notice is the 21st day of february, 1940, aud the last is the 20th day of March, 1940. CHARLOTTE ft. RUCKEL, Administratrix of the Estato of J. II. Ruckel, deceased. F.21-28-M. 6-13-20. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S HALE By virtue of execution Issued by Circuit Court of Oregon for Marion County in suit: "28311 .METROPOLITAN LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, a corporation. Plaintiff. r. THEODORE W. HANSEN, C. J. S E C O R and FLORA RLACK. Defendants." therein pending, and to me di rected. I shall, on 30 March 1940, at ten o'clock, a. m.. at west door of county courthouse at Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction, for cash, all right, title and interest possessed by said defendants, on or since 6 May 1929, in the following-described real property: Lots 10. 11, 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 and 18, Ken nedy Acres, Marion County, Ore gon. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marlon County. Ore gon F.28 M. 6-13-20-27. TRADE MARK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Shawhan Distillery Compa ny, of Kansas City. Missouri, has filed Its trade marks "Shawhan," and "Old Lancaster," and re ceived certificates dated Febru ary 2, 1940, from Secretary of State of Oregon, to be used on any alcoholic beveragps. F.28, M.6-13. 1940. Anthony Dent Is Called, Perryclale PERRYDALE Anthony Dent died at his home here early Sunday morning after a linger ing illness brought on three months ago from an attack of Influenza. He was born in England and came to this country as a small child with his parents. He was 80 years old last September 14. He is survived by two sons, Mil ton of Oakland. Calif., and Glen at home, and one grandson. Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dent. Funeral services will be held at Macy's funeral chapel Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial at Hopewell. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF A lTT AM Monday. March $$. F. C NTS Degree. J. P. Plland. W. M. 4fi Pacific Ledce Me. $0. A T AA M. MM Degree Wad.. Mar.. 1$. :S0 p.m. Wat. Merriolt. W.M. II 14 17 20 23 2W 2 30 31 33 Ml W2 M3 57 'A Z liquid measure 8 small particle 4 the dill 5 fuss 8 lie at rest 7 concerning 8 famous family of Italy 9 pertaining' to rural life 10 highest not of Gnido's scale 11 euffix denoting profession 18 rise by buoyancy 10 those who greet with a sign ' 22 freeze 24 roster 25 eolar disk 26 shed for doves 27 the genna olive 28 refers to 29 golf term 31 epoch 83 container 85 to beliera 38 ran off - - to wed ' , 40 observe 42 African fox 43 gaseous dement ' 44 email Inland island 46 Anglo-Saxon slave 48 metallic rock 47 meadow .'. 49 afflrmatlva vota i 1 7Z stad adjacent