tPAGE NINE LOW COST RESULTS WITH STATESMAN WiySIT-ikDS ties Only 50c! 3 Thm OEEGOlt STATESMAN, SaUsn. Oragoo. Tuesday Macsing March 12. 1940 Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 CUMlflr AdTwttetas Thre lrtlons pa Us He Six Insertions per Ua 40e On moats- par Una 31 Minimum chars tie: 8 tt mln- tmam tic; t U. rain. 4Sc No r rands. Com lot thta page accepted nttl :3 the vln brce tlo tot elaaarfVatloei Copy r ealved after tola t4w wUl be roa uadr tho beading To Lt t Th State aanaan a flnan responsibility for errors which may immt In drMeets nob IWk4 la It column and In where tbla paper to fault will r prtnt that part of an ad vei Use men! la which ta typographical mlata occur. Tha Statesman rerv th fight t ratart aueetlonabl ararttta ft fort he t erve th rrht ta pUea all adrwlMnf wr tn rlaaatftatln. A "Biladr Ad an ad contattr a &ta. teaman boa number for aa ad Jraaa Is fot tha orotartfna at the advertiser and must therefor b answered by letter Tba Wateama la not at liberty ta dlvulae tnforrna, Uoa aa to tba Identity of aa adver tlwr uatrut a "BHnd" aaV Livestock FARMERS "SSI)"?: BPW CHA RUB. DEAD AND WOBTm.jtfW HORSES ANL COWS AMI wnr.t. IN THE WIUJUfETTE -VAt-LCY. WE PAT TOP PRICKS PHONE U3 COLLECT 8411 SALKM Help Wanted IS WEEK1.T. GROW Muahrooma. Cellar, ahad. Wa buy fresh. I Sc. dry 31.38 lb. FREE BOOK. Muahrooraa. 192T Third, Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Male WANTED A TRUCK driver who rill Invcat. 1500 aa down payment on , new home. Box 971. Statesman. Help Wanted Female REFINED TOUNO woman. 25 to $9. for can. housework. Box 919. State man. WANTED First class hsekeeper. Must be gd. cook, to work In summer horn. $60 per mo. Age bet. 25 A 45. Hogg Proa. 325 Court OOOO STEADY girl for hsewrk. Prefer Japane or negro. Make home with us. Box 17:, co Statesman. Situations Wanted DRESS alAK. lira AdaltC Ph. 3t IRON, rk )ir PI aew, 20c 7111 EXP. SALESMAN able to manage h'dware. groc.. or gen. mdae. Ph. 6. For Sale Miscellaneous MLS WALNUT ahells. 3c a aack bring aacka Klorfela Packing Co. IM "rurJU-U-J-----u-.-.-.- Btkaa Rtu Kamadett. 143 8 Ua XJk-TIXXrTjnjtfT-riJIJtlaar'aii iMMaaiaaaiaa CASH REUtajTICR. Adding maeaaaa. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calcwtatar and Scale aervkoa. All makes aoM. ranted awappad. Roca Typewriter Exchange. 45 Court. aaaawaWanabaa"a INSPECTED boy sen berry A black berry Upa. L. Zlelke. Rt. 3. Dial 22S7. BICTCLE COLUMBIA, excellent condition. 3t 8. 25 th. NEI-SON BROS. SPECIAL NEW. BIO co. ft. Gibson refrlc- aratora. sealed la, ateel Scotch yoke mechanism wltn a -yr. warmniy, Rhi and cream oren-nroof refrtarr- ator aet. Everything compete for 119 e KH A FA terms of 35 00 dowi and 33.(9 a month. Other modela on a comparable ttasia. 3SS-4I Chemeketa aahBasaaawaaabisas"aflaA FERTILIZER. PH. 5C0. THJC APRON Shop. 7 N High BARRED ROCK ease. aeC. 45c : 10 I2.M. Km Roaaberry. Oervata. Oregon ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 30F4. Walker. GOOD COOKING apple 25c box and op. Pure apple Juice dally. Z-c gaL Freh carrot lulce. Open Sunday a to S. Par! tan Cider Wks West Salem. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fn berta. Alee ineata M Klorfem Pack ing Cm. til & Haxb. Phone T333. Wanted Furniture -WE PAT SPOT CASH." T. N. A GLENN WOODRT Ph. 3113 Used Furniture. R. For gey. P. T44I M i.aerellaneons Dental Plate Reoair TWO-HOUR 8RRVICS IM MOST (J ASKS Bring ar Man Tour Plates for Reoatt DR. RARRT PEMLRR. DENTIST Allaky Btda. 3d A Morrison. RR 242T PRACmt'R PIANOS 33 H L aafff O. C PATTERSON shoe repair- tag baa moved to 4S Parry St. WTLL. OIVK small dog. to good home, preferably country. Llcanee paid, mono For Rent Room HOTEL MARION SoeHal weekly and monthly rate to perm, gueeta Marina Coffee Sham oVllrrnja wieaia at tow nnn aayBlaa1akBealMMaawjaMPVBBW HOT El SAIJCM tnw mawtble rate SLEEPING RMS. for ladlea with private Irrrnar- rm. Laundry. cooking prrrtlagea. Hi N. Winter, tm. Ti. LARGE. WARM room, private borne. walking aistance. Fnont 74. 8LP. R. eery close. (15 Chemeketa. (5)n?RoaStalesiiiaii ADVERTISING Western Advertising. Representatives Oeorge D. Cloee. I no. aWa SYanciaro. Ioa Aaselea. Seattla Eastern Advertising Represenutivea Bryant. Griffith A Brunaoa, Ina Chicago New Tork. Detroit aaterad at Wnc af Sale Oregon ma Second CUtat Af alter. Puk ttakmd evera asararaf cca Afeadaa Saavnaaa evtce tii Ceeita Cematerciol Afreet. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rate taj Advance. Wltbla Oregoa: OmUr and 8V Ma aeaia; 3 Horn. II aaoa S3 : I rear $. K1aaarar !. par ar 13 03 for I veat ta evaac per ewry S rent. Newaetaoda, l esstt Be 1-1IT i. ai i nw fT.XS a ve Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAI.U WRITS, ar pboaa I9IMI ta auuitiM ruianc inawiuiion i aui nnancavi an la win ba arscusaed and anad ta atrtcteat privacy Ten wtu ba give every ooaeidcraUea la tba re- aT ywar Imi or granttna al ostenaton 1 to 24 Month to Repay Too caa par ta full any time ta redue tha cost. Only Borrower Si pis No andoraera. Loans made on furniture, ears ar not. 8JUS EOT R SIMMON 8. aiUR. JIM CLARK. ASST. afQR Urn. N M Ul GENERAL FINANCE CORPORA HON 13 Ooennaerctau St. utb af Ladd A Buah Bank Coavanlant couod Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. UM KlJlNlH UUARD1AN BUII.DINO UCKNSIC NO U IS PRIVATE MONEY ACTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ra duea payments. Ifoncy for new ar used cara Ma delay ar red tape Ton will ra tala p iaaaaalop of tha vehicle. I TO ta afCNTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS I St South Commercial 8 treat Phooe tl3 Lie No al-113 THA LOAN aS.. 'so piiy loana Abyama A Ellis Inc. Maaonic Bide, loana Wanted or uTL-l i ppivitk UflNT.T TO LOAN on good Balm real aa- WtH pay Wr interest W. O. UKABK.NMUliai m v-v. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on rarra and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawtuna a rennerta frD oil rinA miiiA flrat f rrrt martaagea and bonds. Sea B. C Zlelm kl. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Phone 410 or 745. Finanrial 31300 1st rntg.. . Int. pay. aeml annually. Good eeourlty. RICH L. REIMANN BENJ. FRANKLIN HOME LOAN Reserve protection clause allows bor rowers to reduce or skip monthly pay ments. F. H. Ielano, 290 N. Churclt For Rent Rooms PLEAS. KM., close in. Lady. 822- NICK Sip. rm. Prlv. ent, 310. 260 Marlon. Ph. 4. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. 303 N. Liberty. NICE. FR. rm.. bL. 370 N. AWAY FROM home, want good home cooking, call at 450 Marlon. GO. R. A brd. Close. 490 S. Com l. For Rent Apartments Bach. apt. Prl. ent. C71 N. CapltoL ONE RM. apt., well fumlahed. for employed girl, call 145 N. 14th. 313. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. shower, ground fir. Adults. $18. Ph. 5307. J RM. APT adulta 7T0 S. Corn L 3 N. LIBERTY. 3 R-. prlv. ent. 135 Centar. 3 R-. lower apt., prl. bath. PATTON APTS, furnished. 323 State, Ph. 244. Apt. 3. I ROOM MOD. furn auto. beat, hot water, cloee In Phone 33C7. APARTMENTS. 332.50 to 337.3 Royal Court Apta. Phone 3B3 SEX TUB Ftsber Apta. before yog dedde. Large A Airy. Rock wool In sulated agalnat beat A cold. Venetian Bllnda throughotit S Com l A Oak Sta FURN. APT, 3(4 S. Com'L P. 3753. The Devaraaux strlctiy modern Apta. NICK J ROOM ram. apt- cloee S1&. 391 N. Commercial. HAWTHORNE Court, 1000 N. Cap Uoi I lamellae and commodioTia. Purn. apta, 439 N. Front. Ph. 20. CLOSE IN 1 R.. studio couch. 3281. 3 OR 4 RM furn.. Its., water, gar, 3t H. 21st. Ph. 4354. MOD. 2 A 4 ROOM (urn. Ph. 7532. ... i i . . t n t fwr a mi' . msjV bath. 187 N. Cottage. TeL 5203. APT., mod. home, adults. 449 N. Cap. 2 RM. FURN, 315. 374 N. Church. APTS.. ITJRN , unlurn. Children- . at n at. -a a o a welcome upw s. i-vn. x. Stratton apta 3 rm. base. apt. 3842. Newly decor. 4 rm. apt. Ph. 7013. 3 RM. UNFURN. 3 rm. furn. Very cloae. Newly dec Ph. 5825. after achL AT HOLLYWOOD. 14 N. Capitol, furn, 3 rffli, low rates, adults. 1 R. FURN. bachelor apt Heat, wa ter, elec Prlv. entrance. 340 Union. 3 R. FURN, BATH, steam bent, garage. Very reuMonble. 3005 N. Cap ltoL BACHELOR APT, $10 per month, garage. 813 N. Com'L DOWNSTAIRS furn. apt. 151 N. IS. FURN. 3 RM. apt. 444 S. High. 3-3 RM. FURN. apta Lights, water, washer. $19-31 2.5. 174 Market FURN. APTS, adults, elec. washer, $9.7 mo. and up, garage. 634 N. Cap ltoL 3 RM. FURN. apt, adults, lights A water. 31. 38 N. 31at. 3 RM. FURN. apt, 920 Mill St. t OR 3 RM. apt with kitchenette, ballt-lna. ht A h. water, Ph. 7431. aajwasasajaajaaaaasaaaaaa t AND 3 RM. Prt bath. 339 Center. CLN. APT. A room. 425 N. Church. 2 R It w,. gar. 312.50. Ph. 7113. JeaejaeaajaaajwaaWwtaaawaaajaysaw Apartment 1120 Center. nr fnrn ant Automatic heat gas refrigerator, stoves. 355 S. 14th. unn m Mwil flm auto. beat. not water, cloae in. tro. Furn. 2 S rm apta 690 Union. ajyaaaaaayajaweaaaaaaasaaaakawaaaaaajv aseaej Unfurn. apta Adults. Inq. 1285 N. 4. mj0mMmmmm&m0mmmm0m00Lm""m ONE rm. furn.. apt. In Christian home. 791 N. CommerclaL 2- RM. apt. 44$ & Winter. For Rent Honr LARGE HSE, 1778 Fir. Pb,28. FURN. AND unfurn. housea R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capftol III HAVE TH PRiWPWCT IF TIKI . waat to aelL exchange. teaaa, rent Mr lirae a Mr. Col rtna with Hawlcte A Roberta faaaaajaawaaWaaBaaajaaBBaAAawaawaAl FURNI8FOOT UNFURNISHED MKI.VIN JOuhsoh, lis Money to Loan oatarm a oUWat. kiimi Duma owned and Lie. No 8-131 Phone IIU floor location For Rent House) FURNISHED AND unfurn, housea H. P GRANT. B3 Court. Phone 1744. FURN. BUNG, Oak Villa Court. Adults. No dogs. Inquire 95 MilL NEW, MOD. 4 rm. hae. 834 N. 16th. SMALL FURN. house. 4338 or 6313. 7 RM. NR. Sr. high. 113. Ph. 5222. 3 RM. STRICTLY mod. completely furn. home close In for leas by owner, call 1113 or 3172. 3 HOUSES FOR rent, one for sale. Inq. 255 Division. S R. FURN, newly dec. 950 N. llth. 5 RM. MOD. hse. Just outside city limits. 328 mo. Ph. SF3. FURN. 4 RM. house, gar. A K acre, 1:31 Sixth St.. W. Salem. NEW 5 R, 330. Furn. If desired. 3 R. 38. 5 R. 1H A., 331. Ph. 7111. 5 R. furn., newly decorated. 340 N. 18th. Ph. 9440 after 3. FOUR RM. modern liouae. 133 N. 17th. Ph. 7367. Vkatiltnl to Rent WANTED. TO rent furn, apt nr. state house. Box 3S4, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate TRANSFERRED MUST sell my 8 ran. home on creek by Mar. 20. Four yra. old. coat 35250 to build Including lot. automatic heat, will take 13000.00. V67, Statesman. SPECIAL INVESTMENT OR home I rmi A nook, fireplace, st paved and paid. Price 81500 half cash. See Mrs. El lis with CIIILOS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2 61. NEW ONE room house, $123. (No lot) 595 S. 22nd. SACKIFICK V ACRE. 4 R. house. $400 cash. Next week only. 418 Ever green Ave. ,-oj-tn.ixrMJ1r--ii-n-.iV-.-w- i-i i "" NEARLY NEW modern 3 bedroom home, fireplace, furnace, on 1 H lota. Large trees. Sacrifice for cash. Tat 59 89 after 6 p. m., or until noaa Bun day. MODERN HOME, Newport. Ore gon, 31250. Inq. 1335 Stale. Tat 72. FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD 5 ROOM home near Leal la sohL Price reduced for quick aaia. Would consider small acreage ftr equity. See Mr. Hardy with HAWK INS A ROBERTS, INC. BUSINESS BUILDING ft, ta Salem on Pacific highway. Box 968. Statesman. ii u ji. i ia-- .tm. WANT OFFER on estate at 1250 Falrmount Avenue. KRUEGER. 147 N. Coral. BARGAIN. 3125. W. SALEM lot Paved st Good location, 274 Street hwd. floors, Salem Hts. district. $2. Will take cheaper house, clear acreage or lot part pmt One-half acre, I rm. new house, furnace, fireplace, hwd. flra, 34950. east will take cheaper place. S A. with i rm. house, elec. Just off Pac. highway south, 3-000, will take old house tn Salem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Court Street NEW 2 BEDRM. home, lot 75x100. bargain at 31850. $250 will handle, 3 hedrm. hae, 3 lota, plenty of shade only $2000 reas. dn. payment Equity la new bouse to trad for lot or acreage, cloae In. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 5 Edgi water Pnene 5S22 Good 3 R. hoove, garage, wood houae. Big lot Good lawn. Price $210. Smal: down payment baL Hke rent. New 6 R house, only 3100 down. C rm. houae, 3100 down. Old house, full price $125. Good tern la. F. H. WEIR, Realtor, 312 Oreg Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD 3 ROOM, well located borne In North Salem. Extra large lot Lots of fruit berries A shrubbery. Prop, is clear A a hargaln at $2100.00, or would trade on a good new home. See Mr. Hardy or Mr. Collins, with HAWK INS A ROBERTS. INC. EXCEPTIONAL GOOD BUT DANDY 3-R. HOUSE, basement, furnace. 3 nice bedrooms, all on on floor. Large living room A dining room, lot 63x15. A real bargain for $3500.0 with $800 down; nice loca tion. Good 5-R. house, garage, good loca tion A nice lot. $!5 down; price 3 1. 600.00. J AS. D. BEARS, REALTOR 471 Court St Phone 3411. Life's Darkest Moment VaaasaaaanaaBBawaaaaaeaaasBBaaBaaBaaBBeBwaBaBwaaeaawaaaiaw Mev.MouY irsAYS it vst. cuier i A-aSASlS. WHOOPIM' COU6H, OaPThe RA, -rM...... ... . . . l Cex-c. Oat-ew-AaviS. CHotfAA, towtcr :.jiVr',r T4" Feve. APPeTMtxci n s, Afcnc, ovSPrv5A, . fcf . . v I ;l. 1 ; eFlt4EPSY, ASTfaMA, PHfiCMlTlt, PWK4FY, V "V r T' pnAvje ptssoMv9, RAf3e? s, sum sthokt, -yX.'X y-VA avrStsvAA Ay'smSMS &uT nor one -St?jX- I Money to Loan LOANS - - $25 to $300 . . . For Easter Shopping To Pay Old Bills It's as simple as A-B-C. Just do this: A Come In or phone and tell us bow much you need, B Sign and get the cash. C Take up to 20 months to repay la small Instalments which you select tf fit tfrtnr mirM. i 30 repaya at $ 3.33 per mo. for 10 repays at $ 3.72 per mo. 200 repays at $13.44 per mo. Come In. Ask PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 2nd Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Phone 3191 Corner State and High ' Opposite Court House M-16S - State I Soenae - S-122 WOULD A CASH LOAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR SPRING PURCHASES: New clothing, house furnishings, garden or field equipment house painting, taxes for automobile purchase or refinance or for con solidation of winter debts? Borrow tn confidence from the Calkins Finance Company and repay a small amount each month. For example if you receive You pay monthly $ 40.0 $ 4.02 100.00 6.73 150.00 10.08 200.00 13.44 300.0 20.18 The above payments mclnd Interest AUTOMOBILE Loana up to $500.0. You will like our friendly service, email monthly payments, and low coat CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd fl. lat NatX Bk. Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 8-228 A M-271 State Licenses For Sale Real Estate WHY PAY RENT?. New 3 bd. rm. country borne, H A. Water, lights. East at city limits. $1900. $50 dn., $17.50 per month. Modem S rm. house, basement fur nace, fireplace, $2600. Small dn. pay ment, bal. $25 per month. 4 bd. rm. house, 2 large lots 120x 129. East front, N. 31st Only 250. Easy terms. ' New 2 bd. rm. house, living rm, dining rm, nook, kitchen. $29QO. Easy terms. Large house and lot located near High School, $1600. Easy terms to right party. 17 A. brand new 4 room house, electricity, water. 1 acre beaver dam, about 3 acres in cultivation. Located east o! Brooks. $2000. $100 down, $13 per month. 3 room house and bath located at Newport room for 3 more cabins. Good location and value. Only $1700. $150 dn, $15 per month. 1 A, aouth of town, small house, 3 acres orchard A berries, some tim ber, flee. $25 an, baL $12.50. Will consider some trade. RICH U REIMANN 137 8. High Phone 8832 NEW mod. home, 3?0. $250 to $25 da, N. sub. Pa. 7112. TOUR HOME. Oaaa ta acre fruit Neat as. Needs npatr. Only $1100. You make the ten-ana. A rare buy. BUTJKOW ICASMIR REAL ESTATE It Ladd A Buaa Bldg. Ph. 5935 LOTS tor CI Hoyt Equity ta On bus Una Heath "Mem home. r arhoea. inq. after I p.m. 27S Equity ia amaTi bouse, $250. Full price 31a. lS . z let MUST SELL 4 bdrm. hue, bar kitchen, furnace, lge. lot $850 for S12JM equity. Total $1950. 1545 Trade. $250. TVr-ma. Well-built bungalow. 5 roams, full cement dry baaement furnace, beautiful creek lot, five blocks state office bldga Close to new high. Jr. high and grade school. Price has been reduced for quick deal. Immediate possession. See Bechtel or Need ham. 341 State. R, 4. 3100 down, 315 month buya home on priced at 31200. O. E. RAE. 1255 State. Ph. 8781 v'-"'"rTe Rrt Ratste WANTED A VACANT lat ar car as part payment on new boras. Ph. 759IT 20 acres near Salem. $2000 avrue. No encumberancea, exchange for Port land home East side. Will assume. 147 N. Com'L W. O. KRUEGER TRADES A client ha a 3 isian linnsa, excel lent condition. Waata to trade for a small acreage das t a boa line. Another one has an SLcre, very well Improved. Wants to move to town. ret another one has 3 acres. They want to come to Salem. Then. too. we have a 6 -room home, will trade for 1 acres. Must be Un proved. P. H. BELL REALTOR 42 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 1 A with new 4 rm. hse. Elect and water. Will trade for city property or equity In property. F. H. WEIR, Realtor. 313 Oreg. Bldg. TRADE New 4 -room rented house. West Salem. Valuation $1004, for sub urban property or acreage. 923 8. High Money to Loan J mom. for 30 moa for 2 moa. for Mr. Miller. Exchange Real Estate S acre tract east $3000 value, no encumbrances. Will exchange forborne In Salem, equal value. 147 N. Com'L W. G. KRUEGER For Sale Farms A BIG FARM FOR A LITTLE MONEY OVER 260 ACRES, 11 mL from Sa lem on a good road. Fair bldga. with elec A spring water. 76 A. In cult, balance timber A cut-over pasture. A real opportunity for a stock farmer at 318.50 per A. See Mr. Collins, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. SACRIFICE SALE MAN FROM east writes A says sell my 42 A, mostly fruit A nuts, about 7 -miles of Salem, on corner of two food highways. Price reduced from 350 to 32400 terms. $25 DOWN PRICE $3000.00 buys a nice 8-acre tract nice small house bath A toilet Barn A garage. Family orchard. See Mr. Gallagher with J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 478 Court Street Phone 3488. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 331 State Street inquire room 200 TeL 8713. Acreage New 4 room home with 1 acre. 3500 or city property aa down payment 3150 buys Imp. 30 A. near Aums- O. E. RAE. 1268 Stat Ph, 3761. 1 A., NEW 8 ROOM plast house, ga rage, fruit $2300 $200 down. This place is worth the money. PRICED TO SELL 4 bedroom mod. plast home with 1 A, located close to city, main road. $4500. Trade for city. C, H. SANDERS 118 8. High 5121 CHOICE SMALL TRACTS NEAR KEIZER school owner will build to suit purchaser and sell on easy terms. Let's talk it over. See Mr. Bart- lett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9261 8TOCK AND TIMBER 320 ACRES. HEAVY growth alder timber, fine strong creek entire length of place. Inexpensive bldga 1 ml. off raved highway. Offered for less than 10 per acre. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9261. Suburban NOW IS THB time to get your country home let ua enow you a comfortable 7 rm. houae on Garden Rd. city school dist A bus service. k acre black soil many large shade, fruit A nut tree a This is a buy for $3900. Will accept lot as part, call for ap pointment See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9281. Business Opportunities 8 A. EXCEL, land, trade ia on go ing business. Owner. Box 652. Salem. FURNITURE A LEASE of small apartment house, Inq. 430 N. Liberty. SERVICE station and repair shop to lease. One mile from town. Take 3500 to handle. Going business with opportunity to Increase. 8ee Merrltt Truax. Hancock Gas. N. Front A Co lumbia Sta. 811 restaurant downtown doing good buatoeea. Sickness of son force of aale, 33d cash. Wm. A. Noyea. Real Eatjraa. 31 Norway. Ph. 8364. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph, 6370 Green. 412 N 21- DRY SLAB 3 cd. 4 ft 83.5 cd. t eds, la-tn. 34 6 cd. Sawdust i omit. Tel 334. "DRY WOOD, 84-6 A $5. Ph. 7421. WHY NOT phone 100F15T I do. ATTENTION! BUY wood that lasts 1 Beat old fir. IS". $5.50. Ph. 7081. MILL WOOD. TeL 5341. Wood at west end of Court St . DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9580. 3 eds. 18-ln. old Ar. $16. Ph. 3700. Personal LONELY 7 WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband, wi fa for you, P. O. Boa 71. Los Angelea . Cards In this dlrrrtory ran on a monthly bss only. Rate: $31.23 per Una per moath. Anto Brakes Mike Panek 976 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 8 ConVcL P. 4518 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446 R E. Northnes Excavating tOCCAVATlNtl OF all ktnda Baae ntanta dag Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sal. Salem San J A GraveL P 403 Florists Hretthaupt'a 447 Court. Phooe 3904 Fruit Trees 109.00 I'KACH TREES Imp Early Elberta J H. Bala, Slappy. eta Sac rifice, i i latin Valley Nurseries Sherwood ir. 31attresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New tnattresa, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving, S. 13th A Wilbur TeL 8441. Zwtcfcera. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40 House Moving Business Directory S46L For Sale Used Cars '39 Plymouth 4-dr. deL Sacrifice for quick sale. Mr. Patterson. YMCA. '28 CHEV. pickup. License, tires, battery. Good shape. Make an offer. 11 Marion. 1938 DODGE 4-DOOR trunk Sedan. Inquire at THE COFFEE CUP. 42 No. Church St, Salem. Legal Notice NOTICE OX FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tbe undersigned Alfred E. La Brunch, Executor of the estate of Felix LaBranch, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty his Final Account, and that said Court has, by an order there of, designated Thursday, the llth day of April, 1940, at the hour of ten (10:00) o'clock In the fore noon of said day, at the County Courtroom in the Courthouse at Salem, -Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and the set tlement of said estate, at which said time and place all persons so objecting shall appear and show cause, it any there be, why said Account should not, in all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed and the Executor discharged. ALFRED E. LaBRANCH Executor of the Estate of Felix LaBranch, deceased. ROSS Ml FORD. Attorneys for the Estate. M 12-19-26 A 2-9 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR la the County Court of tha State of OregoB for Marion County In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Har riet M. Durkheimer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been appointed executor of the above named estate by order of the above entitled court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned, at the United States National Bank of Portland. Oregon (Salem Branch), Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of Febru ary, 1940. CHARLES F. MACK, Executor. M. 5-12-19-26-Ap.2 Club Will Dance At Independence INDEPENDENCE Thursday niht tbe regular monthly dance of the I-H Dancing club will be given at the Woman's club rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratzke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dyke. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craven, Mrs. Elsie Bolt and Claude Larkin will serve as hosts and hostesses for the evening. The home of Mrs. A. L. Thom as was the setting for the meet ing of the Wednesday Bridge club last week. Mrs. C. W. Henkle and Mrs. Patricia Patterson of Dallas and Mrs. Cleve Robinson were special guests. A new sewing club recently formed, met at the home of Mrs. H. R. Lay ton last Wednesday af ternoon. The group elected Mrs. Layton as president and will meet every Wednesday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Wayne Mc Gowan. Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Norval Taylor, Mrs. Martin Fratzke, Mrs. Cleve Robinson, Mrs. John Holechek, Mrs. Al Schlag, Mrs. Burch and Mrs. Lay ton. Babies Born, Silverton SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. T-awrence Johnson are reporting he birth of a boy March 8, weight 4 pounds 14 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen of Monitor are announcing the birth of a son, 8 ponds and 2 ounces, March 9. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F. A A.M. Monday. March 11. pot luck family dinner 8 :$0. E.A. degree 7:30. Pacifle Lode No. SO. A.F.AA.M MM Degree Wed, Mar, 18. 7:30 Wts. Marriott. W.M. Naturopathic Physician DR. W H ROCKWELL Naturopath le Phyatclan, 179 Fairground Rd Tel 4303. Office Houre it a.m. to 3:3 p.m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION Papering, Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnaon Ph.3723 HERBERT 33. WOOD. TeL 3373 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wrk. Graber Broa, 164 & Liberty. Ph. 6594. Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda pamphlets program a books or sny kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 316 & CommerclaL Tele Phooe 9 1 0 L Roofing COMP A BUILT UP roofing repairs burnt, waterproofing. Beaver Stat .ooflng Co.. J W Copeland Tarda 63 W a line Road Phon 6827, Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rt 1. R 33 A. 481. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor aga burner oiL call 3131 I-armer Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dallv MOVING, hauling $1 26 hr. Ph. 8334 CITY TRANS. Ph. 3818. Reaa. ratea Well Drilling A. WEST. rU , aea 446. Pa. ltFV Raeder Pledges r Mjiia-auft! ui ft . " 1 ti . . If. Rtdiophoto Grand Admiral Erich Raeder In a radio Interview heard in the United States, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder of the German navy declared that "the German navy will be guided by the principle to do its very best to show every possible consideration to American vessels wherever they may be." Raeder is shown as he made his broadcast in Berlin. Flood Kills Lv 4 Four persons were dead and hundreds of others homeless in floods In Ohio caused by excessive rainfall and melting snows. This pic ture was taken at Maasillon, where streets became rivers in low lying sections. Cross Word Puzzle 22 23 7 2M 22 26 36 37 3 IIZZZZIrZZII Wi 7 M3 777 144 t4 W6 ZZZI" "ZZ"" A,l 1 IM 111 HH HORIZONTAL 1 Thus ( Latin) 4 -Concede 9 Strike lightly 12 Period ' 18 More unusual 14 Past 16 Sailor 16 Insect IT Made more comfortable 19 Wharf 21 Prohibits ttWho wnU "XJncU Tom' 9 Cabin"? tiWhat Brituk port vroU "Tha Angal in thm Hotuarr 27 Mist 28 Female horses 29 Exclamation 80 Tribe of the Niger 31 Penetrated 32 Evergreen S3 Proposed international language 34 Pastries 85 Who wrotm "Thm Magi Mountain" T SiWkat Ruatian vrota "War and Peaca-f S3 Who led t A Itrae(iU$ out Eevptt 39 Cereal grass 40 Feminist leader 41 Who wrota "Beliava Ma if Att Theaa Endearing Young Charmant 43 Dance step 44 Sheep 47 Remnant 48 Smiling B0 Trap 51 Existed 62 Under part of the foot (pi) 63 Body of water VERTICAL 1 Place 2 Masculine nam . t IFaat juatiea entered the Su preme Court in l$3Xt I Charm I Position I" fiHU tn performancs Courtesy to US - r v . , . s - r ' ' i -Kit '-Z s .'.'j.-.'rfOf. 1 Four in Ohio e, v-v.. .-.jw. .v.:-.:- .-v.- - -- ii n jat dv fit Z',v 9 A 'if- - - ' 7 Compass point (abbr.) 8 Dealt with 0 Who torote "Jerusalem Deliver acTt 10 Grow old 11 Seed vessel 18 Supplies with weapons 20 Be indebted to 21 Uncovers 22 Garment 23 Forbidden 24 Political organization t5Wkat famous river fiow$ to the North Seat 26 Merits 28 Members of s warlike trior 31 Beau 32 Fixes firmly 34 Former Russian ruler 35 Witticism 37 Plunders 38 Poles sustaining sails 40 Walking stick 41 Cut grass 42 Anglo-Saxon money of account 43 Friend 45 Small 46 Greek letter 49 Maiden loved by Zeus Answer to yesterday puzzle. 3-12 E X t AR AR MlE jW A l A R T G R O A NgjE R A T E E E D E MWjO E 7 Average tha t sslaUaai 33 at tastes. SnatrOaasifer Uasl Wll' i wkwdsePawatatfc OtWB- 1723a lvlia.