pace hike LOW COST RESULTS WITH STATESMAN WANT-ADS 12 Words, 3 Times Only 50c! 12 Words, 6 Times Only 80c! To OSEGOX1 STATESMAN. SaUm. Oragon. Satarday Morning, March 1, 1940 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUuvmed ArhrertUInt Three Insertions per ltne..28e Six , Insertions per line 40c One month per line 11 IS Minimum 'charge 26c; S tl min imum I5e; 6 tl mln. 45c No refunds. Copy fot this page aceetKed until itS the evening be for, f.utillca tlon foi ctxaai float Ion Copy re eel Ted after this time will he run under the heading "Too Late to Classify " The Statesman mumn nn ftnan clal respoMsMjIHty foi errors which may appeal In advertisement iub llshed lt rolumns and In ruse where this inp! ta at fault will re print thnt part of an advertisement in which the tTDOfrmphli-nl m Intake occur. The Statesman reserve the rtrhi to relect questionable advert ising It furthei reserves the rent to place ell advert tains under the proper rbts4fWat Ion. A "Blind" Ad an ad rontalnlna a Statesman box numlwi foi an ad dress is tor the protection of the advertise? and muat therefore be answered by teller The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge In forma ttoo aa to the identity of an adver tiser uslna- a "Blind ad. Livestock FARMERS MONTOOMERT RENDERING WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE DF.AD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERI IN TH K WILLAMgrTTK VAI.I.KT. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US CtH.I.ECT. Mil SAI.EM snrunoiViVYiJvviivtr,fc'"" Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthless an imals at a moment' notice. Salem fertilizer A By Product Co. 25th and Turner Road Phone Salem 500 Collect Note: Wa ael) meat meal to feed etorea. Help Wanted $39 WEEKLY. GROW Mushroom, Cellar, shed. We buy fresh, 35c. dry 1.35 lb. FREE BtK)K. Mushrooms, 1921 Third. Seattle. Wash. HAVE UNIQUE deposit diatomite for sale or develop. Exp. man wife to run 440 A. farm. S. Idaho. 2270 N. Fourth. WANTED EX PER. dental assist ant : must have gd. refer. be gd. x-ray technician. Apply Dr. Harry Bcmler. Salem. WANTED PARTY with truck to haul loss at once Ball Bros.. Tur ner. Help Wanted Male t YOUNG HEN to solicit A work on truck for boy's home. Small sal ary room A board. 1535 S. Liberty. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED HOSIERY sales lady for Saturday and short hour work. Box 960. Statesman. EXPERIENCED BEAlfTY opera tot. Write Box 959. Statesman. GIRL FOR lunch room room, board and wages. 31F13. WANTED, EXPERIENCED en Candler. Do not apply unless you know your stuff. MARION CREAMER V. Salesmen Wanted S MEN FREE to travel, must have ears Something new : every home In terested. Promotion if you qualify. See Mr. Fuller 7 to J p. m., Morrla bote!. ; State. Situations Wanted PRgss Mr Adsltt- ptL :A WAITRESS 3 TRS. exp. rest, and hotel dining rra. Mabel DlUler, Ph. 382. -n ri i -i - r r i -ii-ii - - - - - PRAC nun, care old people. 5274. WANT POSITION In home. light housekeeping, elderly couple, or moth erless home. Fond of children, educa ted. Protestant Christian. Country preferred. Dundee, ureg., Kt. 1, Box 15. KXP. SALESMAN able to manure t d ware, grroc.. or gen. mdse. I'h. j&S For Sale Miscellaneous SALE WALNUT sheila 5c a sack bring aacka Klorfeln Packing Co. $88 High DAFFODILS, 10c DOZ. 2C89 Cher ry Are. BODT, FENDER and motor tools; also boy's balloon-tire bicycle, 1141 N, Com'L BOYSENBERRY plants, well rooted. IIS per aL. you dig. Fn. iJl. Bikes Rep rVamsoer.. 141 8 Us CASH RKOISI KR Adding machine. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Kxcnans. 458 Court. INSPECTED bo v sen berry A black berry tlpa L. Zlelke. Rt. 3. Dial 2157. HALE, FURNITURE, beds, mat tresses, tables. . unurcn. BICYCLE COLUMBIA, excellent condition. 305 S. 35th. . NELSON BROS. SPECIAL NEW' BIO I ru. ft Gibson refrlg sratora. sealed in. steel Scotch yoke mechanism wttn a s-yr. warranty. Blue and cream oven-proof refriger ator set. Everything complete for $.. EH A FA terms of $5.00 down snd $I.t g month. Other models on a comparable basts. 855-41 Chemeketa DAT BED. Urge upholstered chair. 114 Columbia St. rcfionStale siaan ADVERTISING Western Advertising Re presents tires George D. Cloaa Ins. aa J'Tanclaco. Los Ant lea Seattle astern Advertising . Representstlves Bryant Griffith A Krunsoo. Ins. Chicago New York. Detroit tV'gton, Atlanta gaiersd mt 1A fwlo'iti mt galea Oregon aa Aecoarf Cfnaa Mutter. PuS jtaaef sverjr moral o eacept Monday Bastneas atce tit Baulk Commmrciai Strt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subocrlptlon Rates In Advance Within Oregoe. Dally snd Sunday Mo. esnis; I etoe $14; Mos si ll : l yea i t Elsewhere $ cents pr Mat. ec 44.SS foi I vest tar advance fir copy S ceata Newtwtanda. ft canta M .T.r. . aa Mats m naalk T.Jft a year l sdvance U Martoa Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS, er phone Hill) to Hatam s oldvat eugest home owned and soot Mutriaged finance Institution Veut financial affalia will be illsi us il and nana mads Is strictest privacy Tou will be given every consideration k the re paying of your lose or granting of ei ienatona 1 to 24 Months to Repay Toe caa pay is fall any time to .reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsera Loans made on furniture, ears er not. 8EB ROT H SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie Ns M 148 GENtRAL FINANCE CORPORATION 13 8o Commercial St. - Lie. No S 131 First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Phone 114ft Convenient ground floor location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ith KleMiK IMIARUIAN BUII.DINQ LICENSE NO M 15 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used csrs No dekty er red tape You will re tain nomeaslon of the vehicle. I TO 20 Mf NTH9 TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS I3S South Commercial Street Phowe si$S Lie No 54-183 When You Need M oney NOTHING ELSE WILL DO I It Is thee a case of getting the money qslekiy. conveniently, without fusa or red tape. That's why we Invite you to come to CALKINS FINANCE CO It la our business to help you meet your emergency, or to provide the nec essary cash to carry you over. M.72 per mo. repays 8100. Other amounts In proportion. Automobile loans and refinancing up to $500 00. Sams low payments, CAUCINS FINANCE COMPANY 202. 2nd fl. 1st. Nat'L Btc BMg. Salem. Oregon Phone 444 4. S-228 A M-278 State Licenses FHA LOANS Hv "to prlv. leans Abrams A Eilia Inc. Masonic Bids. Money for Taxes OUR SPECIALTY PERSONAL "America's largest finance company In the small loan field" CAN HELP YOU MEET YOUR TAX ES ON TIMK AND STILL HAVE THE CONVENIENCE OK SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $ 50 repays at t 3.36 per mo. for 20 nioM. 3100 repays at f 4.72 per mo. for 30 moa $200 repays st $13.44 per mo. for 20 moo. See "IrV Miller. Mgr. or Phone 3191 Personal FINANCE COMPANY 2nd Floor New Bliffli BMg. Corner State and High Opposite Com t House M 165 - State License - ts-122 loan Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will par Interest, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire st Hawkins Roberta FOR SALE Good sotmd first farm mortgages and bonds. See B. C. Zielln akl. with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Phono 4109 or 9745. For Sal e Miscellaneous THE APRON Shop. 479 N High STEINWAY GRAND piano bar gains. Used, but In fine condition. Priced below actual value, win sell fr. r.-i a. rAQbnuKI. rrw.ntlilv TiBV. ments. take upright in exchange at Hi Liitt 1 value. c5eo 1 1 1 . t i y 101 irni pnin. Bnldwin Piano Store. 1011 SW Washington. Portland. Oregon. APPLES, 735 N. COMMERCIAL. ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 50F4. Walker, GOOD COOKING apples 23c box and up. Pure apple juice daily. 25c gal. Fresh carrot Juice. Open Sundays. 9 to 6. Puritan Cider Wks.. West Salem. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fll oerta Also meats M Klorfeln Pack tag Ce 30 8 High. Phone T43S. SECOND HAND shoes for sale- good condition shoo repairing low prices Good work for money spent. 974 S. Commercial please call on ma GROCERY WANTED Small, neat and clean must have living quarters: answer today. ft The Oregon States man, Box 945. Wanted Furniture "WE PAT SPOT CASH." r. N. ft GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 8110 Used Furniture. R. Forge y. P. 74 4 5. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair I" WO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Br! ag er Mali Tout Plates for Reps It DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Allsfcy Bide.- 3d A Morrison. BR. 1437 PHACTH'h, PIANOS 43 H. L Stiff. rx r PlTTFBSnV shoe repair ing has moved to 435 Ferry SL For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION D.w,m iinhi Mkli and monthly rates te perm, guests Marion Coffee Shop, dellctous meals at low prtcaa HilTKL SALEM, low monthly ratea NICH SLEEPING room. 24S S. Church. LARGE S. room nicely furn.. fur nace heat, meala IX desired.-1271 Che meketa. LT bakpsv rm. PrL ent. 435 N. Win. Room and Board SEE MA Bowen. 40S N. Liberty NICE. FR. .im, bL. 270 N. ll. 9342. WANT t OR 3 ELDERLY people to room and board. IMS N. - Fifth. MMWMWMVMMvMWAeeeeeeeAe AWAY FROM home, want rood bom cook inc. ra.ll at 50 Marion. 42TX &. brd. Close. 410 S. CornX Money to Loan For Rent Apartments 2 RM. APT., adulta 770 S. Com'L THE GLEN DORA has a lovely S room furn. apt. 585 N. Summer. 639 N. LIBERTY. 3 R prlv. ent 1935 Center, 3 R-. lower apt., prL bath. PATTON APTS., furnished. 322 State. Ph. 4344. Apt. 3. 5 ROOM MOD. furn., auto. heat, hot water, close in Phone 3347. APARTMENT. I3Z.6S to S37.5S Royal Court Apta Phone 39S SEE THE Fisher Apta before you decide. Large St Airy Rock wool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout 8 Cora'l A Oak Sta FURN. APT, 444 a Com'L P. 175$. FURN APT, 3 ladles. 1147 Oak. The devereatrx strictly modern Apta NICE 3 ROOM furn. apt, doss In $15. $91 N. Commercial HAWTHORNE Court, 1000 N. Cap itol Homelike and commodious Furn. apts 469 N. Front. Ph. 8208. CLOSE IN 1 R.. atudio couch. C28S. 3 OR 4 RM. furn.. Its, water, gar, 396 S. 21st. Ph. 4354. MOD. 3 & 4 ROOM furn. Ph. 7532. FURNISHED AIT., 3 rooms and bath. lliTO N. Cottage. TeL 5208. APT., mod. home, adulta 449 N. Cap. 3 It., HEAT, lights, water, close In, $21.00. O K REALTY 219 Court Street 3 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath, ev erything furn. S8S Saginaw. APTS.. FURN., unfurn. ChiMren welcome. $8 up. 1310 S. 13th. P. 70SS). Stratton apta 3 rm. base. apt. 3842. Newly decor. 4 rm. apt. Ph. 7018. 3 RM. UNFURN. 2 rm. furn. Very close. Newly dec. Ph. 5825, after schl. SM. APT., nicely furn. Women or girls only. 1118 Oak St. LARGK. WARM room. private home, walking distance. Phone 7694. AT HOLLYWOOD, 1940 N. CapltoL furn. 3 rma., low rates, adults. 1 R. FURN. bachelor apt Heat, wa ter, elec. Priv. entrance. 340 Union. 3 R. FURN.. BATH, steam heat, garage. Very reasonble. 2005 N. Cap ltoL BACHELOR APT., $10 per month. garage, 818 N. Com'L DOWNSTAIRS furn. apt. 151 N. 13. LARGE 3 ROOM furn. front apt., also rm. and kitchenette. Private baths. Brown Apts., 148 S. Com'L DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, close In, 330. Ph. 3031. FURN. 3 RM. apt.. 444 S. HiKh. 2-2 RM. FURN. apta Lights, water, washer, $10-$12.5O. 1764 Market. For Rent Houses LARGE HSE.. 1775 Fir. Ph. 8208. FURN. AND unfurn. houses R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol WE HAVE THIS PROSPECT IF TOU want to selL exchange, iease. rent, see Mr Ijirsen or Mr Col llns with Hawkins A Roberts FURNISHED A UNFURNISHED houses. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Ph. 3723. FURNISHED AND unfurn. housea H. P GRANT. 529 Court. Phone 6744. FURN. BUNG, Oak Villa Court. Adulta No dogs. Inquire 995 Mill. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. hse. 864 N. 16th. SMALL FURN. house. 4838 or 6312. 7 RM. NR. Sr. high. $33. Ph. 5222. 4 RM HOUSE, Ph. 4508. 5 RM. STRICTLY mod. completely furn. home close In for lease by owner, call 6112 or 6172. TWO MOD. 4 rm. housea N. Salem. Route 3. Box 3 miles south on Liberty Road. 4 R. A NOOK, furnace, fireplace, elec. range, fine condition. $27.50. 5 room, basement, furnace, garage, $25.00. O K REALTY 21$ Court Street Thrill of a Js?TxJ a i. i ( wKxie, i wswr vto ilA " He IS A NATIVE OP SwtsVl 00 L( For Rent Houses ft ROOM HOUSE, partly turn. bedrooms, garage. Close In. 253 Union St. Inq. 407 Union, S ROUSES FOR rent, one for sale. Inq. 16 k uiviaion. 4 R. FURN.' HOUSE, elose depot. Bush schl. Inq. 180 & 12th. Rm. 3. ft R. FURN, newly dec 950 N. 15th. SsVssa1eaMsskesaa's4s4aa S RM. MOD. hse. Just outside city limits. $28 mo. Ph. 80F3. NICELY FURNISHED and newly decorated 4 room bungalow, basement, furnace, fireplace A garage, elec re frlg. A range, 337.50. S. M. EARLE. Phone 9678 or 3865 NEW 6 R. 1 H A. Heater. $21. -.?.R:,,----Nf!r--Rr ,2- Fh-. 7- NEW S RM.. modern, kitchen, bath. flreDlace. hardwood floora water furn.. Lgarage, electric water heater, oil heat er, $18.00. vacant Mar. lz. m. onz. VI Mr!! to Rent WANTED. TO' rent furn. apt. nr. state house. Box 964, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate MUST SELL at once 4 bedrm. house, bar kitchen, basement, fur nace, large lot. $650 for $1200 equity. 1545 Trade. cowt T. INVESTMENT OR home 4 rma A nook, fireplace, at. paved and paid. Price $1500 half cash. See Mra El- CH1LDS MILLER, REALTORS 344 Stats St. Phone 9261. NEW ONE room bouse, $125. (No lot.) 695 8. 22nd. SACRIFICE i ACRE. 4 R. house, $400 cash. Next week only. 411 Ever green Ave. OPEN HOUSE ONE OF the finest In Walnut Park. Priced to selL Look It over. Saturday, 2 to 4 p. m, Sunday 10 s. m. to 5 p. m. 654 N. 23rd Street. NEARLY NEW modern 3 bedroom home, fireplace, furnace, on 1H lots. Large trees. Sacrifice for cash. TeL 5989 after 6 p. m., or until noon Sun- wonjTU .rLTLn.r.TJL-.-.-. -"JUiJ'u-i MODERN HOME, Newport, Ore gon, $1250. Inq. 1335 State. TeL 7982. 6 ROOM HOME south, cut to $3900. low payment will handle. O. E. RAE. REALTOR. 1255 State $4200.00. A LARGE CORNER bus iness lot on a through street suitable for service sta tion, business Mock. $3800.00. A modern 6 room house, un finished, although o h o I c e corner lot. Close In. $1500.00. 5 acres on the Garden road. ideal for subdivision bus line, lights A phope. Vacant lots everywhere : suitable for modern homes. MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, REALTOR 424 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. FINE HOME in Hollywood dist. Lge. lot. six large rma Fully modern, ex cellent cond. A buy $.1500. BL'DROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Lada a uusn mag. n. 3150. DOWN. 4 RM. home. 2 bed rma. wired for electric stove, garage A paving, $1650. $3600, bungalow, I rma. nook A unfinished upstalra modern every way, corner lot, paving A walks, close In. MONEY TO LOAN AT S PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. NEW, MOD. home. $2690, $254 to $350 dn. No sub. Ph. 7113. Kxrhanae Real Estate WANT ACREAGE for equity In Salem home at $3200 ; will assuma O. H. RAE, 1255 State. Ph. 6761 Acreage CHOICE SMALL TRACTS NEAR KEIZER school owner will build to suit purchaser and sell on easy terms. Let's talk It over. See Mr. Bart let t with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 34 4 State St. Phone 9261 3 RM. HOUSE, unfinished Inside. Garage. 1 acrea Rt. 8, Box 696, Ph. 22-657. 10 A. EXTRA GOOD garden land N. of Salem. Fair bldgs. All kinds of fruit A berries. Will sell at s aacrl flce or consider trading for tract or city prop. H. C. Shields. Oreg. BMg. Ph. 8902. STOCK AND TIMBER S20 ACRES. HEAVY growth alder timber, fine strong creek entire length of place, inexpensive bldgs. 1 ml. off paved highway. Offered for loss than $10 per acre. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. 117 A. 15 ML FROM Salem. 80 In stumps A pasture, fenced, all yr. creek A springs, 350 cords of wood, good soil, lays well, $18.75 per A. A REAL BARGAIN. H A. tracts close In, nice bldg. sites, $400. MONET TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phono 3723. Suburban NOW IS THE time to get your country home let us show you a comfortable 7 rm. house on Garden Rd. city school dist. A bus service. H sere black soil many large shade, fruit s nut trees. This Is a buy for 33900. Will accept lot aa part, call for ap pointment, see Mra Ellis wltn CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS $44 State SL Phone 9261 Lifetime I For Sale Used Cars A Ride WiD Convince You That These Are Good Buys 1936 Pontiac Coach Only $350 Motor reconditioned. Practically new Urea New paint. This car Is In excellent condition. 1939 Plymouth Conpe Very low mileage. 1937 Plymouth Coupe Radio and heater. 1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Coupe Radio, heater, sportllght Very low mileage. 1939 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan Radio, heater, sportllght. This car has been driven only 17, 000 miles. Visit the Used Car Lot to Inspect These Cars Marion and Liberty Streets VALLEY MOTOR CO. 31 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSON BEN DRAGER ART HANSON Saturday Special 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan MOTOR A-l, GOOD TIRES. NEW PAINT. $189 ORVAL'S Used Cars Center A Church Ph. 470$. The BEST for LESS IN A Pontiac Good Will USED CAR 1936 Plymouth 4-Dr. Touring Sedan MOTOR COMPLETELY RECONDI TIONED. 4 NEW TIRES. NEW PAINT. YOU LL LIKE IT. Sat. Only $395 TERMS A TRADES HERRALL-OWENS CO. 4's PONTIAC 8's 228 S. Com'L Phone $149. SS V-8 COUPE, artillery wheel a good tires overhauled '35 motor, new paint, $150. Ph. 4530. 1151 Chemeketa, For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. ISI State Street mature room 200 Tel 3713 Wanted Real Estate WANT ABOUT one acre 4 room modern houses some place south of Salem. Not more than two miles out. Ana The Oregon Statesman, Box 966. Business Opportunities FURNITURE A lease of im. apart ment hse. Inq. 430 N. Liberty. APARTMENT HOUSE furnishings and lease. Inquire 1010 Oak. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. 8370 Uraen. 413 N. 31st. DRT OLD FIR. Slab.. Sec. Gro. snd O. F. knots TeL 7507. 16" OLD FIR. $5. knots $5. 3nd. $4.25: old fir slabs. 84. Ph. 9454. DRT SLAB 3 cd, 4 ft. 33.60 cd. or 3 cds, lS-tn. $4 54 cd. Sawdust $3 unit. Tel 33S4. DRY WOOD. $4.50 A $5. Ph. 7421. WHY NOT phone 100F15T I do. BONE DRY wood. Ph. 9560. WOODS, ALL kinda Ph. 6683. ATTENTION! BUY wood that lasts I Best old fir. 14", $5.50. Ph. 7081. Lost and Found FOUND. LADY'S wrist watch. Call Al Phelpa Statesman office. FOUND, lady's wrlstwatch. P. 22099. WHITE FEMALE Cocker Spaniel injured by car. Please notify O. E. RAE, 1255 State. Ph. 478L Personal LONELTT WORTHWHILE neart. husband, wife for you. P. O. Bos 71. Los Sngelea Business Cards la this directory ran on monthly bss only. Rate: fl.23 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mlks Panek 97$ South Commercial Bicycl es BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W Scott- 147 8 Corn el P. 4814 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44&S R El Northneaa Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for aala Salem San J A Gravel P 9408 Florists Kretthaupt'a 447 Court- Phone $904 Fruit Trees IS0.004 PEACH TREES Imp Early Elberta J H. Hale, Slappy. etc. Sao n'lia Tualatin valley Nurseries Sl-erwood. Ore. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New matlreaa old remade, rug cleaning A weaving 8. 18th A WUbur TeL S441. Zwlckera CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40 House Moving Raising; leveling. Parkins Broa,, 848L For Sal Used Cars 'S3 PONTIAC SED.. heater, radio. Good finish Ph. 4334 290 N. High. 1936 DODGE 4-DOOR trunk Redan. Inquire st THE COFFEE CUP, 429 No. Church St, Salem. FOR SALE $100 equity on new or used car with reliable local car dealer. Ph. 6974. i . . S. . ' f , " a ' Portion of the Cathlamet, Wash., snbstatloa of the West Coast Power company, takes oyer by the Wsh-' kiakum, WaslL, public utility district early this week by purchase for $120,000. H tending before the station are, left to rigJtt, Herman E. Lafky, attorney for the dlsti let; C. R. Worrel, Gas Jaspers and J. I. MakJL commissioners, and i. S. Dickson, manager for the district. The Pacific eonnty, Washing ton, utility district Joined In the deal by paying 3 00,000 for their share of the Weet tJoast system. Bonneville administration will psy f 150,000 for SO miles of transmission Hoes. Legal Notice NOTICE OP HEARING ON FI NAL ACCOUNT IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF MARY E. COX, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bessie Ellen McManus. Ex ecutrix of the Estate of Mary E. Cox, deceased, has filed with the County Court ot the State ot Ore gon for the County of Marion, her Final Account and Report of such Executrix snd thst the same has been set for hearing in the County Court room of the State of Oregon for the County of Ma rion, In the Court House of said Marion County, Oregon, In the city of Salem, on the 20th day of March, 1940. st the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. All persons Interested in said Estate are requested to then and there appear to show csuse. If any, why said Final Account should not be allowed and the Executrix discharged. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 16th dsy of February, 1940. BESSIE ELLEN McMANUS Executrix of the Estste ot Mary E. Cox, Deceased Donald A. Young Attorney for Executrix Residing at Sslem, Oregon. FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: Februsry 17, 1940. Directory Naturopathic Physician DR W H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath ic Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. Tel. 4303. Office Hours It a.m. to 4:34 pm. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION Papering, Painting NEAT Work, raaa Johnson Ph.3728 HERBERT 8S. WOOD. TeL $37$ Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair wr Graber Broa. 154 8. Liberty. Ph. 4584. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphleta p rograma books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 818 8. Commercial. Tela nhnne 9101. Roofing COMP BUILT UP roofing re palra bsmt. waterproof Inn. Beaver Slats .tooflng Co J. W Cop land Tarda. 524 Wallace Road Phone 4427. Sheep Shearing W. J. COCHRAN. Rt. L B. 38 A. 4819. Transfer FOR LOC'AI or distant transfer, etor- aga burner oiL call $131 Larmet Transfer Co Trucks to tortland aaliv MOVING, hauling $1 28 nr. Ph. $$ CITY TRANS. Ph. 6616. Reaa ratea Well l)rillin BU A WEST. rt. S. sea 448. Ph. 118F8 Legal Notice NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as sdmlnla trator of the estate of Msry E. Riches, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, big final account in said estate, and thst the 2nd dsy of April, 1940. st ten o'clock A.M. and the Court Room of ssld Court here been sppolnted by ssld Court as the time snd plsce for the hesrlng of objections to ssld final account snd the set tlement thereof. LLOYD T. RICHES Administrstor Lloyd T. Riches 351 N. Summer St. Salem, Oregon. M. 2-8-16-23-30. BIDS WANTED School Board of District No. 3, will receive separate sealed bids on the old school house, the wood shed and one outbuilding, furnishings snd electric wiring not included. Bids opened Msrch 25, at 8 p.m. Bosrd reserves right to reject any or all bids. Orton H. Hilfiker, Clerk, Route 7. Box 4 SO, Salem. Msr. 9-16-23. Returns to Dayton DAYTON Mrs. Ray D. John son, secretary of the Dsyton tele phone company, returned home Wednesday after being a guest for a week of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. snd Mrs. Chester Chrlstenson, st Forest Grove. Wahkiakum Takes Over Power Utility f V7.a ' mo' 4sc.-..alarj LAST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: March 16, 1940. F 17-24; M 2-9-16. Has Tonsilectomy CLOVERDALE Patricls Hen nies, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hennies, un derwent a tonsil and adnold operation at the Deaconess hos pital last week. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 'A IS 16 21 l? 20 72 23 27 2 3 37 33 3 3 3T 3 3f 7, HQ W2 22 53 56 HORIZONTAL 1 exclamstion 4 prohibit 5 thrse bandsd armadiDe 12 wonder 11 on the peak 14 path 15 salt 16 respiratory sound IT canal la New York 18 sarcasm 20 betel -nut palm 22 bristlelike organ 23 break sud denly 24 babble 27 take s meal 29 convex molding 31 mental soundness 84 youth be loved by Venus 35 worship S killed 37 littlevhfld 33 to appraise 40 Assam - silkworm 44 tilled land 45 iiacTsnss 47 early Chris tian pulpit 49 cry of bacchanals II one of . Siamese stock . K2 -valley 83 Chinese wax 84 aim 85 sweetsop 56 former Russian ruler 87 sheltered side Answer to yesterday's puxzlo. 3-5 ' . Rebekahs Plan " '. Official Visit INDEPENDENCE At the res ulsr session of Cloverdale Rebe kah lodge Tuesday night, plans were completed for the official visit of Mrs. Christensen. presi dent of the Rebekah assembly which will be Mondsy, March 11. Mrs. Christensen Is from Los An geles and Is a sister oT Mrs. Rob ert White of this elty. The refreshment committee ap pointed for the occsslon Includes Mrs. Stella -Fluke. Mrs. Blanche Baker and Mrs. Lena Jones. Buys Hubbard Property HUBBARD A business deal wss recently y consummated be tween Bane Paulsen and Herman Bontrager by which Mr. Bont rager will get possession of the Paulsen business block which houses the Scholl Hardware and the Cook grocery on Main street in Hubbard. Mr. Bontrager Is In the grocery business in the Kelt block on the Pacific blghwsy. Visit Salem Council SUBLIMITY Hesded by Ed ward J. Bell, state deputy of the Knights of Columbus of Oregon, a group of members of the Sublim ity Knights of Columbus Attended the regulsr meeting of the Salem conncil Tuesdsy night, this being their first meeting following the class Initiation of new members for the Salem Knights ot Colum bus. j-X 4' st' r': -V.: 4'.-;. .; ' ' ' f Lodges 8ALKM LODGE No. 4 A.F. A A.M. Monday, Msrch 11, pot luck family dinner 4:34. E.s, degree T :SS. Psclflo LodfS Vs. 90, AT.AA.aL st.X Degree Wsd.. Mar. It, 7:80 p.m. Was. Marriott, W.M. 1 to 7 11 2 24 2S 2t I 2M 2 30 WO Wi W2 W3 20 2l 4 on TEKTICAL 1 foundation 2 ' conscious 3 serf of Sparta - 4 alternate 8 Greek letter bromide potash com pound 7 musical dramas 3 fish sauce 9 model of ex cellence. 10 ieel-bmsd cuckoe . 11 female ruff 19 the lowest point 21 kind of lyrle poem 23 ' upward bend in timber 28 Mohsmme x dan name 28 genus el cattle 28 Roman highways 80 open vocal sound 81 rested 82 fuss . 33 distin- ' gulshed 34 fermented liquor 38 cudgels 39 profident 41 badgerlike Animal 42 void of : S '''sense 43 out of the "way 45 smallest European deer (pi.) 48 fruit tree 47 topas hum mingbird 48 floor cover 80 paf m leaf 1 sad avajsceni