Thm 0&2G02? (RXltSMXR Scimm Ortxjoa, Scrtarddy Moolxig. f March r IS43 TAGZ IT. 72 ' Local News Briefs Decree Issued Judge L. O. LcweUinx yesterday signed form al decree upholding the Btate un employment compensation com mission's finding that' Ernest F. Kubin and Edwin L. Kubin, resi dents of the Detroit region, were not eligible for unemployment re lief since their status was that of private contractor rather than employe when engaged in logging work in the Santiam country. They had petitioned for judicial review of the commission's deci sion. Old Certificate Found Certifi cate of nomination by individual electors recently discovered, for J. II. Battery as prohibition party candidate fov the state legislature from Marion county was described yesterday by County Clerk U. G. Boyer as the oldest of its kind on record in his office. It was dated in 1900, and the election for which it nominated a candi date was to be held in June of that year, " Church Moves First services In it new building will be held by the Jesus Name Pentecostal assembly Sunday. Formerly lo cated at 776 Gerth avenue in West Salem, the church Is mov ing to ,420 State street, the hall recently vacated by the Emman uel Full Gospel church. The Itame of the assembly is being changed to the Pentecostal Lighthouse. Frank Tatman. barber, has mov ed to 320 State, Garner's Shop. Weed Area Set Director J. D. Mickle of the state agricul tural department yesterday sign ed as order making all of Union county a control area for protec tion of the farming industries against the noxious weeds, white top and Russian knapwood. The order was requested by Union county farmers at a meeting held at LaGrande recently. Ijoot Recovered About 75 ar ticles, mostly athletic equipment taken from Salem high school, was recovered by police yester day after LeRoy Huntley, 1486 Ferry street, reported he had found the cache under the foot bridge leading from 12th street to dinger field. Confers With Kells William Chambers, Portland, northwest tru council secretary of the TMCA, conferred yesterday in Bales with Claude Kells. local secretary. They discussed plans for tke annual area council con ference to be taela at the Colum bia Gorge hotel next weekend. 8tce Hl-T Meet Set Salem Hi-T clubs are making arrange ments to send officers, advisors and some members to the state Hi-T meeting to be held in the Central TMCA In Portland Sun day. Safety of your savings is insured at Salem Federal. 130 S. Liberty. File, Precinct Office C. A. "Cliff" Lewis and Ruth Wood filed yesterday for precinct com mitteeman and commltteewoman post In Salem number two and Stay ton precincts. Both were re publican. Btstoeelars Stolen W. E. Cook, 317 Trade, reported to police yesterday that a pair of binoculars of German make and a dark blue overcoat was stolen from his car while it was in the garage at his home. To See Pictures The Rosedale Community club will meet to night at the schoolhouse. Moving pictures and a short local talent program will be given. Obituary Iewls At the residence, 3 415 North eaot 44th avenue, Portland, Mar tha Ann Lewis, aged 92 years. Mother of Mrs. Florence Willson of Phoenix, Aris., Mrs. Ethel Mc Coy, and Mrs. Ann Klein of Port land and the late James W. Lew is; grandmother of Harry L. Will son of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Maude Lantis of Medford, and Mrs. Mar guerite Morgan of Vancouver, BC; great grandmother of James W. Willson of Seattle, Wash., and Betty Morgan of Phoenix, Arli. Funeral services will be held In the chapel of the W. T. RIgdon company, Saturday, March 9. at 1:30 p. m.. Dr. W. C. Kantner of ficiating. Concluding services City View cemetery. Baker In this city Friday, March 8, Ida Baker, aged 77 years. Late resident of Turner. Mother of Perry and Howard Baker of Tur ner and Jay Baker of Mill City; sister of C. F. Patton and Mrs. Edna White of Salem and Mrs. Ethel Warren of Rose Lodge; grandmother of Shirley and Mel vin Baker of Turner. Funeral services will be held in the Turner Christian church Monday, March 11, at 1:30 p. m., under the di rection of the W. T. RIgdon com pany, Dr. W. C. Kantner officiat ing. Concluding services In Twin Oak cemetery. Turner. Goeser William I. Gossr, 68, late resi dent of Vancouver, Wash., March 8 at the home of his uncle, George Gosser, 968 South 21st street. Funeral announcements later by Clough-Barrlck company. f . I. baa H D O Casa, D Herbal remedies tori aliments it stomach, liver, kidney, skin, blood, glands, ft urinary sys eo of men ft women. 21 year n service. Naturopathic Physi ians. Ask your neighbors i bout CHAN LAM. DEL CHAII LMI CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 19S Court St., corner Llber .y. Office open Tuesday ft Sat urday only, 10 a.m. to 1 pan.. C to 7 p.m. Consultation, blood oresanre ft urine tests are free if charge. Mb ufe )5 Coming Events March 8, 9 Sixth annual high school speech tournament, Willamette university. March 18-16 State basket ball tournament. March 14-Hearing on bop market ins: agreement. March 21 Marion county people's utility district bear lng before state hydroelectric commission, old high school. 8 p. m. March 24 E aster sunrise service, Belcrest Memorial park sponsored by Salem Chris tian Youth council. April I April Fool's Day. April 8 Salem Y Gleemen" concert, Leslie junior high school. Holiness Meet Set Rev. Hen ry Aarhus. pastor of the Wesfe yan Methodist church at Aums ville, will speak at the morning session of the Marlon County Holiness association's monthly meeting at the South Salem Friends church Tuesday. Adju tant John Allen will speak at the afternoon session. Paint Sale. Mathis. 164 S. Com'l. Vagrancy Charged Ralph P Shephard and John Howard were charged with vagrancy by city police yesterday. They are being held in connection with theft of copper connections from rails of the Oregon Electric company. Volleyball Team Loses The Salem YWCA volleyball team lost five matches to three to the wives of Bonneville engineers on the Bonneville court Thursday afternoon. Break Even, Badminton Bad minton squads of the Salem YMCA and Reed college each won seven matches Thursday night In competition on the Reed courts in Portland. Vandal at Work Mrs. Leon ard Burgoyne, 1710 North Sum mer street, reported to police yesterday that during the night someone pulled up flowers and shrubs around her home. Mr. Reginald Reese, formerly of Capital Business College. has been recently appointed deputy .,., (putriirar "2 Is Dismissed Peter Zielinski of Hazel Green was dismissed yesterday from the Salem Oen eral hospital where he has been a patient with pneumonia. Meeting Tuesday The Marion County Democratic committee will meet at the courthouse Tues day at 8 o'clock. Permit Issued Building per mit was issued yesterday to Fred C. Peterson to erect a garags at SOS North 24th, ISO. Postoffice Jobs Filled WASHINGTON, March Harry L. Price, Aloha, and Flor ence N. Pearson, Timber, were nominated today as Oregon post masters. naST METHODIST State ilreet t Church. Dr. J. C. Hr riion, pstor. Church school, 9:45; Hurl er?, kindergarten and junior church 11; morning worship 10:50, ennon, "Sympa thy, Lore and the Cro." Kpworth I.eaguea and I'niTeraity Veaperi, 6:30. KTtDing worhip, 7:45, (ennon, "The Croei and the Garden." JASOK Z.ES METHODIST North Winter at Jefferson. 8. Kaynor Smith, minister. Morning worship at H o'clock. "Groping Christians or Grap pling Christians" The church school meets at 8:45; Kpworth Leairuen at 6:30; CTning worship at 7:30, lr. Ianiel H. Schulze, dean of men at Willamette uni versity will preach. USUI METHODIST South Commercial and Myers streets. lean C. Poindeiter, minister. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. ; morning worship, 11, message, "Viewing Life from CaWary's Hill"; Epworth Leagues, 6:30 p. m. ; eTening service. 7:30, "Able to Stand." Organ recital, 7:15 by Miss (Gertrude Can cell. nnsT rassBTTssiAjr N. "Winter and Chemeketa. ReT. "W. Ir rin Williams, minister. Church school, 8:45 a. m.; morning rorship, 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor, "He Bet His Face." Vesper choir meets at 5 p. m. ; Christian Kndeavor groups at 6:30; eTe nin worship. 7:30 p. m., MrraoifVby then pastor, "Complexes Our Mental Conflicts." ice Thursday at 7:30 p. . . . a Study of Midweek aerr m., led by the pastor. JUST BAPTIST Corner Liberty and Marion atreets. Irv ing A. t'ox, 1)1), minister. Morning wor ship, 11 a. m., Mrs. Mary Martin Kinney speaking; BYPl", 6:15 p. m. ; eTening gos pel service, 7 -30 p. m., "The Gate of the Tabernacle, Christ the Way, or the Only Way to Go." Tabernacle modal on dis- V'r- HATESVIULE BRANCH or riBST BAPTIST One mile north of the city limits on the Portland highway. Sunday school, 9:45; morning worship, 11 s. m. Mias Mary Ayrea, missionary. iieacAiruEi. baptist Hasel and Academy. Sunday school 10 a. m. ; church. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. at. BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage D treeta. 3. T. Olthoff. DO, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m , Samael 8chirman, super intendent; moruing worship at 11 o'clock; night worship at 7:30. Midweek devotional service Wednesday sit 7:45 p. m. rXRST CHKISTIAH CHTTBCH Center and High streets. Guy L. Drill, pastor. Church school at 9:30 a. m. ; morning worshio at 10:45, message on "The Chriatian Covenant. " The junior congregation meets at 10:45; Chriatian Endeavor societies at 6 p. m.; evening evangelistic aervies at 7:30 p. m. CHTTBCH OP CHBJST Cottage and Shipping streets. Bikle study, 10 a. m.: preaching. 11; com munion, 11:45; evening worship, 7 :SO p. m. ; Wednesday services, 7:30. H. R Thornhill, minis'er. COTTBT 8TXXET CHVBCH OP CHBIST (Rnrisriajii Seven teenth and Court streets. "W. H. Lyman, 9:45 a. munion. Promise 6:30 p. sermon. minister. itle acnooi ""'".. m.; mon.iug worship and eom 10 -5 ni-. sermon, God a of Power' ; Christies Kndeavor, m.: evening service. 7:80 p. m., "The Proof of Pardon. PTBST COKGBBOAtSOHAX Center nd Liberty afreets Robert A. Hutchinson, minister. Chorch school at 9:45; Cniveraity forum mt 10, Dr. i. . Oliver, leader; worship scrv ice at J ii, .exmon them. " and Our la.!y Task": Leae of youth at 6; Congre gational buainesa meeting Monday at 8. K3TIOHT MXJfOKlAI. CONGREGATIONAL Nineteenth snd Ferry. Howard C. Stov tr, miniater. Morting worship st 11. sermon, "The Mysttriea of the Cross ; evening aervice at f :30, IUt. W. W. Ro braugh. preacher; Sunday aehool at Equity Case Is Not Concluded Roberts-Bollier Suit Put Over Until Monday in Lewelling Court Judge L. G. Lewelling yester day continued hearing in the case of Fred E. Roberts vs. E Beatrice Bollier to 10 a. m. Mon day after hearing the second day of testimony in the trial. Conclusion of the hearing Is expected at present to occur ear ly next week. The case Involved equities created In reaj property through claims for materials. Circuit Court Franc es E. Peeler vs. R. Mal brey Peeler; summons. Matilda Kobow by Perry San ders, guardian, vs. Charlie C. Brooks as administrator; demur rer. Credit Bureau, Inc., vs. W. G. Allen as Allen Fruit, and Credit Service Co. vs. same defendant; demurrers. Keith Miles by T. M. Miles, guardian, vs. rFederick B. An drews and wife; answer claims accident caused by negligence of plaintiff's ward in failing to dis play lamp or light on wagon. Willamette Valley Food Deal ers association vs. Columbia Food company; motion to strike over ruled. Stephen E. Wolfe vs. Gertrude Gray-Patterson and others; de fault decree quieting title to real property. J. N. Quesenberry vs. Emily Quesenberry; motion to modify divorce decree by plaintiff to ob tain custody of a minor child now Mrs. Marry Miller on grounds child's mother is deceased, and that plaintiff is now financially more able to care for her than when decree granted. Probate Court Phyllis Kathleen Graham and Jerry Smith Graham guardian ship; annual report of Verna Gra ham, guardian, shows receipts, $2000, disbursements, 11079.49, approved. Etta M. Hodge estate; Inherit ance tax set 363.17 on 36648 net taxable estate. Andreas J. Hattrem estate; stipulation presenting claims for 3707.35 by Agnes J. Hattrem and 33 591.07 by John J. Roberts and T. A. Llvealey notes time may be set for hearing. Mary L. Greenbrook. estate; in heritance tax of $38.76 filed on $14,080 net taxable estate. In heritances Indue Edwin J. Green brook, 35533.89; Helena L. Per rin, $8206.15; Francis J. Green brook, $290; Mabel X. Green brook, $100; and Augusta Wat kins, $50. Justice Court- M a 1 1 e Hillhouse ; statutory charge, bound over to grand Jury and commitment Issued on fail ure to post $2500 bail. Municipal Court John C. Golden, drunkenness; pleaded guilty, case continued un til March 25 for sentence. Austin J. Mack, charged with Church Services a m.; young people at 6:30 p. m. Lent en prayer service, Tuesday night at 7:30. SAINT PAUX'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector; holy communion. 7:30 a. m ; church school, 9:45 a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; Wednesday services, 7, 10 a. m. and 7:15 p m. Questions, answers and instruc tions. AMERICAN LUTHSBAX Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Kev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m, morn ing worship, sermon topic, "God Break ing Through." This service is broadcast over KSl.Ji. 11-12 noon. 7:30 p. m evening Lenten service; evening sing, conducted by Prof. Yrjo Koskl. Sermon, "Carist'l Answer to a Lost Soul." The church council will meet Monday, 7:30 p. m. Sundsy school orchestra, Tuesday, 7 p. m. Wednesdsy, 8 p. m., choir re hearsal. CHBIST LUTHEBAN State and 17th streets. F. H. Theuer, BD. Sunday school 10 a. m.; divine services m German at 9 a. m., and in English at 11 a.m., sermon topic, "The Eloquence of Jesus' Sitence. ' Lenten services in German, Wednesday. 10 a. m.. and in English. Thursday, 7:80 p. m., "The Sixth Word of the Cross." Dorcss society, Wednesdsy, 2 p. m. Confirmation instruction eaturday 9:80 a. m. SAINT JOHN'S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) Sixteenth and A streets. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class, 9 a. m. ; services, 10 a m. ; Lutheran radio hoar over KSLM at 1:30 p. m, speaker, Ir. Walter A. Msier. Midweek Lenten services, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. PTBST EVANGELICAL Corner Marion and Summer streets. Rev. James E. Campbell, minister. Sun day school at 9;45 a. m.; morning wor ship. 11 o'clock and Evangelist Clifford Lewis will be grest speaker; youth groups at 6:30 p ro.: Sunday night evangelistic servire at 7:30 and an evan gelistic message by Rev. Campbell. HIGHLAND AVENUE FRIENDS Hichlsnd avenue at Church street, T Clio Brown, pastor. Prayer meeting at 6 a. m.; Hible school at 10 a. m. ; worship at 11 a m., "Saving Grace"; Chrixtian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. ; evan gelistic service- at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday at 7:30 p. m. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington streets. Willon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.; meeting for worship, 11 a. m., sermon, "The Cross: Pathway to Pentecot"; Christian Endeavor so cieties, 6:45 p. m. ; evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m , sermon, "Lessons From an Ancient Church." Prayer meeting Thurs day, 7-30 p. m. CHURCH Or GOD 940 Souths 22nd street. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. ; Sun day night, 8 p. m. ; Wednesday night prayer meeting. 8 p. m. ; Friday TPE, 8 p. ra. Pastor Oscar B.irkntan. CHURCH Or THE NAZARENB Thirteenth at Center. L. W. Collar, pas tor. 6 a. m.. sunrise prayer meeting: 9:45a . m., Sunday school rally; 10:45 a m., specisl service, sermon. Rev. Bod Robinson; 6:30 p. m., supervised chil dren's and young people's groups; 7:80 p. m., evangelistic meeting, sermon. Rev. E. E. Martin, superintendent of North Pa cific district. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Sunday school. 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a m.. topic, "Symbols in tbe Temple," by Rev. Earl B. Cotton; young people's society, 6 p. m. PENTECO ST AL LIOHTHOU8B 410 State street. Sundsy school, 10 a m. ; morning service, 11 a. so.; evening service, 7:30 p. m. ; midweek service, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. ; young people's service, Friday, 7:30 p. m. J. M. Smith, piKtor. CHRISTIAN "aNT MISSION ART ALLIANCB Fifth street ana Gaines street Bev. Paul A. Collord, pastoa. Sundsy, 8:80 a. m.. "Struma et Grace," radio KSLM ; They Form Blood Donors? Club Jy;: 7-7, yfiV -r-y 'v jL-ik -v.i mmmnmmmmA t 1 lv-- i "... ? t 1 IV- n 1 m klAAJ AKnva' patients require transfusions, members of the Salem SO-SO club submitted to blood tests to determine their blood types at Salem General hospital Thursday night. Photo shows Jessie McDonald, hospital -technician, administering test to Jack Billeter. Standing behind him Is Ernest R. Kunney, 20-SO club president, and other members. Dinner Committee Not Asking Funds No solicitation of funds will be undertaken at the booster banquet to be staged at the Mar lon hotel at 6:30 o'clock next Tuesday night by the Salem Cen- ennlal commission, ueorge xi. Riches, chairman of the finance committee, said yesterday. "This banquet Is planned only to acquaint Interested citizens with the commission's progress to date, its tentative centennial celebration program and the costs involved," Riches explained. "Any business man or other citl ien Interested In the centennial plans is Invited to attend." Industry Claims One Life in Week There was one fatality due to industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending March 7, the state Industrial accident commission reported Friday. The victim was Tom Anest. Portland, listed as operator and bar keeper. There were 616 industrial acci dents reported to the commission during the week. failure to give right of way te a pedestrian; took time to enter a plea. 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. sr mon, "The Great Shepherd"; 6: 80 p. m., youth groups; 7:30 p. m. sermon, "The Csnnots of the Unregenerate Life." Tuesdav, 3 p. m., raiasionary prayer j band, 1910 8. Commercial street. Wednes day, 7:30, Bible study-prayer; Thursday, ; 7:30, choir rehearsal. FIRST CHURCH OP GOD Hood and Cottage, Rev. J. F. Lawson. . pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. ; at, 11 o'clock Rev. Lawson will preach a sermon on "Divine Heating"; young' people's meeting at 6:30; 7:30 p. m., ; Itev. Lawson will preach on "The King- ; dom of God." Prayer and praise service 1 Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. UNION SIR LB CLASS j Tuesday night st 8 o'clock. Salvation ; Army hall. Bv. Simon X. Forsberg. dean : Multnomah School of th Bible, Portland, teacher. SEVENTH DAT ADVBNTIST Hood and N. Summer streets. E. L. Piogenot, psstor. Sabbath school, Satur day morning at 9:30; service at 11; young popla'a meeting at 8:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 o'clock:. Vesper service, Friday at 7:45 p. m. j JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Fraternal Temple, 447 Center Btreet. ! Bible study at 7:30 Sunday night. BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND BEFORMXD H. Capitol and Marion street. Edwin Iiorstmsn, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.; worship 11 a. m , "Jesus of Nssa- k i in. , v. n ' - rvi.ti&n Fnrimvor ves pers, 7:30 p. m. at tho parsonage, 9o6 j Marion. SALEM MZNKONITE Seventeenth and Chemeketa. Pastor, Rev. A. P. Voth. Sunday school, "9:45 s. in. ; morning worship. 11 a. m., sermon by William Wiens of Silverton; evening service, 7:30 p. m , with Rev. Clifford Lewis as guest speaker. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN , Seventeenth and Nebraska us. David L. Ringlaud, minister. Sunday school, ; .45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. ; evening eange!istic service, 7:30 p. m. Mid week Bible class, Wednesday, 7 to 8 p. tn. PENTECOSTAL MISSION 315 Vs N. Conmercial street. Sunday services, Bible school, 2 p. m ; devotionsl, j 3 p. m.; evangelistic. 7:30. Revival meet- j ing in charge, of Evangelist Alma Rep pond every night except Monday and Friday. Thursday 'is Divine Healing night. 7:30. J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastor.. PROGRESSIVE PSTCHIO j 248 K. Commercial atreet., KP hall. Rev. Lulu Mittlestesdt. pastor. Afternoon ' services 2:30; night at 7:30. PTBST CHURCH OP CHBIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty etreetn. Sun day scl.ool at 11 a. m.; services at 11 a. m and 8 p. ra. Lesson-sermon, "Msn." Wednesday night meeting at 8. FOUB3QUARE GOSPEL Nineteenth and Breyman streets. Rev. Stewart O. and Juanita M. Billings. Sun day, 9:45 a. m., Sunday achool;.ll a. nv, morning worship hooT. Rev. Juanita M. Billings speaking on "The Power of Cod. How Can I Get It 1" ; 6:30 p. m., young people's meetings; 7:45 p. m., evangelis tic service. Rev. Stewart G. Billings preaching on "When a Man Seea God. Tuesday, day of prayer. Public aerviees at 3 and 7:45 p. m. ; Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.. band practice-: Firday, 7:45 p. m., midweek Bible study services. CAXVABT BAPTIST Miller and South Liberty streets, Rev Arno Q. Weniger, pastor. Bible -booI 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock, sermon A Word to the Father." Four young people's meetings. 6:15 p.m. Even ing worship, 7:30 p.m. Sermon topic, "A Word to the Thief." rB23 METHODIST Corner W. Winter and Market streets. Rev. I). A. Cohagen, pastor. B n d a y school 9:45; church worship 11. "The Temptation of the Sanctified." Mn slonsry service 7:30. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday, 1:80. rlnh. t &i and hv wfira bosnltal Ida Baker Dies; Senses Monday Mrs. Ida Baker of Turner pas sed away at a local hospital Fri day at the age of 77 years. She was born in Bloomlngton, 111., October 9, 1862, and spent her girlhood days In the middle west, coming to Turner July 12, 1888. On March 27, 1892, she was married to Solon Baker, the son of William H. and Elizabeth Baker, who crossed the plains In 1852 and homesteaded east of the penitentiary annex site. Mrs. Baker had made her home In Turner ever since 1931. The surviving relatives are three sons, Perry and Howard Baker of Turner and Jay Baker of Mill City; brother, C. F. Pat ton of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Edna White of Salem and Mrs. Ethel Warren of Rose Lodge, Ore., and two grandchildren, Shirley and Melvla Baker of Tur ner. Funeral services will be held In the Turner Christian church, Monday at 1:20 p.m., under the direction of the W. T. RIgdon company with Dr. W. C. Kant ner officiating. Concluding ser vices will be In the Twin Oak cemetery at Turner. Pallbearers will be Curtis Witsel. Arthur Oath, Arthur Robertson, Comyn Tracy, Jim Bones and Donald Riches. I fllC Six Percent Rule Doesn't Hit PUD The six per cent constitutional limitation does not apply to peo ple's utility districts because there Is no method by which the limi tation may be determined. Attor ney General I. IL Van Winkle held here Friday. The opinion was requested by District Attorney T. Leland Brown of Wasco county. Van Winkle said the only limi tation on people's utility district taxes is a 1939 legislative act pro viding that districts may not levy more than two mills in any one year or more than 10 mills in i 10 years. The attorney general held that the northern Wasco county peo ple's utility district was within its rights when it levied a tax of $12,650 against property In the project for the year 194 0. Mosher Is Given Pennsylvania Job Harry Mosher, who has been instructor In chemistry at Wll 1 a m e 1 1 e university, has been awarded an assistant professor ship at Pennsylvania State uni versity, it was announced yester day. Mosher, Who was graduated from Willamette in 19 37 and re ceived a master's degree at Ore gon State college, will work to ward his doctorate at the Penn sylvania school. Mosher's brother, William Mo sher, was awarded a similar as slstantshlp at Pennsylvania State and will receive his doctor's de gree this year. Mosher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mosher. Couley Again Has District Hop Job Romeo Gouley was reelected representative to the state hop growers' advisory committee at a meeting of growers of district six yesterday afternoon at the chamber of commerce. Gouley will serve with dele gates from the other 11 Oregon districts as growers' representa tives under the new hop market ing agreement. District six com prises the part of Marion county south of Gervais and east of How ell prairie. Leili Girl to Makm Courtesy in Cla$room Project Rett of Year At its regular meeting yester day the Leslie Girls' league select ed classroom courtesy as a project to be worked on for the remainder of the school year. Lois Barrlck presided. The program included a vocal TELL THE TIHIDS . . . before you sign his order ana uou ... 1. OPEN A SOURCE OF READY CASH for your other needs! Personal loans up to '1000 loans for buy ing, building or modernizing a homo! 2. OBTAIN LOW-COST FINANCING Save time and rod lap by financing any moke of car at C . C. M. HOWARD, Manage P. E. KULIK AtMittont Mamagmr GfiOT liiirwni U U UUVJ mm UU UU U U UU UM d OF PORTLAND rh tint Nation! nk Wosf o f ho okJo I FEIMAl liriSIT I I S I I A I t E t I f duet by Julia Bogisiau and Bar bara Becker, a piano solo by Mar ilyn Wyatt, a reading by Ruth An derson, a vocal solo by Pauline Miller, a short talk by Patty Lesry. an announcement by Mary East, activity chairman, concern ing the league's project and tbe treasurer's report by Nancy Wallace. Leisure Time Use Theme of Baxter Making truly recreational use of leisure time was the theme of President Bruce R. Baxter of Wil lamette university In an address at the Salem Realty board lunch eon Friday noon. He referred crit ically to the large percentage of "I do not know" answers in polls of public opinion, and cited the recent discovery that an individ ual at age 45 has approximately the same learning capacity as at age 25. Citing actuarial computations that the average life span of a business man after retirement is two years. Dr. Baxter mentioned cases in which active interests, including hobbies such as garden ing and music, had greatly in creased that rpan. "Back of tranquility lies always conquered unhappiness," the speaker quoted in mentioning as one of the life-sustaining inter ests, religion, which he described as "not the refuge of the weak but the weapon of the strong." Immigrant Help Worker to Talk Christian work among Immi grants will be described at the Sundsy morning service at the First Baptist church by Mrs. Ed win H. Kinney, secretary of the department of Christian friendli ness of tbe Woman's American Baptist Home Mission society, who is here from Chicago. Tbe department, formerly called the Christian Americanization de partment, aids those who come from foreign countries to under stand their Christian responsibil ities in a new land, Mrs. Kinney says. Mrs. Kinney has served In this field since May 192C. She is the daughter of a Baptist minister and daughter-in-law of tbe late Rev. Bruce Kinney, formerly di rector of Baptist Indian work. Retail Conclave Set for April 8 Fourth annual conference of the Oregon Retail Distributors institute will be held on the University of Oregon campus at Eugene April S. Edward Biseell, assistant manager of the J. C. Penney company store here, re norted yesterday. The nrogram will be devoted te discussion of morrhindlalnr. advertising, su pervision and stock control prob lems. Parochial School Sets Irish Party Students of Sacred Heart aca demy will be presented in a pro gram of Irish music, dancing, and a one-act play In St. Joseph's hall, Thursday night, March 14, at 8:15. The acsdemy orchestra will render a medley of Irish airs by Seredy. Selection of new and old Irish melodies will be offered by the double male quartet, the mixed voice ensemble and the high school chorus. Tbe dancing Is under the direction of Mlse Barbara Barnes. Those who will take part in the play, "An Irishman's Way," are Maxlne Bach, Betty Brown, Lois Morlsky, Gertrude Zlellnikl, Rlchsrd Gorman and Gerald Slick. A special feature will be a harp solo, "Believe Me" by Che shire, played by Mary Jean Peer Iris Growers Ask Certified Service Oregon growers of bulbous Irfci are seeking s certification service with particular reference to the mosaic, Frank McKennon, chief of the plant division of the state agricultural department, an nounced Friday. McKennon said the agricultural department and State college ex tension service were considering tbe proposal, which If agreed to, wonld place the certification upon a voluntary basis'. Oregon has approximately ft acres producing the Dutch Iris commercially. Church t of tht iNazarene 13th & Center L. T. Collar Streets Pastor HEAD e e Rot. "Undo Bud" Rofelnnon At 11 A. M. SPECIAL MUSIC HEA11 EVANGELISTIC SERMON Rat. & Z. Mocrtta At 7:30 P.M. Outstanding musical toloq tioni by choir, orchostra, trio and duot ' I I T II