The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 08, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Scdem Oregon. Friday Morning. MarcE I. 1843
PAGE iinnz
Local News Briefs
CUaJc Held, Sllverton A den
tal clinic In progress In Sllverton
tie past two days will b comple
ted today. Wednesday and Thurs
day 400 children were examined
and all ot the grade school child
ren will have been examined after
today. The local doctors doing the
examining- were Dr. H. E. John
son, Dr. William McNeill and Dr.
C. R. Wilson. Miss Margaret Me
Alpine arranged the clinic and
was assisted by Mrs. Blanche Eck
tnen, Mrs. Lee Haskins. Mrs.
W. H. Preston. Mrs. Glenn Bride
well and Mrs. Claren Jasque. Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas held a baby
Olnic yesterday in Sllverton and
examined 33 Infants.
Roawe Dam Protested The
tate game commission, through
the attorney general's office
Wednesday filed suit in the Jack
ton -county circuit court to enjoin
the Bearer Portland Cement com
puy from completing a diversion
and wlrg dam now under con
struction in the Rogue rirer two
miles a bore Gold Hill. The com
a lain t charges that the dam would
interfere with the free passage of
migratory fish. The dam was to
be used in connection with the op
eration of a new power house.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott announces
new dental offices 744 N. Capitol
Permits iMtned Building per
mlts were issued yesterday to the
Shell Oil company to repair
erviee station at 294 North Lib
erty street, 150; E. H. Muller to
erect a one story dwelling and ga
rage at 1120 Wilbur street. 1600;
Ratha Seling to repair a store
building at C95 North 14th street,
940; A. B. McDowell to repair a
dwelling at 2S3 South Cottage
street, $45; George Chapman to
repair roof of a dwelling at 1305
North 17th street. $18.
Ohiro Permit Ruled On A chi
ropractic practitioner who fails to
report to the state board of chiro
practic examiners registration of
his annual renewal certificate
with the county clerk, is not sub
ject to haying his license cancelled
or revoked without a hearing, At
torney General VanWlnkle ruled
Thursday. The opinion was asked
by Edwin &I. Bristol, executive
secretary of the chiropractic ex
aminers' board.
Mark Twain brings you all that's
new and smart in shirts. $1.85.
A. A. Clothing Co., 121 N. High.
Made Lieutenant Applontment
of Earl W. Thomson, Portland, as
second lieutenant. Infantry, with
alignment to company B, 186th
Infantry, Portland, was an
nounced here Thursday by Ma
jor General eGorge A. White, Ore
gon national guard and -41st divi
sion commander.
Licensee Ittnued Licenses to
wed were issued recently in Van
couver, Wash., to Harry T.
Kessler and Lolita L. Skipper,
both of route one, Sllverton;
Glenn D- Arnold of Scio and
Gladys M. Kelly of Jefferson,
and to George Asher and Alma
A. Armstrong, both of Dayton.
F. M. Tatman, barber, has moved
to 320 State. Garner's Shop.
Attend Klwanls Meet Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Ramseyer and Ed Ga
briel attended a ladies' night
meeting ot the Tillamook Klwania
club Wednesday night. Ramseyer
was formerly lieutenant governor
of the district and is past presi
dent of the Salem club.
(rtP to Meet The Marlon
County Republican club will
meet at the chamber of com
merce here at 8 o'clock next
Tuesday night, according to Del
K. Nelderhiser, president. A pro
gram la being arranged.
Legion Dance The Kingwood
American Legion will sponsor a
dance Saturday night at the Le-
glon hall in West Salem. The com
mittee In charge of the affair in
cludes Will Reld. Elmer Cook
and Charlie Unrnh.
HiUlMMue Hearing Today
Hearing for M a x i e Hlllhouse,
charged with a statutory offense,
will be held before Justice of the
Peace Miller B. Harden at 9 a.m.
Log Permits Graated Mathlas
Waldklreh. Molalla, and W. H.
Mills, Jefferson, were granted per
mission yesterday to haul logs
over county roads by the county
Coming Events
March 8. 0 8Lxth annual
high school speech tournament.
Willamette university.
March 13-10 State basket
ball tournament.
March 14 Hearing oa hop
marketing agreement.
March 21 Marion county
people's utility district bear
lag before state hydroelectric
commission, old high school.
8 p. SB.
March 24 E aster sunrise
service, Bekrest Memorial
park sponsored by Salem Chris
tian Youth conn.
April 1 April 'Pool's Day.
April 8 Salem Y Gileemen
concert, Leslie Junior high
Canvass School Vote Official
canvass of the Rosedale-Ankeny
school district reorganixation vote
held recently by the district
boundary board yesterday Bhowed
eight "yes" and four "no" in
Rosedale. and Ankeny, 21 "no."
with no affirmative votes. March
21 was set by the board for Aums
ville and Shaw district consolida
tion election, and adopted a reso
lution to the effect that audits
required when two or more dis
tricts are consolidated shall be
performed under direction of the
state division of audits.
Leaving Chart-h Rev. Paul A.
Collard. minister of the Christian
and Missionary. Alliance church,
will preach his farewell service
at the church here Sunday before
leaving to accept a call at Bei
lingham. Wash. He has been pas
tor of the church here for the
past 18 months.
Safety of your savings Is insured
at Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty.
Salem Girl High Lois Gun
ning, daughter of Mrs. E. A. Gun
ning of Salem, was one of the nine
Linfield college students to earn
a first semester average grade of
3.0 which is straight A, according5
to scholastic records issued from
the college offices yesterday. She
is a senior student in chemistry.
Can't Collect Tax The state
does not have authority to coHect
inheritance tax on $10,000 worth
of Oregon bonds owned by an
English citizen who died in Bos
ton. Attorney General Van Winkle
held Thursday. The opinion was
requested by State Treasurer
Walter E. Pearson.
Paint Sale. Mathis. 164 S. Com!
Pro-America Invites Candidates
All republican and non-partisan
candidates are invited to give
one-minute talks at the meeting
of the Pro-America, Republican
women's organization, at the Mar
lon hotel on Monday night. The
meeting is open to the public.
Hearing Continues Judge L.
G. Lewelling heard further evi
dence yesterday in the case of
Roberts vs. Bollier and ordered
continuance for 10 a.m. today.
The trial is expected to conclude
today or tomorrow.
Kuitl Promoted A position
as Shell Oil company manager
in Seaside has been given Hal
Eustls, employed in Salem by
the company during recent
months. Lou Graves of Astoria
will take his place here.
Dental Examiners Sagg-eeied
committee of the Oregon Dental
association yesterday submitted a
list of eight names to Governor
Charles A. Sprague, tor consid
eration In the appointment of two
members of the state board ot
dental examiners in April. Mem
bers of the state board of dental
examiners in ApriL Members ot
the board whose terms expire In
April are A. E. Greenhalgh. Port
land, and William E. Moxley,
T Board Meet Business of
the YMCA board at tho March
meeting Thursday consisted ot
department reports by Tinkham
Gilbert, treasurer; Dr. R. Lee
Wood, physical; Rex Wirt,
Junior board; Paul B. Wallace,
-religious; Fred Lamport, endow
ment; T. M. Hicks, community
chest; Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, per
sonnel; Dr. Frank Brown, world
service; Carl Abrams, education
al, and Ted Chambers, 100th anniversary.
Boost Tourney, Urged Bruce
Williams, Willamette university
football player and newspaper
writer, urged the Salem Lions
cluh yesterday and the Rotary
club Wednesday to back the
management of the state high
school basketball tournament to
be held In the Willamette gym
nasium next week. The tourna
ment brings $15,000 to $20,000
to the city, he declared.
Ask Dance Hall Permit H. S.
Reefer, president of the building
department of the C h e m a w a
grange, filed application yesterday
tor dance hall permit for the
grange hall located north of town
On Blotter Austin J. Mack,
3 46 North Capitol street, is
booked by city police on a charge
of failure to give right of way to
a pedestrian.
Chimney Flares Firemen were
called to the Leonard hotel, 25 4
North Front street, yesterday to
extinguish a chimney fire.
To Hike Sunday Ths Cha-
meketana will leave the Senator
hotel at 8 a. m. Sunday for
trip to Cougar mountain. Those
planning to take in six-mns
hike, led by Bessie Tucker, are
asked to register at the hoteL
Goina- South Richard C. S till-
well, district manager ot the so
cial security board, will leave to
morrow for San Francisco to at
tend a three-day social security
Baxter . to 6peak Dr. Brnee
R. Baxter will be the speaker
at the meeting of the Salem
Realty board at the Quelle toaay
noon. His subject wui n xne
Man Before the Realtor."
Elmer Bashor Dies Word
has been received of the death
In Los Angeles of Elmer Bashor,
who made his home in saiem
for many years.
Creditors to Meet The Salem
Retail Credit association will meet
today noon at the Argo hoteL Dis
cussion of names relative to cred
it standing will be featured.
Inspects Schools Rev. Arthur
J. Sullivan, archdiocesan superin
tendent of Catholic schools, com
pleted his annual surrey, of local
Catholic schools yesterday.
Ebv Speaks Tonight Judge
O. D. Ebv of Oregon City will
address the Marion County
Democratic society at the court
house here tonight.
Bulletin to be Read The Cen
tral Townsend club Is meeting at
8 olock tonight at the court
house. A special bulletin from
Washington will be read.
To Show Picture James Lo
der will show his moving pictures
at the Waldo Hills community
club tonight.
File for Commit teemaj E. L.
Rogers has filed for republican
precinct committeeman for Quina-
by precinct
Woolen Mills'
Account Asked
Chester Page Snes, Says
His Share of Profit
Unpaid in '35-36
Chester A. Page yesterday filed
suit for an accounting of the
profits of the Thomas Kay Wool
en Mills in circuit court her
yesterday for the years 1931 and
In his complaint he stated he
had accepted employment as
superintendent of the mill in
1926 at a salary of $4200 per
year and 6 per cent of the net
profits, having given up a previ
ous position paying $5000 yearly.
He fulfilled the term of the
agreement until 1937, he said,
and during that time received
payment for profits earned dur
ing 1920 and 1933, but none
for profit accrual during 198S
and 1936. He alleges that a
profit In excess of $47,000 was
made during those years, and
asks that an accounting be made
to ascertain the amount owing to
him as his share.
Circuit Court
Sarah Penney vs. Benjamin W.
Walcher and others; demurrer.
Simon M. Hochstettler vs.
Thelma O. Calsoa; complaint for
foreclosure to recover $353.4$.
Industrial accident commis
sion vs. Georgs C. Adams; volun
tary non-suit by plaintiff.
Jesse McNeil vs. August H.
Burger; answer states accident
caused by negligence of plaintiff
or other defendants.
State Savings and Loan as
sociation vs. Roy V. Hutchings
and others; foreclosure decree
for $504.14. Order of dismissal
In respect -to Lector V. Farnum,
named as defendants.
Probate Court
Henry W. Meyers estate; order
allowing Ellen E. Meyers, execu
trix, to transfer stock to lmq
and Bash Trust company, trus
tees. W. H. Burghardt estate; in
heritance tax of $319.84 assessed
oa net estate ot $36,323.73.
W. L 8taley estate; apprais
al fixed for March 14 at Ladd
and Bush bank.
Marriage Licenses
Rolla M. Carmine, 58, farm
er, root four, and Josle M.
Smith, 65, housekeeper, 410 Ford
street, Salem.
Justice Court
Clifford E. Lind; permitting
unlicensed person to operate
motor vehicle, fined $2.50.
Raymond P. Moran; no oper
ator's license, fined $2.60.
Ray Francis Moran; permitting
unlicensed person to operate
motor vehicle, fined $2.50.
John Q. Diets, speeding with
truck, fined $1.
Arthur C. Beacock; speeding
with truck, fined $3.
Viola Crowder; no tall light on
truck, fined $1.
Municipal Court
Wesley C. Glass, violation ot
basic rule and no operator's li
cense; fined $10 and right to
procure license revoked for six
iX ' ' '
Local Farm Loan
Croups to Meet
Polk and Marlon county farm
ers will meet at the St. Joseph's
Parish hall hero Tuesday at 10
a. m. for the annual meetings of
the four National Farm Loan as
sociations serviced by the Salem
group office, J. J. Sechrist, secretary-treasurer
announced yes
terday. Four local associations will be
represented, -the Dallas. Marlon
Polk, Stayton and Horticultural.
The annual report of the Salem
office as of January 1, 1940,
shows that office to be servicing
1328 loans to the amount of $3,
644.950. '
The program is being planned
by a committee which Includes a
representative of each association
and the secretary. Committeemen
are: Frank E. Way. H. N. Dick
inson, C. E. Lewis, J. C. Schnlder
and Mr. Sechrist. The program
will consist of talks by Dana E.
Brlnck, general counsel of the
farm credit administration, of
Spokane; Oscar O. Swenson, man
ager of the NFLA division of the
Federal Land bank, of Spokane,
and reports of the year's business.
There are two directors to be
elected In each association to
serve for a term of three years.
Bob Hope
' Pcrulotto Goddard
"Cat and the Canary"
Pat Joaa
O'Brien aad BlondeU
Wayne Morris
Tld from Kokoxno"
Pedestrian Hit;
Driver Arrested
Austin Mack, 346 North Capi
tol street, was charged with
failure to give right of way to
a pedestrian yesterday after his
car struck and injured P. D.
Van Ausdell, Fisher apartments,
at Court and Liberty streets.
Van Ausdell's . condition was
reported as good at the Salem
General hospital.
Mack - was turning Into Court
from Liberty when the accident
occurred. He told police ho did
not see Van Ausdell.
Today and Saturday
March of Time
Tho Vatican of Pius XH
-fwAw anSnWsssnBsi ssBBBBMssmwssmaeiissssm--
&&SSA "No
X&SV Place
sfrJi t0 Go"
Call Board
Today "Broadway M el
ody of 1940"' with Fred
Astaire and Eleanor Pow
ell. Plus "March of Time,"
The Vatican of Plus XII.
Elisabeth Clark, late resident
of 750 North Front street, at
a local hospital, -March 5, at age
of Cf years. Survived by nleee,
Mrs. V e r n 1 c a Strong of Salem,
and' a brother, John Cornell of
New York City. Services will be
held under the direction of
Clough-Barrlck company at St.
Joseph's Catholic church Friday,
March 8, at 9 a.m. Interment will
be in St. Luke's cemetery at
Today Geraldine F I t s
gerald in "A Child Is
Born" with Jeffery Lynn.
Plna "No Place to Go"
with Fred Stone. Gloria
Dickson and Dennis Morgan.
Today John Steinbeck's
The Grapes of Wrath."
T o d a y "C at and the
Canary" with Bob Hope
Paulette Goddard. Plus
"Kid From Kokomo" with
Pat O'Brien and Joan
Saturday midnight show
"Housekeeper's Daughter"
with Joan Bennett and
Adolphe Menjou.
At the residence, 3411 North
east 44th avenue, Portland, Mar
tha Ann Lewis, aged 93 years.
Mother of Mrs. Florence WlUson
of Phoenix, Aria., Mrs. Ethel Mc
Coy, and Mrs. Ann Klein of Port
land and the lato James W. Lew
Is; grandmother of Harry L. Will
son of Seattle. Wash.. Mrs. Maude
Lantis ot Medford. and Mrs. Mar
guerite Morgan of Vancouver, BC;
great grandmother of James W.
WlUson of Seattle. Wash., and
Vetty Morgan of Phoenix, Arts,
funeral services will be held la
the chapel of the W. T. Rlgdon
company, Saturday, March 9, at
1:39 f. m.. Dr. W. C. Kantner of
Delating. Concluding services
City View cemetery.
.Today Sat - 9 HJta
-IXC0 ffcemleaT
with Walter Pldgeoa
M Keaquiteen in
Today William Boyd as
Ho p a 1 o n g Cassidy in
"Range War." Plus "Is
land of Lost Men" with
Anna May Wong and J.
Carrol Nalsh.
f-vl V 1 Hll - V" J
U l VA
11 J I 11 1111 111X1111 MIX 1111 -mm. X 1 1 V 1 -
m a m m -p" m mm m m m m m m m s m m m mm. mm m m mm mm
, WW A MUU -
ri u W WW WO IT ,
And Second Feature
' Hewn, Colored Cartoon and
Cbap. 11 of Tho Orego TralT
Two Big Feature
..fnciwvivw - ant
waw w"
. m rthi: ci: r 5iU W
(0 WW
Exclusive Ward Patterns!
Big Savings on All Grades!
Mottled Ajanlnstov
AIl-WooI Yarns
Easily $30 Valuol
9x12 Size . . $3542
A sensationally low prico for broadloom
carpeting just check the quality and
youll agree I Attractive mottled effect fit
into any color scheme! 9 ft. width 1
7 colors! $3.75 Quality
Axminster weave ! 10 styles 1 . . .
Heavy grade! 6 patterns 1
Close all-wool weave! $5 value!
WILTON CARPET : : : ; a : : ST 29
Two-tone leaf! 5 colors! $5.50 value oDsra,
Famous Armstrong 9x12
Justly famous as the finest heavy weight
felt base made Quaker Girl rugs are your
answer for long-wearing, beautiful floors t
Choose from Wards big assortment I .
Quaker 12 ft. Yard Goods eq. yd. 69e
Armstrong Standard Felt Base
Beddktg makers were overstocked 1 Wards bought
their surplus of fine mattresses . . cut prices to an
amazing I owl Result i a Bodding Solo that, for
value, tops anything you've over seen I Mattresses
with real Firm-Flex guaranteed units of 182 coils
I . In an assortment of lovely covers 1 .
Ark- (t
VIA n- vi
mnmS ASK $5 lUlOREii
$2 A MONTH Down Payment,
Carrying Charge
Imported Damask, Sateen, and Weven
Stripe Covert in Rich Colors!
Inner-reU Edgol Pro-built Dorderl
o Hundreds of Eyelet Ventilators I
Here's your chance to profit by truly SEN
built-in QUALITY . . . more HEALTH
features . . . more SHEER SLEEPINO
LUXURY than in some mattresses at $5
more ! Youll enjoy the deep comfort of the
thick sisal pads and new, clean felted cot
ton linters . . . smoothed over a restful coil
unit! CHOICE of long-wearing tickings!
Bay them together and roa're
assured of a perfect combina
tion for sound, refreshing sleep.
Matching Bex Spring only 14X3
(Itthero $10 Morel
I Mull A ''nn nnnnvnaaR
7 n
Down PeymeeV
Carrying Charge
Tickings That Have Boon Sold on Mat
tresses as High as M2.50I
You'd expect this FINE WORKMAN
: EXPENSIVE COVERING in only a custom-built
mattress! NOW yon get these
costly details at Wards low prices!
BOTH Mattress and Bex Spring. ..... .05.70
Matching Bex Spring eely . .17X3
12 ft. wide new patterns! eq. yd. 52c
' The I ,'
And 2nd Featmro
Gene Autry b
Tine Montana SdW
rco: $184