Tli OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oregon, Wednesday Monilng. February 21. 190 page cam Stock Prices Raised by Freak Miish liftCaUed War Inspired Family of Four Drowned as Car Attempts to Cross Lake Ice 110,000 Shares Change Hands Daring Last 15 Minutes . . NEW YORK. Feb. a-(3- . Eager-buyers -snatched ap loe. A ad shares of itock in the last , 15, minutes of the market ss . aion today and eatabllahed plot .slants all orer -the big board where declines . had preTionsly Dredomlnated. Tha freak rush of order chanced, the erstwhile drowii ness of the stock exchange floor Into sudden pandemonium ana th ticker tape kept on turnlnc out quotations well after the f 1 nit hn had sounded. Share prices were off at the ooenlnc and steadily. (Tew worse as dealings progressed. . Then, with, an hour to go,, losses la meUla were erased by a thin atrm of barer. The stream widened. th metals rose around a point aboTe their prerious close. Then steels Joined the morement and the rush was on. The Associated Press aTerare of 60 selected stocks rained .1 of a point at 50.4 contrasted with its noonday reading of 50.1. Transactions totaled 807.860 shares compared with 633,410 yesterday. Commentators called the quick lift "war-inspired." Leaders in the upward surge of shares were Anaconda. Ken- oecott, American Smelting, Phelpa Dodge, US Steel, Bethle hem, General Motors, Chrysler, Bendix. Allied Chemical, Penn sylranla Railroad. New York Central and Western Union. Join ing these was a group, mainly specialties, which set new highs for the year. It included Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit, Canada Dry, Colgate. Twin Coach, Thompson Products and Pathe. Crooked Finger Property Bought BCOTTS MILLS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinser of Crooked Finger hare sold an 80acre tract to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd. The farm has about 12 acres In cultl yation. being planted to strawber ries. The place will be cared for by ' Shepherd's brother-in-law. Carter Farris. Mrs. S. P. Moberg is home from 8t. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Mrs. Carter Farris of Crooked Fingtr is at the SilTerton hospital where she underwent an operation. , " ? 'aV 5 , ' , . y .S , A ' "X ' ' a V " .. J V ll' """"ll w . fs ' ( -rC'" - i&. y '. ,,' ' w w '- v ,. J " " SA.S :,'-".V' ' T . . . V' ''-'"i " . ; a. 1 ' , a A ' ' ' . ?A r X y- V - V- 'Xy i A ,,y-AA,. N OUJS, O. ..'AkXVAsiK. "AA Xw ' - JS, "i X A 'A 4-4fcAN k :-y . x V Salem Market Quotations (Boylaf fTk orieo biow iuppUH by a local grocr nd ndieatiT of U July market pricas piJ t (rower DT Sala bayara bat ara aot raaraatacd 7 Taa Stata man.) Baaaoaa, lb. aa atalk .".t daBdl Grspifrnit, Ariiosa ... 20 LaaiABL erata Oranaea. erata 60 to 4 50 avoeadoca, erata . Bacta, 4 os. Cat baga. lb. Carrot, local, doi. C tnliflow ar. local . Calory lAottaca, cam. VEOETABIaES (Baying Price i) ODHmi, 50 lb. Oreen ct'on. doi. - Ptpport, grcaa Potatoes, local, cwt., No. 1. SO lb. ban Radiahea box 2. IS .16 .OJ .45 1.10 S.25 S.25 JO .50 .20 1.60 .50 .50 1.00 .85 .40 Spinach, 8aattle, Boaaab. Joi. TaraiB. doi. GalaXII. HA I AJI0 laWI Wseat. bn., Ka. 1 rtcleaned .73 Oata. ton 30.00 Feed bar'ey. ton Z1.UO Clorer bar, ton Alfalfa bay, ton 14.00 Ess main. No. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.80 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag 1.45 Hen acratcb feed 1-80 Cracked corn 180 Wheat 180 EGGS AND FOTJXTET (Baying Prtcea of Aadreaea'a) Grade A large, doi. Grade A n,dium, doi Grade B large, dox.. Pallet ., Colored bana . . Colored fry Whit Leghorn, heavy .15 .14 .13 .10 .11 .14 .08 Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 10. (AP) Prodece oxeaaage: Batter: Ztr S1H: atandarda SI; prima ftrt 10 H; firt 80. Butterf.t 32 4 -3 J. rgga: Large tra 18; atandard 1; araium extra 17. atandard 17. Cbeeae: Tripleta 14; -oaf 174. Portland Grain POET LAND, Ore., Feb. 20 (AP) Wheat: Open Higb I?" CW May 854 86 854 Caah Grain: Oata, No. 2. 3i lb. white. Si 00. Barley. No. 2. 45 lb BW. 24.cO Corn, No. 2, EV ahipment, 28 2j. No. 1 flax 2.U2 4. Caah Wheat (Bid): Boft white 854; waatera white 85 4: we.tern red 85. Hard red winter: ordinary 85; 11 per eent 85; 12 per cent 8 4 ; -3 Pr ttM S5- 14 per rant 9. Bard white-Haart: ia'p eeat 95; 18 per cent 1.00; 14 per cent 1.03. Today 'a Car Receipt: Wheat 6; flour S; anillfeed 2. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 20. (AP) " Coaatrr saeata Selliag pricea to retail or: Country-killed hog, beat botcher, J25 to 150 lb., 84; Tea,ler, fancy, 15-154e IV; light-thin. 1012c lb.; heary 10-lie lb.; apriag lamba, 14 lie lb.; ewes 4 To lb.; good ettter cow. 8-9e lb.; eaaoer raws 7 4-c lb.; ball 10-10 4 lb. Lia Poultry Nominal baying price: Leghorn broiler. 1 to 1 Si lbs.. 13c lb.; do 3 lb., 13e lb.; fryer, under S lb.. ' 1 lb.; do S to 4 lb., 13e lb.; roaiters, tTsr 4 lb . 14c; colored hens to 4 lb.. .He do orer 4 IK., 12-; Lefhom hen, amdar 84 Iba.. S-10e lb.; t'r 3 4 lb.. 10-1 1c; St. 2 grade, Se lasa. Tarkey Selling price: Hena, 16 4 17 lb.; torn. 15 lb. Baying price Moaaiaal; No. X hena, 15 18c lb.; tome. 14c. Onion Oregon, 45-55e bag; Takima, 40 45c per 50 lb. bag. Seta, white, Se Ik.; brow a 5e lb. Now potatoes Florida 1.00 3 25 per 80 lb. boa Potato Takima Gam 1.45-1.55; Po chatea 1.40-1.50; Khiaath. 1.30 par twt; one Italia brand l.5; local Whitea SOe box; aacka l.OO 1.15 rental. Sweet t 40 crate. Bay Rolling pric U retailer: Alfal fa. No. 1, 18.00 ton; oat vetrb. 13.00, Oregoa, 1S.00 tea; cloTer, 11.00 ton; timothy, eaitern valley 11 00 14 00 ton. Portland- Wool Eaatern OregoA. fin 25-26e lb. ; pmiiI 3S-S0O lb.; Willamette valley, 12-aaantk 39c; IV; lamb. 30c lb. . Mohair 13 month , 10c lb.; fall, 30c ' poaad. Caacara 1050 peal. 4c lb. Hope Oregon, 1089, 35o lb.; 1938. Doaaaatio Floor Selling price, city do- - Ivory 1 to 35 bbl lota: family patenta, 49v S.05-7 55j bakers' hard wheat, net. - 4 0O-4.4O ; bakera' blaeateaa. 6.6O-6.0O ; - blended, wheat floor 5.60-S.15: soft wheat 8.25-5.80; graham, 49. 5.50, whole whoat. 40a. S.SS. r . I I 1 GAS gERV- ICK a o a My P1C a , NO BISilS P- ajmlred . Low BstJk prices. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. Feb. 20. (AP) (U8DA) Hogs: Salable 400, total 6u0; market rather slow but mostly ateatly. Barmw and gilts, gd cb. 120 140 lb S 5 00 5 50 do gd eh. 140-1C0 lb 5 50 5.75 do d ch, 10 160 lfc 5.60';' 6 25 do gd ch, 180 200 lb .0O 8 25 do gd ch. 260 220 lb 6 00(J 6 25 do gd ch, 220 240 !h 5.50-i 6.00 do gd-eh, 240 270 lfc 5.25(ii 5.75 do gdh. 270 300 lh.. 5.15(g) 5.50 do gd ch, 300 330 lb 6.00 5.35 do gd-ch, 3S0-360 lb 4.90(4 5.2") do meJium. 160 200 lb 5.35( 6 00 Feeder pigs, gd ch, 70-120, 4.50(a 5.15 Cattle: Receipts 100; calves 25; mar ket aetite. 8teers, good. 900 1100 8 506 0 00 do medium, 750 1100 7.60m' 8. 50 do medium. 1100 13(0 7 25(a) 8 21 do common, 750 1100 6.50(.ii 7.60 Heifers, eood. 7.'0 S00 7.75 (.i; 8.15 do mt-dium, 500-900 6 75iD 7.75 do common. 500 POO S.50(a 6.7" Cow, good, all weight 5.75ii 6.75 do modium. all Height S Otify 5.75 do rut com. all weiglit.... 4.00( 5.00 Bull O'lgs. ex.), bleef, good all weights ....1 6.50 7.00 do saurage, good, all wts 6.25VV 6.75 do taasage, mrd, all wts . 5 75H 6.25 do aaussge. rt-cm. all wts 5 )a 5.75 Vealers. good ch. all wts. .. O.nora 11.00 do com med, ! wt 6.006$ 9.00 Grade D raw 4 pr cent milk. Dairy Co-op price to distributors, 8)1 .80. BntterfMt, No. 1, 82c; No. S, 80c; premiam, 88c. A grade print, 84 Ht; B grade 834c; quartern 85 He White Leghorn fry Whit Leghorn, light. 014 rooster Heavy hens. lb.. 11 08 .OS .13 .11 and Baying Prices of Marion Creamery) .10 .15 .14 .18 .12 .09 .07 .11 .11 .10 .15 Special, larxe Grade A large, dis Grade A medium, do. Grade B Urge, doi. Undergrade and cbex Pullets Leghorn hens Leghorn fryers, 1 4 lba.. Colored fryers, 3-3 lbs Colored hena 1P39 No. 2 grade Se per lb. las. HOPS (Baying Price ) 1088, lb. 1939 .80 te .18 .18 XJVX8TOCX (Baring prices for He. J stock, baaed an condition and ! reported up to 4 p.m.) Lamb. 1939. top Lamb, yearling Ewes Hers, top. 160-220 Sows Beef cow .... Bull lb. .. Heifer Dairy type cow Live veal. lb. 8.00 to S.25 6.50 to 6.00 8.00 to 4.00 6.90 8.75 to 4 25 5.25 to 6.75 6.00 to 6.00 6.00 to 6.00 S.50 to 6.00 ao .14 Dressed veal, lb. NTJTS (Price paid by Independent Packing plant to grower) FILBERTS Barcelona, orchard run, 11c; jumbos, HVc; large 12c; fancy lie; babies 10 He. Duchilly and Brn nuta le higher. WALNUTS Orchard run: Franquettea 6 7c; soft shells 5i. Grades: Franquettea, jumbo 13 c, large 12c, fancy lue. me dium 8c; soft shell, jumbo 12 He. large 11c, fancy 9c, medium 7'c. (Cocp Price to Wholesaler) Wil.Nl'TS r'ranquettr, jumbo 17e, large 15'c. fancy 13c, medium 12c; soft hell. jumbos leitc, large 14V4r. fancy 12'fce. medium 11c; Mayette. large 16c. Cascade r'ranquettes, large 12c, me dium lie; soft tlie'-ls, large 12c, fancy ll'ic medium 10c FXLBLUTS Duchilly. jumlo 18c; Igs 16e; fancy 15c. Bri nuts, jumbo 17e; largo 15Vje; fancy 13jc; baby 13e. Meeting Date Changed SILVERTOX Tryphena lodge No. 3 8 will meet February 22 for its regular cession The lodge has Toted to meet only the second and fourth Thursday nights of each month from now on. do culls, all wts 4.50 6.00 Calves, med-ch. 400 lbs. dn 7.00( 0.00 do com-med, 400 down... 6.00 7.50 do culls, 400 down 4.00(a) 5.00 Sheep: Receipts 100; few sales steady. Lambs, good and choice $ 8 256i 8.75 do medium and good... 7.75(q) 8.15 do common 6 50W 7.50 Ewes, good-choice 8.50C(i' 4.25 do common-medium 8.00 8.50 YEARS A0O iTTERS VERB 9CRITTEN ON PARCHMENT" PAPER THEN FOLDED AJMD SEALED NCOTH HOT SEAL! NO WAX 1VT ----ODERN envelopes are carefully die ent to shape, jbccurately folded, each seam glued with the proper adhesive, and the back (open) flap gummed with a pore edible tapioca glue. The gum on the flap of Mail-Well envelopes is brushed into the fibers of the paper by special process assuring solid sealing dear across. rapare Mail-Well envelopes with any other r elope you can easily see the superiority. Mrs. Loretts Edam Attempting: to cross an "ice bridge" on Lake Erie between two of the islands, Dr. George J. Edam, 83, of Put-In-Bay, his wife and their two children drowned when their automobile plunged through the lake ice. Mrs. Edam was a nurse. Oregon's Cattle, Hogs on Increase PORTLAND, Feb. SO--Ttae federal marketing service's an nual inventory showed today an increase In Oregon cattle and hogs last year compared with 1938. The sheep market declined, however. The cattle total was estimated at 1,012,000 head, compared with 983,000 in 1938. The farm value was placed at 138.085,000 against 135,181,000 the year pre vious and the 1929-38 average of $29,904,000. A 2000 Increase over the 10- year average was reported for milk cows, which totaled 258. 000 head compared with 263,000 the previous year. The hog total increased from 147,000 In 1938 to 274,000 last year. The 1929-38 average was 215,000. Farm value was esti mated at $2,169,000, a decrease of $495,000 compared with 1938. Sheep stock declined 7 per cent, from 2,043,000 in 1938 to 1.900,000 last year but the farm value rose 6 per cent to $13,-407,000. Oregon's Turkey Stock I Largest on Record PORTLAND, Feb. 2 -(-Oregon's turkey stock at the begin ning of the year was the largest on record and 53 per cent great er than at the start of 1939, the federal marketing survey showed today. The stock totaled 475,000 tur keys valued at $1,140,000 com pared with 310,000 valued at Burst of Buying Hits Wheat Mart Prices Shoot tip to 5 Cents Near Close After Early Drift CHICAGO, Feb. 20-fl-rren-sied trade struck the wheat pit In closing minutes today for the second time in the past four sessions, shooting prices up 5 cents from early lows .to the best levels, since early January. The burst of buying similar to that of last Friday and com ing after the market had drifted rather Indifferently during most of the session b o o s t e d May wheat to 1.07, up 5 from the day's low and within about 3 cents of the season's high es tablished early In January: July soared to 1.04 and September to 1.05, the latter setting a new season high. Part of ' the gains were as quickly lost, but prices finished H4-2 higher for the day, May 1.04-1.04, July 1.02-. Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Feb, IC-irl-Today's closing quotations: 14 1 32 7 64 10 82 Al Chem Dye-178 Coml Solvent Allied Stores 84 Comwlth & Sou American Can115 Consol Edison Amer For Power 1 Consol Oil Am Power' it Lt t Corn Products .. Am Rad Std San 84 Curtiss Wirght.. Amer Roll Mills 15 Douglas Aircraft Am Smelt & Ref 61 Du Pont de N....185 Am Tel Tel.l 7 1 Elec Power & Lt 6 Am Tobacco 80 Erie R R: 10 General Electrie 30 General Foods K General Motors 23 Goodyear Tires.; 5 Great Northern- 11 Hudson Motors.. J4 7 8 3 89 Daffodils Shipped The Brookings area - has al ready shipped about one-third of the million daffodil blooms that will go out of that area this sea son, reports C. A. Cole, horti cultural inspector for the state department of agriculture who has just returned from that area. Stocks and Bonds February 20 S01TO AVERAGES (Compiled by The Associated Press) 20 10 10 10 Rails Indue Util Forpi Net chance A .1 JL .1 I .1 A .1 Tuesday 37.7 102.5 96.7 50.3 Previous day 57.0 102.4 96.8 50.2 Month go.. 5 7.8 102.2 06.4 51,1 Year ago 69.1 B9.5 94.6 61.3 1940 high 59.0 102 6 96.8 51. S 1940 low 57.3 101.9 96.1 80.1 STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 60 Indu Rail Util Stocks Net change A .1 A .2 A .1 A .1 Tuesday 71.9 1B.1 89.4 50.4 Previous day 71.8 18.9 89.3 60.3 Month fo 70. 18.7 89.2 49.6 Tear ago 70.0 20.8 87.8 49.0 1940 high 74.2 20.5 40.0 62.2 1940 low 89.9 18 6 89.1 49.2 $946,000 in 1939. The value per bird averaged $2.40 against $3.10. Am Water Wks Anaconda . Armour 111 Atchison Barnsdall Balt & Ohio Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air . Borge Warner Budd Mfg .. Calif Pack Callahan Z-L. Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific J I Case 33 Illinois Central.. 11 National Dist Natl Power & Lt Northern Pacific Packard ... J C Penney Phillips Petrol - 39 Press Steel Car.. 12H Pub Service NJ Pullman Safeway Stores.. Sears Roebuck .. Shell Union Sou Cal Edison.. Southern Pacific 13 Standard Brands ? 6 Standard Oil Cal 24 4 IVi 39 47 63 24 24 41 27 "i 49 83 11 29 79 Insp Copper 2 Int Harvester 23 Int Nickel 5 Int Paper & P 25 Int Tel & Tel 1 Kennecott - 5 L.ibbey-0-Ford 5 L.lg & Myers B..107 70 Lowes ..: 36 Caterpll Tractor 50 Monty Ward 64 Celanese .. 29 Nash Kelvinator Certain-Teed 7 National Biscuit Ches & Ohio 40 National Cash .. Chrysler 86 Natl Dairy Prod M S 54 36 58 38 50 24 15 17 Standard Oil NJ 44 Studebaker 12 Sup Oil - 2 Timk Roll Bear 50 Trans-America 5 Union Carbide - 84 United Aircraft- 4 7 United Airlines.. 15 US Rubber 37 U8 Steel 69 Walworth 5 Western Union- 24 White Motors 12 Woolworth 40 Eugene Man Wins Cold Storage Butter Contest CORVALLIS, Feb. 20-iP)-Roy J. Thomsen, Eugene Farmers' creamery, whose butter scored 95 points when placed in storage and 95 when taken out six months later, won the cold stor age butter contest sponsored by the Oregon Dairy Manufacturers' association. Horace B. Johnson, Farmers' Cooperative creamery, Carleton. was second with scores of 94.25 and 94.50, and Peter Reich, Dairy Cooperative association. Portland, third 94. with 94.50 aid Wool in Boston BOSTON. Feb. 20 (AP) (USD A -Boston wool bouse were recalling very littlfl interest in moat kind of donwt-" -wools today. Kfforta have heen mail, r., obtain orders for the new Arironn r at around 87 cer.ta. scoured basis, de livered to eastern ueer.i. but this n e bad no attraction for buyers. Srtntris offeriiKe of country packed mixed lots .f three-eighthe and one-qnarte blood bnif fleece wools quoted at 36VC8 cent in ta grease delivered to ors found little fc.ij er interest. Limited quantities of :ow quarter-blood domestic wools were o d at 77-80 cents scenrod baa is for ten- -tory lines rnd at 42-43 eenta in tbe gre for brirht fleeres of this crade. POLLY AND HER PALS -rim Faced With an Emergency I jIS ou nee moneY quickly. HI -t r! Loans at Low Interest V STATE raiAHCE co. B j2e 344 State Phone 9261 Lie. S-216 M-222 By CUFF STERRET -Vn-'S TM' LAST TlMfc 1 14 j I L s OH .THAT NO TROUBLE ATALL, KNy " AN THOSE WOT I I WTLL EVER ATTEMPT 1 tN COOPS, "TAINT THAT.' A AjJNT SUSE. VUH SlMFL.B 6ROWS IN J y. , I T' MOVE SPROUTS J THEV DONT ) TROUBLE IS T" TELL. Vs- -,. j , PULLS 'EM X X IS WEEDS.' , "7 PROM TH' . x-f V 6OW SO V L TW WEED rROM J 6hSL ALL OUT J V r- . V- MICKEY MOUSE Wait Rtsaw. f Mickey Tl Sleep "Like a Top' By WALT DISNEY WD. THINKINS TUP L ITTI P JfK SAVAGE SAFEL LOCKED UK PnKJMiT bLUMBfcK 51 BUSSFULLV ON? f" Tm:ir t w mv maw - vqu UT'III VuMonex K("v7riJ-w' 1 V2M ll'T I 'i I IHLit-4--r:irr-V'J '- I 11 1 r.'-'irfl fTv LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Suppressed Desire By BRANDON WALSH NO, I ANT BEEN A DOON' COME ON AN xxjxl see her a-settim" down like a COLLEGE PROFESSOR A-READ4WOMEOF THE BIGGEST BOOKS IM THAT HERD OP", CALFSKINS I GOT IN My LYBWJREE T3AO BLAME' IT YOUN6fiTEE? KIM VOU REALLY READ WRnTM'-. OR ARE YOU 3USTA-L00KJN AT THE PITCHERS ??? V y K Yi .1 1 1 rANT CFAn -the gdcat ric wonns A KJI Xfil kA R BUT I KIN READ ALMOST ALLTHE, I JX' ai. LTTTLE WORDS -THE ISA BOOK FULL XlllhiHllilmalilJ MLtLm f .rf- OF POEMS FOR LITTLE KIDS I PfTrxri "T-f-r lairfT I VrHT'rCrUE- POCMS SOUND jSl . ' PUa? aia aiF ysr raMTw-rmnL verses" By Robert uxhs Stevenson -u5ten lUKHuroueas THE RAIN IS RAinkmGAu. AROUND. 2VAm fTRAlNSOMyOUANOAAE.. fT RAINS ON UM8REUX5 aZWE AND ON THE SHIPS AT SEA' WfwliMl TOOTS AND CASPER He's Got Her Number! By JIMMY MURPHY NO. LADY, THIS IS NOT "THE SPIFFY BEAUTY SHOP! Yes. this s spinach 013023 BUT THIS IS A PRIVATE RESIDENCE SAW MO. "I rOM-T KNOW IF I THEY'VE CHAN t ED THEIR NUMBER. OR 4aONe OUT OP BUSINESS, OR ANYTHINtV I ABOUT THEM- 1 Gear ONI Knc LADY YOU SAY YOU SIMPLY HAVE tOT TO HAVE A WAVE? WELL. MY ADVICE IS UO OUT TO THE OCEAN AND PICK OUT A NCE,Blia ONE WITH PRETTY WHITE-CAPS ON IT! 60OOBYE A FINS NUMBER THEY rAVE US. "TOOTS ONE THAT A BEAUTY MOP USED TO HAVE DONT LOSS VOUR TEMPER. CASPER. OH, THERE trOES THE PHONE A6AIN I 2-aL r AliajiajiN V - J. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye A Boy In Lore VAJsmtvwl fAPNA.TRlP.APOUKD f MQf I I I FIRST I HVt CCTTJ TO I Vujvtrww "WrT7 , OK.60 1 FAREWB-L AN' TO 6MACK J r 7 HfeEAR rflff tOr4 2 1 I . na. . . iLMi ri . I Tnt iTlvviwnarnia- I 1 SO- M3t-K. IHCY Sfalesman Publishing Go. 21S South Commercial EL Fhox 1101 o i: