The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1940, Page 10, Image 10

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Thm OEEGON STATESMAN, Satan. Omoob, Wdncia7 Morning. rDniary xl. I MO
Will Give Play
'China Boy" Is Three-Act
Comedy; Cast Rehearses
for Presentation
JEFFERSON "China Boy." a
three-act comedy to be presented
by the Jefferson high school stu
dent body, has been in rehearsal
for two weeks.
"China Boy," by Tom Tag
gart and James Reach, Is a hap
py, glittering comedy of youth.
It tells of the sometimes hilar
ious and always entertaining ad
Tcntures a missionary's almost
perfect son encounters in Amer
ica when he makes up his mind
to be "bad." This is the part
played by Lawrence Rehfeld. As
his American cousins, Mickey
Thurston and Bill Anderson ap
pear, while the parts of his un
cle and sunt are taken by Fran
cis Martin and Margorie Norton.
Others in the cast are Betty
Bruce, as the little "brat."
Blanche Pilcher. the town's rich
girl; Lyle Smith as the 'tough"
Bryce Page, a high school boy;
nirii MUlpr the dumb maid;
and Kern Mills, the radio an
nouncer. Mrs. Dana Logan Smith di
rects the play. Production staff
members are Eleanor Len, Kern
Mills, and Bob Whitby.
Arthur Ramseyer has enrolled
Ends Today
There are good seats
available for matinee and
evening shows.
will not be shown anywhere
except at advance prices
at least until 1941!
Mat. 2 p. m. - Eve. 8 p. m.
Matinees 75c Inc. Tax
(Except loges)
Nights $1.00 Plus Tax
(Except loges)
All Seats Reserved
Elsinore Theatre
Starts Thursday
Together with the swt
a heart of 3Com-
pari' It'm ,iv'
And to romantic:! ,- w.
- - m- j
r?s Vr
x Starts Tonight
An Intense and absorbing- tale,
with the wide, powerful sweep
(of a great human document . .
tetming with , the passionate
(and Uie genial and the bitter
sweet . . . ;. . . i
David O. Selznick
Star of
Ion With the Wind"
A Love Story
. Ingrid Bergman
Great Men Are Made!
t ' Great Horse Bora!
Gantry, the blind horse
"Pride of the
Extra Special!
World's IleaTywrelght
Cham plonship
Fight Pictures
' 15 ROUXDS 15 .:
Blow, by Blow
I Gntutn- 1
Parole rC.tT''
Fixer I KjirrmtTN
A 1 ."".-a
Singing Is the Hobby of These
Hill - M
Xhe Eugene Gleemen, 70-volrc male cUic rhonw, will jrre a benefit concert March 5 at SUverton. They
are pictured above with their director, John Stark Kvans, and accompanist, Cora Moore Frey, when
they appeared at Treasure Island last July.
In the first grade and Carl Ram
seyer in the third grade. They
hare been attending school at
Illlhee. Robert Brooks Is another
new pupil in the third grade,
having previously attended the
Failing school in Portland.
The fifth and sixth grades have
elected new officers. They are
president, Vera Glaser; vice
presiden. Jack Knight; secretary.
Archie Brown; treasurer, Arbie
New 4H Clubs Are .
Begun, Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL 4-H clubwork is
gathering new impetus in Mt. An
gel as three men of the commun
ity have agreed to take over the
leadership of four new clubs or
ganized this week. Although St.
Mary's , school has always had a
very large club enrollment the
leaders were always taken from
the teaching staff.
At a recent achievement pro
gram here H. C. Seymour and
Wayne D. Harding as well as Fa
ther Alculn urged more Interest
and active cooperation on the part
of the parents. As a result Andrew
Schmidt has agret-d to take over
a calf club of six members. Ed
Hammer will lead both a corn and
a pig club, five boys being enrol
led in the former and six in the
latter. The seven potato club
members will have Andy Wachter,
jr., as their leader.
A new cooking club was also
started. Eleven girls were signed
up for the class with Delphine Eb
ner, teacher at St. Mary's, as
Thirteen clubs have been act
ive since last fall when they were
organized. The five new clubs
brings the total for the school up
to 18.
Ballston Club
Will Entertain
BALLSTON' Members of the
Ballston Sew and Social club
will entertain their families
Thursday night at 8 p. m. in the
IOOF hall.
At the last meeting of the
group Miss Thelma McCulloch
was named to head the commit
tees for the fall bazaar. She will
be assisted by Mrs. M. H. Van
Groos, Mrs. H. S. Fudge, Mrs.
E. L. Sechrist and Mrs. C. E.
Thursday. February 29. was
set as the day to attend the
home interest conference at Ore
gon State college. Members will
leave at 7:30 a. m.
Church Social Set
at Salem Heights
sapper and social will be held
at the community hall on Wed
nesday night. Mrs. Harvey Peter
son is general chairman.
"Viewing the World s Fair at
San Francisco" will be given by
Mrs. p. F. Stelzheiae, followed
by a community aing.
X f Kith a 5? ed (
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gMfMi I ijji li in al t '"J"1 J""Y5 immm
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Eugene Cleemen
Concert Planned
Men's Chorus Will Sing
at Silver ion on
March 5
Gleemen, civic male chorus of 70
voices- from Eugene, will present
a benefit concert in the new high
school auditorium March 5. Glenn
L. Briedwell, local chairman, said
Monday, that the services of this
chorus had been obtained as a
goodwill gesture of Eugene. Ex
penses Incident to the concert will
be taken care of by the Silverton
Rotary club, and all the proceeds
will go to the benefit of the school
piano fund and youth work in the
Silverton community.
The Gleemen were organized in
1926. They have sung in cities
from Victoria. BC, to San Francis
co. John Stark Evans, director of
the chorus, has won nation-wide
acclaim for his ability to weld a
group of business and professional
men into a musical unit whose
work compares favorably with
that of the professional choruses,
said Briedwell.
With many arrangements by
Evans, made especially for the
Gleemen, they sing numbers rang
ing from works of the old masters
to the modern ballads.
'Self Made Girl"
(Continued from Page 4.)
bathing suits or sun suits. And
once she brought two summer
dance frocks, dotted dimities, one
with red dots, one with blue.
"Take them away and fight
over them, though I did think
of the red for Connie and the
blue for Linda's eyes. I braved
Xew York in all the heat to get
them for you and I think it was
very sweet of me all because
your father wants to show you
: off at the country club dance."
j Linda's heart turned over.
I She looked at the dress, the
j sort of dress she'd dreamed of
and in the last year given up the
hope of ever wearing, because
there was no place to wear It to.
She was terribly close to tears.
Practically, Constance said.
"What will we do for men?"
Linda looked up. In her excite
ment over the dress and a place
to wear it. she'd forgotten that
they would have to have boys
to dance with.
Mrs. Scott laughed. "Your
poor father, darling. Asking for
men! It'll break his heart! He
thinks you will be perfectly con
tent to go and dance with him,
and your grandfather, and such.
Don't tell him otherwise, for
heaven's sake, or he'll "
Constance laughed, too. She
and her mother never fooled each
other. It wasn't the way Linda
and her mother were. Linda
canght her breath and Constance
said. "Moms, you've got it all
planned out!"
"The McAllister boys." Mrs.
Scott said. "Harrison McAllister's
sons, here for the summer. You
must hare seen then at the club
or somewhere. Tall, dark kids.
Business Men
very sunburnt. They drive around
in an old cut-down car "
Constance looked at Linda.
Linda looked at Constance.
"Then you have seei them!"
"My godness, how could we
miss them? The only two new
men around these parts in 10
"Will they do?"
Again Constance looked at Lin
da and Linda looked at Con
stance. Constance took a long
breath. "They will do," she said.
(To be continued)
Copyright, 1937. by King Feature! Syn
dicate, Inc.
Birthday Honored
at Sunday Dinner
M i 1 1 e r's birthday was honored
Sunday at dinner at the O. K.
Paulus home in Salem. Others at
tending from here were Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Wells and family and
Mr. Miller.
The young people's group of
the church here held a bad taste
party at the E. D. Long home
Thursday night. Prizes for the
worst costumes went to Barbara
Wells and Bill Thurston.
Mrs. R. E. Prather spent Tues
day in Portland visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Frank Johnston.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Marvin Jordan home were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Albert of Oreal
aska. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Welgal, Mr. and Mrs. Milo
Graber of Suver. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Jordan and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Palmer Welgal and family
and Ted Reed.
Union News
ROBERTS L. D. Johnston
was elected secretary of the
Farmers' union at the last meet
ing. A report on the county con
vention was given by Mrs. John
ston. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hewitt of Salem. Blisg Fid
ler, Joe Votroubec, Mildred WTin
da and Bud Zielke.
Roy Hewitt spoke on his trav
els. Refreshments were served by
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zielke.
Bits for Breakfast
(Continued from Page 4.)
young widow with a small
daughter; the 'little step-daughter
mentioned by the governor
In his book.
"The Geers are an early pio
neer Oregon family, coming down
from Joseph Carey Geer, born
Feb. K, 179 5. His sixth son was
Heman Johnson Geer, father of
the governor who occupied the
chair of Oregon's chief executive
in the 1889-1903 term. The John
son in Heman Geer's name was
for the mother's family.
"The Joseph Carey Geer fam
ily came in the covered wagon
immigration of 1847 the 'big'
1 m m 1 r ation ' f largest to the
time), bringing about 6000
people, doubling the population
of the Oregon country."
(Concluded tomorrow)
Claudette Colbert
Henry Fonda
Charlie Ctuui
At Treasure Island
I Ami Heiii j 5 ft A ay Tl?)
IfctBrBcUtftcuflr Dart I
fcssjl CsWs . Ishj ntnratf
Ad Secoad Featuw
Xl'r Six. Kmm -B. T f
-Also .New
rar 1
Mill !
8jps t
i i
50th Annual
CE Meet Set
Dallas Endeavor Will Be
Host to State Group;
Leaders Scheduled
DALLAS The 60th annual
Oregon state Christian Endeavor
convention, to meet In Dallas
April 18-21, will bring prominent
Christian Endeavor leaders of
the Pacific coast to Dallas for
the three days' meeting. Dr.
Clarence Klrcher of Sacramento,
Calif., pastor counsellor of the
California Christian Endeavor
union, will be one of the prin
cipal speakers. Another will be
Albert Arend of Spokane, region
al vice-president for the Pacific
coast. Claude Neely of Portland
will be present to take charge
of musical activities and to lead
the singing.
A state-wide registration con
test is now being carried on
among 17 districts. The contest
is conducted by Phil Barrett of
Eugene and four of the districts
have already reached their quo
tas. Polk union is the local reg
istration tone and with Salem
expects to register about 400
There is special Interest in
the convention this year, as it
was SO years ago that the first
state convention was held in
Oregon. Another significant fac
tor la that Dan Poling, interna
tional president of Christian En
deavor since 1925, once made
his home in Dallas with his
parents, attending church and
college here, and was active in
Christian Endeavor work even
This is the first time the state
convention has ever come to
Polk county. The local commit
tee is headed by Bruce Spaul
dlng. Committees, named a few
weeks ago, are shaping plans
and working out details for tak
ing care of some 1500 delegates,
many of whom will require lodg
ing and breakfast.
The Dallas area Includes Polk
county and solicitation will be
made of all towns in the county
as well as rural districts in find
ing places for the delegates to
School Carnival
Planned, Marion
MARION Patrons of the Mar
ion school are sponsoring a school
carnival Thursday at 8 o'clock in
the school house.
Refreshments will be served. A
mixed program of numbers is be
ing arranged by the school fac
ulty. Carnival concessions will con
sist of grab-bag, fancy-work, bin
go game and others. The proceeds
are to finance hot lunches for
Call Board
Today "Gone With the
Wind" with Clark Gable,
Vivien Leigh, OHva De
Havilland and Leslie
Howard. All seats re
served. Thursday James Stewart
and Margaret Sullivan in
"The Shop Around the
Corner." Plus "Parole
Fixer" with William
Today "The Invisible Man
Returns" with Sir Cedric
Hardwlcke. Plus "Early
Arizona" with Robert El
liott and Louls-Godoy
fight pictures.
Wednesday Leslie Howard
and Ingred Bergman In
"Intermezzo." Plus "Pride
of the Blue Grass" with
Edith Fellows.
Today Joel McCrea, Nancy
Kelly, Mary Boland, Ro
land Young in "He Mar
ried His Wife."
Wednesday Tony Martin,
Edith Fellows in "Music
in My Heart." Plus Bruce
Cabot, Harry Carey in
"My Son Is Guilty."
Saturday "Little Old New
York" with Alice Faye.
Fred MacMurray, Richard
Greene, Brenda Joyce.
Today Irene Dunne and
Fred MacMurray in "Invi
tation to Happiness." Plus
"Thunder Afloat" with
Wallace Beery.
Wednesday Victor McLag
lan and Sally Eilers in
"Full Confession." Plus
"Flight At Midnight" with
Phil Regan, Jean Parker
and Col. Roscoe Turner.
Friday George O'Brien In
"Racketeers of the
Range." Plus "The Mag
nificent Fraud" with Ak
lm Tamlroff, Lloyd JColan
and Mary Boland.
Today "Gunga Din" with
Cary Grant and Douglas
Fairbanks Jr. Plus "Down
In Arkensas" with Weaver
Bros, and Elvlry.
Wednesday "Pride of the
Navy' with James Dunn
and Rocbelle Hudson. Plus
"White Banners" with
Claude Raines and Fay
Friday "Crime School"
with The Tead End Kids.
Plus "Billy The Kid Re
turns" with Roy Rogers
and Smiley Burnett.
Today, Tfanrs. 2 Features
with James Dunn
Rochelle Hudson
Bainter P M f J
a (
Car Dives Through Home, Kills One
i 1 in .. K a x,
, " iM us
A careening automobile which skidded on wet pavements, hurtled
through an Oroville, Calif., home, struck two women in its living
ing room recently, killing one, seriously Injuring another. Auto car
ried both women with it as It passed through the house. Faocil
with negligent homicide was Harold Swank, 21, Oroville forest !
service worker, driver of the car. UN photo.
Grangers News
MACLEAY The Macleay unit
of Young Grangers of America
will put on a three-act comedy,
"Home Town Girl," at the hall
Saturday. The play will be fol
lowed by dancing and lunch will
be sold. The Mitchell orchestra
will furnish music between acts
and for dancing.
The cast includes William Dun
igan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin,
jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKee,
Harry Way, Helen Way, Jean Per
ry, Geraldine Keene, Willis Goble.
Raymond Stryker. with Mrs. M. A.
Wells as director. A small admis
sion charge will be made.
Thirty Macleay grangers visited
Stayton grange Saturday in the
annual county visiting schedule.
The officers of Macleay grange
were in charge of the business
meeting and Mrs. M. A. Wells,
Macleay lecturer, directed the
aMtWi-OTmw J-'' Wn''""''''Mf'''" "' l"""'
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"YOU EXPECT X k - '4;v A - - t - V;
a goodrhk In a car A " r ' T' ... ' ' h
osy r'dm of this mwm ?- ' " " A
Ford k tomtthing you'd X "Z, ' "4 ,S
etdy xpf in o car tiHI f
t.- ryWii X -y'-::-. ...... ;
" v , - 1 "- ''' Z ' '
cylinders for smoothness smsll
cylinders for economy!
-"Standard at no extra cost!
Im proves steering controls sideswsy!
123" SPIINCIAJE-Pla. new, softer
springs, improved shock absorbers!
FUll TOIQUE-TUIE DtlYE-For roada.
bility and easy riding!
oa a low-priced car!
WEST SALEM Social night of
the West Salem grange Thursday
night will have as a feature four
reels of moving pictures to be
shown by Barkley Newman of Sa
lem. They will Include pictures
taken on travels in Mexico, Brit
ish Columbia atid the United
States. Grange will meet at the
city balL
UNION HILL The Union Hill
grange met on Friday night. Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Parish and Maurice
Maynard we're voted into the
grange as new members.
A WPA road crew will improve
the road by the grange hall in the
near future, it was reported.
TALBOT Ankeny grange held
its regular meeting Saturday
night. Mr. Judson, a member of
the Red Hills grange, gave a talk
on the milk control subject. Mr.
Easier riding on rough roads!
EXTtA UICE lATTItT-QuJck starts,
long battery life!
actio a, grips tighter!
CONTI01 Grester all-weather comfort!
30 brighter for safer night driving! .
STY1I lUDEMHIP-With rich, roomy
Dallas Store Is
Entered, Robbed
Several Arrests Are Made
by Polk Authorities
on Varying Counts
DALLAS The Buell store was
broken into Saturday morning
sometime between 5 and 5:30
and about 63 taken, according
to the Polk county sheriff's of
fice. A front window was taken
out and the cash register re
moved from the building.
Vernon White was arrested
Sunday by Chief of Police Tony
Neudeldt on a charge of contrib
uting to the delinquency of a
minor. White was arraigned
Monday and entered a plea of
not guilty. Ball was set at $500.
James E. Moffett was arrested
Sunday by State Policeman
Kpaulding on a West Salem Jus
ticq warrant charging theft- of
a cross-cut saw last December at
the Stevens wood camp. He had
a trial in the justice court here
Monday morning and was found
fcutlty. He was fined $25.
Leslie Lindsay was arrested
by City policeman Edward Jan
zen on a charge of drunk in a
public place. He was fined $10.
Oliver Matson was brought to
the Polk county jail Monday aft
ernoon to serve out a $50 fine.
Last March he was fined $100
on a drunken driving charge
and sentenced to 30 days In Jail.
He served the jail sentence and
paid $50 of the fine. Failure to
pay the remainder as agreed
lroujcht his re-commitment to
the Polk county jail.
and Mrs. J. D. Farr and Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Finlay were ap
pointed on the serving committee
for the next two meetings. The
program was on the birthdays of
Lincoln and Waphington.
The Ankeny Home Economics
club will sponsor a card party in
the grange hall Wednesday night.