Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, February 11, 1940 PAGE TWO Iff' Tl massive miss Attack Futile Finns Claim all Thrust RepuUed; Shells Used Instead of Bombs fContlnaert from page 1) taliona have deployed against the motorized divisions of tbe red army. ' The Finnish artillery, mean while, baa played an unsung bnt Increasingly Important role in keeping; tbe Russian troops where they were at tbe beginning of the struggle. With great economy of ammu nition, the Finnish batteries have been silencing soTlet big guns, a few every day. Finnish officers say this precision is due to a new aad lm proved artillery chart de rteed by General Vllho Nenonen, la command of Finnish artillery. (By the Associated Preaa) The stillness of the western front was broken by a sudden burst of sharp fighting northwest of Saarlonis in the Nied river sec tor on the northern flank. The Germans were said to have re treated before withering French machine gun fire, leaving dead hanging on barbed wire. The French chamber of depu ties ended two days of secret de bate with a S43 to 0 vote of con fidence in the government of Pre mier Edoaard Daladler. It . was the second time in less than three months that Daiadier won the backing of the chamber on a ques tion of confidence and now he stands in a stronger poeition than at any time since the war began. Tbe unanimous vote came shortly after France senii-officlal-ly indicated she would not join any international economic system or disarmament move until the "constant peril" of Germany had been "wiped out." Viewed aa Answer To Hull's Suggestion The French statement was an informal answer to suggestions by the United States secretary of state, Cordell Hull, who has called on all neutral nations to join in charting "the sort of world we are going to have after the war" and in formulating plans to guide the belligerent to a peace of eco nomic sanity. Hull said in Washington that it was his plan to bring proposals concerning armaments and com mercial policies to tbe attention of every government disposed to take an interest In them. The British air ministry. Sir Klngsley Wood, backed up France's stand with an emphatic declaration in a speech at Bristol. England, that the allies would fight on to "a real peace, not a patched up pact that would leave Europe once again the subject of assault and violation." Britain acknowledged the sink ing of two armed trawlers Friday with the loss of 22 Uvea In Ger many's latest air assault on North sea shipping. Four other ships were badly damaged. wa niouj as miuivu t w V J I IV lsh "patrol" boats were sunk and six other vessels were sunk or de stroyed by her bombers in Fri day's raid. Lincoln Is Cited, Sprague Address (Continued from Page 1.) mate advantage In the presi dency." he afralrmed. The governor denounced tbe Roosevelt administration's gold policy, which, he said, "stores up countless millions of dollars In gold in a hole In the ground in stead of allowing it freely to cir culate as the foundation of in ternational monetary systems." "We republicans will need to revise our tariff policy," be averred In speaking of national economic policy. "We must recog nise that we have become a creditor nation, and that imports are as necessary to our economy as exports. If others are to pay their debts to us. we must buy their good." Labor, Sprague said, would do well to consider the fate of labor parties In Europe which bound themselves Inextricably to a par ticular political party. "In Rus sia 22 years ago working people united with a particular political faith, and now the Russian people eat black bread, and pay fit s fifth for vodka." Tfetst togs vi9 spell ; bi NEW for nsterists Watch this nvspr raxx.1 CkiMM tKiitwi. AMiiar 8UO- vua it moo Tn la caUSA. auttar ftfc what silamt ya r AITUCTCD ciMrcan, st aamitia. Wart. lame. Urwr. kMitt. . IM. aaaatiDatiaa. al taoafaat rwwuua, gmU hUaaar, farer, skim,, iaamata Jj W- Seller W Ay Anf ' Longer? whxw oraxa raxx.i Murhy Poses x-.e Associate .last ice Frank Murphy of the United States supreme court, sfttiwg the high court for the first time, Is shown In his Judicial rebea. Murphy is the farmer US attorney general. 1940's Fashions Smart Says Buyer 'Flattering' Is Word Given by Mrs. Bloomberg on Return From East "1940 spring fashions are def initely the smartest and most flat tering shown in many a season and women of Salem should pre pare for a real treat when they see tbe new models in coats, suits and drease for spring." was the report brought back by Mrs. S. I. Bloom berg, buyer for Milgrim's, upon her return yesterday from an ex tensive buying trrp to New York and eastern fashion centers. Leading shops on New York's Fifth avenue are featuring navy and black with colorful accessor ies. Rose and powder blue are also very prominent in the spring fashion picture, according to Mrs. Bloomberg. Mrs. Bloomberg stated a great er number of buyers than usual converged on the New York mar ket aad the feeling was general that a favorable spring business was in prospect, due to more smartly styled merchandise being offered and from the general up turn in business. Encountering severely cold weather on the entire trip, Mrs. Bloomberg stated it was a relief to return home to the mild climate of the Willamette valley. Georgia Tornado Death Toll High (Continued from Page 1.) the muddy Flint river and mowed a death-pocked path through flim sy houses before it moved on into sullen, rainy skies to the north and east, leaving a swath of de struction roughly 15 blocks long and four wide. Bodies recovered late this aft ernoon Included those of 17 ne groes, most of them killed in their homes near the river, and one white woman. Dora Belle Shiver, 32, crushed in her home in Ogle thorpe avenue. City Manager C. Q. Wright said he understood three other white persons and another negro had been killed, making a death list of 22, but he had been unable tc verify this report late today. DECIDE FOR YOURSELF! WHAT WILL IT BE! A or a new home, built to your own specifications and JPflay 15 Year - 95 Smaller Home Loan Here Is the ideal kxut for those who do ot wish to spend snore than B2500 for their new home. This new type loan em bodies all the famons n i rates Mother Unres. ft aaH aaaaje ,tMaU I 1 at m. m w 1 in Court Robes - r J I fa -e -afrfc. 'jyv ?n: Js'- Epley Is Honored By Pension Group Regional Meeting Slated Next Saturday Topic, County Gathering Silent tribute to Senator Wil liam E. Borah of Idaho and to Dr. H. C. Epley, late mayor of Jefferson, in recognition of their aid to the pension movement was accorded at the Saturday meeting of the Marlon county division of the Oregon Pension federation. The meeting was largely occu pied with discussion of details of the regional conference to be held next Saturday starting at 10 a. m. at which delegations from Marion, Clackamas, Polk, Yamhill, Lin coln and Washington counties will be present. This region is entitled to eight members on the state board being created at these re gional meetings, on the basis of one for every 5000 pension friendly votes registered in the 1938 elections. At the regional meeting there will be discussion of the coming campaign and of methods for learning the views upon pension Issues of all legislative candidates. The county organization took ac tion looking toward such a sur vey of legislative candidates in Marion county. Credit two Lives Saved, new Drug PORTLAND. Feb. 10.-(P)-Sul-fapyridine, a new drug related to sulfanilamide, was credited today by Dr. Adolph Weinzirl with sav ing the lives of two children. The youngsters, whose identi ties were not revealed by Dr. Weinairl, city health officer, were "desperately sick" with measles complicated by pneumonia. "The condition of these chil dren on admission (to the city isolation hospital) was so serious j that it seemed that only a miracle could save them," Dr. Weinzirl jsaid. "Yet, with medical atten- j tion, good nursing care and the j use of this new drug, both chll- : dren are now convalescing satisfactorily." affe h IFJHI.A. ILaim Appraisal 25 Year - S0 Appraisal JLnrf la the favorite that has proven so popular during 1039. Take advantage of this cheap money NOW while it is still available. Check your present rental with these fig nres and Judge for yourself. F.H.A. feature . . . Got eminent supervl aion of all constrnc- $25O0 Loan 92800 Loan gSOOO Loan 13.90 15.57 16.68 Month. Month Montlt S3500 Loan $4000 Loan $3000 Loan 19.4622.2427.80 Month Month Month . . low Interest ... and many outstanding fea- For Full Information Regarding AO Types of . FJLA. Loans , Call Youth Session Cheers Lewis Labor Leader Gets More Applause; Criticizes Roosevelt Again (Continued from Page 1) would eventually become a peace loving, popular government which would not interfere with the in tegrity ot its neighbors." . Then, as his shivering guests stood in silence, he added: "That hope is today either shattered or put away in storage against a better day. The soviet anion, as a matter of practical fact, known to you and known to all the world, is a dictatorship as absolute as any other dictator ship in the world. "It has allied Itself with an other dictatorship and it has In vaded a neighbor so inflnitesim ally small that it could do no injury to the soviet union, and seeks only to live at peace as a democracy, and a liberal forward looking democracy at that." Communists Have Rights, Conceded Agitation in youth congress for expulsion of its communistic ele ments one of its 63 affiliates is the Young Communist League stirred unusual Interest in what Mr. Roosevelt might have to say on communism. The chief executive asserted any communists In the organiza tion had a right as Americans to call themselves communists and to "peacefully and openly" advocate certain Ideals of theo retical communism. But he added, it was the "sacred duty" of such elements to confine their advocacy of changes in law to methods pre scribed by the constitution. He said they had "no" American right, by act or deed of any kind, to subvert the government and the constitution ot this nation." Applause and whistling greeted this statement. Earlier, in the 3.000-word address, carried by radio across the land, there was scattered hand clapping when the president mentioned a resolution by one of the organization's af filiated councils opposing Ameri can loans to Finland on the ground that such action was "an attempt to force America Into the imperialistic war." It was not clear whether the applause was for the resolution or for the speaker's criticism of it, although one distinct "boo" arose from the crowd when the president described as "unadult erated twaddle" the reasoning behind the resolution. 'Good Government9 Personnel Listed (Continued from Page 1.) John Tweed, Salem route six; John Ramage, Woodburn; F. A. Zimmerman and George Keech, Stayton; O. Voget, Hubbard. Winton Hunt, Fred Hecker and Glen Goulet, Woodburn: Roy Phillipi, Mehama; George Grlmps, Hubbard; John Smith. Aumsvllle; Fred Schwab and William M. Tate, ML Angel; T. L. Davidson, Salem route five; Walter Miller and Charles Colvin, Turner route two; S. A. Miller, Aurora; Fred Krug, Silverton route two; Her man Coyle, Philip Wolf. Ray Kerr and Carl Smith, St. Paul; Ray Glatt and J. W. Shaw, Woodburn; Grant Jones, Hubbard; E. A. Dit ter, Sublimity; W. A. Weddle, E. C. Denny and Douglas Heater, Stayton; J. O. Darby, Silverton route three; H. D. Miller, Wood burn route one. Conover Grocery Burglar Smokes Three boxes of cigars, three cartons of cigarettes and $2.44 in cash was stolen from Conover'a grocery, 12th and Hlnes street, Friday night by a burglar who smashed the front door glass, ap parently with an apple box. The burglar was apparently In great haste, police reported, and had strewn packages of cigarettes and oiner toDacco over me iioor. TO THE FUTURE!! All you need do la look around and see how many of your friends have assured their future through the aid of F.H.A. and the CAPITOL LUMBER CO. handful of rent receipts desires. 72 70 Loan .Plan Democratic Convention i r -rear r 'V., vt , - iJJe -iib(fc-t Detuocrntlc leaders from thronghotit the United States gather In Washington to select the site and to map plans for the national con rention. Chicago won the nod bnt the date waa not set. Left to right, these Democratic leaders are L W. (Chip) Robert, Jr., secre tary of the national committee; Charles Mlchelson, public relations; Vice President John Nance Garner, and secretary of tbe senate. Col. Edwin Halsey. 26 Billion Error Charged to FDR (Continued from Page 1.)' who want them" Is the nation's No. 1 problem. "Only under the republican par ty can we get a reasonable and intelligent approach to the public spending. Only under the repub lican party can we get a reason able and intelligent approach to the problem of nine million unem ployed," he said. "The answer to the budget problem lies In 930,000 federal employes, compared with 560,000 seven years ago. The army of fed eral employes has been built up to a large extent for patronage pur poses of the new deal." Rumania Won't Demobilize BUCHAREST, Feb. 10-jP)-Re-jection of official German "sug gestions" that Rumania demobi lize most of her 800,000 men un der arms so they could work in fields and factories to produce goods for the reich was reported today by authoritative sources. Tweedsmuir Improving MONTREAL, Feb. Lord Tweedsmuir, governor gen eral of Canada who Is suffering a grave brain concussion, still Is unconscious but has shown defi nite signs that this condition is lessening, his doctors said in an official bulletin tonight. Hoover to Talk Politics SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10-UP) Former President Herbert Hoo ver will make his "first political address of 1940" In Omaha, Nebr., on Lincoln's birthday, it was announced here today by the republican circles organization. Adams Rotary Speaker SILVERTON Hal Adams, su perintendent of Silverton schools, will speak at the Monday noon Rotary luncheon, having for his subject "Abraham Lincoln." MORE STYLE! Every on recognizes in OldsmobQ the Styleader car of the yar. Gracefully streamlined from front end to rear. Olds reflects smartness from any angle stands oat from U the rest as a heaar LESS TO BUY! Conridering hs siae, power and quality, Olds costs yoa leas because to gives yea saofw and at that, OldamobUc prices start right down in the low-price field.' Buy a big, new Olds and yon save saoneyt piuczd 0LX" f-mlWa SWaaa. 953 a ,y 1 v Name of Wallace Filed for Senate Lew Wallace, Portland, Satur day filed in the state department here for the office of state sena tor from the 13 th senatorial dis trict, Multnomah county, at the primary election. Wallace, appointed senator to succeed William D. Bennett, who resigned, is now serving his first term in the senate. He previously was a member of the house of representatives. Harry Frazer, Oregon City, has filed for the democratic nomina tion for district attorney of Clackamas county. Two Stolen Cars Later Recovered Salem police last night report ed the theft and recovery of two automobiles, taken from within the same block. One, belonging to H. C. Mc Whorter. 1065 North 20th. was taken sometime after 8:45 and recovered at 10:45. The other, owned by M. E. Holcombe, 1060 North 20th, was taken between 4:30 and 11 p. m. and found at 11:35. Held on a drunkenness charge last night was Adolph Bombeck, 1596 North Fifth street. Bonneville Service Body Ruled not Within Bound Of Benevolent Societies The proposed "Bonneville Serv ice Committee," for which articles were submitted here recently, can not operate as a benevolent so ciety. Attorney General I. V. Van Winkle ruled Friday. Van Winkle held that the com mittee was neither a church, re ligious, charitable or literary or ganization. The opinion was requested by Lloyd R. Smith, state corporation commissioner. I MORE PERFORMANCE! With a bigger, more powerful Econo-Master engine in the Olds Sixty, you get finer performance from getaway to cruising speed. There's smoother ac tion, too, in the Olds Seventy and Custom 8 Cruiser I ' LESS anra-tahrimxt mm, Records show that all more on gas than erex Sl rteffras-at a W1aWeM VFW Radio Rally Attracting Notice Marion Post to Listen in as Scio Post Gnests; Local Meet Set Interest of the membership of oer 3.500 posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of tne- unitea States, and over 3.000 auxiliar ies is focused upon the nation wide radio broadcast of the ninth annual "Hello America" rally which will be received on the Pxific coast at 8:30 o'clock Fri day night, February 16. The program originates in Washing ton, DC, will come over the Blue network of the NBC and will con sume a full hour. Oregon listen ers will receive it over Station KEX of Portland. Principal among the features of the rally will be addresses by Commander-in-Chief Otis N. Brown, of Greensboro, NC; Na tional Auxiliary President Mrs. Ida S. Cohen, of Roxbury, Mass., and Rear Admiral Harold R. Stark. These addresses will be interspersed with orchestral mu sic by outstanding bands and or chestras of the country and a dramatic sketch, enacted by Hollywood stars, entitled "The Fighting 69th." Marion post 661 and auxiliary of Salem will participate in the Jubilee in company with VFW posts and auxiliaries of Silverton, Seio, Independence, Dallas and Silver Creek Falls, as the guests of the Scio post upon the occa sion of the fourth district meet ing of tbe Oregon organization, at the Scio hall at 8 o'clock, February 16. District Command er Charles A. Durloo, past com mander of Silver Creek Fallspost, will preside and 31 recruits will take the oath of allegience to be administered over the radio by National Commander Brown from Washington, DC. Eleven of these will be from Salem. A special program of entertainment and re freshments has been arranged. Chief interest of the member ship of Marion post, of Salem, just now is centered upon the regular meeting of the post, Mon day night, February 12, at Eagles hall, 284 North Commercial street. Much business of Impor tance is on the agenda, principal among which will be considera tion and adoption of final plans for the new VFW building for the local post which is in course of construction at Church and King streets. A special program of music by Marion post's clown band and a cowboy skit by "Pony Boy" Allen and the "Cowgirl Trickster," Oracle Allen, his wife. "Pony Boy" Allen is himself an overseas veteran. A number of new recruits will be Initiated at this meeting, bring ing Marion post's membership up to a new record high, under the leadership of Commander Phil H. Ringle. Monday night's meeting and special program will culmi nate in the serving ot refresh ments by the "Kitchen Krew" composed of "Dietitian" Ward Wolfe and hit crew of "Slum Hounds. Food for Poland Is Hoover's Plea CHICAGO, Feb. 1 -JPJ-Her-bert Hoover asserted tonight that starvation in Poland could be prevented only by the cooperation of governments. "Millions of people must have food, clothing and shelter," he set forth in written remarks to participants In the drive to raise Polish relief funds at a mass meeting In the Chicago stadium. FOR GAS! ...J, In imihi. Olds models for If 40 save cost less to ran per mflel mm Lmmmimg. Wok. 3 Sea Yimmn. Bumtomru. Spare m (um iit amy), Wipmn. Vmcmmm Pi re eaeaj-e Valentine Is Left By Grateful Birds EUGENE, Feb. lO--Birds she has befriended and fed dur ing the winter left Mrs. Jack Allison an early Valentine token today. The sparrows and snowbirds which have eaten bread crusts from her front yard and porch left one slice when they flew off. They had pecked the spurned slice into the shape, of a perfect heart. Always before, Mrs. Allison said, they had made a clean sweep of the crusts. Third Term Issue Scanned by CIO (Continued from Page 1) demnation of Mr. Roosevelt, but only of the premature movement on his behalf. Eccles, Oregon budget director, brought greetings from Governor Sprague. He warned the dele gates against too many laws regu lating labor. "I hope that In this country. he said. "Labor will continue to make its gains by the use of its tremendous economic power ra ther than by a resort to an over dose of laws whose intent may be perverted. He advised the delegates to keep labor free from domination by "government or any other force." The convention followed up his speech with a rising vote approving the governor's "fair and impartial attitude toward la bor." A dozen resolutions were quickly approved after matters during the first of the afternoon session. The convention voted to request Secretary Perkins to sus pend R. B. Bonham, Seattle, and Roy J. Norene, Portland, immi gration officers, for their part in the attempted deportation of Harry Bridges; to request the federal department of justice to investigate C. C. Crow, Portland editor, on charges he had urged violence against unions; to begin lntlative proceedings to have the unemployment and workmen's compensations commission elected rather than appointed. Also approved were measures condemning seining of pilchard and sardine off the Oreg&n and Washington coast; advising or ganization of political welfare committees by locals; approving the 6-hour day and 8 0-hour week; and requesting legislation requiring lumber companies to post bond for the first month's wages. Grand Jury Query Held "Absurdity" (Continued from Pare 1) Jury made the investigations which gave rise to the present ment, said last night that he had no comment to make on the judge's statement. In addition to listening to the court's response to the present ment, the grand jury returned IS Indictments, of which five were secret and five not true bills. The open indictments, all of which were for non-support, were against Lloyd, alias Robert, Am brose; Bert Bailey, George Bon dell, Hugh Kelly and Albert Rys dam. Not true bills were re turned In favor ot Dewey Gibson, threatening the commission of a felony; William Andres, threat ening the commission of a felony, and also non-support; Lionel B. Tripp, non-support. iPEim ZJ IDOJLILAIHl S MORE COMFORT! Oldsmobile's "all-coil-iprin" chassis, combined with wide, roomy Body by Fisher, brings you to day's last word in riding ease either in the driver's seat or rear compartment. Olds is top in comfort I '(7 IPEH LESS FOR UPKEEP! Oldsmobile's quality standards in materials and workmanship are reflected in long life and minimum repair and replacement expense ... Come m and see how your gmt mors and ears mors with Oldsl riooJK&T jfoAvrv WOHTH Tr aerlrtea.aa 4 mm wflwn mttm ef fawaJ rngmlpmrn mt aarf aeeee rib mrtnu witmmmt motto. CENEXAL MOTORS VALUS Chorlio Ctaa Clireeee Herb Co, S. B. Of tie aea t t -&, kxaa4 Buday Baa -Waaaaaaay, 9 IS DXGGnil Capitol Lumber Co. inc a AAA n J - ma. j twti BaB-f'Sffi. 445 Center St. Salexm Oregon 1020 N. Commercial Phone 9293 Itt W. OmI ft. SalMt. Or.