Janlor Woman's dab will bold Word has beea received from Its regular February meeting at Pullman, Wash., that Miss Edith the Woman's clubhouse on Moor Morehouse, daughter of Mrs. W. day night at t o'clock. Professor Q. Morehouse has been elected W. C. Jones of Willamette univer- manager of her sorority. Kappa ity will be the speaker. Kappa Gamma at Washington State college. Mrs. Morehouse has as guests her daughter, Mrs. Bar Bef CbJ Mother, club will "J S' meet at the chapter house on Irfilwf n Soutn Com" Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 ereial street. o'clock. Mrs. Herbert Rahe will V V V review the book, "I Lost My English Accent" by Thompson. The regular monthly meeting of Hostesses will be Mrs. E. W. Pet- the Grant FT A will meet to ob- erson, Mrs, Shan't Jlaalz Not but . .1 think wo are awfully behind the times here. A little girl pictured in The States man yesterday wore cap and gown upon graduating from a Chicago kindergarten ... Think how it would help business and what a lift it would be for the cap and gown manu facturers. Soon we'd be having the Kiddie- They call them Petroglyphs, VJAAa Yrm 'n Gown Kompanv. . .. . - - ... -t....--- i,--4-- . " :r. . . . i . r.. i tt t--k- r- - ! iva Th -iav - v. uo - - kim nrnvon m inn nua- J. A. Fehler and Mrs. G. A. Ramp. Mr. Barkley f Newman wUl show J, sell Pratt home iust the other day-a baby his colored films of Mexico and . ' , i i n v.,,.jij in Kn-lrm mri Alaska." Mrs. Mary Hughes ac- fT " r.M.7rii TnT? TTT T u j " rTYf . . ... . companied by Mrs. Rita Bagley H!y. J? f Dreh,8torlc Ind,an blankets to keep it from having croup in its t!SJ5?2 V p,e?. ?he JSTuE Mr. Pratt was seised because it Monday night for the regular ses- Lon Ohling, a pupil of Barbara t JeMt ta tne Btadet Quartera was sent from Stockton, Calif., by her aunt-in- lon. Barnes, will dance. bt petroglyphs are copies low, Mrs. J. A. Allen, but husband Russell had after their own hearts, say the been notified beforehand about the gift i.l?!,to' .vJh.,rl,gi"l". "! Ol stick-in-the-muds . . . If the Junior along the west coast copied by hwuuhd.uuu ui i .i.i - fornia artists and reproduced entine dances they ouant to wear runoer doois lithography so it would be t their forrnals. because the mud is knee-deep V ? .- out at Hazel Green and doesn't make good time they have ever , - . . - reproduced. pi-u uois on jj-uuibuus yuwua. further," says the teach- neons ana uowers . . . vcuennnes went ln- f you think abstract to a full-sized noral mailbox made of ivy and something new, just whlte carnationa and labeled with "Boise" in J . "5 bold gold letters, for Mrs. FL P. Boise, at her AnTwiT visitors will birthday party at the H. A. Cornoyer's on Fri es cariosities, if noth- day afternoon. Luncheon tables were centered Lag else, although they are filled ytti old-fashioned glass hats holding nose wlth charm and design and color. , r j -i-.- i -n--r- hA 0 0 S y al VS. a WOVkl VAi VVI aww IW, 4.AWk W- v.-w Lithographs occupy the re- old-fashioned candy motto hearts and guests mainder of the main gallery. On had an old-fashioned good time, the far end wall is hung a small Battle of the sentences . . . Every time Dr. S.nljhtrnalil'!,J,rf STn' Bruce Baxter gives his talk on Horace Mann. Including John Mulr, Mark Twain, , , .. t B. McDonald Wright and John Miss Harriet C. Long comes back with hers Brown of Kansas fame. The re- about great women. Now he's changing the mainder of the exhibition of title so she won't know how often he gives it. prints by California artists is But Baxter, there's nothing to keep her from changing titles too. But Mann or Woman, we 11 f;s:P :? i-vi- .-.?v-:.';- . '.';-4SX t the first . ..;- - -AV.; ..... M ;Wv been -i. . -Kc-. i r vtL "Hrv.; . 1 1001 si mose -SrZyX'sriVtSjf . Xvi S - ftf ? . enjoy-them iiillf ' V.;-., WVT'.K . J-'".t v - 'i-. .1 w ' 1'. " ft-;- toy VO - iV r 0- AW f. ftT--Ts 4- 'l" v4w, v- JUDY, daughter of Mr. : ;'VfV'- 'V K"vCTA-hj5 and Mrs. Fred D. Wolf. comprised of figure sketches, landscapes, pictures of deep sea life and a rariety of refreshing themes. The show of posters by Illi nois artists which comes down stick with Miss Long no matter how often sh changes her address. Carloads oi carnations , . . were used on the Cornelius-Breithaupt tea table last Sunday. Thirty-four dozen deep red and shell pink car nations went into the leis that formed the ex quisite centerpiece. The red carnations com bined in other parts of the house with pussy willows and calla lilies. Even the bathroom boasted of a snowdrop or two, but I did miss a water lily. By the way, Helen Breithaupt will arrange you up one of those centerpieces ior around $65 cash. Just flying around . . . The Reynolds Al iens, all four of them, returned from Florida by air this week. Many talents . . . has 90-year-old Mrs. Sarah Vhitney who celebrated her birthday on Friday, but perhaps her greatest accom plishment is writing letters, and she writes good ones, in a beautiful hand She sends many dozens of letters each yearkeeps in touch with old friends. That's a talent that's worth cultivating, and one that's dying out. Notes at the concert ... a man can be an actor and a musician after all he roaches his hair up over his ears to be an actor and shakes it down to be a musician . . . someday that train is going to whistle when it shouldn't . . . hats off. said J. Lyman Steed . . . We left the reception early, was afraid Dalies Frantz might ask for my autograph. Recollections . . . When a mother told about making red gumdrop kittens for a party the other day, I remembered the time when our parents made a wallpaper Valentine for every child in three of our schoolrooms . . . Maxine Buren. Miss Boylan Tells of nois artists wblch comes down t x t 1 1 1 JUW". Her bngagement to Eastern Man program KSLM next Tuesday when Edwin Thomas, manager of the Job printing department of The Statesman, discusses "The Rela tionship of Art, Advertising and Printing." The hour is 2 p.m. Miss Frances Virginie Melton Music degrees. Miss Boylan was a entertained with an afternoon mu- pupil of Miss Melton ror ten years 8icale at her Btudio at 334 North before going east. She is a. mem- Miss Jane Kobfnson of the Art , t yesterday after- ber of Mu Phi Epsilon, national Center staff will talk to a PEO tQ annou'nce tne engagement music honor society and PI Kappa group 'Monday 'night on the activi- . Eli-abeth Boylan to Mr. Lambda, national music honorary lies oi me An center. nj od- Theodore Huntley Welch Of Oil fraternity. fore the Junior. Woman's club of ,y. Woodburn. Mr. Welch is the son of Mr. and Miss Rovlan. the daujrhter of Mrs. Edwin iheoaore weicn oi Evening Club At Dinner . m . .. m- . . Miss Shinkle Married at Church Miss May Alice Shinkle, daugh- , ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Shin- . . . kle, became the bride of Mr. Ray- .Tar? rjaBB"id'L0,"br; Mrs. Whitney Honored at Luncheon SfiFT s'nS: By Daughter on Nintieth Birthday Palms and ferns decorated the church. Mrs. Charles E. The bride, who was given in years old on Friday, marriage by her father, wore a guest at a mncneon given Dy ner iwo KiuuuauKuier pieoeui cu The weddlnj. wjji be an EmV .1.11. -- - - .i.k rfanehtpr Mrs. W J. Haeednm. were Mrs. Paul H. Hauser and . - ..?. -mu. l Dauu g, u nuu e u6 ' - , . , , CVC11L OI IOC Uear IUIUIO. tnlle Teil. She carried a bouquet Six of her daughters were pres- Mrs. Roy Snabel of Portland. MIgg Venrs attended Willam of pink roses, ouvardia and ent at the party. The daughters Mrs. Whitney's sister, Mrs. Mary ette univerSity where she was a maidenhair fern. "were: Mrs. Nellie Bunn of Port- Bogue, was also a guest. member of Alpha Phi Alpha sor- Aoiiir PlnU l Miss Margaret Huckstein was land, Mrs. Fred Lupton of Port- Others invited to honor Mrs. ority. She is a past worthy ad- T(UVfc? lUlJ Cll the maid-of-honor and Miss Alice land, Mrs. Lake Price of Salem, "Whitney were: Mrs. Roy Hage- visor of Order of Rainbow for t) 1 x O 1 Beard and Miss Pollyana Shinkle Mrs. Thomas Magers of White- dorn Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. Ra- Girls. DQSKet OOCIQI chael Ruth, Mrs. G. H. Baum- Mr. Burgener attended the gartner, Mrs. Charles Pratt, Miss university of Utah, where he was The Active club it. ..-I v4-a noma Rnvian of Ka. Oil Citv. He is a graduate of a a u va - r ' - lem, is a graduate of Willamette Princeton university and Harvard university where she was affiliat- Law school and is now practicing ed with Delta Phi sorority. The law in Oil City, last two and a half years she has Guests were invited to hear an been studying in Cincinnati, a pu- informal program presented by pil of Severin Eisenberger at the Miss Boylan. Assisting her on the Cincinnati, a pupil of Severin Ei- program were miss tveiyn oiDson, senberger at the Cincinnati Con- soprano, of McMinnville, and Miss BETROTHED Miss Btty servatory or music, receiving ner u. au . Tru," " RrtVlrm Ka T-rr-H-. rslrr-. uiDSon ana ..... ... . The Kensington club met Fri day evening at the home of Mr. an A f ra VA-ncrA t I - - t-i - - - VT-.a- Pnrtlinil Rrtlh Mlaa club dinner. Later cards were in Miss Baiter attended the Cincin- were revealed at a musicale play. nati Conservatory of Music with tea yesterday afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. 1 hree LinKS UiUiD M Miss cfb" so n 1. a graduate of Henry Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Bert , , . . graauate 01 Foote, Mr. and Mrs. John Pater- At Meetina Linfield college and is now a mem- aon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sears, AVlUiiy ber of the music faculty of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coply and -.,, n-v- -ih . ..e.Be- . . . . Terrv fr Mr- T V TJ- .. MISS xiaxlcr ElRDueQ xveea COl- - - -j ine iuur nan r riaay aiiernoon iruii, miss Betrothal of Miss Vehrs J- Wayne Sears 4 . May and June' Mrs- La"y Smitz, for an Easter dinner. Mrs. Anna Miss Esther ehrs, daughter of Miss Palma Fliflet, Miss Autumn Hunsaker. chairman of the hostr Dr. and Mrs. George R. Vehrs Clark, Mrs. Myrtle Clark and Mr. esses, was assisted by Mrs. Victor- nas announced ner engagement and Mrs. Edward Pierce. Billy la Stiffler and Mrs. Leila Vinson. (Jesten Miller photo.) Delta Phis to Lottie Sear." Mr" , , ay ff,ern,0D lege in Portland and is a graduate J. i ,LMl:ie Hury Hethi ffiwsfiJ sfB2r c,ndnnatl c Entertain Today . Whitney. 90 son, Mrs. J. C. Reeves of Bungen, W' ?eMr and Mr. "d B bEr?. J' 2tar, lW1f Pre8ent were: Mrs- Pearl NI" ay, was honor and Mrs. Hagedorn. H BurLfif S?t Lah came after dinner. The club will cho,9, Mr8. Edlth McElroy, Mrs. n given by her Two granddaughters present Sfy e wedding iin be an "esmue2brUary " Cr,al eNei,1 ""Z1- V V V were the bridesmaids. Their frocks were of pastel taffeta and Music The following program was pre sented: Finttijr, Op. 49, F minor Chopin Dcpuii 1 jour, from Louiie....Chrpniir rn George Rhoten home Is to Hit Gibson be the scene of an attractive tea Ab vrition . . ... 8chumnn given by members of the Delta Mil BorUa ti .i . eral. Mrs. Ivladene Hubbard, Thy gt Singing Oim.te.d f u..,ue BBociauon ror pa Mrs. Blanche Saunders. Mrs. podji Gold "od'n lI?Me.B ,n1 mmber.B ,of Clara Shields. Mrs. Sylvia Fur- i?he s 'f. r V;.--f-pir Mth v", e!?b T.he 'fa,r "! lough, Mrs. Ida Hochstettler, Mrs. Tb:..'' H,na e a yltlne silver tea and Avis Perrine, Mrs. Christina Cla- mu. o b.on h0"" are from 3 until 5 o clock, dek Mrs Cora Smith Mrs Stel- I"'""0. P- 6-E ,l,t minor The valentine motive will be la Hess Mrs Jennin Martin Mr - Brhm carried out In decorations. A la iiess. Mrs. Jennie Martin, Mrs. Etud da Concert, F minor Li.lt - i,o Maley Rowland, Mrs. Alfreda Bui- c.priccio - iohn.nji ,a,re ,ce,Phane heart bordered n Mm T.nra 'ni fr vi0i Mi Boyim ith Howers and red tapers will entertained Townseni, Mr Ann Hnn.tr Mi, ccompsniit . . form the centerpiece. The rooms Harel Price. Mr. W. J. Hagedorn, affiliated with Sigma Chi fra- with a basket social Friday night Mr8 victoria Stiffler Z ijiii The engagement was revealed will be decorated with Japanese Mr. Lake Price, Mr. Roy Snabel ternity. He attended the univer- at the Salem golf course. The af- Vinson Mrs Elsie Paoenfus Mrs Immediately after the program, quince and red tulips, and Mr. Dale Hagedorn. ity of Goettingen in Germany, fair was given in honor of the RhodaNagle Mrs Florence' Vies- wnen MiB8 Melton tePPel to tfae Mrs Frank James and Mrs .e. cZ7JliZlZe. Mrs. Turnbull on jmuw j-i.ai t ai no, cat iii a dress of blue chiffon lit the can- Qy "q TXQS Mr. Martin Fenden. 1r.. acted . xi. . t- aa best man. Mr. Lee NIeswan- Mrs. james H Turnbull, Amerl- oon February -9 I860 and ene where the couple w111 1Iye Roth made the arrangements. Mr8 .Ella Watt' Miss Mary Br e m- Chorus der and Mr. Robert Wiems were can Legion auxiliary area E child Ohio on F ebruary 9 1860 and follown thelr marrIage. Mrs. Robert Jones won the prize m TJ,7. Brem" At tea M . . wpirarp chairman win jpave Mon- v"- "vD- v. vu.i . - nrattiA.. Kna.Ar -- . . m - o,0, irr--- v.-- He Is now connected with the members and their friends. Mr IOU -o uv.u - T----1 T- , t7-.. T . -J (ciguutii rmauiu iuujaiijr i u J u- viciguiuu J uuts iuq dir. dun aru ko, Mrs. Evelyn Bremmer. Mrs. ?lano a"d play?d a f,ew "ea,8!Jre! Roy Lockenour Pearl Swanson, Mrs. Amie Mills. frm the Louen8"n Bridal Devlin Durham . Ph A"11 . ushers. Mrs. Lawrence Dinlew of Port land sang "Ave Maria" and "Be cause" preceding the ceremony. The wedding marches were played by Mr. Donald Alison. V V V day for Tucson, Ariz., to attend Her family moved to Iowa and on th annual ohn welfarn school October 6, 1868 she was married conference to beheld Friday and to Charles Whitney at Winthrop. ,-- C;ccnn " Saturday, February 16 and 17. Mr. Whitney died in 1929. ' lVllt 01biUll It for the prettiest basket. Those bidden were: Mr. Mrs. Creighton Jones. Mr. and and v r v The meetings will be e presided The couple had 12 children, 11 rTrf T-Tr-oto of Tucson, of whom are living. Mrs. Whit- 1 tfla -lUlt;-- Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. RirfrlHrTV PfTrfv Harold Hauk. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- lJ.l4.f rvUL iy art Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T-1-. X TD i-. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wei- 1 iviio. UUlibt? Fowler, a -.-!-- .ro . h-ij i- .v. over bv Oscar Lamp church parlors following the chairman of the American Legion ney has 26 grandchildren and 16 nizabeth ?isson was ler. Mr- and Mrs- Kenneth Potts, 1 L. ft Ai W -MM v farn rnmmlttPP rrnst-rrandchildren. miss Mary ..lizaoein Msson was ,, . -, , . , i hostess at her home on Saturday f"r- a r .""Ir1 Muaa viivi a &vsjvttsua fcuo . . ... . . , ceremony Mrs. B. S. Sharman cut Area. ? child welfare committee, great-grandchildren. the bride's cake and Mrs. H. C. "J "' StoVer Doured. Miss August Headquarters will be in the Huckistein. Miss Irene Purnell American Legion Home and Pio- v v r of American .egiun nome aa fio- t-. - , , and Mrs. Saul Janx assisted about neer noleI- uiner organizauons y lVlt?t?UllU i M 111 . . A l ' the rooms. V V V inran ft will K ti "Fnriv onH Eight of the American Legion- MnnHrTV TMinlnt tnd it. -n-rillarv th Ktht and -.--v-- Forty. Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Fortmiller, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farra, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Standisb, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Reuben P. Boise was honor guest at an old fashioned Valentine birthday party given for her by Mrs. Henry A. Cornoyer on Friday afternoon. A luncheon will pour, Mrs. am will greet guests at thft door. Assisting' t ha hnl. lss Melton was assisted about the rooms will h Mr. in serving by Mrs. John Schmidt, otto K. Paulus, Miss Marian Jr., and Mrs. Francis L. Dellarp- Breti, Miss Bertha liabcock and port. Each plate held a favor in Miss Gwendolyn Hunt. Mrs. Al- Valentine motif bearing the first bert Cohen will Invite guests to four notes of the Bridal chorus in the dining room, Mrs. Vernor heart-shaped notes, and the names Sackett will preside over the of the engaged couple. The wed- gnest hook. Music will be furn- ding will be an event of late sum- lshed by Miss Elizabeth Boylan, raer. pianist, and Miss Betty Starr, vo- Those bidden by Miss Melton callst. Miss Olive Clemes will ac- were: Mrs. David Bennett Hill, company the singer. Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, Mrs. George Committees for arrangements is. Alien, miss Alice rary urown, are: Decorations, Miss Marian Rainbow Girls Plan Banquet Women's iiTi I law 1 11 aa h an mi a i Listed a. subject, for discus- American Veterans of the World Tan .rrTnmeit o carnal iV Calif and Mr EdwardO sion are: "Looking Ahead in War hold tneir regular busi- tions formine a lare heart. Ar- leyA.alIf" and Mr' Edwar4 Child Welfare." "Emergency Aid ne8S at the home of Mrs. Bob ranged on either side vere shell Blsaier- Eaton, 422 South 23rd street pink carnations and the whole Monday night at 8 p.m. After was guarded by pink carnations. ing a program Miss Edith Moxley and Miss X-.-, TDI-.n-4- e has been arranged by the Ameri- Beryl Holt served the ices. Miss 1V11 o. 1 lUJJCl lO AO canism committee. Roberta Jean Yocum, Miss Marl- l,.l T T Thursday Mrs. Herbert Fields, anne Low, Miss Janice Nelson and vlU-D iXOSieSS 2050 Market avenue will open her Miss Marjorle Holl poured V V V (direct aid and service to chil dren), "Training for the Volun A formal rtinnpr will r.t rl-en .vhj ti-i7 irn,, """""J U1S' tT.-" 7 , . X... ' ,u,ur"' ;' the business meet -- j i 'iui . vcicuiauuu . -stale niia v eiiare egisia- the 14th anniversary of Chadwick tion." Area E includes Alaska, Assembly.. Order of Rainbow for Arizona, California, Colorado, Girls. The dinner will be held Hawaii Idaho Montana. Nevada. in masonic lempie. afternoon to a large group friends and teachers. Little Janet Gaiser greeted ffiiestq at th rinnr T? orplvin a . .7". . ' ." j af . .... Aiiru, mioa nuio vir; muwa, are: uecorauons, MISS Marian guests i me aoor. receiving pnRRii Pratt Mr anH Mrs. wil- as Berved at the dining table ri o . t r r t, . . . . . and Miss Shlrlev McKay Garland Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. At , Clement. Mrs. D. C. Burton. Miss Miss Cynthia Delano and Miss oairiey Aicxvay. P.trc. Mr and Mrs. Homer Gou- Red carnations decorator th , -. - " ixfua n-iie i-rmr, .uiss wiiTe in . uweuuoiyn liuni. rooms, old fashioned nosegays Hani Mls8 Helen Mclflrron, Mrs. centered the tables and a large j0n Schmidt, jr., Mrs. Francis L. V V V Ivy-covered Jnall box held Valen- neHaronort Miss Jeannette Scott , -v tine greetings from the guests. ?"aSS ?V JJh M"-. 'on Guests invited by M. Cor- Fellows. Miss Evelyn Gibson. Mis. Tight to see theer formes nee or novir Mr Ronhon i 7. . V. . ' uiui iu sew iu penormance oi BoUe Mrs Frank SnedLo Ur. Constance Baxter, Mrs Berne "Night Must Fall" In which their Chartei Tweller Miss Sav Bush' oylan, Mrs. L. R. Burdette. Mrs. daughter. Mis. Rose Anne has a Mrarlnh?rfiierh?Iv8 ft!7 HeUnr; W' .9" Grant and 8 Elizabeth leading part. Mis. Gibson at- Miss Bettv Milne erand worthv i-7 i w rT' 'VTnV home to an all day sewing lneet- Assisting in serving during the Members of the Kensington :T""A c .drT'thrg SrndcK? 0" a n-host 1UDCheon at n?Ti Th " WalVe Mi.. aeTomTo? Mr s'o. SinVi---?; SrJ who la making her official risit unit and Mrs. Turnbull is her vice no??- A Iv""3 "f" S?r' J? S ! tthS i.SL ?;?rb"i! Kay. Mr,. Charles V V V to Chadwick chapter and Mrs. chairman Victor Olliver of Albany, supreme deputy of the supreme assembly, Miss Mary Louise Olliver, past V V V grand worthy advisor. Miss Mar- C? T7at r"i orrrt T)ir"mr y Mrs- Phn Shobar, America- tA7" ' fl 1 TJT celle Herbster, grand chaplin and w WU1WU1 1 L-'llllll niBm chairman, Rev. Robert WOmail S UlUD llaS Miss Patricia Hutchinson, grand U7,-.-, T i-r-o honorable drill leader will be -L Ul llUllt Hutchinson will be the main Monday evening at 8:45 the Katheryn Hill and Miss Patsy for a Valentine party and regu auxiliary is sponsoring an Ameri- Lamb. iar meeting. The afternoon was canism broadcast over KSLM. .pent informally, and tea was This program has been arranged served at a table decorated In red and white. comic valentines were used as place cards. nuicmiisuu win uo ma uiiu r . , JMemuers OI 1113 nuu sr.; Airs. honorable drill leader will be A i-lllJ- speaker. Music will be furnished MOftinrT T. M. Douehton. Mrs. Fred Anun- honored guests. -, ,, , . A . by Mr- R- D- Barton. son, Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mrs. Following the dinner a regular The Uons club will entertain Mrs. Mary Higgins from Bend. Two new members, Mrs. Arthur Keene, Mrs. Charles business meeting will be held Tuesday night with a sweetheart Btate commander, will make her Charles A. Cole and Mrs. Albert Pratt. Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mrs. T. and several candidates will recive dtaner at the Marion hotel at official visit to Salem January Gragg. were taken into the Sa- S. Roberts. Mrs. Albert C. Smith, the degree. Miss Elizabeth Anne 6.30 o clock. President Glenn 24. Th08e in charge of her visit iem Woman's club at the regular Mrs. Frank Power. Mrs. Leon Herrlck, worthy advisor will pre- Gregg will open the meeting and to Salem are Mrs. Frank Crozier, meetlng on Saturday afternoon. Barrlck, Mrs. Harry J. Mohr of air. ieorge xinoien wm do me Mrs. Archie Brewster and Mrs. mu. Mor--t hx -,,-m Portland. AO A 1 iyi n o t u r ..i . . . ..... wi,u.t... vnrna t Rirsnnpr. iisih OTiiriaia. r 1 a -c ui luia. iaiiu ...Li , Kaic Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Henry nnvlnn vr.. in., nj. i.i uu'",u iuccio, fliiDB una .uayuiau, ivii.s Members of the Kensington Mrare Co!Fer M" Geope J. onipiey. Airs. Thomas B. The regular meeting of Pro Robertson, America, republican woman's or- Mrs. Frank Spencer. Mrs. Joseph ganization, has been postponed tended Willamette university and Is now majoring in English at the University of Oregon. V V V Beveredge, Mrs. RQssell Catlin, from this Monday afternoon until Reuben P. Boise will entertain Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. Sey- Monday, February 19 on account with an informal party Monday mour Jones and Mrs. Homer of the appearance of Thomas E. afternoon complimenting Mrs. Ru Gouley. Dewey in Portland. dolph Prael of Portland. side. V V Vespers to Dine At Church Special guests fo Thusday af- V V eral piano numbers, Including two ternoon were Mr.. Henry Carl, original compositions. Mr. Frank Mrs. A. A. Siewert and Mrs. Wal- Bennett, superintendent of Salem ter Jenks. schools, was the gnest speaker and chose "Are We Moving?" a. V his subject. . - Spring flowers, guarded by Anm-n Atn fTPP: . - fin. - maa. V a . 1awwi tki ton " IQlUl-ir DeVli WUlCIl IS pOIl'- a u i i-auc iauii, awa ui.u v-- The Ions tables will be decor ated with lare bouquets of red nlln a. V .Ill V . .ented with a red rosebud. Dur- MllltaiY Ball tO lng the dinner a program will , be presented and an evening of Rq K 1 riTTTQ The Vespers of Willamette will dancing will follow. entertain-with" valentine dinner The committee making the ar- at the First Methodist church, rangements is headed by Mr. sored by the reserve officers of table decoration. Mrs. David Ben- rP-. RrrnrTllft Tuesday night at 6 o'clock. The Barkley Newman. Mr. Wayne the Marion-Polk chapter will be nett Hill waa chairman of the A Un ikxk i ucKeta wiipm on aaieat ine Doughton, Mr. Thomas Golden, given Saturday night at the Salem committee. Mrs. George Shrift and w-.- Athiptw associa- chnrch-and Eaton hall. The pub- Mr. Merrill Ohling. Mr. Kenneth armory. Governor and Mr.. Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead wmamltta universitt will lie is Invited. - a v. tt. . ., a o m . .v tion of Willamette university win MlM DeUa Wlllard. president jr. r grand march which will begin h,0l? !f .fLl Snant. of the organisation, has appointed Dromntlv at 10 o'clock V night at Schneider a. The banquet the following people to make ar- WWW Uikt tnfn-m.i .ff.ir. - h ... 1 In honor ot the new members. n-gemeau; .Virginia j.naiCK.on, Grace Covert, Cecelia Moorman, , - T :rVlT:'X r?. "T The afU-rnoon Social club. Or- Miss Marjorle Herr. president The sororities of the W 111am- t . T-v- rT der of Eastern Star, will meet at nf the organization, appointed the Rowena Upjohn, Jane Howe, tto nnlreraity will be at home to lr those enter- 1116 Masonic temple Tuesday at following people to assist her. Louise Tucker, Ed Cone, Janet coeda on tne campus when talnlng. A buffet dinner will fol- 1:45 o'clock. Mr. in Mcbherry Powell, 5 JUarian Herrlck, Dan they entertain this week with In- iow the dance at their home In be the speaker. juoses, naie laDor, tuuna ureas- iormai panies irom 10 a West Salem. er, Barbara Pin ney , Hermle o'clock. The Delta Phi will enter- jr. ana Mrs. Warren Pohle Miss Maxine Crabtree, Miss Caro lyn Woods, Miss Barbara Plnney, Miss Eileen La Rant, Miss Eva r j ; . '-,r . ' n. - - ' :i . , V v- I . , " r-- . ! - ' - . ! ; . - - 1 J- IN RECITAL Mary Schulte Duncan, violinist QelQ, and Clara Eness, pianist who will ap- Shellito. Miss Margaret nanain, iii Mrn- u.11 -.j-. 1- i r,. . . ." ,. " 7. . Palmer, Norman Ho. Grace Bald- Uln Tuesday night. Beta Chi Wed- and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiley Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Joseph Miss Marcla McClain. Miss Bar- J?J ' J V1" rv3 Tr, r u 01 160,018 011 me win, Virginia Howell, Emll Set- nesday and Alpha Phi Alpha Poole are arranging an Informal and children are spendina the Wright and Miss Esther Willametta university Campus. Both Mrs. Duncan and Miss EneS3 have made many SUCCess- ledge. Josephine Boyle. Ed Tost. Thursday night. affair before the dance. weekend at Neskowln. Cammack. ful concert and radio appearances In the past