r AGE NINE Thrifty Shoppers Save by Watchina FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning, February 8, 1940 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three Insertions per line SSe SU Insertions per line 40c One month per line ft 25 M lnlmntn charge 25c; 8 tl. min imi o tie; I tL tnin. 45e. No refunds. Copy for this page accepted until :3t the vnlrtff before public tioej tot classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heeding Too Late to Classify " Tbe Statesmen eaauraee no finan cial responsibility for errore which may appear m advertisements pub llabed la Its column and In raee where this paper la at faull will re- Erlnt that part ef an advertisement i which the typographical mistake The Btateemaa reserves the right te reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Bllad" Ad an ad eontalntps s Statesman boa number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Bta teaman la net at liberty to divulge Informa tion ss to the Identity of an adver tiser ustna a "B!lnT ad. Livestock FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS PICKS CP. FREE OP" CHAROK. DKAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERB IN THE WILLAMETTE VAI.I.SI. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 411. SALEM Phone 5000 - Phone 5000 ATTENTION We pick up dead and worthies an imals at a moment's notice, palem Fertiliser A By Products Co, zatn and turner Kuaa :J Phone Salem 5000 Collect . Note: We sell meat meal to feed Stores. 1 TEAM 4 TRS., about 3000 Iba. Snappy 1 bay 4 yre., 170". unbroke ; yr. mare witn con, un Drone. i.iikm O. WJ Thurman. Qulncy. Or. SALE MT herd of 4 milk cows and 5 hifers. three fresh this mo. Ph. 11KJ. Auctions ADMINISTRATORS ' AUCTION SALE TttB ESTATE of Alice Wenger, de- co:immI ronststtna: of all the furniture sn.l furnishings of her home, located at 1127 Falrrnount St.. saiem. on rn l .v of this week. Feb. . time 1 p. m. A oartlal list as follows: 1 cabinet fnurioT radio, larae mohair davenport a- chair, walnut extension table A chairs, walnut davenport table, leath er rocker and 2 arm chairs, floor lams, wicker table chatr; sewing cabinet, secretary, wall tapestry A ha nft-ers : elec. wasner aropneaa sew ing machine, bric-a-brac, stair carpets. . .. t.l 4 1.1 1 WlltAii mm j-t . 'iua . . , m.v - - - ClrcSsstan walnut bed and large d re se er, ask commode, two 4-4 beds, coll springs, mattresses. Fir chest. Ivory chiffonier. walnut music cabinet, r antra. A lot of bedding. K. utensils, lawn mower, fruit Jars, large work bench A vise and lota of miscellaneous art Idea. Terms cash. Karl wenger, y. S, A Glenn H. Woodry. Auctioneers rnone fell. AUCTION TODAY. 1 D. m.. at 1417 Falreiount St. Furniture A tarnish ing of the Alice Wenger estate, "de ceased." K. N. and Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers. Ph. 4-1-1-0. AfCTION - AUCTION AUCTION THIS SATURDAY, Feb. IS. time 1:3: p. in. Where? At the F. N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mart. 141AN. Summer. In Hollywood: com prising the furniture and furnishing of two Salem homes. Rev. A. E. Min nerman of 1750 State St. and Harry Lundy. 745 N. 18th St, and lota ef other) consigned merchandise. A par tial list as follows: davenport A chairs, radios, breakfast tables cb.ilra. 4 beds with springs A tresses, rockers, dressers. stand tables, linoleum rugs, weei rugs, ran, heater. Oil stove, frwtt Jars, library t.ibles, elec. washer, fisn aqua rium A fish, floor A table lamps, pic tures, loe cream freexer, rockers, plan A upholstered, sewing machine, exten sion tables A chairs, k. tables at sxsna tables, books. book cases, rarm clocks, child's bed. ciotaea dryer, la dry stove, aardewi tools. 3 boilera. Sub roller skates, targe mrr- r.T. battery radie with battery A-L r.inl tabies and smta ef ether naiacH-ljri.-oue ertk-lea. Terms, casta. F. N. A tilenn Waoss-y. Auctioneer, fa. 5 1-1-4. Saleca, We carry a lanre stock -of sww A naed f m almis for private sale daily. W Buy-Setl--Or Trade. Help Wanted FREE mki.i mwat anrvtoe for Can- I'al Uustneaa tTtdJmm rodewta. is el saw lIMg, Saiera. Day A nurht $39 WEEKLT tiltnw aSinseis cellar, shed. We tey, 5e la. Wartffi largest timiia FF.CJ4 fjnraK. SSssea rooma 127 Tntrl Haafffca Waaav the Capftal Baaiaewa Cnltaare, K BIJg.. SaJeaa. Day aad night cU Help Wanted Female WANTED: GRADUATE a arse. rr duty. eamaB uwsl hospital. Wlllamlna gon. Sitsutiaiaw Wante1 DRESSSCAX. kfra tsts CONQENIAI, LADT work as tiartlal nurse or Caa drive car. Phone 7894. 000000000 IADT. EXCEL cook. "Wiaties pos. In motherless home or hour eafc. P. 4331. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH REOISTER. Adding esschlae. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes eold. reated swapped. Been Typewriter Exchange. 454 Court. -unrxTLrXfTJUXfTirTiAi Ctar fasf a TsJYyP svs11ei aUs om t-e we e im s - bring aacka. 4Clorfela Packing Ca 44 8 HUrh. era tor. good eondrtlon. 449.44. terma GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 44S Court Street AOTSRTXSZNO Western Adrertliiaf RepresentAtiyee George D. Cloea, lae. gsa yrancUce, Loe Angelea, Seattle Eastern AdvertisLnx RepresenUtlTes Bryant, Ortfnth a Bnmson. Inn, Chicago New fork, Detroit. BoetonMlanta ffsfereat mt th fWef flee ef tetoe. Oreye. Seceul Close afatler. p. erreet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - tfill aueecrtptlon Rates la Advaaea, Itr 1 centa Neweataada. 4 cents iLd adVcVnt eounOeSL , Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, W RITK or phone 11 411 to Salem a oldest, largest boms owned sad home managed finance Institution Teut financial affairs will be discussed and loaaa mads Is strictest prtvscy Tou will be given every oonsl deration In the re adying of your loan or granting of extension 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can pay la fun any time te reduce toe cos. Only Borrower Signs No sndorsera Loans made on furniture, ears er note. 8KB ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. UflS. m M lit GENb RAL FINANCE CORPORA HON 134 80. Commercial St. Lie. No. 8-llt Ftrst door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Phoee 4144." Convenient around floor location For Sale Miscellaneous GOOD USED 9x11 Aim In. rugs, from $10 to 4 It. Cohn Broa, 105 N. Liberty Street. APPLES. KINGS. Delicious. Spits. Rome Beauty. Arkansas Beauty. 25c box. S, 41 A us. Erneat Anderson. Or chard Heights Rd t ml N. VV. of Polk A Marion bridge. Bring boxes. LARGE STOCK new and used fur niture, atovea, ranges, heaters, 3 floors J. MASH FURNITURE CO. The store of Friendly Service and Low Prices. NICELY FUTON. trailer bouse, cheap, hwj. last Portland Road. 2444 BOXES APPLES Delicious. Ortleys. Red Cheek Pippins A New towns, st tc box. S for 55c A up. Fresh apple Juice dally. 25c gaL Freeh carrot Juice. Open Sundays 9 till 4. Puritan Cider Wka.. West Salem. NASH FURNITURE CO. SPE CIALS New bed davenoa, $17. 5. New 9x12 Mohawk Axmlnster ruga. $24.84: new $-pc Walnut Bedroom Seta $27.S. New 9x12 rugs. $$.75. NEW BRK. set 1324 State. Apt L 0tmmr9 000000000000000000000000 OLD HOUSE and garage on Front St., corner Center, to be wrecked. Call M. Klorfcln Packing Co. 280 S. High. BARGAINS In used wood ranges, gas ranges, elec. ranges, washers. Big selection. Yeater A Rush Co. 255 N. Liberty, next to the power co. BRAND new Westinghouae washers, only $2.98 per mo. Yeater A Rush Co. 255 N. Liberty. Next to the power co. WESTINGHOUSE Big Six refrig erators while they last, brand new. 5-year guarantee. $3 51 per month. Yeater A Rush Co. 255 N. Liberty. Next to the power co. Bikes A ftep Rameden. 143 S. Lib. NASH FURNITURE COMPANY Prices Speak for Themselves. "Shop around It Pays." THE APRON Shop. 479 N. High Boys bicycle, bal. tires, 1441 N. Com. MOD. FULL enameled range, near ly new. Full cast-Iron oven. $35.00. Rodgera, Rt. 2 Box 92. ANNOUNCEMENT OPE NINO Fruitland Nursery sales yard at 260 Center. Fruit A nut trees, shrubbery. A. J. Mathla A daughter Margaret. Brooks. BLUE ENAMEL cook stove, 4-lid. $10 00; hurry. Dandy 16x7 house trailer. $174. Practically new. Airway vacuum cleaner, $10.00. Cost $89.00. Ph. 51F3. FURNITURE. NEW AND USED 1 Cx9 rug 2 Good upright pianos 2 Good treadle Singer sewing ma chines 1 General Electric refrigerator 1 Perfect 4 ft. DeLuxe Hotpoint re frigerator 1 Mahogany spinet deak 1 Philco cabinet radio 1 Eastern maple dinette set, 4 chairs 1 White bedroom salt 1 Good electric nags 1 (ood iraa 1 snsai Circulator headers, aeda. mattresaee 1 Used 9x12 OTfltan rug X tTsed tyDeaar9BeT aeak. Bat kail a aad chairs RHIHT PRICES CPSTATRS FFSSlTTaB STORE 429 Caaart Scree. Balsiu. OregaB Wanted Misecdlaneotu oa zse a Hicfc. CASH. USED fro )ara Ph. 4SIT. BCTS A S2ULL3 gmo vaed antte A Wenue. U7 B. Cni L HOKE FOR dec 1794 Lee. WAXTKD POOL table 4ttx9. Bex 917. Stateaaaaa. Wanted Ftxriiitiire WE PAT SPOT CASH." F. It. A GLENN WOODRT. Ph. 4114 Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 744$. Miseellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVICES IN MOST CASES Sarvaai r Mail Your Ptntes for Repair D9L HARRY SVSM LKR. DENTIST AS A atorrtson. BR. 4427 tnAjsoa, aau stiff. Kent Cejoma S4UI2U. atSSlfTM ad monthly n corrse at low nricaa Bat JU tew tsdy tie. 44t a OoCtage. W3C2CLT JTULM. caa. Pa. 2TX. SEE MA OS N. Liberty. HTD. RMS. era. brd. 1 94 N. 12th. RMS. MEN. taL brd.. 450 Marion. asaAesasaweeaejseese BD. and rm. for girl. 405 Union. Lge, south front rm., with daylight ctoaet. furnace ht. meals If desired. 1871 Chemeketa. LOVELT room and excellent board. 334 N. Summer. TeL 4472. For Rent Apartment APARTMENTS. $32.44 to 43T.44. Royal Court Apts.. Phone 494J-. 8KB THE Fisher Apts. before you decide. Large Airy. Rpckwool In sulated against best A cold, "t'aa Blinds throughout, a Com t A Oak ; Bta HAWTHORN CT- furnished, ooav modloaA comfortable, reaaonble. emru Atrr 4 R CaaL St. m w - NICE S rex. heated apt 1444 Center. ALEXANDRIA Apta. sleep, . rma, board. 1 blk. state house. Ph. 4744. FURN. 4 RM.., steam heat. aire. 434. 234S Falrarada. Rd. P. 7433. OLYMPIC, 8 R. far. T34 N. Ltbery. t R. FURN. Cloee m. 424 N. ChnrcJi. 0000000000m " t RM. APT. $4 mo. 432 Water. 4-8 ROOM APTS., 414.4eto 424.44. O. IC RKALTT. 319 Court 1 R. FURN. apt, heated. 444 Ferry. -U-L-.q-j-L-lj- m mm tat ROOMS, private bathe A ea trance. 439 N. Liberty. ROOM, ftrst tie sc. 43S III 11 Tl Awa, 719 34. Hieh. R4aoc4 mad Oenrd Money to Loan " -.------ 1- - -i-i'riVin iinnnnruvut Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 4th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-144 000000000m0000000000000 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED te re duce paymenta Money for new er used cara No delay er red tape. Toe will re tain possession of the veMcle. 1 TO 24 sfCNTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 134 South Commercial Street Phone 9144 Lie. No U-142 MONEY SERVICE YOU'LL LIKE CALKINS FINANCE Company -makes loans of $300 or lees on a personal basis. 4509 or lesa oa automobiles. Liberal credit re quirements. Adjustable repayment plana Prompt, friendly attention to your financial needs $4.27 per ma repays $104 In 29 mos. Larger loans In proportion. In quire today without obligation. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY (Formerly People's Finance Company) 201 Second Floor First National Bank Building Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 State License Noa. 8-228 A M-274 FHA LOANS 4toZ. also priv. loans. A b rams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will par 4 Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts. For Rent Apartments Strictly modern apts. The Devere&ux. FURN. down town apt TeL 9347. 3 R. Prlv. bath, refrig. 639 Center. 3 R. Apt. furn, lights, water, wood. 1080 N. 15th. 3 R. furn. apt., bath. 645 Court. 3 R. furn. Its., wter A Maytag. $12. 1620 Ferry. Call after 7 p.m. CLEAN APT. 2 large rooms, every thing furnished. 474 N. Church. 3 RM. FURN.. htd $20. 2455 State. SUITABLE FOR employed lady or gentleman. 1044 Oak St. SMALL APT.. 245 S. ComT eMawaaaiaNwWsBWsessaasaaeeti KM. HTD. apt. 444 & High. FTTKN. APT. llatxts. water- heat. 912. 2261 Haael Ave. Ph. 79S4. MODEEN FUVVNZSHJCD 6 rm. apt- aatomatic heat. Heesniiabte. arust eas ae apprschxta. 773 N. Wbxter at. For 4 RM. MOD. stucco tames, wired tor electric range. Garage. Ksar high school and ca-pitnl bidga. Pbono 4B77 WE BATJS TTSaS IT XCia watat te rent, ass Mr Laraea er Mr. Oai- One with Hawkins A NEW. MOD. 4 It, be N. 14 St. 44 FURN. AND unfurn. beusea. R. A. FORKNER. 18SS K. Capftel 4 ROOM A NOOK, modern, flreolace, elec raaere, $27.64. a room aioueni, praa Xui uace. aza.ee. a k. -TY. 214 Court FURN. 4 KM. has. Pa. 7445. 7 Kit. Bear Sr. nigra. 134. Pa. 6222. 5 RM. hse.. $12. Harry Evana. Sil- verton Rd.. Salme. 4 RM. FURN. hse. Inq. 945 N. 20th. FURNISHED AND unfurn. hous. H. P. GRANT. 429 Court. Phone 4744. House for rent. Inq. 255 Division. FOR RENT, coxy furnished house. good furniture. Cheap rent to desirable party. See LOUIS BBCHTEL or MA- BKL NKKUHAM. 341 State, KOOm 4. MOD. 4 ROOM house, very alee. Large lot. rt. 6155. LARGE HOUSE. 1774 Fir. Ph. 4204. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. 479 N. Cot tasre. base., furnace. 92S. C H. SANDERS 114 S. High 4181. How to Torture mmmjlM--2 3IJTilrDatrB4l.Jlli --JM1 "n 1 - 1 n rrm For Rent Houses 2 NEW HSES.. S A 4 rm. 1630 & Summer. Will be ready about March I. ino. 889 n. Liberty, f n. u JJ. or 7529. WELL FURNISHED S rm. cottage. Edgewater Court, elec refrlg-t Kar- 24. TeL 1413. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 441 State Street. inquire room 200 TeL 3713. HSES. A APTS. turn. PERCY ULL- UAN. 440 Marion. Ph. 3514. FURN. HSE. A apta. 734 N. Com'L For Sale Real Estate ARE TOU looking for close in prop erty T We have some 3 and 4 bedroom homes, older style, close to state bouse. Let us show you. C H. SANDERS lit & High 51 J 1. OLD HOUSE and garage on Front St., corner Center, to be wrecked. Call M. Klerfeln Packing Co 280 S. High. STRICTLY MOD. 6 R. house and garage, reasonable terms. 1744 Grant St. Ph. 6504. SALE OR trade Income property, t apts., for acreage, close hi. must be modern. 6 R. or more. Box 904. Statesman. BARGAIN Two east front lots North Salem, Highland addition. Close an estate. TeL administrator, 6009. MONEY TALKS! $3000 CASH BUYS this well-located S room house, fruit, shrubbery, fish pond. Lot 64x140. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 614L READ THIS 4 RM. HOUSE in A-l condition basement, furnace, fireplace, close to state bldgs. Price 44400. See It today See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 924L INCOME PROPERTY RENTAL VALUE-of $50.00 per ma Close in. Priced at $3750.00, terma See Mr. Collins, HAWKINS A ROB ERTS, INC, $2000 NICE 4-RM. bungalow. 3 bed rms., basement, furnace, ga rage, nice lawn and shrubbery. Terma $1850 7 rm. furnished home 4 blka. from high school ; plastered, fireplace, corner lot, paving, etc. $750 down. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. NEAT 2 BEDRM. home wired for range. New roof : A., city water, north. $2300, $100 down, $20 per month. Unfln. 4 rm.. Evergreen Ave., $750. Real low terms. A real buy. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. COMFORTABLE 8 BEDROOM home, bsmt., garage, on N. Fourth, to trade for small acreage, close in. New 5 room home on State St.. fire place, garage, creek lot. Price $3750. 3 room home on Cattelin St, large lot. Price $1250, $100 down. Call P. H. BELL, REALTOR 418 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. Acreage 20 A GOOD SOIL, all cultlv. New 4 room mod. home, (ex. base.) Immedi ate poas. $3000 $1000 down. C. H. SANDERS 118 8. High 8131. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Grocery store, good business A with other income. Attractive modern apt. Write for appointment. Box 915. Statesman. i;v A D VPO A OVID COMMUNITY S'TORE bldg. with living rooms, gas pump. 3 A. rich, dark loam soil. Close to school, paved road. Ideal location, owner a non-resident : payment down, balance Just like rent Total price reduced to $2000. See LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM. 341 State, Room 4. Shown by appointment. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. BT70. Green, 412 N. 21st DST WOOD, aS kinds. Ph. 9560. DRX 1" SEC gwtb 35.00. 7421. DRY OLD FIR. Slab., Sec Gro. and O. F. knots. Tel. 7607. GOOD DRY 4 ft 2nd a-wth, 3 cd. tota, $11.75. Tel. 7880. SPEC DRT oak, $5.50. Ph. 9703. lS-tn. sawed firm, knots, 7860. You say dry T Yea dry. 100F15. DRY WOOD. Ph. 4700. DRT ASH. fir. prune. 45.50. 137F12. DRT 2nd GB, 4 ft, 44.50. Ph. 3523. Wood Sawing BUTLER, 934 N. Com l. Phone 3523. Personal LONELY 7 WORTHWHILE sweet heart, tosbaad. wife for you. P. O. Box 71. Los Angelea, Liberty Club to Meet LIBERTY The Liberty Com munity club will meet Friday, February 9, at 8 p. m. In tbe hall. Of considerable Interest is the program contest between tbe men and the women which will be held that night. The Liberty orchestra will furnish the music. Those at tending should bring sandwiches or potato salad. Your Husband For Sale Used Cara S-0-S We Want Used Cars at Once Today's Specials in Used Cars 39 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 37 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan, 6-ply white side waU tires, radio and heater. - 35 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, new tires 4$ refinished. 31 Ford Roadster 30 Chevrolet Sedan Commercial Cars At Lowest Prices in the City 38 Plymouth Panel, 36 Ford Sedan Delivery V&-ton. 36 Dodge -Pickup 36 Ford Panel Delivery 37 Hudson Panel Deliv 35 Ford Sedan Delivery cry, -ton. Remember! We Carry Our Own Contracts No Reasonable Offer Will Be Refused HUBBARD MOTOR CO. Dodge-PIymoulh 525 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 4119 t00000k0000000mlm-)r BARGAIN HUNTERS' SPECIALS AS IS 1937 Ford Coupe ....$295 1938 Ford Coupe 395 1929 Chev. Sedan.... 75 1929 Chev. Coupe.... 75 1931 Chrysler Sedan 145 1932DeSoto Coupe 125 1932 Durant Sedan.. 65 1929 Ford Sed. Del. 75 1936 Ford V-8 Pkp. 245 1936 Plymouth Tour. Fordor.. 325 McKay Chevrolet Co. Walt Holman. Lawrence Flathers, Virgil Sloan $34 Center Phone 4188. 42 CHEV COACH. 4-wheel emtio. A. E. Nuttbrock. Rt 2. Box 472. 34 TERRAPLANE PICKUP. condition, good tires. Today only $300. Can be financed. Ph. 613. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAIi SETTLE- Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the C o n n t y of Marlon, its duly verified final account, at Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Elizabeth McNary Albert, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 27th day of February, 1940, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In Marion Cbunty, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 25th day of January, 19 40. LADD AND BUSH TRUST COMPANY, Executor of the last will and testament and Estate of Elizabeth McNary Albert. Deceased. GLOVER tc LAMKIN, Attorneys for Executor, Salem, Ore. J 25; F 1-8-15-22. Business Cards la this directory nut on a monthly basis only. Rate: S1.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes sfrka Panel 274 South Commercial Bath and Massage BATTLE CRK. treatments. Ph. 4434. Bicycles BICTCLE3. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. SeoU. 14T a Com'cL P. 4414. Chimney Sweep TELETHONS 4444L R. 45. Notthnass Excavating EXCAVATING OF an kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale. Salem SaaJ A Or TeL P. 9441. Florists. Bretthaapra 447 Court. Phone 1144. Fruit Trees 100,004 PEACH TREES last. Early Elberta, J. H, Hale, 8lappy. etc. Sac rifice. Tualatte- Valley Kwseriea, She wood. Ore. Homea-Bnilding DO Ml SEAL HOMES, built better to last longer.' ModV, Beautiful. Costs no more per mo. thaa rent. Ill & Hiah. House-Trailers . NEW A USED-Terms-Trades. Stoves, furniture. Kins, 119 N. Front. For Sale Used Cara Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Administra trices with the Will Annexed of the estate of Sarah E. Carrier, de ceased, and , that they have duly qualified as such Administra trices; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to us, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, our attorney. 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Ma rion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of February, 1940. LAURA BELL MILE3 and LYDA BELL HAYS. Administratrices with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Sarah E. Carrier, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrices, Salem, Oregon. F 1-8-15-22-29. NOTICE OP HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that JOHN H. CARSON, as the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administrator of the estate of HELEN F. CARSON, deceased. has duly "rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate; and that Tuesday, the thirteenth day of February, 1940. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court In the Marlon Connty Courthouse In the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hear ing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the eleventh day of January, 1940. JOHN H. CARSON, as Ad ministrator of the Estate of HELEN F. CARSON, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON. Attorneys for Administrator. J. 11-18-25 F 1-8. Kibby Rites Held BROOK3 Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Kibby, 65, were held from Clough-Barrick cha pel Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Kibby died January 28, following a brief Illness. She had lived near Brooks for the past 20 years. Her husband died several years ago. One daughter survives, Mrs. Ilia Tkatch, and five grandchildren. Directory Leather Tanning EAST SALEM Tannery. All kinds tan ning. Hides wntd. 269S Simpson. 7714. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning a weaving. B. lit A Wilbur. TeL 444L Zwickera. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4444 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath TeL 4303. Office Hours 11 am te 4:34 p.m, FREE EXAJa A CONSULT A TION. Papering, Painting Winter prices. Ph. S47T er 14SF12. QUALITY WORK. Ph. 4444. NEAT Work. reaa. Johnson Pb.3724 HERBERT E. WOOD. TeL 3878. Printing rOR STATIONERY." cards, pamphlets, programa books or any kind ef print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. Ill S, Commercial. Tele phone SltL Roofing COUP. A BUILT-UP roofing repairs. beast, waterproofing. Beaver State Kooxroaj uew w. petaae xaroa ess Wallace Bead ruoae m. Transfer rOR LOCAL er distant transfer, stor age, burner eD. can 4141. Lanner Transfer Cow Trucks to Portland daily. Well PriUing R. A, WEST. It. l 441, Ph. I14FI Vote Dial Phones At Middle Grove MIDDLE GROVE At a meet ing of patrons of the 91 tele phono lino Saturday night there was a majority vote la favor of the dial telephone. Mrs. Mary Herndon was gnest of honor at a birth Oay dinner at the W. H. Scharf homo Sun day. The birthday cake which was baked by her son, Henry Herndoa of Portland. - held 68 candles. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herndoa and sons, Orville aad Wayne and Mrs. Daphne ' Randall of Port land; Gordon and Horace Ran dall, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scharf and son, Harry of Salem. Four Riverview Youths Arrested RIVERVIEW David Freltag. Larry Smith. Osker Koker and Delford Billings were taken to Justice court in Albany Friday on charges of burglary not in a dwelling. Elmer Freltag, David's nncle charged that the boys had stolen a quantity of grain belonging to him from a barn on the Charles Freltag farm here last Tuesday. Billings and Fretta were bound over to the circuit court grand jury under $500 bond each. Koker and Smith have not yet been arraigned, but Justice of the Peace Olliver admitted them also to 500 bail each. Visit Relatives At Lyons LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Garrison from Lakeview visited several days with his father, Levi Garrison, and sis ter, Mrs. Kenneth Cogburn of Lyons. They also visited another sister in Mehama and relatives in Salem. Town senders to Meet BROOKS The Townsend club will meet in the Methodist church Thursday night. The club is spon soring a moving picture show of interesting scenes in Oregon. Re freshments will be served follow ing the program by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coomler, Mrs. Mae . Aspin- wall, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Clyde Phillips. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned, as executor of the will of CUYLER V. VAN PATTEN, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Marion Coun ty, Oregon, its final account in said estate, and that 24 Febru ary 1940, at ten o'clock, a.m.. and the courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for the hearing of objections to said final account, and the set tlement thereof. LADD it BUSH TRUST COM PANY, Executor CARSON A CARSON Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Executor. J 25; F 1-8-15-21. Cross Word Puzzle i 20 77 21 77, 22 32 33 " c H43 H 1111 KH 1 1 1 1 HORIZONTAL I Wkat it tMs largett river e Paitttmef 7 Those who eat grass IS Narcotic U Wkat it (As lost rttting placs of 4to fa Arthurian romanc I 15 Symbol for nickel 16 Absorbed IS An exclamation 19 Conjunction 21 Hairs introduced beneath the skin 22 Through 25 Part of the foot 25 Oriental coin 28 Harbor 27 Arrest of blood current 29 Wagons SO Numbers 81 -Spring; 82 Cap 84 Trade 88 Insects 87 Prohibit 88 Seise suddenly with the teeth 40 Possessive pronoun 41 Hnge 45 Bind ii Chin ess measnrt 15 Wis eowrpetsd mTk9 TtrhaM- 47 Symbol for selenium 48 Species of weasel SO Reveler 82 Opined 5S- Artificial conduits v VERTICAL X FFAat propJtsf t ntoeiaUd with kmU ttornl Supposes -a Japanese measure 41 Small quantity 8 Sweetsoo Wk spas. tAs Grttlt foddw retnowftr T Who iTiiyei a ssaott jfe witkDtxtmt B Baking structure. Compact mass Measle Epidemic Continues at Liberty LIBERTY Tbe measle epi demic la atill going strong amoag the school children and has reduced school attendance by one fourth to one third. Colds and flu are prevalent throughout the community. Mrs. Walter Johnson is con valescing from Influenza at her home and is being cared for by Mary Sargent. BIrs. Henry Mnrhammer is reported Im proved from a siege with pneumonia. Bill Snell Dies, Was Known Keizer KEIZER The news of the death of Billy Snell, 20, has reach ed friends in Keizer. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell of Astoria and passed away at a Portland hospital on February S. Mrs. Snell was formerly Bessie Frogley, a daughter of Mrs. Min nie Frogley and sister of Obed Frogley of Keiter. He leaves besides his father and mother, a brother Jack, and sister, Betty Jean. The funeral services were held Wednesday with Interment at Astoria. Improvement Club Has Basket Social GRAND ISLAND The Im provement club held Its annual benefit entertainment at the schoolhouse Saturday night in the form of an old-fashioned basket sociaL The program given was under the direction of Leo nard and Cecil Will and was given by local talent. C. A. Rockhill was auctioneer. Proceeds amounted to $35.30 which will be used for commun ity purposes. The Mothers' Circle club is sponsoring the next Improve ment club program Saturday night, February 17. Men Enter Cake Baking Contest KEIZER A large crowd at tended the dinner and demonstra tion given by the Gas Heat Inc. at the Grange hall Tuesday night, W. G. Robinson was in charge of the dinner. A feature was a cake baking contest, A four-layer cake was made by four men, W. E. Savage. H. W. Bowden, Fred McCall and Dave Saucy under di rection of Miss Elizabeth Brown. Fred McCall won the prize. Pictures were shown by -J. L. Loder of Salem, depicting scenery of Oregon in color. Manolis in Hospital SILVERTON George Manolis. president of the Marlon county council of the American Legion and prominent Silverton resident, was taken to the Silverton hos pital late this afternoon serious ly 111 with pneumonia. 10 Hebrew name for God 11 Who is tht ScottUk Mttenol AereP 12 Forces air audibly tkroufh the nose 17 Indians 20 Distorts 22 Omen 24 Narrow roads 28 Separates 28 Place 29 Vehicle 31 Risks 82 Emptied a boat of water 33 Total 34 Sharp point 35 Elevator 37 Uncovered 89 Peeps 41 Unaccented 42 One of the Great Lakes 45 Pronoun 46 Draw alonx After myseir 51 Symbol for teHurium Herewith Is the solution to yes terdays pusxle. "Ihr