The OBEGOXf STATCSMAIC Salem. Dragon. Sunday Morning, February 4. 1940 FAGS. ELCYXZH . 5 4 v . V - i - . r-V"" ft ' a y v t TO PLAY Phil Barrett, who will be presented in concert next Sunday by the Salem high school Crescendo club. Organ Concert To Be Given One of tbe interesting musical events of the week is the organ recital to be given next Sunday at the Pint Presbyterian church by Phil Barrett, under the spon sorship of the Salem high school Crescendo club. The concert be gins at 3:30 o'clock and patrons are asked to purchase tick s from Cescendo club members be fore the day of' the concert be ' cause bo money will be taken at the church door. Mr. Barrett has been a pupil of John Stark Evans of tbe Univer sity of Oregon for the past four years. He has chosen as his program opening, preludes and fugues by Bach, will follow with a Gothic suite and representative groups from modern composers. This is one of the winter se ries of the Salem high school's musical group, the Crescendo club, which is under the direction of Lena Belle Tartar. Legion Program On Monday The next quarter-hour program of the American Legion auxil iary, which is broadcast Monday evenings at 9:30 o'clock over KSLM, will be presented by Lu cille Madison, state vice-chairman of radio. During the month of February. Americanism and national de fense is emphasized. Dr. B. F. Pound, grand chef de gare, 40 et 8, m a o r Oregon national guard and past commander of the American Legion Capital post will speak briefly on "The Ameri can Legion and National De fense." Mrs. Ray Moon, a mem ber of the First Presbyterian church choir will sing "When I Have Sung My Songs" by Ernest Charles and "Elegie" by Massan et. Mrs. Francis DeHarport, a graduate from Willamette uni versity School of Music, who is now taking advanced work under Miss Frances Virginie Melton, will play Chopin's "Butterfly Etude" and "Claire de Lune" by Debussy. HI-Y mothers will meet om Tuesday at the home of Mrs. O. A. Macey, 1115 North 13th street st 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. V. White, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Thom as Dalke and Mrs. Ray Smith will assist Mrs. M a c y. Clyde Charters, the new boys work secretary will be the guest speak er. . I . Members of the Salem branch, Oregon State Music Teachers as sociation will meet at the Argo hotel on Monday at noon for the regular monthly session. Miss Jean Williams of Portland, presi dent of the state association, will talk on the work accomplished by the state group. Mrs. Mabel S. Powers will preside. Friday sight tbe YMCA of Willamette campus entertained with a splash and dancing party at the YMCA. Tom Pickett was head of the committee making the arrangements and was as sisted by Ed Yost and John Gardner. Following the swim the couples enjoyed several hours of dancing. -hi Frantz to Appear Here If embers of the Community Con cert association will hear the sec ond in the series on Wednesday night with the appearance of Dalies. Prantx, dynamic young American pianist, who will play at the Salem high school audi torium. Frants has chosen a program of general popular appeal to those who know and like the classics tor piano. He will play: BonaU in X Flat H.TJ AHegro AlUsio Preate Prsluiio ui Fwsue lm . Mijar (Arr. LAibrt ) Brh FVnerftiHee Licit Prelude ia I flat f sjor.-Caopiu Mainrka in F Minor Two KTadea. F Major Q flat Major (black key) Bcawrta ia B Miaor IaTteatiea to the Dane (Arr. Taassif) Yoa Weber Piece ea torate de Eibtawt Ravel Mare (frost "Lot of Tare Oraares") (Arr. Treats) Prokotieft Rtcal Firo Dun Do Fall o o a Military Ball to Be Colorful Promptly at 10 o'clock next Saturday, the Salem armory will be vibrant with bugle calls an nouncing the spectacular grand march of the seventh annual Na tional Defense Week military ball, sponsored by the Marion Polk chapter of the Reserve Of ficers association. Full military honors will be paid distinguished persons and officers as they en ter the ballroom to lead the grand march in the escort of their aides and colors. Dancing will start at 9 o'clock to allow time for all to arrive before the grand march. Bob Mit chell's music will be augmented by singers and other entertain ers. Cars will be greeted at the curb by national guardsmen as sisting as doormen and other guardsmen will be at the en trance. Every consideration is being given by the reserve officers to make Salem's military ball the most distinctive and spectacular dance of the year in Oregon. The ball is strictly invitational and formal. It has been a long estab lished rule to Insist upon unl, form, tuxedo, or full dress. Officers and civilians who have received invitations may, if they desire, exchange their invitations for tickets before the dance by contacting Captain Robert B. Taylor, 1225 North 21 street. There remain a few additional invitations for friends of bidden guests and these may be obtained by request to Captain Taylor. A selected group of civil offi cials, headed by Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, and in cluding a group of officers of tbe various components of the army and navy, and their wives, will act as patrons and patronesses for the affair. o a Birthday Party For Youngster Mrs. Aibert C. Gragg enter tained in honor of her daughter, Carroll Jean, who celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday after noon. A luncheon was served followed by a line party. Those bidden to honor Carroll Jean were: Miss Carroll Jean Gragg, the honored guest. Miss Marjorie Cooley, Miss Jean Gem mell. MUs Elcina McCune, Miss June Young. Miss Marie Ann Newman, Miss Roberta Meyer, Miss Gloria Myers, Miss Helen Paulson and Miss Betty Zoe Al len. o o o Mrs. J. O. Russell, Mrs. Adolph Bom bee and Miss Elfreda Bom beck will be hostesses at the meeting of the Nile club on Mon day. Sewing for the Shrine hos pital will begin at 10:30 and luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. ooo Because of the community con cert on Wednesday night, tb e executive board of the Ameri can Association of University Women will meet on Thursday sight. Mrs. George E. Allen will be hostess at her apartment in the Royal Court. At SUN IN VOeWl The dress for every oc casion of the day In an exciting new rayon, crepe, Tempora." A wide selection of smart Spring colors. Convert ible collar and distinct ive pearl Jeweled studs. Sizes 12 to 2L-$13.95 NAN m m Smart Shop . 115 North Liberty STORY HOUR Is a thrill for the youngsters above who make up part of the audience listening to Miss Elizabeth , Carey each Saturday morning at the Salem public library. (Pictures by Statesman staff photographer J Secret's Out About Story Telling By MAXINE BUR EN Every Saturday morning a large group of eager youngsters gather at the Salem public li brary to hear Miss Elisabeth Ca rey tell stories. This story-telling business has become an im portant part of the weekly sched ule at the library, for it's been going on for a long time over 28 years. A little book, tucked away In the desk of the children's libra rian, reveals secrets of these 20 years of story telling, a record has been kept of every tale told and the number of children who heard them. There was a time, admits Miss Carey who tells the stories now when as many as 200 youngsters gathered before the fireplace on a Saturday morning to hear these Mrs. Armln Berger and Mrs. Alexander McGee will be host esses next Friday to several out-of-town matrons for luncheon at Godfrey's. The remainder of the afternoon will be spent playing bridge. Miss Grace Bailey of Portland is spending the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bai ley. Miss Bailey is studying at the Emanuel hospital in Portland. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS Most Important forecast of spring style Is the "coitime look"! Printed jacket-dresses will bloom everywhere. Stitch up Anne Adams Pattern 4S77. say- in soft, flower-sprayed crepe (white or yellow on grey Is smart), and nse the Sewing Instructor to hurry your needle. The dress Itself Is designed to soften and slenderise. See how the gored front skirt makes you seem taller and nar rower. Darts above the waistline and at the shoulders hold In soft ness through the bodice. And the V-neck, with either revers and a bow or Just lace edging. Is very youthful. The boxy jacket Is so becoming to your figure! Pattern 4377 la available In women's sixes 14. SC. 38. 40. 42, 44, 4C and 48. Size SC. entire en semble takes t yards St Inch fabric Soa rirrxcv euro us a eoisa (or tkia Aaao Sdaaaa pallor a. WriM plaialr SIZE. Haiti AI DRESS and 8TO.S HDMBC& "Vow IS THS TIMS to preparo for Bpriaf." tar lass Asmm mbimt bar NEW SPftiNQ PATTUS BOOK vbida ia bow roaa far yoa to order. It' a a lira vita attractiro alr'oa iaetesia a root aaraar fa lota, toaaa aa.4 twoatica. ovoala bctto frocaa. apriag bridmS firrj. rarairsl attoaa aa4 fay ariata Tooj will tvaa fiat bataacwJ atrloa (a arala tippia aaatroaa aa4 ohara aaow aswaatton for forty ptesaav Tao took ia Cfaaoa coats bet waoa rdoros arita pottora, watch la aloe rlftooa ooata. "THI TWO -TOGETHER ASS TWKNTT riVK GSKT8. Soae yotr or4or to Tka Orogwa Qtntwmmn. fafforw oVyilwaot. f -tii weekly fictlon-fests. Though Mickey Mouse and other morning movies provide perhaps a wee bit more exciting entertainment, a checkup in the little book reveals that 0,000 children have heard the tales since the first story hour listed in 1912. (And there may have been others before the record was started.) Sixty thousand children Is a big family, and tbe 3000 tales that have been told would make a whole library. Some of the same old stories are told; they're still just as popular as If thous ands of children hadn't already heard them. Although only from SS to SO children attend the story hours now, it's gratifying. Miss Carey declared, because many are from the blind school and that alone Is worth the effort expended on telling these stories selected from the best the library offers to children. The Engl e wood Women's club has postponed the dinner sched uled for Tueesday night, which was being given In honor of the husbands. ooo Visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodfellow is a cousin, Mr. Horace Goodfellow, of Bruce, SD. CLUB CALENDAR Monday Rebekah dinner, 6 p. m. at Quelle, meeting follows. Delta Dau Gamma Mothers' club, Lausanne hall 2:30 p. m. Hal Hibbard auxiliary and e a m p. Woman's clubhouse 8 p. n. Nile club, Masonie temple, 12:30 luncheon. , Sewing club. Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary, with Mrs. Clara McDerby. 1660 Waller street, 1:30 p.m. Luncheon meeting. Salem Branch, Oregon State Musle Teachers association. Teachers PEP club at Salem hotel, 5:30 p.m. American Legion auxiliary. Fraternal temple, 8 p.m. Tuesday Eastern Star, 8 p. m., Mason ic temple. Camp Fire guardians, with Mrs. James Monroe, 2:30 p. m. Laurel Social Hour club with Mrs. Eugene Krebs, 2 p. m. Salem General hospital aux iliary, chamber of commerce, 10 a.m. Pre-school study group, AACW. 8 p.m. with Mrs. Earl Failing, 170 North 21st street. Just for Fun club with Mrs. Roy Bremmer, 2493 State street. 1 p.m. luncheon. Salem Photographic club with Mrs. Nellie Whearat, 74t North Commercial street, 7:30 p.m. Hi-Y Mothers' club, with Mrs. O. A. Macy, 1116 North 13th street. 1:30 p.m. WCTU, hall, 8 p.m. Ladies of SU Vincent de Paul parish, eard party, 8:15 p.m. Kappa Delta alumnae with Mrs. Don Hammond, Glen Creek road. Delta Zeta alumnae) with Miss Clara Mielke, 1768 State street. Else Ebsen drama group, with Mrs. W. E. Kirk, 760 Summer street, t p.m. Wednesday .Dakota club, WCTU ha 11, 6:30 basket supper. AAUW literature class with Mrs. Dwight Lear, 656 North 20th street, t p.m. Women's Home Missionary society of P 1 r s t Method lat church at church. VFW an x 1 1 1 a r y , dessert luncheon with Mrs. H. Hof stetter, 840 Hood street, i:30 p.m. Royal Neighbors, Fairground cabin, lunch. Thursday Carnation elnb with Mrs. W. L. Rockhill, 2406 Center street. 12 p.m. no-host luncheon. Friday Council of Church Women at Calvary Baptist church, 10 Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church with Mrs. I O. Prescott, 1898 Madison street, S p.m. SPECIAL Oar CawaJ Wave, Complete TSc Perns. OH Pnsb Ware, $ JRO Complete A Open Thurs. Ere. by App't. Pboae SMS 887 1st Natl Bank BIdg. CASTLB PERM. WAVES FA Band Concert " Will Be Given The University of Oregon cos cert band comes to Salem on Tues day night to play at the high school auditorium for the benefit of the high school band uniforms. The concert begins at 8 o'clock. There are four Salem high school graduates In the organisa tion which Is one of the best sym phonic bands on the coast. Sidney Boise will play trumpet, William Skewis bassoon, Donald Scott flats and Frank Neff first clari net. v The 66 piece band which Is un der the direction of John H. Stehn, will play the following pro gram: WaakJactoa Grays Hares erafalla Siegfried'! Rhiao Jiurney Warner Aadaato and Allegro Roparts Comat aolo, Robert Carbon r-aIa to tho Mew World 87maoay . Drorak XMreeted by Verses. Wiacaraon glavoais Paaco No. 7 Dvorak Perpetual Motion 8trauaa Manx Orertore Haydn Wood If arch from ' 'The Lore of Tnree O.-ancea" Prokefieff finale to Syaipkony No. ..Tacbaikowaky The Manx overture is a national class A contest number, which the high school band will be required to play In contests this spring. The cornet soloist, Robert Carlson, was national winner in cornet solo contests for two straight years in high school. o o o Student Recital On Monday The Willamette University School of Music will present a group of students in a formal re cital on Monday night at 8:16 o'clock In Waller hall. The stu dents appearing on the program will represent the departments of voice, piano, violin and organ in the School of Music. In prepara tion for this concert, student re citals have been held every two weeks during the past semester and the soloists appearing Mon day have been selected from among those taking part. It is the plan of the School of Music to hold one formal concert each semester. The public Is cor dially Invited to attend. The complete program Is as follows: Prdoda and fa foe in S minor (Cathe dral fugue) Back Edna The man, organ The Cry of Raehel Salter Helen Dean, voice Prelude and Fugae ia C aknrjt major. Back Clayton Wheeler, piano Concert in 6 minor ... Brack Mabelle La) burn, violin The Clotka ot Heaven.... DunhiU Wohin Schubert Watson IX. t ton, voice Etude ia F major. ! Obopia Ernalee Thompson, piano Placer d'amor.. Martini Do Not Go My Love Hagemaa Ervin Potter, voice faachengaehwank aus Wien Schumann .Blle Brown, piano Toccata from Suite Gothic Boellmaa Beatrice Zwenke, organ Polonaise (D major) ..: Wientawaki Hume Downs, violin f&epard Bee Thy Horse's Foaming Mane Speak Keith Sherman, voice Concerto In F minor (third movement) Chopia lea Bennett, piano Virginia Nohlgren, second piano ooo VFW Committee Has Luncheons The third in a series of des sert luncheons arranged by the finance committee of Marion aux iliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars will be given Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. The affair will be at the home of Mrs. H. Hofstetter, 840 Hood street, Mrs. William E. Clare assisting her. Mrs. Ward Wolfe entertained the past presidents club of the Marion auxiliary at her home Thursday night. Mrs. Lola Du mas, past president ot the Port land auxiliary was a special guest. Members present were: Mrs. H. Sim. Mrs. Olga McElvain, Mrs. E. R. Mudd, Mrs. O. Olson, Mrs. William H. Rush, Mrs. George Lewis and Mrs. Wolfe. y J -1 OFFICER Mrs. Charles Ray, state president of the auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans. (Kennell-Ellis photo J sed tax the cosv stmctlom of ' Oheiti eone from U1 parts of tbe world amdtheoaly chest Is the world tested for MacHma tight- REE K3TB "sawi .wjiiiaciaiijswwa Lane's Valculino t Sweetheart Sperial! Whilo They Last A large 4-lach chest. Bay Now ausel Save! Regmlar value 4paCase7aaT w WBWaWaBSBVWHvSBBVJaWMaBSBVWBWSwsw The beatlfsJ 7 Las I I Imperial Fnraitnre Co., Inc. 467 Court Street ' Salem O Phone 8419 1 - S-s f IN CONCERT Una Patfi ughi. who will sing in concert in Corvallis at 3 o'clock this afternoon. February may spell hearts and holidays to a school world, but It Is registering chiefly In terms of community lectures to those mem bers of the Art Center staff sched uled to deliver a mounting num ber of them within a few weeks. Salem takes the lead next week, with Stay ton, Monmouth. Carle ton and other valley towns follow ing In close rotation with civic and other club requests for Art Center speakers. The Salem cen ter may seem to be going places, but other places are also coming to the center, what with an inten sive program of weekly gallery lectures by guest speakers sched uled for the very near future, and rumors from the director's office of something that sounded like Sunday musicales. And with the annual reception for Art Center officers coming up pretty soon, the spring season at your center will make good copy for the soci ety editors. ooo Classes scheduled under the di rection of Franya Prudhomme, new Portland artist Instructor at the center, were started Saturday morning, when she assumed di rection of the pre-school chil dren's group. The much requested work in creative design begins Tuesday afternoon, wben a work shop will be opened to students interested in making designs for hangings, screens, hooked rugs, book-ends and lamp shades, things for everyday home life. This course leads right into the work in block printing, where students may apply their decorative de signs to book plates, greeting cards, textiles for napkins, doilies and knitting bags. Instruction in this class will be given by Miss Prudhomme on Wednesdays. ' This well known coast artist will discuss 'creative design and children's painting Tuesday on the weekly Art Center radio program over KSLM at 2 o'clock. ooo Student gallery tours were among the Friday events at the center, when Mrs. Esther Allen, art instructor at the Salem high school brought two ot her classes to view the poster show by Illi nois artists and the exhibition ot center student work. ooo Official visitors at the Art Cen ter Thursday were Miss Gladys Everett, state director of service and professional projects, and Thomas Laman, assistant director of the Oregon art project. ooo Basketball Dinner At Black's Mrs. Gordon Black will be host ess to her tenth annual dinner for basketball players of the Ja son Lee church this afternoon. The first Sunday in February for the past ten years has been the day for this group of young men to gather at the Black home. The hostess will nse the Valentine motif to decorate the table. Those at the table will be Bill Lapschies, Harold Duncan. Clay ton Anderson. Bom Rickey, Don Dourtg, Archie Gardner, Don Tooms, Floyd Baumgartner and Gordon Black, Jr.. of Corvallis. Assisting Mrs. Black will be Miss Jerry Ricker of Corvallls.t ooo Mrs. Clara Starr of Browns vilie Is the guest of her brother, Mr. C. P. Bishop, and family. gSUS&!.C PCUCY .KCLU2EB! III Afternoon Tea to Honor Many Miss Helen Breithaupt and Miss Dorothy Cornelias have in vited some 200 guests to tea this afternoon at the home of Judge and Mrs. Percy Kelly from 4 until 7 o'clock. 'Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. George VanNatta of St. Helen , sister of Miss Breithaupt. Mrs. Percy Kelly and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt will greet guests with the hostesses. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Harry Belt and Mrs. John L. Rand will pour. Assisting during the afternoon will be Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Richard Smart, Mrs. Bradford Collins, Mrs. Norval Edwards, Mrs. Dwight Lear, Mrs. Ward Davis. Mrs. Frank Shafer. Miss Rosemary Snyder, Miss Mary Louise Oliver. Miss Martha Jane Hottel, Miss Lucy Fisher and . Miss Eva Cochran, Dr. Cussle Niles, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Mona Toder, " Miss Bertha Babcock, Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Ruth Moore. Mrs. Donald Wiley Poole and Mrs. William J. Lin root. In the Valley Social Realm SILVERTON Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Mar garet Keene, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Keene of Sllverton, and Mr. Henry C. Glass of Port land. The wedding will be performed at St. Paul's Episcopal church in Salem Saturday morning, Febru ary 17, followed by a wedding breakfast at ' the home of the bride's parents at Sllverton. The couple will make their home In Portland. Tbe Jnst-For-Fun club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Roy Bremmer at 2493 State street on Tuesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon will be served. The com mittee in charge is Mrs. Roy Bremmer, Miss Alena Bremmer, and Mrs. Emily Saunders. o o The Elae Kbw Drama dab will meet with Mrs. W. E. Kirk at 750 North Summer street Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. F. A. Elliott will read "The Master Builders" by Ibsen, ooo Mrs. W. P. Ricamore of Pon Use, Mich, arrived in Salem Sat urday for a several weeks visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen C. Mergler. This Laura Wheeler Scrap Quilt Is Fascinating Needlework In this scrap quilt. Friendship Garden, you can combine varied materials to your heart's content, Pattern 2451 contains accurate pattern pieces; diagram of block; yardages; Instructions; diagram Gat this f y 'for one week only- brand new Vritnrose House flit With every purchase of Primrose House preparations amounting to $1.50 or more, you -will receive this charming kit without charge. The Primrose tte is the last word in beauty Idts ideal for weekends or home treatments. Contains six beauty es sentials: Chiffon Cream, Skin Freshener Face Molding Cream. Chiffon Powder, . Pomegranate Cream Rouge AND a bottle of the exquisite Primrose House Chlifon Cologne. Don't miss ltl BRIANS' Crown Drug Store 332 State St, Phone 3323 PRESIDENT Mrs. E. J. Shu maker, who heads the Wom an's Benefit association In Sa lem. (Photo by Kennell-Ellis.) Pension Boosters Will Entertain The Salem Pension Boosters will sponsor a Valentine party and public program in K P hall on Monday night, beginning at 7:30. The program will include a fifteen minute everybody sing led by Sam J. Harms. On the program will be Mr. Harms, Mrs. Bessie HiseL Theodore Nelson. M. B. Stegner, who will direct a oulg program and Dr. Frank S. Schuts. Mr. J L. Loder will show some films. In charge of games and refreshments are: Mrs. Helen Starr, Mr. Walter Robinson, Mrs. Theresa Ollnger, Mrs. Blanche Stuart and Mrs. James Crosby. The AAPW literature class will meet with Mrs. Dwight Lear Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at her home at S55 North 20th street. Miss May Rauch will re view "Arrogant History of White Bend" and Mrs. Herbert Rahe will review "Christ in Concrete." . Mothers of members of tbe Junior symphony will meet on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Everett Anderson to make arrangements for ticket sales for the concert on Satur day night. o o Robert Rawson's grand oproi study class will meet on Tuesday at 8 o'clock at 1310 South Lib erty street. "II Trovatore" by Verdi, most universally known ot all operas, will be the subject. of quilt. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS.