The OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, 'January fv1940 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUaolfted Advertising Tare Insertion! per Una 25c Six Insertion! per lis 40c One month per llne-.$1.2& Minimum chars 25e; S U. mtn ' Imam 15c; tL mtn. 45c. No refunds. J Copy for this pegs accepted until :80 tha coins before publics -tkm for classification. Coyy re ceived after thla time will bo run under tbo heading- -Too La to to Classify." Tbo Statesman oauina bo Onn CUI responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in It column and '" where thla paper Is at fault will re print that part of an J"n'?7"i in which the typographical mistake a-.- .- the rlrhi to' reject questionable advertising. It further reaervea the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman bo number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a -Blind" ad. Livestock WW REMOVE your worthless stock free; of charge. Salem Fertiliser and By t-roducta. Call 5000. FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDKRI NO WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE, DEAD AND WORTHLK8S HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT, 6411. BALEM Help Wanted It WEKKLT GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. 85c lb. World's largest compan FREE BOOK, Mush rooms. 1827 Third. Seattle. Wash. EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTOR In penmanship for part-time work. Write Bo B7S Statesman. Situations Wanted DR6CSSMAK. Mrs Adaltt. Ph. HSEWK.. COOKING. 450 N. 22rd. Vuinrui-nr i 11 ee11 WIDOW PAST mid. age. wishes hse. wrk. for 1 or S adults. 847. Statesman. GIRL STUDENT, not afraid of work Will work for rm. A brd. 6721. PRAC NURSE or nr. work, J-JiJIJUUlJa' -- anenaeaa-as-s!' WILLAMETTE TNG. man, 20 yrs., wants part time work. TeL 8907. HOUSEWORK wanted. lh. 7111. HOUSEWORK by bour. Ref. 4527. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH REGISTER. Adding machine Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Seal awrvtc-e. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. 451 Court. TrLfU"VV"aJaii" a- CASH FOR Used Farm. Ph. Hl- 8ALK WACNYJT shells. 6c a sack bring sacks. Klorfeta Packing Co.. 2M Hurh. trairn BPirri A J SI FOR TODAY I)nkfit table and 1 chairs 2 2.05 Bed Daveno, bedding com p. 19 5 2S.50 ilk Acmlnster nig Bunk beds A springs Wood ranges 7.5 1 95 650 29.95 2.95 4 95 l-Rffl. Oil Circulator I.arge Davenport and chair .. 1'm4 Rockers IES lamp A Shades . W Pnlnt F:ieotrlr Ranre .... 10 0 COHN BROS. 205 N. Liberty St. 250t Boxes apples, Drllclous, Art leys. Kings, Red Cheek. Pippin. NVw ton. at 20c box, 2 for SSc and up. Fresh apple Juice daily, 23c gal. Fresh carrot Juice. Puritan Cider works. West Salem. .nLru-u"u-u-i.i i- -i'Ti- . Blkea A Rep. Ram ad en. 142 S. Lib. APRNS- GRTO. cards. 7 N. High. I.ATE USED magazines bought and sold. We make rubber stamps. 477 Court. WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER pups registered male Ph. 7?0. 2-IIORSE 28 MODEL Evlnrude out board motor, cheap. 1225 State. NEW STUDIO couch. ICS lamp, wicker divan, kitchen table, am. heat ing stove A Ivory bedroom suite 401 N. Winter. SLIGHTLY USED Spinet piano J.q.ilth Mualc Co.. 191 S. High Tel. 411. DAVENO FOR sale, 1175 N. 12. TRADE CAR heater, other acces sories, for furniture. 1252 Chemeketa. Wsntl -Mi art-Man on WANTED TOR cash, walnuts til berts. Also meats If. Klorfeln Pack tag CsV 2 S High. Phone T4J2 WANTED, PIANO to use for Its storage. Best of care. Tel. 20F11. CASH FOR Singer sewing machine. Slat model and particular a Box 869 8 ta teaman. Wanted Furniture vr a NTrr i'skp Ph site Used Furniture. R Forgey. P. T44S. Mieeellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Man Yntir Plates for Repair DR. HARRY FEMI.KR DENTIST Allsky Bldg, Sd A Morrison. BR. 2427 PRACTICE PIANOS. $2. H. U Stiff &xt qonStattsiaaii ADVERTISING Weatera Adrertlalns RepresentaUTea Oeorge D. Cloaa. I no. Sea Frandaco, Los Angeles, Seattle aatern Adrertlslnc RepraaentAUrea Bryant, GrifTlth A Brunaoo, I no, Cblcage. New York. Detroit ojtonjAtlanta XaferW et th0 Poetoffaew ml Ma Ir-n Orvee-a. ee Aeeowe nCleas ifettar. Piifc HaaW osery atovwAse saxes t sfeeeev. rsiMsm e7ee aW eel CeMtnartHol Arrect, $ HOSP. bed A mattress. $20. Ph. 4SS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Matt Subscription Rate ta Advance, i WHhln Oregon: Dally and S urn it. . Me. cents s , 81.10: 1 Year .. Elsewkere it cents I tvar bio. or $- for rear in aowie-i I KrcvVenta, Neweaanda. , t. 1 Br Caw Carrterr 60 cents a month. i IT i Ayeer In advance la Aaartoa ? end adaaeaM eeontlee. Salem's Market' Place' Tor. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phono it III) to managed itnancw inaiuuuon. our rinarxnai arrairs will bo llln nsasil and made in strict est privacy. You will be give a avery coosi deration ta the re 8 of rytwr tea a or granting, of ox tensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ton can par la fun any time to reduce the ecst. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture- care er note. SEE ROT R. SIMMONS, MGR. JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. Uc No. M 118 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 12! So. Commercial St. Lk. No. 8-138 First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Phone lift. Convenient ground floor location For Rent- Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms. 8pe"ial a-eekly and monthly rates to perm, guest a Marion Coffee Shoo, delirious mrm la at low pricea. HOTKL 8ALKM. low monthly ratea. 8I.EEPI.VG ROOM. 725 Court. RMS.. Its. water, ht., Maytag. 2219. RM. GAR. A laundry. Ph. (221. HTD. HSKPG rm.. 812. 1580 Center. R. brk gar.. $14 A 215 mo. P. 2282. WARM RM. In mod. home, gentle man preferred. Reasonable. Ph. 7694. 1 RM.. LT. hsekpg.. Ha. A wat. furn 1 person, $7 mo. 232 N. High. WELL FURN. steam heated, bed living room, 607 N. Com'l. Koom and lard SEE MA Bowen. 605 N. Liberty. NEW manage., liome cooked meala. newly dec. rma.. good loc. 1144 Center. RMS.. MEN. tbl. brd.. 4j0 Marlon. CLOSE IN. $5.50 week. Ph. 4708. For Kent Apartments C1JM. I RM. rum. court apt. with prlv. bath, laundry A gar. Bus aervlca ISIS le. APARTMENTS. 832.50 to 137.50 Royal Court Apia. Phone 3952. SEE THE Ftsher Apt a. before yon decide. Large A Airy Rock wool In sulated against heat cold. Venetian Blinds throughout S Com ! a Oak Sta FURN. Apt. Prlv. bath. 552 S.12tli. NICE furn. 2 rm. apt. 590 Union. 2 rm. unfurn. Its., wtr A Maytag. $12. Call after 6:30 p.m. 1620 Kerry. FURN UNFURN 469 Front- 8208 $182 RM. FURN.. fuel. Its, water. 2281 Hasel Ave.. Ph. 7664. 2 R-. pri. bath. 817.50. 1S35 Center. HAWTHORN CT.. furnished, com modioua. comfortable, reasonble. 2 RM. FURN. apt.. 325 S. 14th. 2-2 RM. furn. L. W. Ht. P. 8391. The Devereaux. 1488 State, vacancy. 1 AND 2 RM. furn. apta. Lts.. water, heat. $15 and $20. 14 40 Waller. 1-2 RM.. 250 S. Cottage, after 2 p. m. FURNISHEP APT&, reasonable ITfS Court. 2 R. FURN apt, 645 Ferry. FURN. APT, pri. bath. 645 Court. SMALL APT, adults, 770 S. Com'l. 2 R. FURN., bath, steam heat 2005 N. Capitol. ATTRACTIVE apta. 1235 State. SINGLE HSEKPG. or sleenlnsr rm.. close In. 549 N. Cottage. 2 RM. FURN. apt.. 722 N. Church. FOR RENT. S room apt. furn, 853 So. Com'L St. ATTRACTIVE APTS, 1335 State. APTS.. REAS. 452 A 456 N. Church. t R. 1st fir, prt bath. 422 Marlon. STRATTON APTS., 670 N. Winter. 2 rm. furn. Ph. 2842. FURN. UPSTAIRS 3 rm. flat, hard wood firs, fireplace, refrig-. elec. stove, autorm. ht. 1582 Court St. 2 R. Prlv. bath, refrig. 639 Center. PT'PV AnI'I T ,K.f- mir $9 mo. and up 6:4' N. Capitol. 2 R. UN FUR., auto, heat Elec rng., frigid. Near high school, gar. 6250. SM. APT.. Pullman kltch.. nicely furn. Women or girls only. 1118 Oak. For Rent Houses 4 ROOM MODERN house, recently renovated 14 th and A St. Tel. 5977. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses, H. P. GRANT. 629 Court. Phone 6744. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU wast to sell, exchange, ease, rent, see Mr Lai-sen or Mr. Col litis with Hawkins A Roberta 4 RM. HOUSE. InQ. 406 N. Cottage. COTTAGE. 3 bdrms, $22.50. 2282. MOD. HSE. Inq. 660 N. Cottage. VACANT FEB. 1st, S room mod. house, built 5 years, $30. 1730 N. 18th. Ph. 8281. CHOICELY LOCATED mod, nice 2nd fir. 5 rm. furn. apt. Separate front entrance. $1$ mo. lnq. 146 E. Miller. 5 RMS. UNFURN, 864 Jefferson. SMALL. MOD. new hse, auto, heat, water, firepl, gar, near state hse.. $30. Adults only. TeL 6037. 1010 Gar net. NEW 2 BEDRM. unfurnished home, N. Salem, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, elect., hot water heater, $25.00. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Ph. 8622. FURN. MOD. 4 R. Ph. 2849. rxjnnnruruiji iu it"i jst'u'iisC' i -- FURN. HOUSE, lnq. 524 N. 15th. 4 RM. HOME, suburban, $16, 2 rm, tit; no children. City apta. and homes. $15 to $20. O. E. RAE, REALTOR 125$ Stat Phone $761. t RM. FURN. hse, 1020 N. Cottage. Ino, 2010 N. Fourth. Ph. 8297. S BEDRM. HOUSE, newly decora ted. TeL ST0S. 725 Ferry. LARGE i rm. house. 2 .acres on South llthg Rt. 4. Box 262. H ACRE g am rmt ,t.n krrH f rn!t trar. den. near Englewood schl. $10. rma, aitcnenexte, nui oaaew rar- aace, trays, $. Many n tt-i A a -nil rrai a fi ssuiB w rcrs m .w virwvwe -na C. H. SANDERS 118 & HIGH. 6121 MVW A Mntat-a ' ITUafUra S W.aaaak ItetwIaMWk ' fVfMVs-a 4H fl-anTkl SJW I US UVUS sj gals u awa waj w basement, furnace, acre of land. rralt trees, on pavement, sx. mn rubiaiann, in mia - - For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 281 Slate Street inquire room 20 A TeL $712. For Sale Real Estate 14 A. close la. N. 9 ITS. IS dn, tS per eae. 12 Ladd Bush Bide Ph. k6A Money to Loan Salem's oldest. Largest born owned and Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8th FlilOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-158 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duco payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. Yon will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MCNTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 128 South Commercial Street Phone 21(8 Lie. No. M-152 '' i ii jrjtjrijy(jutjifj'j'jrj' FHA LOANS mL also prlv. loans. Abrams A Ellis Inc. Mason le Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay 6 Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta. Financial FOR SALE: Good first mortgages, $600 to $3000. RICH L REIMANN 167 S. High Ph. S632. For Sale Real Estate LISTEN THIS HOUSE must be sold at once 6 rooms, basement, furnace large lot with room for 2 more houses. Cheap at $3500. Owner will accept $2800. for immediate sale: $300 will handle. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 34 4 State St. Phone 8261. SACRIFICE SALE OWNER LEAVING Salem must sell house at once 5 rooms, modem, with large attic. A real beauty A only 1 yr. old. See It today. Price $4250. ap prox. $3000 FHA. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 24 4 State St. Phone 261. SPECIAL LOT BUYS BEAUTIFUL N. SALEM corner, both sts. paved district of fine homes. Specially priced at $600. only $300 cash and assume paving. ALSO Corner fronting 89 feet on pave ment, 137 feet deep, 2 large evergreen trees, fine district price $600. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS MILLER. REALTORS 244 State St. Phone 93C1. 5 RM. FULLY mod, hdw. firs., un fln. up, tile drain. Beaut. BsmL, Like new; cost $4500, now $3750; reas, terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. EAST FRONT lot, at 616 N. 17th St. Bargain. V. L. Irish. Ph. 7184. SNOw" WHITE STUCCO ,""UJW 5 r. new, attractive, mod, house. AH hardwood firs., north. $150 down, price $2550. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St, Ph. $744 $1350. 6 rm. plastered house, bath, garage, paving, some trees. $300 down, 6 rm. bungalow, base ment furnace, paved corner, $2000. Money to loan at 6 per cent MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 2722. GROCERY LOCATED AT SWEET HOME. $700 cash wlU handle. Good proposition. FURNISHED APT, HOUSE close to state house, excellent location, $6500, $1000 cash. APARTMENT HOUSE, east of state capitoL good location, income $100 per month, will consider, some trade, $8500. Brand "new country home, at city limits east, 2 B. R, L . R, kitchen, nook, water, lights, only $1875. $50 down, bat $17.50 per mo. 17 acres north, 4 rm. house, water, lights, $1700, $100 down, $20 per mo. Bargain, 2 rm. house, pared street, H A. of land In West Salem. $750. Beach property located at Taft, Ore. Nice 2 bedroom home, large liv ing room with fireplace, kitchen, din ing room, plumbing, water, lights, dou ble garage, only $1900. 5 rm. house newly decorated. Fair mount Hill dist Valuable corner lot, $2100, $50 down. $18 per mo. RICH L. REIMANN 167 8. High Ph. 8632. SACRIFICE WELL-BUILT double con -ft. 2 rm. mod. house, hrdwd. floors, fireplace, lots of built-ins. Inside re cently redecorated. Come see It and make an offer. 830 N. 18th St 60 ACRES or any part Very leveL 12 miles north on pavement About 3000 cords of fir timber. $4600. Ph. 5580. ' .."" . - 1 ii - r .i i ii ii.r . -ii-r. 5 room home, fireplace and furnace. Close in. $1700. $176 DN, $15 month ly. Ph. Life's Darkest Moment DEP SNOW, SHORT" LCSS AHOfoe CALX. for DiMAjeR Money to Loan Choose Your Own Loan Plan Plan No. 1 On your signature only Salaried people who era steadily em ployed, single or married, may apply for a Signature only Loen. no security or endorsees necessary. Plan No. I Household .goods Loans era made on household furniture. Am ple time Is allowed with payments adjusted to your budget No endorsers necessary. Plan No S Automobiles -Your car ta good security for n loan. It need not be paid for. Let us refinance your car end cut your present payments In half, leaving- you extra money each month for other needs. No endorsers necessary. Plan No. 4 Livestock If yon are fanning- and need money, wa have a plan for you. You can quickly get cash on your own security. No en dorsers necessary. Plan No. I Co-Maker Mad on your signature plus that of a friend Borrow In confidence from the company known for Its complete, courte ous, considerate, and confidential loan service. Just call at our office, write, or phone, and wo will come out CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY (Formerly People's Finance Company) Room 201. Second Floor, First National Bank Building; Salem, Ore. TELEPHONE 444$ 8-222 STATE LICENSE M-278 Exchange Real ERtate FOR SALE or trade, Newport, Ore, noma, modem, $1260. Inq, 1225 State. EXCHANGE 18 ACRE SUBDIVISION near Sa lem beautiful trees, will trade for property In Pendleton, Oregon. What have your Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 244 State St Phone 8261 room home, S bedrooms, bath, fireplace, to trade for small acreage. For more Information call P. H. Bell, Realtor, 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 812L For Sale Farms FOR SALE 600 acre stock ranch close to state highway, producing good Income from sheep, goats A cowa C-R house grav ity water system, bath, elec., 2 stock barns. Offered at $10,000, and will accept home In Willamette Valley as part See Mr. Collins, HAWKINS A HUBERTS, INC Acreajze FOR SALE or rent suburban 1 A. r. house, elect water system, city gas, barn, poultry house, for 500 hens. House, barn 4t I A. separate ly If desired. M. E. Townsend. Rt 6, box 587. 1st house E of Auburn schL 2 A. close to Salem, nice 4 rm. bun galow, bath, lights, garage, barn, chicken house, some fruit $2600, $500 down. IV A. close to Salem on pared road. 7 rm. house, bath, lights, electric wa ter system, some rralt $ZZ7. aww down. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St - Phone $728. Wanted Real Estate LISTINGS ON good values under $2600. O. E. RAE, REALTOR 1255 State Ph. 676L WANTED! WILL pay cash up to $250.00 for 1 to 8 acres with 2 or 8 room house. Not over 1 miles from nearest town. KAISER. Box 687. Salem WILL PAY cash for 6 TL, must have base. Call 2155 MilL WANTED from owner. 6 or R modern house, good location. State price. Box 872, Statesman. Business Opportunities WILL SELL out servtc station equipment Inquire at 2285 Fair grounds Rd. For Salt Wood WOOD. Ph. 5270 G men. 412 N. 21st DRY WOOD. Tel. 4218. ASH. Oak. fir Ph. 2380. Aahcraft 16 IN. DRY old fir, $5.50. Dry knots, limb wood. slab. Ph. 7507. GOOD DRY 4 ft. 2nd rwth. fir wood. 8 cd. lota. $11.75. TeL 7860. BEST DRY WOOD. Ph. 100F15. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. $700. 16 IN. OLD fir, $5. oak $6. Fir knots $5, 2nd gwth. $5. Ph. 9456. DRT W(Y.n TT occn DRY ASH. oak, fir, prune. P. $7F12. Wood Sawins 820 N COM'L. TE! 8522. WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 5883. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet, heart husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 71. Los Angelea, Lost and Found LOST "Bonnie" female Springer Spaniel, brown A white. Finder please notify L. E. Stiffler, 1710 N. 17th St Phone 8541. County Legion to Meet SILVERTON The Marlon count council of the American Legion will meet with the Silver ton poBt on February 9, accord ing to George Manolis, county president. Buying, Sellings Renting! ( Money to Loan For Sale Used Cars REPOSSESSED 'SI Bulck Bed, am. prrew ior qutca sale. tn. 4446, XX PI.YMnTTTH fnTTDC- II . " .w;ul condition, $260 cash. Ph. $612. MODEL T Ford, cheap. 610 Hoyt 1927 STUDE SED, A-l, $550, or trade equity for am. car. 650 Marlon. .-'A FORD COUPE, A-l condition. 1928 motor, new paint new Urea, 621 Kingwood, West Salem. 1924 CHEV. truck, $150. 8ome terms. 1 945 Lewis St or Rt 6. Bx. P. SAVE $100.00 ON purchase price of new 1940 Plymouth Coupe. Stanford Sparks, R. 8, Box 659, phone 8731. evenings. Kyser's Air Revelers in Fil musical 3 t ; That genial-faced profile of Kay Kysor is eitrronnded by Ish Kabtbble (top) ausd Harry Babbitt, Ginny Sliunu and Solly Mason (bottom, Lto r.). The quintet, whose rousing "College of Musical Knowl edge" has cheered radio fans for several years, makes Its screen bow in "That's Right You're Wrong," starting Wednesday at the Elsinore . theatre, RKQ Radio's fun-filled mnsicomedy co-starring Kyser and Adolphe Menjou. May Robson, Lucille Ball and Edward Morton contribute their singular mirth-making talents to the hectic adventures. Companion feature Hersholt. Strangled Mother P- av -v , -9i -AtoVs.& at Agnes West After strangling her mother to death In a Morgantown, W. Va, hotel room, Agnes West, 34, above, attempted to commit sui cide by leaping from the sixth floor of the hotel. Miss West now is in a hospital where she Is believed not seriously hurt. Ac cording to police, Miss West Ad mitted killing her mother, who was secretary of the University of West Virginia health service, be cause "I was selfish and unstable and X didn't want mother to travel through life alone." Business Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes 271 South Commercial Bicycl es BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'cL P. 4616 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northnesa Excavating EXCAVATING OT an kin da Base ments disc. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sals. Salem San J A Graret P. 8408. Florists Brelthaupfa, 417 Court. Phone 104. Papering, Painting mra WORK. aa Jshnsen.' HtX V s FDR Choice? iV f.-.y-y J jiS"T f i if?: Fraud Riddle Judge Francis Blddle of Philadel phia, above, will leave his Third Circuit Court of Appeals bench to succeed Robert H. Jackson as U. S. solicitor general. is "Meet Dr. Christian with Jean Bit Late? V - j6k Aj-F TV 3 King Winter sheds his snow white mantle on an evergreen tree In Cleveland to offer a beautiful Christmas setting, even If a bit late. Snow has blanketed sev eral sections of the TJ. S, in some spots as much as 18 inches deep. Moving, to Olympia SILVERTON William Rus sell, manager of the Russell shoe store. Is moving to Olympia where he will be In business. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF Rug A Mattress Co. New mattress, old remade, rug cleaning A wearing. 8. 12th A Wilbur. Tel. 844L Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4088 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. B. ROCKWELL. Naturopath ic Physician, 179 Falrgrouads Rd. TeL 4202. Office Hours 11 a.m. to l:2t am. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. SIS 8. Commercial. Tele phone 1L Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner oil. call 2121: Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dally. Well Drilling ZU-A WESXr rt- 4. SS ,4, T UsFS ea . i t 4 Hitler "Beauty" Comes Home V it "i International Illustrated NewM Radiophotm Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Mltford with father Here Is the homecoming of Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Mltford,' Kng-. lish girl and ardent admirer of Fuehrer Adolf Hitler of Germazry, at Folks tone, England. The strange war-time Journey of the girl selected by Hitler as the "ideal Nordic beauty" was delayed some-', what by a broken-down ambulance. The girl Reportedly was wounded strangely In Munich five days after the European war' began and la said to be suffering from a bullet wound In the neck.' . Her father Is Lord Redesdale, a British peer. Canadian Commander on Hand V 'ft .(-::. ! .. Commander of the Canadian expeditionary forces in England, Major General A. C. L. McNaughton, extreme left, is shown in rare good, humor during a visit to a military depot where bis men will under go training before going to France. At extreme right Is Lieut. J. N. S. Buchan, son of Lord Tweedamuir, governor general of Canada, Cross Word Puzzle l 2 3 W 5 T" 7 O ! to II is g?? i6 n - . Tyy 30 31 3? z zzinzziifz w7" " ns m 4s" ZZZtft So . HORIZONTAL 1 Portion 6 Cloth 9 Lofty mountain 12 Implement for taking the outer part from 13 Period 14 Meadow 15 Old-womanish IS Where ia tha Block Foreatt 18 Negative answer 19 100,000 rupees 20 Numbers 21 Twice (music) tt FPAo wrote "Goodbye. Mr. Cktp$"f 24 Hebrew month 25 Sheltered inlet 26 Leg of mutton 50 Who aaked for tko head of John the Baptiatt 82 Makes the sound of sheep 83 Incline 84 Source of being 85 Symbol for tantalum 86 Chattered 88 Correlative of neither Sd Few 42 Rodent 43 Card game 4f What river divide Bottom from CkarUttownt 48 Nautical 48 Be affected with pain - 49 Cuckoo -60 Feminine name 51 Decay 52 Dance step 63 Out of styla .r--'. .VERTICAL 1 Mineral spring B WkeA iiiaaouri town teas tie boyhood homo of Mark TwniM Melodies 4 Depend 6 Sooner than 6 To entertain sumptuously 7 Build 8 Established value Vr 9 Masculine nam ; t 10 Unaccented 11 Compensates 17 Wealthy 19 Reside 21 Fish SZ Who woe the greateat epic pool of urates r 23 Eyed 25 Metal 27 One of the United States (abbr.) 28 Turks 29 Former Russian ruler 31 Behold! 32 -Vpsre table 34 Slackening of the blood current 37 Sphere of action r 38 Hubs I 39 Mark remaining from A wound 10 From what tyaAo have exgkt : prenaenio comaj 41 -Grain steeped in water 43 Coin of Turkey 45 Once around track 46 Pinch 47 Sheltered side Herewith Is tha eolation to terday's puzzle. rV.7 k A V E H E R R O AVERApERC t A Of P rXlRSE AU E A L. SO QR 13 U S E Pit LAST E R tm. af saltrU it IS amla aaKJxrntai t.i