The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Sataa, Oregon, Thursday Morning:, December X3, 1939
Daughters of
Members or the Salem Rotary
el ob were hosts to their daughters
yesterday noon at a luncheon and
program !n the Mirror room of
the Marlon hoteL Some ISO were
- present at the affair.
Mr. Paul Jackson presided at
the preliminary program . and
Mlsa Racbael Yocnm acted as
mistress of ceremonies. Miss
Claudtne Gueffroy was awarded
the guest prize.
Oa the program were: Misa
Rosemary Galser. who gave two
piano numbers: Miss Jewell M In
ter, -accompanied by Miss Olive
Clemes who sang several solos;
Miss Betty Hamilton with a short
talk on advice to fathers; Miss
Bonnie Belle Stewart who sang;
Miss Hilda Crawford, who played
a banjo solo; a trio composed of
the Misses Elizabeth and Virginia
Steed and Maxlne Holt, and a vio-llne-flute-plano
trio composed of
Miss Kathleen and Miss Marjorle
and Mrs. Fred Broer.
Royal Neighbors
To Install
The Royal Neighbors will have
Installation of officers Friday,
January 8. Dora Pratt will be the
Installing officer and Zola Peter
son will be ceremonial marshal!.
Officers to be Installed are: Ha
sel Elliott, oracle; Carmelita
Weddle, vice-oracle; F r a n c e s
White, past oracle; Sarah Peter
son, recorder: Rose Abbott, re
ceiver; Gertrude Walker, chan
cellor: Mildred Yetter, marshall;
Jean Nicker and Olive Anderson
sentinels and Josephine Kerns,
The Royal Neighbors enter
tained with a Christmas party at
the cabin Tuesday. Gifts were ex
changed and aA interesting pro
gram was presented. There were
C 5 present. The committee in
charge of the affair was Carme
lita Weddle, Eloise Beuley and
Mildred Yetter.
Miss Emma Gerig, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. NIcholaus Gerig, an
nounced her engagement to Mr.
Norman Gydesen at a dinner
given by her parents Wednesday
Covers were placed for: Miss
Emma Gerig. Mr. Norman Gyde
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brickwe
del, Miss Thelma Gerig, Miss Gla
dys Gerig. Miss Laura Gerig, Miss
Arpa Belmer, Miss Martha Gerig.
Mlsa Mtna Gerig. Miss Sarah Ge
rig, Miss Katherine Gerig, Mr.
Ernest Gerig and Mr. David Ge
rig. Pattern
M 2
r 1
Style has been "taken a-back"
this season 'way back to the day
of the Victorian miss. Here's a
striking example Anne Adams'
Pattern 4 IBS. The pert, detach
able peplum la attached by a front
tying sash. See how Its edges
curve nicely la front and -ripple la
back above the skirt fullness.
, There are darts above the back
-waist for smooth fit. In front the
skirt extends ap to a high,' twla-
peaked waistline to give the
smart new waistline. You'll like
the neck shaped either high or
with trim, tarn-back rerers. Make
bracelet-length or short sleeves
with pretty shirred fullness. And
a choose a sheer' wool or soft crepe
' fabric . " " ' " -
Pattern ,41st U available la
misses' sUes 10. IS, 14, II, It
and St; bust stses SS, f, U, 14,
J aad St. Slae It takes 4 yards
t lack fabric
ui nrrxzK cxxts is) U
Miaa for tkia Ab Aim pUrm. .
Writ pifttaty SIZE, NAME, .
fr BpHat." r Aaa Aimmm )
waw araiMa pattebx
BOOK whl;k is mmw rij Ur J
f w4. It's Ut with sttractiT
tjrU iaelaataf m yaata Mnw lor ,
tota. 'tooaa aa4 IwoaUoa. air-
bU traeka. oariac briaal firy.
caraival a-Mtaaa oa gar priata. X
wiU otaa fia Wnaacoa lra fa .
o-Io-tippit aiatront aa4 caam
' ka aacxMtioaa lor lortr-plaaaa.
Th look ia liftooa cull kat whoa
raaroa wUh a ora, ! I oaa .
f ftooa oaaia, "THS TWO TOGETH-
ia abx TwTr-fiTE ci-vra.
- 8m4 rr oraor ta Tka Oragaa
tatoaiaa, Pattar atpartawat.
- '
h I h
The horn of L. J. Davis was
gladdened by the homecoming of
their children. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Davies and Richard of Los An
geles. Mr. and Mrs. James Davies
of Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Doris
Wilmot of Marshfield. Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Badger and sons,
Buddie, Lewie and LeRoy of Day
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scott
and Douglas of Salem. Mrs. Davies
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
White, and Mr. Norman Afnts
were also present.
- - '
Miss Taylor Is
Miss Hortense Taylor, daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. Fred C Taylor
was married to Mr. Jesse Foster,
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Foster
of Portland. at: a wedding per
formed by the bride's father at
the First Methodist church In
Vancouver on Friday night.
The bride wore a gown of
white satin, with court train,
full-length veil and a coronet of
aeed pearls. ' . She carried a Bible
which was carried by her mother
at her wedding. The bride was
given In marriage by her brother,
Mr. F. Wayne Taylor.
Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan and
Miss Eleanore Whipple played a
violin and organ prelude and the
groom sang "Ich Liebe DicV pre
ceeding the ceremony.!
Miss Dorothy McGee of Port
land was mald-of-honor wore pale
olive taffeta. Miss Nell Foster of
Portland as bridesmaid wore
greengold taffeta.- The Junior
bridesmaids. Miss Joanne Lang
of Salem and Miss Betty Jo Reid
of Monroe, Ore., wore taffeta
gowns in acid yellow. All at
tendants wore tiny polnsettla hats
and carried bouquets of the same.
Mr. William Taylor was best
man, and ushers were Mr, Melvin
Johnston, Mr. John Ellassen, Mr.
Francis Brooks end Mr. Walter
Smith, all of Estacada, Ore.
A small reception followed at
the home of the bride's parents
at the parsonage. Mrs. Wayne
Reid presided at the bridal table,
assisting were Misses Mildred
Schmidt. Isabella Wilson, Lois
Taylor, Marguerite Clark, Neva
Satterlee, Margaret Taylor and
Mary Taylor and the Mrs. Fred
Lang, F. Wayne Taylor and Ruth
Mrs. Taylor wore pigeon-blue
silk and navy blue accessories and
Mrs. Foster, mother of the bride
groom grape silk gown with,
black accessories
Mr. and Mrs. Foster then left
for a wedding trip to the Oregon
beaches. For traveling the bride
chose a pigeon-blue frock : with
wine accessories and a brown
Russian squirrel coat.
The bride is a graduate of
Willamette university, where she
majored in public school music
and violin. She was affiliated
with the Beta Chi sorority. At
present she Is teaching English
and music at Tigard. The bride
groom was graduated from Pacific
university and Is now director of
music at Estacada.
Vows Said;
.Miss Helen Detlefs, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry JDetlefs of
Salem, became the bride of Mr.
Marvin Dickson of Bakersfield.
California on December 23. They
motored to Las Vegas and were
married. The bride wore a black
afternoon dress with gold acces
sories and a corsage of gardenias.
After a short honeymoon at Boul
der dam, the couple will be at
home in Bakersfield j where Mr.
Dickson Is employed.! Mrs. Dick
son was employed at the Metro
politan store here prior to going
to Bakersfield last i July. Mr.
Dickson is formerly from Salem.
Both attended Salem schools.
Miss Reasor Tells
Miss Ruth Reasor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beasor, an
nounced her engagement to Mr.
Howard C. Cole, son ! of Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Cole. The announce
ment was made at an informal
party at the home of her parents.
Pouring were: Mrs. A. J. Ar
nctt, Mrs. A. N. Noth, Mrs. A. D.
Wagner and " Mrs. O. L. Drill.
Those serving were: Miss Erma
Cole. Miss Josephine ; Hull. Miss
Opal Yates and Miss Beth De
Lapp. Mrs. Lawrence Reasor
greeted guests at the door.
Miss Reasor is a member of the
high school faculty In Warren
ton and Mr. Cole is doing gradu
ate " work at Phillips university
In Enid, Oklahoma. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Mrs. Dalton! Is
On Saturday afternoon, Mrs.
Kenneth Dalton was ; hostess to
her piano pupils for a Christmas
party at her home. Aa additional
guest was Loretta Deacon.
" Pupils -were: Robert and Phyl
lis Deacon, Kenneth Rowntree,
Jim and Bill Barlow, Nelson and
Robert Thompson, . Harvey Carle
son, Dick Buren, Richard Unruh,
Eddie Knapp, Jack and Dudley
Slater, .Billy Paulus, Jerry Wolfe,
Irene McLeod, Joaa BlaxelL Cora
Davis, Ana Marie Rolling, Patty
Wilson, Joan Fltsmaurice, Nancy
Lou Dalton, Dorothy i Hoar, Ana
Woodmaasee, Peggy Sears, Betty
and Joaa Twedt. Corlrne Wade,
Betty Jean Martin, Joaa Driggs
aad Jean Xing. i
- I
' Of latere to Salem Meads is
the marriage of Misa Jane Lowe,
daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Ti
tus Lowe of Indianapolis, former
ly of' Portland, to Mr. Howard
Nealand, son of Mr; aad Mrs.
X. A. Nealand. The wedding took
place la Portland oa Tuesday
sight, with Bishop Lowe reading
the ceremony. The bride was giv
en la marriage by Dr. Bruce Bax
ter. ' - .
',;-': ' ... I
' Pytbiaa Sisters will meet today
at KP hall for a Christmas party.
There will bo a no-host dinner at
:St, followed by aa exchange of
gifts. j
. '
Mlsa alarjorte Waters la spend
ing a few days in Dallas as the
guests ' of Miss Lois Ralston. '
Dinner Last
Night Gay
A dinner party and evening
of bridge was given last night
by Mrs. Chester Frits and Mrs.
John Bagley to a group of friends.
Dinner was served at Hsuser's
tea room, the hostesses then took
their guests to the Bagley home,
where an evening of bridge was
enjoyed. The New '. Year's . Idea
was carried out in decorations for
the dinner tables. '
Invited to the say affair. were:
Mrs. Ward Davis, - Mrs. Lake
Shields, Mrs. William Hammond,
Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr., Mrs. Ken
neth Dalton, Mrs. Laban Steevea,
Mrs. Frances Wade, Mrs. Chester
Frits and Mrs. John Bagley.
a a .
Miss Bellinger
Is Honored
Hiss Genevieve Bellinger was
honored at a miscellaneous show
er on Friday night by Miss Mar
garet Engelbart in honor of her
forthcoming marriage. Miss Bel
linger, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs.
Jesse F. -Bellinger, will marry. Mr.
Albert M. Hughes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vard Hughes on January 1.
Present at the shower were:
Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Mrs. Clifford
Burgess, Miss Carol Cooper, Miss .
Hazel Cooper, Miss Sofia Hughes,
Miss Frances Hughes, Miss La
Verno Hughett, Miss Katie Re
gier, Miss Margaret Hauser, Miss
Elizabeth Brown, Miss Tina We- '
del, Miss Lillian Foy, Miss Doro
thy Engelbart, Mrs. A. J. Engel
bart, Mrs. Vard Hughes, Mrs.
Jesse F. Bellinger, Miss Gene-
TuTa TteiHniror nA mi Mnrrt
vieve ueuinger and Miss Margaret
Bridge Party at
Rieder Home
Mrs. Robert Rieder entertained
Wednesday night with a buffet
dinner and additional guests were
urn nea ior a Driage pariy ana
shower later in the evening to Having a birthday so close to Mr. and Mrs. John Robins en
honor Mrs. Terrence King. The Christmas didn't make so much, tertalned Saturday night with a
dinner has been an annual affair, difference to Dickey Chapman, surprise party honoring their
Christmas decorations of gold three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Miss Lorraine Robins
pine cones and boughs and red Frank Chapman, this year, be- and Miss Clara Moore. Miss Ro
candles were used about the cause he was host to a group of bins left Tuesday night for Wel
rooms and on the tables. youngsters yesterday afternoon more, Kentucky, where she will
At the dinner, covers will be for a birthday party. enter Ashbury college for relig-
placed for Mrs. Terrence King, Guests were Susan Perry, Bar- Ions work. Miss Moore is a teacher
Mrs. Leonard Robertson of Mil- Dara Bonesteele, Johnny Caughell, t Canyonville and spent the holl-
waukie, Mrs. Howard N. Dietrick jjmmy ana Johnny Humphreys, days with friends In Salem,
of Portland, Mrs. Grover C. Bel- caroiyn Deckeback, Larry Reillng Those honoring Miss . Robins
linger, Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Miss and Wallace Carson. and MIsa Moore were: Mrs. John
Jo Taylor of Corvallls, Miss Thomas, Mrs. C. Schanph, Mrs.
Emlyn Griggs of Portland, Miss i TT x George McKay, Mrs. T. Smith,
Mary Agnes Meagher of Portland, SieamUnClS OOSIS Miss Helen Smith, and Mr. and
Miss Bobbe Shlnn and Mrs.'Rob- . JL Mrs. John Robins,
ert Rieder. 4 Af TjirmPr
The additional guests invited JrlL TrvO, T
for the bridge party and shower Mr and Mra, Charles Siegmund IVHS. JOSepil IS
were: Miss Dorothy Klbbe, Miss were hosts to several guests over rn T-J
Florence Utter, Mrs. Leon Per- tne Christmas holidays at their lea HOSteSS
ry, Mrs. Robert Joseph, Mrs. noma on Garden Road. Christmas
Francis W. Smith and Mrs. Har- day a large dinner was served. Mrs. Robert Joseph was host
old Olinger. pn.pri WPr nlaced for Mr. and t a tea yesterday afternoon
Cooters Hosts
To Employes
The staff members of the 8a
lem office of the state employ
mem service entertained with a
Christmas party Wednesday at
th hnma nt Mr mr,A Vf ii,
E Cooler rm.' w?r XuI JLa
and Ttl IVenns? anS!
PFvm- m nl n
T mr vf'Jrl'J? t? ;
n.JSLJ I?: Mr,a?cd KtJ- Brd
oxiu. i i er-
ris, Mr. and Mrs. George Belloni,
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dotson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Tschauner, Miss Lu
cille Long, Miss Cleoae Welborn,
Miss Verda Allred, Miss Olga
Mltrovltch. Mr. W. Blackley and
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cooter.
... '
Maccabees 84d will meet to-
night at 8 o'clock at Fraternal
temple for regular Initiation for
a large class of candidates. The
attendance contest will continue
under the leadership of team cap-
tains, Alena Bremmer and Ivan
cers will be held In January.
Laura Wheeler Liberty Panel Lends
Significance to Stitchery
nm HBcuxaur saves, ic:
This easily embroidered panel,
suitable for every home, expresses
oar love of liberty. Pattern S 4 If x
contains a transfer pattern of a
1S x 154 Inch panel; color
chart; materials required; lUus-
o o
t'I'm a little disappointed In the
UM". ft t ' ft&f
S-..-T-TTY I I fi . ,y '
1 Vvo rw.r
buy practical things and be did!"
One bright note in her Christmas
,,,, i., .i.
eggshell silk, splashed on each
shells. Red bows perch on the neck and waist, where the coat
separates to show matching red trousers. Pleats at the front fan
out breezily when she walks and there are also inverted pleats
at the center back.
Birthday Party
t-i i
J" Or I OUngSter
Mrs. Don Siegmund of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Siegmund
cf Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
llegund and ch?ldren, Shirley
Ann and Tommy of Eugene and
Mand Mrs. Charles Siegmund.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Engstrom
r .. 'T"it m- v.mUv Ene-
rei-iu-.n, --
trom of AlbIon' m1?- Mr8
Engstrom continued her Journey
Tuesday, to points in southern
California and from Pasadena w 111
return home to Michigan in April.
n in th Rnntrom noma
over the holidays were Mr. and
Mrs. John Stehn, Leonard John
of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Engstrom of Salem.
The Misses Jean Joan and Pa
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lampton are tricla Post of Medford were the
living in Salem and have taken incentive for a party given last
an apartment at the Koyai court.
MrB L,ampton waa formerly
Mary Jane Adaml.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom
have Teturned from Parkdale
where they liave been visiting a
Claude Adkins.
tratlons of stitches,
Send ten cents In cola -for this
pattern to The Oregon Statesman,
Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly
o o
Women's Editm
gf tftetcken
gifts Beuny gave roe. I told him to
is her Chinese housecoat. It's heavy
.i. nvi,... i.
side with Chinese red lobsters and
Surprise Party
At Robins'
from I until 5 in compliment
to Miss Margaret Corey of San
Francisco, who is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. H. H Corey
during the holidays. Mrs. Howard
Vonred during the tea
Honoring Miss Corey were:
jjrs jerrance King, Mrs. Al
f "re. . I5l. 8nr:
JUH. naroia naUK, AITS. .OW8ra
Roth, Mrs. Carl Collins, Mlsa
Josephine McGilchrist. Mrs. Clar-
ence Hamilton, Mrs. Robert Drag-
er, Mr8 Glenn Wilbur and Miss
Margaret Slmms.
J-) i r
jrarty Kjl Veil IOT
j j ,
MealOrCl VjlHS
"Usui uy n. ua x. jvi-
ris at their home on South High
Present were the Misses Mar-
lan Albrich, Lois Gilllngs, Artie
Mae Phillips, Messrs Allen and
Joe Albrich, Deryl Jones, Glenn
Brown and Keith Morris.
The South Salem WCTU will
be entertained Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. A. Rhoten
at 1695 South High street. This
will be the annual Children's
farm home program and shower
in charge of Mrs. Vergil Burson.
Assistant hostesses are Mrs. C. A.
Downs and Mrs. George Hender
son. a a
Mr. aad Mrs. Walter Kirk spent
the Christmas holidays In Leba
non with Mrs. Kirk's father, Mr.
J. B. Howe, and her brother, Mr.
Harry C. Howe.
Hisa Frances Roth left Wed
nesday for Portland where she
will be the guest of Miss Margaret
Carlton. '
Mlsa Audrey Fehler left Wed
nesday for St. Helens where she
will spend several days with Mr.
aad Mrs.- Robert Byrns.
DAYTON Mayor and Mrs. Orr
C. ' Goodrich entertained with a
family Christmas dinner at their
home: Their son, Velton, a student
In flying school, Oakland." Calif.,
who la home for the vacation.
Mr.' and Mrs. Clair Reid and
daughters, Margaret and Betty
aad J. P. Dorsey were their
Mr. aad Mrs. Ray D. Johnson
entertained . their children and
grandchildren at their home
Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Chrlstenson - and son,
Gayle, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Joha
son and daaghter, Carolyn. : of
Forest Grove . and" Mrs. Jennie
Thompson were nresent.
8ILVERTON Judge Alf , O.
Nelson and Mrs. Nelson i enter
tained at - dinner- at . their North
Second street homo Wednesday
night. Included In the group were
Mr. and Mrs. T.-Tv Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester I. Nelson, Miss
Freda Hnltgrea, Manning, Harold
and Merlia Nelson all of Salem,
and James, Frances aad Rath of
Silverton. -
In the Valley
Social Realm
MT. ANGEL Miss Marie Fler-
ohinger, daughter of Peter Fler-
ohlnger, and George Antolne, were
married Tuesday morning it a
simple ceremony In St. Mary's Ca
tholic church. Father Alculn per
formed the ceremony and was
celebrant at the, nuptial high
mass. St. Mary's choir sang with
a solo by Mrs. Al Schroeder of Sil
ver ton.
The bride wore an eggshell sat
in gown, fashioned on fitted lines
with long sleeves and a long train.
The veil, deeply edged with lace,
fell from a lace cap held in place
with orange blossoms and termin
ated in a heart-shaped train, out
lined with lace ruffles. She' car
ried an arm bouquet of cala 111
les.' " - ' ; -"
The bridesmaid, Miss Helen
Hittner, was gowned In teal blue
taffeta, trimmed with velvet and
made with Hared skirt and short
puffed sleeves. Her bouquet of
roses and yellow chrysanthemums
was tied with a blue ribbon to
match her gown.
The 11 o'clock wedding break
fast was served at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Aman with Mrs.
Aman and Miss Robinette Aman
Mr. and Mrs. Antolne left for
Washington for a week's honey
moon Immediately after the
breakfast. They will make thelr
home in Mt. Angel.
Mrs. Antoine is a teacher in the
St. Paul school and Mr. Antoine
is in business here.
a a
AUMSVILLE: A beautiful wed
ding was solemnized at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ham Satur
day, when their daughter, Neva
Ellen, became the bride of Mr.
Perry N. Spelbrlnk, son of Mrs.
Mathilda Spelbrink of Macleay.
Rev. Paul Ackerman of Portland,
performed the ceremony. The
bride wore a floor-length gown
of white satin, with a tiara of
tiny white carnations, and car
ried a bouquet of white carna
tions and fern, with, streamers of
white ribbon. Miss Anne Knight
of Salem, was bridesmaid. She
wore a floor-length gown of pink
taffeta and carried carnations.
Mrs. A. B. Ham, mother of the
bride wore a gown of wine vel
vet with corsage of yellow roses
and narcissi. Mrs. Spelbrink,
mother of the groom wore a .gown
of wine serge with corsage of
yellow roses and narcissi. The
groom was attended by his broth
er, Arthur Spelbrink. Little
Wava Darby accompanied by her
sister, Miss Erma Darby sang,
Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink accompan
ied by Mrs. Stella Masten, sister
of the groom, sang "O Promise
Me." The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Assisting
during the reception were: Mrs.
William Forgey, Mrs. L. B. Gor
don and Miss Delia Forgey. The
bride is a graduate of the Aums
ville high school and of the Capi
tal Business College of Salem.
Until her ' marriage she was em
ployed at the capitol. Mr. Spel
brink, a graduate of Monmouth
Normal school and Willamette
university, is a former teacher in
Aumsville and is now teaching
in the Molalla high school.
a a
DALLAS M 1 s s Lois Jane
Helms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Helms, became the bride of
Mr. Walter Kerr Steele, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Steele, at an
impressive ceremony at the home
of her parents Saturday aft er
noon. The service was read by Dr. H.
F. Pemberton. The bride wore a
frock of blue chiffon velvet and
carried a white Bible with stream
ers of bouvardia. She was unat
tended. Miss Margaret Pember
ton played the wedding march.
A reception followed. The serv
ing table was centered with a
large tiered wedding cake. Serv
ing were Mrs. Ralph E. Howe of
Waldport, Mrs. A. J. Brown and
Miss Maxlne Helms, sisters of the
bride. The bride's mother wore
an attractive dress of black vel
vet and the groom's mother a
dress of nuberry wine.
Following the reception Mr.
and Mrs. Steele left for victoria,
BC. For traveling the bride wore
a fuchsia suit with brown acces
sories and a corsage of gardenias.
After the holidays the young cou
ple will be at home in Dallas.
Mrs. Steele graduated from
Dallas high 'school and ia secre
tary In the office of District At
torney Bruce Spaulding. Mr.
Steele is distributing salesman
for the Polk county Farmers Un
ion cooperative association.
TURNER The Sunshine club
of Turner held Its annual Christ
mas party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Hogsed on Friday.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lyon,
Mr. and Mrs. Parr, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Nelson, Mr. "and Mrs. George
Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, 'Mr., and
Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Grimm, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grimm,
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Mellis, Mrs.
Bernice Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Klock
stad, Mrs.' Scott, Mrs. George
Standley, Mrs. Evelyn Holt, Mrs.
Cleveland, Anna Lou : Miller,
Blanche Dow, - Alvina Dow, - Lu
ella Cleveland and Mr; and Mrs.
W. R. Hogsed and family.
- The' Misses Iris - Lee and Nema
Hogsed and Zena spent the holi
days with their parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Hogsed.
, PERRYDALE June DeWltt of
Seattle and WiUard Mitchell were
married Sunday afternoon at S
o'clock in the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mit
chell. -
Before , the' ceremony Lora Mit
chell sang "Because" accompan
ied by Roberta Mitchell. William
Caldwell played the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Emerson
of Portland were the only attend
ants and Judge Arlle Walker of
McMinaville read the services.
EVERY WOMAN to her own taste is the suggestion of Martha Lo
gan, meat cookery expert who says that the ham sandwiches in the
picture show variety for every preference. In the foreground is pan
fried ham, to the right is ham with mustard and butter. Small tea
sandwiches are of minced ham, on the left are egged and fried ham
rolls and at top right are ham, asparagus tips and cheese sauce.
New Year's Fare Includes Several
Prepared Meat Favorites
Ring out the old, ring In the
new. Each New Year finds large
and small groups of friends
gathered around the supper table
ready with wishes of health and
The modern hostess finds the
food shops of today well stocked
with easily prepared foods for
these gala watch parties and with
foresight selects Items that may
be prepared in advance of the
party or may be served as a
help-yourself menu.
There are ready-to-eat hams,
picnics, and a great variety of
meat loaves which may be sliced
and arranged on a platter with
relishes, coleslaw in lettuce cups,
sliced tomatoes, or spiced peaches.
Cold sliced chicken or veal with
crisp broiled bacon and salad
dressing are good "makings" for
the popular club sandwich.
Chili is a favorite for winter
parties and is easily served by
buying canned or brick chill. A
good quality of concentrated chill
in brick form is a truly good buy.
This comes in one-pound pack-.
Today's Menu
Let's feature an Interesting
sounding dish, pineapple whip for
today s meal.
Avocado-grapefruit salad
Cheese sticks
Meat loaf-mushroom gravy
Whipped potatoes
Creamed corn
Pineapple whip
Pineapple Whip
S egg whites
V cud grane Jellv
1 cup whipped cream
1 cup crushed pineapple
6 vanilla wafers, crumbled
8 marshmallows
Bitter chocolate
Beat egg whites until foamy.
Add Jelly and beat until very
stiff but not dry. Fold in the
whipped cream, then the pine
apple, the wafer crumbs and
marshmallows cut In small bits.
Chill and serve. In sherbet glass
es. Sprinkle with chocolate
shavings Just before serving.
Makes six portions.
Salmon Makes a
Main Dish
A can of salmon and another
of tomatoes make an lnexensive
but thoroughly satisfying dinner
1 can red salmon
7 fresh tomatoes
1 teaspoon onion
1 tablespoon chopped green
pepper ,
teaspoon sugar
Salt to taste
6 strips of bacon
Remove all bits of skin and
bone from salmon. Place fish in
baking dish. Pour the tomatoes,
onion and pepper over this. Add
salt and sugar. Place bacon
strips over the top and bake in a
hot oven at 350 or 400 degrees.
Serves 6-8.
Main Dish Uses
Veal in Pie
A main dish suited to family
dinners is this one that Includes
veal, vegetables and . potatoes,
made Into a pie.
S pounds veai, cut from the
1 cups diced potatoes
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
tablespoons flour '
3 cups boiling water
cup string beans, cooked
Salt and pepper to taste
Cat the veal in d 1 e e a and
dredge with flour.-Fry slightly in
half the butter. Add boiling wa
ter and simmer until tender, add
ing 1 teaspoons salt at the end
of an hour. -Then add the grated
lemon rind and" the diced raw po
tatoes and stir Is tie cooked
string beans. Thicken with tbo
balance of the butter and the
flour rubbed: together, and sea
son to taste. Bring to a boiling
point, then pour Into a baking
dish and cover with the crust, xut
out as small biscuits. Bake about
20 minutes in a hot oven. Will
serve six liberally.
ages and is ground meat season
ed in true Mexican style all ready
to be heated with a number 21,
can of chili beans.
For some, waffles and little
pork sausage will be ' the right
answer for the New Year's watch
party. Well-seasoned, fresh, pork
sausage browned to perfection is
a taste tempter with special ap
peal to the men folk.
1 cup grated sharp cheese
M cup butter i
cup flour ! !
1 cup hot milk
1 cup cooked tomatoes
4 teaspoon soda
teaspoon mustard
H teaspoon paprika
teaspoon salt
Cayenne pepper
Melt .the butter in a heavy fry
ing pan. Add cheese, cover with
flour. Cover and cook very slow
ly until the cheese Is melted and
bubbled np through the flour.
Stir in the milk. And-the soda
mixed with the tomatoes. Season.
Simmer to blend well. :
Make a silt In the frankf urt
lengthwise. Fill with a 4-inch
stick of sharp cheese. (Savory
dressing, pineapple, mustard, or
pickle relish may be used for va
riety.) Wrap each frankfurt,
spiral fashion, with a whole slice
of bacon, fastening each end with
a toothpick. Place in a baking
dish split side up. Bake in a hot
oven 425 degrees. - Turn, if neces
sary to cook the bacon thor
oughly. a a a
Macaroni loins
Tuna Fish I A i
There will be olives, tuna and
pickles to combine with macaroni
in this excellent dish.
2 cups cooked macaroni
1 can tuna fish
1 can pimento
1 can muehooms
1 small bottle stuffed olive
(sliced) j
S or 4 small sweet plcklei
dlced) -
1 small onion (chopped)
Use any salad dressing or may
onnaise that Is not too sweet. Add
juice of one lemon to salad dress
ing. Combine all ingredients and '
arrange in a lettuce lined now 1.
Garnish with olives and sliced to
matoes. ,
Holiday Food to
Men's Taste .
Teasers are hearty appetizers
that men are sure to like.' Roll
out biscuit dough inch thick.
Cut Into rounds with a small bis
cuit cutter, about one inch In di
ameter. Slice tiny cocktail sau
sages very thin. Cover. a biscuit
with sausage slices, then with an
other biscuit, more sausage and
another biscuit. Press together
at one side. Set "sandwiches" on
end In small muffin pans. Bake
In hot oven 450 degrees 12 to 15
minutes. Serve hot on appetizer
tray with stuffed olives.
Tomato juice cocktails are put
on a party footing when served
with poppy seed- sticks. Brush
strips of bread with melted butter,
sprinkle with poppy seeds, and
toast. Serve hot.
Doss Your
Nose Qoir.
a cotd make you snore?
Csmt Kuurry cooa Kzws...If you?
nose "doses up" at nijht and makes
breathing difficult, put a few drops of
Vkks Va-tro-nol np each nostriL
fSUS an SO oo because Ticks
Vc-tro-nol is expressly designed for
the nose and upper throat, where
transient congestion often hinders
breathing. You eta eetxaZj feel it
(o to work bringing; relief. .
Oar Usual Wave, Complete 75o
Perm. Oil
Push Wave, f i JSO
Complete ii
Open. Thnrs. Eve. ;
br App't, ,
Phono S663 "... i
307 1st Natl Bank Bldg. :