The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Blonds?, December 28, 1939 Dei? elop rative Creamery mment 'J of Angel Coope t ? f 1 i I I J Patrons Added, Volume Cains Inventor " of Pasteurizing Methtod Tells of New Zealand's Co-ops MT. ANGEL Five hundred ' new patrons . were added during the year by. the Mt. Angel Coop erative creamery and volume wa Increased by. 300,000 pounds, or 13.2 per cent, R. J. Berniag, coop eratlTe president, announced at the first day of the annual pa trons meeting in the Mt. Angel au ditorium yesterday. The meeting was attended by over. 1500 per sons. . Among the day's outstanding speakers was F. F. Board of New Zealand, co-inventor of the vac nam type pasteurizer used by four plants in North America, one of which la the Mt. Angel creamery. The pasteurization effected by the process Is said to be almost 100 per cent perfect. The 400,000.000 pounds of but ter produced annually in New Zealand Is considered the finest butter in the world, Board said. All of It is produced by coopera tive organizations. . Over $64,000 has been returned Dj the Mt. Angel creamery to pro ducer In excess of the market price during the year and an un distributed balance of $30,000 re mains to go out as patrons' divi dends at the end of the year, re ported Frank Hettwer, manager of the creamery and chairman of the meeting. Volume is so large and Quality so good that top prices are received, he said. The state ' cream grading law which attempts to coordinate state and federal grading has en abled the dairy Industry to make a marked progress. E. W. Metx ger, chief of the division of food and dairies of the department of agriculture, said. G. C. Jeeney, manager of the Pacific Cooperative Poultry pro ducers, Professor G. H. Wilser, head of dairy division at Oregon State college, and J. D. Mlckle. state director of agriculture, also spoke, congratulating the cream ery on Its success. The meeting will continue to morrow. Holiday Guests At Hazel Green HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Un John Horn and sons, Marvin and Joe of Grand Coulee, Wash., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ash ton for the holidays. Mrs. Horn is a sister of Mrs. Ashton. Frank Van Cleave, who came to his brother, A. T. Van Cleave'a funeral and to visit his mother, Mrs. Ellen Van Cleave, has re turned home to Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Cleave and son, Delbert of Medford, were here to funeral of cousin, A. T. Van Cleave. The family made their home In this district for sev eral years. ' George Dunnlgan of Milwaukle is spending the holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Dunnl gan. Mrs. Ralph Gilbert and son, Waldo and Russell Satter of Sa lem are spending the holidays with Mrs. Gilbert's brother and family, Sidney Hawthorne, Long Beach. Calif. They expect to visit Mexico. Has Spinal Meningitis GRAND ISLAND LeRoy Rockhlll, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rockhlll, is in the McMlnnvllle hospital suffering from a light attack of spinal meningitis. Jill 100 Sheets Paper (Size 7x1016) ; 100 Envelopes to Match 215 Finn 'Mystery nrponeu rcsponsioie ior cringing r - f m I vrm U( . im m uuuiucra uu iiuery siieiis were causing large Winners Named At Mt. Ansel Yule Decoration Awards Go to F. Schmidt, Mt. Angel Hotel MT. ANGEL Announcement was made at the Business Men's club luncheon Monday noon that the Mt. Angel hotel was the win ner of the first prize for Christ mas decorations in the business houses division and Francis Schmidt for-illumination of res! dences. Winners of second and third place In the first division were Mt. Angel News and Klln- ger and Bauman respectively. For residences Alois Kebler took sec ond prize and William Kloft third. A full report of the Christmas program was made by Lee With' ers, chairman of the committee In charge, and he and his col leagues were given a vote of thanks for their work. Members of the Business Men's club have taken over the work of serving at the patrons' dinner for the Mt. Angel cooperative cream ery and Dr. A. F. E. Schlerbaum was appointed director of the group. At the suggestion of Schlerbaum the club voted In fa vor of securing headbands with the inscription "Mt. Angel Busi ness Men's club." E. B. Stolle was instructed to print 60 of the bands. G. D. Ebner of the sick com mittee reported that . Frank Le Doux was in St. Vincents hospital at Portland. Ticket s e 1 1 e r s for the next luncheon are Louis 8chwab and Ben Traviss. Guests at Monday's meeting in cluded Mary Bee Zollner, Geral- dine Gules, Mrs. E. J. Corcoran and Jake Eberle. Roberts Women Give Club Party ROBERTS Mrs. Joe Rinrwald. Mrs. Bill Kenney and Mrs. George Bresslo entertained with a Christ mar party for the G. T. Women's elub. A dessert luncheon was served members and four special guests, Mrs. Doc Jungwlrth of Valsets, Mrs. Walter Dawes, Mrs. Mel vln Trindle and Mrs. James Mul len, Mrs. Jungwlrth was formerly a club member. For men and women. Printed with name and address on both letterhead and envelope. Good quality White Laid Bond. Packed in an attractivo cabinet. i - Specially priced ... 3 South Commercial St. Phone 9101 Gun9 Brings Down Russ Planes Ji - oown large numbers of Soviet bombers Is a "revolutionary" war In- guu, pur a raqg operated oy - ......i vtuivu iu7 nmvun is r rwajr cars, authti uecemoer fires In the abandoned Finnish city Grangers News WEST SALEM G r a n g e will meet Thursday night for Installa tion of officers and obligations-In the first f o u r degrees. Glenn Adams will be In charge. West Salem Gives Parties, Programs Christmas Is Celebrated With FamUy Dinners, , . . uaurcn Allairs . . wtsi' s.alj.ju unrisimas was celebrated at West Salem In tra - aiuonai siyie wim programs ana Jill immiij guiennn. ia cnuaren of the Snndav school nreaented i nrorram Snndav mornlnr and th senior and Intermediates gave two one-act playa Sunday night, alter which a group went carol- Inr CawawaI 1.ahVam . . . sj,i. wciv yic- sented to needy famDIes by the rhnrrh church. Margaret and Lillie Ihlpler are home for the holidays. Lillie is a teacher near TTl.v nd nr.r. garet Is a student at the Unlver- sity of Oregon. C. A. Rogers of Portland is spending the holiday with the Kenneth Abbots. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lemon and daughters Loretta and Betty and son Robert spent Christmas with relatives In Tillamook. miss Lottie ucAdams was a Christmas dinner guest of Mr. and Mn Ttrfniflm rinnr f Bo im I ...... , .C. v& Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown spent Christmas In Eugene. 1 i.cuu:u nu u" uiuf cnnstmas day. Those attending tv ci j ax A AUU iUl V. 4, CU CUvO Vnrn,r MAnnTin. J ; "2 'n"r: ?!J airs, xiomer ftuan ana wean ana I Maxlne. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bot- jr. and Arlene, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ?ald "d .Man'. wald, Gertrude Kuhn and Wheit telle Kuhn, all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davenport and Maxlne and Shirley attended family dinner in Monmouth Christmas day. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mr a . W. D. Phillips are their I daugnter and family. Mr. and Mrs. I Elmer Rierson and son, Joe, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mant- solf and Mrs. Martha Rierson all of Ontario. They will remain until after New Tear. Ccnplelely Prinled Tw W To) V"7 - - I wniie - ciaa finmsn soiaier aeep m mmsn miuuu secret, doc mcy re zo reponea icng range soviet ar of Viipuri. , Yule Parties Given, Lyons Holiday Festivities Are Started With School, Church Programs LYONS The Christmas day Jtivities began In Lyons Thurs- daT wQn the Lyons school Pre- I nntn1 f a VtunwA a 4 V T3 bekai Thall. The Fox VallerchooT had Its nroeram and Rhriatma. I . v night. The Sunday school had their Christmas tree Sunday night I a m.n whan w-- 1 T O vmmmmm ww V. U i i II B I Born" was presented th En. I worth Letrnn momhAn Aftnr ii m-nwaw. vA .vi .... 1 fivaiaui uv bUHUlCU It ronton n m ...v nuts. Several Christmas baskets were taken to the older ones who I were unable to attend. I If..- J J t.n uu iikuui kuu reuuTi were entertained at the various homes. with .... t,J I with many going away for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinsman and danrhtera Jirnn.ltna . n a Joan spent the holiday in Port- land with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith were dinner guests at th hom f r cit... 57. at the home of Mrs. Smith's sis ter and family, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bosch of Brooks, At Hallin Homo Dinner guests at the Huro Hal lin home Christmas day were. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hallin and son. pmia t y j w . vi ui uciiu. mr iuu airs I Amos Wheeler and daughter Bar - - "ra ui iiuamooK. jar. ana Mrs, H , Jrortiand, Miss Gen- evieve Hallin. Geore r!hri 1,' . A ' , cnar',e8 " " 0 " .-vw. j ,, . I M Joh wd(1 ner guests at the home of Mr. and tjr uau M- Clyde Bressler were Mr. and M". Le Hiatt and children Yvonnft and Jlmmlo f nnhn I J alex JX Betty Jean and Elmer Hiatt. fv ttn1 V XTMMM I and Bon Gerald of LakerlPw oC f on. visited re?atfveinVand Mehama. Miss Maxine Huber and k-io in Aberdeen. Washington at the home of hi tint. Tom Keeley. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt nd rf...,),.. ti.i- - ' ..... u.o. Hiatt and daughter Helen, Mr, ana Mrs. Amos Hiatt nunt Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma in Stay- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn and Evelyn spent the weekend In silverton at the home of Mrs. Helen Vaughn and Fred Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Merl Brassfield auu i' icu w auKuu. and Bob were Christmas day guests with relatives In Salem etipeta with ralaHvoa tn clam I Returns From Idaho Blllie Surry who has snent the last live years with his grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Fox In Midvaie, Idaho, arrived in Lyons Saturday; he will remain at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Surry. He will register at the Mill City high school as a Jun ior. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask and son Dean of Albany, and Miss Zeta Prichard of Sodaville were Mon- day dinner guests at the Albert Ring home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bo deker. Helen and Francis of Mill of their daughter and familv. Mr. vw vutwiuioa at luc Aivt? i and Mrs. John Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and daughter denmteiy wants that under Shirlev Jean visited at th hnm stood. But Just how rapidly a of Mr. Smith's nniiw Mr ntirt Mrs. Ivan Slater of Sweet Home. Mrs. Helen Beaur and daughter Evelyn Mae went to Eugene Sat- urday mornlnsr whern thev nnt the rest of the week at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elbrldge Beaur. Mill Manager Has I JintiAi tnr I rpur W " u u a v n i ne Leoanan " 7 . jvu- i ,v r Biicr, was nose last naav i SK m n Kem?!ed i the mill - number abont 45. and I to all logging crews emnloved bv I a n k..m. . i tv 7r,nr,' .V -T,- BCTV c SfnnJ w. e8VK The hotel .raaa the Lebano? hoiel. and about 80 were present. r!naa In,liila4 IjT. cl I " - ruiuuiu, , m . uirector OK lac company; Frank Waller of Port land; Walter Scott. . John Zim- M A t J mm . . . . I brlck, Harvey Wight and Hugh croner. all of Lebanon. Several speeches were made during the dinner. . It was announced that the mill would start again December 27, -Cne thrn8:h0Ut com- Visits at Silverton SILVERTON Corporal AMn I Moen left Wednesday for the Pre Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baxter sidlo at San Francisco, where he (Agnes Hatteberg) and son Rich la stationed. He arrived home in ard of Bend, who arrived in time time to spend the holidays with to spend the Christmas holidays his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Moen; and sister. Miss Eleanor Moen. Thls was his first visit home in more than a year. - Familv HlIJol aiUUUJ M.M.MMJUJ Dinners Given Christmas' Observed With ' Programs, Gatherings at Jefferson , JEFFERSON Christmas pro grams presented by the grade scnooi Thursday afternoon and high school Friday mornlnr and by. the various Sunday schools in Jefferson Sunday were well at tended. Christmas messages were delivered Sunday morning by min isters or the three churches, with special Christmas music. - Many happy family dinners were en Joyed, while others spent the day with relatives and friends out of town. Dr. J. o. Van Winkle and son I Richard spent the dav in Port- i iana, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. i Frank Van Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps and son Francis were guests of Mr. Phelps brother Clair Phelps and ramuy in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Looney spent the day with Mrs. Looney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reges- ter in Jeoanon. Go to Washington Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Looney visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson and family at Preston, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jones, at tended a family dinner at the "5 "V Mrs- Jes- sier, Mrs. S "i Gee and Mn Gee at Kn0X home of Mrs. Jones' sister. Mrs. Butte. Guests at the heme of Mr. and M"-nHa,WIley were,M,f- and M", ?f Di Holloway of Canby. and and I Mrs. Liia Whitbeck, of Seattle, Wtf? " irB itODeri iernune enterUIned the following guests: Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Terhune I m Ta.,I ft C L r . "r ?B margarei and Edward of Corvallls; Mn. "JV Aie Salem; I A T) m , - I ueorge u. lernune, Mrs. Ruth J1, Mr!- .SmIth nd children .""Lr1" penj' Byerai , j. .. . Students attending college, and enjoying the Christmas vacation at their homes, include Miss Ger- d? Re"!!d fIonA the -?ortl.and I .mca?1' unon inursion, ?J? Ttb?.fAHe,-B,cA0f i at,.?AgTene: Miss Juanita Holt and Miss Helen VTI wwa . . . "mz . OITvW1"iame"eT1 nery: Francis Phelps and Bob Terhune from Oregon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tagelskl and Laverne spent Christmas with relatives at Vancouver, Wash. Ray Bostwlck left last week for "."'J " .'V t tives and to ouioier, jvas., ior a visn witn reia- Join Mrs. Bostwlck. who Is there assisting in caring for her father who is 111. Bost wlck expects to be gone six weeks- Their daughter. Roberta I DnetwlAl- will f J a-UDb witft, TV a BLajr Vv A IU lflCUUS bere during their absence A family dinner was enjoyed A iamilT at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl vriL. V m mm S w;Br" w .p!f,cea IOI r nuu iuu. uauicu oieiiier sua iwo children of Chemawa. Miss Laura Jvma 01 aiem, waiter JKins or nd Mr- and Mrs- Klhs sad Kihs of Salem, Walter Kihs of Christmas dinner guests at the VJLMri!nd. AV.R."- ivwere Mr. and Mrs Dennis Belknap and daughter. Mr. and bjon d h,,(ldren; I Wilfred. Raleigh and Keith of vt - -mm - ' v ' .1 111 u m . OTBC Hamby and son Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kester. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovt of Silverton were guests at the home nJ r' a m I V. r Mrs' ,T.dIa iioyt, and aunt Miss Lou Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hamby ana Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robison . I re PianninB to attend tne dairy- rB,OI1Tenuon ac AnSeI Aaursaay. I an. nuu jsirB. wames btewari - j w . .1 Pave "turn?d , Creswell. where they have been emnloved for several months. Among those ill with the flu Include Mrs. Julia Ann Vaughn. Mrs. George Vail and Lawrence Rehfeld. T i-W m -w-rm tlOV ileai'S OI 118 " -- , UWll JJeatll. SnTS ' It Is not True aiLVERTON Jimmy Nelson Is Tery .muca alive. He reports he story can travel by the grapevine !IBt.em was iUtrated here early e"nay. morning. oung neison has a paper t biiverton. He ran out of DaPer. I returned to his hpme. His father called the lo cal circulation manager's home. "This is Alf. O. Nelson, Jimmy's aaa, ne saia, and proceeded to explain that more papers were Mwered the telephone, and Mr. W.l... f Jt ' . M .in - nw. . .... a.,. my husband." , ev.-...t.i.. v .i n. Neln had said, "Jimmy'.-dead." . t- v.t m. , wc" "Tcr iuB tor furtlrer information. The calls continued late Into the; day,; as the story spread so much more ,,nMi. . ,nnM ti,o Mnfr.iA w ' " Children Return Home From Visit BRUSH CREEK Reuben Jen sen of Astoria, Mrs. Marie Buness and her daughter. Miss Vivian Buness of Seattle, have returned to their various occupations after spending a few days with the mother, Mrs. Anna K. Jensen. with 'relatives here, will return to their home Monday. Mr. Baz- is with the Bend high school fac- ult Sees Three y - 11 v t - - irs. Alalia Worthley of Chicago nasoana alter tney tiad been their three children, William 20 months, and Judith, 7 months, died in a fire which swept their apartment. Kiaa fit ' 1201) LllllStlliaS Sacks Given Away i wmr it -r rrr Woodburn Legion Women . . . Distribnte Treats to Children WOODBURN The American Legion auxiliary distributed about 1200 Christmas sacks to children of Woodburn and surrounding community Saturday afternoon. Many family dinners and holl- dav here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tavleck and child spent the Christmas holidays with friends in Wood burn. Mrs. Lena N e h 1 visited over Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Jk Gibbons in Portland. Wli iU13i VjlJ UU V UltillU gave a dinner Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis, Jaqueline and E u g e n e Roy of ". Hicka. CapUin and Mrs. Elburn Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Sims, Miss Pattie Sims, Paul Halter, Mrs. Mary Whitman, Mrs. Maude Hicks, Jack VHf?a.m Maude Hicks, Jack Lee, Dick and Mr. and Mrs. George Beach also gave a dinner on Monday, those present were Mrs. Russell Burd and Sturling Burd of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman of Eugene. Mr. Carl Lindeken of Rich- mond. Calif., is visitine his nar- ents at Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindeken- Miss Dorothy Austin of San Francisco has returned home to snend the holidays with her nar- - ents. Mayor and Mrs. Harold M. Austin. Arannr the Rtnrlpnta who ramt " - home to spend the holidays were: Dick Whitman, Charles Shaw, Fred Evenden. Jr., Frank Sur- meyer, Kenneth Arney, Andrew See wiy over 0,000 satisfied owners say ff America most fftrifiy NEW fTO MOST SUCCESSFUL NEW CAR IN 10 YEARS! ,,u :r rol ' - , ? Xt''r l . -N. V I'CZ- r " : Www . r 7T.: ' . . "vvsw " - - a a ----- - -At v.- V - RUSSELL BONESTEELE Bonesteele 619 Court Straat Children Die if-. J 0 2& is shown being comforted bjr ncr .... V 7 forced to stand by helplessly while Edward. 314 years old. Donna Jean. Japanese Church Presents Program Three Christmas Plays Are Given Sunday at Hazel Green HAZEL GREEN The fine Christmas program of the Salem Japanese church was presented Sunday night. The cast of the play, "The Christmas Story," included Ruble Kaneko, Susumu Kyono, Martha Imagawa, Sakaye Kyono, Nobuko Kawata, Yoshie Kawata, Tom Yo- shlkai, Masatokl Kyono, Harvey Kaneko, Henry Ogura, Ray Kyo no, Henry Yoshikai, Richard Og ura, Yutaka Kyono, Tom Imaga wa, May Oye, Toyoko Kawata, Lilly Kaneko, Hlsaka Kawata. Betty Takayama, Lorraine Taka yama and-Kate Kyono. Music was furnished by: piano, Kate Kyono, organ. Rev. Y. Hor ikoshi; vocal solo. Esther-; Ogura: choir, Lillie Yoshikai, Kate Kyo no, Lorraine Takayama, Roy Ka neko, Tadeo Tokimoto, Mrs. "Hor ikoshi, Harvey Harada, Hlroshi Kaneko, director. Rev. Y. Horlko ehi. Play "Soldiers and Christmas," had in the cast, Tadao Tokomoto, Harvey Harada, Paul Tanaka, Oda Haro8hl Kaneko, Takash Kyono. Ko Yada, Y. Kyono directed. In "The Dust of the Road." were Peter Steel. Roy Kaneko, Prudence Steel, Lillie Yoshikai, Takash Kyono, Henry Tanaka, Yayeko Saito played a violin solo. Arney, Joan Beck. Lue Jane Rin ro, Claudia Donnelly, Margaret Ann Murray, Martin . Barstad, Gibb Ramage, Vernon Watt, Ma rion Crosby, Margarite Davis, Wallace Lee, ,Walt Racette, Jean Ann Carver and Raymond Free- bere. 1940 IE SiESIS IS, Sales & Service Inc. Yule Dinners Given, Bethel Guests Gather at Matten, Bucurench, Brinkley, Nichols Homes BETHEL Social activities in celebration of the Christmas sea son included .a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bucurench. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dotson and Bar bara of Salem Heights, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shuttleworth of Liberty, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Winslow'of Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. George Sundlie and Alden, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, all of Sa- . lem. , Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Millie Brinkley were Mr. and Mrs. Nichols Brinkley, Betty and Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brink ley and Harold Dickie, all of Sa lem. Rev. and Mrs. S. Hamriok entertained for Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bentley, James, Bobby and Larry Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- " thur Olson, all of Marquam, and ' Miss Gertrude Froehlich. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cass A. Nichols were Mr. John . Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arm- ' strong and Joyce, all of Salrin. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hain ani Jean Hain were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. George Hain and Char lotte attended a family Catherine at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Halo on route 7. At Mat tens Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Matten had as their guests for the day Mrs. Nellie Brandow; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Crabtree. Ellsworth and Janice Crabtree of McMlnnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lauderback, Dean Lauderback; and James Lauder back of Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fulstman entertained it dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bixler and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C. Tekenburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Klung. Alli son Klung, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Klung. Mr. and Mrs. George Hege man and family spent the day at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Out Hageman at Marion. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. King visited during tra holidays at the home of their son, tn. it. King and wire in rortland. The W. M. Froehlich family was entertained on Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Klung in Salem. H. R. Bishop went to Los Angeles to spend the holidays with his sis ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Bahnsea had as their guests on Christmas eve Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Chap man; and on Christmas day thy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fisher of Molalla. Mrs.- M. H I Utter was a guest for the day at the home of her son. Dr. F. L. Utter in Salem. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Wilson and their sons were entertained at the Frank Wilson home at Or chard Heights on Sunday and at the J. W. Simmons home on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carruthers attended a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Lena M. Lisle in Salem. Washington Man At Waldo Hills WALDO HILLS Frank Riches, stockman from Buena, Wash.-, ar- rived Sunday night to spend tba Christmas holidays at the home of his father, Charles R. Riches. Sunday night the entire famL'y gathered at the Theodore Riches home for a family dinner! and Christmas tree. Riches left for . his home again Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. McCannel and daughter Janet, spent tfce Christmas holidays at their farm tiere. The McCannels will mum to Detroit on January 2 and Miss Janet will resume her work at the law office of F. E. Sylvester. i ear COME go for a revealing 1 0-mile trial drive in this beautiful, comfortable, money saving team mate of Studebakcr's famed Commander and President. . You save 10 to 25 on gaso line every mile you travel in this Studebaker Champion. And with all its prestige and luxury, its wealth of advanced features, you pay no more for this Champion than for any of the other leading lowest price cars. Low down pay menteasy CI.T. terms. i .... : n. TCJCTT ALLUCE AT tt OTU CCST! tuki lua iwdayl Itrnkj rtwl rt- jl . r nc Unfnt nsyssthf fattttytosHs dectatasitas te-dni frhrj ttsr bSckis - a - a s a. - - - - - t.n. IIIK"CISBVDHK Wtm WCK 9KS9KI Wi&mI" ' nni stitrkf FMt-nraBM IjimSt kts StmJAmktr't MmmmHr btt UUtr. 4 4tt 4tdfbd cut. RAY BOIHSTEELE Phona IHS 4 ' -