PAGE TEN Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, December 28, 1939 7i VS. I . V - 4 ' " j. . y - , v - - - ... ' Y ... , V ' v' Y i ".inniii it iC , v 4 ' , ; ASSOCIATED PRESS THERE'S NO REASON IN THE R E S I N Referee Pete Hartley cant be blamed If lie thinks be'd landed la a wrestling match by mistake after this scramble In a bout at New York. Spill Interrupted the eighth and final round of a bout between Wesley Ramey (right) of Grand Rapids " and Maxle Berber of Montreal, Canada. Berber took match on a decision. NEW CHIE F clarence G.' : ' Stoll (above), newly-elected president of -Western Electric. . has spent his entire business career of 36 years with this , firm. He's been In charge of op .. rations since 1928. will sue ceed Edgar S. Bloom Jam 1. ' , , . t , , ' ' : j 1 ; ; ; - ; :f : -1 r t -' i "- -- - " 77- -- - - . r"" J-"1 - - ; . f I . . t - : -i ' ' j w . j 'y 1 . V 1 WOMEN'S WORL DTwo callers at world center for women's archives in capital recently were Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (left) and Dr. Mary Beard, historian and author. Dr. Beard is founder of the archives center. THE DUKE CALLS-oa short leave from service with Britain's navy, the Duke of Kent visited the duchess and their Children. Prince Edward and Princess Alexandra (shown). The royal family is livinr In the west of En land. Kwoy--r--ri 1 11 j Mussmssm . . " miiisuumsuuuunnu yym i I V' 1- 1 I j - I ;V 'W r, V I i-1 . ' :: ' f I'- ; ' t ; ' V ' - " ' i .,,- -! V HONOR AH EAD-Resoa to smile has dpt. Milo F. Drae met (above), former Nebraska who's now commandant of mid shipmen at the U. S. Naval Academy. He's scheduled to be come a rear admiral In com mand of Destroyer Flotilla One. HELPING HANDS To make sure that thlnts are "on the level," Mrs. Mary Grove checks up en doorway In a two-story addition beinr built by her husband. Robert (above), who's al most totally blind. They live In WUklns Tup- Pa. 3" ,: w5 lW'iL-4f r i y f . - Y k U' 1 Mil MISPRINT? -Far .from quiet Is Domino garden party dress modeled by Katharine Balfour In New York. It features ftwln prints." The bodice Is crepe; the skirt, chiffon. . 1 1 ' - A - THEY COT THE B I R D ( S ) Shyness seemed to over come Novelist Ernest Ilemlncway (left) when he and Christopher XaFarre. author and poet, posed at Sun Valley. Idaho, with their f day's catch ci snipe, fast-flylnx txmt bird. RELIEF OB-Former President Herbert Hoover Is shown in New York on bis ar rival to direct the organisation of a Finnish relief campaign. He disclaimed any friction between his and other croups orranizing relief for Finland. UTILITY BOSS-8 eeeding J. I. Mange. Roger J. Whiteford (above) was chosen president of Associated Gas and Electric company whkh plans adjustment of Its financial structure In conformity with the ; v public utility act of 1935. . T - v . ' eS3r My S .... .iV:.. vVj ' ,:-; v" -:i. JP '!? i- : -x :' : -.-'v : . P...i, J -jmn s.ji' mi iijiiiinyniissiiiit. "iijji 11111 m m inqn 1 "H y , v. V s . - ' " ,v -" ; - ; 'Ai'Xm,' - ' ."v I i . ' - . . vaVv - ( - - - ,VfV-;;-Mi BOOSTER FOR FINLAND a hospital patient al most a year, 14-year-old Johnny Hopkins does his Boy 'Scout 1 "good turn" by contributing some of his slim earnings to a Fin nish relief fund. Johnny's a Boy Scout who earns a little money snaking leather watch straps like this: he's helping the Finns In Fltchburg, Mass raise money for homeland. PRICE OF WAR Pensively Eunice Lahtinen. S. studies ter last year's sled which may serve again this year as a Christ us present. The Finns In Fitchburg, Mass., who constitute one of the largest Finnish colonies In U. S., are skipping Xmas this year to be able to send the money to their homeland. About 5,000 Finns live in Fitchburg. . ' V ' tLl? ONLANDAND SE A.Here Is the navy's new 12-ton amphibian, the XPBY-5-A, on a scheduled easy -stage flight from San Diego. CaL, to Washington. D. C by way of Pensacola. Fla. Among features of plane are: retractable landing gear, twin wasp engines In wings. gun turret in the hull forward of the pilot's cockpit LION'S S H A R E Eloquent salesman In London's famous Trafalgar Square Is this Hon. one of four st the foot of the Lord Nelson column. The sign urges Britons to put their money Into certificates for the national defense fund. y-- . x -i ' , j f -i : s . . f 1 . : -5--v7 7 - -kg J5?T," ' ' ; . . ? , :'rr r .5 - ' 4SSMBS' h ' , -V, ': ,;7 ;'4;v7 .. " : ' 1 - ! 7 Y - H I B B A R D S D A V I S The work of Sculptor Frederick C. Hibbard of Chicago, above statue of Jefferson Davis Is a mute ' participant In a dispute Involving the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Alabama capitot. .Since a Daughters conven tion accepted the Hibbard model for erection at Montgomery, there has been some agitation for another model, by Bryant Eaker. BAKERS DAVI S This sketch model of Jefferson Davis shows how Bryant Baker. N. Y. sculptor, envisions the civil war hero. The Baker and Hibbard models are cause of heated dis cussions among Daughters of the Confederacy who plan to have a Davis statue placed on capitol grounds at Montgomery. Ala. Mr. Baker did the "Pioneer Woman' statue at Ponca City. Okla.