PAUK NINE alem9s Market: Plaice fiwr Selliiilg, :Memtiinig 9 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 19, 1939 1 ': Statesman Classified Ads - Call 9101 - Claselflcd Advertista Hire insertions per line JSc Six Insertions per line 40e On month per line ' f I 21 Minim am charge lie: S U. mln ; Imam 35e; e U. miau 4 sc. No ', refunds.. ! , Copy for tUs p)tt accepted nntil 1:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Coot re 3pHrd after this time will be rvn under the bcadta, "Too Late to Classify." i . . The Statesman iwurnei no finan cial responsibility for errore which mav aopear in advertisements saib Ushed tn lta columns and Id ease wtwre th-.e panr la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in whlrh the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising. It further reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper damnification. ' A "Blind" Ad an ad contalnlna a Statesman boa number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman ie not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock ' DEAD AND worthless horeea cows, picked up free. Ph. collect. ll Salem. Mnn tgomery Rend. Wka V K old rtlr Ph. 51F1S. H. Mur- tammer, Rt. 3. Bx 841. Auctions W. L. SPRINGER'S AUCTION SALE TODAT. Tuesday, liec. 19. Time 1 p.m. sharp. 1 miles east of Salem on Garden Road. Go out Market St. e acre Improved . farm. X cow a. 30 hens, 6 cords wood, good range A heater, 3 (rood rugs, a roomi furniture, d.h. sewing mien., small farming tools and miscellaneous ar ticles. F. N. GLENN WOODRT. Auctioneers. Fh. SI 10. . XMAS AUCTION SALE This Thursday nlte. 7 :30. at the, K. N. Voodry Auction Furniture Mart. J 810 N. Summer v St, In Hollywood. Lot of furniture, rugs, range, heaters, radio and miscellaneous articles. Terms rash. F. N. A GLENN WOODRT. Auc tioneers. Yea We buy for cash or sell en commission. Ph. 5110. Help Wanted t:0 WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. 35e lb. World's largest company FREE Bum stusn ronma 3019 Second. Seattle Wash. --in ran nrrwrMii"r o era aa CHILD., sell flowers. 335 Bellevue. Help Wanted Male . TOUNO MAN with sandwich shop exper. Also try. state quaiuicaimn. A past exper.. age. 854 Statesman. CCOK wanted, Inq. 150 S. Lib. Tues. Help Wanted Female pTpoirvrm HITTER for ladles wear store. State past experience and place of emp. Box 851. statesman. GIRL FOR permanent housework. Board, room, salary. Inq. Hogg Bros. 3:3 Court St. j Situations Wanted DRESSMAK. Mrs Adsltt. Ph. 8388 PRAC. NURS.. maternity spec bse- worlc Refer. Box lis, oiaiesuwo. BOOKKEEPING Service, any type business. Accur., reaa. t """"T: HSGWRK, 30c an nr. rn. . iUlli. AUI w IVJ. " 1 " " " far widower with child schl age. Any town. Write or inq. aaa o. nui. Viri iAinnirrMVWVri'i"" ' " ' ' ' H3EWK or care children. Ph. 4803. For, Sale Mierellaneoos oa bviitpb AAAtna machine. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. 4S6 Court. i-in n n nn.ri nrniini - ------. CASH FOR Csed Furn. Ph. ills. - CANARIES. C3S Belmont. Pb. innnn irinj-in-ruuLrs - ..a W ATKINS Pro. 1725 Madison. T808. SALE WALNUT sheila e a sack brine sacks. Klorfela Packing Cow. S High. K W. history. 477 Court. Ph. 74 4. APRONS, glfta cards. 7t N. High. Good, balloc.n-tlred girl's bike. Very reasonable. 4J - ina ou ,m miDicTuia nnrrst Itth c- nnitfiaH Farm onen again. Max X.I V C Vtmi' wm r. . Pe'mberton. 1920 S. 12th. FIRESIDE chair like new. Cheap. Capital Bedding Co. 3030 Portland Rd. REGISTERED Irish Terrier pup- y.'e- ICS Senate st w. aawm. La Fever trap gun 13 gge, P. 3055. FOR SALE Rose Velour bed dav enport In A-l shape. Coat new 4.50. Our price 382.50. A real buy. Sullivan s Tvest Hide rurr.uure no, lem end of bridge. Orange PERSIAN kittens Ph. 3709. VmrwywM-cri-i-i- " " Almost new auto, electric roaster, f 12.50. Ph. 3779. 591 Knapp street. SEE OUR choice holly wreaths. Mas Pemberton. 1920 S. 13th St. xrnvr.T TALKS f Overstocked Salea NASTf FURNITURE CO. S-floors-l "Shop around. "It pays." EGGS AND FAT COLORED HENS Alive or dressed. ISO oenverr. rrans Snrouse, second house east Mitchell 4 corners. ,E- Center St. Phone 9835. Ifcnri nirir i- " - " -- -- - XMAS trees Jt holly f!.B.i?-1f-1!t-h: CPHOIJTTERINVl SPECIAL pHces n rebuild, cush. ucuoweib n. ssaa. ADVERTISING VVMtera AdrerUtlai . RipreteouUm -George D. Ossa. Use, Saa rranclsco. Los AngaJee, Cajtera Advertlalac Rtprcgenutlfee Brvant. Grlfmb Breoeoa. Chloego. New - York Detroit. Boetew. Athtnte Kmtmrsd mt tae reeiee t Oeepoe e eeoad Close Matter, eee Msaed vmrm ssemtee eeeepi afeeele Bseraese eee lit Ceeta Ceeserv4e tlrest, . 8U03CK1PT10N KATES 1 u.n BiihMHntma Bales km AdV Wiihia Oecoa: Dally aad aday Me 50 eeoter Ha II 50 : ate 9,te Lear xaaewser a . as m I tiir to By City Carrier t cents owia 17.20 rear to advance In Mario aad adjacent aecadea Eloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITK or phone 91CI) to Salem'a oldest, largest borne owned aad bosse sikanaged finance Institution. Tour financial affairs will bo discussed aad Inane In atrtetest privacy. Tou will be glvea every considers Uoo la the re payiog of your fcoaa or arantina of xtenaioos. S , - 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ton can pay ta full an time to redact tie cost. v I Only Borrower Signs j No eaoWsersv Loans snade on furniture, cars or note. ROT H. SIMMONS. MUR. JIM CLARK, ASST. 1CGR. Ua, Max, H Itl GENFRAL FINANCE CORPORATION ISC So. Cararoerclal St- Lie. No. S-131. First door eoutn of Ladd A Bush Bank . Fbooe 11(1. -Convenient around floor location ARE YOU PREPARED FOR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CHRISTMAS Is a Joyous season Indeed, however. It's thousand and one drains on the family Income strains the pocketbook to Its very limit. We ere prepared to help you meet these expenses by loaning you suffi cient money on your owa security to take care of tbem. Repay Yoar Loan in Easy Payments $ 4.02 per mo. repays f 40.00 tn 12 mo. 4.73 per mo. repays S 05 00 hi It mo. 113 44 per mo. repays 3200.00 In 20 mo. as for courteous, considerate ice. c-eopie wun moacn incomes are PEOPLE'S FLNANCE CO. j Rm. 201. rod Fir. First Nat'U Bank Bldg. Salens. Oregon 8-313 State License M-220 Sensible Way to FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY EXPENSES PERSONAL LOANS Here are typical examples of easy monthly payments: 80.03 mo. repays 8 CO In 12 Moa. 812.10 mo. repays 3180 tn 20 mna S0.T3 no. repays 3100 In 20 moa $10 89 mo. repays 3250 In 30 moa, Other Amounts in Proportion i BORROW. "ON TOUR OWN' Everything strictly private. . . No embarrassment.' It's simple to ret a Personal Loan. If you can afford the easy repayments listed above, apply for a loan at once. Just come la or shone and ask for our Mr. English. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. For Salt Miscellaneous GOOD apples 35c 2315 & Cottage. USED WOOD, elect. A gas ranges. Bargain prices. TEATER A RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. MERRT XMAS TO FIER WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS 52.50 per month. TEATER A RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. MAG. SUBSCRIPTION. Special gift rates. 'Mrs. Paul Hauser. Ph. 7828. XMAS TREES for sale. 583 State. TURKEY, dress., del.. 24c 105F11. 3 BLACK FEMALE Cocker. 5 mo. old pups. $4 00 ea. Nod-A-Way Motel, mi. No. city limits. EUREKA VAC. clean. 245 N. Front. HSEL TRAILER, small. 1912 Hazel. MANT XMAS SPECIALS NASH FURNITURE CO. LOWEST PRICES ever large stock "shop around." "It pays." SEE MRS. ROBINSON'S display of attractive Xmas aprons. 0(3 N. Lib erty. BOX'S BIKE. Gd. cond. 115. P. 8837. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS See our wlndowa. NASH FURNITURE CO. POTATOES GD. bakers 2025 8. 12th. SEND FLOWERS for Chrlstmaa Jay Morris, Florist. Phone 8(37. 2S00 BOXES APPLES Delicious. Newtown a. Red Cheek Pippin, Kings and Or t leys at 20c box. S for 55c: higher grades 35c box. 3 for 31 and up. Walnuts 10c pound, filberts 15c lb. Fresh apple juice daily. 25c gaL PURITAN CIDER WORKS t WEST SALEM ' CANARIES. GD. singers. 33.50 ea. Come see them 2070 N. Fourth. XMAS SPECIAL WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA TOR. 0 cu. ft. deluxe model, used only 8 months, sold new for 3249.50. Now only flSt. 50 2 years to pay. TEATER A RUSH CO. 2SS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. Wanted Miscellanons WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fil berts. Also meets. M. Klorfein Pack ing CO. 380 a High. Phone 1(33. WANTED. SHEEP shearing and tagging. Ernest Zuber, Aumsville, Oregon. Wanted Furniture WANTED. USED furn. Ph. 5110. OLD SEWING machines wanted. Pa. 4811. CASH PAID for furniture. Ph. 4517 Used Furniture. R. Forgey. P. 7445. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street, Inquire room 200. Tel. 3718. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring er Mstl Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Atlsky Bids-. 3d A Morrison. BR. 3437 PRACTICE PIANOS. 82. H. L Stiff. For Rent Rooms HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rstea ( HOTEL MARION Rooms. Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prlcea. HEATED RM. 8(5 "D. Ph. 7813. SLEEPING ROOM. 723 Court. CLOSE IN Sip, rnx, 3 8. Ph. 3339, --SLEEP. R., 88.00 mo, 845 Marlon. Room and Board 8KB MA BOW EN. (OS N. Liberty. NEAR STATE bee. Stm. beat. 5433. NEW manage, home cooked meals, newly dec rat. good loc 1144 Center. DOWNSTAIRS ROOM, suitable for S boys 1227 Court Ph. 5984. - For Kent Apartments WELL FTJRN. 3-R. 1st fir. apt. Ben dig washer. X adults, 475 N. CapitoL a O U mnv hnnnlnw ant Driv. bath. nook. gar. $31. Tel. 8807. 1 ROOM MODERN apt- ground floor. TeL 8831. 1725 Center. 2MaaeaeTaar-M t RM.. MAIN fU 445 S. Winter. S FURN. 1st floor. 1440 Waller. CLN. t RM. furn. court apt. with 'in Iv. beta, laundry gar. tus serTioe. 815 Money to Loan treatment: confidential and sneedy sere especially invitea. Get Extia Cash Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 518 State 8treet, Salem, Oregon State License Numbers S 123 M l (5 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payment a Money for new er used cars. No delay er red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 91(8 Lie No. M-153 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-169 FHA LOANS 44, also prlv. loana Abrams A Ellis Inc Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay Cr Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm aad city property. Before borrowing Inquire .at Hawkins A Roberts. $8000 FIRST MTO $10,000 real estate security. Box 850. Statesman. WANTED: TO borrow 3(00 from private party, first mortgage, 8, on bouse A lot. Ph. 8632. eves. 32(4. For Rent Apartments APARTMENT?. 332.50 to $37.50. Royal Court Apt.. Phone 3953. S RM. FURN. apt, lta. water. $3.50 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 6370. 1 AND 3 RM. apts. Private bath. Call after 4 p. m.. 250 S. Cottage. FURN. UN FURN, 4(1 Front, 820$. 2 ROOM FURNISHED apt. Close la. 404 N. Church. ONE RM. spL. 3(5 S. Commercial. 2 RM. APT, 24(H State NICELT FURN, close In. 3 rooms. $17 mo, garage. 891 N. Commercial. SEE THE Fisher Apts. before you decide. Large A Airy. Rockwool In sulated s gain st heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout. S. Com'L A Oak 8ta MOD. 3 RM. apt. 1580 Center. ATTRACT. APTS.. 7982. 1335 State. SEE 109 8. COM'L, Cap., hotel, furn.. uafum. apts. Very reasonable. 3 RM. FURN. apt., automatic heat, gas refrig. A stove, $25. 365 a 14th. Sleeping room, 1120 Center St. WELL-FURN. 3-RM. Grd. floor. Phone, elec washer. Its. A wat. IncL $18. Ph. (288. 610 Judsoa at S. High. Furn. apt. Adulta Gar- elec washer. $9.70 mo. A up. 024 N. Capltot Furn. 5-Rra. flat, lta A water. Vacant Dec 20. 90S N. 5th. VACANCY Jan. 1st. 3-rms. furn. Glendora Apta 685 K. Summer. Life's Darkest Moment For Rent -A partments S A S R. FURN. Pb. 9110. ' 0a1sasavssasbjrjeafe MODERN 4-room furnished apC $25 mo. Including heat, lights, water A gas. 889 N. Liberty. Phone S1S1 or 7539. 'saeaaaeajbrabtlaObro 1 1 ar fni-ii. llrtitflL watr. Maytac ATmlUblos. ll7 K, ComL OtsjrstsaaaTssaebrsaebass, VERT WELL FURN. an mod. 3 rrn. apt H.w.. heat, gar laundry, tit, Pbooe 1413. For Rent House $21 FURN, S rmt, rat, Ucbta, gtrfl fuel. 33(1 HaseL Ph. 7(44. RENT NEW S-rm. beuse. 1820 H. Water: Pbooe 8429. NEAR S RM. mod. hue. basement furnace. 1110 Jefferson. Ph. 0734. NICE 4 R, $20. 2190 N. Fowrth. FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses, H. P. GRANT 329 Court. Phone 0744. NEW 6 RM. mod. hse. basement, furnace. 1110 Jefferson. Ph. $784. MODERN NEW 4 rm. hse, $60 N. 14 th. SPANISH 5 ROOMS, close In on creek, part furnished. 430 N. 14th. FURN. S. 23rd. $25. Inq. 534 N. 16. 3 RM. FURN. house, garage. 460 N. 23rd. 1S. Jnq. 1100 Waller or Ph. 0083. 13 ACRES 0 MILES from Salem, fine soil, creek, large spring. gravity water system to 0 rm. boose, bath, elec variety bearing fruit and berries, barn. wHl rent 320 with option to buy. WNNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR i 477 Court Street 4. RM. HOUSE. Inq. 408 N. Cottage. HOUSE A GARAGE. $40 Mill, part ly furn. Phone-3055. 4-RM. NEW bouse partly furn. If desired. 791 Roeemont. W. Salem. $25. Close In. furnished house. 6-R. Nook, basement, garage. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State. Room 4. DANDY (-ROOM mod. furn. home. $37.50. Immediate possession. 5-room mod. home, base, furnace. Chemeketa street, $20. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131 For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Strictly modern coun try home on 1H acres, worth $5000. 2 miles from city center. Price $3975. R D. Woodrow, owner, 394 N. Church. Phone 9600. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. La r sen or Mr. Jol llns with Hawkins A Roberta MODERNISTIC HOME 5-rm, basem't. fur, fireplace, hdw. floors, cor. windows A sink. Excellent heating plant. Price reduced to iiouo, Be sure A see thia Immediate posses sion. Terms. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. II. Grabenhorst A Co, Real tors. 134 S. Liberty St.. Ph. (468. BEAUTIFUL 27 H ACRES. 4 ml. south. Good plastered 4 R. hse, bath. Elec. water system, chicken hse, barn. 18 acres bearing filberts, bal. open ground with good creek. $300 down will handle, owner, rn. z. MAKE THIS TOUR XMAS GIFT A $5500 HOUSE for $3800 with $500 down bal. like rent 5 large rooms on first floor with extra fine tile bath room 3 rooms on 2nd floor full ce ment basement furnace A fireplace. See it today. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1. COMPLETELY FURNISHED in cluding good piano, electric mangle, etc Modern 5 rm. home, fireplace A furnace. N. Fifth. $3200. Ph. 5650. FURNI SHED APARTMENT HOUSE, close to state house, excellent location, ssauo, siooo casn. New country home. Park Ave, 3 bedrms, living room, kitchen, nook, porch, lights, water, only $1900, $100 dn, balance $18 per mo. Bargain. 8 rm. house, paved street. Vt acre of land In West Salem. $750 cash. 100 acres. Polk county near Dallas, $0 acres- in cultivation, large house. good outbuildings, ideal for dairy and turkeys, xstuo. terms. 40 acres 3 miles from Wlllamlna. Oregon. 20 acres in cultivation, 7 rm. bouse, $3160, terms. RICH U REIMANN 1(7 S. High Phone 8(32. -A. Just outside city limits. 8. lZtb. inquire 1050 Rural street. EXCELLENT VALUE Close-in, 6-rra. mod. house, basem't. Fur, laund. trays, garage, located In No, 3 Business Zone. Offers excellent possibilities. See this at once. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with w. H. Gra benhorst A Co., Realtors, 134 8. Liber ty hi. fn. stirs. U A. close In, N. $175, $5 dn, $5 per mo. iz Ladd Bush Bldg. Pb. 5966. BUT LIKE RENT HOME AT edge of city, about 3 acrea unusually rich soil, 6 rm. bouse on lot with view of Mt Hood. hwd. nra, will install automatic neat, dou ble garage la basement. ' artistic grounds, would be line borne and small nursery. $3500.00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street Exchange Real Estate K R, NOOK. WILL accept up to $1600 la trade. 199 N. 24th. NICE RM. home, clear, close-in, for smaller hse. Ph. 6222. ForSJe UdCar. HURRY . . AND SAVE MONEY AT OUR "SUCCESS" CLEARANCE SALE They can't last! The Word are going like hot cakes! mendous popularity of the new -1940 Nash, we' need ROOM ROOM AND MORE ROOM to enable us to accept more trade-ins! rock! That 8 why wise buyers are snapping these bar gains up. So hurry if you want to get one of these de pendable usjed cars backed by the famous Triple Safety Seal at these amazingly low clearance prices! 1923 LAFAYETTE DELUXE 4-DR. TOUR. SED 1937 LAFAYETTE DELUXE 4-DR. TOUR. SED. 1930 NASH 400 DEL. 4-DR. TOUR. RED 1938 DODGE DEL, 4-DR. TOUR. SEI 1935 DODGE DEL 4-DR. TOUR. SED If S( LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4-DR. SED. 1935 FORD DELUXE 4-DR. TOUR, SED.. 1930 PONTTAC TOWN SEDAN 1934 TERRAPLANE TOWN SEDAN 1929 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN.... 1940 LICENSE MANT MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. TOUR OLD CAR MAT MAKE DOWN PAYMENT. LOW BANK TERMS. CARTER MOTOR CO. Lot: 240 Center MAKE THIS A' MERRY XMAS FOR ALL With A Better USED CAR Xmas Specials 38 Chevrolet Master Tourins Sedan Original finish, upholstery spotless. New tlrea V ery low mileage a 7 Ford Standard Coupe Only 17,000 miles. Real Buy. -2 7 Willys 77 DeLuxe Ji Sedan New paint, new tires. Motor Is per feet. Priced elsewhere $395. Our price 1295. PACKARDS 6 CYL. 7 DeLuxe Touring Sedan. r Radio, j heater, seat covera 7 DeLuxe Coupe Radio, heater, C-ply white sidewall tires, nearly new. Many more real bargains at the right price. STATE MOTORS, INC. USED CAR LOT 455 CHEMEKETA ST. Across street from downtown fire department. WANTED MODEL T Ford. Sedan or Coupe. Good condition. Write low est prlcea E. 8. Olson, SUverton. Ore gon. Transportation Leav. for Los Angeles Thura Can take 3 passenger a Share expensea Inq, at Capitola Cottages, Pac Hyway N. Acreage 21 ACRES with 4 A. young berries, 4 A. strawberries ;-spring ; some tim ber, i rm. unfurnished house, $1800. $150 down. Reasonable terms on bal ance. 1 ACRE, 4 rm. house, garage, chicken bouse, elec water system. Only $1100. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater. TeL 6(22. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 5 ROOM modern bouse, 1 H acrea south new highway to Prln gle road, turn right. Open Sunday. PHONE 9407 OR 6(23 ACREAGE SPECIALS $25. down, $16. per mo, will buy a 2 -A. tract, new small house, elec lights, several walnut trees, good road near ach. Price $1000. $75. down. $18.50 per mo. win buy a 2H-A. tract, all In cherries, S-rm. uncomp. house, drilled well A pump. elect, lighta This Is a real buy at $1650. Immediate possession. Call Co burn Grabenhorst with W. H. Graben horst A Co, Realtors, 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. (4(3. A REAL BUT $3(00.00. Just off 12th St. 5 acres. all kinds of fruit, barn, chicken house. 5-room bouse, batn. run basement. Electric ptrmpa garage. Several houses for rent. Money to loan. Call P. H. Ben, 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1121. Business Cards la this directory raw , oa a monthly basis oaly.l Rate: f 1.23 per line per month. - Anto Brakes Pa nek 371 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCL NEW and reconditioned Harry W. t 147 a Com a P. 451$ Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446A R. a. Northneea Excavating EXCAVATING OF an klnda.' Base ments due: Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale, balem Sand A Gravel. P. 9408. Florists iBretthaapra 441 Court. Pbeae $904. Ia chines Repaired SEWXNQ MACHXNX repair. Pa. 88(0. I For Sale Ud Can is- out . - . and these values And no wonder. Due to tre And prices are cut to bed .$((0. . 685. . 496. . 495. . 395. . 6f.O. . 295. . 445. 295. . 85. INCLUDED Phone 3734 BARGAINS 1929 Ford Coupe $59 1930 Buick Coach ....$49 1929 Chev. Coach ....$49 1930 Ford Roadster ..$49 1929 Chandler Sed. ..$29 1928 Chev. Sed $19 1926 Dodge Sedan .. $19 1927 Whippet Coach $29 1929 Ford Sedan $39 Orval s Used Cars CENTER A CHURCH A 540 CHE- MEKETA. PHONE 4702. MUST SELL 87 Ford-85-Tudor, $345. Terms. Gas heater. Black. '40 license. Ph. Rural Block 121 or 100 S. First St, SUverton Business Opportunities SALE GROCERY store A meat market, with nice living quartera Bos 847. Statesman. SPECIAL 3(000. Income property store build Ing. Lot 27x1(5 ft. For particulars see Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 841 state itoom 4. For Sal Wood WOOD. Ph. (370. Green. 412 N. 31st. LARGE DRT 2nd gwth. $4.5 A 7421 DRY WOOD, an klnda Ph. 8700. OLD FIR $5: 2nd. $4: knota $5 oak. $5.50. Ph. 9458. DRT OLD FIR $5.50. Ph. T507. DRY WOOD. TeL 4218. ASH, Oak. fir. Ph. 2380. Ashcraft. DRT WOOD, all klnda Ph. 36(0. Wood Sawine 930 N. COM'L, TEL. 3523. WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 6883. Lost and Fonnd LOST, GRUEN watch. Engraved Marian, on back. Reward. Ph. 7894. Lost brn. pigskin xlp. purse. Con tain, blk. Schaefer Jr. pen. P 7970. LOST Black SpanieL Male. Return to 1046 N. 19th. Personal LONELY? WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 7L Lee Angelea George "Funeral WiU Be Today SILERTON Funeral services for Nancy Edna George, who died Snnday arber home sere, will be held Tuesday, at 2 o'clock from Larson and Son chapel with Rer. Edward Perry of the First Metho dist chnrch officiating;. Inter ment will be in the Sllrerton cemetery. She was born in Iowa March 8. 1857. SurriTlns; are the widower. Milton, and tire children. Dale of Seattle. Edgar of Richmond. Calif.; Lester of Dallas, Mack of Fortland, and Mrs. Hallie Wil liams of Sllrerton. Directory Rlattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, stslng: fluff rug weaving. A llth wirour. Tel. S441. otto r. swica- KH Kt 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbeae 40(8 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL, Naturopetb. te Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd, TeL 4803. Office Hours 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampbleta programa books or any kind of print ing, can The Suteemaa Printing De partment, lie pbeae 910L , Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, star, age, burner efl. call 311L . Lsrmer Transfer Co. Trucks te PerUaad dally. Well Drilling 'B. A. rTEST. rt t. bos 441. PK tiara Antomobii es CHRISTMAS SPECLALS ; ' Does Your. Car Need Attention? WE WILL-- : WASH .-"," 7 'i "WAX-' ; ' i ::: ; UPHOLSTERY LUBRICATE YOUR CAR COMPLETE : For This Special Price of Only $4.00 You'll have to hurry! You may call for appointment. Remember: Good only 'til Christmas! SALEM AUTO CO. Chrysler 435 N. Commercial St. Plymouth Dallas Schools to Close Wednesday DALLAS The Dallas schools will close for Christmas Taxation at the end of school Wednesday afternoon, December 20. Classes will resume on Tuesday morning. January 2. The Dallas Junior Woman's club is holding- a Christmas party at Library hall Monday night, De cember 18. All members and for mer members are Invited to at tend. Gifts will be exchanged. Hostesses will be Miss Gertrude Kllerer, Mrs. Lester Mlnnlch and Mrs. Ray McKey. Members of the Almlra Re bekah lodge will hold their an nual Christmas party , at their meeting on Tuesday night, De cember 19. Gifts of toys will be exchanged which will be given to the Dallas firemen for the community Christmas tree. Visits at Bethel BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Lau derback of the state diary inspec tion service, and James Caven augb, of Dodge City, Kas. The two young men worked ..together in the Borden's milk exhibit at the New York fair. Cavenaugh came west from the fair In charge of the cows that were sent to Port land via Canada. Lauderback drove , him to Corvallis to meet the Instructors in the department of animal husbandry. Leave for Montana BRUSH CREEK Mr. and Mrs. George Elton left Monday for Kallespail, Mont., to spend the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Erer etL Mrs. Everett was the former Helen Elton of Brush Creek. The Eltons will make the trip by train. Cross Word Puzzle 2 3 W Z y 6 1 O ? lO II 25 g 26 21 2 2 30 """" """" 31 " 2 32 33 uz . hg 777 in n& i4i AmA t wA I 1 - HORIZONTAL 1 Restaurants 6 Stretch across 10 -Latin conjunction 12 Scent 13 Loosely branched flower cluster lo -Persian fairy 16 Dry 17 Palm leaf It rFAat pott wrote "Alexander' a Feaat I 20 Stuff 21 Exclamation 23 Poem 24 Bar 25 Anglo-Saxon money of account zs Absolute ruler 28 Father . SO Buttinir Implement St Wk ttablUKed tkt crdr of tho Round TmbloT 84 Hebrew nam for God SSWkat diotriet lies ttcn tko Rhino and tko Votgeot 87 Congealed water 8S Bitter Tetch 89 Russian community 40 Thins (law) 41 Contemptuous child - . v 43 Meanings 45 Short-napped fabric 48 Thump 47 Unable to goeak 0 Tko King of Donmmrk it oloo king of WA4MJ island! 52 Primeral ddty 53 Myself 54 Certain days in the Roman . - calendar ' 55 Passages tn tho brain YEETICAl 1 Coverini' for the head X Metric measure of area Of wkmt N. Y. coUogo it tko rum tko mikUtit tymbolt 4 Arabian chief tain 5 Symbol for samarium s Frolics T Ache S Conjunction Automobiles Cloverdale Woman Builds New House CLOVERDALE M r s . NellU Hamilton Is having a new four, room house built on , her farm here. She is not tearlngdown her present dwelling. Mrs. Gordon Hann is at tho Deaconess hospital where she un. derwent a serious major opera tion Tuesday morning. A bridal shower was given la honor of Miss Vivian Murphy Thursday night at the home ol Mrs. Phil Williams. Miss Murphy is the fiancee of Keith Morris. Monmouth Plays Well Received MONMOUTH i-The annual high school plays presented here by the student body Thursday and VrL day nights were successful per formances of young talent. "The Tiger's Claw" by Wilbur Braun. directed by Edith Clark, has this cast: Truman Bobbins, Patience Thompson, Alyce Rob bins, Kenneth Brisbane, Betty Lon Elliott, Edna H a 1 1 e r, Charles Sears and Delores Bracken. "His First Shave" a comedy by Ronald Else, directed by Doris SImonds, Included in the cast Jane Miller, Robert Lorence, Leland Lindeman, Jane Wahlstrom. Gloria Tompkins. Are Perfect Spellers , BETHANY Perfect grades re ceived during the week in the spelling division went to Bonnie Lermo, James Semb, Beverly Zim merman, E r y 1 n Overland, Olga Torvend, Keith Johnson, Norman Gatchet, Nancy Wooding, and Bill Kaser. Symbol for nickel 10 Feminine name 11 Athletic aggregation 14 Maize 15 Snakes 19 Warbles Z0 IFAe Ud tko driv for tko no tional ouffrago amondmontt 21 Minute opening 22 Verbal 24 Tools 27 Moving with measured steps 28 Brownish purple color 29 War god 81 Market 83 Shaggy 86 Changes 88 Comfort 41 Border 42 Speed contest 43 Of sound mind 44 Eject , 48 Evil J 48 Sailor 49 Beinr 51 Chinese measure 52 Note of the scale swawsawawaeaw-aaw-assasaaatssssaaa Herewith la the solution to yea terdaya puzzle. : IT-V aR TlLlet-frU Ci v i . HH hnmI ill ix W Avsease titae ef esletlea 1 19 ailatsUa. 4slrassl ay gate VnUui Sraehate, un