Tho OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 19 1339 fAGU HIKED Ml A rig-el CM I At en Plain Christmas Program Prep are Plays, Solos Under CAA Training i Puppet . Show Is Feature of Program!" or Next j l '" Sunday Afternoon ' ' MTl 'AlG The Vhlidren of St.. Mary's, public schborwlU kiTei their ' annual Cnristmas " pro jram f ' for the community In St." Mary's ! ' auditorium , Sunday-, ' December V if,' at 2 m.;;.;;;';'1. A show of a 'Tariety of numbers In' -"which the youngsters of all r " nine classrooms participate' will' ' - include the noYelty "Puppet at Work" by the fifth grade with Miss - Pauline Saalf eld in charge. V The " puppets' were made 'by J ' pupils with the aid of their teach- : er. They Include many characters.: from children's literature. Work- r lng. the puppets are Marga Von "Weiss, Alfred Huber, Patricia Kehoe, ' ' Lois Eggers, . Maxlne j Schwab, Charlotte Schwab, James t uocnsier, Dorothy Predeek, Do - lores Boehmer, . Ralph "' Bochsler, Clara Wolf, Mary Diehl. Shirley Walker, Mary Ann Frey, Gerald PhlllipB, Eron Gregush, Arnold BIgler, Bernlce Berning, Dolores Hockett and Richard LeDoux. . To Give Comedy . Children of the sixth grade, di rected by .Miss Eustelle Bauman, 1 will present a short comical play let, "Teasing Aunt Chloe." Tak ing part , are Annella Bauman, Bertha Hassing, Lorraine Bickler, Odelia Opoka, Rose Theresa t Hautb, Dorothy Schnlder, Ros alia Gooiey. The St. Mary's school orches tra, organized three months ago. will make Its initial appearance. The numbers include: March. orchestra; "We're Going to Have a Show," song by first and second grades;drills, third and fourth grades; skit, sixth grade: "Rheu matlz," action aong, . seventh trade: "Punnets at Work." fifth grade; "Santa Claus Has Come UNION HILL Bert Peebles of to Town," orchestra; "I Want a 1 saiem grange witn nis m Wagon," playlet, second grade; I stalling staff. Mrs. Denure, mar- Star of the East," song, eighth I snai; Mrs. Laurence Koberts, em- grade; "Teasing Aunt Chloe," I Diem Dearer; and Mrs. reeDies, sixth grade; carols by vested I regalia bearer, installed the new choir, eighth grade boys: "Silent I officers of the Macleay and Un Night," orchestra; crib scene, I ion Hill granges at Union HiU first and second grades: "Adeste I Friday night Fidelis," orchestra. I The Macleay officers Installed were: master. Harry Martin, jr.: MT. ANGEL - More than a I overseer. Raymond Stryker: lec- hundred children had to be given turer, Mrs. Alta Wells; steward. orders on local stores ior their I w i 1 1 1 a m Dunnigan; assistant nags of candy and nuts by Santa I steward. Howard Mader: treas ciaus baturaay aiternoon when I urer, Virginia White; secretary. we ivv Dags prepared by meiMra. Eva Jnnpn- s-afpkppnpr. r.enfl Business Men's club for their an- I McCallister: Ceres. Viola Dunni- nuai ireai IO me Kiaaies prOTea n- Plnrs r.orallna Kpeii luauequsie. I executive committee. Mrs. Ed XIX nunc ui me oau weaiuer me 1 Amnrt liiugmm mis far uuraciea ia 4 .... V A V a v HA I Martha Xordling, Stanford university junior, is shown at the controls of a training plane at Palo Alto, Calif., Just after landing from her first solo flight. She was the first girl at Stanford, and probably the first on the Pacific coast, to solo under the Civil Aeronautics Authority civilian training program. Grangers' News largest crowd on recond. The St. Union Hill officers: master, Marv'- auditorium w. iamm John Steinberger; overseer. Hen with vonnesters. an the rarontu I ry Peters; lecturer, Mrs. V. D. that accompanied them, at theScottJ steward. Wesley Darby; as- free motion picture that opened 1 ,aiaui -wru, . r. areui, festivities at 2 n. m. Plans were I chaplain, Mrs. O. W. Humphreys; to have the kiddies march down I treasurer, M. M. Gilmour; secre- town after tho show to be receiv- T, Mrs. W. M. Tate; gate- ed by Santa Claus. The steady keeper, Jimmie Darby; Ceres, downpour of rain made the plan I Mrs. Floyd Fox; Pomona, Mrs. M. impractical and Santa Claus and I unmour; laay assistant stew his helpers went uo to the audi-1 ard, Mrs. Byron McElhaney; ex- torlum to offer the gifts. I ecutlve committee, Theodore Fish- The children of 16 neighboring I er, Lee Seeley, Paul Jaquet. districts besides the local child- I Mrs. Carrie Townsend was pre- ren were Invited to meet Santa I sented with a silver star certifi- Claus by the club. No One Will Eat Beans; Teams Tie In Big Contest by; Pomona, Lucile Jaquet; Flora, Vlvienne Jaquet; lady as sistant steward, Edna Morley. cate for being a grange member for 25 continuous years. The juvenile grange officers were installed by Donald Jaquet ! as installing master, Bernadine White as regalia bearer, and Rob ert Humphreys as emblem bearer. Officers installed were: over seer, Charles Money; lecturer. sai.rm hpichts & .nniw Wilbur Seeley; steward, Leonard house greeted the community club Seeley; assistant steward, Guy on Krldav nleht In antirtnation I &cou; cnapiam, Kosaue wnue; of the contest between the women I treasurer, Donald Peters; secre- and men I tary, Marjorie Tate; gatekeeper, Each group put on ft 45-minute Robert Fisher; Ceres, Agnes Dar show. The winning side was t v .. ine losers couia oniy nave beans. I I Twenty-nine women put on a I zsr llnhv V nw vltl. - tr mxxrn una I matrons and babies. Directed by Dr. D. D. Craig, fgf J. Morris, Hobart Smith, Alfred 5f Fleet,1 Russell Kelley, Harvey 0 Fashing, Richard Martin and D. K? tion. ICS The groups tied so all will eat I fi? Entertainment committee for I sTr next meeting are Mr. and Mrs. H Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. J, Morris. ALBANY More than 200 grangers were present Wednes day afternoon and evening for the state conference meeting of Ore gon State grange Linn county units In the Morning Star grange hill. The afternoon program opened at 1:30 with singing by the as sembly, followed by a discussion on "Our Grange Business," by Ray Gill, state grange master, Morton Thompson, state overseer, gave a talk on agriculture. Other talks during the afternoon in cluded one on "Our Fraternity," by Mrs. G. W. Thiessen, state secretary; "Our Obligation" by Bertha Beck; "Team Work" by Mrs. W. J. Wilcox; "Our Respon sibility," by Mrs. L'Rena Slack; and one by County Agent Floyd Mullen on agriculture. Deputy Arthur Brown conduct ed a floor demonstration and a question box was conducted -by county deputy of the distriet W. H. Kent. The last number of the afternoon program was a dis cussion of "YGA Problems" by Mr. Miller. Following the 6 o'clock cov ered dish dinner, panel sectional discussions were held until 8:16 when the ritualistic work was ex emplified by the state officers with 28 candidates taking the third and fourth degrees. Ten of the new members were from Scio. The final number on the program for the evening was par liamentary practice. SIDNEY Mrs. J. O. Farr en tertained members of the Ankeny Home Economics club at her home Thursday afternoon. Ten mem bers were present. . Plans were discussed and com- Inspection Shows : Linn Jail Good , ALBANY Inspection of Linn county's -new Jail; completed by Bernard Anderson, federal prison inspector, shows that the jail is entirely up . to . requirements of federal demands and is now read to house; any inmates who run amuck of the law. So efficiently is the jail constructed, that fed eral prisoners- could be .housed therein should the need arise. . The new Jail occupies the top story of .the new, county court-: house, , and J the construction is such that it would-be next to im possible for a prisoner to escape. Deputy Sheriff Mike Southard and Mrs. Southard are moving to the apartment next o the Jail, from their, quarters in the . old Jail. As soon as they get moved the work of tearing down the old jail, bought by Sam Frager at auction for $40, will start. Frager bought all but the heating plant which the county court retained, and which will be moved to the county farm. - Completion of the new. court house Is to be made by March 1. an extension of time having been glven the contractors. Swegle PTA Will Hear Hutchinson SWEGLE Tuesday night the regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers association will be held at the school auditorium. Rev. Robert Hutchinson of Salem will be the speaker. He will be introduced by Rev. Jesse Baker. Christmas music will be sung, fol lowed by refreshments. The pub lic is invited and plans made for a large attendance. The speaker will discuss "Living Wholesome ly and Happily in a Changing World." Tuesday afternoon 12 members of the Garden Road ladles' club met at the home of Mrs. A. R. Tartar for their annual Christ mas party. The afternoon was spent informally with the sing ing of Christmas music and each guest, receiving a present from a beautifully decorated tree. Mr. and Mrs. William Hartley and children of Fort Collins, Colo., are guests at the home of Mr. Hartley's father on East Turn er road. Hendricksons Move At Unionvale TJNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Temple Hendrickson moved Thursday from the C. E. Terry pleted for the grange Christmas dinner Saturday night In the grange hall dining room. Mrs. George Henderson and Mrs. Willow Evans was appointed as a committee to make new year Jyoks. Mrs. C. F. Johnston was appointed as relief committee. Mrs. Ethel Blinston and Mrs. George Henderson was appointed chairman of birthday committees. After the business meeting the exchanging of gifts and revealing the members, Pollyanna was en- Joyed. CHEMAWA Tuesday night six granges will join in installa tion ceremonies at Chemawa grange hall. These are Fairfield, Roberts, Red Hills, Salem, Ank eny and Chemawa. The meeting is open to tne nubile and non-grange members are invited. A program, including a Christmas pageant ana music by the Roberts orchestra, and re freshments will follow the in stallation. Speech Students 6? Sponsor Dinner g DALLAS Members of Ralph . Murpny s speech classes of Dal-1 Br host dinner at the high School I ft? Friday night with Professor H. E. I Rahe, head 'of the speech depart-1 jnent at Willamette university. aslvV the principal speaker. J Other special guests were Mrs. I r W. R- Rah and Tlnrla TMirea Mar. I VZt Jorie Waters and Albert Klassen, I g-g zormer. students or Dallas high school who are now taking an ac tive part in speech work at Wil lamette university, xWQ2Sk asis Wl -Q8D Fancy Hand-Dipped Creams lb. box i CO) Commercial Assorted Flavors lbs. ior 190 - Cranberries Fancyy Luscious, Ripe Berries tt lbs. for . 29c Another small lot, while I0c they last at, lb. PEANUTS Western Food special ex tra fresh and warm. The Miss MaJyrgaret Lfvesay & Quality is far superior to 62 acted as toastmaster. Places were laid for about 40. Th a t n A A n rnmmlHaa fn charge of arranging for the dln-3 ner were aiary Margaret Llvesay, Of chairman, Margaret Pemberton, I 2 Barbara Schmidt. Florence Elliott I ?3 and Melvin Dornhecker. 62 Father-Son Banquet Held HOPEWELL The annual father and son banquet of the Hopewell United Brethren church 17 was held Friday night at the ZS church. More than 40 were pres-1 C& ent. Rev. . Gloseclose pastor of I K7 the Amity Methodist church was I the speaker. 5TS Wlf II I For quick , relief from cold symptoms take 660 XJqnla . Tsblsts slv sTeM'Oroys the average. Guaranteed fresh or your money back. t lbs. for 25c Mixed Nuts An extra good mixture. No peanuts lbs. for 25c SWEET POTATOES r Prince Albert, Velvel, or Hall and Ilalf, 16-oz. tins only Gecrge UashingJon, lb. . Granger Bough Cnl, lb. . Camels, Lucky Strikes, Old Golds, Chesterfields, Dalexgbs; cin. . . S1.09 117 So. mm FfionD 7311 mm cottage to the W. V. Appleman house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowley and family, v The Ladies' .Missionary society December meeting, which was to have been last Thursday at the Unionvale Evangelical parsonage, was postponed to Thursday, De cember 18. . - - ; : Two Programs Are : r Planned, Hayeflville .. . 1: HATESVILLE Children are busy preparing for two Christmas programs. The school . children will give the program at the regu lar meeting of the Community club ," which was postponed ' one week, and will - be held -Friday night, December tt. ? -.v? - The program at the Hayesrille church will be given Saturday night. -. : Two Programs Are S e t - at Fniitland J VFkuiTLAJn).' The people of this , community; will have two Christmas programs. The school program will be the nlgh of De cember . 21, and the ' church pro gram December 24.' ; ; Robert Runner, formerly resld. lng v here, . Jlam . joined . the . army and will . be stationed' at Hono lulu.' 1 .'.' ; " Several of the Farmer's .Union Junior members here attended a business and social meeting at Be thel'., last week. Central - How ell and a' visiting delegation of 12 members. t - : ... r. Fran k Eggler. arrived Tuesday, from-. the . Mayo : Brothers clinic feeling greatly improved. ' ' lighting Contest Rules Announced WOODBURN The following rules for the lighting contest to be held in Woodburn have been announced by the Woodburn Ro tary clab as' follows: - All lights must be on not later than Sunday night, December 17 and must burn each evening-from 7 to 10 pjn. until. December 26. both' dates inclusive. Judges are to be selected from the Woman's club. Junior Woman's clab, 'Le gion . auxiliary and the Garden club. Each' entry will be Judged upon originality; . color arrange ment, balance and arrangement of lights, and conformance to rules.-' Prises are-12.80 each for the best entrance,- best window, - best outside tree, best lighted shrub Wry, best lawn lighting, and best novelty. ty - - . ' ' . Attend Shilling Funeral SHELBURN Mr. and .Mrs. Wilbur Funk' and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Arnold have returned frota Heppner where they attended the funeral of their uncle, Charles' Shilling. Shilling's death followed a paralytic stroke. lie was a brother of the late II. O. SbMMtg and Mrs. Olive Funk. He was tie oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shilling, pioneers of this com munlty. Will Stay With Ailing Father MISSION BOTTOM Mr. W. P. Collard . and .Wendell Barottt made a trip to Garibaldi Friday night to bring, back Mrs. HaroU , Huston to be 'with her, fatbr, Mr. Reed, wbo Is seriously ill at the home of another daugbttr, Mrs. Willis m Collard. Bobbie ' Corbett left" the patt week to make his home with hi mother, Mrs. Clair Corbett of In dependence. Bobble - has be a staying with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Corbett - Christmas program will be beid at - the schoolbouae, Thursday night, December 21. Entertain, ment will be by the children. SPECIAL SHOPPING ADVICE FROM nBnnnaDiP9 HIS OWN STORE FOR THE FAMOUS Dear Aladam -Don't tear your hafir Gfei your mans collar size and his sleeve length A an wow i r J and get him hirt for Christmas.Tfiey are the most popular shirts in -A menca Come in and pick from our remarlcaM llecion ! 5 1 1 i if im ma Every one has the famous Arrow Collar . . every one is Sanforized' Shrunk (Fahric shrinkage less than 1). A new shirt free if one ever shrinks out of fit! ARROW. SHIRTS dDdD up A GrsKxi Special Group fust In ior these) last days. Beautiful New Silks and Smart New Arowools by Arrow A great Tain at only iHoCdod See These in Our Windows Nowl YOUR ARROW STORE A