Ota OREGON STATESMAN, Salea, Oregon, Tnuraday Morniasr, -December M, 1833 l'AGE SJEVctf Local Nuts Make Good Cookies Christmas cooks planning tor candles, cakes and padding often wonder bow many pounds of nn shelled nuts will be needed to sup ply the nut meats the recipe call for. The bureau of home economics finds in the course of its research work with foods that It takes about these quantities of on shelled nuts to supply a cup of nut meats: Peanuts, about half a pound; pecans and filberts a little less than a pound; almonds. Just about a pound; English wal nuts a little more than a pound: and black walnuts, about two pounds. There are approximate ratios,, but close enough for the cook who is buying unshelled nuts to enrch holiday sweets. Food research in the bureau shows that peanuts, pecans, chest nuts, almonds, English walnuts, filberts, and Brazil nuts are good sources of ritamln B, and pecans are also a good source or vitamin A. Most nuts are rich in phos phorus, and nnblanched almonds, hazlenuts, walnuts, pecans, and hickory nuts are good sources of iron. Though many cooks insist that there's no flavorllke that of nuts from other climates, walnuts and filbert can pretty well fill the place of other, more expensive ones. 1 Filberts are especially good in cookies, and walnuts with their stronger flavor, can take the place of many other nuts in desserts and cakes. It yon like almonds or Brazil nut flavor "for a change" simply substitute with part wal nut or filberts. -. - Cookies Easy To Make Molasses -furnishes part of the flavor in this fine bar cookie that pleases families these busy days. MOLASSES-RAISIN-NCT BARS cup butter 4 V cup sugar : 1 egg cup molasses 2 cups flour 4 teaspoon salt ii" teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder sap sweet milk 1 cap chopped nuts 1 cup chopped raisins or dates Cream butter, add sugar and beat until light. Add beaten egg, mix well, then add molasses. Sift flour with dry ingredient and add alternately with milk to tlrst mixture. Add chopped nnU and fruit last Spread rery thinly in shallow pan. Bake In moderate over (ISO degrees) from 10 to IS minutes. Ctrl In bars S Inches long and 1 inches wide. Makes 4 dozen. Pattern Today's' Menu Heart and rice will be the fea tured dish on today's menu; ..p pie-peanut salad Hearts and rice Battered cauliflower Prune whip with spiced cream HEARTS AND BICES cup rice i 1 heart cup seedless raisins 6 cups boiling water Salt and pepper y cup walnut meats 1 H tablespoons lemon Juice Wash heart thoroughly, corer with boiling water. Simmer until tender. Add water, wash rice well and add. Cook for 30 minutes, then add raisins, nuts and lemon Juice and seasonings to taste. Bring to the boiling point, lift heart to a platter, surround with rice, pouring the liquor over it all. Serves 6. Fresh Vegetable With Meat Frozen peas will add Interest to this excellent . meat dish, HOT VEAL MOLD WITH GREEN PEAS x pounds lean veal cup stale bread crumbs 1 egg, well beaten 1 egg, hard-cooked and cnop - ped tine 1 plmiento. cut in fine strips 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablasponn grated onion Salt and pepper to taste cup gravy, - stock, tomato Juice or water 1 tablespoon melted butted. Put the veal through the meat chopper, add the bread crumbs and the well-beaten egg. Add the remaining ingredients, mix thor oughly and pack into a well greased ring mold. Bake In a mo derately hot oven( 400 degrees) for about one hour, and serve turned out on a hot serving plate. the center filled with hot green peas. Garnish with sprigs of fresh parsley. Six servings. Candy Uncooked For Gift Uncooked candles attract many a gitt-glrer and here's one of the many recipes to p lease. UNCOOKED Fit HIT CABAMEM 1 cup raisins (seeded or seed less) cup figs cap dried apricots 1 enp stoned dates 1 cup walnuts cup candied Orange peel mndied cherries (optional) 2 to 4 tablespoons orange Juice - -txr.oh Artnti fruits. Put through food chopper with nuts. Moisten with orange jule, using Just onrmfrh tn held fruits and nuts to gether. Pack into buttered pan. Chili over night in refrigerator. Cut in squares and dust with pow-.no-or r (Put a little of the powdered sugar in a small paper bag. Drop candy squares into bag a few at a time, ana snaxe. . Pineapple Cream Pie Good Luxurious sounding and lus cious tasting is this dessert. Next time you're in a mood for some thing nice ana iauemng, iry; PINEAPPLE CREAM PIE cup sugar 3 level tablespoons flour 1 level tablespoon cornstarch ' Pinch of salt 2 beaten egg yolks 1 cup grated pineapple 1 cup boiling water 2 lmrel tablespoons butter Mix dry Ingredients and add egg yolks, stirring thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients and cook in a double boiler, stirring until rery thick. Remove from fire and beat in rapidly the 2 egg whites reviously whipped to a Btlff froth. When cold put In a baked pie shell s and cover with sweetened whipped cream. In the Valley Social Realm By ANNE ADAMS If you were asked what Is the youngest, smartest, most becom ing type of dress, there'd be Just one answer: the shlrtwaisterl And Annie Adams' Pattern 4309 is full of exciting news. First see the un usual skirt interest, There are no less than ten gores, with two gores at both front and back on the bias. The nice bloused bodice fullness Is held in sllmly above the waist line with darts. You'll love the crisp cnt of the collar with its dandy" rerers so effective In white. Use a wide leather belt or a gay ribbon sash with a matching ribbon bow at the neck. Ton might like to make bodice and skirt boiniy contrasting. Scad nmEX CIXTS (lSe) la ttiil for this Anna Adams pattern. Writ plainly SIZE, NAME. AJ DRESS and STILK KUMBKI1. . . "Cam I afford to ba ia tyUt" Wit Mew Year gaieties almost aera, yea can't afford NOT to bet ANNS ADAMS W1STE PATTEKJT BOOK cornea to your aid. There ara vivid frocks tot 47 sad slrn festivities, s wall as timely gift tips sad win ter vacation wearables. A special corner is reserved for yonaraters and coeds . . . a special section for slim naias matrons' modes. Bo tha best dressed "Udy-on-a-bodret" in towa by orderlajr our book now I BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERS FIF TEEN CENT8. BOOK AND PAT TERM TOGETHER, TWENTT-XTYJE CENTS. - - Bead yovr order to Tn Orsroa FtatwiTwaii. Pattern department. DALLAS At i a candlelight service Thursday nlghi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiedeman, Miss Anne Elizabeth Schmltt, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. George P. Schmltt, became the bride of Mr. Rudolph Leppln, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Leppln, sr. of Dundee. The service was read by Rev. O. D. Harris, of the First Christian church. Tha bride wore an attractive frock of royal blue Telvet with collar and cults, lasmonea wun bustle. She wore a corsage of white gardenias. . Miss Frieda Schmltt. sister o the bride, was her only attendant. Mr. Henry Schmltt, brother of the bride, was nest man. Preceding the ceremony Miss Mrv Marraret Liressr sane "I Love Ton Truly" accompanied by Muse Elsie McKetriage. For the wedding . the bride's mother wore a 1 dress of henna irAit, and m corsage of carna tions and Tlolets. The groom's mother wore a black dress and a corsage of carnations and rio- lta ...... A reception followed the wed ding ceremony, s Miss Arlene Voth cut the wed Am ke . Servlnsr were Miss trial UrFntHdre. MlSS Mae Wiedeman and Mrs. Ada Wiede man. Miss Virginia reiersen presided at the 1 coffee am and Mrs. H. A. Petersen assuiea Hna tli. niAm. t For traveling Mrs. Leppln Ma mr wool creDe sport dress with wine accessories. Fol inwino tha ceremonr the young eounle left for I a two weeks honeymoon trip to - Southern rtnllfnrntn- 1 ?; Mrs. Leppln is a graduate of niiaa Mrh school and H em ployed in the office of County Agent W. C. Leth. Mr. Leppln graduated from Dundee high school and has traveled and tndliul in T5nroie. He Is a prominent young- farmer of Yam hill county and, after April 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leppln will make their ' V . 17 it 0s 1 IT - s Luxury IEdDIBrE If it's to be ci robe, the most princely gift of all, you simply can't afford to miss mis show- in3. YouH admire tha tailor ing, the fabrics, colors and the general all around styling of this finest of robe selections. All Wool FLANNELS g5 jKU)g5 1. JJ Ml mi Silk- Robes HdD i:- 9Ho5 1 X - AN ft Holly vogue SSrC 'w $1.5 Truthfully, the most glorious selection, f tieei In oar history. All type of attlksv wools, mad poplins. In averv new type) pattern. M an ha 1 1 an SIHHKT-S-;. $2.0 Ton can't go wrong on Manhattan" whites. He'll avppreela.to ' the perfect; tailoring; details and the snowy white ness of these guaranteed pre-ehruna; Ibirts, wmm fx . i: n. ' 11 '"P i f' t e aaay5 . " " -- mi ' . i win -" i ' ' Manhattan $2.0 t. S5.C No finer pajamas appear on the Amer ican market than Manhattan. Full cnt, perfect tn detail, fast colors, p re-shrunk, and patterns he is sure to like. I n t erw oven 350 pedr He knows Interwoven is best so don't disappoint him. Get plenty of socks and be sure they're Interwoven. Wools, lisles, and silks in shorts and regulars. Dobbs & Berg- Daniel Hayes 3 We're made this gift easy for yon. Ask tor a gift certificate for this we gire yon a colorful miniature) hat box. We believe hell do a good Job of picking out the hat. Berg, S3.50 - $5.55. Dobbs, ,5.00 and America's outstanding style glort tor the gentleman. Individually hand cnt, these gloves hare remarkable fitting qualities. Ton and he . both will like the Whip Hand .hand stitched in pi, mocho and buckskin. t Your Gift to Him Speaks of Your Good Taste When It s from The Man s Shop Gobardhi and Spun Bajoa Sport Dxirts. SZip-on and Coat Sryjei jsxis to mo l3S to SXS MaWswesSV saw STswavar doda, Worstoda, Xtodiords and TwCs. Cport CoaSa An Excepfional Selecfloxu. C3&om Edojrton and Nana Bush. $SX0 to $75 Coopen Jodkey Shorts and Mansco Shorts.. J(1SX3 and mors XSX0 to $100 , .. ',liLI . 50c sKrch Tlcm&ktiFcbleim. Itiah Iinsn French linen and Slnals or boxsd 71s Brrrirn, Pant IlangeTa, Shos Trssa. J25c to $1X3 $1X3 Belts by Plonssr and Swank, tonaas backU Fitted or Unfitted Trarsl Ells. lnlikd$LC3 to $XSS to $10X3 TTDq tiThe Store of Quality and Value ft 416 State home there.