The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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Mrs. James J. Paaton wu
elected to head the Tri-coonty
medical auxiliary at a meeting
held on Tuesday night at the home
ot Mrs. Croyer C. Bellinger. Mrs.
Horace Miller will be rice presi
dent for the coming year, Mrs.
Charlea Campbell secretary and
Mn. Verden E- Hockett treasurer.
Mrs. Bellinger had arranged
Chriatmaa decoration on the
dinner table and In the rooms.
She was assisted daring the ere
ulng by Mrs. Robert Joseph and
Mrs. Tarvence King.
Tko jfroap aang carols and
pi ayes Christmas games follow
ing the business meeting. Pres
ent were: Mrs. H. H. Barlow,
Mrs." Horace Miller. Mrs. Charles
K. Bates, Mrs. Frank E. Brown,
Mrs. Croyer Bellinger, Mrs. L. O.
Clement, Mrs. Charles Campbell,
Mrs. Vernon Douglas. Mrs. Hugh
A. Dowd, Mrs. . Carl Emmons.
Mrs. M. C. Findley, Mrs. Verden
E. nockett. Mrs. E. V. Fortmlller,
Mrs. .Robert Joseph. Mrs. Ter
rance King, Mrs. James J. Panton,
Mrs. J. O. Matthls. Mrs. Burtod
Myers. Mrs. Kimball Page. Mrs.
R V. Pemberton, Mrs. John Ram
age. Mrs. W. N. Thompson. Mrs.
Ray Walts and Mrs. R. I Wood.
Mr. Albert Adolphson at 870
D street will be hostess to mem
bers of the Boy Scout Mothers
club of troop 11 on Friday at
2:30 o'clock. This is the post
poned meeting.
- . '
Mrs. Robert Herrall will enter
tain, the members of her bridge
club this afternoon at her home
on Falrmount hill. A luncheon
will be serYed. followed by sev
eral hours of bridge.
Willing Workers, with Mrs.
R. A. Reeher, 140 Sunnyside,
2 p air
Demolay Mothers, Masonic '
temple, covered dish luncheon.
NALC auxiliary, with Mrs.
Dudley Taylor, pjn.
Swegle achool benefit card
and Chinese checker party, 8
Merry Mlnglers sewing clnb
wltht Mrs. L. B. Malm, 2 p.m.
Christmas party.
KCKT clnb with Mrs. Rich
ard Van Pelt, 104 Broadway
street, 2 p.m., Christmas party.
7-S-Sls ter hood class at
church 2 p.m. Christmas party,
exchange gifts.
Frultland Women's circle,
fViHctmna nnrtv with Mrs. OrsA
Fagg, 1 p. m.
Fidelia class of First Baptist
church, with Mrs. Elmer Conn,
220 East Wilson street..
Women ot the Moose card
party with Mrs." A. E. Waldorf.
1460 North Church street, 8 p.
m. '
Maccabee Thimble club with
Mrs. John Douglas, Salem
Heights avenue, 2 p. m.
"" Friday
Englewood Woman's club
with Mrs. J. A. Wonderllck, "
2382 Bute street, 2 p. m.
Loyalty class. First Baptist
church. 8:30 o'clock dinner.'
Woman's Missionary society
of the First Baptist church
, with Mrs. Inrlng Fox, 549 N. f
Liberty street 2 p.m.
Sigma Tau Mothers' clnb
with Mrs. IL R. Pickett. 960
Center street, 1:30 dessert lun
cheon. Ladles of Salem Dakota club
with Mrs. Edna Gllkey, 857
South Liberty street. Christ
mas party.
FOE auxiliary drill team,
dance, FOE hall.
Fidelia class at Jason Lee
church, Christmas party, 4:30
p. m.. exchange of gifts.
OE3 Past Matrons, dinner at
Godfrey's, 7:30 p. m.
Social Afternoon club ot
Eastern Star. Children party, 2
! p. m. Masonic temple.
Woman' Relief Corns. Miller
Hall. 2 p. m.
Woman's auxiliary, St. Paul's
Episcopal church at Mrs. Frank
Spears', 2 p.m.
vy--- T ""ALMM . OR at O ON
. sbsbibbs'W" Hmmmms eMsssMsjsss tHssmew MSMsemp
This Cevpow Worth f&51 Toward This
Parchaae. This Cowpom ad Only 49c Ea
titlea Bearer to One of Oar Regular
Goaraateed CHOS3
la Plala or White
14-K Finish
worn morning, afternoon and evening. Va
, . .. rlety of styles. Including engagement, wed
ding and dinner Ring and plala or fancy
designs in Cross Necklaces, j
Lixait 2 to a Customer
This offer made possible by the manufacturer. Limited supply
for this Special Sale. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
This Coupon is good only while Advertising Sale is on.
This Is aa Introductory Offer aad the Articles Will Be 3.00
After This Sale
Wedding Rings
The Christmas vespers, to be
presented on Sunday Is of un
usual Interest and will be siren
by the school of music, the drama
and art departments ot Willam
ette university. The program will
be presented at the First Metho
ds, church at 4 o'clock.
There will be chamber music
presented by the newly organised
faculty string trio which includes
Mary Schults Duncan. Clara n
ess and Bernard t Barron. The
university a capella choir, nnder
the direction of I Dean Melvin
Geist, will make Its first appear
ance at this program. There will
be a vocal ensemble and tableaus
during the afternoon.
A beautiful candle lighting ser
vice ia being given and the choir
will sing the processional.
Dean Geist is directing the pro
gram, Mrs. Chester Oppen is in
charge of the tableaus and Miss
Constance Fowler ot scenery.
Surprise Party
At Noble s
Mrs. James T. Noble celebrated
her birthday Friday night when
a group of friends entertained
with a surprise party. The eve
ning was spent informally and at
the supper hour Mrs. K. G. Hlatt
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
James T. Noble, Mrs. Carl Staats,
Mrs. Cecil Woods,, Mrs. Emma
Hublman, Mrs. Etta M. Watts,
Mrs. K. G. Hlatt, Loren Watts.
Earl Noble, James G. Noble, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Cain, MaeBelL
Irene and Jlmmie Cain.
Salem Girl Weds
Burbank Man
The marriage of Miss Edna V.
Anderson, daughter of Mr. Nels
Anderson of Salem, and Mr. Fred
F. Penny of Yucaipa, Calif., was
solemnized on Thanksgiving day
in Los Angeles by Rev. Julius Du
Mrs. Delia MacLean ot Los An
geles, the bridegroom's sister, was
the- bride's honor attendant. Mr.
Guy E. Penny, the bridegroom's
brother, was best man. After the
ceremony a small reception was
held at the home of the groom's
parents. A brief honeymoon was
spent at Santa Catalina Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Peterson are
brother-in-law and sister of the
bride. Mr. and Mrs. Penny will
live ia Bnrbank, Calif., where he
is employed.
Mrs. Burke to
Mrs. Donald Burke will be
hostess tonight at her home on
North Capitol street. After des
sert, the group will play bridge
until later in the, evening when
gifts will be exchanged.
Invited by Mrs. Burke are:
Mrs. Kimball Page, Mrs. Russell
Pratt. Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs.
Samuel Schwarts. Mrs. Noel Ca
vender, Mrs. Phillip Brandt, Mrs.
Robert Goodfellow, Mrs. Mar
shall Nauman, Mrs. William Dick,
Mrs. George Podd, Mrs. Howard
Adams, Mrs. Chester Frits.
Wednesday Club
Has Dinner
Members ot the Wednesday
afternoon club met at the Argo
hotel on Wednesday night for a
dinner meeting and Christmas
Present were Mrs. Ray Cates,
Mrs. Gilbert Stein, Mrs. Russell
Millett, Mrs. Glenn Newland,
Mrs. Loring Greer, Mrs. Dennis
Keefe, Mrs. Delvin Durham.
Eastern Star Past Presidents'
club will meet at Godfrey's on
Friday at 7:30 a'clock for the din
ner and Christmas party. Host
esses are Mrs. Rex. Davis, Mrs.
Wayne Henry, Mrs. Ora F. Mcln
tyre and Mrs. J. E. Godfrey.
Or 1'onr Choice of Ladles or Hen's Rho
diam Finish Rhaga with Dentelle Dia
monds. . - j ;
Bring this Coupon and 4c to our store and
receive one of oar regular $2 Cross Neck
laces, or ladles or men's Rings. Ton save
exactly $2.51. This 49c merely helps pay
for local advertising, express, salespeo
ple, etc., nothing more to pay.
New Streamlined Designs
These beautiful Cross Necklaces and Rings
are the new fashion sensation now beinr
ScnxeflcBtty o JMuusndB
Mrs. Busick
Mrs. William Busick will enter
tain members of the Beta Sigma
Phi sorority Friday night with
a Christmas party at her home on
North Summer street. A buffet
sapper will be served followed by
an Informal evening. The 'mem
bers will dress to represent the
name of some book or song. A
musical program Is being ar
ranged by Mrs. Thomas Drynan,
Mrs. Jesse Butler and Mrs. Bruce
Thompson. , .
Those bidden are: Miss Velma
May, Miss Dorothy Blaisdell. Miss
Mary White, - Miss Cynthia De
lano. Miss Rorena Eyre Miss Ida
Jo Eaton. Miss Gwen Hunt, Mrs.
Robert Cannon, Mrs. Frank Sha
fer, Mrs. Thomas Drynan, Mrs.
Lynn Helae, Mrs. George Scales,
Mrs. Richard Devers, Mrs. Harry
E. Weinsteln. Mrs. Kenneth Bell,:
Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Mrs. Jesse
Butler and Miss Helen Sh reeves.
Junior Guild to
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
Episcopal church met at the home
of Mrs. Sanderson Reed on Tues
day afternoon and discussed
plans for the coming golden Jubi
lee of the organization which will
be held in 1041. Mrs. Henry Mey
ers, first president of the guild,
was a special guest. Miss Mary
Chadwlck was the first secretary.
Assisting Mrs. Reed were Mrs. :
George Otten, Mrs. Harry Belt
and Mrs. John Lauterman. Mrs.
L M. Schannep was elected to
presidency for the next year, Mrs.
J. N. Chambers and Mrs. Henry
Compton as Tlce presidents, Mrs.
Robert Brannan as secretary and
Mrs. Lee Warnlck as treasurer.
Members present were: Mrs.
William Hamilton, Mrs. Sidney
Kromer, Mrs. T. H. Galloway,
Mrs. Charles Jory, Mrs. Henry V.
i tt m r
iumpuiu, mis. xxcurjr , . uc;cn,
Mrs. Miller B. Hayden. Mrs. J. N.
Chambers, Mrs. IT. O. Shipley
Mrs. John Bropby, Mrs. Rose Bab- Mrs. Mysta Hendricks enter- Beta Chi Mothers met on Tues-
cock, Mrs. Edward M. Duffy, Mrs. tained members ot the Good day at the chapter house for the
Lee Warnlck, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Neighbor club with a 1 o'clock regular Christmas party and gave
Mrs. I. M. Schannep, Mrs. Cor- luncheon at her South 12th street a paper napkin and tea towel to
nella Thomas, Mrs. James J. Pan- home Friday. The serving table the house. Professor Franklin
ton, Mrs. George Swift, Mrs. W. was centered with attractive birth- Thompson talked about his work
Carleton Smith, Mrs. Calvin Pat- day cakes honoring the birthday as freshman councellor and also
ton, Mrs. Robert Brennan, Mrs. anniversaries of Mrs. C. D. Court- discussed the origin of Christmas
Sanderson Reed, Mrs. Harry Belt, nler and Mrs. Elma Dickey. Cor- customs.
Mrs. George Otten and Mrs. John ers were placed tor: Mrs. C. D. A vocal ensemble from Wlllam
Lauterman. ! Courtnler, Mrs. Milton Steward, ette, which gave several carols.
Guests were: Mrs. E. A. Percy, Mrs. William McKinney, Mrs. Included: Carol Reed. Laura Lee
Mrs. J. H. Bagley of Portland, Curtis Odenberg, Mrs. Elma Tate, Jewell Minler. Gertrude
Mrs. John H. Bagley, Jr., Mrs. Dickey, Mrs. J. C. Courtnler. Mrs. Cannell, Helen Dean, Jack Hedge
Ronald Craven, Mrs. L. E. Pre- Stuart Johns, Mrs. John A. Olson, cock and Irvin Potter, with Olive
ble, Mrs. John Carson, Miss Al- Mrs. Austin Cater, Mrs. John St. Clemes as accompanist.
did a rage. Miss sally Keed and
Rev. George Swift
Past Presidents
At Peterson's
The past presidents of the A Christmas party and gift ez- Mrs. Albert Llndenau, Mrs.
Woman's Relief Corps met at the 1 change will be held. Charles McCargar, Mrs. Waldo
home ot Mrs. Sarah Peterson on Mills, Mrs. Walter Mlnier,- Mrs.
Wilson street Tuesday afternoon George Moore, Mrs. J. J. Nunn,
for their Christmas party. Fol-; Mre RrrUTTrfO M rTQ Mrs. Frank. Power, Mrs. E. T.
lowing the business meeting the AVAA: v wivj AAU" Barnes, Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs.
afternoon was spent informally. A lnmnrra rrA1 F. H. Probert, Mrs. W. D. Pugh.
At the tea hour Mrs. Mary Ack- XllUlIlIlLlfc? VJUOlip Mrs. E. A. Ramp, Mrs. C. E. Sieg
erman assisted the hostess. v . . mund, Mrs. B. H. White, Mrs. Ar-
Those present were: Mrs. Eva Members of Delta Gamma al- tnur rjpston, Mrs. O. A. Macey
Martin. Mrs. Eftie Dunlap, Mrs. omnae f!061"011 me at the and Mrs. Homer Goulet, a pat
Rose Voris, Mrs. Bertha Love- Lom5 of tM- J&wrd Sala,oa nness.
land. Mrs. Jennie Jones. Mrs. Cor- 5n'!hi8JmaS 5ari.e Hostesses for the afternoon
delia LaBare. Mrs. Helen South- -J-JZ were Mrs- Braden. Mr8. Eyre,
wick. Mrs. Mary Ackerman. Mrs. 1aa"d "? lSVL? Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. White,
rsii. v.u vr, r glasses for two school children
Mrs. Sarah Peterson.
The regular meeting of the
American Association ot Univer-
sity Women for this month has ker wickwire, Miss Jean Martin, -""L ry w b
been replaced by the annual mj yivian Chandler and Mrs. ..v . .
Christmas program which will be Edward Savage. Alpha Phi Alpha met on Tues-
held on Wednesday, December 20, day night at the home of Mrs.
at the Roberta studio, 50$ North Mrs. Robert Taylor was host- William DePew for the annual
Summer street. Each member is ess to the Chi Omega alumnae Christmas party and exchange of
to bring a guest. The program club Tuesday night at her home. gIfif- co. Mra Vrm
will be of Christmas music The plans were made for their P5ese?rt weie "" NorT1J:d"
. Christmas activities. wards Mrs Frank Earnest, Mrs.
The Lions club auxiliary will Those present were: Mrs. Phil- f1""1 Dtr'TmFkne - J
be entertained this afternoon with Up E. Barrett, Miss Edith Libby, 5 5 wii- r ir
a 1:15 luncheon at Houser's tea Mrs. Mardi Burdette, Mrs. Joel Ca- Mrs- "i w v -
room followed by a meeUng at vender, Mrs. Francis Wade, Mrs. fj .w?i' AttT ' f", a
the home of Mrs. Arthur Bates. Ralph Bailey. Mrse. Ronald Es- Ul'Jte,lla D2?PWMJf!
Those in charge of the affair are: son. Miss Evelyn Carpenter, Miss X ,rt. e i , I
Mrs. Russell Butler, Mrs. Joe Ona Mae Massey and the hostess. cl"?on' Tufs a,,
Gross, Mrs. A. L. Elvln and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Taylor. r Ma"h Jan Ho"el, Miss Eva
L. S. Christison. Cochrane.
The Social Afternoon club of Mrs. DeHarpport played sev
Thc Anburn Woman's clnb will the Eastern Star will entertain er1 DUno 1 ,"on.8' J??
hold an all-day meeting today at Saturday at 2 o'clock with a Te C&rliitmas story, Mrs.
the home of Mrs. Thomas Frleson, Christmas party for the children Harland and Mrs. smart sang.
890 Monroe avenue, with no-host ot Eastern 8tar members. Mrs. accompanied by Miss Eva coch-
12:20 lunch.. A gift exchange and L. M. Flagg and Mrs. H. F. Phil- ran . , ,
Christmas party will be given, and lippe are in charge of the affair.
members will then give the pres- The party will be held in the Ma
en ts to the Children's Farm-home, sonic temple.
Laura Wheeler Knows Cuddle Toys
livate the
Make these for the Christmas
tun. A gay print does for kitty;
Aft i.m tm j...
7s . . '
material tor the Jolly tar who's
shirt is embroidered on in outline
stitch. Pattern 22(2 contains a
"7 rrrrrr' J
c ' IS
; it
"My theory Is that the brighter a girl, the more she'll keep a man
tn the dark I "
And the brighter the lady as she matures, the softer the lines of her
clothes. Observe the dress on the left; the bodice Is softly draped
to one aide, the th re-q u arter sleeves are loose; the skirt flares
slightly. Silk embroidery is used on the bodice. Right, a draped
neck and hip line accentuate the fitted bodice. The sleeves are
bracelet length.
Mrs. Hendricks
Clair, Mrs. Lyle Castor and Mrs.
Mysta Hendricks.
Later tables were made np for
pinochle with honors going to
Mrs. C. D. Courtnler and Mrs.
Elma Dickey. r -k
Mrs. Stuart will entertain the
group at her home December 22.
saving campaign.
V'lift "nHs?!
m.hIa. n, wwih,,;,, xfr. t
Tots at Xmas
pattern for three toys; directions
r maklnc; materials required.
Send ten cents In coin for this
? P"ern to The Oregon Statesman,
jNeedlecraft Dept. Write plainly
and ADDRESS, ,
itl'C. ViT ii n h i if
Oregon, Thursday Morning
Wommti Editor-
Beta Chi Mothers
At Party
Present were Mrs. H. L. Bra-
den. Mrs. Robert Craig, Mrs. H.
R. Crawford, Mrs. E. T. Barnes,
Mrs. U. S. Dot son, Mrs. H. M.
Doud. Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. O.
W. Emmons, Mrs. Frank Erick-
son, Mrs. Charles Eyre , Mrs.
Charles Jory. Mrs. Leona Johnson.
jr i i m . w ' .
Aipna rnis Meet
A Ti '
The Fraternal Order of Eagles
auxiliary had the last in a series
of card parties Tuesday night at
the Knights ot Pythias halL Pi
nochle and "500" were In play
with prizes going to Mrs. E. Wet
sel, Mrs. F. Winer, Mrs. R, Giese,
Miss Ana Prrybilla and Mrs. R.
Blaccabees No. 84, will give a
benefit party tonight at Fraternal
temple when pinochle, "500" and
Chinese checkers .will be la play.
Ia charge ot the cards and re
freshments will be Mrs. A. X
MacDowell and Miss Margaret
SDLVERTON Miss Catherine
Arbuthnot of the Oregon College
ot Education at Monmouth, spoke
on "Palestine, the Home of
Christ" at the Taesday afternoon
meeting ot the Silrerton Wom
an's club.
Mrs. H. B. Latham read the
Christmas story from the book
ot Luke.
The January committee was ap
pointed to Include Mrs. J. Mor
ley, Mrs. Leonard Hudson, Mrs,
Fred Baker, .Mrs. Dale Lamarr,
Mrs. Dewey Allen, Mrs. Clay Al
len, v.
N Bine and silver decorations
were used In the room where
Mrs. Byberr presided at the tea
table. A Christmas tree was dee
orated and under this gifts from
club members were placed for the
Corvallls farm home, Mrs. A. J.
Titus was chairman ot the com
mittee. Hostesses included Mrs.
C M. Wray. Mrs. Ernest Starr,
Mrs. B. N. Kiev and Mrs. Clark
.Bockman. ,
December It, 1939
Cookbook in
Among the many cookbooks at
the Salem public library is one
which, would be an excellent ad
dition to any culinary library,
"Flavor's the Thing by Florence
LaGanke Harris.
Those women who find pleasure
In feeding their families on tra
ditional foods on holidays, will
find the chapter on "Foods for
days of fasting and feasting," of
special Interest and the "calendar
of holidays and their foods" of
value for planning menus.
A chapter on herbs and flavor
ing makes good reading; and yet
Is of great interest to the cook
who wants her's to be the best
of foods.
Recipes for such Interesting fa
vorites as mailed ciaer, and rasp
berry shrub are found in the
chapter on beverages.
Cookies listed, include many
Christmas favorites, and specials
for other occasions, along with
the history of many of the foreign
Chapters on soup, stuffing, des
serts, salads and relishes make
the book doubly valuable, be
cause explanation of the flavors
which make the dishes distinctive,
give the cook a reason for using
A discussion of yeast breads
(mostly holiday ones) give wide
variety in dinner and breakfast
It is one of those books that
Is more than a recipe list, al
though there are many good
formulas included. It is a book
ydDODir (Bfiffits art Wsnrdls
1 jy
Apple Cider for
Jelled Dessert
Jellied dessert Is an excellent
Idea tor winter days, especially
when flavor is gained by fresh
winter cider.
1 package lemon gelatine
1 cup hot water
1 cup sweet cider
1 cups red apple, cut in
match-stick pieces
Dissolve gelatine in hot water,
add cider. Chill. When sUghtly
thickened, fold In apple. Turn
Into Individual molds. Chill until
firm. Unmold. Serves 6.
Kensington Club
At King's
Mrs. George King will be host
ess to members of the Kensing-
for Interesting reading, a book of
informative material that a good
housewife would like to know.
soupy pour uip
add I teaspoon
35-cmtboHtoef MAPtBNE
Savon 32 ptntu Abo a fine
food Bavoc At grown.
t mi ".I- vi.i l7!
w nim AHJL
New, festive dresses with tiny
waists, flaring; skirts, fine shir
ring and other feminine details t
Rayons in new colors I Lime,
Gumdrop Rose, Aloha Bine I
Black, tool Sizes from 14 to 20.
DRESSES, 2.98 and 3.98
Worth $14.98
and Morel
5ve almost 30 on richly furred
winter coats I Choose from pieced
Persian, mink-dyed Marmot; Seal
dyed coney, fins Squirrel, and French
Beaver (dyed coney).Latest styles!
Beautifully textured, supple fab
rics 1 In black, wine, blue, or green!
Broken sizes from 12 to 48.
Oae Words Hate Fsysaewt. fim
ton clnb today at her home on
Falrmount avenue.
As special guests, Mrs. King
has invited: Mrs. A. C. F. Perry
and Mrs. B. B. Herrick.
Members of the club are Mrs.
X, M. Doughton, Mrs. George
King, Mrs. Fred Anunson, Mra.
Charles Pratt, Mrs. Frank Power,
Mrs. Charles Hudklns, Mrs. Otto
Wilson, Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mrs.
L. E. Barrlck, Mrs. T. S. Roberta,
Mrs. A. A. Keene and Mrs. Har
ry J. Mobr of Portland.
h r.i
. v
h'"" N . "
Ton can be sure shell "ooh"
and "ah" over one of these!
. They're so luxurious looking,
so glamorous! Beautifully
styled, with new tricks to
flatter the figure! Bustle In
fluence, lots of bodice inter
est! In rich-looking Raisin,
Evening Blue, Royal, or
Dusty Pink! Sizes 14 to 201