PAGE TWELVE i OREGON STATESMAN, Satem. Oregon, Tlmisfry Morning, Dmlr 14, 1939 Give Operetta At Woodburn Girls Physical Education Classes to Appear Friday' Night WOODBURN The Woodbarn high school girls' physical educa tion classes and chorus will pre sent for the third year a rhythm recital, which will be an operetta In three acts, "Toy Toy San." De cember 15, -In the high school , rymnasiam at 8 p.m. The story of Toy Toy San ' Is laid to Japan, and Is a mixture of comedy, tragedy, drama and ro mance. Girls havinc leading carts are: Lanrlne Jones. Gladys Fletcher, - Bettr McLaughlin. Pauline -Phares, lone Anderson, Marie' Nix, Maxine - Richmond. ViTlan Hass, Jean Royse, Marjorle Moore. Doris Pomeroy, -Shirley Seely. Bernice Hanson, Genevieve Letcher. . The reciUl will Include the fol lowing girls from the chorus, In cluding those taking leading parts: ' -Marjorle Moore, Bernice Han son,' Marjorle Evenson, Doris Pomeroy, Verio Olson, Jean Royse, Maxine Richmond, Laurine Jones. Marie Nix, Gladys Fletcher, Virlan Hass, lone Anderson, Paul- ' In e Phares, Maris Olson, j Eula Mathews,' Shirley Seely, Margaret Byer, Margaret Surmeyer, Fern Dyer, Betty Brachman, Betty Mc laughlin, Genevieve Letcher and Millicent Evenden, pianist. Tftere will also be a "Parasol Dance," "Tangled - Web Dance," and a "Butterfly Ladies Dance" by other girls in the physical edu cation classes. . Will Have Party SILVERTON The Loyal Guard class of the Methodist church will meet Friday afternoon at the church for its annual Christmas party. Each member Is asked to bring a gift which will not exceed 10 cents. Mrs. Ed Morrison and Mrs. F. A. Moore will be hostesses. Grangers News MONMOUTH A- joint Installa tion of Polk o n n t j Pomona grange officers, and the officers of subordinate granges of West Salem, Brush College, Rlckreall and Monmouth was held here Sat urday. .Glenn Adams, Brush Col lege, treasurer 01 me siaie grange, and master of Polk Pomona, acted as Installing : officer. Mrs. Marie Flint McCall of Brush College as sisted Installing Adams as Po mona master. ' Pomona officers Installed were: Glenn Adams, master; Claude Larkin, Rlckreall,. overseer: Mrs. Arthur Brown. West Salem, lec turer: D. Kuhn, West Salem, steward; R. B. Swenson. Mon mouth, assistant steward; - Mrs. C O. Allen, Independence, chap lain: Mrs. P. O. Powell. .Dallas. treasurer: Mrs. Helen Van San- ten. Rlckreall. secretary; Charles Blaze. West Salem, gate keeper: Koneta NowowiejskI, Monmouth. Ceres: Mrs. ; Oscar Smith. Falls City. Pomona; Mrs. Grace Pence, Rlckreall. Flora; Mrs. J. Rich mond. Falls City, lady assistant steward. " Monmouth; grange1 of fleers in stalled: C. O. Allen, Independence, master; J. F. Johnson, Monmouth, overseer:; Wilmer Powell. Dallas, steward; Mrs. W. L. Smith. Mon mouth, lecturer: L. V. Seeley, Independence, assistant-steward; Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Indepen dence, chaplain; J .L. Van Loan, Monmouth.' treasurer; Mrs. C O. Allen, Independence; secretary; Mrs. Harrison Brant, Indepen dence, lady assistant steward: C. J. Selbel, Monmouth, gate keeper; Mrs. L. V. Seeley, Independence, Ceres; Koneta NowowiejskI. Mon mouth, Pomona; Mrs. Anna Her- ren. Monmouth, Flora. The master of West Salem grange, D. Kuhn ; of Brush Col lege, Lyle Thomas; of Rlckreall, Joe Harland. SILVERTON HILLS Plans are being made for the. Installation of the Sllverton Hills grange of ficers jointly with the Sllverton grange at the SilTerton Hills hall on December 20. Other granges have also been Invited to par ticipate. The regular meeting of the grange will be held December II. A Christmas party will be enjoyed and supper served by the Young er Grangers - association ' follow ing the evening meeting. The Home Economics clnb held Its Pollyanna party Tuesday aft ernoon at the grange halL At this time plans were discussed for the supper which the club will furnish following the Installation Mem bers are asked - to bring salads. sandwiches and cake. At the Pollyanna party, the see- ret sister was revealed and gifts exchanged. Readings were given by Mrs. J. H. Mauldlng and Mary Ann Murray. Mrs. E. A. Beugll, chairman, has also arranged for pencil grams and singing of Christmas carols. LIBERT T A good ' crowd turned out for grange at the Red Hills grange hall Monday night. A covered-dish dinner was served and the meeting followed. The turkey dinner which was to have been held on December 15 was postponed till after the holiday season. . It was announced that the offi cers elected for next year will be installed at appropriate cere monies at Chemawa grange De cember 19. A program of Christmas music and a play was presented by Miss Fern Morgan, lecturer. . The Rose dale Farmer Union Juniors pre sented the play with Velleda Trick, Eva and Bud Tucker the actors and the other members the accom paning chorus, , Woodburn Lodge Elects Officers WOODBURN Woodburn lodge, No. 106, AF & AM, has elected A. L. ReiUng worshipful master suc ceeding Iran Beers. Other new of ficers Include Gus Modeing, sen ior warden; Keith O'Halr, junior warden; Fred Evenden, treasurer; Frank Proctor, secretary. Joint installation will be held December 18 with the Eastern Star. Frank Settlemeier, past grand master, will be installing officer for the Masonic lodge. K of C Degrees Will Be Given Initiation Ceremonies Are Announced by State DejJuty Bell SUBLIMIT Y-State Deputy Ed ward J. Bell returned Monday from a week-end trip to eastern Oregon where he officiated in the exemplification of the degree of the Knights of Columbus on a large class of candidates for the Pendleton and Baker councils. Uoon his return he announced three large degrees of th"8 order for the month of January On January 14 th a Joint initiation of the Oregon City and Hillsboro councils will be exemplified at Verbort, and on Sunday. January 21. a Joint degree for the Albany and Corvallls councils at Corrs.1- lis. The .anticipated class for the Sublimity Knights of Columbus which was scheduled for Decem ber has been postponed until Jan nary, due to lack of facilities for banquet and on account of the holiday season. Sixteen new ap plications have been filed to date for this coming class. This will be the second large degree for the local council for the fiscal year, which will end June 30, 1940. The Sublimity Knights are endeavor ing to hit the .century -club mark during this fiscal year. The regular monthly meeting of the Sublimity Knights of Co lumbus will be held at Sublimity Tuesday night, December 19, which wllLbe the regular Christ mas program under the direction of Lecturer Nick J. Fehlen. All members attending this meeting are asked to bring some gift of food or clothing, to be distributed by the Knights of Columbus In the locality to needy. SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. An ton Neitling, former residents of this place now of Manson, Wash., are visiting relatives and friends here. They have returned from a trip to Toledo, Ohio. They ex pect to return to Washington by December 20. mm in FROM .WOODRY'S GIFT STORE 474 So. ComT. St. (3 Blocks South of Ladd & Bash) Smashing All Former Values! The Most Practical Gift After All Is a "Gift for the Home" 0t V I II (z . it mm by Day . . , ' 'A Bed by Night..:9 This Special Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 1119 Only! Chooso Your Davono From Salem's Largest Selection Regular 39.50 Genuine Velour Upholstered Daveno Modem design, bedding compartment choice of Wine or Blue colors - Special Sale Price Only . . u ! Regular 49.50 Dayenos Exceptional quality tapestry! and mohair' covers. Choice of Blue, Brown, Wine, Green or Fawn. Swedish modem and modem styles. Bedding compartments . . . . . , . . . i - - r All Davenos Substantially Rednced - $5.00 Delivers 1 All Up!:;Idcrc3 Ruiirs Drssixsally Dc3ssc3 Reg;. -.c Now Z9JM Swtag S2S . - Rockers liiltwell,r ISSS Rockers &K Occasional &&3 jOsin Liyrest'f . &4.73 ' Caudrs :- 10.75 fcieepybol- .. 143 low" Chairs LIBLilAL CREDIT id c w S7 !r 1 1 M Farmers Union News CLEAR LAKE Peter Zimmer man will be the principal speak er at the Farmers' Union meeting at Clear Lake Wednesday nlsht. A quartette of Willamette uni versity sir Is "will furnish music and other entertainment. Refresh ments will be serred at the close of the meeting. . Members from aelfnborlns clubs are InTlted. BETHEL A. C Spranferwas reelected president, and K. O. R n n n e r, secretary-treasurer, of Bethel local of the Farmers' Un ion at the monthly meeting last week. R. A. Wilson was elected rice president; Dare Oerlg, con ductor; W. E. Branch, George E. Bahnsen, W. L Creech, executlTe board. Additional officers reelect ed were J. A. Haln. doorkeeper; Rer 8. Hamrtck. ehapUta. Voy Marshand was recelred into the local as an old member. SUBLIMITY Monday n).v, the SubllmitV Farm. fr. ? n ! Its regular meeting at th p i? ttalf an1 hslil .lull.. ..V' " - - Vl orricers. The members elected to the of flees were: President, w m Ta.te; rice nr!i,ni . . r .nfc., OlftQltfV Hitchcock; a e c r e tary-treasurer luicuto, ooALcg, couaucior, John ww a.wir-i t r r & Q k Cttilsrs-v fhitrmin t v . . talnment committee, Mrs. John ITiirhorrar mm a ahnrf m ' v w wi uk ram participating In the program were riinl', nrilptrl MirralU vr.u Woodburn Plans For Homecoming W O O D B U R N The annual Woodbarn high school homecom ing will take place December II. All alamnl are Invited to attend. There will be a program In the high school auditorium beginning at 8 o'clock, followed by a basket ball game between an alumni team and the present high school team. Committees hare been selected by the president of the student body, Robert Renn, and faculty advisor, Mrs. Helen M. Gulss. They are: program committee. ling Mnrlel Gries, Marcella Cries. Cremer and Margaret ueuoerjer. Floyd Mattson, Donna Gene Ern est. Lorene Jones, Bill NUea, with faculty advisors. Miss Helen Lots and. Miss Bonnie jjoiiod; haawthall canmittl. Robert Renn and Coach Hal Chspman; reception and registration com mittee, lone Anderson, Leeaa iiiii.iir ha win Cumer. Ray Olllls; publicity, Anita Hoefer, Advanced to Corporal- j MONMOUTH Carl Eheeon, It, a son of Mrs. Hester Bheeon, chief operator of the telephone service here, has Just been appointed a corporal ln Company O, 7th in fantry, at Vancouver Ban-aeht. He enlisted shortly after bis lit birthday. This fall be made a big marksmanship acore raUng hJsa Into the expert rifleman class. He expects- to re-enllat when his three years of service are completed. Take There's For A 1 ls Advice -IL A HD D IBS Only ODmie 01111 o o o Of Course! . . . The Shirt Every Man Appreciates for Its Sty He nnnsointnn2 IPerffecit WMnmgl Srajpeirlb tyvnsiMtyl Thousands of New, Beautiful "Arrows" in This, the West's Finest and Most. Extensive Showing of America's Famous Shirts r JSm school T TEEE ILABIOES: Forget the tricky gifts this Christ mas and give your man something he can redly use. To wit: some Arrow shirts, plain or fancy. They're justly America's favorite shirts. Pick them out from our outstanding collection yymnY eie phefeiis ariiow sdimits 1 The collar. Arrow has been making collars foe 78 years. No finer collar is made. 2 The fie Arrows are Mi toga-cat, cat the way a man is built. 3 The patterns. Arrow is America's Number. 1 Style Authority. 4 Sanforized -Shrunk. The fabric of an Arrow, shirt can't shrink more than 1 ! Exclusively In Salem at i 8 L I wm r mix z r s BBaaaai aaBSSaaak avaaw . MiaaBMaMBtaBw. y The Style Center for j Men "Your ARROW Store fUcIin to ny Silioiv Lor&t m4 M MM kM ! , OPEN SAXUUDAY HIGUX T1L 9 v