PAGE ELEVEN Market for SelM MentiB lace urn The OREGON STATESMAN, Salerl, Oregon, Thursday Elornln December 14, 1333 Sale Bpyimg9 og9 Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 CUssifled AdTCTtlstnf Hire Insertions per Una SS Six insertions per line ... . ,4e One month per line..... H-1S Mialmnm charge 25e: I U. min imum 1 5c; ( U. mln. 45c So . refunds. Copy for Oil. pes accepted antn f :1 the even ins before. w-WVsev-Uoa for classifkfstlon. Coot re seived after this tunewtH be run oncer the head In "Too Late to Classify." - Tbo Statesman assumes no Jnaa slal r-.ponsibillty for wTora which may appear In advert Istwents pub lished in it columns, and to ease where th'. paoer at will r- prlnt that part of an sdvertlsement to which tbo typographical mistake occur. The Statesman reserves the riant to reject queitionable aavertlsrn. tt further reserve the riant to placo all advertising- under tbo proper classification. ' A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress ia for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore oe answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to dlvulite Informa tion aa to the identity of an adver tiser usin a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless borsea. eowa, picked up free. Ph. collect. 411 Salem. Montgomery tieno. aa. Help Wanted 130-WEEKLY GROW mushrooms aeffi. -. W. buy. 5cUj. WertaT. largest company, nvou Situations Wanted DRESSilAK. Mrs Adsltt. Ph. 42M DAT OR hour work. 1 5c per hour. -Ref. Ph. 52J6 For Sale 'Miscellaneous . -.av-. r AO : : ELECTRIC R E F RIGERATORS- cu. m '' """" -r .c:. dii March 1st. 194". wu !3 00 r month Montgomery Ward Co, Salem.- . 'CASH REGISTER. Adding machine. Typewriter. Duplicator. uaicuwr Scale service. All makes sold, rented awappea. 456 Court. CASH FOR, Used Furn. Ph. 11. LAWN MOSS II yd. 2375 S. ComT. FOR XMAS I- tubeconsoradios la good playing; gojnery v a ra u i . 00 each. 235 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. . - - . . -- n n n fi r-rw"-"i """ m aa - CANARIES. 635 Belmont, rn. aisa. WATKINS Pro. 1725 Madison. 7Si. WHY BUT a used washer when we ... ii ..... a ."j nt t art one Tor only $34.95. Montgomery Ward Co-. Salem. SALE WALNUT shells. 5c a sack bring sacks. Klorfeln Packing Co.. It 8. High. GOOD STOCK trailer. 1055 Garnet. 1- DAVENPORT -rains -. 1595 Believue ar. -r-rLarLnnri ' ' FOR XMAS " . Ing, machines for $37.95. Montgomery wara c -i.. nn rii.i.'i" ' BOOK BARGAINS. Wntd. Orenn ft I w hintnrv. 1 1 uonn. ru. APRONS, gifts, cards. 7t N. High. ea-Aih DAvro i TTT.irc! Sn!txnberBt. Newtowns. Red Cheek Pippin. Kings and Ortleys at 20c boa. t for 65e. higher grades 33c box. 1 for $1 and up. walnuts iwc pounu. '",J7' lt. -JfTesn appio juice un uj. 1 PURITAN CIDER WORK WEST SALEM REGULAR ' MINIATURE radios not -a toy rtanaara i""1"""??.' the" boy or girl one for Xmaa. 16.46. Montgomery aru c vu . ". UPHOLSTERING SPECIAL prices m - tf ni e C C fj) en reDuiid. cusn. wcuoweu, x-u. GOOD apples.35c- 2315 a Cottage. rsED WOOD, elect. A gas ranges. Bargain prices. TEATER RUSH CO. 235 K. Liberty Next To Power Co. TH0R WASHER, used, fine condi tion. Dandy xmai girt. z.u. X riAir.n ear anw -vw 855 N. Hherty- To Pof Co. fJ.95-114.93, Hotpolnt, Westlnghouae and other. Montgomery w ara w Salem. MERRY XMAS TO HER WESTING HOUSE WASHER $2.5$ per month. , VP1TFR A BTTSn ro. 235 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. OTTOOriJltmAV CtraaWttsat aHff ill AUi U HV a - - " - - rates. Mrs. Paul Hanser. Ph. 7I1S. XMAS TREES for sale. 58S Stttt. ....1 SEE MRS. ROBINSON'S diimlay of attractive -Xmas aprons. J . uo rty. cDrn it.q mm1Iii waa1 fir culatlng heaters takes 20 inch wood. onlr $37.95 delivered. Montgomery Ward As Co Salem. TWO 500 WESTERN ConTrtm Paper Co. bonds at diacount. n. azsa. CIRCULATOR BEATER and enam el range. 2255 Hyde St. A U17TD Trk2TT mU t.ttiKa 41 Mar class cond. A bare 1704 Broadway.. ADVERTISING Wee ten Advertising Representatives Oeors O. Claaa. lave. L San Tranctac Loa Angataex taattle ' ' astern Adrertlalms; -RepreseotaUvee Bryant Griffith Bnrosoa. law. ? Chicago. New Terk. Datroet. getlan EnttrtS-Mt tXs Po(ow at Ortffon as Saaoad Ciaaa Mmttwr. P- liaed every wm acoeai aroaaay SUBSCRIPTION HATES Man Subscription Rates te Advance. Within Oregon : Dally and Jdav IXo. tt cents: Me. It i : Ma. ItM 1 rear . Blsewbero ft eente ae Ma or ICS foe 1 Tear te advance JPer copy S cents. Newsstands i oscrta By City Carrier t eeoU e esoath tT.Jt a rear ta advaawo te Uartoe end adjacent eeontlse . Money to Loan 1 QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone (18) to Salem's oldest largest home owned and a oaaaaced finance institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. Ton will be given every consideration la too re paying of your loan or granting of ex tension a 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In full any time to reduce the coat. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture, cars or note. SEE ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. Lie. Mo. M 158 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 135 So. Commercial St- Lie No. S-13S. First door south, of Ladd A Bush Bank Phone- tltS. Convenient ground floor location , ARE YOU PREPARED FOR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CHRISTMAS Is a joyous season Indeed, however, It's thousand and one drains on tbo family income strains the pocket book to its very limit. We are prepared to help you meet these expenses by loaning; you suffi cient money on your own security to take care of them. Repay Your Loan in Easy Payments 5 4.0Z per mo. repays 4.72 per mo. repays x 65 00 m 18 mo. 513.44 per dm. repays $200.00 In 2 mo. See us for courteous, considerate treatment : confidential and speedy serv ice. ' People with modest incomes are especially invited. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201, ?nd Fir. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon S-21J State Ucense M-220 Sensibfe Way to FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY EXPENSES PERSONAL LOANS Here are typical examples of easy monthly payments: fe.Oi mo. repays S 60 In 12 Mos. 112.10 mo. repays $18 in 20 moa $6.72 mo. repays 1100 in 20 mos. 1 16.8s mo. repays 2S0 in 20 moa. Other Amounts In Proportion BORROW "OX TOUR OWN" Everything strictly private. . . No embarrassment. Ifs simpls to get a Personal Loan. If yon can afford the easy repayments listed above, apply for a loan at once. Just come In or phone and ask for our Mr. English. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. For Sale Miscellaneous EGGS AND FAT COLORKD HKNS Alive or. dressed. No dellrery. Frank Sp rouse, second house east uueneu corners, to. center &c rnon HI-GRADE MAHOG. piano A bench. Cheap for cash. 1690 S. Cottage St. XMAS trees holly w. 2025 S. 12th. POTATOES GO. bakers 2025 S. 12th A S RMS Ia W. gar. cheap. 7113. CLOSB OUT prices on discontinued models of oil burning circulators buv now and aave. Montgomery Ward x wo aaiera. Wanted Mi8cellanous WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fil berts. Also meats, at. tuonem raca- Ing Ce. tl 8. High. Phone TfSS. WNTD, ELEC spray gun. Pb-SttS. Wanted Furniture WANTED. USED furn. Ph. SUA OLD SEWIAQ machines wanted. Ph. 1T CASH PAID for furniture. Ph. 451T Miscellaneous v Dental Plate Reoair TWO-HOOR ; SERVICE IN MOST Bring or Man Tour Platea for Repair AlUky Bld d A Morrison. BR. tttl PRACTICE PIANOS. $2- H. L. BUZZ. For Rent Rooms LARGE ROOM. 254 N. Church. HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rates, xxrvrirr Miriam nwtma .Gnviil roklf and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shoo, delicious tneais at low prices. . r-T-. Dff Of TV Th VS1S Room and Board nriurr w.npwi.T latea to board and room. 1815 N. tirtn U. oaiem. ofB unwrv nt M IJhertT NEAR STATE has. Stm. beat. 6482. - ruxrLfuuL"Lnj-,-'''u"iriPii mmmmmmm'mmmm wrw nna hnm ponked meals. nileMiSfwwy w w w - - newly dec" rmt, good loc 1144 Center. For Kent Apartments em TMtr risk? Ant a" before ron decide. Large A Airy. Rock wool In- !..-. ' s a. lu. aV daMlej ls e-fstsa SSL APT., adults. 770 S. ComT. TJXJXUrUlVV'l'l'l' sasaasasansiasaial Slsk ssjsl S RM turn, apt- 225 S. 14th. APT, S rnontn. - so oeiiviML -LT.ri-jLn.ri " ""i - -TTT-r T?f mnA washer, retrial. A gar. T7 N. ConunerclaL 1 ROOM FURNISHED apt. Close In. 414 N. Ctiarrh. - . . jLrLrunnnrriri' - -- - - ' PRJT. BATH. St. nt. 2054 W. Capltol. S'lB-. WW W S ' -W-S ww a-iaww . 1 rurav or anfurnlabed. lilt & ISth. - -- S m . rTsjjs sTtsaiasveav Sss iliisssllISi esaejfssejsessgas4sjs sjsaseslsjsssjaessss I RSC. SCAIM fL. 445 8. Waster. S ruaUB. 1st Coor. 14e WaBer. stm. It. Crlav sa. Pa. tiaa. - sSjjavaaSsSjsssjsassSsaiBjjjvSSaa T sere. a-- stt9 N ILIbftrtT. etssjSsjsassassaassseWaataaeaaa Royal Court Apis.. Phone J51. s nw vurk ant 1st floor, aarss-e. 1S47 S. CoeaL clm. 1 RM. furn. court ant. with rriv. bath, laundry A gar. Bus service, tit. Lee. t FURNISH. .APTS. 1241 tTbesaekets. eaas-ss-sSjaSs-eiMtssi APARTMENTS. 25S DIVISION BU -iiXijiJT-rijLrijr'- j.i'ir'ij-ii'Tri"'r" ,- ------ S R. FURN. Prlv. bath. 11 J Onion. T7VT . VTTrRV ar Ita water, t IAS wk. 120 Oak. Ph. 6274. t ROOMS, with bath, steam beat. 200S N. Capital. sjnajejssa.aa ' APTS. AND sleep, nns, 4S2 Ferry. a wn 17 W all Private hatn. Call after 4 p. sa tSS & Cottage. mr ou ant tfE iiuil. Is)-. dud. hi. Its, water A fuel. Ph. tUS or 7S2S ISf N. Liberty. Money to Loan s 40.00 m I? mo. - -i-innnivijVuVuvtAAAJ1 Get Extia Cash Second Floor. New Bligh Bldg. SIS State Street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-I22 M-1C5 ww. -rinri-u-u-J-u- PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay r red tape. Too will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 91CS Lie. No. M-lil FHA LOANS 4H&. also prlv. loans. Abrarng 1 1 jElllas Inc. .yJjj Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-152 Loans Wanted WANTED. PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay Intei est. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. RfilALTORS . VTMV"sJ'ataOrsfVsJ''srs LOANS WANTED em farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts. . For Rent Apartments t LGE. COMFORT, furn. rma. Ita, water, washer. $14. 174 Market. v-rrosrrMu'ruTj ONE RM. apt., 245 S. Commercial. aaaiaaiaaaaa --yjjjyjj 1 AND i RM, new turn. Ph. $21t. WELL FURN. 2-R. 1st fir. apt. Ben dlx washer. 2 adults. 475 N. CapitoL - - "'iji S RM. FURN. bungalow apt- prlv. bath, nook. gar.. 221. Tel. S807. aaata aa aOOai a tmirv-vkJjjyjyjyj I ROOM MODERN apt, ground floor. Tel. J 821. 1725 Center. Nig W. MOD. 4 rm, 860 N. 14th. FURNISHED AND unfnrn. houses. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court. Phone 5744. For Rent- Houses $20 FURN.. X rma, gas. lights, gar. fuel. 22C1 Hssei. Ph. 7(44. l"'SSWaaSaSaSS S R. HOUSE. S bdrms 1224 a Com merciaL Inquire 352 Leslie St aeassseaasas1sajsessas K R-. 760 S. COM'L. Ph. 6406. 5 RM. MOD. bse. Inq. 15S Court NEWLT FURN. modern 5 room apt. automatic heat must see to appreci ate. Reasonable. 772 N. Winter. - - .-i-g-.-riruirirLrnuuuuxnn RENT NEW t-rm. bouse. 1225 N. Wster. Phone 4429. t BEDRM. HOUSE. 1161 Union. CLOSE IN. 6 rm. TeL 4454. t HOUSES. 255 Division. NEAR S RM. mod. hse.. basement, furnace. Ills Jefferson. Ph. S784. NICE 4 R, 120. 2190 N. Fourth. For Rent -OS-FICB ROOMS, S81 State Street; Inquire room 200. TeL 97 IS. How to Torture Your Wife ( T o fie T& SCOTZHMeH VJHO Tr-T if V"at HUMTKVMa UON M I V X. APnlCA. due rlOVSMO I 1 Nr 49WOV AMD AiOuS Cr I Vt wCW vtKsve auom -qj 1 A NARftOW TrVJta THE WOMAM WHO HfARS MOSftAMO -Tll. Hs9voRrrc eno-nr owes -ne? -wo, the fossit Berote ne? Acncn rr For Sale Real Estate A. HOME m LOCATED ON Vista Ave, rm. mod. bouse, garage good location. See this good value. Price SS2e. Call O. H. Grsbenhorat. Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors, 124 S. Liberty SU Ph. 446. aMEMWMaaiaawaajaiaaafc JIISrT mUP. mrwlrrnlatio home at 1544 Norway. P. Johanoen. Ph. 9527. FOR SALE Strictly modern coon-try- home on 1H acres, worth fSfe. 2 miles from city center. Price 1297. R. D. Wood row. owner. 294 N. Church. Phono 95. WB H1TB TUB PROSPECT IT IOU want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins 4k Kooena, esjsasasss-essss-ssss-ss MODERN BRICK house on bus. basement furnace warm, like rent-to right party. River view, new modem bouse, an excellent buy. t room house closs In basement very easy terms. H acre, city limits, bouse and barn, paved road $100.00 down. 220.0 mo. ABRAMS A ELLIS. Inc. Dial 6155 411 Masonic Bldg. Mortgage Loans SM. HSE. in N. Salem between Sum mer A Winter. A fine lot a good buy at 11250. New 4 rms. A dinette. Has 92200 federal loan will sell equity for 9250. R. a. FORKNER. 1955 N. Capitol UN FIN. HOUSE SACRIFICE t RM. HOUSE, exterior finished, partitions sc plumbins; In. double floor ing down, unf In. attic, garage. A bar gain at 21600. Will consider ear or lot as part payment Call Co burn Graben horst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors. 124 a Liberty St. Ph. 6462. s RMS.. N. .SIDE. bast.. naved. 12100; 7 rm. modern. N. side, pavt, $2700. 9500 dn. ; 8 rm. corner lot pav't.. $1900 A $200 dn. : 6 rm. mod ern, close In. $2250 $300 dn. ; apt houses, duplexes A fine bldg. lots at right prices. Houses furn. 4k unfurn. for rent st all times. Money to loan on good residence property. PERCT ULLMAN. 650 Marlon Street )4 A. close in. N. $175. $5 dn. $5 per mo. 12 Ladd A ush Bldg. Ph. 6965. ejsssssass--s-a-a $100 DOWN. BAL $25 per mo. New 5 rms. A nook at 199 N. 24th St SH A. 5 R. HOUSE, barn, chicken house, eiec. water system, small creek, paved rr ad. 9 mi. from Salem. Price $2500. Trade for house in Salem. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. 110ft N. Commercial Street Mod. hse., $100 d.. or chp. car. 7119. TODAY'S SPECIAL LATE-BUILT 5 RM. mod. house with stairway to attic located In S. Salem, near store, schools A bus. Good condition, nice yard, see tnis nome, Vrifm I40nn Call O. H. Grabenhnrst. Jr.. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors, 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 465. KKW. STRICTLY modern house. air-conditioned, automatic heat This is a good buy at stuuv. New subdivision just opened up. Close in. $375 per acre, on paving, less on gravel road. Good soil. New 4 R. house for $2150. $100 down, $20 per mo. VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. Phone 6161 WE HAVE two small houses; good dlKtrlrts. that-we can sell for $1250 and $1150. Terms. Pays good interest on your investment. C H. SANDERS 11S S. High 81 SI. vuxnri.n.nj.ririririiii-i'-M'v- " - - - 13th. 6 rooms. 2 bedrooms, bath, fire place, garaa-e, price only 22000.00. Houses to rem ana money 10 loan, vmu P. H. BELL, Realtor, 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. Exrhange Ral folate TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY house, outbldgs.. will trade for city 1. vi all im., mitt nrlra $8200. Call C. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO . Keaitors, 11 a. xaoeny ou, x-m. " For Sale Farms FARM BARGAIN S54 A. FARM WITH 8 room plast house with fireplace, plumbing, out bldgs. some fruit 200 A. under cult Stock : macninery goes, see inia mrm. tvw 115 000. Call a. H. Grabenhorst Jr.. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO Realtors. 134 S. Liberty SU Pbu 6468. Acreage NORTH RIVER ROAD T.iRP.R fi RM nlast. home, excel lent condition, beautiful grounds, will sell 1 or 6 acres with home many outbids. This is truly a bargain at $7500. will consider part iraae xor close-in resident See this at once. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Keaitors. is S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468. 1 A rTTTz if ml At nn naved mad. fair house, barn, some fruit Only Slioo. $ioo down, see sir. t :011ms, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. ACREAGE SPECIALS 8 A. LOCATED ON good gravel road A light line, drilled well, will furnish bids-, materials ta the risrht oartT for a small dwelling. Price $1350. $50 down, 9ls per mo. $75 down, $16.60 per mo. will buy a A. tract 2 rm. uncomp. house. elect lights, drUled well, family fruit, food road, near school. Price 1150. o see these, call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H ORABENHOBST aV CO. Realtor. 114 8. Ubertr St. Pa, C4SS. S ACRES OUT 12th St 8 room house, bath, bsmt, electric pump, loti of fruit room for chickens and several enra. Price J. aCostey to loan. Call . H. BKTJ Realtor, 42S Ores. Bldg. .f none sizi For Sale Until Can OTTO J. WILSON Public reception of the 1940 Buick makes it pos sible to offer for sale the finest selection of Used Gars I have ever had in 38 years, of baying and sell ing Automobiles. Buick Sedan Buick Redan Buick Tudor Sedan Buick Tudor Sedan Buick 8edan Bnick Sedan IMI $2S 289S $7S5 2645 $lf $526 $3&e $315 Buick Sedan Buick Sedan ; as ia Buick Sedan - Buick Sedan Chrysler Sedan , , Chrysler Sedan Chrysler Sedan , Chrysler Sedan Chrysler Coupe O rah am Sedan Qraham Coupe Kord Coupe Ford Tudor Ford Sedan - $165 $785 $45 $515 2345 $135 $575 $545 $45 2545 $275 Ford Coupe $145 .$415 $425 $176 2550 Dodge Coupe Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Coupe Naah Lafayette Sedan Packard Sedan $ $5 Otto J. Wilson USED CAR DEPT. 22S N. Commercial St Phone $461, $100 00 EQUITT IN Chev. Roadster tor sj-.vw. so xiooa St. Automobiles 1120 FORD SEDAN, good shape. 4 new Urea $100. 2313 Myrtle. Suburban .... GARDEN ACRES ( $600. WILL BUT a 1 A. tract lo cated on the Keizer road. A fast-grow- ine- residential bm lafi 1retr lasnta Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. unAnin nunsi a 134 S. Lib erty St. Ph. 6468. Business Onnnrtiinities WANTKII S? s-S f.SSSS-v SialwUkAa. hood grocery with liv. rms. 84$ States man. Ffr Salt- Wood WOOD. Ph. 5270. Grsen. 412 N. 21st LATRQE DRT 2nd gwth. $4.50. T421 DRT WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6706. OLD F"IR IS! mA 14. v-,- ac . w-. a.BV. m. iwt. DRT WOOD Bob Carson. 691$. ash. Oak. fir Ph. 2280. AshcrafL Wood Sawing t20 N. CO-TL. TEL, 2822. WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. (832. Lost and Fonnd LOST Brown male Pekinese doc Ph. 4457 or 1665 Tew St Reward. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet, heart. hnahanA vl fm tnw .nn d e n- 71. Los Angeles. Legal Notice BnS WANTED Bids will be opened by the Common Council of the City of West Salem at 7:30 p.m. on the 18th day of December, 1929, at the City Hall In West Salem for more or less of the following side walk materials, to-wlt: 1,500 cuble yarda sand 2.300 cuble yards gravel 3.235 barrels Portland cement Coarse - and fine aggregates shall conform to the specifications and contract agreement for high way bridge construction, Oregon State Highway Department, dated August 1. 1939, and shall be well graded between the limits speci fied as set forth In Division 4. Section for coarse aggregate and section 4 -for fine aggregate. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. E. PATTISON City Recorder for West Salem. Oregon D 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hercbj giren that .e undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Marlon C nnty. State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 28 th day of No vember. 1939, was appointed Executrice of the estate of A. E. Allen and that she has duly Quali fied as such. All persons having .claims against said estate are Business Cards in this directory run on a moathly basis only. Bate: flSS per lis per tn. Anto Brakes MtVe Panes- ITS gootn Cowrwerf tsl Bicycles 8ICTCLKS, NCW and reconditioned Parry W. fcott. 1T B. Pom's P. tlS Chimney Sweep TCTJCPfTOfTa 4T It R KortTws I-xaTatii3 CUCUATATIMO OP afl kind. Base, meats doc. LHrt baalsd er moved. Lr1 for sal. S-Je-t Sand and Gravel Ca Ptwwe S4SS. ; ' - FlorisU Pretthsoffa : 44T Owrt. Pr"e f Ml. Elattresses SALEM FLOTV ' RUO end Ms t trees factory, hew AtATTRCsa made ts order, otd remade: carpet ajeantnc rhrtoft flafl roc wcevlna. a 1 1ts A wufrsr, Tet. situ otto r. swica r gat ItM. CAPITOI. BCDDUKI CtX Phone 4111 --PRY ""'..F1'' 5 S0- Ph. 7507. DRT WOOD. n kinds. Ph. 66S2. DRT WOOD. Ten 4218. Hubbard Alumni Form Association HUBBARD A permanent Hub bard iilgh school alumni associa tion was organised at a recent meeting and Manton Carl was elected president. Other officers are vice president Garfield Voget, jr.; secretary-treasurer, Rath Jungnlckle. Twenty graduates were present at the meeting. Staff of the Hubbard high an nual for this year includes editor- in-chief, June Croisant; assistants. Lucille Graves and Bette Staut fer; business manager, Verle Herkhberger; assistant manager. Shirley Grlmps. Late check on the high school enrollment shows that It has dou bled since 13. The present en rollment Is 105, campared to 52 In 1936 and 80 In 1937. Elton McLaughlin, who recent ly underwent a serious operation In a Portland hospital, is reported as Improving. Entertain Church Class at Keizer KEIZER The Golden Rule class of the Salem First Evangeli cal church, with their husbands. was entertained with a Christmas party Monday night in the G. N, Thompson home. Hostesses were Mrs. Ruth Balr, Mrs. Jay Cook. Mrs. Fred Slewert and Mrs. W. H. Scharf. Devotions were led by the class teacher, Mrs. L. I Thornton. Mrs. James Campbell and Mrs. Ruth Balr gave two vocal duets. A "Professor Quiz" Bible game was a diversion. Christmas pres ents were exchanged. Entertain Guests At Sunday Dinner ELDRIDGE D Inner guests Sunday at the Allyn Nusom home were Mr. and Mrs. Julllan Do Jar din. Miss Maxlne and Elaine De Jardin. this community, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bressler. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tate and daughter Marjorle of SUverton Hills visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Glrod. Marjorle spent the week-end with Shirley and Linda Glrod. Catholic Group Meets, Woodburn WOODBURN The Woodburn Catholic Daughters of America had their monthly meeting at the Legion hall this week. It was also a Christmas party. The hostesses were Mrs. John Glatt, Mrs. Max Warring, Mrs. Floyd M a r 1 e 1 e . Cards were played at the end of the meeting. Prises were won by Walter Miller, E. C. Donldson, Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. A. J. Beck. Santa Claus paid an unexpected visit and each guest was presented with a gift. The rooms were at tractively decorated with holly and candles. Named Night Officer WOODBURN Mayor H. M. Austin has announced the ap pointment of Kenneth Schooler, who had served this season as re ceiving clerk for the Woodburn Co-operative Fruit Growers' asso elation, as police chief and city night officer, succeeding Alfred Ashland who resigned. Schooler lived In Woodburn all his life and attended all the Woodburn schools. He Is a graduate of Wil lamette university. Will Explain PTA ROBERTS Mrs. Lelf Bergsrlk. will be at the Roberts school Fri day night, December 15, at t o'clock to organise and explain the necessity of a P.-T.A. The public Is invited. hereby notified to present the same, duly" verified as required br law, to Rosalie Allen. 1625 North 19 th Street, In the City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon. within aix month from the date of this notice, to-wlt Not. SO, 1939.. ROSALIE ALLEN. Execu trix of the estate of A. E. ALLEN ELMER D. COOK ATTORNEY AT LAW 1810 Edgewater Street Salem, Oregon. N. SO. D 7-14-Z1-XI Directory Alachinea Repaired 8EWINGI MACHIN-I repair. Ph. St. Naturopathic Physician HL W. H. RnrarW-TLL. NarnranarH. te Physician, tm ratraTonods Re. Te !. ornce Honrs 11 a.m. to s:ie P-m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION. , Papering and Painting GO rxaST classt Johns. S7U. Printing rOS STATION CRT. cards, pamphlets. books or any kind or call The Statesman Pristine De- onrtmen- til a Commercial. Tele phone ill L Transfer rTkR irV'Ar a Slaf a trafar. aa Imim. . H Ml 1111 I A Trewfar Cu Trwtrs to PortlewA Aettv. Well Drilling R. A. WEST, rt C bos 115. Ph. llirt. Liberty Discusses School Lawn LIBERTY The Liberty school board held Its regular monthly meeting Monday at the school house. Aside from finances the matter receiving considerable at tentlon was that of a lawn about the school house and gym build ing. The board Is willing to put In the lawn If WPA project assist ance can be obtained. One of the board members will supply the fertiliser for the solL Honor Students Named, Hubbard HUBBARD The second six week period report of the Hub bard high school reveals the fol lowing on the honor 'roll: Seniors Virginia Carl, June Croisant, Lucille Graves and Louralne Hammond. Juniors Ann Cook, Vera Keen er and Frieda Poppinga. Sophomores Eileen Bontrager. Freshmen Marlon Brown. Ma ble Kauffman, Ella Mae Loop, Jlmmle Loop and Ruth Watt. Mlsa Beatrice Claypool has been installed as office girl for the Hubbard high school; Twenty- five of the high school students have been neither tardy nor ab sent from school. , 21 aiildren Are In Play Classes LEBANON T wen ty-one pre school children were enrolled in the Lebanon WPA-sponsored play center during the second week. A new teacher. Mrs. Alma Strunk, will be added Wednesday, and will divide the duties with Mrs. Maude Lemons, who has been in charge since the opening dsy. D u r a d A. Rolfe. registered pharmacist who has been em ployed in Johannsen's drug store since December 1, will bring bis family,, including a five-year-old daughter, to Lebanon In January. Rolfe, whose home Is Coos Bay, came to Lebanon from the Bend Drug Co. He graduated from North Pacific college in Portland In 1930. Sons and Daughters of the Le gion held their Christmas party Tuesday night in the Legion ball. with Mrs. Elmer whetstone in charge. The admission price was one Item, of canned goods, to be used in the Christmas baskets for the needy. House Burned At North Howell NORTH HOWELL The lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc- Ilwaln. just east of the North Howell school house, was com pletely destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. Nothing was saved but the ML Angel fire department kept the garage and woodshed from burning. The house was built about' 12 years ago. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 10 16 n 77a 20 22 23 2 28 7H 'A 32 33 3W A 37 3 3? H2 W2. MM HI so 6 57 60 HORIZONTAL 1 Piece of furniture 4 Tree 5 Of null stature 12 Past IS Divert 14 Reverential fear 15 Wanderer 17 Delayed 19 Consumes 21 Network ttWkmt is tk Secretary State's Crst smmm 25 Legal wroon 2S-Part of to be" 2S Vessel SI Female of the horse 22 Undermine Si Small shoot 2 Lere-dAry British king 27 A demonstrative pronona 19 Word appearimr ia the PsalaH ' 41 Egyptian sua gd 4S Cloth Wkw was rtpvta4 sttUer Frtvirbtt 44 Restrain " 4 Domesticate 43 Lifter was tA ft Omt Untneksd tAoavi ikiptt . . (8 Part of a curved line M Greek letter IS Eggs l Domesticated ex CO Scented fl Place t, , VERTICAL ; 1 Igal profession . : fVAal is tU eapOal ' Dtlawant 4 Written agreements between. t -. nations . . ' . . . (Printer's measure ' Confer knighthood upon - 7 Douay Bible name - t Rent again Pertaining to the aide 10 Be Indebted to V77, Riverdale Club Starts 4H Club RIVERDALE The upper grade girls sad boys of Riverdale school have beea organised Into 4-II art and craft clubs. The girls' club has beea named the "This sad That" club, Doris Jane Nichols Is the president. Betty Wills rd vice president aad Betty Reeves Is secretary, Clara Jones is the leader. The boys hare named their club the "That and This" club. Of ficials are president, Delbert Kurts; vice president, Lowell Rei ner; secretary. Donald Reiner. Elsie Carpenter is leader. RIverdalo school is closed till after Christmas la which time) another room will be added tm the school house. . ' ' t Will Give Prizes For Decorations STATTON A Christmas dec oration contest will 'be sponsored by the Lions club for residents and business houses In Stsyton. A number of prizes will be given by the club for the best decora tion In each classification. The Lions club will erect a large Christmas tree In the Inter section of Third And Ida streets. Appointed on the commute were: Harry Rowe, Wilbur Por ter. Robert Wakefield. Mattblea Porrette. C. II. Baldwin. Gilbert Schachtslck and Kenton Thomp son. Immaiiuel Guild To Have Parly SILVERTON T h e Immanuel Guild will meet Friday night at the home of Miss Hannah Olsea and Mrs. Ida Doyle when the an nual Christmas party will be held, according to the announcement of the president, Mrs. Bert Rue. Each member is asked to bring a gift which will later be sent to the children's home at Parkland, Wash. Friends as well as mem bers are Invited to attend. Mrs. J. M. jenson win assist Miss Olsen and Mrs. Doyle as bostesses. Program Planned At North Howell NORTH HOWELL The North Howell school pupils will present their annual Christmas program. Thursday night, December 21, at the grange hall. This event is always one of the special occasions of the school year and Is enjoyed by the enllre neighborhood. The school bosrd bsve recently put up shades at the high west windows in the primary room, hare made some needed Improve ments in the library, and have re paired the well. 14 21 25 26 27 21 30 31 21 3 36 HO HI HZ HO 21 l 2 r3 61 11 Marry 1 1 WAe eontructd a bridgt aeress th UiitUtimpi at St, Louitt IS Minute particle 20 Spills, as a liquid 22 Llits of characters WAst it Ntbraska'i largttt eityt 24 Space between the eye and bCl la birds (PL) 2ft Town ia Neva Scotia Z7 WAe4 tottls Ud (e svfeWsr 0 JVcpebew f 4 U70t SO-Cuid ttWk it IrtUruTi poire safatf SSWkm achieved Me ftf (AJ Grwilt . 25 Binds 40 Domicile 43 Gaseous element 45 Greek Island 47 Jules Verne character 19 Cut rrsss &0 Anglo-Saxon money si Residence (abbr.) 62 Night before a holiday 4 Burmese sprite 87 Earth goddess nerewiLh Is the eolation te yes terday's purxle. ACTEJMpEp ?r Lt"' 'I ! 1 i " -t 1 f.n -f -. . rtrt-: I 2 1 T- t-r- -1- 'T 1 ' ' 1 t A P yj k;1nv -Qifv t.Jl: