PAGE NINE aleitfs Market . Place for Buiyie Sellio .Reetlii! 'The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 13, 1939 Statesman Classified Ads Call 910 J Classified Advertising Thr Insertions per tins tie Six Insertions per lino 40c On month per lino $1 25 Minimum charge 25e: 8 U- mtn- tmnm Sic: 6 tl. mta. 46c. No refunds. Copy tor this pax accepted antil 8:30 the eenlng before publica tion for classification. Copt re ceived after this time will be rua ander tn beading Too to CUMifT." The Statesman iwmi bo finan cial responsibility for errors which tnajr appear In advertisement pub lished In Its eolumna. and In ease where th'.a paoer la at fault will re print that part of an sarertlaeinent in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the rlrht to reject questionable sdvertlsing. It further reserves the right to place all sdvertlsing under the proper classification, A "BIInT Ad an ad eontslnlns s Statesman bos number for an ad dreaa la for the protection af the advertiser and must therefore m answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informs--ttoa aa to tha Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind- ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthies horses, cows, picked up free. Ph. collect. 6411 Sales. Montgomery Rand. Was, Jlelp Wanted $39 WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar itei W. buy, lie lb. World s U tfrt nt r'KKK BOOK. Mush rooms, 3419 Second, Seattle. Wash, , UeJp Wanted Male $35 TO $50 OR better per weak la What Watklns Products Routes pay openings scarce, but can be obtained u you can prrve you are a husUer when vacancies occur. Your locality may be open. Inquire or to put in EPlk2?n for waiting Hat, write H. V. BOR IEAUX, 4513 Hollla SL, Oakland. Calif. Sitnations Wanted DRES3MAK. Mrs Adaitt. Ph. H DAT OR hour work. 36c per hour. Kef. Ph. 121. For Salt; Miscellaneous FOR XMAS ELECTRIC REF RIGERATORS- 4 eu. ft- $6.00 down and no pints, till March 1st. 1940 and than only $4.99 per month Montgomery ward at Co saiem. yinruwMyM'iTi'ir - - mm CASH RKUI3TER. Addlns macbiae. Typewriter. Duplicator, Calculator and Scale service. All makee sold, rented swapped. Roan Typewriter Exchange. 466 Court - ; CASH FOR Ueed rum. Ph. His. rno VU1Q WE HAVE several uaed 7-1 and 9 tube console radioa In food playing condition your choice, $4.96. Mont gomery Ward A Co.. Salem. n.nririj'u'LrinijyM."."."."i"i" """""-"""" . 1-SMOOTH TOP gas ranges, eacet lent condition. $i 6.00 each. : TEATER RUSH CO.' 55$ N. Liberty Next To Power Co. juxnjtrtrvv'ftT'i'' CANARIES, 3i Belmont. Pb. tUl W ATKINS Pro. 1725 Madison. IMS. FOR XMAS WOT BUT a used washer when we will aell you a new guaranteed one for only $34.55. Montgomery Ward ds Co saiem. rnrLiuuuuwiiiii" " ---.-.------- ! SALE WALNUT shells, to a sack bring sacks. hUorfeln Packing Co, lit a High. Rik.. A Rn. Rsmsden. 141 8. Lib. mjvmAjwvvi , GOOD STOCK trailer. 1946 Carnst. , I DAVENPORT A dining table. 1JS95 Belle vu St. KAjSXJXrSfrJ i i r m a aa an as eastern-a ! . FOR XMAS : DDimn new Mhnt model sew fji machines for Montgomery Ward A Co- Salem. BOOK BARGAINS. Wntd. Oregon H. W. history. 477 Court. Ph. 7494. iDRnM mftn rardi. C79 N. High. ; a a anwa A ppr.rl!liilltmlicrt Newtowna. Red Cheek Pippin. Kings and Ortleys at $0c box. 3 for $5c: higher grades 35e box. $ for $1 and up. Walnuts 10c pound, filberts l$c lit, Tesn sppre juice aauy. sc PURITAN CIDER WORK WEST SALEM PflP YMSt REGULAR MINIATURE radios rot a toy standard guarantee buy tue boy or giri one xor Amu, . Montgomery Ward A Co, Salem. UPHOLSTERING SPECIAL prlcee OS rebuild, cusn. ucDoweu. . . GOOD apples 35c 2311 8. CotUge. USED WOOD, elect A gas ranges. Bargain prices. , TEATER A RUSH CO. .. 2SS N. Liberty Next To Power Co, :Ttmn WAKTtlFR. naMt. fine eondl- Men. Dandr Xmaa gift. $29.59. TEATER A RUSH CO. - tSI N. Liberty Next To Power Co. Ttair m.irrmw nnm S7.95 $.5-$ 14.95, Hotpomt Westlnghouse and others. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem.. MERRT XMAS TO HER WESTING HOUSE WASHERS $2.5$ per month. TEATER A RUSH CO. 25$ N. Liberty Nest To Power Co. MAO. SUBSCRIPTION. Special gift rates. Mra - Paul Hauser. . Ph. ISIS. XMAS TREES for sale. SSI State. : SEE MRS. ROBINSON'S display of satrsctlvo Xmaa aprons, $$3 N. Lib erty. , . . 8PECXALS OH porcelain wood cir culating heaters takes 29 tnch wood, ealy $37.95 delivered. Montgomery Ward A Co, Salem, ADYERTIS1NQ Weeuro AuTertigina RepreseatAUtee Osorge D. Clssa tae, I rraactaca Los Aagelae, AUstera AdrartlAlas EepresenuUree Bryaat Uiirrna A Branson. la Chicago. New Terfc Dearest sTaterod 4tt tAs rsofeflso sf Ore pea as Soosad Class sf otter. PA Msaed sssi i wsrwtas asoesi ataeraeae sftas a) gowtA Coats trees. ... EOBSCRIPTION RATES! kTaU Subscript ton Rsros ta Advaaes Wttbla Oregon : Daily and S Jday Ma $4 eeata- S Ma $19; Ha MM 3 roar $ aTiee where 49 eeets so, MA or $4.44 Cot I rear fa advance Per copy t eeata Newsstands $ roots By City Carrier: $ roots s snoots 12. X 4 a rear ta advance la Martse rut dteet esuatasa Honey to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone 191981 to Salem s oldest, largest home owned and home eaaaaed fktsitcs Institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loess made la strictest privacy. Too will be given every consideration la the re paying of your loan or granting af estenslona, 1 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can pay In fuH any time to reduce the cost. i Onlv Borrower Signs No andoraera Loans made ROT H SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. NO. M US GrNrRAL FINANCE CORPORATION III So. Commercial St. bFlrat deor south of Ijidd A Rush Bank - . convenient ground 1 ARE YOU PREPARED FOR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CHRISTMAS with Ita thousand and one drains en the family Income is a Joyous Beaton 1,-deed. but one that atralna the pocket bonk to Ita very limit. We ar prepared to help you mt these unexpected expenses by loaning you sufficient money on your own security to take care of them. " - Repay Your Loan in Easy Payments $ 4.05 per mo. repaya t 40.09 In 1? mo. I f 4.73 per mo. repays $ (5 Of In IS mo. SIS 44 per pno. repays f 200.00 rn 20 mo. See ua for courtemia. considerate treatment ; confidential and apeedy serv ice. People with modest incomes are especially Invited. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. i Rm zl. Tnd Fir. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon 8-213 State License M-22S Sensible Way lo Get Exba Cash FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY EXPENSES PERSONAL LOANS Here are typical examples of easy monthly payments: SS.03 mo. repays j CO In 13 Mas. $13.10 mo. repaya $140 In 20 moa $4.72 mo. repaya $100 In 29 moa $14.84 mo. repaya $259 in 20 moa Other Amounts In Proportion BORROW TJN VOUR OWN" Everything strictly private. . . No embarrassment. It's simple to get a Personal Loan. If you can afford the easy repayments listed above, apply for a loan at once. Just come In or phone and ask for our Mr. English. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. For Kent Apartments EQQ3 AND FAT COLORED HENS Alive or dressed. No delivery. Frank Sprouae, second bouse east Mitchell 4 corners, 11. center fet. rnone sj. HI-GRADE MAHOG. piano A bench. Cheap for cash 10 8. Cottage St XMAS trees A holly w. 202S S. 12th. POTATOES GD. bakers 2025 & 12th. CLOSE OUT nrlces on discontinued models of oil ; burning circulators- buy now and save. .Montgomery ward A Co- Salem. ; Wanted Miscellanons WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A Hl berta Also meats. M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co, S9 8. High. Phone 7133. WNTDKLKC? spray gun. Ph.5883. Wanted Furniture WANTED. USED turn. Ph. $119. OLD SBWINO nachlnes wanted. Ph. 4SIT. CASH PAID, for furniture. Ph. 4S1Z. USED FURN. R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC8 IN MOST CASES Bring er Man Tour Plates for Repair DR. HAHKI SbMucin UBNTISI AlUky Bldg. 3d A Morrison. BR. 3437 PRACTICE PIANOS.. $2. H. U Stiff. For Rent Rooms LARGE ROOM. 3$4 N. Church. HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rstca HOTEL MARION Rooma Snecial weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious . meals at low prices. eat1edj1rmT1i SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court. LGE. COMF. furn. alp. rm. 1 or 3 ompL sdulta Reaa si n. cottage. Room and Board 8 EE MA BOW EN. $9$ N. Liberty. NEAR STATE hae. Stm. beat 6483. -NEW manage., home cooked meals, newly dec rros., good loc 1144 Center. For Rent Apartments SEE THE Fisher Apta before you decide. Large. A Airy. Hock wool In sulated sgainst heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout S. Com'L A Oak Sta SM. APT- adults. 774 S. Com'L 3 RM turn. apt. 325 S. 14th. QaaaasasWasasaa,s,S,sjaassS APTS.. $S month. 355 Bellvue. FURN. APT- 444 M11L FURN. 3 RM. mod., washer, refriaw A gar. 774 N. Commercial. FURN. UN FURN. 449 Front 3293. S ROOM FURNISHED apt Close la 494 N. Church. PRIV. BATH, st ht 2054 N. CapltoL APTS. $$ UP. Children welcome. Furn, or unfurnished, iiie-s. utn. NICELT FURNISHED J room apt close la. $97 North Commercial St nf IflTM tt dIJS ST. WIrttar. t FURX. 1st floor. 1449 Waller. S RM. furn.' auto. stm. It. frig, 2M9 Fairgrounds, rd. Ph. 7532 S R. LTS wsu gar. 439 N. Liberty, 49lsaSSsllasasaJsaOs4 APARTMENT?. to $379. Royal Court Apta Phone 3953. S AND 3 RM. spta Private bath. Call after 4 a. aa. 3S4 8. Cottage. sjlgf4$iaakeSsS4dBg9St S RM. FURN. apt 1st floor, garage, 1947 & Com'L i APTS. CLOSE to schla 449 N. 13th. CLN. t RM. furn.. court apt with privbath. laundry A gar. Bus service, l$l Lee. FURNISH. APTS, 134S Cheaaeketa, APARTMENTS. 2SS DIVISION St S R. FURN. Prlv. bath. 113 Unloa. 2. RM. FURN. aot. Ita. water. $3.69 wk. 129 Oak. Pb. 637A AT HOLLYWOOD Modem t rm. apart.- low rates. Adults. 194$ N. Cap ltoL i:', .. v- 3 ROOMS, with bath, steam beat 305 N Capttot . . APTS. AND sleep, nns. CSX Ferry. . awn a u Prinli ttath. Call after 4 p. in. 2a9 8. CotUge. - MOD. 4 RM. furn. SDt- $25 mo. In- clud. ht. Its. water A fuel. Ph. 1131 ax 7S; 3S9 N. Ubertv. Money to Loan en furniture, 'rara or note. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Lie. No. 8-1II Phone till, rioor location Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 51$ State Street. Salem, Oregon State License Numbers S 122 M-1SS ii i-innn ruxrxri PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS C15NTRACT3 REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used care. No delay or red tape. Tou will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 29 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 134 South Commercial Street Phone 9148 Lie. No. M-1SS FHA LOANS 4V. also prlv. I nana Abramr A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg. 1 --iinnniiririnii.riri.rLi"tiifWi Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-IS9 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata Will pay 4 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins A Roberts. . For Kent Apartments t LGE. COMFORT, furn. rmt Ita, water, washer, $14. 1714 Market For Rent Houses NEW, MOD. 4 rat. ICO N. ICtA. FURNISHED AND unfurn. bouses, H. p. GRANT. $29 Court. Phone 4744. $29 FURN. 3 rms. gas. lights, gar. fuel. 22S1 HazeL Ph. 7444. R. HOUSE. 3 bdrms.. 1234 & Com mercial. Inquire 353 Leslie St $ R. 740 S. COM'L. Ph. $40$. 5 RM. MOD. hse. Inq. ISIS Court NEWLT FURN. modern 5 room apt, automatic heat must see to appreci ate. tieasonaDie. nz n. winter. RENT NEW 6-rm. bouse. 1S2S N. Ws ter. Phone 429. S BEDRM. HOUSE. 1141 Union. CLOSE IN. S rm. TeL 4454, 4 RM. HOUSE, wired for elec range, garage. $29 mo. 1499 .Ferry. SMALL HOUSE. 2 beds, shower bath, clean. Inquire 1538 Ferry St 2 HOUSES. 255 Division. 1 A MOD. HOUSE. B mt north $25.00 4 rm. new furn. 4 A. 25.09 9 rm.. 915 N. 17th St, part furn. . . 20.09 5 rm. furn. north ., .. 37.69 6 rm. mod., Falrmount H1U 49.00 H. P. GRANT. 529 COURT S744-8330 For Rent Farm ; 9 A. 2 rm. hse. gar. 6 A. in eultiv. $19 mo. Inq. 743 Union, Sunday am. Week days after 4 p.m. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 331 State Street inquire room 399. Tel. 3713. Trailer Purruste? vawoow FVT y Foft THIS f -rr- "r" lj For Sale Real Estate ' TUST COMP. modern! stio homo at 1549 Norway. P. Johanuen. Ph. 96S7. FOR SALE Strictly modern coun try homo on 1H acrea worth $5009. 2 miles from city center. Prico$S97$. R. D. Wood row. owner. $94 N. Church. Phono 9609. - WE HAVE THET PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell, exchange, leaae, rent see Mr. Larsea or Mr. Col tins with Hawklna A Roberta sBajeaksnasaBBatsaaesjaasjsa MODERN BRICK house on bus, basement furnace warm, like rent to right party. ' . - River view." new modern house, aa excellent buy. - 4 room house close In basement very easy terma acre, city limits, bouse and bam, paved -road $190.00 down, $20.00 mo. ABRAMS A ELLIS, Inc. Dial $165 411 Masonic Bldg. Mortgage Loans SMALL 6 room house, $1500. $159 dn. Large 5 rm. home close-in, $2159. $259 dn. Brand new 9 rm. N. 6th, $4409, $500 dn. New mod. 5 rm. floored attic. Center St $3900, $300 dn. Ph. ART MADSEN at 65$0. FOR SALE Practically new C room house reduced $750.00 for Immediate sale. Good location In North Salem. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, fur nace and garage. Will accept good lot oo deal. See Collins or Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC LARGEHOUSE and 2 lota Close to State Bldga Suitable for Court Cheap. Inq, 354 N. 23 St APT. HOUSE, doss In. good in coma Sell cheap. Box 844. Statesman. SM. HSE. in N. Salem between Sum mer A Winter. A fine lot a good buy at $1250. . New 4 rma A dinette. Has- $ 220 federal loan will seU equity for $2069. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol S RMS. N. SIDE, bas't., paved. $2100; 7 rm. modern, N. side. paVt. $3700. $500, dn, : 8 rm. corner let, pav't., $1900 A $200 dn. : $ rm, mod ern, close In. $2250 A $300 dn. ; apt houses, duplexes A fine bldg. lots at right prices. Houses furn. A unfurn. for rent at all times. Money to loan on good residence property. PERCY ULLMAN. $50 Marlon Street M, A. close in, N. $175, $5 dn., $5 per mo. 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5945. FULLY MODERN, ex. cond. 3 bed im, home. Only 8 blka from court hse. The best buy in town. $3000. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5945. flj-nQixjuiJJi i-ialssfa" aae $1350. 5 RM. PLASTERED bouse, bath, garage, some trees, paved st $2750. Good 6 rm. home on East Wil son, basement fireplace, nice shrub bery a good location. $2800. Coxy 5 rm. home Just outslds the city, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry rm., garage, bath, lights, $309 Hn urn. MONET TO LOAN AT $ PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723. "WE HAVE on N. 21st a modern. well-built homo with 3 bedrooms, bath. bsmt. garage, for only $3750.00. Also, we have 8 nice houses for rent furnished and unfurnished. Money to loan. Call P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 812L BEST BUT in town $2250 for i zsuu nouse. very reasonaoie on. pay ment bal. like rent Tou can't go wrong on this. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $992. Exchange Ral F.tate A-l 7-ROOM HOME, doss In. for smaller. TeL szzz. For Sale Farms BUT THAT FARM NOW SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT Federal Land Bank offers farm a large or small, for sale ta Marion or Polk countlea Reasonable down pay ments, 5 interest on balance. See C. A. Barnes, field salesman, at 218 Oregon Building. Wednesday. December 13. or W. 8. Bartlett Secy. Treaa st above address any time. FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE ACREAGE SPECIAL I AM 1 TR. old bearing gooseber ries, excellent soil. 4 miles from sa lem. Trulr a aood value. Price $1050. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors. 114 & Liberty St. Fh. 444S. RIVER ROAD SPECIAL l A. TRACT. 5 RM. olaat home. basement fur. barn, garage, chicken house, all In good condition. Will con sider part trade for close-in property. Price $7500. See this now. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO. Realtors. 134 B. Lib erty St. fa. . SACRIFICE 9H A. TRACT, 5 RM. uncomp. house, drilled well, excellent location, on good road near schl. price $2000. $100 down, $20 per mo. See this bar gain. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 & Liberty St. Fb, C4S8. Acreage S A.. 4 RM. BUNGALOW, bath, lights; electric water system, barn, ga rage, chicken house, some fruit $2650. $500 down. 80 A. nice oak timber, fenced. V4 ml to macadam road, 19 mi. to Salem, easy to get out, szioo. 1, A. close to Salem on paved road. 7 rm. house, bath, lights, electric rump, laundry rm., mostly au is xruii. 2175 fSOO rinwn MONET TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTORS 726 Court St . Phone 3723 Tintypes For Sale Used Cars LOOK! U For Only $525 '36 Packard DeLuxe . Touring Sedan Original green fin'sh . - TJpnoIstery spotless - Nearly new tires - - Has factory installed Radio. DeLuxe Heat er - - Trunk and trunk rack - - Other Extra Equipment FOR $295.00 You can buy 1937 Willys DeLuxe Sedan Perfect shape. Has new paint and good tires. Many More 1 STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON - PACKARD DEALER USED CAR LOT 155 Chemeketa St SALEM'S BEST BUYS '37 Lafayette 4-Door Sedan $585 '37 Olds 4-Dr. Sedan 645 '35 Dodge 4-Door Sedan 395 36 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan 550 35 Ford Sedan .J... 295 '29 Chevrolet Sedan 85 Extra good BANK TERMS A TRADES CARTER MOTOR CO. LOT 249 CENTER PHONE 8734 38 DODGE COUPE. Ph. 9937, even ings. Acreage I ii al ii mi. out on pavea roao, .a . .n.M . a . rair nouse. Darn, some rruit oniy $1100. $100 down. See Mr. Collins. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO BUT - We have a party ready to buy a 6 or 9 room home in South Salem up to $3500.99. Must be good value. Able to make reasonable down payment. What have you? See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC HAVE f 1000 CASH, clear lot $1900 equity in house. Will trade for. mod. small house in city. Cal S145 after 19 :09. LOT OR tract outside of city, less than $200. Ph. 33S0. 923 a High. Business flnnortiitiities WANTED: Rent or lease neighbor hood grocery. with llv. rma S4S States man. For Sal Wood WOOD. Ph. 6379. Graen. 413 N. 21st LARGE DRT 2nd garth. $4.60. 7121 DRT WOOD, an kinds. Ph. 6700. OLD FIR, $5 : 2nd. $4 : knots. $5 : oak. $5.50. Ph. 9466. DRT OLD FIR $5.50. Ph. 7507. DRT WOOD. aU kinds. Ph. 6443. DRT WOOD. TeL 421$. DRT WOOD Bob Carson. 691$. ASH. Oak, fir. Ph. 3380. Asbcraft DRT WOOD. aU kinda Ph. 9569. Wood Sawing 939 N. COM'L TEL. 3523. WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Pb, 6883. Lost and Found LOST, PACKAGES containing silex and 3 pairs slippers, reward. 1840 Ferry. LOST Brown male Pekinese dog. Ph. 4457 or 1665. Tew St Reward. Personal LONELT7. WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband, wife for you. P. O. Bos 71. Lea Angelea Plan Oyster Sapper MARQUAM In order to raise funds to send their members to the Youth Conference at Salem, the Methodist young people of the Marquam church are planning an oyster supper for Friday night at the church halL They will serve from 7 to 8:30 o'clock, then giro A short entertainment and then serve again. The ReT. Pierre Smith and Mrs. Smith are assist ing In the plans. Business Cards la this directory 4W asoatbJy basis oIy. Rates f 125 per tta per month. Auto Brakes. Mike Paaak 279 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 14T & Corn's, P. 4116 Chimney Sweep TKXE PHONE 4410. R," ML Northnsos Excavating EXCAVATING OF aB kiada Base ments dug, Urt basled or moved,' Dili for sale. Salem Sand And, Gravel Ca Pboae 944$. Florists Braitbacpra 447 Court rbone 1904. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: earpe cleaning. iir.g : nun rug. weaving, a I Jin a w near, ret S44I. orru r. x wick er, fist, I9IL CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4099 Legal Notice NOTICE OF WARRANT SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That sealed bids wfll be received by the undersigned- until the hour of t o'clock p.m. on the 27th day of December, 1939. and immediately thereof publicly opened by the School District No. 74, Marlon County Oregon, - at the home of W. T. Hughes In Mo hama, Oregon for m-Issue of ne gotiable interest-bearing warrants of said School District in the amount of 500 dollars ($500,001 said warrants to be dated De cember 22nd, 1939 and to ma ture serially in numerical order as follows: $100 on January 1, 1946. $100 on January 1, 1947. $100 on January 1, 1948. $100 on January 1, 1949. $100 on January 1. 1950. Said negotiable Interest-bear ing warrants to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 6 per allium payable semi-annually, principal And interest payable at the office of the County treasure! of Marion County, Oregon or at the fiscal agency In New York at the opUon - of the purchaser. Said negotiable interest-bearing warrants were duly authoriz ed at an election held on Novem ber 25, 1939. Bids, except of the State of Oregon must be accompanied by a certified check In the amount of ten dollars ($10). The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dorotheen Wilson, clerk DlsL No. 74. Marlon County, Oreg. Publication dates: December 6, 1939, December 13, 1939. De cember 20, 1939. D. 6-13-20. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned Lillian Phelps, Executrix of the estate of Charles Jaquet, deceased; has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty her Final Account, and that said Court has, by an order there of, designated Monday, the 8 th day of January, 1940, at the hour of ten (10:00) o clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Courtroom in the Court house at Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement of said es tate, at which said time and place all persons so objecting shall appear and show cause, if any there be, why said Final Account should not. in all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed and the Executrix discharged. LILLIAN PHELPS Executrix of the Estate of Charles Jaquet, deceased. ROSS & FORD Attorneys for the estate. D. 6-13-20-27. J. 3. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, his duly, verified final account, as Administrator of the estate of Frank W. Hurlburt, deceased, and that tald Court has fixed Tues day, the 19 th day of December, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Sa lem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said fi nal account and all objections thereto. - Dated at Salem, Oregon. ' Is 15th day of November, 1939. W. H, CALDWELL. Administrator of the estate of Frank W. Hurlburt, deceased. GLOVER s LAM KIN, Attorneys for Administrator, Salem. Ore. N 15-22-29; D 6-13. Preliminary Road Work Being Done NORTH HOWELL The road road from the R. Mcllwain farm south to Earl Jefferson's is in the first . stages of upheaval this week, preliminary to future def inite Improvement. A large crew of men under WPA direction are digging ditches on each side of the 40-foot road and grubbing out the brusL along the sides. Whether or not the hills are to be cut down to any extent, and modern culverts placed over Woods creek has not yet been determined. Residents whose farms lay along the- right of way are R. C. Jefferson, Henry Hagan, Mrs. Bern ice Summers, Virgil Morgan, Earl Jefferson and Rollie Mcllwain. Directory Machines Repaired SEWING MACHINE repair.. Ph. $669. NaturopatHc-Physician ' DR. W. BL ROCKWELL, Naturopath, to Physician, 1799 Fairgrounds Rd. TeL 4303 Office Hours 11 a.m. to 6:34 svm. FREE EXAli A CONSULT A TION. Papering and Painting OO FIRST class? Johnson, 8733. Prinling FOR STATIONERY, tarda pamphleta programs books er any kind of print ins, call The Statesman Printing Do-' partment 31$ S, Commercial. Toss phono 9191. . Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner- oil. call 3I3L Lsrmor Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. -Well Drilling B. A. WEST, rt a, aos 44$. Pa. 10FS.V McLaglen and Miss Eilers in Drama 3 . Sally Eilers and Victor McLaglen are seen here In a tease moment from "Full Confession, suiting today at the Capitol theatre, RKO Radio's drama of a murderer's regeneration. The restraining hand belongs to Stanley Blystone. Joseph Calleia and Barry JMtsgerald also hare featured roles. Companion feature: Ann Sheridan and the Dead End Kids In "Angels Wash Their Faces. Two in i -, - ? . ...' " ... ' Kenny Baker sings and plays for Jean Colin in the Universal techni color release, "The Mikado. filmed from the Gilbert and Sullivan mu&icaL showing; at the Hollywood theatre today and Thursday. Mrs. E. G. Harris Is 111 at Suver SUVER Mrs. E. G. Harris has been ill in bed the past week and Mrs. M. 8. Newton has been caring for her. Mrs. Nellie Lamb who was in jured severely three weeks ago is able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woods and children have moved to the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Suver last fall. Turner Lodge Elects Officers TURNER Pearl lodge No. 66, AF de AM. held election of offi cers at ita last meeting. Joseph S. McKinney was elected worship ful faster; Hugh Webb, senior Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 5 16 la 20 21 22 2H 2 26 27 31 32 33 35 36 3? HO 43 47 4a S2 S3 56 HORIZONTAL 47 relentl 1 feeler . 5 entreaty 9 plant juice It premium on ' ; . , currency V" exchance 52 Indian weight 53 -wading bird 54 plane surface 55 dolt 56 slave 57 bevel out VERTICAL 1 moccasin- . like shoe IS British nobleman . 14 highest note - . in Guido's tegle 15 oppceers to change IS satisfy 1 build -20 assault 23 eandaraa tree 24 dip gently 25 token 28 tropical American tree - 21 wrong S3 meshea . fabrie . 84 feminine - . name , - 85 rock fish 88 retain 88 mine shaft ' covering: t s 89 remain- - -41 levels , 43 cast a ballot , 45 tmderdone v Herewith is the solution to terday's puzzle, - 12-13 PrmTrmTGrrl In I f Msh In lotey el Ffl T E AlR E T HA NKg eok. Ack ATerage ttas of PIsMsatot sr 4 v Tune warden; Walter W. Miller, Junior warden; James M. Bones, trea surer; Harrey S. Bond, secretary; Karl B. Whipper, senior deacon; M. Fay Webb, junior deacon; W. Carl Duncan, chaplain; Cecil P. Rogers, . marshal; Lawrence A. Edwards, senior steward; Charles E. Colrin, junior steward; Ulwin E. Denyer, tyler. Denhern Injured ' ' v1 ' TURNER W. J. Denhern' was seriously injured early Friday af ternoon, while working at the tu berculin hospital. He r stumbled and fell about 10 feet on concrete work, striking on his elbow and hip. He was rushed to the Dea coness hospital where he was found to have a broken vertebrae and possible internal Injuries. II 14 17 17 23 22 2S 2? 30 34 37 36 4 42 45 46 HI 51 5H S7 2 past 8 Scotch waterfall 41 a legally armed band 5 saucy 6 bathe . 7 age ' - 8 modify 9 partition -10 fish sanee .. 11 gone by 16 erodes 17 Turkish decree 20 Prussian ; river 21 main part of church 22 unmarried women 23 card staks 28 black . 27 command. in driving animals 29 large African 80 cyprinoii fishes 82 tnflky plant fluid 27 Persian fairy 40 love 42 pertaining to the palate . 43 passport : indorsement 44 eingle units ' 45 shed , copiously 43 competent ' 43 Abysinian V nobleman . .- ' 49-Anger .50 teveraffeT" :-" edible root I A N T Sl S L OgU G- mt pp E D I $4 I