PAGE NINETEEN Salem'g Mairke'IL Place for Bniying SeMiiri Meeltiinig! The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning December 8, 1939 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CSaatrifled Advert Wag; Three Insertions per Un 28e Six Insertions per tin 4tc Oo mootb per lift f 1 Si Minimum chart S8e: 3 tl. aala lmsm SSe; 8 M. min. 48. N 5 refund. ' - Copy for this pan accented anttt :3 the event before tMibHoe clon for rla set fk-at lots. Osor re selrea after Ui time -rill a m ender the beadle To latle t Classify." Tb Slattern assumes a flnaa--rial responsibility for error which mar appear In advertisements au II shed In tta columns, and la eese htrt th-.a pener Is at faalt will re rtt that part of aa advertisement In which the typographic! mistake occur. . The Statesman reserves th right to reject questionable advert'sln. It further reaereee th Hht U place all Advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad aa ad eontatnln Statesman bo number for aa ad dressla for th protection of the drertlaer and must therefor b answered by totter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to dlvulxe In forma tion aa to th Identity of adver tiser using a "Blind ad. Li -restock DEAD AND worthless horse, cow a. picked op free. Ph. collect. 4U Salm. Montgomery Rend. Wsa Help Wanted tl WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar, ahed. W.y. largest company. "TREE BOOK. MusB rooms, 1011 Second. Seattle. Waah. Help Wanted Female REUABtE CIBL .-TelTret" one child, mother em ployed. Giro ret erencea, tw -.-,vco'-IMr-rr h'lU s e- keeper, full charge, go bom nignta. good pay. Call Sunday. 878. Hsekpr. for adult. 133. Statesman. a-s-ta--- mm w m - " - Situations Wanted DRESSMAK. lira Aasttt. Ph. ' int. WORK or care children. 461. . nnn r- -"- sst-sa-' " - - - . TOUNQ KAN. exper. steno. bttpr.. calculator oper. i iw- .-..n, . Vaaawvk- tfl X scjui. "r"r r; w. till hanire for room board. Ph. leu a- m. 4 p. m. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH REGISTER. Addlna tMchtae, Typewriter. Duplicator Calculator and Scale serrfce. All makes sold. jrented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. M a iinrw ii-r------ machine, reasonable. $15. Inq. 17 Waller. t (a-.... I" !---.. ,,.' CASH FOR Used Furn. Ph. 611. LAWN MOSS II yd- 1376 8. CetnT. taa'sT1 J w iciNCH : MATS, excellent for wrapping young tree. 1 cent .acn. Statesman ox i ice. CANARIES. Belmont. Ph. tUl. i u i i lit n r ii ii - - - - "' ""'y W ATKINS Pro. I7JS Madison. 70. IXnri n iLiiiWTwwTteiw-i m m w - - .-a.-r-n a T TTT lTPTHtP TsV- Wtor. About 4H eu. ft. Spec.- iun)"M" - brtnx sack. Klorfeln Packlnc Cw tit a Hixn. nrLririri. nn - ttttta' " " EGGS AND FAT COIX1RED HENS Aliv or ore-. '.VJrr. Bprous. jrr""i-r .s corners, z. wnur ow . v a tv..vw rtan taathln tt. nursery chair. Sacrifice. Ph. 7tll. -----Lnj-1. li ii FOR SALE Like new. Model . It. M. Eastman worle camera at Wes ton Fhotronlc exposure meter with leather case make lovely Xma ain. Ph. 434. juTjui-iT-rLnnj ii ""'''" " tTocr. tt.T-r wthlmit tfllnlnafr auitB. tl sS Par down. COHN BROS tOS N. Liberty. WMMWMMwVMwvsew----' . FURNITURE ALMOST new.. I bedroom sets, one dlnlna Toom et. darennort ana cnair. wnima -Broadloom rotf. all mooem. Sartna - - VPrtm Th If 14 prievs. . . - uTjijTjijLari.nnriii HANDMADE GIFTS. 444 Marlon. PIANO AND bench, fin conditio. a IT. M. XllUk j ra-ar or'TT xs tl 1 ernrhated ta hi cover. IS. ISIt Stat, between 4 and f. -y l l JIJUrUl lS 1 .aaa. m an.-.s..tb i XMAS WATCHES Jewelry at half price. Cash for ld gold. t41 N. Cotn anercUL - BOOK BARGAINS. Wntd. Oie-- Iff. W. history. 471 cnart. m. int. APRONS, alii, cards. 7 H. Hlah. BOSTON FtTPriKS. tltl N. 4th. FAMTLT 8IZB Mora refrtjU ICS. Zttt wiar. PIANO-Ex reliant condition. IT. Rt. . Bo SIC. Hlway 8. Ph. 1SF4. tt BOXES APPLES Spltsenhars. Kewtowns. Red Cheek Pippin. Kings snd OrtUy at 2Cc box, I foe (: h Leber rrade tt hex. I for tt ana tap. Walnut le pound, filbert IS Is. Fresh apple talc aur. ite ami. PURITAN CIDER WORK WEST SAI.FM Irish sjgr, t -bo. 4,1 y- w5' UPHOLSTER IN O BPBCIAU Price n rebuild. ensh. McDowell. Ph. ttL FOR SALE J t wtofntl Winch tee In perfect coed ft Ion : baa a stew barrel Just put on. Would make a ale Xmas present. WIH sell eery reason a Me, See H. T. Whit. 8Utesmaa. GOOD apple I Sc. ttli 8. Gotta-. ADVERT1SINO Watrurs AdTartltl8i RiprtMBUUTca Oeorne tX CI, ta. aa ' Fraoctat-o Lear aagste. aatatm Advrtlaia RprataUTa BryaoL Grtrnt Binnsoa. . Chloaro. New Tera, Dstn r-red l ta 1 Ore on Cssas ataeter. fa tuaew eeers sarni esses I M eraee aat t th arrees. x SUBSCRIPTION KATE3I Malt fiVnbscrtpUon Rate ta Advaae WlUila Orscoa: Dally aad uday Ma. cents- Mo tl I . I vr IS.. Else w bare tt ssets w Ma ar I4.M foe I rear ta advaae Per aprty S eenta Neweatand ft " By Cty Carrtart tt cent a 17.14 a year ta advaae ta Mart MMWWaa HOUSEWORK OR -cars lck people y elderly lady. 73 Judaon. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITE or ebtHM ttltlj to iinaac insutntlon. lour a to trtctet prlracy. To wtU pajrJas ml your la ee aranttas f 1 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too pay ta fun any ttan to redoes th 1 .vus Mr. a unti - "f"'' , N ndorasr. Lor made on furnltuia. car i SES TOT tttUmas'S, MGR. - CfcNFRAL FINANCE CORPORATION ; U 8. CMoierclal St. Ftrt door south of Ladd A Rush Bank i Convenient (round ARE YOU PREPARED FOR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CHRISTMAS with Its thousand and an drains aa the f am tie tnmmn ta a Joye-oa season Indeed, but one that strains the pocket book to It very limit. we are prepare to neip you meet tness unexpected expense by rA"""; you sufficient money on your own security to take car of them. Repay Your Loan in Easy Payments t 4.91 per too. repays t 40.0 In 12 mo. t 4.72 per mo. repays SO la It mo. $1144 per mo. repays $200.00 In 20 mo. 8ee a for courteous, considerate treatment ; confidential and speedy serv ice. People with modest Incomes are especially invited. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Km. 201. tad Fir. First NafL Bank Bide 8ale'm. Oreson 8-21 1 State License M-22 mBBmmmmBmmmmmamw)m10 " ' ' '' , trVmMwrymmfftfH0t . Sensib'e Way lo Gel Extra Cash FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY EXPENSES PERSONAL LOANS Here are typical examples of easy monthly payment: ft.OS me. repays $ 40 in 12 Mos. $12.10 mo. repay $180 In 20 ntoa. $4.7$ too. repays $100 in. 20 mos. $11.80 mo. repay $2S0 fat 20 mot. Other Amount in Proportion BORROW "ON TOUR OWN" Everything- strictly private. . . No embarrassment. It's simple to act a Personal Loan. If you can afford the easy repayments listed above, apply for a loan at once. Just come In or phone and ask for our Mr. English. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. For Sale Mi ac el lan eons Used Weatlnchonse elec. range $10.00 Used walnut bedroom set $9.95 Used veteur davenport 6.95 Used Hamilton-Beach elec vac uum cleaner Used Apex washing mach. ., , Used crib A mattress . , Used daybed A pad T.60 $9.95 4.95 7.5 .75 $2.50 used end tables Used Lane wood ran Used elec. radio S.95 COHN BROS.. $06 N. Liberty C 1 1 R I STM aVt R E Ea t"w t sa le. Thousands, all sises. 5c up. Freshly cut. good road. Richardson' Ranch. Falls City. REG. WHITE Collies, Mrs. C. J. Pettibone. Rt. $. Eugene. Ore, FOR SALE Contract of sale $700.00. Draws 6. Will discount. Phone $17$. OVERSTUFFED SALE. Naah Fur niture Co. -Shop around. "It Pay. Cash, terms, trade. 2-Floors-S. REMINGTON CASH register with autographic detail tape. Sinjrle lock control. Perfect condition. $50.00 cash. Cost $176.00. See it. Nash Furniture Co. NASH FURNITURE CO. -Sella tb Sam for Less." Be convinced: "Shop around." S-Floors-$. New and used. The home of Lans; ranges. SALEM FLYING rlab membership. Ill S. llrd or Ph. 41S1. -eeweeasaewww ZENITH RADIO 7-TUBE 1939 ZENITH push-button ll-wave. Cabinet model, like new ; baL due. $54.70. Terms $5.00 down. $4.00 monthly. See Mr. Jans. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE WantiMr Misccllanons "WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fil berts. Also meats. M. Klorfeln Pack ing Ca. $8t & High. Phone 7433. . WANTED TO bey used typewriter desk A noiseless typewriter. Must be a good one. No junk. Ph. 1400. Wanted -Furniture WANTED. USED turn. Ph. 6110. OLD SEWING machines wanted. Pit. 41I. CASH PAID for furniture. Ph. 4I1T. aB',sf USED FURN. R. Forgey. Ph. 7145. ftliscellaneona Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE ' IN MOST CASES Bring er Mali Tour Plate for Repair DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Allaky Bide $d A Morrlsoa. BR. $427 PRACTICE PIANOS, ft. H. U Stlft For Rent Rooms' LARGE ROOM. 214 R. Church. HOTEL SALEM, tow monthly rate, , HOTEL MARION Roeaa, 8peial weekly snd -sBenthty ratee to pertn. gnescs. Marlea Coffee 8hoa. deltctoaa meala at low price. HEATED RM, ICS "TT. Ph. Till BLEEPING ROOM. T26 Court. DESIRABLE RMS Breakfast A gar. Rea. 114$ 8. Com. Ph. $262. SLEEPING RMS.. $8. $45 Marion. astsaTatss WILL. SH. heme with lady. P. $1X9. ' CLEAN. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, doe la. TsL 4746. Hoom and Hoard SEE MA BOWEN. tOI H. Liberty. ft PER MO., privet modern home. C tee, in 8tt. ' NEAR STATE ht Stm. heat. 6482. WMMMaMaaAMMMMMMWWWWA-e NEW asanage borne cooked meals, newly dec. rcna emod loc. 1144 Center. WANT 2 PEOPLE to room A board la Private family. (20 ea. per too. Ph. 644$. For Rent Apartments . SXX TBS Fisher Apt A before yoa deeies. Large A Airy. Rackweel Ia salated agafaist heat A 'cold. Veaetlaa BUae ttuwagheat. 8. Cool A Oak Sta, FURN, UN FURN, 4(9 Front. 830$. S ROOM FURNISHED apt dees ta. 404 N. Church. FRIT. BATH. at. hL 2054 N. CapttoL APT&. $0 UP. Children welcome. Farm, or unfurnished. 1310 8. lit. t RM FURN. art-, at th Marlon. Frio $12.60. Ph. 1411. R. FURN. Prlv. bath. Ill Unloa. S AND t RM. new furn. Ph. 931. FURN. COTTAGES, cheep. Sheen' Cattage. & 9th A 12th St. Junction. NICELT FURNISHED 2 room apt close is. 197 North ConnerclI 8t Money to Loan a 44t. lars nnancui affair will ba alacuaasd be (Ivea rry ooaldexatlea ta Us tatdona . JIM CLARK. ASST. KG 8. Lie No. 8-ltl Phone till. floor loeatloa Second Floor, New Bllsh Bid. 61$ State Street, Salem, Oregon State License Numbers S-122 M-ltS ' " --- - -"- ----"i-sii-sjnrui njnrTrtrxnj! PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- doc payment. Money for new or ased car No delay or red tap. Ton will re- lain possession or the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 128 South Commercial Street Phone tltt Lie. No. M-162 FHA LOANS mqL also prlv. loan. Abrnm A Ell la Inc. Masonic Bide ------------ - -rii"iiirir.ii-irMiirtririonfWi Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 Loans Wanttnl WANTaUJ PRIVATE MuNEX TO LOAN on good Salem real se ta ta. Will pay t Interest. W. H. GRA BENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta. WANTED $1054 LOAN on good Salem security. 16J$ Ferry. For Rem I Apartments CLN. 2 RM. furn. court apt. with prlv. bath, laundry A gar. Bus service. 1815 Lee. 2 R. FURN, 42 S. 20th. Ph. $$91. a,tat's S R. HEATED apt, 444 a High. FURNISH. APTS. 1248 Chemeketa. MOD. S RM. apt. 158 Center. es,eeatste OAK VILLA Conrt, bungalow, adults, no dogs. Inq. 96 Mill. 8 FURN. 1st floor. 144 Waller. ej-ts-ssTasna a X RM. furn. anto. stm. lt fri 23$t Fairgrounds rd. Ph. 7522. twtaSaeeatstsasa SINGLE, htd. Prlv. bath.1335 State. FURN. APT, t rms, prlv. bath, gar. water at rurn, zs. 147 x. com J. ' -,-,-.iii-iiiniinn nn nn S Re LTSL. Wat rmr. C2 it. Xatberty htsMAst-t-as--e APARTMENTS, $32.60 t $27.50. Royal Court Apt, Phone $963. t AND 8 RM. apt. Private bath. Call after 4 p. m, 260 8. Cottage. '' Ytr-9jmM'rrwruj'jjr t RM. FURN. apt. 1st floor, garage, 1147 & CornX APTS, CLOSE to achla 4C0 N. 12th. m1- - - - -i-i 1' . f OR t RM. mod. apt. Heat A water furn. Come A see tt Ph. t$0. 416 & 26th. 1 OR t RM. mod. apt Light A wa ter rum. com see It Ph. $200. 195 & 25th. For Rrat -Houses RENT NEW tr.' be. 1828 M. S BEDRM. HOUSE, till Unloa. 4 ROOM HOUSE, bass, fur, $20. rooot xnoa. nonae, .- I bedroom bouse, flrentnoe. II. C H. SANDERS lit 8. High 6 131. Bridge tWrvsu ataoAeom turn turn ALL, how rrst-reeTL - fAK8S - - 1 1 t?CTTo4UV'W j SHOULD scan rXiAVOCr SopwT Of Trie $6torrCr exOBH.n rjg aV V iiww-. bOR ACtS ' tV AFT. I WMSNT JK-rrehfTtotJ f V . : . Trie? WIFC, WHO 3c7TS eAWUET oJr ftoe-tT4e XJt3efT-err ns?oeJt. , - - For Rent Houses S-RM. MOD. bee, hardwood firs. Book. $36. lilt Jefferson. Ph. 47 $4. NEW. MOD. 4 rm. $4 N. ltth. FURNISHED AND tmfnra. bow H. P. GRANT. Kit Court Pbon 4744. $2 FURN, 8 rm, raa. llxhts. nr. fuel, tltl HaasL Ph. 744t NEAT ft RM. hse, nr. elec w. htr, wired for elec rancre, w. pd $12.60. $26 N. 23d. Ph. 100. Inq. 944 Crater. f RM. HSE $20 I no, $28 ft bias, t eapUbl ground. Inq. 746 N. Capitol or 116 Union St, 1 ROOMS FURN. or unfurn. Close In. 10 boarders. Inq. 1117 State. COTTsAGE S hdrma, ExeclL conoL. see 1343 8. ComroercUL Ph. $282. t ROOMS. 2 BATHS. 4 blka. P. O. nox S3S. eta teaman. . THREE ROOM mod. furnished cot tare. Cha. Hudklna. 376 Bute, Ph. $494. NEW MOD. 4 rm. plastered house. wired for range. 2141 N. Com'L St. t R. HOUSE, t bdrms, 1234 8. Com merdaL Inquire $6$ Leslie- St ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM modern furn. house. Adults. Ph. 4420. CHOICELT LOCATED mod. Bice 2nd floor 5 rm. furn. apt. Separata iront entrance, inq. 14 js. atuier. s-jaaWj SMALL HOUSE. S beds, shower Datn, cieaa. inquire l&xi Ferry St aawWawwaMMWWaWWWW 1 A. MOD. house, north -$25 -$lt .$1$ -$2t 2 A. 1 nn. bse., girls schL t rm. furn, 1790 D St 9 rm, 915 N. 17th H. P. GRANT. 629 Court. 6744 FURNISHED 5 RM, bse, flrepUce, $25. 1$ Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. Wanted Real Estate WANT ACREAGE near Salem that can be bought with very small down payment and balanc like rent Write P. O. Box 172. Salem. Oregon. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. Ml 8tat Street. Inquire room 200. TeL 1711. For Sale- Real Estate FAIRMOUNT HILL. RACRIFICE " $1500 BUTS THIS 7 rm. plaat horn on choice lot in exclusive res. dist Several fruit trees, lot 75x160, doub. gar, several choice shrub. CALL R. A. JOHNSON WITH. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St Ph. 448. JUST CO MP. modern Istlo home st 1540 Norway. P. Jehansen. Ph. 587. FOR SALE Strictly modern coun try home on 1 acre, worth 15000. 2 miles from city center. Price $$976. R. D. Woodrow. owner, $94 N. Church. Phone 9600. m00000wfmkm& WE HAVE TUB PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell, x change, lease, rent, nee Mr. Larsen er Mr. Col li ne with Hawkins A Roberta. CLOSE-IN COURT SITE $900 BUTS A LOT only 10 blka. oat East facing, near stores and bus. PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. REAL OPPORTUNITY HERE. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 1$4 S. Liberty St. Phone 444$. 6 RM. MODERN home on Richmond Ave., full basement fireplace, hard wood floor, garag. prlc 43200.00: We have several nice houses for rent and money to loan. Call P. H. BELL, 489 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. BUSINESS PROPERTY 24x52 ft, brick bid-, cement floor. Good loca tion. Sacrifice to sell at once on ac count of health. A bargain at $$500. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. $2400 BUTS NEW 4 rm. A dinette, herd wood firs, Venetian blinds, gar, good terms. $2800, mod. home, N. Salem, base ment furnace A fireplace. K. A. JTUKJUMExt, I83X H. Capitol LOOK: $250 DOWN $25. PER MO. will buy this I R. plastered home la excellent condi tion, located near state bldg. Prlc $2160. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. R. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 & Liberty St. Pbon tltt. spksaee'we HOME BARGAINS $475t BUTS THIS t rm. coL bom with den. On lot 72x10 on high ground la 8. Salem. Never been occupied since a complete re conditioning inside and out. Doub. gar, , doub. plumbing. Ven. blinds, several not trees. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. TERMS. Call R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 131 a Liberty 8t Pbon 6461. tlfK irnirs t ROOMS, MODERN with cement basement furnace, garage, elec stove and breakfast set goes with sale, near bos llae. Present rental Income $30 per mo. Terms. A GOOD INVEST MENT. W. H. GRABENHORST A COL REALTORS 111 & Liberty St. Pbon Hit. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE FURNISHED, RENTAL. I a e o m about $41 per mo, located 1a N. Sa lem, Price $4500 for immediate sale. AN IDEAL INVESTMENT. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 & Liberty St Phone 1441 $10 DOWN. BAL. Hke rent New 8 rms. A nook at 199 N. 14th St w-y ervS - Tf8 1 r i -1 M IUIIIII For SaleReal Estate FOR 8ALE Lots owned by City $126. to $600. Be any real estate maa er call 8433 167 S. High 8 treat GOOD HOUSE oa Chemeketa. Can be made kite pt. Prlc only $260. Reasonable down Mr- baL 82 nr too. Just being re-decorated. ' F. H. WEIR. 112 Ores. Bldg. Ph. 9411 ---- - ------ ii-ii-iiinnnAnnnnnnAn BRAND NEW 6 rm. modern bom. Hdwd. noor throughout Priced to sell. Only $2150. $200 down. SEE IT. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE IX Ladd A Bosh Bldg. Phone 696. ' twitw. aron inn v.... basnt, hardwood floors, fireplace, alr eoaditloned, laundry tray, for only a 1 . v ir, wniia. .,;-". natn. garage, all for $130, terms. wt Ka va a rm Kai v.v m m,.ti house. 22 A. near Estacada for house In Salem. New. mvt - hniu a r bsmt, furnace, hardwood flra, flre- ?lace, corner lot. Will take good lot as Irst payment, terms on balance. VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. Phone tltl. Exrhanee Rpal Estate TRADte PITT MVaaa V J ,w avUI home Opportunities in exchanges. suma at KIIISGKTa INC. irru-LTLru-u-LTLr TRADE FOR SMALL ACREAGE HAVE A GOOD old house N. on Broadway with three partly furnished apt., well rented for $32.00 monthly $1100 mtg, trade my equity for acre or two. with llv. house. $3000. P. 6580. .... "iyiivyyifuvuvi A-l 7.ROOaf HnP 1naa I- . smaller. TeL 5222. . ' 7 RM. HOME in Portland. Clear. fine lonllon. Vnr rlu. B.1a iim. Ph. 677$. " For Salt? Farms MUST BE SOLD MAKE AN OFFER 4 A, ALL CULT, 5 R. house, largs barn hen house silo, spring water bouse A barn, good soiL Priced to sell. $4500. Easy terms or trade. O. K. REALTY 219 Court St ---------' -i 1 i-.-i-.-i-.yiriruuuuw FOR SALE 400 ACRE STOCK ranch close to state highway, producing good Income from, sheep, goat A cow a t R. house, gravity water system, bath, electri city. 1 stock barns. Offered at $10. 000.00, and will accept home In Wil lamette valley town a part See Mr. Collins, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Acreage 6 ACRES, 4 R. HOUSE, barn, elec, fruit A berries, 5 mi. E of Salem. Price $1500. Trade for Salem home. It ACRES with modern 6 R. home, fine location. 6 mi. from Salem. Trad for Salem property. RO STEIN A ADOLPH, INC. 110 N. Commercial St I A, WITH STREAM, south, $65t. 14 A, on D St, for $700. 10 A, north, unimp, $400. II A, stream, spring. $1050. Building sites, outside city, north east. $5 down. $10 mo. C. H.1 SANDERS 118 & High till 10 A. WELL LOCATED, t rm. hse, barn A outbldgs., pressure water ya Thl 1 a good place A owner will trade for home In Salem. R. A. FORKNER, 1851 N. Capitol Wanted Real Estate WANTED WILL buy old bop wire and poles, state amount size A price. Box 834, Statesman. - -- -- -- - .---1 -, , 1VMVinA. CASH FOR rood small hmita l,,m be good Investment Save agency com. Box 837, Statesman. Business Opportunities AMAZING NEW merchandising ar ticle available to proper party. Exclu sive representation offered if qualified. Many references netting $300 per month and upwards Interested only In reliable business men with reason able sum for investment Box $36. Statesman. aw. aaaa. . - - - -, i-i-,-r-.-.-iniru-xrxr BUSINESS ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE ROOM about 30x60 feet lo cated on N. High St. near Senator ho tel. $40 per mo, N. Liberty St, room near Golden Pheasant restaurant, oak floors, heat furnished. $86 per mo. Large room on N. Commercial St, $160 per month. SEE US FOR A. BUS INESS LOCATION. . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 a Liberty St Phone 6461. SERVICSTA, LOCATION CORNER WITH both sts. paved, 60x65 feet, located on 8. Commercial St, $30 per mo, ground rental. An Ideal place to build n oil sta. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 & Liberty St ' Pbon 1461 For Sale Wood ,GOOP. P,RT4 a 2nd growth $ cord lota, SILTS. Ph. Tltt. lwaaaaiMW)wwwwww WOOD. Ph. $7. Oram. 411 N. llat aaa.,.a.a...... niniWUWU LARGE DRT 2nd gwth. $4.60. T411 DRX WOOD, aU kind. Ph. 670. "Ml-avaiaaaa)a.iiajaaaaa-i nnn OO OLD FTR, tl; tnd. 14: knots, ttt $6.6. Ph. 9466. . DRT OLD FTR 16A0. Ph. T607. ""' J-jj"nrirtf BE8T O. F. block sawed aecur. length, a trash. $4 cord. Ph. 9454. Wood Sawing ttt K. COITU TEU $61$. WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 6888. Business Gardg tti this directory rn mm m mimfMj teats etaly. Batet f 1.25 per. Ham, per Anto Brakes MO. Panek tTI SovtS C-Nrnmerclal Bicycles BTCTCLES. NEW Harry W. Seott S4T and recoadltiened a, P. 461 Chimney Sweep TEL-CPBOXa 4414. R. t Northnsaa Chiropractors DR. a L, SCOTT. PSC. OUrepraeter. W K. High- -rat Re. $671. t Exeavating BXCAVAT1NO OF aQ ktod. Base, seat dog.-Dirt healed er tneved. Dirt am urevei wl Pbes 140 Mattresses SAUCM FLUFF RCO snd Mattress Cactery. NEW MATTREJ4 made te order, eld remade : carpet eteealag. exng: flufl rag weaving, a llthA Wilbur. TeL UiU OTTO F. SW1CTC- ra. Est mi.. :; -. . CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbon 4461 For Salts Used Cars McKay's December Bargains '39 Cher. DeLuxe -Sport Sedsui.;.$325 Dark -green color fully aqulpped very low mileage. '39 Pontiac DeLuxe Town Sedan ......$825 Very low mil ear. A beautiful car. '38 Chev. DeLuxe - Town Sedan $625 Fully, equipped gunmetal color an excellent buy. '37 Dodge Trg, Sed...$595 Here' a beauty Com In A see . ft '37 Dodge Coupe $565 Low mileage A perfect -car. '37 LaSalle Trg. Sed. $795 Radio heater deluxe equipment" A car you will like.. '30 OldsmobUe Sed. $125 '32 Pontiac Tudor !.$235 '32 Chevrolet Coupe $225 New paint t-ply tires motor la per fect shape. She's a beauty. TRUCKS '38 Chev. Dual Long Truck $645 Low mileage Fine stock bed Re move stock racks A you have factory built flat body. - '37 Chev. Dual Long Truck $595 700x20 new tires front. 750x20 10-ply dual rears, in fine shape. Here Is a bargain. '37 Ford Vz-Ton Stake $435 '36 Ford Vt-Ton Pickup $365 AND MANT MORE McKAY Chevrolet Co. Walt Holm n Jimmy Davis Law rence Flathera $$$ Center Pbon tltt. You Won't Leave It UNTIL TOU SEE IT - DRIVE IT 1937 Studebaker Dictator 6 Coupe..$445 Steel body adjustable front seat safety glass hydraulic brakes, rid control hydraulic shock absorber hill-holder. This car has actually been driven 22,000 miles A is a one-owner car. Weight $050 lbs. THIS PRICE GOOD TODAT ONLT HERRALL-OWENS CO. 23S 8. Com'L -it'jr--i Phone SI O. LOOK! You Make Money! 1940 Prices Now! 138 Chevrolet 4 -Dr. Tr. Sedan $59f 1917 Chevrolet Coupe . 45T 1911 Old 2-Or. Tr. Bed. 177 1914 Plymouth 2-Dr. Bed. 287 1911 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan . I2T 1911 Rockne Coupe (a Studebaker - product) i ltT 1930 Graham Coupe TT X 1939 Dodge 4-Dr. DL Sedans, excellent condition, new car guarantee. You will like these csrs. TERMS A TRADES HEIIRALL-OWENS CO. 235 & Com'L Ph. $169. ","i ' " -i -i- - ij-'sfutjunjxruTrLr LOOK 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe Town Sedan A nice black finish. Spotless mohair upholstery. A real buy at $445 BANK TERMS TRADES CARTER MOtfOR CO. LOT: 140 CENTER PH. $714. FOR SALE, Chev. Coupe, "21. Term cash. Priced for quick sale $146. Inq. after t p. m. at 151 Leslie. MWWMweWMlaaaa 29 MODEL A SPORT Coupe. Good condition. Make aa offer. 109 Third St, W. Salem. Personal LONELTf WORTH WHILE sweet, heart hash ad. wife tor you. P. Ov Boa TL Lea Angeiea. Directory FlorisU B-afthaapt'a. 44T Orurt Pboa ttti. Machines Repaired SETTING MACHINE repair. Ph. tilt. Natnropathic Physician . DB. W. H. ROCKWELL. Natnropath I Physician, 1T Falrgrewad Rd. TeL 418. Office Hear 11 a.m. :$ -M. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A- Papering and Painting GO FIRST da ssT Johnson. 2711. Printing FOR STATION ERT. card, pamphlet, program book r aay kind of print, bis, call Tb Statesman Printing De setment 116 . 8. Com-nereiaJ. Tees- Transfer FOR LOCAL er distant transfer. tor . . a,u -an aaet Ijimi Transfer Co. Track t PerUand dally. T7eilDriniri R. A. WEST, rt t. boa 446. Ph. lltfS. For Sale Used Cars You Always Qet a "Better Used Gur from Your Buick Dealer 198 1919 1931 Buick Special Sedan L 846 Buick Touring 2 -dr. Sedan .$$95 Buick . Touring Sed, No. 968 ,. $746 Buick Touring Sedan 445 Buick "Toaring Sedan $526 1937 1934 1936 1921 1931 Buick nut Touring Sedan! No. $335 Buick . , , , Chrysler Royal Sedan . Plymouth Tourtna Sedan $166 $785 138 193 1987 1917 1917 8(26 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan v$65 Studebaker Dictator Six Se- dan $135 Graham Coupe Six Supercharger .S16 $445 Chrysler Royal Sedan 13 Packard Model 12 Sedan $546 13 Dodge Business Coupe . 841a Ford V-t Touring Sedan $375 Chrysler Royal Tour. Sedan $525 Chrysler 81x 2 -dr. Sedan $345 Pontiac Bus. Coupe' .. $265 Chevrolet Six-Wheel Sedan $165 Chevrolet Sedan $ 45 Packard Six Sedan (5 Plymouth Sedan . , 35 Studebaker Sedan 8 65 13 193 193$ 1934 1931 193 1926 1929 1930 1930 1927 1931 192 1929 Durant Sedan t 45 Naah Sedan $ 85 Chrysler Coupe Chrysler Sedan Whippet Sedan $135 $ 45 $3 Mechanic's Special 1936 BUICK SPECIAL TOURING SEDAN It's a little rough but 1 in good shape mechanically. Large trunk. A very special val ue. Priced to be sold at once for only $395 Many of these cars have radios, heat ers and other extra equipment BUT NOW AT NEXT TEAR S PRICES 0TT0 J. WILSON USED CAR DEPARTMENT 388 N. Com'L St. Phone 6451. Russell Bonesteele Ray Bonesteele NEW LOCATION CHURCH ST. OFF CENTER . Quality Late Model USED CARS 1939 Studebaker Champion Club Sedan $695.00 1938 Studebaker Com. Sedan. 7.40 mile T85.00 198S Studebaker Com. Cust Coupe, 13.000 mile 750.00 1937 Studebaker Deluxe Diet Sedan radio , 695.00 1937 Htudebaker Diet Cuat ' Coupe 685.00 1931 Studebaker Diet Cuat Coup 625.00 1931 Studebaker Diet Sedan "Special" 445.00 1969 Ford Deluxe Coupe. 2900 milee - 715.00 1938 Packard Six Sedan 130.00 1937 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 696.00 1917 Buick Deluxe Touring Se dan 695.00 19ST Old Coup 665.00 1917 DeSoto Coup 565.00 Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. Phone 4545 619 Court Talbot School Serves Lunches TALBOT Hot lunches are being served at the Talbot school. The 4H club members prepare the lunches. Shirley Jorgenson haa been 111 at her home with measles. Mr. and Mr. Marvin Cham bers hare moved to Junction City where Chambers has employment Mrs. Chambers Is teaching In the Mi&slon Bottom school. Cross Word Puzzle 3 Ys (2 3 24 Id 16 2 l3 t22 20 22 23 4 27 23 22 f S2 S3 3S 34 21 37 36 3f 32 53 3 &6 : D0SO0NTAL ltMlialf of tV-Bawallaa mulberrr '.., bark . c. 8 abort tag 12-MninvTal rock ' It CTttltpetl II- thar off 1co8mc1k 48 rery dirty 47 small cage 49 te wait 81 jeHy-lik material IS wind instrument S3 a burdam 84 Mli pet 18 nla1 man: ' eombinlnf form 17 Aaaaa aflkwana V I ft foreign 20 barter ' 2S ranat 2J allot 24 elf t 27 leaplne - amphibian 29 to estimate 21 to feel regret for ' an act -84 military. . f lodging . 88 smcllt 88 new wine 87 tumor of thetkia S3 ardor 4 abora 7 hied Ear-nrita is 77. icruajs puxu. at. eJEleCHtOja: iHjOjLlL AJrTotE EjSe OlElVil T3g--lAR I A V H"MC ?4fi JP Bq 3TJAJN L VO A TF At-amc thae f setstl i tt latei -a-8MkDMV-m-t-e Legal Notice IX THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UXITEO STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the Matter of Frank Exnel Layton, No. B 24530. Bankrupt To the creditors of Frank Emel Layton, of Salem, in the County of Marlon, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: NOTICE IS HEREBY , GIVEN that said Frank Emel Layton has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on the 24th day of November. 1939, and that the first meeting of hi cred itors will be held at Room 225, in the United States Pottofflce Building, Salem, Oregon, on the 18th day of December, 1939, at 1:45 o'clock in the afternoon, at which place and time the said - .i. , ..... creuuurs may uiicuu, w yiuve their claims, appoint a trustee. appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and 1 trans act such other business as may properly come before said meet ing. Dated at Albany this Sth day of December, 1939. WILLARD L. MARKS, D.8. Referee in Bankruptcy.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon,- duly made and entered on the 13th day of November, 1939, waa appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Donald B. Botts, deceased, and has duly - qualified aa auch. All persons hating claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, and with the proper Touchers, to the undersigned Administratrix at 207 United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six () month from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made the Sth day of December, 1939. GOLDIE ROGERS . Adminlatra t r 1 x of the Estate of Donald B. Botta, deceased. Donald A. Young, Salem, Oregon, -Attorney for Administratrix. . n ..if . a f irst ruDiicauou; uecemucr o, 1939. Last Publication: January S, 1940. D. 8-1 5-2 2-2 9 J. 5. No. 9925 , ORDER APPOINTING -DAY FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT la the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of - Marion. Department of Pro bate. In the matter of the Estate ot , ceased. ORMA W. CARLETON. the ad ministrator of the Estate ot Rosa Iona . Carleton, Deceased, having rendered and presented for settle ment, and filed in this Court, hit final account of his administra tion of said Estate. IT IS ORDERED. That Friday, the 8th day ot December. 1939, 1 A. AM 1 - a t A si iv.vv u dues a. ixi. ui -aiu day, be and the same is hereby appointed for the settlement ot aald account; and that notice of said settlement be published in the OREGON STATESMAN, a newspaper published In Marlon County, Oregon, aa often as one a week for four successive weeks prior to said day of settlement. - Done in open court this 9th day of November, A. D. 1939. J. C. SIEGMUND. .County Judge. N 10-17-24 D 1-8. II n 2! TH 2 2b 'A 2 3P 3W 21 HO Ml -13 V77x V6 51 Z1 ' VERTICAL 1 pertaining ;' tea central point 2 short papal . cape. I anatomical networks 4 small 8 salutation 0 eparated - 7 brisk hastentd 9 prudent 10 Swiss : Canton U bererag If penetrate 21 hleld 23 floor eoTcrlng 2 trrow old 24 tUl 1 ea .....u the aolutioa ta ytay jo place of .worship SI brawl ' - - - 82 community JeeIrM : infth. Neta, crianus S3 portable float 84 tpiced . biscuit 28 nautical 89 toil 41 Adatle - carnivore 43 the end 43 a tower 45 mimicked .48 metric " romance 47 male twit 43 Japanese - tath t- tUr C ' a-M sdtovesot S RM, MAIN C, 446 Sw Winter.