The OILCGON BTATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 1 1939 page nine Local News Briefs Theft Reported Bert Helke. Scott Mills, reported to police yesterday an orercoat was stolen from Ills car while It was parked on Terry street between Liberty and Hlfh streets. John Oudeans, 722 Highland, reported theft of several $2.(0 cold pieces from his home. Frank Benley, 5S9 States man street, reported his home en tered by a bedroom window some time between S and 9:45. The house was ransacked and a har monica and a SO-cent sold piece taken. Last Times Today rins Latent 31arch of Time Starts Saturday Mr. and Sirs. Thin Man hare a B-A-B-Y now . It's their newest adrenture ... and thela mrrlet! ALL XEWI 5 A UYnilAAOY n ii UIN AAMi Companion Hit . Andy Derine Richard. Arlen la "The Man from Montreal" Coming Errata Dec. 1-2 Older Boy fereuce at the rMCA. Forma tion of area HH council. Officer Here Early T. 8. Griff ins, naturalization examiner, has Informed County Clerk TJ. O. Boyer that he will be available for anyone desiring information on naturalisation at the court house between 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Final naturalization hearings will be held on December Alpha Phi mothers' rummage sale at Herraiwjwena SL, Dec. 2. Last Day Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Tomorrow "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON Today - Hat. 3 Fr a tares I ii tic mi rti ru in finer? liaHiy Pins Jack Holt fn "Hidden Power" Pins - Floyd Gibbons Adventure i'CW tMV '"MIL SONG-STUDDED IXCIUMENTI And Second Feature Also Xews. Popeye Cartoon, and Chap. 9 of Buck Rogers VhmiTc 'J. 11 sill ill 1 lUiill M .m.i Continuous Sunday if 1 to 11 P. M. Jj E TARZAN FINDS A S0NTT innsinriwim ma raunus I M-G-M'GreatMiTananfVtarcl: U CttnJe DeeesaTser 11 Crippled children of Marlon and Polk coun ties will be examined by Dr. Rich ard B. DIUehnnt of Portland at a clinic at the Salem General hos pital, December 11. Application for admittance to the clinic may bo made to the public welfare commission, karlon county public health commission or the Marlon county health unit, who coopera ted in arrangements. Glldden Paints, highest quality at lowest prices. TeL 1250. 1430 D St. Marriage licenses Licenses to wed were issued 'recently at Van couver, Wash., to Norman N. Bloomfeldt, Klamath Falls, and Betha E. Law. Salem; Leon James Sherman and Bernetta . Strain, both of 14 3 S Mill street. Salem; Howard P. Dixon, Dayton, and Elean K. Clerenger, route one Sa lem; Leonard A. Darby, route one Salem, and Zelma B. Watklns, Portland. For Sale 11x24 Inch mats, ex eellent tor wrapping young trees. 1 cent each. Statesman office. Superintendent Visit a Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, county school su perintendent, was In Detroit yes terday helping to supervise the giving of the first part of the reading ability testing program adopted by a number of county school districts. The program started on Monday In the Salem schools, and is to be concluded by December 15. It Is given In the fourth to ninth grades, inclusive. Massage and Battle Creek treat ments in your home. P. 4839 Loran. Turnover Filed The sheriff has turned , over a check for $3557.91 to the county clerk for taxes recently collected. Of the sum 3605.41 goes to the city of Salem and 3412.04 to the Salem school district. fW Blatfm Haolw bv nollcO yesterday were Charles -D. Ben nett, caacaae xocsa, owo a. Reding, Woodburn; Leonard W. Roth, rotate tlx, and unarm a. Chltflna, all charged with viola; iinn Af.kui nit; John Mel via and Dwight L. George were charg ed with disorderly conduct. Catholic Daughter of America .aViI tnnA Ut Rat.. Dec 2. Good Housekeeping store, 453 Court. tfuuWiiH TTmrl mTT R. Ma cartney, Klamath Falls, of f iclal of the weyernauser nnwr tym pany, was appointed by Governor Charles A. Spragno Thursday a member of the state nnemploy- x AAMttAfioaflAMV aAirnnfMlATl'l experience rating council, succeed- . - Y .1 .vVj ing K. V. aioore oi juu, died recently. , Call Board - . - STATE T4 day Spawn of t ho North" with George Raft, Dorothy Lamonr and Hen- ry Fonda. "Range 1Var with William Boyd. Saturday midnight show "It Could Happen to You with Stuart Erwln and Gloria Stuart. ' GRAND . . Today "The Adventures of . Sherlock Holmes" with Basil Rathbone, Ida Lu- pino and Nigel Bruce. Saturday "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" with James Stewart, Jean Ar- thur and Claude Rains. t i Ii J A wiiiua Bin tnssx aiTBa ItlCI ! ELSINORE Today Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard in "The Cat and the Canary." March of Time, "Uncle Sam, the Farmer." Other hart anblects. Saturday William 'Powell and Myrna Loy In "An- other Thin Man." Richard Arlen and Andy Devine in "The Man From Mon- treal." CAPITOL Today Laurel and Hardy in "The Flying Deuces." Jack Holt In . "Hidden Power." HOLLYWOOD Today Charles Starrett In "Rio Grande." "Panama Lady" with Lucille Ball and Allan Lane. Marlon Pioneer Die Word has been received her of the death of A. E. Harris," Marion county pioneer, at the homo of son, . 8. A. Harris, In North Bend. Burial will bo in Pioneer cemetery near Brooks today at X p. m. - Christmas shopping with conveni ence and pleasure, Capitol Vari ety, 1262 SUte. License Granted! -A beer and wine license has been granted to George P. Downing, Detroit, by the county court. Delta Phi mothers bazaar, cooked foods. Stiff's. Today, Saturday. Scouts Give Toy A number of toys will be added to the fire de partment's Christmas cheer collec tion with - money given by the Willamette Sea Scouts of Salem. VFW auxiliary bazaar and candy sale. Sat., Dec. 2, Portland Gen eral Electric store, 237 N. Lib. Pensioner to M e e t Central Townsend club No. will meet at the courthouse tonight at 8 o'clock for nomination of officers. Building PermitsMargaret J. Cosper was issued a permit to repair a dwelling at 103 Marion street, 315. Ilorlgage Loans 5 Definite commitments made from plans and specification. Purchase your lumber where you wish. Loans closed or com mitments secured within a few days. If yon plan to build or refinance It will pay you to see me. No obligation to secure commitments. BEX SAIIF0BD Ladd St Bush Bank Bid;. Salem, Ore. Contract Let Contract for grading, surfacing and oiling 4.4 miles of the Mnddy Creek-Haines section of the Old Oregon Trail ts Baker county Thmrsday. waa awarded to E. C Hall 4b company, Eugene, on a low bid of $1 f,4St. Rummage Sale, Fri, and SaL, W. C. T. U. HalL Mahaekaakn flJSO OH Wave f l.OO Manxanita OIL $340 Wave- 1JH Zenith Heateriess Perm. Waves at : Reduced Price ROSE PERM. WAVE SALON 408 Guardian Bids;. - Ph. 7070 . Al IIonlgenery-TTard TOY SPECIAL TODAY OIILY (Beginning cA 10 curt.) 1 HI II VJrpnan iinnie mm Brail Hero la a genuine Orphan Annie Electric Kitchen Range hist like mother has In the kitchen. A real range with utensils included. A reg ular S8c value lor today only MEZZANINE TOY SECTION 1S5 NORTH LIBERTY ST. ' Watch for 'Another "Toy SpeciaV' for Tomorroio ONLY f A TAB LET 10 EASE PAin OP UEURITISW 7ith Ggr.slr.3 Dzpr fezlni 1 v Get this Famous Quick Relief today without thought of pricm We feature the fact that Bayer As- Eirin costs only le a tablet, to drive ome the point that there's no reason even for the most budget minded person to accept anything less than genuine fast-acting Bayer Aspirin. i For at the most, it costs but a few pennies to get hours of relief from the pains of neuritis, rheuma tism or.headache . . . and get it with all the speedy action for which Bayer Aspirin is world-famous. Try this way. once and youH know almost instantly why people everywhere praise it. It has rapidly replaced expensive "pain remedies in thousands of cases. Always ask Aspirin" by its full name when you buy . . . never ask for "aspirin" alone. J f"yoodgyL(474 S. Conncrdal StTSpccSofl i pc OJ 5 J :LziL5 LTUHDj INCLUDES : (1) Vanity - Large, roand plate -glass mirror ' genuine walant tc eered quality consCrac Uoav beautifully ftalshed. . (2) Boudoir Lamp . WatrrfaH " edge, frosted base. Clair de Lune shade. Choice of pastel colors, (3) Chest of Drawers 'Waterfall styling using genuine walant Tenerrs guaranteed construction . (4) Boudoir Lamp Choose your set from Sa lem's largest selection. (5) Bench Walnut finished relour np . bolstered. (6) Bed "Waterfall', style, finished la rich walnut beautifully snatched. - '" i (7) Spring, Simmons" Pally guaranteed heary angle iron base. (8) Mattress Comfortable, nearly filled. (9) Bed Lamp Hatches the boudoir lamp perfectly, l (10) Throw Rug Imported rounds, orals or rectangular shapes. See the Most Unusual Toys in Town!! Total Price 10 Piece (Save 84.80) 0 0 (Similar to lTlnstrat'on) c 0-: fussnanHSsI . r? a a , - Total Price 10 Piece (Sare S&3) ' . 0 0 IO-Ficce Davcap:r! end Chair Group z 077.00 (Similar to inustration) - Same Terms V i : Delivers ' , .V Your INCLUDES:. tW Tiavvniwiri Ha1 Genuine "BUtweU" or B. P. John construction, fully , guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Corered in rlclf; lus - tron Telour. Choice of wine, blue, brown, green, fawn, or TOSCe (2) Sofa, Cushion Choose yours from dozens. (3) Occasional Chair Genuine walnut finished ' arms, attractive corcrs. . (4) End Table I Walnut finish aU hard wood. ; i ' , : - (5) Floor Lamp . - New Indirect style, reeded tabing. Choice of eggshell (leaf prtnt); ' white, and rust. . . (With Bed Daveno) (6) Walnut Desk Tow may hare either droplid or flat top style genuine walnut veneered. (7) Lamp Table Genuine walnut finished. (8) Coffee Table Very bandy for evening re freahments ; and every - day use. ' -' (9) Table Lamp Genuine ; walnut finish Modern style A11 table match perfectly. : . (10) Bridge; Ip"'; ' Handy reading I lamp (All lamp match perfectly;.); ;; i Oi'O) D N3 o SliE OUIt UQDUL UOOikJ; . IMS MY ma mm 2wh "am uinyl K 'I J5 I n ncT7eJCJrnae . va72. tkxr cair plt :: "p ai, r- 'ov"a- Doll with Qosed Movth s 1. SheDARLXNGIHata cutebaby coat and bonnetl Crying voice, sleeping eyes, real lashes! Deluxe Model Chinese' Checker Every Follow Wants a Big New Mainliner 3o Full lire (16Mx34H)l -piece body! No rough edges! Rubber tired disc wheels! Rubber grip! -Mil. I I- Drop-Side Doll Bassinet T! Deluxe Scooter Has Pneumatic Cord Tires! Just the crib for her favorite dolly! All steel braced frame . . . rubber Sturdily built! Will hold a 25-inch grip steel handle! Compare with doll! Side drop down. $5 scooters! Riverside tires! ----'-:o-'-'L-Jfirtlliir "Tnei i d II I'll II I II sBJW IIWHIll Mil Pedal Bike VffehVardsNew Safety Saddlol Sparking Dovshboy Tank whhMotort Everybody Has Comes In 1! : Non-warp board has hollow metal frame that holds marbles f Ante up Rummy on back! Complete! FORM-FIT safety saddle help child keep balance! ONLY pedal bike with ball-bearing wheel! ' It moves with' rat-a-tat noise Includes Dingo, Pick-up Stick; - emitting harmless sparks! Dough-, Checkers, Gam of India, Old boy pops OUti w uj - , mala, icummy nnu t ; Zip 3 WW J Belly Will. hoy errn,. - FREE! 82- page chil dren boon 1 Ttndolpfar the Red -'osed Kriadeert By Santa v Satur day tor P. U. W T ATM toMi ' . !7. I --.'s