f AGE NINETEEN Salem's Market Place for Beyiini Sellim rag! 9 ai The OREGON STATESMAN, Solera, Orton, Friday Morning December 1, 1939 TO i 'I 'I - : 1 si j I t 1 3 Statesman , Classified Ads Call 9101 : Classified Adrertisfnn: litre insertions per 'tin 35e Six Insertions per line 40e One month per Jin ft 35 Minimum charge 28c; 3 U. tnla- . Imam 35c; 8 ti. min- 41c So refunds. ;;'.. r,,,-:' . " Copy for this pace accepted aatil 8:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re solved after this Onto will be rue under the beading "Too Let to Classify.- The Statesman assumes no ftnsa ;tal responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In rase where this paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the rieht to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind Ad as ad eontalntnn a Statesman box number for an ad-' dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge In form ac tion aa to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthies horM. cowt, picked up free, Pb. collect. 4411 Salem. aaatssSsssaSSaSsaSaSsySsSseWSsSSjaasSssSsSaSS N.H.- pullets. 2298 N. Liberty. Auctions - ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 1:20 p, m. st the F. N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mart, 1010 N. Summer St. In Saltfin, the estate of John A. Diem deceased, and other conaigners consist Ins; of machinery, furniture, carpen ter's tools, Lang wood range. 2 -burner Hotpolnt elec. range, "heater, 14-jt. pressure cooker saws vice ploe dies cu. ft. Frigidaire. blow torch, radios H, H. elec motortables chairs dressers davenport chair check protector, small hand sprayer clocks beds springsmattress, wood coal - furnace farming mill ensil age cutter. 2-horse corn cultivator S ft. Xeering binder silverware kit. utensfut diahes log chains, wood coal furnacecombination wood 4b oil range. '20 Model A Ford Sedan. Bath fixtures shower, linoleum wood rugs lady's mens dresses 4b coats. Lots of miscellaneous articles Terms, cash. " PUBLIC NOTICE If you have anything you want sold, bring It In ; we buy for cash or sell on commission. See us about your next auction. Ph. 5-1-1-0. oL F. N. and Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers, establish ed 23 yrs. In Salem. See our largo stock of new and ased furniture at pri vate sale. We always sell for. less. Help Wanted $39 WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. 25e lb. World's largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms. 2019 Second. -Sesttle. Wash. ' WANTED MEN to train for posi tions in airplane factories. Positions waiting for qualified men but you must have approximately 1200.00 to cover transportation, r living ana pre liminary training expenses before go ing to work. For information see Mr. Robinson, Marlon MOtei. oaiem. r n di, mnA Saturdav. Dec 1 and 2. 9 :00 a. m. to :00 p. m. or write P. O. Box 41, Salem. Oregon. . Help Wanted Female i WANTED. WOMAN ' to do iMJUse- work. Box 2Z1. statesman. rjA-ii.rLiinnrirv-ii-ii-i-i- - ' WANTED HOUSEKEEPER , for aider' man on farm. Woman wlttt cniia accepted. Plu. f 7 72 alter a p. ro.. Situations Wanted .' DRESSMAK. Mrs. Adsltt. Ph. 2t. ; GIRL DESIRES light housework snd care or. cmiaren. w -m Statesman. r TW UVPR mrmn nff. wrk. Fast. accurate in figuring. Box 822. SUtes Saan. - " EXPER. GIRL will care for child ren. References, trn. asi. wtt.t. rAttv. tnr invalid or eldertv person in my borne, reasonaoiew iu Oak. asSaSWMsasSssSsaSassaaSsSssaatSagi s RELIABLE TOUNG men still msnt work; will do anything. Honest. exp. store cieraa, imva, mu. For Sale MirHIn neons Typewriter. Duplicator, Calculator and Scale service. All makes sold, rented swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 46 f jourt. CASH FOR Used Furn, Ph. 5110. ruTrxriri ryir -y"vgrsfijJsii,i,'- r- "i '" " LAWN MOSS $1 yd. 227S S. Corat ta44 tnvrn wjts. evident for wrapping jroung. trees, 1 cent each. Statesman office. CANARIES. . tiS Belmoat. F 'l; W ATKINS Pro. 172S Madison. T$5. aaaaasasSaaaasaaaSassSsSSsssSas SALE WALNUT sheila. 5e S sack brina; sacks. Klorfsla Packing .Ce 2 SO & High. EGGS AND FAT COLORED HENS . Alive or dressed. No delivery, Frank Sprouse. second bouse east Mitchell 4 corners. E. Center St. Phone 9835. -Bikes Rep. Ramsden. 142 S. Lib. : DOLL CLOTHES" made to ordeft Outfit 750. Phone 8109. eataasasaajsasasaaasasesea CHRISTMAS GIFT FURNITURE LOWER THAN EVER FHIUfiS s SEE THE attractive desk lamps ' with fountain pens, .- floor lamps,; table lamps, coffee-tables, end tables.- magazine tables snd racks, .pictures, mirrors, card tables and -. bridge seta Hundreds of other Items for gifts. : " ' UPSTAIRS FTJRN1TURB STORE 429 Court Street. Where TouT "Buy Upstairs snd save' PLTMOUTH ROCK roosters, fryers, bakers Mrs. W.- H. Pelker. Rt t Box $27. ( ADTBRT1SJNO I - Western Advartlslax ' RepresentsUTen Oeorge D. CSeee lse, -Sae rrsoclsco . Los Angeles. 1 ,tt ' stni Adraxtkla i Representstlveg Bryant. Urlffits Pi imsoav. tae. Chicago New Tork Dstrott, -.' Boeten. At la mo ' ' fstersa ef ise feeteee el Seiest Or t eon mm Seeead Close af otter. fM Htaed ever eteretae esesat afod' tfasMess eoe M Seat Csstiere4si ttnmt. - .'. - - ' v SUBSCRIPTION KATE3: . Stall SubaerlDtloa Rates bt Adva Withia Oregon : Dally a 4N aday Mo. to easts- 8 Mo $1 50: Mo 8 50 1 rear 15.00. Else where SO osots pe Ue or $$.00 for 1 rear In advance Per oopy 8 cents Newsstands I sots By City Carrier eenta etoath $7.20 a year to advenes is Aiarloe ami adiaeent eeuatleav Money to. Loan QUICK CASH LOANS , CALL, WRITS or phone (9188) te Salem s eldest, tars-eat borne owned and home managed finance Institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. Tea will be given very consideration In the ra- paying ox your toaa or granting ex extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ion can pay la foil any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs i I No endorsers. . Loans made oo furnltui. cars of note. " ' ' . . .... 8KB ,; ROT B. SIMMONS. MGR. . m v. mm tarn Gr NFRAL FINANCE CORPORATION IIC So. Commercial St. First door south of Ladd Bush Bank Convenient around floor location ARE YOU FOR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CHRISTMAS with Its thousand m jujwii mwa uiuno, out one wai ( rr , pP"" neip you meet j wi4iwm uwuv-j vn jwui uwu .uj iLjr lo ixKo care ox mem. : Repay Your Loan in Easy Payments I 4.02 per ma repays $ 40.80 In If mo. $ 4.72 per mo. repays $ OS 00 in IS mo. f S13.44 per mo. repave 1200 SO in IS mn See us for courteous, considerate ice. cvn ww sin hiuucbi iuwmgs) emro frwfsfuLuy inviteo. ! PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm 201. 2nd Fir. j Salem, Oregon S-211 For Sale Miscellaneous APRONS, gifts, cards. C79 N. High. 1 DODGE GEN., all wound for arc welder reactor unit. W C of A plan. 1 4-cyL motorcycle, reasonable. One or both. Tel. 388. any time. 1 SAWDUST BURNER. $12.50. 9452. EMERSON PIANO, good condition. Cheap. 2746 N. Front. Ph. ftZl. COLORED FRIERS, l$c PH..6S17. SMALL UPRIGHT piano In. good condition. 175. Tel. 456. GOOD ' USED Furniture at low prices, terms to suit. stairs Furniture Store 429 Court Street. Buy Upstairs and dining room suite, walnut, chairs, buffet and table, very good condition. " - , , Rust lanwitrr davennort and chair, extra fine condition, coffee table and end table. Leather davenport and tap estry davenport. Springs, mattresses, beds, chests, drptmpra chairs, rockers. Montag circulator neater, good wood range, gas electric ranges, rt ooarow 9x12 'American oriental rug.. several Also fine stock of new furniture at low prices and low terms. LTuLn-ruuuui i"-"" - - - -- $1(9.60. 11-TUBE 193$ ALL-WAVE electric tuning cabinet model. BaL due 8SZ.ZS. Terms a.uu aown, .vv uunui iy.- See Mr. Jans. nrn c Wil l. fcTTTRTf! SfTOR13 STUDIO COUCH in excellent con dltion, AU coil construction, full bed Aintr MMntMrtmanL Sneclal $15.75. Pay $1 down. Coha Bros., 305 N; Lib erty. asasssaasasaasSsaasastssajsSa 8229.00. GENERAL- ELEC range, go at sacrifice. Ph. 8344 for appoint. BURBANK POTATOES. No. 1 and 11 Oft nrt Oats and vetch har. 812 ton. Walnuts 10c lb. Also spples And date prunes. Geo. Christofferson, Rt. 7, Box 200, 1st house to left past Big Chief service tela., 1'oruana nwy. S5F1Z. USED RADIO Clearance Sale Mantel Models $4.95 and up Console radios $9.98 and np. Montgomery Ward t UO-, saiem. 192T MODEL. T FORD Roadster: gd. funning con. Self-starter, new bat tery. 4 practically new tires, Also spare. " $20 jcash. - Ph. 7929. saasaaaSasWaaaaaSfcaSVSaaSaaaatssaaS USED MATT AG washer, $15.00 Thor washer $10.00. Good Housekeep ing. Inc. 452 Court St. aaaaaaaaaataaaaa,, FAMILT SIZE Norge refrlg, $05. 2495 Walker. vrrai-D nvnvaTBlTfP rafrlarer ator ca. ft. Terms $5.00" down and nothing until March 1st, next year. Montgomery Ward Co.. Salem. Ore. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE OF 'N USED HIK.MTLttfi . 1-wood bed. $2.00. 1-Sprtng (twin sise). $2.00. 1-Tapestry Bed Daveno, $11.88. 1 -Tapestry davenport, only $14.50. 1-Darenport. only $9.95. 1.1.ntMi hdr(wm set indudina 1 mattress. ........ 1 coil spring Impair pillows 1 bed lamp 1 double blanket ...... 2 sheets 11 pieces In all. A reg. $79.95 value tor only $44.88. MONTGOMERY-WARD CO. RECONDITIONED ELECTRIC re frigerator. large sise. -perfect condi tion, $49.95. Pay $1 down. Conn Broa. 105 N. Uberty St. USED WOOD ranges small sise, $24.95. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Sa lem, ore. - 7-PC LTVTNO ROOM GROUP Furnish your living room complete lnciuaing . - 1-Bed Daveno . " 1 -Occasional Chair : . . 1- 9 x12 rug (wool snd fibre) 2- Lamps , 1-Lamp table . l-End table Regular $99.00 value special for only $49.88. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. USED BATTERT radio. $14.95 With batteries. Montgomery . Ward - dc Cot. Salem. ; ... ... ; USED ELEC. ranges, $9.95' up. HotooinL Westinghouse Universal. Montgomery Ward A Co.. Salem. Ore. USED TAPESTRY davenport, one only, at the low price of (5. Cobs Bros, 805 N. Liberty. WsnlfHr Miscellanous WANTED FOR-cash, walnuts A fil berts. Also meats, af. Klorfeln Psck- tng.Co. 290 8. High. Phono tsss. - Wanted -Furniture WANTED. USED furn. Ph. lilt. OLD SEWTNG machines wanted. Ph. 451T. CASH PAID for furnltare, Ph. 4817. aaasSaaaaasaSbaseaiaaaaajabja USED FURN. R. For gey. Ph. 7445. Miscellaneous PRACTICE PIANOS. $2. H. U Stiff. Dental Plate Repair. TWO-HOUR ; SERVICE d., MOST gases Bring or Man Tow Plates for 'Repair nn. HARHT SEMLER. DENTIST Alisky Bldu U s Morrison, BR, f 417 Room and Board SEE MA BOW EN. COS N. Liberty. RMS MKN Tsble bd. 850 Markvo SSSSnsSsSnjaSgajaiaayaaaaa ROOM. BOARD 4k laundry. $8 per wk. 022 8. High St. - 4 BUS, BRD. optional. 1120 Ch'm kta. SING. OR dbL, close. 270 N. 12th. sitVVIiaaajsasnasnstsssWaOVeAssa BD. RM, 1424 Ferry. Ph. 5515. HSL BOARD. Ph. 7920. 1407 Cmrt. Money to Loan . JIM CI. A RFC. ASST. MGR. LI& No. S-188 Phone tUt. - - - - - - - - - - 'imirYYm PREPARED and one drains on the family Income Is strains ine pocxet DOOK to Its Very limit. ineae unexpected expenses by loanin treatment ; confidential and speedy serv First NafL Bank BIdr. SUte License M-220 AMOsSassaasj PERSONAL LOANS $25 to $300 IF TOU need cash right now with the holidays coming soon be sure that yon borrow It wisely. Pay no more t nan necessary. . . get the best possi ble terms . . . and insist on the cour tesy and consideration due a custom er. Personal loans available here at Personal Finance Company are the sensible way to borrow. Here's why : YOU SELECT YOUR OWN TERMS iO CO-SIGNERS NO EMBARRASSING XNQUIR- STRICT PRIVACT Here's how little you pay for a Per sonal ioan: $ 8.03 mo. repays 80 In It mea, $ 8.72 mo. repays 8100 In 20 mos. 812.10 mo. repays $180 in 20 moa. $18.80 mo. repays $260 In 20 moa, To get a Personal loan here mat i us know how much von need and how you would like to repay It Come In or pitcne. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bligb Bids. 618 State Street. Salem. Or arm State License Numbers 8-122 M-185 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars No delay er red tape. You will re tain possession or the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 128 South Commercial Street Phone 9188 Lie No. M-112 OSaaasSaSsSSaSSaaaaia FHA LOANS 4, also prlv. loans. a Drams at auiis inc atasonie Hioz. - - - - - - -rri'ii-rri-nnnnnfuvui Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATES MONfiTT TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate, win pay 6 interest. W. H, GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at tiawxins Kooerts. $1500. PRIVATE PARTY. 8. Real estate security. Arils Anderson. Sliver- ion. - - - -- . iWmvWMWwva 8(000 1st MTG 5 YEARS. C&. Sev. en houses, one acre Box 820, .States- For Rent Rooms LARGE ROOM. 254 N. Church. ... -rrfwywinnAAiwiji HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rates. --------- - -i-i-inrii-irii-inririrvu'u'ijxruxrLn HOTEL MARION Rooms. Special weekly and monthly rates te perm, guests. Marion Coffee stoop, oeucious meals at low prices. HEATED RM, 885 "D". Ph. 7618. a8MeaasseasaS SLEEPING ROOM. 726 Court. ,sssasassa,aaaasaaasasssaaaa,ss, wRN. RM, 678 N. Cottage. 4408. For RenI Apartments PATTON APTS. 1S Sff SSara. asiea. Aauita only. m. SZ44. ' SEE THE Fisher Ant a. befora van decide. Large Airy. Rockwool In- auiatea sgainst heat cold. Venetian tfuaos tnrougnoat. S. Com'L Jk Osk Sts. "FURN, UNFURN 489 Front.' 8808. X ROOM FURNISHED ant. Cloaa in r. (jnurca. - '"-- -i-B-ii-ini-inn.-u'Krvxnri.rtxoj' ONE AND 2 ROOM furn. anta. Clean rarm. Adnlta. 045 Ferrv. -" " - - rivri-yinnnaiwif PR1V. BATH. St. ht. 2054 N. Capitol. VACANCY. Hawthorn Court Ants. A PTS S C t71 fTrifMrwaa mImotmi urn. or ttnruivlsoesL 1319 S. 12tlx t RMS, 1st FU 482 Marlon. i - si i iun jnjxruirutri 1 1 -i -i -LnnT.na MODERN 4 st ROOM furnished spsrtments, Must see to appreciate. neasonaoia, lit no, Wmter St. " -M-,-,ri,-yi-iiriiM.i S RM. HSE, apts, 725 N. CemX WARM. CUT. S m mr tww nrl. "w aomia. si rt. wmter. ? t R, APT, Dee. 1st, Roberts -Apts. - rii rLninnn. Mod. 1 R Apt. Bus. Worn. 1882 Court t OR 2 R. APT. With featH TJa-hta A water. I urn. i-n, (ZDS. - - - - - i j- S R. FURN. apt, bath. 699 Union. - - - - i-mnn ru-inj- ROOMS OOVTPT .v: I'H.I .V eitralaJtl Adults only. 2010 Nebraska. S RM. FURN. APT. Prlv. hatb. nri. ent, refrlg. ph. 5977. 7 98,Os9stoanasas .8 R. FURN. Ph. 6275 or 67444 Livestock FARMERS- : Montgomery Rendering Works p i c k s up, Free of C barge, dead and worthless H ones and Cows anyvliere in the Willamette Valley. , ; rw C X dT A U LI rriLCS - I PHONE US COLLECT. 84 IL SALEll For Rent Apartments ' S RM. FURN. apt, grnd. fir, prtr. natn, gar, aaoiia. jau mtmi. APTS. $$ MO, S5S Benwe. fOf pt.tjttitt.T' FURN. basement apt. Heat, lights, water, phone. 15 $2 Court. - sasasaasaasaaasasssssassssassssssnahra 8 R LADIES. 1147 Oak. S4BsaaSaaaesBaeaSasaasaae 2 AND 8 RM. new furn. Ph. 8219. FURN. APTS, adults, elec. washer, gar, $9.00 me. and up. 624 N. CapitoL FURNISHED APT, 440 MUL Osaaaasaasjaasssalaaasaaasaaa SMALL APT, 678 N. Commercial. 8 RM, HEAT, lights, water, garage. Z4. sas rt. uapitoc x v kj niAJa aoooern apt, inmuw Frigidaire tt water; $20 month. 1725 center, pn. .xszi. SM. APT. Adults only. 770 & Com'L 4sSssaassaaasasssSrfsa 1 R4 BATH. stm. heat. 2005 N. Cap. 9ssasaasaaseasssjgsas as t ROOM APT. separate bedrm. It needed. Heat, wster. furn. 1188 N. 4th. LOVELY MODERN furnished 2-rm. corner apt. H W. heat, laundry, ga rage. 830.00. Phone 8418. For Rent Houses RENT NEW 4-rm. house.. 1821 M. Water. Phone 6429. 8 BEDRM. HOUSE, 1181 Union. jevaajaSaV4jiesaesn HOUSE, INQ. 255 Division: 8ejaa8sssr4Sal8sssa NEW, MOD. 4 rm, 860 N. 16th. S R. FURN, 960 N." 18th. P. 9440. MOD. HSE, sdults, Ino, 660 N. Cot 5 R. UnX. bse. Close In 660 Willow. MOD. 4 RMS. ak. A bath, fruit, sar- den, 1S49 Marlon, P. UUbert siti-sisi. 6-RM. MOD. hse, hardwood firs. nook. 835. 1110 Jefferson. Ph. 8794 saaaaa,aaaa.St,ttSaataasaaSaiaasSl 8 RM. HSE. with 1 A. Ph. 7125 SjnaSaaSSsSSaSaaSistaaaaaaa S RM. HSE, redecorated, gar. Inquire 1490 N. Fifth. $20. FURNISHED AND anfurn. booses. H. P. GRANT. S29 Court. Phone 6744. ssaaaaaaaaassafBaSBassaBasssSaSSasSaW ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM modern furn. house, CaU at 1925 Hasel be tween 2 and 5, Sat. or Sunday, Ph. 6(30. 9 R, HOUSE, close In, $20. RAE, 1255 State. Tel. 6761. O. E. S R. BUNGALOW. ADULTS, farn. piano, etc. Basement, isunary, stay tag washer, lights, wster, $15. S$l N, Cottage. 5 RM. HOME with large attractive lot on Fairmount Hill. 925.00 a mo. Call R. A JOHNSON with. W. H. ORARENHORST A CO. 1S4 S. Liberty St. Phone 64C8. 8 ROOM MODERN furn. house. Call at 1925 Hasel between -2 and 6. Sat. or Sunday. Ph. CC30. HOUSE ON Fainnount Hill. 8208. MOD.- COUNTRY home. Very de sirable. 840 per mo. Ph. 9628. asaaaasj0aa.Ba4S PARTLY FURN. T rm. house. Full basement, furnace, coils A wash trays. Mrs. G. Hurst. Ill Coolidge, Silverton. FURN. OR nnfurn, $20 mo. 1790 Waller. Ph. 8997, HOUSE, INQ. 256 Division St. 8,R. DUP. COTTAGE, bath. FrisT, wash, gar. 776 N. Commercial. NEW 4 KM. hse- bath. M. mi. N. underpass. Lorene's Grocery, Rt. T, Box 12. 120. FTVE RM. bunsalow. fire place, garage, nice and clean; refer ences. See 1XJU13 Btitutu or aua. BEL A. NEEDH AM, 241 State, Room 4. FOR RENT Houses snd apts See LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEb . NEEDHAM. 241 State St, Room f. RUAU, HOUSE. 2 beds, shower bath, clean. Inquire 153S ferry St. 4 ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished. good location. Only $18.00. O. K. KEALII, Z13 ijourx cu RENTALS FROM 218 to $25 month. . WH. IS. MUSKS nKAul X UJ. 3S1H SUte Street For Rent FOR RENT 17 A. with modern house. Ph. 7125. aaaaaWMassSVaaa OFFICE ROOMS. 281 State Street. Inquire room 200. TeL 2718. For Sal -Rrn1 Folate TTOUSTS AND Lot. 81100. 8200 dn. Will take car or vacant lot. Inq. 1240 Hovt St. . aaaasasSaSaassaMsssaaassssSs9sl BY OWNER. Desirable bldg. lot. Market St. sear 17th. Ph. 4647. TWO FOR ONE a r.mn s room house a ft 4 room house on corner lot for only $2760. Roth rented A showinc aood return On the Investment. See them today. can Mrs. Kins witn CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 244 State St. Phone 9I. RPKCIAL FOR FEW days we offer a splendid L am tract near citv limits, east. neat $ room house, good barn A out bids, beautiful yard A shrub. Price 81900 or will rent to responsible party for 81$ per mo. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS St UILLKK. JUSAWUIW . 844 Stat Street Phone 926L MOVE RIGHT IN 8 ROOMS NICE A clean large lot with fruit A nut trees. Price $1900. with 8200 down. $20 per mo. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A mOUUER. SEALTOKS 844 State St. - Phone 926L FAIRMOUNT HILL PROPERTY , 7 RM. HOME. doub. gar, several choice shrubs A shade trees, lot 76x150. Priced as a bargain at $2500.00. Call K. A. JOHNSOH WKO. . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 8. Liberty St. Phono 6468. 5 RMS. aft NOOK lust completed. 199 N. 24th St. Em. dn. post. BaL easy. a9ssSaaassSsaShs9hansBai9a9Ba9sada S BUILDING LOTS, terms or cheap for cash. Owner. 2016 Trade.. - . FAIRMOUNT HILL PROPERTY ROOM MOD. house, la rood condi tion, autom. beat, corner lot, nice yard, double yard, near bus and schools. Price $8000. $500 down. $45 per mo. Call G, H. GRABENHORST, Jr. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Real tors. 124 S. Liberty St, Phona . GOOD 8 ROOM house with 2 apart menta, large corner lot near the new hirh school. Will czehaaew . for acre age with or without bldgs or a small house. A S ACfRTCa mod Mack Soil, mostly all cultivated, amen creak, about 10 miles trom saiem. Priced rest ow xor $1500. . SU ACRES with rood Mda-S. USUI. wster system, and creek. A bargain for f 1000. 20 ACRES not far out with a 4 room house, barn, aomo fruit and taeniae. Priced to sell at 11450. KOSTEIN 4k ADOLPH. rwti - 110 . N. Commercial St. Ssa0489s9ks9ksSaadtt.SaSSrfaaO PRACTICALLY NEW 8 R. house. Hardwood flra. fireplace, large lot. Price- SS07S. SlOe - monthly Pay ments on baL r - 8 R. house, Bsmt. furnace, tlrepiscs. double plumbing. Nice Urge lot Fruit A shade. Priced to sell at 11200. Good terms.' -v New. mod. 8 R. bouse. Very - latest design. Corner lot Paving A walks tn. Priced st 84400. Easy terms. S A. close tn. I R. noose, cherries. nuts, prunes A other fruit. We have a cash buyer for small house. vnniffDnnjiniwi' afasonlo Bldg. . . , Phone 81IL For Sale Real Estate t8 ! down. $20 par mo. Fine rm, $1900, $20 dn, $20 par me. Daa dr mu, bsmt, city wster, $1700. Quick sale terms. Neat $ mv! "., xou maxe your own terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phono $966. .... iwiaarfaaa WE HAVE TUB PROSPsXTT X(U want to sell, nrhaa.. 07VOT5. 9JBFW Mr. r If IS JM as . m VO. una with Hawkins A Roberta. ....... , ri n n n njlJU, R- D. WOODROW. Phone 9600. has woarn country noma for sale, only two miles from city center. Exchange Real Estate TRADE CITY property for farm own" pportunmes In exchanges. HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC. aaaa Vii-nn n n - HOUSE IN East Salem, basement A furnace. Many beautiful trees Trade i or roniann nome. R. A. FORKNER. 1862 N. Capitol IMPROVED ACREAGE to trade for noose in town. Ph. 110FI2. " ------- - "i'i-i-rrnnnin n n n n I ACRES WITH two houses, barn. garage, city limits of Fall City, to mac i or saiem property. WM. E. MOSES 221 H SUte Street CLEAR LOT In Salem A some cash to trade for 2 small houses acreage or ciiy prop. H. C. Shields,' Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902, Acreage ... . . . ii-n-iririnrutrm SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS 1 A. TRACTS LOCATED on Vista iv.e'.clly wtel". good sites. Price $500, $50 down A $10 per mo. H A. tracts located N. E. of Salem on good road. Good soil. Price $400, $50 down. $10 per mo. . H A. tracts located on Falrview Ave, good bldg. sites, city water, not iar iron lown. JrTlce XaOO, $50 down, $10 per mo. 1 A tracts located E. of Salem on good road A light line. Price $300. $26 down. $10 per mo. To iM thea traofa call G. H. GRABENHORST, Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Reel- tors. s. jLioerty BU Phone 6468. SPECIAL. AfTREAfilT RTTVO $100 DOWN, $16 PER mo. will boy a- wun email nouse. oearing Eng. walnut trees, good road. 4 miles from Salem, close to P. H, elec light line. Price $1400. $50 down, bat $15 per mo. -will buy ftt A bearing cherries with good weU ec small nouse. located clone tn P m elec. light line. Price S1C50. fzvy.vo aown, szv per mo. will buy 9 A. on main road. 6H miles from Salem, good drilled well, elec light line, new six room unf In. house. Price zvve. vail o. ti. GRABENHORST. Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A i;u, iteaitors, 134 8. Uberty C Ph. a iso. . A. 1 MI. north of city, new 4 rm. bungalow, toilet, lavatory, shower oatn. isunary rm, fruit rm, garage. in exceueni condition, fZOOO, $250 down. 5 A. close in on paved road, $200 per . i'v uuwn, ev-per mo. 5 A. iU mi north. Dn. It S???a V CUlt- U rT- CT $1750. $250 down. MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT muzL.lN JOHNSON. REALTOR 7Z5 Court St. Phone 2728. Suburban THE BEAUTIFUL MEADOWLAWN TRACTS SEE THESE before chooaiae vanr suburban tract to build a home, loca ted east of Salem, with a butifnl ew of surrounding -mountains, with reasonable bldg, restrictions and priced riant, oeo CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 926L Wanted Real Estate WANT TO buv amatl lunu m) sieow. caii eve. ph. loss. HAVE CASH nnrchasar tnr hnma $2000.00 to $2500.00. Call 2021.. - , -fc- Ti-Lr.-u-uxn WANT TO bur best hnme T ran Mt for $200 down and 820 month. 1. iwl room a Phone 5695 before 9 a. m. or aner a :v p. m. Business Onnortiinities APARTMENT HOUSE 8 APTS. IJTIV. hiilf.il mviiiJi fruit A nuts. Automatic heat, base ment. garages. Bringing 9114.00 per mo. in addition to manager's apart ment. rTIP I7SOO.00, 93500.00 cash. If. A. iVRKSES, 1553 N. Capitol Vr Sate Wood DRY WOOD. Phone 4218. 18" OLD FIR IS-tS EO: It" tnA II Old fir knots. 85.00. Phone 9466. - GOOD DRY 4 ft. 2nd rrswth 1 cord lots, 811.75. Ph. 7860. asaaSMaaaaa aa aa sa, - - rVVslVVVnJVVAXAV WOOP, Ph. 6370. Green. 412 N. 21st. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6662. sa,aa.J.J. f-ajnjnjrrTJXTIJXfl DRT WOOD, alt Irinda. Ptu tSC. llnnolnrrrJauJnJJnJrl PRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6700. Wood Sawing 980 N. COM'L. TEt. 8522. aAB8aAaaaMasaBaaa 8e for 16" fir cord. Ph. 7i2L IJIRGE DRY 2nd gwth 84.50. 8418 WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 6888. Lost and -Found LOST 116 BILL In downtown show- plng. aectloo. Reward. Ph. 7416. Mrs. Nelson. Business Crds In this directory rsns ess monthly basis only. Bate- 1.23 per line per soath.' Auto Brakes SUke Pa nek 879 Sooth Commercial Bicycles BtCYCL' NEW and reconditioned t a Harry W. t. 147 8. Confs P. 4818 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4488. S. aVKerthnssn Chiropraetors DR. d L SCOTT. PSC, ChJroprsctor. 888 N..Hlgh. TeL ReA 8878, . Excavating EXCAVATING Of IB kmda Ra se men ts dag. Dtrt hauled er moved. Dirt ror sale. Haiem Saad and Uravei Co. Pboaa 9408. . . Florists Breltbsapf A 447 ! Court. 8884. Laundries THU NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEI DER LAUNDRY 882 S. High TeL 9128 Blachines Repaired SEWINO MACHINE repair. Ph. 8110. For Sale Used Cars MORE PROOF We Sell for Less! 36 Packard 120 Touring " Sedan Finish In s sage 'green, npbol stery spotless, a laxurkraslr ap pointed, low-mileage "120" in exceptionally rtno conortion ana appearance. Radio, heater and special deluxe accessories, Take advantage of this unusual op portunity to obtain new car value for only $526 '36 Terraplane DeLuxe Touring Sedan Electric handgear shift, sbso- lutely spotless Inside snd out. Has new tires, rsdio snd heat er $350 MANY CHER REAL BARGAINS Tour i it car may cover down . payment Z MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON BALANCE STATE M0I0RS, Inc. New Used Car Lot 455 CHEMEKETA STREET Across St. From Downtown Fire Dept. Phone 1777 Headquarters for Used Cars AT LOWEST PRICES 1935 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Touring Sedan New paint, clean mohair upholsterr. mechanical brakes are good, motor tuned, oil A grease changed. Has rsdio . sna neater. $295 CARTER MOTOR CO. Lot: 210 Center Phone 8724. SALEM'S BEST BUYS 1935 Dodge 4-Door Touring Sedan Has radio, new tires fine paint. Clean insiae. $395 CARTER MOTOR CO. Lot: 240 Center Phone 8724 TRADE EQUITY '21 DeSoto Sedan for clear car. Terms on dsj. ox 418 Evergreen Ave. Personal LONELY T WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. P. O. Bos 71. Los Angeles JOIN THE Lonesome Correspond ence club. P. O. Box 927. Portland. Ore I WILL NOT be responsible for sny bills except those signed by myself. Earl O. Hosier. Legal Notice ADMINISTRATRIX'S FINAL NOTICB- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, administra trix of the estate of Sarah Btrr, Deceased, has filed her final and supplemental final accounts aa such, and that-December 9. 1939, t 10:00 o'clock la the forenoon of said dar. has been fixed aa the time, and the Court Room of the Con at? Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Marion Coanty at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed as the place for the heating of ob jections to the Final and Supple ments Final Accounts therein. Dated and first published No vember 10. 1929. NELLIE HAMILTON, . Administratrix of the Es tate of Sarah Starr, De ceased. N 10-17-24 D 1-f. Directory Mattresses SALEM TLUrF RUO snd Mat tress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sizing floft rug weaving. & 19th A vvtiDur. Tel. st4i, ER. Esc 1914. OTTO F. ZWICK- CAPITOL BEDD1NO CO. 4089 Naturopathic Physician DB. W. H. ROC9XWELU Naturopatla. le Physician, 1790 Falrgrounda RA TeL 4202. Office Hours 11 a.m. to 8:88 Ml rSTJE EJCAM CONSULTA TION. - Papering and Painting ' CK FIRST class Johnson, 8188 or Printing FDR STATION ER Y. cards, ssunsalet. procrsma, pooss or sny sino of print hue, call The Statesman Printing De partment 818 B. . Commercial. -Teis-phoae 910L j- . . . Sawdust SCREENED. Call Dallas IT 83. collect. Transfer ft) It LOCAL er' distant transfer. atoV. misk pniinvr - via, svai Minr Transfer Ca Trucks to Portland sally. atrtvma, hsuUne-best rates. P. 8114. CITY TRANSFER. 1. Reaa. rstea Well Drilling R. A. WEST, rt. 8, bo 448. Ph. llfTS. For Sale Used Cars McKAY AGAIN HAS A COMPLETE STOCK OF USED. CARS See Us BeforVYou Buy 37 LaSalle Touring . Sedan .,...... .......$795 38 Chevrolet Town Sedan 625 '37 Dodge Tour. Sed. 595 39 Chevrolet Town Sedan 725 '37 Plymouth Tour ing Sedan 525 '37 Dodge Coupe. 565 '34 Chevrolet Coupe 265 '34 Pontiac Tudor.... 235 TRUCKS All in A-l Shape and Guaranteed '38 Chev. L. W. B. Truck I... $645 Equipped with stock bed '37 Ford y2-Ton Stake Truck ...... 435 '36 Ford Pickup...... 365 Practically new motor McKAY Chevrolet Co. Walt Holms n, Jimmy Darts, Lawrence matners 822 Center Phona 8188 'aasaaSaasaaseaaaaaasaaSsaSsaaaaSaaj'as 8PECIAL PRIVATELY owned 1928 SS Ford Tudor, completely recondi tioned, new rubber, radio, heater and other extras. TeL 8027; Mr. Beamish for demonstrator. Legal Notice No. 9923 ORDER APPOINTING DAY FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Countj Court of the SUte of Oregon for the Coanty' of Marlon. Department of Pro bate. Is the matter of the Estate ef ROSA ION'A CARLETON, De ceased. ORMA W. CARLETON. the ad- minlstrstor of the Estate of Rosa Iona Carleton, Deceased, haying rendered and presented for settle ment, and filed In this Court, his final account of his administra tion of said Estate. IT IS ORDERED, That Friday, the 8th day of December, lfl. at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, be and the same la hereby appointed for the settlement of said account; and that notice of said settlement be published in the OREGON. STATESMAN, a newspaper published la Marlon Coanty, Oregon, as often as once week for four successive weeks prior to said day of settlement. Done In open court' this fth day of Norember. A. D. 1131. i. C. SIEQMUND, County Judge. - N 10-17-24 D 1-8. Cross Word Puzzle fii I id 4T 20 51 2d 2 2 32 3S 3e 37 HI HI m i6 do 52 'A 55 D6. HORIZONTAL 47 pilmsval ' dstty - drink slowly foretold 11 Jerice for producing; Images IS opaque - tJssisy composition li partof-u 18 competitor tl raDaatry 84 note of the 85 placid 67-fofled ' U-ttadal . snows 830 rrisndof . Pythiss IT prima IS tying n-herder tJ dry : IS early v' stringed , instrument X7--rmbol for selenium tt loaded SO percerred nsrewith Is the terdays I'M ti'-anstomJcal , - wrinkle. 85 rescue .. SS turned down coTia - 41 erntbol or alnminnni 42 Hebrew, vrecent - ,44 ususpsl grass for drying; 1 minu)i rt : f ' 1lIB 1 1 at a ' Avetase Cbae ef silstliai 84 , miisii 1st 8i fin in Sjn an 1 1 s a Saa Legal Notice SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, oa Saturday, December If. 112, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of asid day, .at the west door of the Marion County Court Iloase la Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction In the manner pro vided by law for the ssle of reel property on execution, the follow ing described . real premises, to wit: The West 3S0 feet of Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, Block 31; the South 42 feet of Lots 1 snd 2, Block f; Lot 3, Block 12; the North 0 feet, of the south 100 feet of Lou 1 and 2. Block 13; the West 44 feet of Lots 11 snd 12. Block 11; Lot 3. Block It; Lots 3. t and 10. Block 25: Lot 4. Block 20: and Lot 4, Block 39, all In Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said ssle will be by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the Stste of Oregon for Ms lion County in that suit heretofore pending therein la which City of Sslem. a municipal corporation la plaintiff, and Al bert Estate, Inc.. a corporation. Is defendant, the same being Clerk's Register No. 28364. Dated and first published No rember 17. 1139. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth R. Randall, Deputy. N-17-24-D-1-8-U. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received bi the undersigned until the bour oi 8 o'clock F. M. on Tuesdsy, De cember 8, ItSt, at- the council chambers In the Masonic Hall ia the City of Turner, Oregon, sna knmedlstely . theresfter publlclj opened by the Council of ssld Cltj for the purchase of Refunding Wa ter Bonds of sstd City la the prin cipal sum of 17500.00. to be It denomlnstlons of $500.00 escb, t be numbered 1 to 18, both Inclu sire, to besr Interest at a rate tc be specified by the successful bid der therefor of not to exceed 8 per annum payable seml-snnuslli at the office of the Treasurer ol said city In Turner, Oregon, to b dated January 1, 1040, to maturo serially, la installments of 81808 on Jsntfary 1, 1942. and $1000.08 each on the first dsy of January In each of the years 1143 to 1148, both inclusive, reserving however; to said city the right to redeem In numerical order on January 1, 194s and on any seml-ssnusl In terest psylng dste theresfter any or all of the bonds maturing after said date. Each bid, unless msde by the 8tste of Oregon, must be accom panied by a certified check on a bank doing business la Oregon, for not less than 8180.00, to be forfeited to said city In the event the bidder to whom the bonds sre awarded falls to complete the pur- chsse. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. - Dsted snd first published No vember 17, ItSt. CIIAS. STANDLET. JR. Recorder of the City of Turner, Oregon. N-17-24- D-l, BIDS WANTED k Bids will be received br the County Court of Merlon County for furnishing 80,000, or more, gallons of gasoline during the yesr 1840. Bids will be opened In the County Court Room at ten o'clock a. m. Monday. December 4. lilt. N-17-34-D-1. to J2 F3 17 21 22 27 31 3W 3 3f wo HH H& HI 57 VERTICAX, 1 Hottentot ef Southwest Africa t printer's messure S Celtie Neptune 4 Irelsad 8 relish f thraxh 1 forward 5 father Arabiasi . aehlsftalsi 10 invent 11 secret saso- cistion 11 psrtiaDy disabled 18 sebeit It pertaining; 4 to rise and fsUof watss U Harvard prize 24 resign 25 roU ee tobacee 29 loosr turf la golf tl - woman's work be S"3 -deduces li -palm-tree . fruits tt f oetbsfl team S7 Krw ZealasJ tree ' t sscended 4J Ickswsrm 43 drsrred 48 bomble 4S short-lived star tl Iialrarlsa cola t3 tutt vio- Jently 8S ernuJ fr" neoa W perform aolutiea to