The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1939, Page 15, Image 15

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    The OREGON : STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 1, 1939
News Behind
Today's News
(Continued From Pas )
know how much) it going lato ln
. Tet they are modifying their
expectations of the extent of
. the reaction, and differ as to
whether it will affect all bust-
neues or Just a few which maj
have orer-orothiced.
When thins set solns like
- this, they sometimes continue to
ride risht orer economic calcula
tions by sheer optimistic force.
Commerce department expects
to know within a tew weeks the
extent of the lsrentory threat to
' future business. Approximately
1700 manufactures companies
are beins asked in mailed ques
tionnaires for figures on raw. ma
terials, finished goods, orders on
hand, sales, etc. First Question
naires went out today.
Failure of the stock market to
follow the trend of expanding
business lately is attributed by
Mr. Rooserelt's men to a- techni
cal condition. Foreign (and some
domestic) holders of leading
stocks are feeding out their hold
ings whenerer these leading Is
sues reach a certain figure, ana
the effect has been to create a
celling on the market.
War buying is noticeable so
far in bat three lines air.
planes, machinery and oil. Big
airplane shipments are now go
ing forward.
As a whole oar foreign trade
with Britain and France is still
off from its pre-war keel. In
creased trade is reported so far
only with Canada, Japan and
..neutral northern Europe.
Mr. Rooserelt's suggestion for
a national defense tax is working
out as expected and no doubt
as planned.
Senators Borah and Wheeler
bare risen to decry taxation of
the poor. Other congressional
leaders will follow, wnen enougn
of them hare announced to make
It erident no tax can be adopted.
Mr. Roosevelt will come out and
say: "All right you will hare to
authorize Mr. Morgenthau to float
more debt to raise tne money lor
armament expenditures." which
is what he really is striving tor.
Patrol Leaders
Meet at Lebanon
Fift three Rnv Scouts from
the Cascade area council hare
registered for the patrol leaders
conference in Lebanon which
starts tonlcht. The 'conference
will wind up with the scouts go
ing to church on Sunday. All
those who are not yet registered
may do so at the Legion hall in
Lebanon. Dinner begins at 6:30
at the Methodist church. '
Troon 21 of Albany leads the
list with 13 boys registered to
. attend. -Troon 2 of Salem is in
second nlace with seven. Five are
" going from troops 20 and 21 of
Salem and Albany, respectively,
with troops 9 and 24 each hav
ing four and troop 12 three. The
SSS Willamette and troop l nave
two registered and troops 3. 6
and- 8 of Salem and troop 10 of
Albany one' each. There will be
two from troop 3S of Rlckreall.
Theron Blackburn of troop &i
Lebanon, Is head of tne confer
ence committee.
Winslow Enters
Bid for Salary
trranlr winMftw. former Salem
nnilMmin. esterdav nut in a bid
at the city recorder's office for
pay from November 13, wnen a
circuit court decree ordering his
reinstatement was filed, and the
end of the month.
fnr winalow. whose case is
vt ..Miiut tn tha snore le
court, will be approved by the city
council committee on account
- a nrrent expenses between
November IS and then filing of
notice of appeal. Alderman a. v.
Davidson, chairman, saio.
Margaret Haynes
Funeral Is Held
vnnri ' services were i held
Wednesday at Lebanon for Mar
garet Morgan Haynes, wno oiea
Sunday following a stroke. In-
I An a at jAfferSOXL.
She was born November .
.. 1871 at Fountain City, Tenn. sne
iras married February 16, 1893,
VM4,rtok rrnarles Havnea at
Fountain City. They moved to
Oregon to 18S4 and made tneir
home successively at Dallas, Mar
lon, Lebanon and Scio. She was
a member of the Presbyterian
She is survived br her hus
band. Charles Haynes; tnree
daughters, Mrs. William Laverick,
nAiiTWAAi. rHf. Mrs. James
Griffin, Scio, Mrs. Harley Libby.
mndKill. Milton
Libby. Hawaii; and the following
brothers and sisters, Mrs. jjeruia
Hodge and Mrs. Minnie Haynes,
Fountain City Tenn., N. W. Mor
gan, Knowriiie, Jonn Morgan,
Pine Bluff, Ark., S. S. Morgan.
J. L. Morgan and Fred Morgan
of Fountain City.
Chinese twmediea. Aaaamna; SUC
CESS for 60OO rears ia tHWA.
N matter with what sUma rJ
asitis, heart, isar.. klf
atomaek, gaa, coastipatioa. alears.
diabetia, rUanaaatiam, gall "
pis into
Charlie Chan
Chinese Herb Co.
S. B. Faaf. S Tf"
raetiea - la China.
Office hours 9 ta 6
f)X7 T7hy
jj ) Seller
xv Ay 11x17
S:S0 Milk aa'a McleeUe.
T:SO New. ...
T:45 Eliae Breeski Orckestra.
S:O0 Breakfast Club.
:I0 Keep tit M Uuit.
8:45 i
t:00 Th Factor's Call
: IS Bans ( tha Pioneers.
9 :SO Kaaeaiala Modern.
9:4- rata Trio.
10:00 roar Tapper. -i
10:1 New . t
10:30 Horsing Mag-siina.
10 : Westera-Alres.
11:00 gtaMtaaa at ta Air.
11 :1I Pinao ijaia.
11 :0 Word Xra sa.
11 :4J Wmhb la the News.
11:50 Value Parade.
1J:18 Newt, i
18:39 Hillbilly Beretiade.
19:88 WiUasnett VaOer OpiaJoa.
18:44 Pe-alar Sahite.
lio Marlae varps.
1:15 Interest! ax facta.
1 :30 Parent-Teacaera.
1:45 Book A Week.
9:09 Our Nary.
1:15 Johnson Family.
9:39 Ms Parkin.
S :4S Newa. t
9 :04 Feminine Fancies.
S:SO Bill Mediae Orchestra,
1:45 Mamas Romance a.
4:00 Fultoa Lewis, Jr.
4:15 Haren ol Kest.
4:45 Kea Baker Orchestra.
5 :C0 Christ as Tree et 1989.
&:30 Dinner Honr Melodies.
S:45 CiaMssoa Bear.
0:00 Tonight a Headlines.
0 : 1 5 Streamliner.
S:SO Newa a ReTiews.
6:43 Raj ond Gram Swing.
7:00 root ball Prtr-het.
T:15 Vie Vincent Orchestra.
r0 The Lone Banter.
8:00 News.!
8:15 Men Afceat Tcwn.
S:S0 Vtoaarchs of Rhythm.
8:45 l.yla Mnrp'iy's Orchestra.
9 :00 Newspaper of tha Air.
9:l The islanders.
9:30 Jan Garber's Orchestra.
9:45 Ftilton Lewis, ir.
10:00 Phil Harria Orchestra.
10:30 Rhythm Qnsrtet.
10:45 Garwood Van's Orchestra.
11:00 Tomorrow's News Tonight.
11:15 Starling- Young's Orchestra.
11:30 Ken Baker Orchestra.
11:45 Midnight Mel. dies.
:30 Sunrise Serenade.
7:00 Kews.
7:15 Trail Blaiers.
7:30 Musics I Clock.
7:45 Srm Hayes.
8:00 Stars of Today.
8:30 Against the Storm.
8:4 Guiding Light.
8:50 Arlington Time 8ignal.
9:00 Eyes of the World.
9:15 The O'Neills.
9:80 Talk, Ir. D. A. Poling.
9:45 Me and Mr Shadow.
10:00 Modern Meals. ,
10:15 K'len Randolph.
10:30 Meet Miss Julia.
10:45 Dr. Kate,
11:00 Bttty and Bob.
11:15 Arnold Grimm's Daughter. -
11.30 Valiant Lady.
11 :46 Betty Crocker.
Corn Flakes
3 phgs. 140
LV'S H jsBa9Ts4BiW Jr ffl&&&tQNQf$QR&
1 iv n nnrT- sfor II
C V -3 for Uc
, a ! J
American iKauii .
love Uyslers
S1 100
Ilixcd Diced Peels lb. 250
EZcrstoy Cocoa . lb. fin 2130
Golden Llalloui Dales 2 170
Erall E&yonnaise qL jar 350
Chiclien & Hoodies lb. jar 21L0
Croun Flour 49-Ib. sIl S33
Candied Cherries Broken lb. 290
We Reserre , the Right to Limit AH Qnantitiea
Radio Programs
19:00 Stoey of Mary JCarUs, ' '71
13:15 Ma Fetkiaa. i
S :B0 Peunar Yeant'a FarnDy. ,
13:46 Vie sad Bade.
1 :00 Floraatine Matinea.
v:15 Stalls Dallas.
1 :S0 Ok Mr. Dinwiddio. I
1:45 Bin Flat Special. i
9:00 Girl Alone.
9:15 Midstream. ' ' -
9:80 Hollywood Newa Tlashes.
9:45 Stars of Today.
S :00 News.
8:15 Malcolm Clsire,
S :a Associated Press Jfows.
9:0 Woman's Msgasina.
4:00 Masie for Llsteniag.
4:15 Hotel Bi It mare Orchestra. ,
4 :80 Stars of Today.
4s4S Magic Warea -
5 :00 Saxophobia.
6:45 Cocktail Hour.
. S :00 Waha Tim.
6:30 George JeaaeTs Celebrities.
7 :00 Ony Lnmbardo Orchestra.
7:80 8trr Behind tha Headline.
7:45 Hotel Unco la Orchestra.
8:00 Tred Waring Pleasure Tim.
8:151 Lara s Mystery.
8:30 Death Valley Days. t
9:00 I Want s Jo. "
10:00 News Flsshes.
10:15 Hotel Biltmora Orchestra.
11 :00 Nawa.
11:15 Bal Tabarin Cafe Orchestra.
11:30 Olympic Hotel Orchestra.
.; a a
6:30 Mnsleal Clock.
7 :0O Family- Altar Hear.
7:30 Trail Blazers.
7 :45 Fonthernaires.
S:00 Financial Serrlee.
8:15 Young Dr. Malona.
8:30 Dr. Brick.
9:45 Listen Ladies.
9:15 Patty Jean Health Huh.
9:30 National Farm mui Ham.
10:15 The Market Basket.
10:30 News.
10:45 Tura Back the Clock.
11:00 Current Brent.
11:45 Musical Chats.
11:30 Talk, O. M. Plummer.
13 :00 Orphans of Divorce.
12:15 Newa.
IS E0 Market Be ports.
12:35 Musical Interlude.
12:40 Popular Dane Melodies.
12:4: US Department ot Agriculture.
1:00 The Quiet Hour.
1:30 Music Graphs.
1:45 Club Mstinee.
2:00 Dr. Seta Maker.
2:15 Financial and Grain Report.
2:23 Swing Time.
2:30 Affairs ot Anthony.
2:45 Curbstone Qui.
3:00 Esrl Wilde. Pianist.
3:05 Alma Kitchell's Brief Case.
3:15 Hotel Syracuse Orchestra.
8:25 Asosciated Press News.
8:30 Three Cheers.
3:45 Lil Ahner.
4 :00 Southland Rest Orchestra.
4:30 Josef Msraia, Singer.
4:45 Santa Claua Program.
5:15 Tom Mix.
5:30 Problem Corner.
5:45 Etchings is Bras.
: 5:55 Musical Gems.
6:00 Plantation Party.
6:30 Billy Stepp'a General Dope.
7:00 Benson Hotel Orchestra,
7:30 Biltmora Hotel Orieitra.
7:45 News
iiraae 11
Blf8 1 19
Fresh Fruits
1 .
1 Pure Gold Oranges 2 d 250
Utah Celery.
Avocados .
O) Gts -
i i
U Li
1 1
i,it i .
8:10 Mssdowbrook Cluk Orchestra.
0:16 Football Fact. .
9:30 Qaissical Masie. .
10:90 Hotel St. Francis Urenesira.
10:80 Skiing Tim. . .
10:35 Florentiaa Gardes urcaasira.
11:00 This Marine World,
11:15 Portland Folic ncporia.
11:18 BIU Sabransky. Organist
. Konr rniDAT 940 Xc
8:00 Market Report.
C:0 KOIM Klock.
7:b0 Bob Garred ReporUdg,
7:45 Thi sad TUt
9:15 Headliaers.
S :80 Cosaamer Haws.
8:45 My Children.
9:00 Kat Smith Speak. 1
9:15 When s Oirt Marries. -
9:10 Romance of Holes Treat.
9:45 -Oar Gal Saaday.
19:00 Goldberg ;
10:15 Ijf Caa B Beautiful.
10:0 Tb Day I Omr.
10:45 Lanay Saaa.
1:00 Big Sister.
11:15 Aunt Jenny.
11:80 Brand Cartia.
11:45 My Son sad L
19:00 Joyce Jordan. .
19:15 Society CirL
12:30 Newa.
12:45 Singis' Sam.
1:00 Kitty Kelly.
1:15 Myrt snd Marge.
1:50 Hilltop Hon.,
1 :45 Stepmother.
9:00 By Kathleen Norris.
9 15 Dr. 8ueaa. .
2:30 It Happened in Hollywood.
9:45 Seattergood Balnea.
9:00 Tenn and Tim.
9:15 Hedds Hopper' Hollywood.
Tastes xpensvo costs so little j
Vest Camp's Pork end Beans
The quick-to-propcre; economical, balanced meal
a minute rohc, a delight to eat enjoyed by millions . . . gives
. . . tasty cold . . .savory secret you sensible savings on your
sauce. . .flavor penetration menu . . . sensible savings of
cooking method ... nutritious hot kitchen hours, too. . .order
... energizing... Vitamin B... today at your grocer's.
or Paddings
3 plxgSo for
Pineapple Jnice
No. 2 cans
3 for 25c
mRnniiuiiiaiii ink ibii muhiihi n-nuan.
& Vegetables
. 2 bn. for 90
. .1 for 170
Fresh Cyders Porh Dcas!
mmimMmt m mmm -- m m wm m mtm m i
Pure Lard cr Sugar Ccred
SHcrfcnirg Baccn Jonb
J ibs, for gg
" ' 1
Prices Good Friday Through
,.!.. if !!
9:90 H. V. Kaltenhora.
8 :45 Today is Europe,
4:00 Newspsper.
4:45 Faahioa Chs's
S :0O Shadow.
8:15 Hallo Again.
8:80 Leon F. Drews, Organist
5:45-r-News. )
S :00 Professor Qui.
S:80-Firs Nighter.
7:00 Grxfed CaatraL
7 :30 Everybody Win.
8:00 Amo 'a' Andy.
8:15 Lam and Abner.
8: SO Johnny Presents.
9:00 Kate Smith Hour.
10:00 Fir Star Final.
10:18 Mauri Binford Orchestra.
10:45 Nightcap Yarra.
11 :00 Glen G o--v.,trs.
11:80 Archie Bleyer Orchestra.
X0A0 FRIDAf 660 X.
9:00 Today a Program.
9H9 Th Homemakara' Hear.
9:08 Neighbor Reynolds.
10 :0O Weather Forecast.
10:15 St fry Hedr for Adults.
10:55 School of tha Air.
11:80 M jsie of tha Master.
18:00 Newa.
12:15 Farm Hour.
1:15 Variety.
2:00 Club Women's Hslf Hour.
2:45 Guard Your Health.
8:15 Seeing the America.
9:45 Monitor View the New.
4 :00 Symphonic Half Hour.
4:30 for Boy sad Girls,
6:00 On the Campuses.
5: 45 Vesper.
:15 News.
S: 80 Farm Hour.
7:80 Law in Modern Society.
8:00 8ctol ot Musie.
8:15 The Business Hour.
9:00 OSC Round Table.
9:80 Lumber Distribution and Use.
9:45 BerfTior of Fishes.
3 doz.
6 for
Pic. Tins 15c
USX 20e
5c IOC
No. 2
$1.29 Doz.
Monday, Dec 1, 2, 3. 4
We wi3 aseet all
pricca aad wlU
ahraja walatata
bishcat sraallty
at lo rest prices.
School Meeting
Plans Announced
Prorram of the first loeal
teacher's Institute of the season
to be held at the Woodbnrn high
school on December t was an
nounced yesterday by Lloyd Gi-
rod, .president of the county divi
sion of the state teacher's associ
ation, and Mrs. Agnes C. Booth,
4-Oz. Bottle
8-Oz. Bottle
H4& N. Cocn'H. Gt.
for better holiday baking
Ivory, ned. cake . . .5c
Canay, cake ; 5c
Oxydol. large size . 18c
Bring Us Tour Coupons
Pearls of Wheat
Large Package
Free Teaspeon 1 (o r.
Uilh Each Pltg. rUaS
Ho. 1 Tins
Toilet Tissue
Purple Cross 1000 Sheets
Ss5 ShccA Cake Flsur 19 C
Vegetable Skorlezdsg 4 IBs. 35c
IlaicheSs carton . 13c
Siany Co ad Jell, 3
Made iroan. uoraen s iw unun uiu
Eab Unsi Hah . . . . . . 2 caa S7g
Pichel Pancahb Flonr . . . . . l(b s-ich 2G0
Sweet and juicy.
a? '
Dec! Boasl H0 Ih.
Deef Doa? : ;;:"C0 Ih;
-V- . -" ' ''" - - ' ' ' " -
- - if. . . r - -..!." ".. ! "1 -
-. .,' . j -'' . t- - . - - -
r r).,. Sugar OJfs Ejw,
L ' j- i -' 9 eLMWsJttCcrod uOaJ
county school superintendent.
Hush Rosson ot the safety de
partment of the secretary of
state's : office, will . deliver the
main address on traffic safety fol
lowing a showing of safety films.
Departmental meetings win' be
held for primary end-Intermediate
teachers, grade principals and up
per grade teachers,- a n d hi gh
school teachers with John C. Ker
rlck, Kenneth Munford of the
state college English department;
and Ira Dueltgen as leaders.
Drilled Snow
n49s Saclr
U Oneida Ware,
Knonns . .
10 cakes
P and G
pktp M O C
Crcan Served UJ1 Day
.... '. n
Reserve the Right to Limit
E9S dor.
Doable Bed Delicious
39c box
Fin, 1. Box Deposit
Blaze Damages
Clothing Store
KLAMATH FALLS, Nor. 30-(;p-Flre
which roared through a
Klamath Falls clothing store last
night ceased damage In excess of
$20,000, Kay Sugarman, owner,
estimated today.
Origin of the fire, or the cause
of an explosion which hurled win
dow glass across the street, was
unknown. Broken glass slightly
injured Fireman Scotty Robinson.
Phono 40EO
; .
Friendship Pattern Ice Tea
2 Fr with Each Sack
Doth Sacks
Fresh Egg Hoodies
In Cello.
One 1 f
Tomato Soup
Carnation Oats
Quick or Regular
h I QO fsa
kageij dJ
Swift's or Armour's
Corn Beef
Top Garancls
In Cello.
a inn.
Peril -Els-id'Su 9Sc!h.
Fresh Side Peril 3.5s lb..
Gronnd Pes! 2 VzuES 0 -
mM ewJlseast s ajttwsi mar "Hit ' utttrm- ssi ' 4 a wmmt 9
p. mv, axcep ow ,
day and Wed- J
. "iVi yr. r"i f., ',,,-1.OT",