The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1939, Page 13, Image 13

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    Th OREGON STATESMAN, - Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 1, 1939
Apple Dessert
Is Good
Zwieback nas Other uses than
to satisfy Baby's taste for toast,
it goes into desserts to take the
place, and Improve ' on, bread
t apples, peeled and sliced
1 cups sugar -
S tablespoons butter -
cup water
IH enps evaporated milk
4 eggs
teaspoons Yanilla
teaspoon salt .
Grated rind of lemon
. 18 swieback
cup sugar
cup batter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Whipped cream
. Cherries
Cook apples slowly with 1 cup
sugar, batter and water until ten
der. Combine milk, egg and
cap sugar and add to apples.
Cook slowly, stirring constantly,
until of costard consistency. Add
flavoring, salt and lemon rind.
Finely crash iwieback and mix
with remaining ingredients. Put
half the mixture in a well-buttered
9-inch spring form. Add the
apple costard and cover with re
maining swieback crumbs. Bake
In a moderate oven (325 degrees) .
for 45 minutes. Cool and chill.
Garnish with whipped cream and
cherries. Yield: 10-11 portions.
Berry Fritter .von
Dinner Menu
Cranberries remain In markets
as an important food for regular
z cops thick cranberry jelly
Fritter batter
Cut cranberry sauce in halt
Inch slices, then quarter each
slice. Dry and dust with flour. '
Dip in fritter batter. Pus a tines
of fork into each cabs of cran
berry sauce and lift carefully
from batter." . Slip off the tinea
Into the deep "hot lard (360 de
grees). Fry Until batter is cooked
and nicely browned. Series t. .
1 cap flour
V cup sugar
Vi teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
cup milk
2 teaspoons melted fat
Sift flour, measure and sift
again with dry ingredients. Beat
eggs, combine with milk and add
gradually to dry mixture. Stir
until batter is smooth. Add fat.
- .
For a dinner salad to accom
pany the meat coarse, alternate
avocado sections with prepared
sections of grapefruit, sliced
canned peaches, or spears of green
asparagus. Serve French dressing
of thin, tart piquancy separately,
with color Introduced in the form
of minced plmlento and parsley.
Community Guild Plans
Christmas Party
HUBBARD The Community
Guild of, the Congregational
church met with Mrs. I A. Mil
ler Wednesday for aa all day
meeting, lans were made tor a
cooked food, aprons and fancy
work sale to be held Saturday,
December 9, at Cook's grocery
store. The annual Christmas party
will be held Wednesday, Decem
ber 14, at the home of Mrs.
Walter Shrock. Mrs. Shrock will
,be assisted by Mrs. Charles Vre
denberg and Mrs. Max Cook.
Biggest sGnonleiiUDinig dscoveiry M
vsv .,,1
Yovrterf next caktteanUOu bed you'wt
ever baked. They can be grander-eating
in S delicious ways higher, lighter, ten
derer! Just one ingredient will make all
the difference. This is the New rSure
Mix" Crisco.
Act CfferesUy
(fres ctw type batttr
Here's why. An important scientific dis
covery has brought a vital improvement
to pure all vegetable Crisco. It now
acts differently from any other house
bold shortening we know of mixes
better more completely. With "Sure-:
Uis" Crisco. aQ the ingredients in your,
eale batter gtt togtUur and stay together.
- f -
. - -V. -
ing in a little water, then slow browning is the secret revealed by Martha Logan, cookery expert who
suggests them as a breakfast dish.
Manufacturers' Recipes
- An Impressive array of recipes
comes today from the testing kit
chens of nationally known foods.
X cups Vaa Camp's
pork and beans
cup peanut butter
4 cup catsup
10 thin slices cooked or canned
corned beef
""' Drain beans. To the liquid
blend in peanut butter and cat
sup. Fold in beans. Chill and
serve between slices of cold
corned beef on lettuce with may
onnaise. Serves I,
S enpa milted Fishers cake floor
X teaspoons baking; powder
, teaspoon salt
4 tablespoon! tugar
li teaspoons grated orange
X egg yolka, well beaten
cup milk :
5 tablespoons melted butt:r
2 egg whites, stiffly beaten
Sift flour once, measurer add
baking powder, salt, and sugar,
and sift again." Add orange rind
to egg yolks and mix well; com
bine with milk and add to flour
mixture, beating only until
smooth. Fold in egg whites. Bake
In hot waffle Iron. Serve hot
with butter and orange marma
lade. Makes 4 waffles.
1 cup H-O OaU
X cups water
K teaspoon salt
8 green peppers
hi pound mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter
Cook H-O in boiling salted wa
ter three minuses and. while still
hot add mushrooms that have
been sauted in butter. Cut a
slice from top of each pepper,' re
move seeds and parboil in salted
water ten minutes. Fill peppers
with H-O and mushroom mixture
and bake in moderate oven about
fifteen minutes.
iy cups brown sugar, firmly
1 cups White Satin granu
lated sugar,
ltt caps milk
" 2 tablespoons butter
Combine sugars and milk and
-in 3 viays!
oven wT Jrf0 b
row0' -"Crises
riOeK. J
mm l
It's a new type of batter that guaran
tees tiner-eati&g cakes!
Dslier, Egaier, tenderer cakes '
Before Introducing this NewJ4Sure-MixJ
Crisco, hundreds of cakes were made
with it. Our baking tests showed cakes
baked up higher! Up to 15 higher
depending on the type of cake. And
these cakes had a lighter, finer texture
and a new tenderness a " melts-in-your-mouthf
Let your very next cake show you!
Use any favorite recipe make only one
change put km Crueo. Expect a better
cake higher, lighter, tendererwith a
new deliciousness I
Va nAffoii IaaVImw and ffna
bring to a boll, stirring constant
ly. Then boiL without stirring,
until a small amount of mixta a
forms s very soft ball in cold
water (232 degrees). Add butter,
cool, and beat.
1 cups sifted Pillsbury flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
, teaspoon salt
4 cup corn meal
a eggs, well beaten
1 cup milk
4 tablespoons melted batter or
other shortening
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking; powder, sugar and salt,
and sift again. Add corn meal
and mix well. Combine eggs,
milk and shortening; add to
floor, stirring only enough to
dampen all floor. Bake In
greased muffin pans In hot oven
(42S degrees) 25 minutes, or un
til done. Makes 12 muffins.
In the Valley
Social Realm
ALBANY At a double wedding
ceremony in St. Mary's Catholic
church on Thanksgiving morning
at S o'clock. Father John Waters
presided at nuptial mass when
Miss Theressa Miller became the
bride of Glenn Mollett of Albany,
and her sister Margaret became
the bride of Richard Marrow of
Corvallis. The brides are daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller
of North Albany.
Bridesmaids were Miss Viola
Miller and Mrs. Carl Doty of Cor
vallis. Best men were Roy Miller
and Carl Doty of Corvallis. Ush
ers were Harvey Miller of Cor
vallis and Joseph Taucher, Leo
Dooley and Raymond Barrett of
Albany, and altar boys were Al
bert Miller and Bob Neuman.
Clement Miller played the wed
ding march and the recesslonaL
and Mrs. J. P. Aylward sang "Ave
The brides entered the church
one at either side of their father,
who gave them in marriage.' They
wore identical gowns of white
satin, made with full skirts aad
puffed sleeves. With these they
m makes f
Wcakw.sestrr 1 i
""-Bk ". 40
sll vv.
ffostlnav riffiti - PfpHm!THTT COOk-
wah laweiad belts and finger tip
veils and carried white prayer
bonks from which floated, wniie
ribbon streamers tipped with rose-
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the parisn
hall. t
A ud tin r abont the hall and
with the serving were Miss Eliza
beth Renland. Mlsa Marr Ingram.
Mrs. R. A. Talbott. Miss Kath-
erlne Jurglewlch and Ben tuaa
lers. Following a short wedding trip
Mr. and Mrs. Mollet will make
thalr hnma In North Alhxnv while
Mr. and Mrs. Marrow will live in
Corvallis. For their golng-away
salts the sisters chose black with
matching accessories.
othy Bumps, whose marriage to
Scott Clerenger of Albany will be
an event of December 23. was
honored with a bride's shower
Tuesday afternoon at the North
Howell grange hall.
Members of the grange Home
Economics club, of which Miss
Bump is a member, sponsored the
affair undei the direct supervi
sion of the club chairman, Mrs,
C E. Waltman. '
A novel feature of the pro
gram was a musical reading by
Mrs. A. T. Cllne with Mrs. Wayne
Strachan at the piano, illustrat
ing the various phases of court
ship and marriage. Mrs. Martha
Vinton favored the group with
two . solos.
The guest list includes rela
tives and friends from Portland,
Salem, Silrerton and North How
ell. WOODBURN St, Luke's church
was the scene of a-pretty wed
ding when Addle Keilmer of
Woodburn became the -wife of
Arnold Halter, also of Woodburn,
at a nuptial mass celebrated at
8:30 by the Rev. Daniel O'Con
nell of St. Lukes.
Mrs. Halter was attended by
Miss Emma Halter, sister of the
groom and the groom's attendant
was Herbert Brack of Woodburn.
Mrs. A. Hanauska and Miss Er
nestine Nathman sang an Ave
Maria arranged by Gounod. Sls-
te rM. Clementine of St. Bene
dict's school played the proces
sional and recesslonaL
After the ceremony, a wedding
2 years
o - w- ed to m,
Own r- . . m-
one with an .0ke
W ( wa, -5., ,7T
one witi, M7Jco)
Here's wh tieT. neain
"cevothr oat 1- 7.-r - Crico
cncccuTE-rcssiiD cucr
1 1
KenpCrisse 1 sspowi vanina
leopsugar S oupa eaks flour
Sesgs . , 3j teaspoons
HWspooa , basins powder
sals Heap nunc
Cream together Crtoco, sogar. ewm."
salt and vanilla. Sifs flour wiia
baking powder twice. Add flour
mixture alternately with milk
(sbout H of each at a time). Pour
into two "Criscoed" aad floured
hirer pans (3-inch else). Bake in
moderately hot oven G76
as minutes.
csjocouTE caxsji nmrnNQ cut
4 aqs. chocolate in small pieces.
Mix with 1H cups brown sugar. H
teaspoon saU. H cap water. M cup
Crisco. Bring te a boU: boil S min
wtes. Saum from heat: eeoi to
lukewarm. Add Hough sifted eon
toctoners sogar to sprssd. Beat hi
1 teaspoon vanilla. Spread between
layers and ever cake.
Att UttnirtmenU Lent
Jast ask tot Grar" at
tore as esaaL All Crisco is
now "Sore-Mix." No change la
hinge-cop can or label bat oh, '
the diSereoce is Crisco itself 1
breakfast was served at the Wood-'
burn HoteL
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keilmer, for
mer residents of Woodburn but
now residing in Montana.- The
groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Godfrey Halter of this city. After
a wedding trip to Seattle they will
reside on the Bentley farm on
the Pacific highway north of
Woodburn. 5
DALLAS The monthly meet
ing of the Dallas Junior Woman's
club was held .Monday night 'in
Libray hall with Miss Ruth Pe
tre, president, presiding.
At the business session, plans
were made to aid the senior club
in the saleof -Red Cross member
ships in the residential district of
Dallas. A discussion was also held
concerning a dance which the club
la' planning for the near future
hut a definite date for this is to
be' set by the committee in charge
of -arranging for the affair.
The program for the evenina-
had been arranged by MissArlene
Voth. Ralph Howe of Dallas
showed colored motion pictures
he. had taken of various scenic
spots in Oregon.
A pleasant supper hour fol
lowed. Hostesses were Mrs. Joe
Card, Mrs. Wayne Hawke and
Miss Anne Sehmltt,
.MEHAMA A bride's shower
was given for Mrs. Merle Philippl '
at the home -of her. mother, Mrs.
Arthur Landers, Tuesday after
noon. After the opening of the gifts.
refreshments were served to the
following women and their chil
dren: Mrs. Margaret Klmsey, Mrs.
Edith Philippl, Mrs. Lizzie Bur
dick, Mrs. Mabel Downing, Mrs.
Ines Crook and son Bobbie and
Clifford, Mrs. Harley Johnson,
Mrs. Giles Wagner, Mrs. Russell
Wilson and baby son Dana Frits,
Mrs. Chris McDonald and Aladene
and Allen, Mrs. Earl WolfkieL
Mrs. Lucy Scroggin, Mrs. Ella
Washzburn, Mrs. Vern Smith, Mrs.
Roy Philippl and Brace, Mrs. Alys
Pooler, Mrs. Dorothy Reld and
Richard, Mrs. Emma Reld, Mrs.
Josephine McCarley and small son,
Mrs. Tex Klmsey and Terry, Mrs.
Wlllard Johnson, Mrs. Jessia
Kornmann and Jennifer, Mrs.
Gladys Marks, Mrs. Jennie Moe
and Mrs. Arthur Landers and the
guest of honor, Mrs. Merle Phil
ippl. DALLAS The regular
monthly meeting of the Dallas
Woman's club will be held on
Tuesday afternoon, December S,
at Libray hall with Miss Kather
Ine Arbuthnot of the Oregon Col
lege of Education at Monmouth as
the guest speaker.
Mrs. J. Paul Bollman, president
of the club, will preside at the
I remember when
Frankly, I couldn't afford to waste all that
good material when my baking turned out poorly. And, besides,
I felt ashamed of it"
Good, sound sense I But you can be as perky as you please,
bake wonderful rolls, cakes, pastries, breads with confidence
that your flour will act the game way every time if it's
Fisher's Blend Flour 1
Just seel Every different kind of wheat makes a different kind
of floor. In their great grain elevators, the Fisher Mills have
millions of bushels of wheat of a hundred types and specifica
tions. They take all guesswork and worry out of flour because
they blend, in exact proportions, specially chosen wheats that
make Fisher's Blend a marvelous E very-Purpose flour. It's
always just right and always the same.
By this exacting blending, and the most painstaking nulling;
Fisher's give you this unsurpassed home baking flour you can
count on every time.
Five convenient sizes. Tell your grocer
irr Muurr tiu tou-shi knowsi
Srery ssary Mills recipe for addkig
Fisher. WHEAT GERM to nuke
your baking taste better, is tested end
ved. The recipes come with
SAT GERM Handraacka. ;.
Laura Wheeler
"Hit or MissT in
Joseph's Coat an appropriate
name for this gay quilt Is as col
orful in the mnlti-colored scrape
used, as the coat of biblical fame.
Only two pattern pieces are need
ed! Pattern 23 7 8 contains accu
rate pattern pieces; diagram of
business meeting. Members are
requested to bring a gift tor a
toy shower for the community
Christmas tree.
Musical numbers on the pro
gram will include selections by
the junior high school chorus;
piano solo, Clark Robb; dance
number by student of Mrs. Doro
thy Craven and piano solo. Miss
Doris Helen Spauldlng.
A tea hoar will follow the
program. Hostesses will Include
Mrs. E. W. Cruson. Mrs. Harold
Rich. Mrs. A- B. Starback. Mrs.
Erie Falgham, Mrs. A. J. Kracher,
Mrs. J. G. Van Orsdel, Mrs. Del-
win Relnemer, Mrs. Raleigh and
Mrs. Otella Mardls.
Meeting Plans Changed
of the pictures originally sched
uled for the community club
meeting tonight, the By berg and
Dlleson families of Sllverton will
entertain with a railed program.
The meeting will start at 8
o'clock in the school house.
andscoei every grain of wheat used
ia fisher FARINA that delect
able Breakfast for Baby. Then we
protect It mceUophans sealed Handy-
el sen as clean can be.
Uses gay Scraps
two Patch Quilt
block; instructions for making;
yardages; diagram.
Send ten cents in coin for this
pattern to The Oregon Statesman,
Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly
Mission Croup
Meets, Stayton
- STAYTON Mrs. Georgia Ramp
entertained the , Middle Grove
Foreign Missionary society recent
ly in her home. The business
meeting in the morning was fol
lowed by a covered dish luncheon
at noon. In the' afternoon Mrs.
Lena Bartrnff led the devotional
meeting and Mrs. Georgia Ramp,
the prayer circle.
Mrs. Sarah Weddle entertained
members of the Three Links club
of the. Rebekah lodge at her home
recently. Novel games were
played after which the men Joined
the women at the refreshment
hour. Present were Mrs. Tressa
Van Nuys, Mrs. Flora Mae Schuck.
Mrs. Carol Harris, Mrs. Mlnta
Boyer, Mrs. Bee Johnson, Mrs.
Alda Murphy. Mrs. Eva Hilton.
Mrs. Cecil Wright, Mrs. Etta
Brewer. Mrs. Minne Hamlin. Mrs.
Zoma Baldwin, Mrs. Ellen Rey
nolds, Mrs. George Cole and the
hostess, Mrs. Weddle. Mrs. George
Cole will be the next hostess.
.' fj,4aw J " : "-
I. .1
My land I Yeast Rolls
light as a feather
Mary Mills calls 'em Orange Rous. It's
a delightful way to prove what a difference
' Fisher's blending makes in flour.
Yield: 3 domett
2 cakes com
pressed yeast
4-Hcupe Fisher's
Blend Flour
H teaspoon salt
Scald milk, add sugar, sad cool until Inktwsrm.
Add yeaat broken isto small pieces. Let this
suad IS ausutea. Add 1 cap Soar aad seat
well. Add salt, batter, sad eggs, beating thor
oughly. Gradually beat la remainder of Sour.
Let this itaad aatil doubled in balk aad the
dough bold impriat of the anger when mnt4
dews. Keep covered darlag rialag sad is a
warm place. When light, roach dowa aad pat ,
with head te.M-iaca thichaeB. Spread Oraage
FilUag over surface, roll ap as tor ciaaamea
rolls. Tlacb edges together to seal dough aad
retain the Juice. With a scissors est dough ia
I slices sad place ia well-greased aauCBa pass
cut side dowa. Let rise aatU doubled ia sis.
Bake at 7i about 12 sBlaoteaT
Vi cup melted I
butter I
i cup sugar
Cook 20 saieatss.
So we put Fisher's BISJdT MIX in
a new doubls sealad carton, and her
swn recipes come whh It, Ask your
grcet fog a package- ' sodayt -
Drama Club Will
Cive Three Plays
MONMOUTH The Crimson
O Dramatic club will present
three one-act plays Friday night.
December 1, in the Oregon Col
lege of Education's auditorium at
Campbell hall.
The Smell of Powder," a
comedy by John Klrkpatrlck, fea
tures Verna Muhr. St. Helens:
and Glenn Anderson, Milwaukle,
In leading roles.
"Escape, a drama by E. F.
Parr, has a cast of four led by
Patricia Roy, St. Helens; and
Wynne Stewart, Portland, i
"The Sister Who Walked in
Silence" is a fantasy by Philip
Johnson, with Jean Inlow, Mon
mouth: and Byron Adams, Port
land, as cast highlights. '
Mrs. Beulah Thornton is fac
ulty adviser. .
Normal Students
Visit at Gates
GATES Students from the
Monmouth normal who spent the
Thanksgiving vacation at theli
homes were Audrey Johnson,
Phylls Scott and Virginia Davis
Miss Mertice Jones who is at
tending Oregon State college vis
ited at the E. L. Davis home.
Mrs. N. J. Bradley of North
Bend was a weekend visitor with
the Ned Richards family.
Mrs. Ed Collins entertained
Mr. and Mrs.Helmar Rue of Sll
verton, Mrs. Bad Collins and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sel
lard and family of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Hayward
have moved from Idahna to make
'their home here.
Mrs. Elton Brown arrived home
Tuesday from Areata, Calif.,
where she has been visiting with
friends and relatives.
Entertain Dinner
Guests at Lyons
LYONS Sunday dinner guesti
at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. R
P. Lyons were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hickman of Salem. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Lyons of Stayton, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Ransom, Miss Ruthlt
Lyons, Miss Henrietta Lyons and
Cyril Lyons.'
Thursday dinner puests at ths
home of Mr. and Mrs. Art hoi
Vaughn were Mrs. Helen Vaagha
and Fred Vanghn of Silrerton and
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wise. J
Miss Jo Ann Crabtree returned
to Portland Sunday after spend
ing the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Everette Crabtree.
Miss Crabtree is a student at St
Helens hall.
2 eggs, wall-beaten
14 cup sugar .
1 cup milk
H cup melted
Oraagt FOUagt
2 tablespoons
orange juice
Gated rind of S oranges
Cool before readiag.
KTJf fqf. six) PAN by A'JSSO
txfro TUck llari Alvtntmim
SmmUTH Urn. Stnl-Tmrm Hsd7a,
- HaWy Cue Ja-easursateet "
.-. fasAfsase btfm.
Thla win be die btnlest a Is your
kitchca. Easy to claaa. Built for Ufa
time of service. Full 1 Quart capacity.
IfS SO value. 4 W sere's sew yea
get HI Sead eaJy 2 aad sales alia,,
cash register receipt or say ether
roof of purctvtse of Fisher's Bleed
Flour (a ay aire sack) or seed pack
ers top of Fisher's- Biskit Mis e
Fisher Flourlag Mills Co Seattle,
Wash. Prist same sad address plaialy.
OSer good for limited time only. .
i 1
J, 1-
t, '
1 1