The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1939, Page 12, Image 12

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    Mrs. Hewett
At Home
Mrs. Roy Hewett will entertain
this afternoon with a Inncheon
and bride complimenting the
members of her club. Chrysanthe
mums will be used about the
rooms. Mrs. E. R. Harrey will bo
a special guest
Those bidden are: Mrs. Waldo
Mills, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs.
H. O. Smith, Mrs. Charles
Sprague. Mrs. A. A. Slewert, Mrs.
Roy Mills, Mrs. Leona Johnson,
Mrs. Robert W. Craig and Mrs. M.
Hoffnell. 0 '
Social. Club at
Chadwlck chapter. -Order of
Eastern Star social afternoon
clnb, met at Masonic temple Tues
day for a dessert luncheon and
bridge. High honors went to Mrs.
Prank Mogan and Mrs. - Grace
Hostesses for the affair were:
Mrs. W. O. Widdows. chairman,
Mrs. William Tschopp, Mrs. W.
Hartley. Mrs. Flora Baldwin, Mrs.
T. C. Rock and Mrs. Ida Elfin.
Mm '
43 ('
Friday ! : :
Woman's Bible class of the
First Methodist church with
Mrs. C. F. Brelthaupt, 211 East
Miller. MO p. m. '
Hal Hlbbard auxiliary, with
Mrs. Arthur Glrod. 222S North
Church street. 1:20 p.m.
Eterl class. First Baptist
church, 7:20 p. m.. social. .
Degree of honor, S p.m.
Knights of Pythias hall. Elec
tion. , - 1
i - I
Chemeketa QAR no-host lun
cheon. Carrier Room. First
Methodist church. 12:20 p.ra.
Carpenters social. KP hall,
:20. mmbri and families.
Reserratlona with Mrs. IL A. y
Hal' Hlbbard cams and aux
iliary, 8 p.m.. Woman's club
house, election.
Delta Tan Gama Mother's
club at Lausanne hall, - 2:20
P. n. , " i
r Tuesday
Campfire Guardian's associa
tion with Mrs. Eminerson Hol
comb, 10 SO North 20th street,
2 p. m. I '
Salem Ministers'! wives 2
p.m. with Mrs. Guy L. Drill,
7S7 North Winter street. '
Women's societies of Knight
Memorial church, bazaar lunch
eon and dinner at church.
i .
AAUW Literature section
with . Mrs. Charles Johnson,
282 Jerrls street, 8 p.m.
o o
o o
MAXINE BiraENirofltcir Editor
Tea Given for
Visitor ?
Mrs. Adam Hersch entertained
Sunday afternoon with a tea in
honor of her sister, Mrs. Robert
Shattuck of Concord. Calif., who,
with her husband and small son,
Lawrence Robert, has oeen spend
ing the Thanksgiving holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Emery.
, The rooms were decorated with
evergreens, snowberries and red
Mrs. Hersch was assisted by
her mother, Mrs. Emery, who
Friends calling were: Mrs. W.
E. Branch, Mrs. William deVries,
Mrs. John Olthoff, Mrs. George
Kleen, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs.
J. J. Thompson, Miss Alice Marie
Thompson.' Mr. and ! Mrs. Arch
Bowen. Mrs. Helen Harding. Mer
lene Harding, and Betty Jean,
Rev. and Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs.
M. Pipplngham, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur de Vries, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold de Vries. Elsie and Doris,
Mrs. Fred de Vries, Mr. and Mrs.
John Jones, Mrs. Thomas Jones.
Carolyn Meyer, Miss Winifred
Riches, Miss 'Lois Riches, Mrs.
Robert Riches, Mrs. , Theodore
Riches, Mr. and Mrs. ' H. W. de
Vries, Miss Wilma de Vries, Mrs.
Helen Paget, Mrs. Paul Silke,
Mrs. Caroline Cermlk, Paul Silke,
Jr., Mrs. Rudolph de Vries, and
Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. ! P. Emery,
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hersch and
Wllletta. ' - -. " i
. ...
Ever see a dress pattern with TD J XJTWiV.
a dual personality? Anne Adams DCulCl MOIlierS
has designed one In versatile Pat- . w , K - ,V
tern 4205. Use a cheery print and At MeetinCT
you've a perfect houae style. Make- , . r -- .
It in soft wool or silk, and yon're , Salem Band mothers met at the
ready for shopping, office or vis- senior high school Wednesday af
ltlng. Generous darts at the shoul- . ternoon with Mr. Vernon Wlscar
ders and above the. waist, give 0n as the guest speaker." '
smooth fit and keep fullness In - The officers for the coming
through : the bustllne There are year have been announced ; Mrs.
,Ull-and-sllm panels at both front Tim Brlggs. -president; ' Mrs.
vck An.d th Ion.r Wayne ? Gordon, vice i president;
well-shaped eelmrlr-smart in Mrs. Lyman MeDonald secretary;
crisp contrast or with sy trim. an4 Mrm. e; j. DIets, treasurer.
J,-t"h;,Tr,?,0nhg.Paf!td Committee heads are Mrs. L. R.
?ritVl.W Set ?-TonrCl Weevet srlBCTr membership; Mrs. C, H.
nLi!. tfci?Li5:. iSAV Stevenson, socUl reporter; Mrs.
Mrs. Cooley
Club . :
Mrs. Earl Cooley entertained
the members of her sewing club
Tuesday at her home on Center
street. Mrs. Gene Laird was a
special guest. '
Those bidden were: Mrs. Gard
ner Knapp. Mrs. BJarne Erlck-
son, Mrs. Harold Laaa. mrs. sya
ney Hoffman, Mrs. Floyd Bowers,
Mrs. C. F. Felke and Mrs. Virgil
, Sexton.
No-Host Dinner
Tuesday . ;
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waterman
entertained Joshua Smith camp.
Sons of Union Veterans, and aux
iliary Tuesday night for their reg
ular monthly social meeting and
no-host dinner.
Birthday honors were given to
Mrs. Bertha .Ray, Mrs. Edna
Brown, Mrs. Blanch Stuart, Mrs.
Edna Waterman and C. F. Rellly.
Mrs. "Bertha Ray was in charge
of the study hour.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
U. G. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
McShane, Mrs. Emily Prescott,
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Adams, W. T.
McDerby, Mr. and -Mrs.- E. B.
Perrlne, Mrs. Mettle Schram, A.
M. Lausch, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Rellly, Mrs. Clara-McDerby, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Ray. Mrs.
Hattle Cameron, Mrs. Lura Tan
dy, Mrs. Blanch Stuart, Mrs. Mae
Ivie. Mrs. John' Robins, Mrs.. Ed
na Brown, Mrs. Lulu Boring and
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Waterman.
(Style .GiniLi - - - (futcktn
U . ' nf
y vl ?
PTA Sponsors
Card Party
"Talk about delusions of grandeur! He asked me to have
a date with him!"
she might have a couple of delusions herself but she does
look charming in her brown ensemble. The sheared beaver top may
be sipped off the skirt and worn as a separate jacket. And there's a
matching muff. Persian lamb bandings accent the curved Jacket at
The Englewood Parent-Teacher left. Black forms the material of the smoothly tailored suit,
association is sponsoring a bene- ,
m caru pari suum v
Contract auction, pinochle and WOlIe-LenObUrg
500 will be in play. Those wishing
to make reservations may call Urvmo rVTlH
Mrs. Lewis Stanley, 6898. vywo UU1U
The following reservations have MIm Helen daughter
been made: , M . '
Mr. and Mr. L. u Moor.. Mr. mod of Mr. and Mrs. John Lenaburg,
M". Grc Fuher. Mm. Hui B. became the bride of Mr. James
Ktmcr. P. w. ciark. Mr. and Mrt. R. Wolfe, son of Mrs. James Wolfe, home. A no-host luncheon was
w. A.reii, Jtr. ana jars. x. a. iuin,
Prinrle Women
At Meeting
The Prlngle Women's club was
entertained Wednesday afternoon
when Mrs. F. Clark and Mrs. O.
Keyes were hostesses at the Clark
Mr. and Mra. Walter Kartten. Mra. A. E
Waldorf. Mra. Edna Cleveland, Mrs.
Edith Rincwald, Mra. Pfiefer. Mra. W.
A. BeeTOa. Mra. Jad Beaadtler, Mra.
Clement Jiolfste, Mra. Morfaa, Mra.
Georre B snail, Mr. and Mra. Howard
Piekatt, Mra. Stella Heaa. Mra. Vara
Soko, Mra. Ray Cnttenden, Mr. and
Mra. Ear. Cooler, Pr. and Mra. IiUll
It. Bruk, Mr. and Mra. ixmia Jorana
served and reports were given on
the bazaar during the business
meeting. The bazaar will be held
today and Saturday. Mrs. B.
Probst and Miss Lorene Probst
The bride wore a dress of steel were special guests.
Members present were: Mes-
dames C. W. Grabenhorst, L.
November 26 at the Trinity Lu
theran church at Longview,
Washington. Rev. Erwin A. Vass
ler officiated.
blue silk with navy blue aecesso-
Mr. and Mra." Percy Binndeii. Mr. aai ries and a corsage of roses and Lalgie, Fabry, sr., F. Wells, S.
J-Tm"1 .keVMrfnd-Mrl- chrysanthemums. Emery. J. Klinger J. Naslln, C.
MISS LOiS WOlf 6 was tne "icj, u. uwreuu, d. rvoiiea,
bridesmaid and wore a moss B. Hoge, H. Stapleton, H. Hamey,
rrMn TmrV and thA niM of hon. O. DavlS, C. Lu Spurlln. G. Adams.
or wore a dress of wine and they O. J Bowman, F. Wlltsey, P. Gur-
vrore corsages of aweetpeas. IS1' S'Kele,r' R' J.K?"e B-
Vnllnwlna thm Mremonr a wed- Webster, D. Mohler and the host-
dlng dinner was served. The
couple will return to Salem to
live following their honeymoon.
! . -. '
Mrs. Jeriks Is
Hostess.- ... :
: Mrs. Howard B. Jenks enter
tained the members of her bridge
club -Tuesday, afternoon with a
beautifully - arranged ' luncheon
and several hoars of -brldge.-Mrs.
Earl Canfield . and Mrs. Carl E.
Guenther .had high honors.
'- Members are: . Mrs. L. P. Al-
women's sixes 24. 21, 28, 40. 42,
. 4 ana 41. size 36 takes 4
yards 29 Inch fabrle and 2 yards.
rlc-rac. r ;
Saad PITTEEX CEXTS (15e) la
eoiaa for taia Aaao Uui patter.
Writ plainly SIZE. NAME, AD
"Can I afford to U'li atylat"
Wltk yw Tear caleUaa a 1 e e t
hero, yoa eaa't afford NOT to bot
TERN BOOK Yoaaea to year aid.
Taoro arc vivid frock for day and
ifkt feetivitiee, aa - alt aa tiaMly
gift tlpa aad wis ted . ratios vear
aalaa. A ipeeial eoraer ia reierred
for joaaraWra aad coeda ... a aso
cial aoctioa for aliauniag atatroaa'
aaodea. Bo tko aett dreaaed "lady
oai-a-badfet" ia towm by ordering
or book aowl BOOK FIFTEEN
Bead year order to Tko Oregoa
lUUtma, Falters departmrat.
Mrs. Leo Rock, Mrs." L. R. Spring
er, Mrs, J.-M. Twedt and Mrs. F.
MUlett, 4 refreshments. Y
Arrangements are being made
.for. a banquet in December hon
oring the'school board.' school ex
ecutives, parents and members of
the band. - , i
;- " ' ' A :
Jimmy Honored
On Birthday!
Mrs. R. E. Cartwright enter
tained Wednesday morning her
son, Jimmy, who celebrated his
seventh birthday. Christmas dee
orations were carried out for the
table. i -
Those bidden to honor Jimmy
were: Val Jean Bacon, Melbry and
Nadine Slpe, Jay Walton, , Jerry
and Melody Rains, Blanch Sny
der, Wally Carson; Dorothy and
Phyllis Doron and Patty and Con
nie Smith of Portland.! '
The AAUW Literature section
will meet with Mrs. Charles John
son, 212 Jerrls street Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock. s
: l i iO
sic 1 ri
. i : i ; :
E. O. Ricketu, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Egg
ataff, Mr. and Mra. W. A. Cladek. Dr.
aad Mra. O. A. Olaon, Mr aad Mra. Hane
aaer Siefartk, Mr. aad Mra. - Arthur
Green. Mr. aad Mra. Elmer Berg, Mr.
and Mra. Max Rogera, Mr. and Mra.
eiena Hoar, Mra. A.. L. Wallace, Miaa
Lola 8hnl, Miaa Helen Fleteker, Mr.
aad . Mra. Earl JFonarm, Mr. . aad Mrs.
Airlie Anderaoa 'iroat Silrerton, Mra.
Ia. B. Fa mam, Miaa Julia Noble, Dr.
Marioa FoUia, Mrs. Barkam, Miaa Mar
garet Jones, Mr. aad Mrs. BnaaeU
Bright, Mr. and Mra. Junior Scaler,
Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Arnold, Mr. and
Mra. Jesa Dangherty, Mr. aad Mrs. "Vir
gil Moorhead, . Mra. . L. Hanaaman,
Mra. H. A. eleao, Mra. .Howard Peat,
Mrs. Tlorenee Rhea, Mr. and Mrs. J C.
Lindley. '. .
President Is
' -" ' - - . .
. The province president of Al
pha XI Delta sorority, Mrs. Mar
caret Davis -Berc of Seattle, was
honored with a dinner Wednes- omen, Mrs. jonn ureos, Mrs. jonn
day night at the Quelle. Follow- G. French, Mrs. Csrl E. Guenther,
In g the dinner the group went Mrs.-Earl Canfield. Mrs. Ira L.
to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Darby, Mrs. Floyd C Headrlck
R. Baxter on the Willamette cam- and Mrs. Howard B. Jenks.
pus for an. informal evening.
Those present were: Mrs. Berg, . n-iMm a
the honored guest, Mrs. Robin ' Helen f eaxve, president of
Day, Mrs. Glen Stevens. Miss Elise Z0" I??,,?atl?al n,d a ojt
Schroeder. Miss Doris Rlggs. Mrs. the Willamette university fac-
R. W. Tavenner, Miss Verna Ken- ""J. leave Friday for the
pinger, Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs. mlddlewest. Dr. Pearce win re-
Hoyt E. Snyder. Mrs. Ben Shoe- turn to Salem December 20. While
maker of Corvallis. Mrs. Delia the mlddlewest Dr. Pearce wUl
Kenney and Mrs. John Smith, Jlt Zonta clubs In Salt Lake
both of Corvallis, and Mrs. Bruce clt'4lPnT,ir , ecatwr, I1L,
R. Baxter and- the official headquarters In
e e e Chicago.
Informal Party
At Ostreng's
Tuesday night Miss Edna Os-
treng entertained with an Inform
al party at her home on West
Miller street. Dancing and cards
were enjoyed
The guests Included: William
Korhonan, Robert Turner, Stan
ley McClellan, Leonard Churchill.
Doug4as Clifton, Marie Morris,
Virginia Perrlne, all of "Portland,
and Lorraine Bell, Clara Bell and
Miss Edna Ostreng.
esses. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Keys.
Apricots Mix in
Inexpensive " candies that will
please are much In demand Just
before Christmas. Try .this for
goodness' sake." -;
1 cup drained, cooked dried
' apricots : . ; . ;
- . 4 tablespoons plain' gelatine ' '
cup cold apricot juice
ii cup hot apricot Juice
2 cups granulated sugar
M cup orange Juice
2 teaspoons grated . orange
Drain- apricots before measur
ing, and mash to a pulp while
hot. Soften gelatine in cold apri
cot Juice. , Add sugar to hot Juice,
bring to a boil, add gelatine, or
ange juice and rind, and boil 20
minutes. Remove from heat, add
apricots and mix well. Pour Into
wax paper-lined pan and allow to
set. Cut lnto desired shapes and
roll In powdered sugar.
Variation Use dried peaches
in the same proportion as apri
cots, substituting peach juice as
Shelves Put
In Order
Now "
Now is the time to take inven
tory of your linen-closet shelves
and put them back In hope chest
condition. Retire the tattered old
sheets and faded tablectSths (yon
can find many other household
uses for them) and replenish your
linen stock with others that com
bine new strength and long-wear
qualities with all sorts of clever
devices to save time and energy.
And don't be too lenient In your
weeding-out process. ' Remember
that a too-short or too-worn sheet
can cause you many hours of lost
Emphasis is all on decorative
functlonallsm these days, and if
that sounds very formidable, it
breaks down into this very sim
ple phrase: household goods
which is as attractive as It is use
ful. Nowadays sheets and pillow
cases are not only made for bet
ter service and longer wear, but
they are loomed with a thought
to beauty of texture and attract
lve "ensembling" qualities. Table
cloths are no longer 'merely cov
ers for table, ' they are gay and
"appetizing,"-and frequently
strike the main decorative note In
the room.
Innovations in bed-linens will
striae entnusiasm from every
good homemaker. For example.
three high-efficiency features
have been Incorporated in one
popular line of heavyweight mus
lin sheets. The very newest of
these improvements saves time
and sheets and will be welcomed
by every woman who wants to do
her morning household chores -In
the" shortest time possible.
instead or the usual arrange
ment of a wide hem at the top and
a narrow hem at the bottom,
there are two wide hems. This, of
course, means that you can make
the bed In a jiffy, without twist
ing and turning the sheet to get
the wide-hem to the head. And
even more important, reversible
hemmed sheets increase the life
span of bed-linen to a consider
able extent. Since the sheet is not
placed on the bed with the same
end always up, the areas of wear-
and-tear are more evenly distrib
uted, and shoulder-shovers and
hem-pullers are foiled in their de
structive work.
The other time-saving feature
is the patented projecting size-in
dex tabs, which are sewn directly
Into the hem of bed-linens and
each has woven into It the meas
urements and the type of bed it
fits. Thus, when you must make
up that single bed In the guest
room in a hurry; you quickly pick
out the sheet with the little tab
marked "63x108 -Single Bed".
and save yourself pulling out half
a dozen -wrong-size sheets before
you find the one yon want.
And finally, to Increase the
wearing qualities ox bed-linen, the
sheet manufacturer has woven a
double-tape selyage right into
the sheets to prevent fraying
and strain along the edge.
Today's Menu
A iic and shrimp dish wiU be
the main dish for today. v
- Bean and corn salad
French Jambalaya.
Fresh buttered spinach
Pumpkin pie . . .
2 eups rice
1 dozen oysters -X
cup highly seasoned tomato
1 teaspoon salt
i 1 pound shrimps ' ,
1 large onion
2 tablespoons lard
Dash pepper
. 1 red pepper
Scale shrimps and peel. Scald
oysters. Place two tablespoons of
lard in large pot, preferably black
iron pot, and allow to melt and
become hot. Fry the shrimps and
oysters in lard. When fried,
throw in one large onion cut fine,
and allow it to fry until yellow,
being sure it does not burn. Add
tomato sauce and allow to fry
very little. Wash two cups of
rice and allow to fry until It be
comes coated. Add salt, blai
pepper, and one small - piece of
red pepper. Mix thoroughly and
add three cups of water. Allow
Sweet Pie
Prunes and srranefrnit are ner-
zect flavor rolls, new to many pie
eaters. 'Excellent year 'round fare
with the' enhanced flavor of each
fruit aa recommendation. -
24 cups cooked prunes
1 .cup cubed grapefruit
1 cup prune Juice
1 cup sugar r
teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons butter
Baked pastry shell (")
Meringue (basis 2 egg whites).
Measure prunes, pit and slice.
Combine with grapefruit, prune-
juice, sugar, salt, cornstarch and
butter and stir to blend. Cook and
stir until thick. Pour into baked
shell and cover with meringue.
Bake In slow oven (200 degrees)
about 20 minutes. Chill. Serves C.
well as the drained cooked
L -
mtVrK. VoSSMSBBjaBvejsi. -XvXve ShaanaawaBBoanV
U a
Expensive stocks '. of '
Christmas . merchant
dlse make it necessary
to close out a large
: lot of gloves. -
1 pair of
with each'
purchase of
. f2.9S or
l '
(Bfld) V(BS
Kids and Suedes. Becj. n
SUSS. In all sizes and 1 1 j I
many colors. .,; si w J
Balance of Omr
Fur Jackets
and Coats
. over 80
, , saving. ' .
On lot of Bscj. $1135
dresses in SlQcs, Crepes,
and others. Many sizes
and colors. '
STYLE snol?
SS7 Cort - West of Paramount Mkt.
i "It cost us $5
to find out "
I f
Ml M
-' jock certainly nndcrstsnA women. The other day,
r.- T. (Mhotttvtrytbhig-mtalt wrong and I was ready
to throw things when Jack came home and took me in
- ; hij arms. "Darling." he said, "lefi pot on the soap aad
fish and step oat for dinner tonight." I hugged him..
2 After a marrclous dinner (2 s plate Ouch!) the
waiter asks if we'll have coffee with dessert. "Sure,"
said Jack, "bring the works. And after one sip Jack
; - looks up and art,'Gosh, why don't we have coffee
lit M-J-B, sis, me Richer tosst cotTee.'
. : 2rsj yen ,
3 "Richer Roost?" asks Jack. nas,said the waiter, '
. it means that yoo get a finer, richer, fuller flavored cup
cctee. Richer Koast takes the gamble out of cofiee ;
makisg."Jack was so impressed h kft s dollar tip and
; -X thsrt why k cost us 5 find out about M-J-B. It wu - . -i-'.:
worth Jr. tool , r -. :-
- Casein Sf M J-Ca.:
'Sausage Omelet
Lunch Dish
Another of the many meat dish
es suggested by demonstrator
for a meat association recently
is this one for:
1 pound sausage links .
2 tablespoons water
1 No. 2tt can hominy
teaspoon pepper
'. 2 eggs
Place sausages in cold skillet.
Add water, cover and cook until
water has evaporated. Remove
cover, Increase heat and cook un
til sausages are browned. Re
move from skillet. Pour off all
: but four tablespoons of the fat.
Add well-drained hominy and
seasonings and heat .thoroughly.
Add tne Deaieu cst
Cook until the eggs are set. Turn
onto a chop plate. Arange sau
sages over the top. Serves 6.
to cook on slow fire for about one
fcalf hour. Be sure to cover.
Serve in a large tureen or bowl.
Yield: 8 servings 1 cup.
' -
' fl aT-V 'f
For the next ten days, beginning this morning
9:20, The Fashionette offers astonishing savings
on its regular high style, high quality merchan
dise. Check this ad carefully to give you an Idea
of how truly great the savings are!
Beautifully Styled
Formerly 49.75 -149.50
39.75 to 99.5(0)
Gorgeously styled coats including Sil
ver Fox, Persian Lamb, Kolinsky and
others. Finest workmanship in every
Chubbies 19I57to 16.75 . to 451)0
Strikingly Fashioned
Formerly 29.75 - 98.50 .
Fur Trim Coats
A9.75 to 75; '
Every coat sumptuously trimmed in
t rich, beautiful ' furs. Values that top -
T anything you've seen! " - v
: . -' .'' .. -; : ' ;
1. Silver Fox '. '? 89.75
?2.t5 125.00 2-pc: Suits and Cos- l
VV tume Suits, speclal.i?.'..18.75 to 79.50 1 . .'
1 Mcrnoon Dresses
-Epr Holiday Weark-
r Should Sell iVom 14.95 to 24.95 .
' ? Reduced ' f or . Quldc Disxoscd to y ;
H2.S to A9.75
Flattering styles and materials! Sizes
11-17, 12-20, 38-4, 14 -28. We
advise you come early for these!
100 Dresses 5a00
CIiEisfcnas lift Finds!
r Gay Colorful Cotton
Housecoats 1.95
Luxurious "Potter Moss"
4.95 - 6.95
A luxury garment at a truly low price!
. A gift we . know will Helight the "lead- '
ing lady." Colors . . . Royal blue, Copen
blue, Coral and Raspberry red.
r Gowns -;- Lla to fi.a
ESpm : ...19 to 2.49
Costume Jewekx
-25c 35c 50c to 1.25
.:IX0 to 3.83
Our Entire Stock of
&S3 to 12.50 Now
iL"' to
One Group, ol J50 Hats
he I?isHionette:
. .. .429 Court St. Phone 7852