VXQZ TZll ' '. - : -' V , h OREGON STATESMAN, V Lit Angel Schools Join in Fall Prom "Blue Orchids" Theme to Be Used for Annual t Dance Tonight MT. AN G EL A theme to Unt ad stlrer and Inspired by the a treat one hit "Blue OTchld." will prortde a brilliant setting tor Mt. Angel normal and UU Angel college students Joint fan prom Friday night. The decoration committee headed by Oale Storm, St. Hel ena, and-Don Aaderson, Sllrertea, has transformed 8U Mary's audi torium : by generouelr employing cellophane, stars, glass balls, and silrer stemmed' orchids. , BUI Fisher's t orchestra will play, according to the orchestra committee. Dorli Collins and Jack O'Hatloran. both of Portland. Fisher hag trsTeled.la California during the summer and brought back two talented musicians. . Programs la a modernistic de sign, were planned by Laron Mac Don rail of Los Angeles and Frank Philips, Portland. v Patrons and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Sil rerton: Dr. and Mrs. Leo Melen berg; Dr. - and Mrs. Clarence 8mith, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Col lins, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berch told. . and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baumau of Mt. Angel. - General chairmen or the prom aro Doris Collins, Portland, rlce president of the normal and col lege student body, and Joseph Thomas, Salem, president of the Collece Men's club. Born at Silverton SILVERTON Recent births at the : Silrerton hospital Includes daughters to Mr. and Mrs. John Kusehnecht. Norember Iff. and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wolfe,- Norember 25; and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bucholz, Norember 24. Drilling Shafts i .r : XZorldngat Scio SCIO Two drilling shifts dally aro at work on the new dty of Scio well at the Gilbert McDonald property la northwest Scio. Depth of approximately 120 feet has been reached with aa insufficient- supply of water so far encountered. The Strasser company of Port land, which also drilled the city's No. 1 well on East Mill street. Is la. charge of the work.. Cow of -at least 200 gallons per mia ute Is desired to supplement the supply from the first welL It had been hoped by many Scioans that sufficient water would bo found at about the 100 foot lereL as several other wells la the area aro producing a plen tltudo of water at that depth. The present well was If inches la diameter to a depth of 100 feet and Is now being drilled 12 Inches across. The shaft la being cased as the drilling proceeds. Scio Juniors 7ill Give Class Play SCIO "Mama's Baby Boy, Junior class play, will bo pre sented early In January, accord ing to Frieda James, commercial Instructor, who Is directing the production. - J- Leading- roles wllhbe taken by Thelma Limbeck and Richard Phillips. Others In the cast in clude ;Don . Censer Erelyn Ken die, Wanda Wilson, Edwin James, Vila White, Marjorle Dawson, Llla Lee Thayer,, Verl Sims, La Vaughn Johnson. Msnaging the production will promptness, ' Betty . . Rallsback; wardrobe, VIU White, LUa Leo Thayer, Don Gdnser; stage man ager, Verl 81ms; adrertlslng. Vila White. Verl Sims; sales msnag. ers, Betty Rallsback and Char lotte Logan. -J r nor -7A1 iiiTtTt : . 7 nv i ; yi i ji ii ii l i i i rv. n f i v iii ' ,r i - .--, r t - 7 J ; mm mm boij 1 as'4 ' ?I o t h spoitt.-!'! 20 ii z sref Sllrt 1 SZSDn. ' wn OS aa. L0 at . I if. lt. re 57? ied iTT fraai. "re ad Wp0ieor ad I " 1 I I ! . . "1 II 5rr 2j&i2 "T STI Words'" EqooU $3.95 Aotol leuleij 505 A yVara to"oinif 1lr?ghtick3 J L SSTSf SSSk. lint Jhl platiao-ruhber cushioned I titoi crackU and caroms tinitUI iMuiv-iiwwr (yu"nKai Plentr of heat at low coat I Tabes Tennis " Sot Set includes 2 balls, posts, net rT-TI Begiaoors TofMlls GivoHim Boning . :' Gtovos 1? bx louoon mus, poaxs, ncs t and 2 rackets with rubber faces. Professional style for boys up A grand gilt see It I - to 10. WeH pid44 Wine color. Larger- Six Gloria a29 SSVduel' OITtcialSlzo Basksifaall Racket iO WI-baIanctd to etart the b ginner off right. Strong, full sice ash frame. Silk strings. Every Bov WontaAs) AirRiHo Sacdall Mat mili mtiL Ktr atriags. Top Grain Cowhidel Double linfrit STrffntl stitched sesmsl liljj Slngl - Shot King Air SiCo withwCaotriniihe4ttodL 50O-6bot Ah tUfl Lynn Waldorf Football . : noo- Aa official sits cowhloe ba3 recommend ad for boys by VaV dorf Northwestern coachl B... ..1Jt3 l snap's Give him this streamlined beauty for Christmas make him the happiest boy in town! It has new streamlined steerhorn handlebars; streamlined tank! with electric horn, built inside; streamlined luggage carrier with built-in jewel reflector; enameled guard; Delta "Torpedo" headlight; Riverside balloon tires; Troxel saddle! Yon can't match it for value f Same bike, equipped as shown with a Mocxmsster spring: fork. Floats tot bumps like a modera motor car t Gives grttttr Matty, because of bet ter rider control I It's the very lat .est! For either boyV or girls' models. for Fun ah J Profit, Gfv 12-INCn JIG SAW Start HIS home workshop with this sturdy power Jig; Saw. Mechanism runs la bath of oil -gires many years of sat isfactory service. Buy now I 45 7-EVCII DENCII SATV ATTN Ef A large-capacity machine for any wood !! oJtiV worker. 10x144a. cast table tUta to 45. t jj "Y Makes as ideal Xmaa gift, and is priced Vi amazingly low! New! GAP-BED lTIXE XOTLI enjoy turning Uble legs, bowls, or any wood working projects with this big capacity lathe. Swings 10 stock over gap; 8x27 Ji" orer entire bed. SPUaT-PIIASE MOTOR For light woodworkiag machinery, GUARANTEED 2 YEARS. K-HJV Steelhell babbitt-lined beariacs. Wool yarn filtered lubrication. 7ft ft. cord. 45 2BS x a Regular $5 Quality n any child occompanJed by an -dufcO . tig 32-page, 4-color pldwre- -,x cRphEed-NosReMoeH CUren by SsaU Clams Saturday from 9 to 5 V, each SANDWICH TOASTER grills sandwiches, meats, and (with grids, $1 extra) bakes waffles ! Heat indicator dial. AUTOMATIC TOASTCK matches grUl (mirror-polished chrome, walnut handles)! Toasts 2 slices at once. WAFFU I20N, a lovely giftl Won't make sticky or. burnt waffles; Indicator shows when to pour the batter, UON has automatic heat control, which eliminates' scorching lv5-Ib. medium weight. Detachable cord set! reXCOLATOH A perfect gift I Urn-shape, heavy pol ished aluminum. cup size. Underwriters Approved I uVi m I'awVi- iiitffatt. 'ffti i ifrfti'ieii i. 10 TO rSos asWSjegv-r aw ywv y . e -- n i m i i n Keeps cake and pastry fresh I Florsl trim on enamel corerl . Complete with tray and rack! Electric Corn Popper 1 ns The youngsters will lore this! It pops 2 qts. of popcorn at one timet Chrome-plated finish I Pyrex Ware Casserole 9)B lVS-qt. slael Heat-proof glass 1 Sanitary 1 Easy to clean t In cludes chromium plated frame I Drip Coffee Maker uniftvMi iiniifi - nininr li $1A9 Electric WbJpper Uakes clear, delicious coffee erery timet Heat-proof ivory, ritreous china t 6-cup siset $158 Electric Lantern A handy gadget I Whips cream, frosting: beats eggs; mixes drinks. Graduated 1-pt. bowlt mm, s flOO I) S1.93 Cofeo Maker 7-cap sire I Hakes perfect cof fee erery timet Use it orer aa open flame i Heat-proof glass X Gires piercing 2.000-ft. apoN light, or brilliant floodlight t Complete with batteries ft bulb! $1.3?Quo!ity Double Duty Rcshlishi focus 2eU spotlight, with s 1 cell red signal light in bottom! ssiiii iniujia. aa l,fM' C'y