The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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    Yhm OZ2XZGON ETATESiXAN, Ealevi, Oregon, Saturday Mornlnar, NoremScr X3. XS3
naannnMnaanaten. ., , ,
Families at
Festive '..
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cross enter
tained with a beautifully arranged
dinner Thanksgiving day at their
home on North 17th street.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Al Cross of Ceres, Califor
nia. Mr. and Sirs. Woodford Cross
and children, Shirley and Robert,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Allen Cross and Col
leen, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cross
and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Christofferson, Juanita and Rich
' ard.-Mr. Raymond Cross, Mrs. Lil
lian Chrlstofferson, Dr. and Mrs.
Hughey of Chehalis and. Mr. and
"Mrs. R.B. Cross.
Mrs. Nellie , Fergnson of Eola
was the hostees Thanksgiving Jay
to a family reunion, with the en
tire family being present. Bronze
t' and yellow chrysanthemums were
used for decorations. ,
CoTers were placed for-MrSr
Nellie Targuson, Mrs. Coranella
Prxybilla and son Denny, Mr. and
Mrs. E. X Ferguson and daugh
ter Earline of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Ferguson of Woodburn,
Mf . and Mrs. Curtis Ferguson and
daughters Joan and Diane-Lee of
Salem, Miss Maxine Ferguson, Mr,
Ralph Feffeuson, Mr. E. M. Mitty
and Mr. Joe Adams.
Mrand Mrs. Ray Clark enter
tained with a large Thanksgiving
dinner at their home on North
Commercial . street. Bouquets of
mixed chrysanthemums were used
about the rooms. -
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. (flafk, Miss .Mildred
Clark, Mrs. NelljeKnox, Miss
Maxine Clark. Mr. Ronald Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Dal
las, Mr. Keith Smith of Dallas,
and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emck
and. children Delores and Dwayne
of Dallas.
Marian Anderson will be solo
ist with the Sunday Evening Hour
symphony orchestra In the regu
lar broadcast tomorrow night.
"Other Interesting programs are in
cluded In the list.
KEX, 7-S:30 p.m. Arturo Tosca
ninl conducts the NBC Sym
phony In an all-Beethoven con
cert: Lanor Overturn Nn. 1. .
8y aphony No. 8.
Lanto and Sefcermo from Quartet la T
Leonora Overture No. 3.
KEX, a.m. Muiic Hall of the
Air Symphony; Jan Peerce, ten
or; Antonio Coppola, oboe.
KOIN, 12:30 p.m. New York
Philharmonic Symphony . orch
1 estra; John Barbirolli,' conduc
; tor, from Chicago.
KEX, 2i30 p.m. Metropolitan
t opera auditions, Pauline" Pierce.
Giullo Gari, soloists.
KOIN, 6-7 p.m. Ford Sunday
Evening hour; Wilfred Pelle
tler, conductor; soloist, Marian
Anderson, contralto. "Tha Baler of tho Spirita"
.,; r, , , ;; - -- voa Waber
O Don'TaUle from '.'Don Carloa" Verdi
Miaa AndereGn and orchestra
Bpaniak Dance in S minor Qranadoa
Servant's Cfcoma from "Do a Paaquale"
Chorea and orcheatra
t-eatb and the Maiden Schubert
Miaa Anderaoa and orcheatra
The Omnipotence ... Sehobert
Miaa Aadaraoa, ehoraa and orcheatra
Bcherio from Beformatioa Symphony.
- Mendelaaoba
Xrrra arirituala .
Everytime I Feet the Spirit
Deep Hirer
Honor, Honor
Miaa AnJenon aid orchestra
The Btmboula . Coleridfa-Taylor
Judge Eternal c. Holland
Miaa Anderaoa,- etaoroa, audience
v and orcheatra
Mrs. Fuhrer Is
Honored ,
. Mrs. Walter Fuhrer, who is
leaving Monday with Mr. Fuhrer
and their two daughters to make
their home in San Francisco, was
honored by Mrs. Luke Shields
and Mrs. Ward Davia on Friday '
afternoon at a bridge tea.
Invited for the pleasure of Mrs.
Fuhrer were: Mrs. John HelUel,
Mrs. Charles HeltceL Mrs. Ed
ward Roth. . Mrs, Theron Hoover,
Mrs. " William. ; Hammond, . Mrs.
Wolcott Buren, Mrs. Donald Mc
Cargar, Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. Richard
Stolz, Mrs. "Vern Miller, Mrs. Sid
ney: Hoffman. Mrs. Chester Frit.
Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. James
R. Humphrey and Mrs. Edward
. Sox of Albany.
1 Abrams Guests
' At Skinner's
Colonel and Mrs. Carle Abrams.
; who have been on an extensive
trip in the south" and east, were
r guests at the home of their son
) in-law and daughter, Mr. and
! Mrs. Gordon Skinner, on Thanks
giving day. ,
Dinner guests included: - Col
, onel and Mrs. Abrams, Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Skinner, Miss Letitia
Abrams, Boy Duncan and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner.-
MOTHERS refievw misery
ef colds exfemoify with
inoa y yApoftU3
a. ... n Iw mmi - -
W.CT.TJ. Hall
P :
M i! :'J I I'll
C w c
; V'-. -
L ; - (f
- jyi u j
4 J '.
It' k; 7 I v '
I may have done something wrong. It's the first turkey
s ever roasted I M ;
There's nothing like the good old trial and error method of learning.
And her blue cotton wash frock, will stand her In good stead. It's
belted, buttons down the front and has roomy pockets shirred to
wide bands at the top. Her f uest's black wool coat shows an inter
esting silhouette; the swing of the cape and flared skirt make the
- fitted waistline look almost incredibly smalL A small collar buttons
snugly at the neck.
Recipe Miscellany
During Holidays
Good old cooking hints are
usuallv welcomed by homemakers
these days, when families are at
home and holiday meals are in the -offing.
; ' .
Cranberries are far from past
their prime for; menus, and here
is a way to use them In a. cake.
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
t cup boiling water
eups fresh cranberries
cup shortening
cup sugar (additional)
1 egg. well beaten .
Grated rind of 1 lemon
1 U eups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
. hi cup milk j
Blend sugar with cornstarch;
add boiling water arid cook until
Slightly thickened. Add cranber
ries and let stand while mixing
cake. . Cream shortening and ad
ditional sugar together; add beat
en egg and lemon rind. Sift dry
ingredients together; add alter
nately with milk, to creamed mix
ture. Pour cranberries into
greased 8-inch ! pan; coyer with
cake batter. Bake In moderate
oven, 376 degrees about 35
minutes. ; Cool slightly; turn up
sidedown for serving. ;
Fresh roasted meat or leftovers
can be enhanced, by piquant sauces.
Here is one: ;
2 teaspoons drained horse
radish J
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
hi cup catsup
1 teaspoon grated onion
2 teapsons vinegar
hi teaspoon salt :
hk teaspoon pepper
.. .. J .. . ;
Saturday, November 23
Salem Women's club at the
clubhouse at 2:30 p.m.
Monday, November 27
Rebekah lodge, election and
social evening.'
The Oregon State Nurses' as
sociation at the Salem Deacon- .
:. ess hospital, 8 p.m. '
Nancy Wallace
Is Hostess j ,
t Miss Nancy Lou Wallace enter
tained with a dinner party at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul B. Wallace, on Wallace road,
A beautifully arranged centerpiece
of bronxe and yellow chrysanthe
mums centered the dining table.
Following the dinner the evening
was spent informally.
Covers were placed : for the
Misses Calleen Hlllman, Kathleen
Hug, Frances Hurst, Nancy Lou
WalUce, Jean Bnsick, Estalla
Douglas and Kay Huntington, Dan
Fry. Jim Phillips. Bin Rhlnehart.
Leo Reed and Evan Boiae.
- --
Sir. and Mrs. Thomas Dnrnasi
had as their d t n n r g aests
Thanksgiving', Mr. and Mrs. CD.
MayfJeld of Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Dryaan, sr ot Port
land, Miss Agnes Drynan of Port
land, Miss Norma Mac Pike of
Portland, Mr. Fred Drynan of
Portland, Mr. Douglas Drynan of
Corvallia and Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Worth ley of MeMlnnville.
: -. -' ! - -
Miss France French Isa pend
ing the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C F. French. She
is teaching this year" at Dorena,
near. Cottage Grove." -'
The Leslie PTA will meet Mon
day night at 7 MS o'clock in the
new? lunch- room, at the school.
There will "be a discussion ot In
terest to both parents and teach
ers. - " : . . . . . V. - V ' . r
- . "
. Sirs. Mabel Cone left Wednes
day for. Vancouver where she Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fos
ter Cone. She will return home
Monday. , . -
fTcrainr Editor-
hi cup olive oil
H cup chopped sweet pickles
. Place all Ingredients, except
sickles, in bowl. Beat with ro
tary beater until blended. Add
pickles. Mix well Just before serv
ing. Serve with boiled beef, meat
patties, tongue, or pork. Approxi
mate yield: 1 cup.
Rabbit, well cooked, makes an
excellent dish with very much the
flavor and texture of chicken:
Joint rabbit and roll in flour,
brown In drippings and pack in
cooked pot pan with layers of
sliced onion, shredded carrot,
green peppers, salt and pepper,
and sliced fresh or canned solid
pack tomatoes. Simmer about ' 2
hours all together with current
on and off according to conven
ience. The cooker pot holds heat
for some time If not opened and
the plug may be put In as soon
as destination is reached so dish
will be piping hot. Okra, canned
or fresh is a delicious addition to
this fricassee.
And as for meats, we suggest:
1 flank steak,
2 cups bread crumbs
1 small onion, grated
hi cup diced celery
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper
Have a flank ateak scored at
the market. Make a dressing of
the other ingredients and spread
over steak. Roll like a Jelly roll.
Place skewers through the roll at
about one Inch Intervals. Slice be
tween the rolls. Brown these slices
on both sides In hot lard, add hi
cup ot water, cover and cook very
slowly until the fillets are tender,
about one hour. ;
Salem Man Weds
Miss Tehle
ding of Miss Sylvia Tehle, daugh
ter of Mrs. Jack Fosnat of Salem
and John Coomler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. K.- D. Coomler of North
Howell, was a lovely event of
Thursday morning a,t the Knight
Memorial church in Salem. Rev.
H. C. Stover officiated. -
Organ music played by Miss
Eunice Johnson Introduced the
candlellgbting ritual by Miss Lois
Coomler and . Miss Bonnie Lou
Pfaffinger. ' ' - vK
The bride was attired In a
moss green taillenr-and carried
an old fashioned nosegay. Her
maid of honor was Miss . Lucille
Bushnell and Henry Holland act
ed as best man with Xyster Tehle
and Bob French as ushers. t
The bride Is a graduate of Sa
lem schools. The groom graduat
ed from Silverton high school, at
tended the University of Oregon
and la employed ; In the Salem
branch of Montgomery Ward.
After a brief honeymoon' the
yonag couple ' will make their
home in Salem.
.: ., j..-e Y" t
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith and
Ervin Jr . were guests at ths
wedding of Miss Mirlan CasweU
of Eugene and Mr. Alan Chaffee
of Boafdman, which was solem
nised In Eugene on Thanksgivlns
day. The bride Is a niece of the
Smiths. - - -r-
' e . e ;
: ' m
Deasi and Mrs. Daniel H. Scbalse
had as their 'guests on Thanks
giving day. Miss Echo Johnson,
"Miss Lillian Briggs, John McNeea,
: Marian Herrick,- John Herriek and
.William Herrick. i i - s-,.,
I Miss - Elizabeth V LanklBe Cot
Portland Is apehding the Thanks-
. giving holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' William A. Laog
ille at their home - en Fairmont
: avenue. -'-.-. -.-.-'x - ;
- ;. , s e . C -". ,
The story, hour at the 'Salem
tpubUc llbrarr will be held in; the
fireplace room at 10 o'clock this
morning-. Misa Elizabeth : Carey
;wlU tell the stories. . ' , .
Ripe Olives on
French Toast
ii & foundation for various
creamed dishes of buffet popular
ity, French toaat Is too often
overlooked. The creamed ripe
' olives of the accompanying recipe,
. for example,' may be prepared and
, kept warm In the top ot the dou
i ble boiler, while French toast la
; in preparation. Its presence on
, any menu will set the stage In
formally and receive appreciative
- response as well from the many
; devotees of . toasf in the French
; manner. Cut ripe olvles from the
pits of whole fruit, or utilize the
convenience, ef the ready-prepared
chopped or sliced ripe olives. .
f 1 cup standard white sauce
1 cup grated quick-melting
type . American cheese
: 1 cup ehepped ripe olives ,
2 tablespoons chopped canned
' green chill pepper -French
Combine white sauce and cheese
over, low heat and stir until cheese
Is melted. Remove from heat, add
ripe olives and chill pepper and
stir to blend. Serve immediately
on French toast.
Serves to 8.
Canned Cherries
Make Pie
Canned cherries make dessert
for the family, to add Interest to
wintertime menus.
2 hi cups canned pie cherries,
hi cup sugar
1 package cherry gelatine
drained cherry Juice and
enough water to make 2 hi
cups liquid
4 teaspoon salt
Combine cherries and sugar.
Dissolve the gelatine in boiling
cherry juice and water mixture.
Add salt. Pour, over the cher
ries and sugar, stirring occasion
ally as the mixture cools. Chill.
When slightly thickened, t n r n
into cold pie shell. Chill until
firm and top with sweetened
whipped cream to which a few
drops of vanilla have been added.
Butterscotch Is
Good Flavor
A good flavor is found in but
terscotch sauce that will make
canned pears, a simple one-egg
cake or plain custard into a dressy
1 cups brown sugar
cup corn syrup
4 tablespoons butter
cup heavy cream
cup milk
Put sugar, corn syrup and but
ter in saucepan, bring to boiling
point, and boil to 210 degrees, or
until a soft ball may, he formed
when tried la. cold water. Add
cream and milk.
Today's Menu
Rice makes the whole course In
today's dinner. Sunday menu
will be simple as an after-holiday
Mixed vegetable salad
Savory rice
Corn bread sticks
Chocolate cornstarch pudding
Nut cookies
Apple salad
Baked shortribs
Browned potatoes
- String beans
Applesauce souffle
French artichokes
Baked sausages
Scalloped potatoes
Broiled pineapple slices
Fruited gingerbread
2 cups boiled rice
: S tablespoons minced onion
: 2 minced green peppers -
4 thin slices bacon
teaspoon salt
hi teaspoon pepper
hi cup fresh - or canned
: mushrooms (optional)
Cook the bacon until crisp, re
move it from the pan and cook the
onion and peppers in the bacon
fat for five minutes. Then add
them to vthe rice leaving a table
spoon of -bacon fat in the pan.
Add the diced mushrooms, season
ings, and the cooked bacon cut
into dice,-tarn the mixture back
into the pan in omelet shape,
brown one side, slip a knife under
and turn so as to brown the upper
side. . .
lhi eups applesauce
hi teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon cinnamon
K .Ieaspoon nutmeg .
ft cap sugar
. 3 tgg whites
1,2 tablespoon shredded nuts
. ; Combine applesauce with sea
sonings and sugar.. .Beat egg
whites until stiff and told into
the sauce, Put into buttered bak
ing dish and sprinkle with. nuts.
Place in a shallow pan ef hot water
and bake in a moderate oven, SSt
degrees tor, about 40 minutes or
until firm. ' Serve with custard
sauce or whipped, cream. vi
Mr.; and Mrs. Richard -Pierce
ot Portland- and Mlse Barbara
Pierce who Is registered at the
Unlveraityot Oregon, - spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar ; T-Plaresw- -
: , m i T:
i The gwests at the home ef Mr,,
and Mrs. J. A. Tehler for Thanks
giving dinner were Mr. "and Mrs.
Robert- firms of St, Helens; Mr.
and 3frs. Wayne Fehler and small
son, Dickie; Miss Audrey Fehler
and r Misa Sylvia Flet. - '
- : V -.; '.- i' -y.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster and
son,-Jim ot Portland and Harold
Rosebraugh ofvHUlsboro Were the
ruesU ot Mr. and Mrs. William
W, Roeebrangh verw the holiday.
: jr1 aGioffy Clearance
' Of Ne w .
. ni Sk. nnW - . nsr " -t in .... . . m ? M- I - I M I
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Bl mwwr aa w ar - - H a 'rasrpjrftv , ti-aa
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Sizes 12 to 42
2nd Floor
Today ... We Show You the Best Buys on Fall and Winter Coats You've Seen in Ages! It's almost a "gift" I
We purchased these from a well-known coat factory ... at a way low clearance price. Well pass them on
to you at ridiculously low prices; Thihk of it! Those fine, soft weaves of fine wools and mixed camels' hair,
smartly nubbed tweeds and many others including novelties youll like for your all-purpose winter coat. One
may almost live in one of these ... so attend this sale early this morning (store opens at 9:00) and take
your choice of over fifty with scarcely no two alike! BLACK GREEN NAVY WINE, etc
Shop Giftland and Toyland Today
New Excitihg
Be Sure You Get Yours Now
1 " I
rw,i . g I , ; 1 MILLER'S
What an exciting game!
From two to six players may
play with one pack. It's a
new card game erase. Cross
word enthusiasts find It a
new and ever-hanging de
light for evening after are
nlng. Make yonr selection
early! -
, Wise gift shoppers are irialring their selections early
things in the market, the satisfaction of finding just
and use our layaway hideaway until Christmas V
, - - I t - - . 11 I J
"anMSSm "V knw J M W. , - ' ShnnnanW' M M 1 5 1 .' i 1 I
aaaansw- M . i - r ' m I
sr - - m if . i f i : w m m s m r if . i t . e f
m . . , m m - m m r , - --m.T-T a i
RJ at mm m .-,. .S-r wmW V I
. ' t B V aT if JS , a n I
m w m m :. .. 1 . i s I
I M I W 7:1 W 2 . 1 1 I
1 I X i . I If If lV" '
mm ip w.r.v m m m am sr t i
" ::.
GAME 07 OZ! A delight
for little people. This game
Is based on the stirring ad
ventures ef "Dorothy," ?The
Sear ecrow, The Tin
Woodsman," and The Cow
ardly Lion." The fairyland
stories of Os ta game form;
, . ..... ', ' 0 f.
.... . ..- . . . i . . T . . ,
i !:"
'6 131 7AT T -ii .' . '
M,,v . L ilCj' l( j
n tf i it ii . s i i
U Mil tx r,i M
Your Coat Is Here!
PINOCCHIO Is a very xolor
fal hoard game based on the
old story ef Plnocchlo, bnt
ninstrated by Walt Disney
artists with scenes from
technicolor movie 4 scenes.
The whole game Is designed
for young children and Is
snre to please them.
this year. Besides having choice of the newest, smartest
the right gift is all important.' Make your selections now
it's yours for the asking. "'
)Uf -7ir
L J. I i iff . '".' !
C0NTACK la a new and or
iginal Idea In games. A sen
sational new game I Two ta
seven players or solitaire.
Ten play - and score by
matching the colors of . the
triangles. Contack la great
fan for all groups and ages.