The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OEGON STATESMAN, Salen, Orrson, Saturday Horning, Noreniber 25, 133S -
J'ack nvi:
Failed To Stop City police
yesterday, began waging war on
motorist who fail Jo com, to a
complete stop at arterial streets.
Arrested on charges of failure to
stop were Albert Valentin, 1964
Hazel avenue; Lola Wolfe, 360
Hood street: Rosemary Corey,
Medford; Jerry If. Coblentz, 1541
-North Front street; Edwaftt
Sehnnk e, t24 North Church
street; Lois A. Reed, 365 North
20th street; Clifford R. Smith,
100 Liberty road: Asa W. Dalle.
1050 North 18th street; Hazel C.
Allen; Ralph D. Hickman, 210
Market street; Hack liaison, 110
Tamarack street; Waldo V. Hard
eman, route six; Herman Tasto.
. C5 Lansing avenue; M e 1 I n. J.
Schlect, Woodburn ; Clifford F.
Hill. 1111 North 14th street; Ray
D Cooper. 40 Fatrrlew arenue;
In a Lisxio Sehurts. 159 State
streeti Hilda P. Rodriaues, Cor
vaUls; Harold M. Hlnkle. Toledo.
For Sale 18x24 inch mats, ex-
cellent for wrapping young trees.
1 cent each. Statesman office.
. Two Killed- There were two
fatalities In Oregon due to in
dustrial accidents during the week
ending November 22, the state tn-
dn trial accident commission re
ported Friday. The victims were
David W. Kline, Wesport. lumber
pUer, and Bert L Cooper. Med
ford. chaser. There were 622 In
dustrial accidents reported to the
commission durlna; the week.
Special Rummage Sale, Sat., Nov.
Marriage farmers M a r rlage
Ileenses were issued recently In
Vancouver. Wash:, to Bohers M.
Davis, 123 North 14th street,
and Ulltan Kraerv 176 Saginaw
street, - both of Salem; Wesley
Crogan. 1201 Maple street, and
Mildred Elisabeth Baillie, 706
Front street, both of SUverton;
Donald L. Werline and Barbara
K. Wattenbergen, both of Inde
pendence. . - -
Salvation Army Kettles Sal
vation Army lassies and Christ
mas kettles are again on the
streets to receive contributions
for Christmas baskets. The only
funds available for baskets for
needy families this year are from
the kettles and donations.
Son Born A son, Philip David,
was born to Mr. and Mrs. David
E. Thompson at the Salem Gen
eral hospital November 15. Mr
Thompson was formerly with the
state highway department and the
national park service and is now
an instructor at the University of
Special Rummage Sale, Sat., Nov.
25, WCTU hall.
Returns Today Rev. George
H. Swift, pastor of St. Paul', Epis
copal church here, will return to
day from San Francisco, where
he has been attending the School
of the prophets for the last two
To Give Dance Klngwood
American Legion will sponsor its
annual Thanksgiving dance 'to
night at the Legion hall in West
"Salem - on i. Partway 1 drive.'1 In
charge are Will : Schwartz, .Will
Reid and Warren Baker.
Badminton "Matches Tonight
The YMCA badminton "A" team
will play the Central T In Port
land tonight. The Central squad
won a recent match.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our friends for the
many beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Webster.
The Elusical
Evangclisl' '
Dev. Leo C.'Ffchcr
Firs! Ercrrslisd
Corner Summer e Marlon Sts.
IligLUy Featacs
Travelogue in motion pictures
of evangelist's world tour.. 30
minutes of gospel music, vocal
and instrumental.
A Challenging'Gospel Message
Just one more week of meet
lngs. Come and bring a friend.
Lifcs Errand
Ear a twd CgsZt
12 tlx lor only-
TL Er3 trcrj Cera
Banding Permits H arry M.
Each was Issued a permit yester
day to erect a 1 story dwelling
and garage at 2070 North 19 th
street to cost $3100. Other per
mits: ; Mrs. R. Hamilton to repair
a 1 story dwelling at 210 East
Lincoln street, 3200; Leo . N.
Cbiids to alter a store building at
1215 South Commercial street,
1100; Brown estate to repair a
store building at 164 South Com
mercial street, 3 3 S 0 ; George Hen
nes to alter a dwelling at 2215
Shelton street, $45;, Felix La-
Branch estate to repair a ware
house at 271-73 North Commer
cial, $40.
Glldden Paints. 1430 D. Ph. 6250.
Peace Talk Set Dr. Harry V.
Laldler of New York, executive di-
a m n m w a ".
rector oi ui ieague ior inaus-
trial Democracy, and widely known
author, lecturer and economist.
will speak on "Roads to World
Peace" at the 7 a. m. breakfast
meeting of the Fellowship of Re
conciliation - Monday, November
27, in the First Congregational
church, S. W. Park and Columbia
streets, Portland.
Give Wrapping Course T h e
vocational department of the Sa
lem public schools and the state
board for vocational education are
offering a short unit course In
package and gift wrapping begin
ning 7 o'clock Monday night at
the chamber of commerce, it was
announced yesterday by C. A.
Guderian. vocational coordinator.
Special Rummage Sale, SaL, Nor.
25. WCTU haU.
- CtttToseketams to Hike An easy
hike of 10 miles, round trip, te
MoIaUa Low camp will be the
Chemeketans Sunday trip. Cars
will leave the Senator betel at t
o'clock Sunday morning and will
be left at the North Fork ranger
station. Cordis A. Wiper Is the
leader for the hike.
Last Basketball School T h e
last session of the TMCA basket
ball school for boys will be today
from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. The V
sponsored Junior hoop league will
start play about December i and
it is expected a large group of
boys will attend the closing class.
Willamette university players are
Instructors. '
Grange to Meet The regular
meeting of the Salem Grange No.
17 will be held tonight at 9 o'clock.
The Grange home economics club
plans a series of card parties, the
first to be held November 30 at
the Grange home on D street.
Guardsman Promoted Promo
tion of Alva C. Goodrich, Bend,
from second lieutenant . to first
lieutenant, infantry, wss an
nounced here Friday by Major
General George A. Whit), com
manding the Oregon national
guard and 41st division.
Cut Treated Judith Schrock,
five-year-old daughter of Clarence
Schrock, 1690 Berry street, was
treated by city first aid men last
night for a cut on the heel of the
left hand received cn a piece of
tin. -
Americanism Is Topic "Am
ericanism In Our Schools' Is the
topic for a talk by Dr. P. O. Riley,
of the secretary of state's office.
at the meeting of the Englewood
PTA Tuesday at 8 p. m.
f Discontinues Name Lawrence
Carpenter of SUverton has filed
certificate of retirement from the
assumed business name of Ross
service station in the county
I License llequired A person
hunting deer or coyotes, either on
his own land or the land of some
other person, must hare a hunting
license. Attorney General I. H
Van Winkle held here Friday.
I Fire In Closet The city fire
department was called out Thurs
day night to extinguish a blaze in
a closet at 485 South Commercial
' Davis
James Davis, 72. passed away
at a local hospital after several
days of falling health. Survived
by one daughter, Mrs. Phonic
Chrlstman of Oakland, Calif. The
body is at Terwilliger Edwards
funeral .home . pending arrange
ments. :
i Tlnue
! Emil G. Timm, at the residence.
84S Belmont street. November 24.
Survived by daughters. Miss Lou
ise Tlmta and Mrs. Arleno Toe lie.
both of Salem : brother. Joseph
Timm of Kimball, Neb.; sister,
Miss Anna Timm of Winona.
Minn. Two grandchildren also
survive. Services will be from the
Cloagh-Barrick chapel, Monday,
November 27, at 2 p. m.
!. ' Plenlns;
' Mrs. Elizabeth Pienlng at a lo
cal hospital November 21. Late
resident of 850 Thompson ave
nue. Survived by widower. Henry
Pienlng; brothers, Helmich and
William Ieiber; sisters. August
Westfall, Wllhelmlna Grave,' Else
Haedlcker and Martha Glare, all
of Germany; two daughters, Mrs.
Msrgaret Hughes and Mrs. Annie
Hughes of California. Funeral ser
vices from the Clough-Barrlck
chapel Saturday, November 25,
at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Fred Theuer
will officiate. Interment In Lee
Mission cemetery.
rcUL Cd- CT1 .
'-mm s a
113 C
Fraud Heariiig
Arguments in Damage Case
Continned in Judge
- McSfaTian'a Court
Hearing in the case of H. A.
and Isa belle Russell vs. Cleave
Bartlett, W. H. McClaln and the
General-, Casualty company , . was
held - yesterday before Circuit
Judge L. ' H. McMahan and the
newly impaneled November jury.
The court heard opening state
ments of attorneys and testimony
of five witnesses before recessing
the hearing; until today, when the
hearing Is expected to conclude
by noon. ' - t i '
The Russells allege in the com
plaint that Bartlett and McClaln
misrepresented to them certain
facts in connection with the as
signment : of a service station
lease for which they paid $650.
They ' ask $1500 damages from
Bartlett and: McClaln, and $1000
from the bonding company, in
addition to $260 attorney's fees.
Circuit Court
Billy McReynolds vs. J. O. Bafar;
transcript filed from Salem Jus
tice court 1
Frank Cawrse vs. Signal Oil
company; .bill of exceptions.
Anna Savers vs. Minnie B. Boise
and others; motion asking that
plaintiff be required to state
whether he will rely on the al
leged slippery condition of the
iron door mentioned In his com
plaint, or whether he will rely
on Its alleged rickety condition.
F. M. Woodward vs. school dla-
objection to cost bill of $38.60 on
grounds that defendant did not
prevalL - ;; "
Mabel P. Noble vs. Herbert P.
Noble; decree for separate maln-
Uinance in which plaintiff Is al
lowed $75 monthly support mon
ey, custody of two children and
$125 attorney fee.
Paul Traglio vs. Reid Murdoch
company; findings of fact handed
down in the case which involves
withholding of payment for
hauling; strawberries on basis of
damage to berries when they were
allegedly allowed to fall.
Probate Court
Maurice Spangle guardianship;
final account of Albert Spangle
shows receipts of $200 and sim
ilar disbursements.
Lizzie A. Waters estate; peti
tion to name Kenneth H. Waters
administrator, and George Gra
benhorst. Grant B. Wilson, and
Lillian - Davis, appraisers, of the
estate comprising $4000 in real
and $1000 in personal - property.
Justice Court
Joe Williams, route three; trial
set for 2 p. m. today on charges
of failing to stop at scene of
accident and of driving without
an operator's license, to which
pleas of innocent were entered
yesterday; $150 bail posted.
Melvin Rankin; sentenced to
five days in Jail for vagrancy.
given credit for five days already
spent In jail, released under 30
days probation.
Albert Rysdan; pleaded inno
cent, preliminary hearing set for
2 p. m. December 7, charge of
non-support; $150 ball continued.
Raymond Brooks; 31 fine, driv
ing without operator's license.
Municipal Court
C. L. Dilllng, violation of basic
rule; fined $2.50.
W. R. Lake, violation of basic
ru.le, fined $250.
Jack Miller, violation of basic
rule; fined $5.
Larcenists Held
For Jury Inquiry
"George Rickllck, II, of Minne
sota, charged with stealing an
automobile belonging to John B.
Ma Unix November 10 and wreck
ing it against a highway guard
post near Redding. Calif., pleaded
guilty to an auto larceny charge
in Salem justice court yesterday
and was bound over to the grand
jury. He was unable to post $500
A plea of guilty was entered by
Vernon Kesaler in the same court
to a charge of burglary not in a
dwelling and he also was bound
over to the grand jury. , He is
alleged to have broken Into a
boll dine at Turner owned by M.
J. Shower. - Facing another
charge, that of driving an auto
mobile after his operator's license
had been suspended, he was or
dered delivered to the county Jail
to serve a 0-day sentence and to
lay out a $25 fine, penalties im
posed September 19. He had been
released on condition he paid the
fine but only $2.60 was turned
In to the court. . r:
Kesaler earlier in the day was
bound over to the grand Jury from
Stayton justice court on a charge
of assault with Intent to rob the
Chris tenson brothers : tavern at
West Stayton.
Saturday Mickey-. Mouse
mstlnee, stage show and
. chapter nine, "The Phan-
, torn Creeps."
f GRAXD v i
Today Tyrone Power,
Linda Darnell te "Daytime
Wife" with Joaa .Davis and
Warren William. .
J i-..;
Saturday "Wizard of Oa
starring Judy Garland,
JTraaa Morgan, Ray Colger,
- capttox .i:
Today - Zermn In 0
rour Toes," Gens Autty;
. and Eailcy Eantstt .ta'
"liovla Tumblsweeds.
noixriroco -,
Today '"Persons la Hidm
1. with Lynns Overman,- Pa-
. tnda Morrison and J. Car-
rol Kaish. -CaUSns; Dr.
XOliare with. Lew Ayres
aad Lionel Barrymore.
Call Board
Thanksgiving Music
-: --i ft Mark 3 Concerts
Carrying over the spirit of Thanksgiving day, .three Sai
lem churches have arranged special concerts of Thanksgiving
music for Sunday night. Programs' at the Knight Memorial
Congregational, First Presbyterian and; First Christian
churches win start at 7;30.n ' - f ; " ; :
Guest soloist with the senior' jchoir of the First Presbyr
teriaa church will be Mrs. Jose -
phlne Albert 8paulding. mezzo-soprano.
Sho has appeared twice 'as
soloist with the Portland Sym
phony orchestra, once with Sa
lem's own symphony orchestra
and was recently presented In con
cert at the Olympic hotel la Seat
tie under the auspices of the La
dles Musical club of that city.
The program is as follows:
Anthem, "Be Joyful la The Lord,"
Fearis the ebetr. .- -'-
Doet. "Softly aad Tenderly. Thorns-
The top o' the morning to you.
Mice.. It looks like we'd better
start getting the old Christmas
spirit out of the trunk as the Yule
tide season Is practically upon us.
Just one month from today is the
bis; day. so 111 start Urging you
to get your Christmas shopping
don early and avoid the rush.
Tor their swell performances
and cooperation last Saturday. I'd
like to thank Beverly Lebold. Dar
lene Peterson, Jean Wolcott, Wll
ma and Bonnie Noyes, and Eddie
Tanner for appearing before your
critical eye and ear. However,
coming up this Saturday, we have
a show that will mark a milestone
in the history of the Mickey Mouse
shows. A top-line favorite with all
the gang, though they have never
appeared on the show before are
four swell fellows from Salem
high who hare made up a quartet.
They're swell and I snow you'll
like them and want to see them
back with ns again. Also, Helen
Smith Is scheduled to appear.
Though X hare booked her for the
show four times, something has
always come up to. prevent her
from dancing for us. I think this
week she'll make It I hope. Dick
Stober is on his way, an old friend
"Plunky" Lorenz, the guitar
maestro. Is coming back, and a
whole bunch of friends whom we
will be glad to see.
I'd like to hear some telephone
calls from you for suggestions to
use with our community sing. I've
run all out of ideas, and I'm yell
ing for assistance and you are the
ones I'm yelling at the loudest.
So, come to my rescue, won t youT
Tou all have ideas about what
you'd like to sing, so come forth
with them. We won't know what
you want until you tell us. '
. , SUIv .
Don't forget, doors open at
12:20, show starts at 1. See you
So long,
DEAN, Mickey Mouse Chief.
Sudden Seizure
Fatal f o Woman
Sadden death came to Mrs. Er
nest Thompson, about 42, at, her
home at 1630 State street late yes
terday afternoon only a few mo
ments after she had been raking
leaves in her front yard and talk
ing to a neighbor.
Mrs. Thompson, apparent vic
tim of a paralytie stroke or
heart attack, was found dead on
the floor by Mr. Thompson when
he returned home from the state
penitentiary, where he U em
ployed, at $ o'clock. He was wor
ried, he told Coroner L. E. Bar
rick, because his wife had not
called for him at 8:30 as was her
Dr. Barrlck said indications
were that Mrs. Thompson had suf
fered a sudden seizure. She had
taken oft ; her galoshes with her
slippers still in them and had
discarded her work gloves in a
manner that indicated haste, he
Mrs Thompson Is survived by
the widower and a ' daughter.
Emalee Thompson of Salem.
Salem Properties
Bought by Chain
Sale of two properties at the
northeast corner of Fairgrounds
and Tile roads to Safeway Stores
for construction of a modern store
building was announced Friday.
The sellers are J. P. Daugherty
and Ray Y. Balrey, whose garage
building is to be rased, and Jo
seph M. Wlrth and Ira R. Wirth.
The Daugherty-Balrey property
is triangle shaped; the Safeway
property will have 17S-foot front
age oa Fairgrounds road and Is
124 feet deep. The store bunding
will be S0xl2Vthe remainder of
the area being converted Into . a
parking lot for customers. ...
Construction will start in about
three weeks and be completed
about March 1. The deal was han
dled byitheJ W.H- Qrabenhorst
company.. ,.; V '
Hundreds Attend ;
; iJ 05IcKay Services
Funeral, services Friday after
noon for Douglas McKay, Jr..
killed in an automobile accident
Wednesday, were atteadei by
hundreds of family and school
friends. Burial was la Beterest
Memorial park. "-.'"
Flowers were sent from state of
fldals. UcXay was a son of Sena
tor and Mrs. Douglas McKay.
Bew W. Irvin Williams offici
ated. Pallbearers were Jerry Car
son, Gene Holstein, Bert Clalsyer,
Bill Smith and Bob Brownen of
Salem, and Hal March of Port
land. - Fraternity brothers of Ore
con State college chapter of Phi
Delta Theta attended.
soa-t-TwO Harrlsoa aad Vlvtaa Ba-
ar. '
- organ 4oM, -Mediutloo. Btarala
Solo, -Aacua DeT (Lamb f Ood),
Blaet Josephine . Albrt . Spautdlna.
' Aatbem. "Come Unto Me." Tacbal-
kowsky the choir. i
. Qoartat, "Whoa - Chfldreo Pray."
Fomer Aaae Marks, Ortchoa Sine
hart. Lawrence IIitm, Peter Foelkl.
- Sol. Q. Lmti It With Him." KlUm
' Joephl Albert SpawMlna.
: Antbers, "Blessed Art Thou,' OhUy
the choir. . ,
The chorus choir of the Knight
Memorial Congregational church
is under the direction of Howard
C Stover. Accompanist Is Donald
James Allison, organist. The num
bers to be sung inelude:
Hymn or Thankssivinr, "Hear, Rear.
Anthem. "Thank Ood For Bl
iasa. Warwick.
Soio. Th Lord Is Ta Hl Holy Tem
ple," Hlsdoo J oh Rltehio.
awthf. "Sad Oat Thy Spirit."
83chutky with trio obUcato.
MM, Tom, Jesua, RedMmir,
Hammond Richard Smart. Howard
Trio. "When Children Pray." Ten
ner Beneltta Harlaad, Caroyl Bra
den. Harriet Smart.
Orsaa-plano duet. "Adoration." Bo
rosU Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allison,
Solo. "Bins This House," Brahe
Marnord McKInUr.
Chorus, "A Sons of TPfceee," Sibelius
obUsmto sole Beneltta Harlaad.
Solo. "Mr Ain Folk.1
Lemon James
Anthem. -Praise the Lord,
O Jaro-
The choir of the First Christian
church has arranged the follow
ing; musical program:
Prelude. "A Sonar of Gratitude."
Anthorn, "Prayer of Thankastrtne,
Anthem, "Holy Art Thou." HandoL
Trio. "Stm. Stm With Thoe." Men.
delaooha-LUlenaa Katberine Bharo-
nacK. ixia urames ana setty Ax
Anthem, "Pralao the Lord. O My
Horn,- simper Marion atananey.
Anthem. "Giro Thanks TJnro Ood."
BroadbandGertrude Cherrlnston. so-
Anthem. "Remember Now Thr Cre
ator." Adam a
Quartet, "Press Toward the Mark,"
McOranahan J. Schmidt. M. Holt- W.
Jackson and F. Bates.
Lois Plummer Schmidt, organ
ist, will provide the accompani
ments and the organ numbers.
The choir Is under the - direction
of John .Schmidt, Jr.
Act's Opponents
Lodge Protests
Mavor Chadwick Holds Up
Signature on "Green
River" Proposal
Salem's "Green River" peddling
ordinance passed by the council
at its last meeting remained un
signed yesterday as Mayor W. W.
Chadwick heard more protests
from salesmen and peddlers who
would be practically legislated out
of 'bnsfness tf the ' bill becomes
city law.
Mayor Chadwick said he would
make no disposition of the or
dinance until Monday. The or
dinance provides that no peddler
or salesman may. make a call on ,
a prospective customer without!
bavins; first received an invita
tion. Presumably aimed at only
house-to-house peddlers, the or
dinance, if strictly Interpreted and
enforced, would hit all outside
salesmen as welL
Mayor Chadwick yesterday re
ceived numerous protests against
the ordinance from local - firms
employing salesmen and solicitors.
Affected would be furniture and
appliance firms, printing com
panies, building material firms
and many others. Salesmen and
peddlers of agricultural products.
newspapers and magazines are
exempted under the ordinance.
The Salem Retail Credit aasocl
tion, at Its noon luncheon meet
ing; yesterday, passed a resolution
to be sent to the mayor asking
that he delay action on the or
dinance until the association and
other business groups can study
Its implications.
Publisher Nabbed
On Libel Charge
OREGON CITY. Nor. 1 4 .-(-Gerald
Stalno, publUher of the
Italian colony newspaper Progre
slve, was arrested at Portland
yesterday on three Clackamas
county warrants charging erlnv
iaal libel. , .
In two counts, Stalno was ac
cused of publishing false Infor
mation concerning B. A. Koen.
publisher of a semi-weekly news
paper here. The third charged him
with, publication of erroneous mate
ter about C. F. Richardson, Mil-
sraukle Justice of the peace.
County Assumes
- Maintenance Job
An order informing the state
highway department that Marlon
county intends to maintain the
two miles of paring; between An
rora and Wllsonville as a county
road is being; prepared by the
county court ta answer to a let
ter from J. M. Devers, highway
department attorney.
, Devers has written asking the
county what disposition it Intends
to make of the road, which form
erly was a state secondary high
way and la bow replaced Try - new
primary section of the Pacific
highway which leads ta WCsoa-
TiUe from Aurora by. a different
route. ? . " . : t .
. Attendetnee Good .
' Lrge attendance has marked
the meetings being held by Evan
r allit Lee C, ruber at the Jlrst
BvangeUcal church each night
except . Baturaay. The meetings
win continue throurh Decet
her S. Rev. Plaher opens his sev
rices at 7: St with moving plo-
tares of his world tour aad fol
lows this with music. Ha is
tenor soloist, often accompanying
Bimseif on the accordion. Us also
flays the trombone ssl piano.
' Bute street at Ckarek. Or. J. C.
Harriaoa, aiiaUear; lMm M atria B.
OeUt, Director at the caeir ; PreCeaeer
T.-8. Roberta, orsaalst. The caarca acaeol
t:44. Sr. S, M. GaUa, Baaeriateaeeat.
Hernias woraai 10:60. Aataeta, TM
Kiag oi Lave fir Sacpaard la" (Skat
ler) by tka eaair. Solo. "A Baas et
TaaaaclTias" (ETliUea) by mJiaee
Km &earta of Portlaad The kiaaei
gmrtea, - aaieery aad Jaaier eharch aa
ie trained lea ears earla tao mera
iaff vatsalp hone Tao lear Ipwerth
learaes at S:SA. Kvtniag versalp st
7:0 wita saeeiat daet hy Kr. and Mra.
Gearca Kelly. The pastor araachieg at
both aarvieea.
rraat oHaisriAn
Ceater aad Blh atreat. Oar L. Drill,
nviaiater. Charch - ibail. S :SS a-a.
Uera'k Sapper and atoraing woraaia at
10:45. Paster's iwan ta as to "ghall
We OWe Taaakat If Bo. far waatt"
roar CS aocietieo BaeeS at S:tS. BibU
staaj aad Open reran at S:SO. SpecUl
Thaakssirias aaaaae atsasalsd by tka
ckoir aad seraaoa by the paster at T:.
Seraioa tkema: "Wkare Saaetltatea le
Net Sabetitnte." Midweek BMetlaf of
tka canrck Wedaeaday nis Tf:-
Geerre H. SvUt. paatac. Hair aaav
atoaiea T'SO Ckarek scboal 0:4
aaa. P rarer aarriea aad nwia It -nu
Salst Mary's, Weeaaam, T:S0 n.av
Vaak Waaia aaea
W. Irwim WiiavM, aftUstfitatv Owiyi I
mZl n xm ar w.t
MMMtmM enUeUefSjnnr rnsr snTBssmaTaan eWl ra. dsneianws
Cleea, secretary. Chnreh aekeel S:4S
a.av Iftiaiag werakim, 11 o'clock. Ser-
aaen by Ue peater, "l Waited far taa
Lord." Aataaam Uoly Art Tkan.' Seta
t . rWiaala Km.
deavor greapa aseet at S:S0 v.-a. Bvoniac
worskip V:SS e'eleek. SeaH. caoir U
SpaaidlEg, ss ssWtt ftnten by
Career Marion and Saataaer streets.
Bar. Jmmm B. CoaapbeU, aaaaiater. Oaear
tnilaan. aafarietar al wila and dJteeete
af yoath actiritiee. Ooaday Bake a I at
t:4S a-a. Mra. W. A. Barfna, smpor
Utondaat. Kecmlas weraaip at 11
o elotk aeraaeat "Tka Caarty An Inatt-
eaUat TUe CL Piakac Tenth Oaanao wtU
at S.-SO a-aa. Kreaiaa BraaeUatU
aarriee at 1 :S wboa Braa retlet PUaer
wiU apeak on 'Tka CleaaatM mreanu"
CaaaaskeU and liberty atreets. Ban
dar aekeel at 11 aua. Sacriaaa at 11
an. aid S Laea-sarisa; Aadaal
aad Modern Kacrentaacy Alias Uypoa
iaaa, raarBacd. Wedaeaday nisbt aiaat
lug at S fauJadaa teatiaaeaiea of aaaliag
taroagk CarisUea Sciaaea. rreo pabhs
reediaf reeaa, SOS Maaoaie Tsmple, open
dally, except Saaday aad heUdaya, 11 to P-nu Wsa
aesday aatU T:0.
Sea.h Ceaamerelal aad Myera Btreeta.
Deaa C. Poiadezter, minister. Cborck
school 0:45 am. Moraine worskip 11.
Sermon: "The Gcd ot Grace." Epwertk
leasnea 0:30 p.m. Ereaiag serrice 7:30.
Message Bedemptioa."
Miller aad Sentk Liberty atreeU;
Bar. Arae Q. Waaiter, pastor. Saaday
serrices aa Bows: Bible aekeol :45
a as. IepartmenU aad classea lor all
res. Morning warship 11 o'eloek,
Ckeir anthem, 'Tke Eartk la tka tord a'
(Heyser) sermoa tepie, ''Why Saeald I
Joia the Chnreh!" Higk achoel aad aea
ior yovag people's meeting. Kreaing wer
skip 7:30 p sa. Calrary Gospel sing
er aihging witk message by tka pastor.
Midweek service Wednesday 7:10 p.m.
A cordial invitation la traded to all.
Soatk Comme.'cial at Wsskington
street. Dilloa W. Mills, pastor. Sundsy
school 10 a.m. Meeting for worskip 11
am. Sermoa. "Ckrist calls to Yoatk."
Christian Xadearer societies meet at
6:45 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday,
7 :oO p aa. . ,
aisu H. Commercial street. Sunday
service: Bible school, I p.m. lero
tioaal. Pa. Ersagelistic, 7 :80. Spt
.l Milan arery aicht ezeept Man.
day witk Biatar Alma Kippoad in charge.
Friday aigkt. Yewag PeopU'a meetiag.
7:S0. J. v. aaa mwj nuaea. paewn.
Corner V. WinUr aad Market streets.
D. A. Cokagaa. pastor, fionday acfeool
S:45. Ckarck worskip 11. I F. Baoeting
6: 0. Bvaageliatie aarriee. 7:10. Mid
week prayer mooting 7 :SS.
w Ik ul Tl atracta. 2. P. Ol-
thoff, 0. paator. Bible school at S:4.
Samuel Sckirmaa, aapariateadeat. Morn
ing hour el worskip at 14. o'clock. Toaag
People's meetiaga at S:0. Broaiag
service at 7:S0. The Kraft orangolistio
party will begin a aeriea ot aesvicoa
ttnaaay maraiag aaa ramaia wua aa u
til Sundsy night. December 10. Sarrieoa
every aight except Saturday. The aaeot-
taga w-n ail no conaacsoa w mm "O
link laagaaga.
ElghJaad aveoao at Charch street. T.
CUoBrown. miatetar. Prayer aaeetlac at
S aa. BIMo eeaool at 10 aa. Weeakip
at 11 am. Meaaagot 'Tao Ckarck. a
nuin," Christian Xndoaror at S:St
a. XraacaUatla aervico at T:SS paa.
Prayer mietisg Tkaraday at nja.
esTraoR op Cxxxst
17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman,
aalaiatar. Bibla aekeel assembly! S:ai
- ula, vnnkla aad lammaaten
10:4( a-m. Morning message by Kvan-
ic av. "V . Tl aaa aaaaaa.
"Wky X Bali era." Christian Badoavea-
HMtian. mzmo auaa. STtaiaa m wnar
Diridad Heme." Tao ovaagaUatta aerv
ioas will contlaae each ereaiag neat
weak except aionaay.
D.. lfti ibula. a K.
A kL, pastor. P. U. Taoaer. BJ. acttag
auk... naadar aaboot 10 SJn. Otto
w.. Sni tMwiaia aArriaaa la
aetata a maraara at S a.m. and In tka
v..ii.h as it lbv Sermon teesnei '
. i 1 - -t tlM ' ' T.tW t
7 p-m. Caoir rakeoraal, Tkaraday. 1 :
p.a. ConXirmauon ma tract tea. anuu,
S.-SO a-aa. .
lTth aad Vekraakn areaaa. larid U
u.v a I a tea
a. .am. Martiaa Maior. aaperiatoadaut.
aiomiag woraarp, jxanaw aaioauv nn"
rra-prayer 1
doavor, S:ia. fveasag oraagauaua
ieo.-T.S0 jms. Special miaueaary
inga will Va taken In too Sunday
Sunday acbsal
aad wcrakip aerrtcea.
lrrlag A. Pas, D. D, paator. Corner
of Xtiborty sad Marion trotta. Sunday
aencol aJaanes tor all ageo, S:4 a m.
Maraiag wacaklp 11 m. Barmen: "The
Control of tao Toagae.' Senior BTPU.
C:1S V.SS. High ockool BTPU S:Se P-m.
Tha Valantera S:1S a.m. BrenlaaT we.
ahla. I'M Bkau. aoraaoat "The Beat
Thiag aad Bow It WIU Happea." Taia
Is anotfcer message In a a arias of prsake
tieal world eroata. Midweek prayer and
taatimeny meetiag Wedaeaday. 7 ltd p.m
Topmx - rourteen ways a twiatian
Baonld rTala.",
BUTxarrxu tzxst baptxst
- One mile aortk of tae olty UmJfta en
tka Pi at lane1 IttaSnrort Baaday acnool
cinoseu far all eg. S:S aaa. MaraUg
U a. Miss Mary Ayres, uro
... ptyoaa, m.!
Capital aad Marlon. Uts
aaatar. eVenday aibsat IS aJaa.
Bartn, aupmlatiafeat, Wsraktp
lia a inaaoea aa vanain tea. .
Mlaalsaerr aaeaotr Thaak-Oft-
oarriea. a.hsarsal of ChaHataaao
pagoaat 1 m. Swndav. Xadlos' Aid S
u. Tltaraday, with Mrs, tm Arma.
14.S McCoy atreat.
lth and A ataeata. H. W. Oroas, pac
ta. Baaday aekeel aad Bible cUae, S ajas.
Snaaial aanlcen at OS am.
nai tie doth aaalfaraaiT of the
laaaaam of St. Jeoa'a Lataaraa ehwre tn
Batam.. Prof. B. M. Bamada. of Portland.
will bo the guest speaker. Jjm fke ran ra
tio hour over ASUC at 1:10 pjs. Speak
er, ou wauer A. Jtaioz.
peeter. "Tka Baaaaa Paetae m aramae
dy." Midweek aarriea Tkaaaday. t;SO,
paste aaattaatas tao atady of John.
m mart
11 a-aa.
Noted fllisjaonary
" Conducts Service
ReTirnl Meeting at Friends
ChToreh Led bj Far
East Worker
Rev. Jefferson W. Ford, a mis
sionary in Africa 21 years aad ta
Jamaica sevta years, la conduct
ing revival eerviees at the Reee-
aaie Friends , church. Services,
starting T:St week alghU aad
t o'clock 8undaya' will contuse
through December I.
Ia addition te his years as mis
sionary. Rev. rord has conducted
evangelistic services la the Far
East, hsvtng recently spent some
months in India aad the Dutch
East Indies. He also represented
the Kenya Mission council of
British East Africa as its official
delegate at the International Mis
sionary conference at Madras, In
dia. He is assisted in his evangelis
tic services by Miss Iverna Hirst,
soloist and musical director.
Don Douris Flies
On Speaking Trip
Don Doarls, teller at the US
National bank and delegste last
summer to the world yoath con
ference in Amsterdam, returned
yesterday from a firing pesktnj
tour to Taklma.
Leaving here WedneuJay morn
ing, he gave a talk at Oregon
City Junior high school, spent the
afternoon at the main office of
the bank in Portland, and caught
the night plane to Yakima.
In Yakima he was speaker at
the annual' church banquet at the
Methodist church, pastor ot which
is Kev. Lynn 'Wood, former pas
tor of the Jason Lee Methodist
church here. He also took psrt
in the union Thanksgiving serv
ices In thst city Thursday morn
Krafts to Conduct
Evaiigelistic Meet
Rev. aad Mrs. Ralph Kraft,
Rev. and Mrs. Roy Kraft, and
Miss Edna Kraft ot Mt. Harmon.
Calif., will conduct a series of
evangelistic services at the Bethel
Baptist church. North Cottage
and D streets, from Sundsy morn
ing, November 2 to Sunday night
December 10. The services will be
held every evening at 7: ex
cept Saturdays. The eulatet brings
the gospel la words aad music.
The vlbra-harp la amoag the var
ious muslcsl Instruments used.
The Krafts also cond acted ser
vices here last year.
Finances Better ,
OLYMPIA, Nor. 14.-tfV-Re-
eeipts for the week ending No
vember 22 exceeded disburse
meats, ' State Treasurer Phil IL
Gallagher said today, and the
state's financial condition changed
considerably for the better.
Itierwh. oft :;E)CTRA
M sr u n
. ' OoV LO 4W W -rm-mt-
1TsLs1 wlbcZs rrraias of wiaaaX
cf 4clal Icaa amd tartslars
, lanO. Jloanam Ileal
OrLsr badar.
Baked by Master Bafccfc
Berth Winter aad Jaffereaa, M. Baysar
aita. miaiate. Meralag werahia at 11
o'clock with aermea by the paater a.
"Worthy of lio Liaeage." Ike chetr
directed ry Prif. Ifonaea Clark will stag,
kveatrg warship at 7:10, when the paa
tor will Shew meio plcterea ot "Ufe ta
Uola." relating bis personal esprrteaeee
In India. The young people's chair e
rectod by Mr. Keatple wtll sing, fca-
erth leagaee meet at S:SO. Charch arhd
aaeeta at S:4 a.m. with claaaea ter each
age grain. Midweek eerrlre Tberaaay
alxbl at f:80 at the porseasg.
TVs bible staty U held Baaday alM
at 7:e ia ao rrstoraal temple, 44 T
Lea ter street.
Heed and K. kWmmer olreela Paster.
X. U Llageuot. BekbaU eehoal SsUrday
at S30 a.m. fcWrriee at 11. Yeaag pee
ple'a meeting. S:(0 p.m. Prajer meeuag
Wedaeeday at 7l4 p.m.
Rate! and Academy. Baaeay aekeel al
10 ta, Ckarck, 11 am. aad 7:0 a.m.
Prayer aseetiag Tkaraday, 7:0
rxoo nxs arra t-uvcttto a wo prvxaa
UaaLUie Vaaial
S4S y Cem'L aUeet. Mointaal aarrieea'i
J:0 aad 7:10 p.m. Mo-keat sapp.r. Mea
boraalp meetlsg. Kev. Liuiu xnueataaei,
xxxobt MBMOBiAT, covaaau
IStk and Perry. Howard O. Store-.
mlaieter. A Tkaekagtviag aerrtea at It.
Sersaoa "A Wortky Theakaglrlng." ae
Uom "WhIU the Berth hUaaaiaeth,"
Maaader. Tria. 'Beeaaao at Thy tireel
Bouaty" (Heftematster), Beaeltta liar
mad. Harriet Smart, Howard Starer.
Broaiag aorrloo at 7:0. Thaakagtrleg
eoaaert by chorus aboir. 8aa4ay aekaat
at IS ia Lloyd Areola, enpertateedeat.
Ckiietiaa Xadeareo al S;S p.m.
riBST CBoaca or hi baxabxwb
Leo W. Caller, peeler. Oator al
Tatrtoeatk. S CariaOoa Wersare
praror aaeeUag! S:aS aav, eaaday .fca
safcssl, rraak UtwUlav. eaaertn lead eat
10:4a, Maraiag Worship, vecal deet, U
Leveail and Pranai Utwll'er. OfTerWry
by too oebaatra. Caofar apoelal dlreetod
by Xraeat rrteeea. Sirmaa. "yoaaa Berer
rails.' S:S p-as. Teaag pooplo'e oerr
Irea. Junior. laUraaediaaa, lilM-T aad
groapa. ytae p. aa, oraagens-
tie. Sotrt Ud raagTagatieeal elagtaa. V
eal solo, Lowell Loraall ; ekeir eyeeli
direetod by B. Prima. Saraaaa, "Uiru
AUoatlok to Little Tali
Sdl State street, Saaday acbool IS
am.; koiiaoaa meetiag 111 yeaag poe-
K" 'a lafioa. S ealrauao meeeiag. 7:0.
bile a pari roe Taoaday, Tkaraday sad
Satarday a'ghta, S.
1TB st coaaazaATiOBAX
Center aad Liberty streets, Mobert A.
nutckiasoa. ml a la tor, Ckarck erkoel at
0:45, lr. W. C. Jooea, BopI. t'aireralty
forum at 10, Dr. E. S. Oliver, loafer.
Worship eerrlre at 11, theme t Ia Leva -Witk
Life": aatkemt "Ood Who Ma4oat
Earth aad Itrarea"! aoU: "Whoa Chil
dren Prey." Waleea latloa. Looaao of
Tooth meets at a, Miaa Kaehel fecoaa.
adriser. -
riftb and Calnas atreets. Bar. real
A Cdlorf. paster Bandar, 0:10 a m4
rafie breadeaat, KSLM; :4S e m.. Sea
day school. lalernatineal laasoa; 11 a ..
weraliip, aermea "Kevival r.lemeala"!
0:80 pm, youth groups; 7:S0 m,
Evsngcllatie service, "Anathema Mar.
snathe." Tnoaday, S p.m Miaalnnary
l'larer band. 1010 8. Cma'l atraot. VV4
neadar, T:J p.m., prayer serrlee. Thurs
day, t 19 p.m., choir rehasraal.
At corner of Msdreaa aveaae aad Lib
erty road. Sundsy school al 10 a.m. Be
e'er the dirertioa of Mrs. Mlnale Mlois
heise. Preaching at 11 B ra. Hormon top
ic, "A New rreatora." by Earl . tt
ton. Yoonf 1'eople's aervico at 0 p m.
Mlsa Mary Skrlton, leader.
of the
13th & Center
I Tf. CoUar
9:45 A.1L Sunday Bible
School. InteresUnsr.
Special features.
10:45 A.Mw Mornlna Wor
ship. Vocal duet and
special ma fie by
choir and orchestra.
Sermon, "Jesus Nev
er Fails.'
6:50 P.Mr Young- Peoples
' Services.
7:30 P.M. Evangelistic
sermon, 'Givinr At
tentlon to Little
I f
e J Lsw .
a&4 rra an J stasH atraownts
iTsx tr C.a L jr;l!:.i cf
Is aJeJ ta tils r&aw l .zl tZ