The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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The OHEGON STATESMAN, Sales, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 25, 1939
IP n a? t m wm
: . -
THma three mem- are aroonsf those Mit prourfnently nweatioaed as possible appointees to the
coart post left vacant by the death recently f Associate : Pierce Batler. They are (left to right) '
jOaB IV vevnej9 WfU nown . jwct, aiwnrej umcnu x nuut Mvpuj9 wifv nuvm tx owpwMi
i - V
11 J
is ,
The North Star (top) end the old barken tine Bear (lower) are shown as they steamed oat of Phil
' delphla and Boston harbors respectlrely on their way to Antarctica on the expedition headed by Ad
- nlral Richard E. Byrd. Note the Penguin. Bryd's nnweUdy motorised sled aboard the North Star,
his flagship. Snow Harries fittingly accompanied departures of the two Teasels.
ii .. ii ...,-. ii ii in wiw''wi m", m m mwi wm j ') mw ninniiiniijiw
- : --, ... - ..rV','';...::-,.-;,--:.:..'. " .. ; -: " " -i 1
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The secret Lockheed XPrZS Interceptor pnrsnlt plane, plctared .abore, called fastest fighting plane tn
the world, was released la Los Angeles recently for pnrchase by warring nations following the llfhting
f rigid US war department restrictions. The plane has flown from Bar bank. Calif., to New York
' la T hoars SO ndnntee at a top apeed of 4ftO miles per hour. The ship abore Is one of a fleet betas
constrncted for the CS army. j,.. v - . ; . ;-f
C-or ; - r cf Slunlch. jlctared left. ccnfe4 .ispoa arrest' tLt he planted the time bomb which
LUite! rraiilcli's Kazi beer hall UrlA ftorember in bold attempt to assassinate Adolf UUler
.and el.:, f aUes, according W IlclnricU Ulmmier, Nazi secret poUce head. Held also were two par
rcrtcj r.-;tL,h afsts takes Into enstody by the Gestapo. Pictured abore. they were tJeatined
t !:r; lj at "Mr. Bett" and "Cap" KteTens," supposed to bare worked with cme-tlme Kail ItuCer Otto
v ; .jtr, cow exiled la Switzerland. . fetxesser oenicd knowing the uea.
Jefferson Church
To BveIeedag
Evangelicals 7iU Conduct
Serrices; to Have Gnest
Speakers, Mnsie 1 .
JXFFERSON : Rar. William
Elmer, pastor of the local Eran
gsUeal church, announces that
plans are complete for the spe
cial meetings beginning next Sun
day night. Norember 21. con tin
sing every night cnext week
through Sunday, December- I.
The song service begins, at T: 4 S
eaen nlgnt with guest speakers
and special musie for each ser
vice. -
. Sunday night. November 28.
st 7:45 the Woman's missionary
puDuctnanxs offering .program
will be given. Monday nlrht Rer.
Wilmer Brown of CoxvallU will be
guest speaker and will furnish
special music. Tuesday night Rev.
W..W. Mills of Sweet Home will
bring the message,' and Bob Meal
ey" of Willamette university wUl
be soloist. Wednesday night the
speaKer win be Rev. E. C Hicks
of Monmouth." and special music
oy sir. ana Mrs. Poole. ; v;1
'1 Thursdar nlVht RaVVr"A Bal
laatyne of Union vale" will oecupy
the' pulpi and' furnish special
music Friday night Rev. Charles
Whelchelvof Albany will speak,
and the orchestra from the Al
bany. Evangelical church will be
aere tor the service.
Saturday night Dr. E. W. Pettl-
cordr district superintenden V wUl
preach and at the close of the
service will conduct the business
meeting. . Sunday serrices Include
Sunday, school at 10 o'clock. In
charge of Miss Helen Kihs. at 11
o'eloek, worship service and com
munion service in charre of . Dr.
Petticord; 7 o'clock, young peo
ples- meeung; at 7:48 a message
by the pastor, William Elmer.
OCE Instructor V
Wm Entertain
MONMOUTH M 1 s s Grace
Maurie Mitchell and Mrs. Benlah
Thornton, staff Instructors at Ore
gon College of Education, will en
tertain a group of faculty mem
bers . and . other friends at a
smorgasbord dinner at the Swed
ish Villa, Portland, Saturday
night, preceding attendance - at
the Jussi Bjoerling concert. The
guest list Includes: Misses Helen
Anderson, Hilda Swenson, Lois
Crlswell, K a t h erine Arbuthnot,
Edna MIngus, Clara A. Trotter,
Bertha Bralnerd, Edna Hediick,
Eloise Buck, Anne O'Neill, Maude
Macpherson, Emma Henkle, Mary
Donaldson, Laura J. Taylor, Ce
cilia Brennan. and Mrs. Elsie
Bolt. Mrs. Pearl Heath. Mrs.
H. W. Morlan, Mrs. Florence Hut
chinson, all of Monmouth; and
Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell, Mrs. Kent
Hartung, Mrs. Edna Cnlver. Mrs.
Kenneth Cockerllne, Miss Aileen
Dyer, Miss Gertrude Deutch, all
of Portland.
Parerit-TeacEers '
At Lyons Meet
LYONS The Lyons Parent.
Teachers club held Its Novem
ber meeting at the Rebekah hall
Monday night. Practice on the
play to be sponsored by the PTC
is started and plans are to present
the play after the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Van Swer-
lngen of Salem were present and
presented a one-hour musical skit.
Refreshments were served by
the committee, Mrs. Paul John
ston, Mrs. Helen Bauer and Mrs.
Albert Bass.
Ererette Crabtree who has been
confined to his home suffering
from a heart attack is some im
proved and able to be out, but Is
not able to return to his work.
Earthquake Suspected
7ben Houses Shake
LEBANON -Telephones were
rinsing and - people In -and about
town were anxiously asking ques
tions Wednesday night about 5:20
when a house-shaking detonation
was heard. Some thought It was
another earthquake. A shower of
rocks and debris was heard over
a mile away.. It turned out to be
a routine blast at the paper mill.
with a little more dynamite than
usuaL - Concrete was blown - ont
of a headgate in the canal . be
tween the two mill ponds,-with
Ed Kellenberger In charge : of
the blasting.. The wood mill root
and the yard office roof were
both broken by falling rocks. .v
DelHoImes Heaiis
Faimoiint Grange
-A L BAN T Del Holmes will
head . Falrmount grange : during
Other . officers elected Include
Cecil Keester. OTerneer r Maxlne
Holmes, lecturer; William Hutch
ins, st ward; Leonard' Brush;, as
sistant, -steward; Mrs..', Pauline
Brush, chaplain: Mrs. PearrHee-
tor, treasurer; Mrs.' Maebelle Ab
raham.", secretary: --Ray Schmidt.
gate ' keeper; ' Dorothy Schbfield,
Ceres; .Ethel. Wallace, : Pomona?
Jeany p a r Jt e r, i Flora;.. Ellen
Schmidt,' assistant lady steward;
Mrs. Caroline Morgan, pianist;
and ' Herbert Schmidt, chairman
of the executive committee.
The new officers will take their
places at the January meeting of
tne grange. - .
Patsy Parrish Is
Carnival Ruler
' JEFFERSON Townspeople and
students thronged to : the high
school gymnasium Friday night
to see the carniral program and
patronize tne student booths. '
Each high school class, the
Girls league, and the physical ed
ncatlon classes, contributed stunts
to .the program. Seventeen girls
dressed in colorful red and blue
military costumes drilled and
tumbled, hte four tumbling
clowns. Bob Whitby, Gordon Tur
nldge, Jimmy Henderson and Lad
die Eumcn added humor to the
act. . . , .
The , senior class introduced
scenes from , the Wizard of Os.
The Juniors gave their version
of Harlem High Jinx. Mexican
Madness is the title of the sopho
more" skit which 'included tango
dances and "Ferdinand.? The
freshman ' skit 4 was "The Gay
Nineties." The Girls league act
was. entitled "Football Follies."
- Patsy Parrish' freshman, nomi
nee was eleeted carniral queen.
The three princesses were Mildred
Looney,- Bette Terhune, and Don
ha June' Powell.'' '-" r' ' -
r' The : senior', booth, TThe' Top
Hat," .was i the greatest - financial
success "of the eamlral Thta was
the rfood-seinng 'booth. X- -
Students Honor
at Tea
DALLAS -Students of Miss
Dorotha Young, Miss Margaret
Llndahl and Miss Barbara Scott
entertained with a tea In honor of
their teachers Mondar afternoon
from 2 to 2. .
The tea was held In the audi
torium of the elementary build
ing. A program was presented and
included a playlet, "Little Black
Sambo" by students of Miss
Young's room;' playlet, "The Good
Citizen", by students of Miss Lln-
dahl's and Miss Scott's room;
readings, Marian Hoff.
' Hosts were Nancy Brockwav.
Vivian Heckelthorn, Dorothy and
Verda Nenfeld, Donald Blanch
ard. Jack Cook. Efton Jones and
Edward Leuthe.-
- About 20 mothers were bresent1
for the affair.
Silverton Classes
WiU Present Play
SILVERTON .The first hieh
school play of the rear will be
given December 15 bV the senior
and juniors.. The rlay chosen Is
"Yniir, TmW Will I a
mr m WMy Aaav
Taking part are Dub Graves.
Dick Adams, Betty Heidenstrom,
Marjoiie Kaufman. Bob Neal.
Jerry Merryman, Yvonne Service,
Donna Donnell, Fred Mehl and
Wendel Loe. ; .
The student body will aire a
play In January and the seniors in
The Playmakers dnunaUe club
is superintending the plays.
on uaptists
Work oh Parsonage
t . DAYTON -Six men of the Day
ton Baptisfhurch ; did carpenter
work on the parsonage and class
room - Saturday : and were dinner
guests of . the Dorcas" society at
the L. D. Krake home. -.Monday
they .worked and .were entertain
ed atvdlnner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John. Shippy. ..:.
The ladles : are holding a food
sale Saturday, December '2 at
Shippy and Filer's store.
WEST SALEM An all day
meeting of the HE club of West
Salem grange was - held . at the
home of Mrs.' D. Knhn Tuesday.
The meeting was called to,1 assist
the Salem firemen in their Christ
mas work. But no dolls had come
in, so the day was spent working
on the club quilt. Fire members
and two guests, Mrs. Lynn Rich
ardson and Mrs. Leon Reinold,
were present. The next meeting
will be December S at the home
of Mrs. M. C. O'Brien.
West Salem grange will give a
social . dance . Saturday night at
the city hall; all friends are lnrit
ed to attend. Harry Phillips. Mike
O'Brien and Mary Kuhn are in
charge.. ,;
OCE Classes Out
For Thahlagiying
-MONMOUTH -Oregon College
of Education; closed Wednesday
afternoon for the Thanksgiving
holidsy. Students ' and faculty
members departed in large num
bers to spend the holiday at their
respective homes or with friends.
Incoming cars and busses brought
a crowd of teachers who hare
positions throughout ,the state.
and some came from Washington:
for the holiday with their parents
or relatlres here.
'Vista dub Meets
.BUENA VISTA The Townsend
club met Tuesday nlrht
hall. The program was given by
the following Edwin Baxter, Mar
tha Jane Wheeler, Margaret
Wells. RubV Caroenter. K7n.
Wheeler. Vlrrlnla Carnenter. uri..
ky Drasdoff, Alice Prather, Lena
Cobine. Lee Drasdoff and mm.
Allen. .
Lodge to Entertain r
Dallas Seniors .
DALLAS Friendship lodge
IOOF will entertain the boys of
the Dallas high school senior class
at a special meeting to be held
Wednesday night, November 22.
-There will be a short program
including a talk by C. L.1 Starr of
Portland. Refreshments will be
served following the program. .
"Knight Errant"
(Continued From Pag 4)
go around spotting cashable mutu
al tickets thrown away by careless
"A stooper's paradise, I call it!"
Snapper reiterated as he spotted
a good ticket beneath him . and
put his foot over it, looking
around warily.
But Slim was not heeding
Snapper., He was silently rejoic
ing" over Knight Errant at last
running Back to his ancestry. He
was tne Better none of the two,
as the race was run today
(To be. continued) ,"
JEFFERSON Members of the
Morning Star grange are holding
sereral turkey shoots during the
holiday season. The proceeds will
be used to Improve their hall three
miles west of Jefferson. .One of
the recent Improvements planned
Is . an outside fireplace made of
rocks and cement which they hope
will be completed this winter. The
Home Economics club served the
dinner at the first turkey, shoot
Sunday. The Morning Star gTange
hall is one of the first of its kind
to be built in Linn county.
(Beginning at ,10 cunj
full IS inches high with beautiful
hair and gorgeous eyes that open
and close. A regular 21.42 Rvalue
for today only at V -" . ' L
Watch for Another "Toy SpedaT' for Tomorroto
flf. .... : . ,
Lin n & ( n tti
Santa Claus ::
- with swell gift: for each 'chQd
, : - , -Tisltlng him-
d) !;f(io(ii)fflit:iV w
115 n. IZZZZTt
e W s V si I I
. f 1
3-Thrcad Cropo Chiffonsl
$1 Hoso For an Exciting
W Ql 3 pairs?2
Maybe it's because Wards buy millions of pairs of
silk hose a year! Maybe it's because this sale was
lined up Ions; before the price rise in silk! What
jtyer the , reason, here are hundreds of pairs of.
absolutely perfect, 3-thread crepe chiffons at just
69c a pair ! Heel-within-heel ! Toe-withln-toe I
(Clamorous $1 hose In lively shades. Get at least
I pairs for yourself now, and remember Christ
inas Is just around the calendar.
. X . 7J V
Mere's Your Chonce
to Save on the Perfect
-" Christmas Gift-
. Mi
' '
i :.