PAGE SIX Lebanon Papcrmill Pond Is Deepened Tennessee . Community Club . Sees Movies at Meeting LEBANON The millpond at the local paper mill is being deep ened and widened to Increase its capacity for logs. A. carryall" scraper and a ball-dozer hare been working at the Job for the past two weeks. The pond la en the sit of on of the old ararel beds frequently found In the Wil lamette Talley, perbaps a former route of tba Santiam rfrer. ' Una county baa replaced two - old bridges In tbe south Tennes see district, one an old corered bridge with new onea to con form to eonnty and atata market road specification. Tbe approach es on each end bare been raised and widened. A community meeting took place Friday night in the Tennes see schoolhonse when Dennls Coomler of Lebanon showed col ored morlng pictures of Hawaii. Yellowstone park, and tba San Francisco lair. After community singing, a lunch was serred. Mrs. Stere Carroll, president, was In charge of tba meeting. Go To Seattle air. and Mrs. L. W. Densmore left for Seattle Sunday to spend the TbanksgiTing holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bahr. Tbe Cardette pinochle club has been formed by sereral conplea In the Tennessee district, to meet twice, a .month. Mrs. William ' Wagy will be the next hostess. In the three months that elec tricity baa- been in the Tennessee district, many Improvements hare been made in homes and barns. Lawns and flower gardens are be ing planned, as electric pumps , make watering possible. ; 1 The children of the Tennessee school are planning a 1 o'clock luncheon for their parenta Tues day In the schoolhouse. Mrs. Sara Morris of Lebanon la the teacher. There are It pupils In the school. Blooming Apple Trees Puzzle Rickreall Folk la bloom at the J. P. Hamilton . farm near Holmes gap a few miles vnorth of town. The question la are ther late or earlr. Sunday visitors at the borne of sir. ana Mrs. John winn were his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1VI.M A TT . . vi TUKunTcr, wun., ana bis sister. Mrs. E. A. Rean of Wil lamette ana Mrs. E. Ripley of Sa - lem. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bearer entertained a large group of rel . atlres and frienda at their home . 8undar. " i Mrs. Jennie Clarke and Miss Laura Engen of Portland sur prised Mrs. Sarah Burch at her borne Sunday, bringing the entire amner wun tnem T - i The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning; Norraber 24, 1933 es2 Today and Sat. - 2 Hits Pins Langh It Otr Coming Sunday srrrt aiae DAVISrFMfli Euznccra 1 .i'43sss mwkm Tonite and Sat. - 2 Hits PLUS 2XD HIT Didn't Impress the Czechs US AND SECOND FEATURE IT AtXXS UOMa SAtSTlaOtl traee Carver tees Thaw Addd News, Oar Cans: Come- dr. Tiay TroobleV amd Quip. ef Serial, Bnck nosers." ' M " in i Ccatlni:ou3. Sunday 1 toll P. II. s- f- j . -- ? .., I' . " 1 Reign ef terror reported la Prague as NasJa spar purge of dissident Czechs Is said, to bare already caosed loss ef many lires, with 10,000 picked troops en constant guard. This recent picture shows Baron Con etantin von Neuratb, left, German "protector ef Bohemia, salnting his treops during one ol tbe many parades designed aa "shows of force' to ; Impress the Czechs. Hits Inquiry Vvt v M Fred S. Cook, gum award tn Saa Qventim'a MSlberU aoUtary coflnenent testified before the Calif ornit roTtrnor's prison cmelty charge hearlnga re- cestly that' the preseat lnTeetl- gatloai has crewted noee wavres amonar Innatee and guards taaa any prlsoa happening of recent years. Many believe that Gov ernor Calbert 1m Olsoai planato opea the gates aad let them all go If beatings and cruelties to inmates are proved. Dallas Students Entertain at Tea DALLAS Several members of the Women's - Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church were In McMinnrille Monday tor the leader's conference of Mis sionary societies of the Willam ette Presbyterlal. Mrs. William Dlelschnelder of McMinnrille, Presbyterlal president, presided. Going from -Dallas were Mrs. J. G. Tan OrsdeI.Mrs. E. V. Dal ton. Mrs. Mark tiayter, Mrs. Con rad Stafrin, Mrs. Frank John son. Mrs. u. W. Flummer. Mrs. J. F. Spooner aad Mrs. Sidney XL Wbltworth. Rickreall Pupils Buy New Ciirtains RICKREALL Tba upper grade pupils of -the grade school are proving themselves Quite efficient and business-like tor they col lected and sold old papers and with the proceeds purchased new curtains for tbe lunch room. Sub scriptions for two magaalnes pur chased ping pong balls. Prof. F. S. Crowley took the basket ball players to Portland Tuesday night to see Chuck Tay lor, well-known coach, who was holding a basket ball clinic. W. & Hill took part of the players In his car. i ' - . , it . Bently Rites Today 8 ILVERTON -Funeral services for George Clay borne Bently who died Tuesday night, will be held Friday afternoon from tbe Lar son ana son caapei. I I Polk Women WiU . - t - ' r ; Have Institute DALLAS The Polk County Federation- of Rural Women'a clabs will hold an all-day institute at Ballston on Thursday, Novem ber 30. according to Mrs. George Cooper of Dallas, county federa tion secretary. An Oregon products program will be presented with a repre sentative of the Columbia Empire industries present to show slides made from pictures inside of 40 Oregon industrial plants. Vella Camden, lecturer, will also be present. Mrs. Maris, borne economist specialist from Oregon State col lege, will give talk on family relationships. Dr. Jonaa Jonasson of Linfleld college will speak on relationships between the United States and Europe since 1117. Davises Visit Stiver Relatives STIVER Mr. and Mra. John Davis of Albany visited at the Douglas Davis borne Saturday. The John Davis family Is moving to Marshfield where Davis Is to be roadmaster on the Marshfield branch. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Woods went to Bend Saturday to visit their son, Willis and wife. Yerl returned home with them. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moras gavs a dinner Saturday night aa a surprise for his father, Ray Moras on his birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Torgeson and children, Dorothy Draadoff, Elmer Moras. Mr. and Mra. Rus sell Moras and son, the honored guest. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cornutt of near Independence have lo cated on the farm recently vaca ted by Mr. and Mrs. L J. Shaffer. Plan Program, Lincoln LINCOLN An interesting pro gram of dialogues, musical num bers and readings has been ar ranged by Mrs. J.- D. Wallina; for tbe Lincoln community club at the local schoolhouse Friday night at 9 o'clock. Mrs. J. D. Walling and Mra. E. EL Buckles are committee on arrangements, with Mrs. Fred McKinney and Miss Jeania -Smith serving re freahmenta with Thanks firing mouir. : ', Call Board .SDdJXttt Jonaa Tcn&2j In J : ELSIKftRR a Today Fred MacMur- ray and Madeleine Carroll . In "Honeymoon In Ball. -Laugh It Off with Con- stance Moore and Johnny Downs. Saturday MIckey Moase - matinee stage show and chapter nine, The Phan- torn Creeps." " i , a GRAJTD ". " e Todiy Trrone "Power. Linda Darnell tn "Daytime Wife" with Joan Davis and Warren William. . STATE ! Tropica with Hedy ' Lsv " marr and Robert -Taylor. -Quick Mniiona" with the a . Jones family. ? Saturday 'Wizard of Os : starring J d y Garland. Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger. a ; , e - cAPiToi I i" Today Zorina la -On lour Toes. Gene Autry and Smiley Burnett in -Rovin' Tumble weeds." e - . v - . e e itoT.T.'nrnnn ." Today "Persons la Hiding with Lynne Overman, Pa- - trtda Morrison and J. Car-' rol Kalah. -Calling Dr. . . KUdare- with Lew Ayres and Lionel Barrymore. Ainnsville School ! j Starts4H (Ms Forestry, Cooking, Sewing Group Name Officer j U Many Join AUMSYILLE Mr. John son. teacher of the seventh and eighth grades here, has organised" a H forestry dab. President of the club U L-vin Holma.uist vice president, Waype Rebjo; secretary. Bud Braneh.- Other members are Max Archer, Blaine' Ofle,"; Elroy Howard, Norlyn Brown, Richard Warren and Glenn Klein. Girls' cooking; club leader Is Rosalia Lane; president, . Anna May Nlchol; vice-president. Ruby Lambert: secretary.' Betty War ren. Other members ' are' Mar Jorte Martin. Genevieve Ashford. Margaret Jewel, i '" Division two sawing dab has Un m izfc tlT White aa leader. President, Zella Bankstan; vice- president; Florence Dalke; secre tary, Grace Aahford. Other mem bers are Jane McCown. Opal Arch er, Agda Malone, Ernestine Bar ry. Marjory Jestdel aal-LnslU DaTke. .. " " ' . 8ewing dlTialon three hae as leader "Mrs. T. P. Otto. President. Alice Roberts; vice-president. Be atrice Bankstan: secretary,- Dor othr Dalke. Other members are WUda Kieth; Helen Bartosx, Lev vins Pomeroy, Ellyn Hetmauut, Alice Dickman, Ida Weisenhaas, Betty White. Marian . Rowland and But b Selmsn. r. SalenHwglits Folk Go South ' L'. : - ' " SALEM ' HEIGHTS -Mr. ill Mrs, Frank Miner and' son Ar thur of University of Oregon left by anto -Saturday to spend the holiday week at ' tbe home of their- son and - brother,' Donald, and family, of Sacramento, CaUL - The family was called to the bedside of Mrs.", Anderson, who Is seriously 111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Halde man, on Saturday. . The Arthur Clemens place oa Ewald avenue has been purchased by Ole Hangen, who took posses sion with his family this week. Art in Robbery SPRING FIELD, Ore., Nov. 22 np)A. disgruntled motorist decid ed here today a magician had stolen his 192S model T automo bile. It ran out of gas and the motorist hiked to the nearest service station. When he re turned, the car was gone. I ,L I'llVll!' IM Mil - ...irt ut ' fratfitt Bill att if . ttt ftr ... "the Sweetest Qift" Fifth Avenue Chocolates Fifth Avenae Chocolates are made with finest chocolate and lots of fresh butter and rich whipping cream. Each box pack ed with aa assortment of cream, chaws, fruits, nuts, and many other delightful pieces. Lb. Dox 1 lb. 49c 3 lbs. $1.35 HERHEY NUT or PLAIN BARS. Ige. size 13c. 2 for 25 BUNTE 100 FILLED CANDIES, colorful. 19c lb. CHOCOLATE COATED PEANUT BRITTLE, 19c lb.. 2 lbs. 35c .. CHOCOLATE PARTY MIX, Fruits. Nuts, Mints, all chocolate dipped, 35c lb. FRENCH CREME MIX. Assorted. 25c lb.. 2 lbs. 45 . SALTED SPANISH PEANUTS, Freshly roasted. 13c lb., 2 lbs. 25c SATIN-FINISH HARD CANDIES : DAN-DEE CHOCOLATE DROPS FULL CREME MIX, ASSORTED IB- PAN EE i Candy for Holiday Season. MAR MDIt 3 for $1.00 Freshly pack- 25c lb, ccT P'nur Brittle 35c lb, Party Mix Thin, crisp bnttsr hrittle, with gttm yt yf freshly roasted nuts. Tasty small wUC 1 I jap. asserted chocolate panned nuts,lf.. nli fruits, mints and crisps. ValUt . " w At Cmmdy Smctimm Man' Favorite Chocolate Dessert Cfoocolcrfe FdadlcQie Cake 2 Layer Cottcgo Rl chocoUU flaTored cake made with Fifth Arenue butter, cake Qoux; topped with lots of chocolaU Icing and walnuta. 15c DANISH DATE RINGS & for C DaUelous flaky coffee cake made with lots ef C bsr butter, died with chopped nuts and datea. FRED MEYER CORN DREAD, loaf rl Try a different loaf today. . . Seal corn flaror. UUP Heat and serre with butter. r , : ' Zaatful. dallofoue mayonnaise made with lota- ef FRESH egv yolks. 100 Tefatabla eO. Cnest ImporUd spices. Fresh : sereral tlmse dally' from .our own SpcOsae'lCayoniialsa kltcheat , - . ; My y . .,' . .! At Bmkmwf Fred Meyer Qtchen-Fresli v . e - ' . c Ctllt Oucrt pTo-Fino Mincb-'-'Mecrf Ifade powl wlih Eherry and brandy.. DAn-Dzz rir;cn r.:2AT,2 Ds. 2 ASSOslTED PRESERVES Si Si2 lbs. 25c FRESH APPLE DUTTER 2 lbs. 15c GRADE "A" SALAD OIL 94c S? At Ifayeasialts 5actfa e I 1 t Exciting Qift nn.nn u 3-Thread Dressy : Sheers - " 4-Thread Utility Sheers ; 7-Th read Service i Values Jo $1 Values In 0)(0)2Pcirs$1-25 fit Stock up while hosiery prices are low. They are soaring higher and higher. Buy quantity . . it'a more economical.- The season's most attractive shades in slight irregulars of our higher priced hosiery. Re inforced at all points of wear. Deep garter' welt 8-10. "Comfy Chenille Bed Jackets QS L5 valuea. Soft, washable Jackets, styled for tfPW comfort aad allure. Ideal for these cold nights , or early mornings. , 29c Head Scarfs or Raindannas Qs Large 27-Inch cotton shall is or oil silk head scarfs. Floral or conrentlonal patterns. Han dy, practical. $1.59 Val. Sheerino Rain Capes E(P With or without hoods. Some hare large roomy 13 VQ slesvss. So Mssl for the extra precaution against rain and storms. WOMEN'S WEAR SECTION eias .ISfc.atssVwftfc imttefiHSm A Welcome Gift for Everyone Reg. $2X0 MEtJ'S PAJAMAS 55 vav a a as - - Large assortment, ex patterns and styles. Kiddy and coat style. Sateens; broadcloth and saadras . maUrlals. PMe J3.UU At Men's Wear, Section Lower Lerel LOIN' ' PORK. ROAST Bib EncL3 Lb. Areracje Tender, J nicy pork, streaked with Just enough fat to make It delicious, Lola roast cooks easily and slices erenly. - POOH ooAst snduLDEB A thrifty roast cnt from young well-fed porkers. Roast and serre with cinnamon apples and candled sweet potatoes. IS lb. 1S"2C fern iy vncT-'mizn EOIIED MID COLLED DEEF COAST C lb. 23 Choice tender steer beef carefully aged to make it tender and delicious. Boned, rolled and tied to make a Juicy roast that slices easily. No waste, economical. -. POT ROAST, Tender, juicy, 16c-19c lb. v SIRLOIN STEAK, Hip Bone Cot, 27c lb. . SPECIAL GROUND BEEF, FresUw ground, 2 lbs. 25c PTjilE PORK SAUSAGE, Fries tender, juic?, 19e lb. . At Ueat Bectlom I Pccills 0yr!:rsi edlnmslse,. Bsbly caaght. SJwQt. and fry for a treat. Firm LTnl3 fresblr cancbt. sOCot. "4.C Roll ta cracker crumbs, errs. Vita steamed ;po-,-,a'f Lb. - tatoes for cold weather dish.' FRESH KILLED RABBITSSc lb. . .'. YOUNG COLORED FRYERS, 23c lb. - V-,' - 'i FANCY, TENDER HENS, Medium size, 19,c & XV Ib.J ' At Fish and Poultry Section Eclcgna cr ; Liver Sanscg Made and dellr- fl rf n arad fresh daUy. 3w Lb. Fine for cold plate lunches. New Crop Difl Piclilcs Firm, crisp, appatis- fj las dilla. Medium Qt. ' else. Slice easily. Prcrrcd LTan Made from choice rf S as tern ham Di)Lb. pressed into eohrenlent size. ; Chili Ccn Carne Easy to prepare. n Mildly seasoned. -0 Lb. Fresh daily. . : : .' .:' I ' . , - ' . : . ,- . . I Lb. firzHziisrs m : tM lMHlul(Hi . Re?. 23c Valaa Both for - 4-is. at. . - - J e Ce ilivi -