The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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iTo-nifTrvv nnTTipmr.
Read, whose marriage was an event
A M. A T
MiUer photo.)
J. - - :jj ox
( .
Dolls Attract Guests1
To Bush School
During Week : V v v
Wf en the elementary schools .'history : will be ; among the ex-
put on, a show, It is a real show. -
1 nis weei, xusn cnoui wui pre-.
sent a doll hobby show, and all
the best porcelain, china and rag-
faced ladles and gentlemen In Sa-
lem will be there. The show will
be . held ,1a the . library of the
school, on November' 8 and 9,
M a . k . A a
at lr D lo
Foreign, old and modern dolls.
unusual dolls and' those with a
Pirrnn PllOllc; Hr
Last Bight, the pupils of the
Aieuon piano studios ustenea to
Second and Fourth Symphonies
from New York at the home of
Miss Frances Virginle Melton.
Miss Margaret Wonderlick has
been made president of the organ-
ixation of the pupils which is fed-.
erated under; the nam of "The Mro' AU,Ba,uJ1
Melton Piano Studio." .
The highlight of the evening . , .
Zr.,ZTSiir7"b' Miss Smith to Wed
student of Miss Melton's, who has
reeentlv returned from th flt . -
recently returned from the east
ZZ ',: Z"'r.: '.:L;.:r. "
vatory el ! music '
The program presented by Miss
Boylan was: t vu
Fantasia C minor
Ktui de Concert
La Vie Breve
Ktud In F minor
La danse de Puck .
Methodists Tell
About Conclave
MethodTst women of the city
Katn Invfr WaM(ta. rv
the Carrier room of the First
v a v v awk atav0 v aa
five-day 70th anniversary conven
tion in Pasadena. The - meeting
hertna at 1A oVloV In th mnm.
lng and will last until 4 o'clock,
will Include-a no-host luncheon
atrnoonby T0men.l?e f-
Thna from Salem whn attmiloii
Those from Salem who attended
the 1 convention are: Mrs. M. C.
Findley, Mrs. J. ' Edgar Purdy,
and Mis. Elsie Miller, member, of e .on " S.tur"y fTeoon n' "JSK enwbTrrfTVh. Mi Jel Ali com."and bring friendTaad en- Sr. ByVoS B. Herrick" MriAg
the Foreign Mbjalonary society of honoring the mother, of the pa- ?0Tgj?0ZjJF Turner, France. Kelley. A1U Joy the afternoon. There ,will be e7 Bo7th. Miss Mabel Parker.
2? TiAl' the h08teM gr?Uir M": - 5.7aa7ohiT lcSS' 1 Weddl., trU recipe.. : y, , , ffj. .7 4 Mia.
Ki.- v a.n
on Thursday at Fraternal temple
ph. Tt .noh affai. i. si...i
for November . Merle Smith, the
n rfrlll eantaln. will h. anuat
for the regular review oa that
day. Mr. Ivan. Martin- will arrange
a snort program ana wtu ee as-
listed by Mrs. Alena BrtmiMr
and Mrs. Ruth Versteeg. A bene-
. aw a. .
fit card party .lapiannea r o-
rem ber '1.
ircmbers of the Salem General
hosniUI sUff were host, at a party
laatnlght tomehoapltal-adlng;
room, honoring Mra. Almeron Per-
is leavlnr to take a sosl-
tion at the new uberculosla hoa-
pltal In Portland, for Mria. William.
Lelser and Mrs. George Gould who
are retiring, and for Mra. Fred
Michaelson who haa taken a poai-,.
tloa' t Westflr. Hoses and , eanr .
dies were used aa decoration."
. m" -
lllsa MaiirUa Canadchael. Mlsa
Irene EUsi and Miss Patay Lee.
- will bet tT gucsta or iua
Cascaa t Portland this weeaeaa...
- - -r . t - !
r ... - .
nnhort rannnn ih former Bettt
of last Saturday night. fJesten
hiblts promised for me snow.
tuuiu uuui uiB iio-
sion being charged will go toward
playground equipment for the
scbooi. . -
Among those who will exhibit
are Miss 'Dorothea Steusloff, Miss
A. Gale Currey, Mrs. Ida M. An-
W V . A. - nn. ti a
idS'lrilrt - 5VS -
Kirk. Mrs.. E. J. - Scellars, Mrs.
Forrest Furlton. Mrs. Clifton. Ir
win uImm Pan line Wallace Jane
lVrBmwaZM" Green. Miss Velma May,
and Don Phillips.
heading the commutes taehun
the rtow. aS will be aasiatfd
Mrs. William L
oi cue snow, ana win e ssisia
by Mrs. Edward Armstrong. Mrs.
Ti .
Charles Taylor. 'Mrs. Norman
Berkey Mrs. Elmo HU1 Mrs. For-
rf8 Polton. Mrs. T. A. Burson,
Mrs. J.PPin. "JC" A1gr;
Mrs- f auht. Ku
J'ow"; r Hf' ? n
Hall, Mrs. David Rockenfeller and
Mr T-Trrrricj
vl . 1 lO
Invitations are In the mall for
he wedding of Miss Loretta Smith.
of Mr.. and Mrs. Roy
arnwn ano ar. cnanea k. warns,
son oi air. ana Mrs. sawara Har-
rig of Dallaa. .. Tho reremnnv will
ka A 1 .
o'clock at the First Evangelical
church with Rev. H. R. Scheuer-
man of Vernonia officiating. Ronald Craven, Miss Hattie Brat
Miss Estelene Smith will be ttio Ie, MlBS Hazel Shutt. Miss Ethyl
maid of honor ! and the bride's Bedden and Miss Betty Redden,
maids will be Miss Wanita Cross, N
Miss- Patsy Lee, Miss Kathryn
J."?" "T
WOUUT? x wui6cr will
e S?,5 5laM ..,1'.
as best man and the ushers Include
j r, meiiui Driu,
- a i . j
-uipuei ua r.
RX' gf"-
Miss Patsy Lee and Miss Kath
We.errViwii .haw
or Miss Smith. I , J,, , -
ryn., Sharpnacki will entertain
. -
- , -v- : .
Mrs. FrU Dellarpport had
her first piano Jclass noting- of '
jurppon waa ansiiiea oy araaents.
Large bouquets of chrmnthe-
m were used to decorate me
.lOd BmtOwn-
AlcetU GUbert,i Beverly Mof stet .
ter, Leland Hara, Barbara Zum-
Alfred . ,Laue, , jr. June
Toung aad Shirley Kenagy.
- ' , T .: " " ; , 'ifW-l,.w r-
- ' - a. a a wa s. i a as '
Awrioii Veteran., of vthe eWorld . with Mra.'. If.; T. Ripley
f r
asiB. auwuuii wh. wia. diiuu ,
Johns. Mrs. Osmond Rlnahart,
ifmRt)! -
RM.tar . itn. rrk ' Cmiir.
Mp xmm Ostrander Mrs, Phil
m n.w aM... mm n
Decker, Mri. h T. Heen and Mn.
n.;w. Ripley, i .
" ,
Th Slet Miiade Tet4aew
aocUtlon will jmeet at lunch at
noon In the Argo hotel. Mra. Da-
vld Eaaon, will talk on the aylla-
hu-aminaUons, and MrSi D.
.Walter Deatoa aad Mia. Francea
virginle: Melton wiU jdlscuss the
cuaTeauon - at, santa
crux, ; -r; .Pi
Miss -DeMytt
Maimed to
' The beautiful church" wedding
of: Mis. Mareelle . DeMytt, daugh-
ter of Mr. and-Mrs. Leo J. DeMytt;
to Mr. carietoa l. Rota, son l or. fathers are nice things to have around the
MrsrEmil J. Rom was solemnised . , -...-',-.-
In St.'-Joseph'e. Catholic church- ao 'V . ' ,V v,'
. yesterday.' at .9 : so, " o'clock. ' Rev.: - iThursday hostesses . Mrs. George
Thomas j.'.jEternairds otflcjated-L .' Rossman,' Mrs.' Paul;- Wallace and Mrs. Bruce
h AratteTSheToi abrow? Baxter will entertain members of the Thurs
ieivet afternoon dress; brown hat day club this week at Rossman's home,
and sold trim, and wore corsage . : Moved to town . . Mr. and Mrs. Seymour
of oreWda. ' "-' " Jones moved from their, country place out
trontSfoTher Olympic - apartments for the
wore a gripe wine crepe with Winter. . "
matching accessories and rubrum i Nothing slow . . . about flying these
1I1feohn.Cattraii attended Mr.; R,43. Allen and two small
Roth. . ; . . j children boarded a plane here on Thursday .
Mrs. John" Cattraii sang Gou- and arrived in Florida on : Friday night.
. nod's "Ave Maria" and Mr. Ber- That's covering territory.
BaPorK tV . Slffit -WdW.V i Mvlnid . . .Mr. and Mrs.; Ken
" Mrs- DeMytt wore a plum silk neth FitzGerald, who formerly lived in Sa-
crepe and a gardenia corsage and lem, and have resided for the past year and
i&a?rdS?-hore- -Ck CreP a half in Portland, are moving to Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Roth attended sa--Members of their bridge club entertained
- lem school, th latter graduated for them at Godfrey's last night, and they
from Willamette university. -Aft- were feted in Monmouth on Friday night.
ifc..tatt8? niybcoympiel Among those . ... spending the weekend
.ted house at 578 North ?3d street, in Portland are the Marion Moores (Gus to
yic-eTVnnc Will Re
tt,, v -
lviui i l&U. OUUI1
tAnI j?m?.!daurn
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Davis will
become the bride of Mr. Frank
Ditwiller, Jr., son of Mr.-and Mrs.
Frank Ditwiller, at a ceremony
held In the Nazarene church on
the night of November 11.
aiiss uayis nag asuea aer sisier,
Miss Nell Cashion, to act as her
matron of honor, and Mr. Marvin
Miss Davis has asked ber sister.
Ditwiller will be 'best man for his
r Bridesmaids are to be Miss Dor
othy Couch, of Portland and Miss
Elaine Flathers. Doris Wilson will
be flower girl. Ushers are to be
Mr.. Harold Schooley and Ray
Griffin. Rev. L. W. Collar will read
the ceremony, and Mr. Frank K.
Churchill will preside at the or-
gan. -
Mr. Willard Friesen and Mrs.
Clarence Ditwiller of Ashland,
will sing during the ceremony.
Both Miss Davis and Mr. Ditwll-
ier eraduated from Salem hlah
..4 . mT.-m Mm
llAM . r
Delta Phis Gather
At Moore's
Delta Phi alumnae will meet at
aviwi aaa " aMn ww
iv. .air' ir..!. it... a'
iuc uuiiiB ui Airs Aiariuu- iiiuvic uu
Monday night at ?: JO-o'clock. for
an Informal business meeting and
evening of . ; bridge . and Chinese
Members of the alumnae group'
are: Miss' Bertha Babcock. Mrs.
Verne Bain Mlfui Marian Breta
flweiHsat': Mrs Josenh
?S?oi? Srra Rldl P Miller "
Cohen, Mrs. Andrew Halvorsen,
MIsb Doria TTnruh. MIsa Cvnthla '
Delano, Mrs. Delvln Durham. Mrs.
R.l'. I".-
Mrs. Vernor Sackett, Mrs. Gordon
Skinner, Miss Josle Acklin, Mrs.
Chester Oppen. Mrs. Otto K.
Paulus. Mrs. Hugh Church. Mrs.
Mrs. Rutn Br inc. Mrs. Marion
Moore, Mrs. Edward Frantz, Miss
Elizabeth Boylan. Miss Betty Tay-
r. Miss Esther Nelson. Miss
" " r . "7
leanor Johnson and Miss Kay
. t.t -rs.
JUlllOrW Omeil Plail
AlltUmn DailC
.UlUlllll lailt?
xne saiem junior woman's eiuD
baa chosen the Thanksgiving game
theme for the annual autumn
dance being given on November
pumpkins will be used as decora-
tlnna. AnA rinwnstaira st fnnthall
tions. And downstairs a football
ca theme will be arranged, and
t0 th8e r68t"
... . .
iiCKets are nemg sojo oy an
members of the club, for the sink-
In. nni r9 V a nrainlioHnii Tkn
the committee for the dance, are:
MrB- Ray Lafky, chairman, Mrs,
-MUAniUI y
Meets at Hall
Tbe November 2nd meeting of
tne Klnarwood American Leeion
luiiswuuu AiueriLui u:lvu
anjHHarr was held at the hall on
Parkway Drive. Mrs. E. A. Dick-
son. president, conauctea tne
e-mber. and all members were re
meeting. One topic of interest was
tft hHna- arttMea to the
wt J?ni)rll,: ar'1C - t0 tfe'
HeJ m"nj.t J ' .
9m. ;;,.,, .wim-X,-
,1 ; ""1fu,l!l "11 tT.
uiu.u, v-
M M F1d white and one
"SE mU o7 E? VoTbSg" The
I" .w"
'JWe IXJnhZtiAl
" Y
-- 1fli: r. MO
her -da VhVT&r
ilSi'!S''S!iithM'7 of meaffalr. Mr. Bark-
an ii raiisiw - ii.ii am. uaxi m. w auuui aaaat.
anne Thomas, noma neison, ami
lfarla Renins.' FraneewBaMtf. Bet-
tr Merit RhoUa. Rata Joan Hor-.
eth. Joan 1; SWrley Webber,'
Rlna. Marv Movnihan. Mrs. W. C
Thoma., Mrs. M. Oustafson, Mra.
J. Bressler and Mrs. C. Robinson.
Mr. aad Mrav Isadora Goldbeix t
Portland, wUl become the bride
of Mr. Morris Saff ord, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Safford- of Salem,
at an Impressivw ceremony Sun-
day at tho AhavoL Sholon syna-i
gogne in x'ortiano.A recepoen
will foUow at the Goldberg; hom
. - - -
A but . . thar's sold in them thar pages.
At leaat a wclWcnown business "woman of
Salem found it in her morning Statesman
this jweelcV. Wishing she. had the $300 asked
by "an antique dealer for some lovely f urni-,
tore, she opened the moraine paper and out
fell SO 10-dollar, bills. Rich
vou). who will be the miesta
Ronald Hudkins and who
- Moore's mother, Mrs. E. E.
witn tnem. ,
; Coming home . . . Mrs. Winifred Petty-
john is on her way home after three weeks
. . ... r , .
spent in California where sTie went as a
r t t- i i
1WJ.X O. l.rjlljr LU
-p I .
"H tOTTjiTl
J ilxLl LU.111
Mrs. Percy R. Kelly will ehter-
tain Wednesday afternoon at her
home on South 17th street with a
tea honoring Mrs. Claude Murphy.
formerly or Albany, invitauona
have been extended to out-of-town
people as well as the matrons of
Keceiving iniormauy win w
Mrs. iieuy ana Mrs. wurpny wno
will be assisted by Mrs,
Hayden. Mrs. J. N. Chambers.
TLf-. TIT fai-lttri Cmlth Mm Pan!
" -
MS M AW M M ft-l rtTH A I2A11 lOt Mm
George A. White add Mrs. W. 8.
Pouring will be Mrs. Charles A.
. Spragne. Mrs. Charles L. McNary,
.J"""r " V ..,;"
nisti. uu mi., u. ucwciuut wuu
jars, rrcu naru vi aiuau.
AssisUng will be Mrs. John Car-
AMUUiife w aif w JHlSt vuu we
a a. vrr..
ion, mrB. Alia a Lrunt jars, waru
Davis. Mrs. Taylor Hawkins. Mrs.
Bradford Collins. Miss Rovena
Eyre and Miss Dorothy Cornelius,
Junior-Legion to
r . -
Meet MonddV
The Junior girls of the Ameri-
can Legion auxiliary will meet at
the Fraternal temple at 4 o ciock
Monday. Jean Rowland Is the
w Preaident and she will an-
nounee her committee chairmen
for the next three montns. inner
officers Include, Jean Myers, nrst
vice president; Jannlce Myers,
second vice president; Edith
Monr. seereiary-irearer; wis-
thy Bergavlk, chaplain; Beverly
Krueger. sergeant-at-arms: Rob-
erta Myers and JoaaJToves, color
s5.igi tT.n
bearers. Shirley Holman d
Louise Dooten are new members
of the group..
The Americanism chairman or
the unit will provide a speaker at
this meeting and plans will be
made for participation In the Ar-
mistlce day parade. Mrs. James
Fisher, chairman of the Juniors,
requests the gins to appear in ua-
. - - ,
Mrs- Case Invites
'T'PhT hTrrr OT
V I VV VV V-liXC711
! Mrs Coil Case entertained at
hehome VI sTlverSn roaTwith
a dessert luncheon for the benefit
- v-mi- fnnfl of th
V.I.F.H. irnreint Wam Those
nresent were Mrs Leon Hansen.
Mra On7s Oleson itss Geo?gine
NaTdoMTyrk NaydeT Mrs!
Bertha Clark. Mrs. Russell Mudd.
m,. Sim. Mr w.h-
Wolf, Mrsr Frank Neiswander.
Mrs. Chris Free. Mrs. EfHe wet-
sel, Mrs. Aubrey Tussing, Mrs.
Margaret Weiser, Miss Margaret
Clare, Mrs. William Rush. Mrs.
Frank Delvln, Mrs. John Van
Clief, Mrs. William Clare, Mrs.
job suuer. Mrs. jivira ueara.
- suiter jnr. rnui itar
m. t mi nrmi
iviiiiam. aiiu
Mrs. Covil Case.
ui.. tii in
a inurledto MlrV raest Bradley
i. I honored wttlk
misceiianeous snower at tne
home of her slater, Mrs. Alfred
Toungblood . on. Friday : night.
xuise jone., cessie
Salem Bebekah Lodge No, 1
BOn Faith UnrHa Im NIoliAlsm
. altn. Morrla, Lee Nicholson,
5 3 ""fMy it 7:e o ciock wiia nan-
wSe." Mf"- Jlc ,uv h Beard, noble grand, presid-
Wanlce McCall. , , inaThe aocUl evenlnr will be in
wewicic Chapter,'
nomecomlng at
. rOT .preceaex :3rig. Karl Lachele. Haxel Thomaa, -
m i ao a eiAn amo bs ar . m-
uwr ia UWUSI. - r
i RiAi 'ks'- iUti
vOB. M ioa. .eVT.-
- Mrt a, -to-Monki ..m-
Clanda JJarby wiU preaide.
n th. n.- ...1
ud Geraldine Shomaker wiU fur-
music and Mr. Jamea Monroe -
ef the Boy ScoaU win stve an ad-
V I. '" '
Motoriaa; to Portland yesterday,
to the Oregon State-University
Sonthern Calif oniU garni weTS -
MIsa Alice Unruh, Mia. SaUy Me-
Lellan, Mlsa WUda Jermaa, Mias
axaa, jauaa-oorotay juaoe
ana - MU. jMboe Ehinn. . - -
? -
aad indulgent
of Mr. and Mrs.
will brinsr Mrs.
Gilbert, back hy. When she
off the electric
and saved the
but it's a little
chintzes and printed eot-
" . J Fiinor Merrell lm-
New York
Z"'"" i ZZZ, tar .xhlbit at
th g , Art ,er beeinnlng
vvuvB . T
v. BOt been shown before in
Anong the. exauisiU, piece, on
Vntzei made from original
iSJfiiwS Sfice
display are printed cottons, now-
The earliest of the woodblocked
prints la 18th century. Copper-
plate prtnta are from 1780 to
i. aATI rfliior- ira will
direction of Mrs. Agnes Finnie
which has been arranged under
the dlrecUoa of Mrs. Agnes Finnie
Tschopp. . Pieces come from ML '
Angel,- Salem woolen mills. Salem
linen mills, WPA sewin room
and the Art Center. ,
A program will be given over
KSLM on Tuesday at 1:45 o'clock
when Mrs. Marjorie Smith, who
w,. in tatv ; sh win
be latr0dneed' by Miss Carol S.
DlbbTe of the arV center,
n. 'Ji,,
.rcjbl JTi t?i3lUIil.
JQVe Meeting
Tna past presidents of the
American Legion auxiliary
We,ne8day at the home of
' -
Mem PearCe
Members present
were Mrg ROBe Hill. . Mrs. Avis
White. Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs.
frank N. Waters. Mrs. Onas 01-
on Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs.
Beryi Porter. Mrs. Ella Voves and
Mrg Earl Andresen, Junior past
president, who was Initiated into
,. -,nh.
Bhort business meeting was
held and Mrs. Mem Pearce was
elected president and Mrs. Earl
Andresen- secretary-treasurer of
the club. The past presidents
made plans for a no-host break-
fast on Armistice day at o'clock
. th. ir;n. The hostess was'
assisted by Mrs. Frank N. Waters,
-t i rl
L OOKerV VvlUbb KJLl
- -. . i t
Hiah OCJlOOl
A treat is In store for .11 Ma-
Hon conntv housewives. Tne na-
...i ii..'..v .anA meat board
and the extension service at Ore-
g0n State college will noia a iree
meat cookery school at the Sa-
Jem high school auditorium on
Wednesday, beginning at 1:15
o'clock. This Is an opportunity
to see the preparation of econom-,
leal cuts oi meat ana me e7,
new memoas wmcn mas.c ui tun
. . . . tn i
or meat wnuer.
Cllne, professor of home econom-
lea at thi University of Missouri,
v.i. ..j .v,.n.a
M Outstanding fo'od lrt.
will he the deroonstritor
pert meat cutter wui aiso aemon-
; There Is no ' charge. The pub-
" ' -
... . Tnnw
will meet at the IOOF
hall Mon-
charge of Pearl Nlchola, chair-
man. and the November birthday
committee, assisUd by Carl Cord-
ctner xiimea, ayn utbu,
Pelt, Ida Tragtlo. Lu-
efle Mo.her. Nellie CNeilL Mary
. m . - i s
ual ciadex. . freene,, aiyrn
Dotaaii. CIMDt WClBOn tia UUCT
- . . -.
Rowlaad. r,,. r v- Ky
, m u
:r! .v- tmr
. "rrr . 7 T"
Moore wUl be Mrs. Arthur Bate.,
Mra. Don Burton and Mra. O. A.
Macy. .
- .. -
Mra. Walter fhaaaldtax wm W
hoateaa to member, of the To-
marco da, on Tuesday at 1:10
o'clock at her home at 171 C Curt
street. Mrs. 'John Foley, Mra.
Phillip Aapiawall, Mra. C-
'aiatea - and lira. Carrie sneed wui
.assist. - -
delegate, to the' National Realtors conven
tion. While in the south she was ; the .guest
of Mr." and 'Mrs. Joel Roman, formerly- of
' Salem. ! -; . y
: Questionable honor ; . v goes .to cook-:
books, which are said by. the librarian to be
the class of book that is stolen most often
from the shelves of a public library.
Just a line to let you know;. . that Dr."
and Mrs. George' Hoffman were among those -attending
the game in Portland, that Mr. -
and Mrs. Harry Weinstein entertained last
night at an informal party before the Town
club dance, that Bishop .Dagwell will be
entertained at St. Paul's Parrish house Wed
nesday night. . -
It's a girl . . ; In' the ; Charles Qaggett
family. The young lady, born at Salem Gen
eral hospital on Friday afternoon, is the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Myers and the C. F. Pattons, all are doing
nicely. . , . ...
Sincefest flattery . . . it's a question as
to whether to be pleased or provoked. The
Klamath Falls News and Herald blossomed,
out with a new feature, "Don't Look Now,"
even to same typs as our heading ! -Just
no 'end . . of uses for a good wom
an's department. Yesterday a long distance
call frorrt a reader in Portland. informed us
she had left her stove on. We looked up the
neighbors in the city directory, telephoned
to one of our acquaintances who lived near-
couldn't get in, she turned
switch, left a note saying so,
day. Not that we mind . . .
hard on our friends
Maxine Buren.
DAR Birthday
Members of Chemeketa chapter.
Daughters of the American Rev
olution met on Saturday at God
frey's to celebrate the 24 th birth-
?" ""8aI7 ' "W."
tIon- MrB' w E- Hanson and Mrs.
Adam were hostesses.
Bronre chrysanthemums were
auver canaeiaoraa neia tapers on
eitner side of the large birthday
Mn TTorhorf n.Kn4
ffi ft" J?
. w.. I.r..v " SrVr.'J
dam- He told
of hU T,8lt t0 Scotland. Norway
, . '."u-
JSiiJ -l".1 Mr!l
hAmR Sori?f"" s5r.e.tary
ma., vy. v. vu as paniamemar-
enta who attended the
re; jmrs. j. u. uxei,
".m- U. G. Shipley, Mrs. C. a
Jdar" Mr"- w Byrd. Mrs.
w F; "go, Mrs. John Carkln,
Mrf- M. 8channep. Mrs. H. &
Eakln. Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Mrs.
C. B. Sundberg.
Members of Chemeketa chapter
will attend a meeting In Portland
Vnitnnmaii nnt.i .n win
Mrs. Henry R. Roberts Jr.. presi
dent general of the Daughters of
the American Revolution of Wash
ington, D. C, speak.
Salem 'Club Will
tt t-) i v i
nOVe DirtJiaay
Miss Lois Steinke, chairman of
the emblem committee and Mrs.
William Linfoot, chairman of the
membership committee, are in
charge of the special ceremony ob-
serving the 20th anniversary of
the , Salem Business and Profes-
slonal Women's club which will
be held at the women's clubhouse
on Tuesday niahL November 7 at
g o'clock. Miss Letltia Abrams
will have charge of decorations
and Miss Velma Rominger heads
the telephone committee. Mrs.
Maude Eckman, assisted by Miss
Daisy Haylden, Ml is Elizabeth
stockhausen and Miss Bessie
Tucker will have char re of the
dining room .
All past presidents of the Salem
cluD win be special guests xo
ciuo win do special guests lor me
evening, and-both old and new
evening, and- both old and
memoers are urged to De present.
A special service has been plan-
ned for the lnltiaUon of the 30
new member,, which is to follow
me presenwugn ot me emuiem
oaeeant. During the service a
"living tableau" U .to be pre-
sen tea.
l r.r-xooese ir
tj t
The Business and Professional
l ue xubiubb uu rruieiBiuuu
, . .
women ema il agam "H"""""1
a series of bridge classes and lec-
tures bv Sam Gordon for three
j v .1. , xt v v.
ioiT hotel. .
Mrs. Edwin Bingenbeimer is
chairman of the finance commit-
.J? w,!.h is In'charre. She la be-'
Letltia Abram a.
on the ticket committee are
Mis. Yelma Romigerm, Mlsi
... .... , t
Holmes, Mia. Mary Koaemacner,
Mis. Dorothy Cornellu.. Mrs. A-
... Booth. Mia. Jo Evans. Char-."
lotto Possehel, Miss Helen Fletch-
r. Miss Lydia-Wooten. Dr. Gusiy
Nile., Mis. Caroline Wilson and
Miss Francea.Whitaker. - r , .
. .
The Eagles 1ekl a bemeflt card
party on Wednesday at Fraternal
.tempiewith pinochle and 999 m
nla Ths MmmlttM nelUed Urt.
VraMiif ta Un i.,
Jndao- Breaaler and jir. Ray
7 .17..
t Ln IT M ts,.. .
Wert Africa, will be the snest
speaker at the meeting of the
Missionary aoclety of the First
Preabyterian ehareh, being held
on Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. ,
v , . : . ; v. -
Mr. aad lira. Clark Tarler of
Marysvllle, Kanaaa are coming to
Salem to make their home. Mrs..
mrier la me oaugnter oi Mrs. bh
tot ylev v'.'orth-tao past two weeas
TALKING IT OVER at a favorite spot on the campus, are mem
bers of the cast of "Arms and the Man," homecoming play. Left to
right are: D. deLancey, Frances Pickard, Corydon Blodsett and Merle
Kyle. (Photo by Kennell-BUls.) 1
READING SCRIPT are Douglas Olds and Erma Calvert, who
will play leading parts In "Arms and the Man." (Photo by Kennell-EUIs.)
TT a 1 Tort Violrlcj Mrmv Pino
AiUbpilUi IbU IlWlUb IVlfJIiy r lilt?
r1,,lN rl4 fL--,
The Salem General hospital
auxiliary tea which was given on
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young
was one of the nicest affairs
thus far during the fall social
season. The display of old glass
attracted .many of the visitors.
and the , exhibit was held open
uuut t . mu ivi
not attend the afternoon tea.
mi is
to display of such pieces. Tne
hallway held a closed cab net
"SK th.'Vnt-
"r":;:; J .. i .
esting couecwon oi . Arvuur
In the basement recreation
room, several cabinets, tables and
tbe large billiard table held the
exhibit of old glass. Several bun-
dred pieces were on display, but
among them were: .
rnnticrrw visas n(tfhr. and
other pieces 1 o a n e d by Mrs.
- - - -
r.snrr. Purr, fnrm.rl Awn1
r'C"r "-.V" ' A
.or : mouer, rs c. maii.
Two milk glass barber .bottles
fone marked "Witch Hazel." and
"S 'i
ri9wjk vavtMan a a?a
hopper apooa holder belonging to
Mr8-- Farmer - aUo attracted at-
A table of milk glass Including
owls, - chickens and other orna-. aable pieces were on display dur
mental pieces. ' -- . lag the day. .
r . J- ,
I -rf III 111 I I rv I II II II li
TO. Enteiiaill
. .." -... -r . -
. Mr. and . Mr.. Gardner Knapp hosts to. members or tneir
dinner club on Sunday at taeir ,
home on caemeaeu. street. ; v
Clab personnel is: Mr. aaa atra.
Tloyd . BowersM.; d Mra.
BJarne Erlckson; Mr. and Mr.,
. .. . . aa
Charles Felke, Mr. and Mrs. B. 'i.
Tl-.1.v Vfr and - Mrs. H1TOM
7 "mm. "a yir fiardaar
Ladd,- Mr.- and Mra. Gardaer
. ' a
; Wo-e.'. Ho Iioary
eietoTthe Jason ,lehurcU
ii.. r, . -
at 1:15 o'clock at the heme of
Mrs. Erp at ISM North Wlater
.treet, Mra. Carl Oele wUl be la
charge of .devoUona, and Mrs.
Gordoa Black will glrm 'm chapter
from the .tady book. , . .
- ; ; .
Mrs. H. C Leavenworth re-
turned yesterday from San Fran-
Cisco where she. has been vialtlag
ner oaagater atise Mtnia mtik
-Mrs. Lowell Kern's- anlque
French glass bottles, one ta tbe
form of a hand holding a pistol,
with the murrle as the neck of
the bottle, another a girl tand-
lng on her head, and yet another
a lighthouse.
Clear Flint glass compote sets,
One Jrom the collection of Mr.
.mv. uvi.. uu - ... . j u..
mother's; a stemmed bowl in the
ii-iju wwuu uj .
E. Kirk, and a set including the
compote dish and six Individual
A dahlia Ink well, came from
tbe. original stock of the Com
mercial book store.
Miss Dorothea Steusloft's glass
cup and saucer, souvenir of tbe
Columbian exposition of It 93 and
other interesting pieces,
Several Bohemian glass pieces,
red with etched 'designs, loaned
y Mrs Rom.!, Catlln and Mrs.
rail K spears.
A tabla of
- - - - - louTrMn
g,0 ' r ? tn? ."on of
"""lu iu, nuita on a
n!., 'V'. . .
ssin t a imiihi(L si . .
. i. V- . , am,um .aneiy
In shape. Several pieces
of Spanish lace glass also In-
eluded In the collection.
' Many other lnterestinr and vsl.
J i tivii
V "Tt 111 1 1 I I l .11 in 111
Hear of Lilies
Those Interested fa lUy culture
wlUflnd information al the -.
. m . - . . '
- .
- on Moaday night at I o'clock In
the chamber of commerce rooms.
w irb aaa nnin an sr wsmawaa i s s . .
- Mr. Edgar L. Klefn of Oi.,a
t,. .... '
T.t1 7.. . 1 na the
m will have book, on the
.a eject on display. Miss Kith-
r7 unnueii win snow-colored
. ft? 5
Mh of tb. Little Garden clab
of Salem Heights are arranaiaa a
fj'r I hrysaathe-
m how they ar-
yesterday and today at the
cbaraber Of commerce.
,.GU l th eetlns are la-
I10 hrin anything in the way
of fall flowers found In their
tden ' Oii the committee are
A Scott, :Mias Mabel
Cielghton aad .Mia.. Oda Chap-
wu. vu wmuuwi ana non-mem-
hers are Invited.
i :