I; i! i a'ti'CiEGON GXATESAN, Cslzai Orerca; Satnrday Mornfaff, Nove-aber 4, PAGE aw . Ikelt Place 'foir BiuiviMMSeMm EUgS 9 C7' Mar TO I I i I H Statesman. Clzssitietl -Ads Call 9101 Osaaifled Advertising: ill re insertions per lis 25e Six Insertions per Un 4c One month per llne?tl.25 Minimum charge 25c; 2 tL mtn - hnam 55c; C tl. min. 45c No refunds. , . Copy for this im accepted until 1:34 th. evening before publica tion - for classification. Copy re 'solved after thi Urn will be ran under th heading "Too Late to Claeai-y." . . . . ' The Btilinin' unnM ttaa- elal responaibillty for error which may appear m aaverosemenT thjw llahed in Us columns, and in rase where th'.e paoer Is at fault will re print that part of an. advertisement In which the typographical mistake The Sta teaman reeervee the right to reject questionable advertising;. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind- Ad an ad containing a Statesman boa bush her lor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity of an adver User using a "Blind ad. Livestock - DEAD AND wotthk-s picked op free. Ph. wiled 44U Montcomery Rend Waa Help Wanted lit wkkkut umm cellar, shed We bay. lie lb. World's largest company FREE Bnrm. sjaso fonma 801ft Pec end Seattle Wash, . Help WantedFetnale EXPERIENCED H O T7SSKKKFER for permanent position, references re quired. Telephone Mrs. Herman Lafky. 4088 or 6943 for appointment. Situations Wanted ; DRKSSMAK SfKS Cji M( 414 PAPER. PAtNT. L. Johnson, lilt, i JARD GARDEN work. Ph. 491 nom i sv a oay. rnont iim mi 8 Com'L CARP.. REPAIR., new work. 4514. HODSKWORK. PAT or hour. Phone 577, HOUR WORK or take care of child ren by hour. Phone 8(49 TWO NURSES wish work by hour. day. or week. Call. 8924 after a. CARPENTER, RPR, new wrk. 4584. CEMETERY LOTS planted to moss. ITuaraateed growth, reaa. Write B. H. Smith. 41 S. Com'L -.- i-. . - FARM WORK, wanted. Experien ced, c B. Keaaier. KU 1, A loan y, ore. For Sale Miscellaneous Btkoe A Rep RjimwtM 149 Uk CASH FOR nsed tarn. Ph. 111. WESTTNGHOCSB WASHERS. U per month. TEATER A RUSH CO. 255 K. Liberty Next. To Power C. WASHER SPECIAL this week. New II4.S Magnetic, now 119.94. Other washers low as ill Guar. Hoes Bros, APPLES, VARIETIES, 2Se op. 1 mile Wallace Road. Ph. 9F1L Fratra. CASH REGISTER. Adding machine. Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Seal service. AH makes sold rented, swapped. Roen Typewriter Exchange. 4S Court 1 WESTING HOUSE RANGE. I -burner. - smooth top. Corox blah speed sm ite. This rang Ilk new. N down pay ment. 22.91 per month Including Inter est. '. '- '-' - TEATER A RUSH CO. ' IIS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. . APPLES. VARIETY. 2111 S. Cottage, HOT POINT RANGE with cooker. two oren snita smooth top. used only lit months: 999.S0 99.89 down, S 9.91 per month. TEATER RUSH CO. SSI N. Liberty Next To Power Oa. ESTATE OAS ranre cost 91S4.94. nsed two yea-a, now only 949.54. , GOOD HOUSEKEKPfNG - INC. , 4S3 Court Street r?rn wrtnn nnn, irtrta ran- cea, cas tanirea fullr reconditioned. ' TEATER RUSH CO. SSS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. LANG WOOD ranges, brand n 19 discount. - TEATER A RUSH CO. J55 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. ft A LR-.WA LNT7T sheila Be a sack brbiK sacks. Klorfeln Packms Co.. 999 a Hiah. ROTTEN FERTILIZER. Phone 9549. PRESSED HOGS. 12c lb. 249 Center. CD. USED darenport. 24 SS Laurel. saWsfMkssaM99lkaassAa SWEET CORN. 19e doa. by sack. V. .S.- Sawyer, Rt 2. .Turner. WRECKING. 179 S. ComT. Bricks S. lumber, etc. Jack Hennlnoen. PIANO BARGAIN, nice famllr stole, unrlcht. Must be sold quick: will sac rifice.' wm accept small monthly pay ments. 782. Statesman. " MODERNIZE TOUR old wood store or rature with Tnoor oil burner.. Only 915.00. Write. 784. Statesman. - GOOD VIOLIN. Stradlrartua copy. Reasonable. 1980 Hazel Ave. CD. BALED oat nay, 145 Ferry. FTXRXITTJRE. ENL ranse. beater, office desk, rook era. beds, 939 Water. Colored fryers, 12c lb. Ph. 4117. LEONARD REFRIGERA TOR. washina machine, radio, ran. Beauty Rest mattress 4k sptinrs. 939 E. Bush. ONE CTSED Pacifie wond fumac. Good shape. Cheap. Tet 9519. 4 GrtfiDaQ)Ctattsiiia ADVERTtSINa , Western Adrcrtlslag !' EeprtSonUtlTtJi -- Georxe D. Qeee, too,,. .Baa Franclsc Los Angelee, learUr .- eastern Advertlslna -. RepresontaUreSi -' Bryant. OrUTtth a- Brsmsoa. tasv ; I . Chicsro. New. fork . Detroit. . v.. , - rVwten. " Atttt rater at (A PveJeNe el Seises . Oreaoa as Seeoad Csss Hmttm. HaSed every asarasa as BasfKM el tic tit ieata ..' Mtrett. - . SUDSCRIPTION HATC3: Itatl EubsciiptJon Rates la AdTanoa. Wlth'a Or son : Dally and Si i.odaj ala. 49 eentst 8 Ma 81 99 9 sfa 8.sA 1 rear 9i.ee. . &iawber 99 aanfs Ma- or 84.99 toe I rear tn adraa Ier ccy t cents. Newsstands t cents Cy C.ty Carrier t 19 cents cvjsti 17.24 rear ta eJ ranee ta ISixio ad adtacent eeunUaa. Uoney to Loan ! We Lend' You Money WTTB BUBPATMBSNT PlaAJt ARRANGED rt FIT TOOsV OfOlCa ' No En4orcca--No Coxnakcrt-Yonr Siatore Onltr MEPAt AN DAT TO REOVCB COS!. BORROW FROM SALXsTS OLOBQFI AND LA RU EST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERB TOUR NEEDS RJ9 CJUVS PERSONAL ATTKNTIOM AFT KB AS WELL AS BEFORB A LOAJI U IfAiHB. - . General Finance 189 Be, Cosnmerclai St. WHEN CASH Ton want the money Quickly, without delay, without 4 lot of questions be ing; asked of friends, relatives, or your emptoyar. Tea want your questions re aaxdlnsr tea plans answered frankly, courteously, and In th privacy of an Inner office. Sou 4 atet want other people knowing your business. . TOU WANT LOW BATES AND EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS ; t 4.02 per mo. repays I 40.09 hi 12 mo. f 4.72 per sao. Tepsys $ (5.00 in II mo. $12.44 per mo. repays 8200.00 in 20 ma Tea want the privilege of paylna r ee pay your loan taster ana thus redoce the-ront. Tear sranta roar xteedm. and roar desirs in nodsratnod trv Vttm rfMi4Ma os oar sauce, act oa xooay tor m. uomptete uwn seme that will really help. reopia wiva moaesc income PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY Rm. 241. Ind floor. First National Bank Buildina .' : - Oreejoa Fhon 4448. BENJ. FRANBXIN FEDERAL Home Loan with reserve pro tact Ion clause. The most desirable loan In Orecon. AraHabi for waOdlnsj. Modernisms, reftnanornc See F. G. DELANO. 299 n. UMircn. For Sale M iscellaneooa FREE KITTENS 1 70S Lee St. STEPPING STONES, ararel tor driveway. laaaOer, doors, window latnee, lore, carpet, otto nam, sss h. unerty. USED BOOKS sacrificed. 477 Court. FDR SALE Youna man'a overcoat. belt style, rood aa new 87.99. Youns lady's coat, nice' and warm, little worn. 94.ee. Underwood typewriter No. 8. rood condition fis.se. pnone esss. MONARCH RNG. in 1st clana shape. Pinpoint hot water front. Ph. 8141. APPLES. ISc BOX. Geo. Thompson. 2nd hae. W. Keiser school, 8. side rd. MOTOR-GLIDE In sd. cond. 18f4 Court fcK. pn. siss. 2-STEEL FILING cabinets. 4 draw ers each. Real bargain. 197 8. Liberty. 1929 OLIVER 79 STANDARD trac tor, rubber Urea, lichts. starter a 2 bot tom 14" plow, all for 9985.00. w lea rner Broa. Rt. 4. Albany. Wanted F iirnitore CASH PAID for furniture. Ph. 4Slt. USED FUR "J. R. Rorgey. Ph. 7441. WANTED. USED furn. Ph. SHOl OLD SEWING machines wanted. Ph il 17. v ' USED FURN, W. Brooks. Ph. 2749, WantrHl Aliscellanons WANTED TO boy tot eaah. 1st a mortaaass real aatatr- enetran a Bnerrenansias discount proper, . ; ; r STATE FINANCE COi 144 State .Street Salem nreaoH WANTED FOR cash watnota a fli eert. Also meat M. Klorfetn Pack, nag Caw 29 8 HUth. phon 7992. Bliscellaneoas Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Honrs OR tXARRT SEMLER. DENTIST ! OPTICAL DEPT. la cnarg of Or Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Fra see. Optometrists Adoloh Blda.. Stat Cosamerclal 8211 OVafteBBShjfaajSkjeasBkjfa PRAcrriT'-r mAieins it h t stiff 2aM9sa4aMat9j TURKEY SHOOT. Salem Trapshoot er"s ctab, Sunday. Everybody welcome. For Kent Rooms HOTEI MARION r Soeelal erce'klv and monthly rfc tea to perm eruests Marion Coffee Shop deiidooe meals at low pricea -r riViinnn rinrLnri.ri rxrLrutrLr,rirna" 81 VEPING ROOM. 7X8 Court St. STEAM HEATED rm, 872 N. Cot tage, . . - ., T HOTEI SALEM, low monthly rates 8TM HTD rnuL. kltch. 899 N.' Cot 9swesap4pajSasa VVELX. BRATirrp. nrlv. hAmeiu lsfnn SLEEPING ROOM a Garage. 778 N. Cottage St. $19 mo. . SINGLE ROOM for. man. 815 N. CapUoL MOD. RM. for lady. Hot cold wa ter, close In. ph. 890S or 8979. LARGE, MODERN ROOM Joining sleep, porch. 2 closets. 480 N. 24th St Room and Board RMS.- MEN Table bd. 8S9 Marina BD. a RM. aear P. O. Ph. S4SA RM. a BD. nr. state hse. Ph. 2580. HEATED RMS. a brd.. 188 N. 12th. For Rent Apartments MODERN 4 a t ROOM furnished apartments. Must see to appreciate. Reasonable. T72 No. Winter St . 2 R. FURN. sot- nrlrate bath. Lta hot water, washer 358 Leslie St. ' 8 R. FtTRN, BATH., steam beat.' Kr. 200S No. CapltoL . S RM, FURN. apt. 1209 Court. ' I RM. FURN.. close tn. gar, re frig. Adults. 818 N. Winter. r, , . ; - f AVATT.AB1JC HOT. f mfnmliihad store. Adults. Apply 945 Mill. CLEAN 2 RM. furn. court apt. Prlv. bath, laundry a car. Bus service. 180S uee.Bt.. FtTltM. LGE. nr. to. fcrtehv. prt bath, dress, rnu. stm. bt.. water far. Hsknc rm. 8054 N. CapltoL T AC A NCI. Roberts Apt. Livestock FARMERS .5 ' s e Montgomery 2u Rcnflering 7orks pick s V up, Free of. C h a r g e dead and worthless H o r s e 8 - and Cows -anywhere - in ftne Willamette Valley, ' ;1 We Per Top PrVes . rrxoNTB rs collect tin uxi.ttj Money to Loan. Ua Ma 9VM9 Pbeat 9199 IS NEEDED mare on your account at any time In are especially invitea. 8-118 Stat License M-829 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 8tk FLOOR GUARDIAN BUIIOMN LICENSB NO. M-1B9 FHA LOANS 4H ase prlv. loans A brains a Elite. Inc. . Masoals Bids. PRIVATE MONEY Atrrn Attn tiiih' mini CONTRACTS REFINANCED to to loe pavrneata Monev for stew ar ssssg ears. No arinv m red tap Too win re taja pseasssion of ta vohfeio. JtTO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS . 128 South Oammre9sl Street Pneeis 914A Lie. No. M-1S2 1 st Choice ' From -Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable TernM t 8.92 me. repays 9 40 tn 12 moa, I 7.27 mo. repays $100 In 18 moa, 812.09 mo. repays $180 la 18 moa. $18.18 mo. rSpaye $250 in 18 moa. No cosigners or ; special kind of security needed. The quicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FREE CONSULTATION. TN OUR OF FICE OR AT TOUR HOME WITH. OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OB f MUM Si OUR MR. ENGUSH, -PERSONAL ; Finance Co. Second Floor. New BMgh Bldg. 118 Stats Street. Salem. Orcms State License Numbers S-122 M-141 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONET ON TOUR CAR ' V XvmrlPI AiM C JS XvJUR PRESENT BALANCE -; EAST TERMS - NO DELAT ' TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORP. . M-225 . MERRILL D. 0HLLN6 . INSURANCE Phone 9494 S7I State Street-rSalem, Oregon Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED oa farm and etty property. Befor bofrwtn Inquire a Hawkins A Roberta, WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN o coed 8al real lWIH pay 4 Interest. W. EL OR H. GRABBNHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments CLOSE IN. 291 N. Commercial St. ' ONB RM mA bl.k..i. .t nlshed apt, elec. refrla.. autnmstte heet emnlny4 eirls preferred. J near capltoL Winnie Peftylohn. 148 N 14th .or Tet 4 5 14 for nnnnlnrmewe RM. TJNFLTRN. Lights, water Maytag. $1. I4t0 Ferry. NEWLY FURN. 9 rm, 495 N. 17th. Ph. 7822 evea 4432 days, ...... sesaahaaasaassasasajsaaakan NICE FURN. 2 R-. 599 Union. 21 RM, $10 A $11. LIGHTS, wa ter, heat. 142 Court Ph. 8437. APTS. CHILD welcome. 1219 & 12. FURN. APTS. ' 25S Division Street- PRIVATE. CLOSE IN. clean home 4 rm, prtv. bath a gar. 1947 & Cornl nme avrt rnr ..., .... m.a warm. Adnlta 848 Ferry. . PATTON APTS.' 499 Ktsta ishd Adults nly Ph 8944 seaseeeasaSaasseaaaSaaaesaaaaaasxPB SEX THE Fisher Apts before roa decide. Largs a Atrv. RotItsmoI In s la ted against beat A cold. Venetlae Blind throoahout. A Ceml A Oak Sta COMFORTA BLBL - H O M - I.IK h eniMmakle. Hawthorn Ctmrt. 1000 V -SMtont St. . - . - - FURN-UNFTTRN 489 Front 1201 aOpttpstkseksStjaa ROOM PRI. bath; 2 room. $1830 1488 Center. 2 RM, 1st floor. 483 Marloa. t resaaaassaaaaaaaaaaajaSajaajJsaaaen - CLOSE TN C rm. mod, apt. Xnq. Ill N. Liberty. Ph. 8SS9. 4aSkaakjaseasSs8?ss FURN. APTS, 181 N. 12th. FT7RN. S Bit PrL bath. 411 N. Sons. " 1 RM. FURN. APT, Ckiesj to Capitol Bids. Lights, beat' water. Hi H CapltoL - ,. k ' FURN. APT. 111S Mill St. I.B1L APT. mrrthln. fnrnfailwA Oaa. garage, adnlta 919.50. 819 Jadaoa at & High, Ph. 3ta. Ll.LrOrrO' 1 TtI APT Pnllm,. Vll.)i.. 7MV fumlllwJ. Wnnua Mr Hrla Mil. 1111 LOak Bt r NICE FURN. 2 R, 599 Union. ATTRACTIVE LARGE - famished spt, best private bath, refrigerator, garage, 1720 N. Cottage EL . LOVELT VOTERV timlnhmA corner ept H W. beat laundry, ga. rage, .. . snone 9413. - OLTI'PIO APABTUFNT - 9 RM. t URN, aipt vneant Deo, y. e TtnrkM nrnwionrn . i. 404 N. Church. tl FEB MONTH. 15$ BeUvue, For CenlApartmests S B. HEATED. 444 & dsn. 145 Miller. RMS, W. Salem, $9. Ph. Till. For Rent Houses FUBNlSHttD AND anfam. EL K. 41RANT 839 Court. 414A NER. 12U K. Capltoi Bt Waters Phone 418u NEW MOD. 4. 288 K. 14th. FURN. I RM. duplex. 251 Center. from bus line. TeL 2082, evenings. Ph. 2181 ; after I, phone I4-F-12. 1 Church. S RM. FURN. 1744v Broadway. Stacey Foa Farm. Call McClary. Ph. 1129. Phone 7113. FURN. 2 RMS. L, W car, $18. trict R. ' A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol . place, 2 bedrooms. $20 month. rms. near Leslie. 320. a E. RAE, REALTOR, 1281 Phon 8781 house, garage. 310 mo, TeL 8738. 5595 or 8982. 8 ROOM HOUSE n i Oregon. I ROOM i FURNISHED cottage. CHAS. HUDKINS. TeL 9494 . 7 ROOMS FOB S35 8ub. rental f $15. j ALSO . I rooms furnished $35. . Can Mrs. Ellis with CKILDS a MIT.I.KR. REALTORS 244 State Street. Phone 921 43saPsBaissJapsa 2 RM. HSE, gar. Ph. 7197. For Rent aoafre room 209 Tot 2718. 2241 HaseL rh. 7444. Wanted to Rent . small groc Box 785, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate Wl HAVB THB PROSPECT D7. TOO . want ta lease, rent see Mr. La Ua with Hawkins TBADB cart somes. Opportunities in eaehantre. HAWKINS a ROBERTa INC WHT RENT w! bay as ebaaory a new Beatricted district 1 Mock from line. Owner 5508 Ease term. clng and construction. SALEM LAND A BUILDING CO. 219 Oregon Bids. Phon 890: SALEM LAND a BUILDING Ca 111 Orecon Bids. . 0As1asensajeekass tllH State. 29,saaBaeaasJBl DISTANT OWNER SAYS "SELL" 8. ROOM bouse with per mo. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 244 Stats St Phon 9241. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A NEAT little suburban hoi Price $2200. Cash $300. BaL easy. See Mr. Chllds with CHILDS a MILLER, REALTORS 844 State St Phone 924 ss,4a90g3eaakjBanas FOR SALE IKING CITY A vaUer acr with 7 room plastered house- ?ric for quick sale, only $2950 wit 500. down baL like rent Call Mrs. Ellis With CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 244 State St Phone 924 ment . - -. . .. 4-room house basemenf con veniently close In small down pay ment, szs.oo per montn. . dows in 959.00 , down $15.00 montn. :- ABRAMS A ELLIS, INC. Phone 4155411 Mason io Bids, . fialam. Ortterat . cash. See Lsrsen. - - HAWKINS a ROBERTS. INC or Inquire at 1711 N. 17tn St T R. HSE, PRACTICALLT lay eastlr be snndo Into duolez. am. Urn back ri U. bl a. ta line. Must sell la the next few i $2900. $150 down, baL like rent 14 down, can boirow the balai F. H. WEIR. SIX Ores. Bldg. Fh. 9411 Exchange Real Estate HOUSE TOO bur for another A so will sett or trad 8 lots A T room bouse ta N. Salem for smaller bom ta tall town, to 11240 00. 8eo Lers HAWKIKJ a ROBERTS. INC Vantedr-r-Ue&l Lslato REAL ESTATE llstlnn wanted tL J. Lindsrea, ill & UKa. Tel. ISIt. For SaleFarms v For Sale Used Cars TOUR -CHOICE 125 A, Folk or . Tamhlll county. Real farm at a price , , ," .. ttttUai2t.n. ! UNBEATABLE BUYS j rn-- -inn ri.ii. n. n.nj j .-.-.r- --j-ij-.nj-j jr0 -39 Ford Tudor Sed. $625 iii K?cStoi ., 38 Ford Coupe -$515 Acreage , '34 Cher. I. W. B. . - j poultry a cows Trucks i p'L. $145 sol ScreonSort Sevei Sedans $25 - $75 house, eleetrlo water system, two large poultry Bouses, good small barn, dou- . . nttT ?5Lft?$S Jronl VALLEY MOTOR CO. im . in. the Clove rdal district T . T . ?rce $ si oo. cash 81909. Lot: Marion and L-bertT ALFRED DUKBECK, 141 N. Ceea'l, -V 1 J titlr"'" YOUR BUICK D1-U.ER an"Jt wrrd?0. Tor Over 34 Years 90 A. nice oak timber. 19 ml from ' Bm,taaal road, easy to get out good a a Hi? . , , ' OUR USED CARS ARB AT AN ALL- 5 A, 2H mL from Salem, 4 rm. house, TIME HIGH FOR QUALITY barn, excellent sol, all year creek. . 11,760, $150 down. jaia BUICK TOWN SEDAN MONEY TO LOAN AT I PER CENT fri ifcw'IUi rsdlo A heater. -.JiLXPLJOItNSON- REALTOR Tha only reason we were able 73 Court St Phone 3733. to buy It the owner waa making wewwwww trip to the en st aax- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1929PONTIAC' DeLUXE COUPE II ACRES ON Wallace Road, fruit gipd I wtthopera seat radio, and nuts. I room house, basement A pad many other extras. Party furnace, rarag and barn. Priced at exchanged only because they peed oalj-JKl.?ZtXeJZ. reasonable terms. more room and bought a 8-pass, MflT I2l1tor - Coupa 8.0 ' 419 Oregon Bunding . Pboni 9121. 1988 CHRYSLER'- C ROYAL TOUR- w . wiiww, .mwwwiiwww ING SEDAN Again the only '..'! -.- reason we got this outstanding ' v LOOK buy was due to the family xnak- . -PfJF "1, W0 J?0- toS Strip east ,Mmi... $7l H ACRES, good rm. house, barn. ' ?ft' 5hc,ken beua. trait boas and 1933 CHEV. TOURING SEDAN $448 woodshed, lights, and water ayatetn. lJS BUICK SEDAN 3750 5B.?Tl1Ci 1 fron high school. 1984 BUICK SEDAN 9545 . ! 'lW0-V ! PONTIAC SEDAN $748 ' , P92 1 nn. noMse and garage, nice 1934 PONTIAC SEDAN Q4ss lot fine location. Pric $3350. Will 1938 PONTIAC SEDAN 8438 . VlBiUnd or a lot for equity. 1932 CHEVROLET S ED AN 9 188 ' ACRES; about 12 acres In culti- Utf GRAHAM COUPE $441 TonvJ,ma bouse, barn, electricity. . socn fruit and berries, small creek. ALSO SEVERAL CHEAP CARS . oner'2f bargain at 31460. FROM $36 TO $75 R OSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. . 1 114fc No. Coaunrcial 8tzt , Sabnrfasn OTTO J. WILSON j -"em - - 221 N. Commercial Phone 141 L , SUBURBAN HOME of 4 room, pear "'""'" ' ' ' " ' ' ''''' -LLl-L ruLnnJ, temrisomocss'UuncV Antomohiles & Trucks , payments: New home of 8 rooms, ex- iHntJifT' r"lced at tiiQ0' OBjy ,,e 1919Vord Coach O. E. RAE, REALTOR, 1255 Stale 8t . 1931 Pontlac like new Phon 4781 1984 Ford Coupe , , . ' ' 1939 G, JnTXC. H-ton panel Wanted -Heal Estate i cLkup . 17 CbevroletXPIckup HSE. TO $1800 cash. Ph. 7112. r 1927 G. M. C Pickup mw.i.wWWiW ., . i.,i,i,i,i,WiW Federal two-ten with trailing aalo - Federal ltt -2. excellent condition A.CT QUICK . Others to select from. Come tn and IF TOU are tha owner of a modern look tbem over. , bungalow, fiva rooma, with two bed- .noVnvno?-.,. JAMES H. MAEENC0. 217 STATE 8TREET Basin ess Opportunities :-TV-r-r - 1920 BUICK -40" 8-CYL. Cpe.. good CONSOUDATION of two manufae. iffi?' h"tor' ' I3". .aiJ1. .'if. .h! 'T wrk. partner. wwowmwwmmwwvwwwmwwm 11300 to $2600 red, Bx. 791. Statesman. -w..www. , ............... ,-,...t MODEL A PANEL, prL own, bar STORK ' BUILDING with basement m Markt- ph- 0- jnafV.DtL.inr. JlV1 L 27 FD COUPE-1941 F-lr- 's9saaaaaankaa.aakesaanMa a- - - "anarkraTlJbAnjiJTjr W1 BEAUTT OPERATOR with small "wyuBmVrKlRDrZ amount of capital to manage chain JilGIiI?S.RI?7??H: beauty salon to open tn your city tn 2b..VHt OWBr 1718 rket tha near future. Give age. experience. ir ' : . vt chrSera SACRIFICE FOR quick sale, 1988 gx TI2?yitoSsT yrd Coach with radio. Cajl Slit. , ' J SALEONE chair barber shop. Pay Wanted -Used CaiS - toe; welL 80m terms. West Salem nww vrvu w Bbop. 1118 Edgewater St - - f??" au WANTED BEST car $49 will buy WE NEED $2000 for business ex- sacoad house north of Mitchell's Four pension on royalty basis of daily sales, Csrner. Four income $40.00 month guaranteed. pp'i'ty of doubling, rood security. Personal Box 729. Statesman. rrwMI RENT SUPER service sta. resoo- LOT4ELTV "WORTHWHIUT sweet attte la Albany: ref. Box 738. States- heart husband, wife for von. P. a Bos !:. . - f L Los Aageleo , i.riri-i- -1 1- -i.r - - "1 1 u li'i.i i.ri.n.ri.rLruLLnj" x ji.n j . BUSINESS LOCATION.residencs. I BEAUTIFUL, LITTLE horn of I room arrtment A store bldg- 80x80, rooms near the Salem high school, safor $2500. Phone owner. 2115. $500.04 cash, balance $21.00 monthly. i.,......., . m.m.m G.. KRLTEGER, 147 N. Com'L 8t MANUFACTURING CONCERN t-t I aaeaksaaeaaakeaaaaaas Pt?n! dere roan with $1600 to JOIN THE Lonesome .Correspond- 7.iI"?-T' tBtmr" ciub- F. O. Box 837, Portland. Ore. est la on sin a. Box 799, Statesman. - GENTLEMEN THB Lonesome Cor rFr Sal4 Wood rpden c.ubphny Udiea WOOD. Ph. 1271 Graeo. 411 N. list T---.-.-... -.1-.-. mm " .-..I . i-ij-u-u- - - v 1 FsnsDorTaiion OAK A Ind growth. 8790. Bradley. : --m. . WANTED. RIDE to Nebr. Two pes-4 MTWOOa Phone 4211. seagara. Share exp. . 1416 N. Winter. 'mwwwwwwww . - i-iv,mnrimnftjmnnAiwui ASH A. FIR, Ph. 8820 Ashcraft . ROOM FOR one lady passenger to - . 1. i.n . . 1- ,ii.ii.iiW,Wii,imw- share expenses to Los Angeles. C'1 WOOD DRY wood. aU ktnda Phone Sat or Sun. 410 M1U. 4488 or 0540. - " 14- old fir. $5-35.50: it- sid. Automobiles Old fir knots, $5.00. Phone 9454. ' '$9 FORD V-4 4 -dr. DeLuxs. 9000 Woevl Sawina ml, $740 ; prlv. family. Ph. 4434. - WOOD sAwiNa Ed sproed. p. tssA jnred in Accident 920 n. COM'L, TEL, 2522. ; LEBANON Two Lebanon real- , t . . - , dents wero sllshtljr Injured Thura. LMl and ronnd dsy la a collision, Mrs. L E. Gay- , ... . "O' nd Jimmy Andres received LOST. FOUNTAIN pea black with head ininrlea vkm Ifn p..-., gold trim. Initialed J. E. W. valued Z-.VZL 51. . yD ' aa keepeake. Reward j E, Wood solns rest os Oak street la a ear, board of controL - . wUIded with Mr. Andrews, coins LOST, GREEN slpper pura. money jj0.1 Btriet ta and receipts reward 497 S. CapltoL olvry truCK, . v ' r Businesis Directory Oartls la ctila dlrrrtorj ma T-tTr- ' . oa a saerithly oasis oaiy. fllattresses Balet SI per .Itae pev moath. 8ALXU RUO mn4 . . 1 factory. NEW MATTRESS made AtltO Brakes ? remade: earpet eteeataa ' statast fluff rug ares ring, a 19th A aflko Panek 379 ao-.h Cwanx-reksi ZZ.T$tfUt ' W,Clt : Bicycles ' ? capitoi' bei hino ca phon tosg BlUTlAJES, NEW and reeoodltlooed WatliropaiJlie PhyaJrlajn Harry WlcMt III a Casat P 4619 ' J Chimney Sweep .r'&XXr& f ELEPHONS 4461 B B Mortnness Tuft CON8U, TA eaaaanaBBBBBBSBBBaBBBp pipxa REs:nAov Pfa'Ittg . PapCTlisrins Ray L, Farmer Hdwr. C Ph.. 644 A , ,.,,,, Zlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmLmmm LOW. nrlces PH. Tilt, v;i ' - Chiropraetcrs rristla ' DR. a L, POrri PPC CTHrssrnsiat FOB BTATtONKBt eoedSi a a Tin n his 84 N. Mich. Tat- Steo, 91 A . seavaan Seeks r any kind g'prtoe- aag. ens The OHoiaemao Prtattag Do . ssurtsseot 111 S CommetwkU. Teas- i "', ExcaTstlr 0IL BKCAVATINO Of tl ateda. Pas. jJawdnst mMta do. Dirt healed nsoved. Dtrt . fee sale. Balsas Sand and Gravel Oa SCREENED. Can 4JaIlaa. 1742. collect Phone 9441 . 1 x Stove Repajrigg -I RIaPmlopirg ;; orrov, R.nna. .i cweketa. m itOLU ii ota ro ans lit; - TMMte, ., ; - m : Traaofev C. TroHt. 4 rwrttead sHe BreRhasprsv 447 Coort Faane till ' ' BOTTNg banllng. best rates. P. 8534. j XMtuifirle citt transfer. 4411. XUas, rata. THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY Well lr4Hrtg tds WEiDsa LAU.NDax ' . m s ixus Tii. im a 4. trrzz ft 1 to m ra, u:n Legal Notice ironcE OF FTJCAL ' Koike ts hereby, gi tob last the underslxaed has filed ta tie Coun ty Court of the State of Orafoa. for the) County of Maiioa, his duly 'Termed final sceouat, si Execator of tss last will sad testament and . estata of Cyras Clouser, deceased, and that said Court aaa fixed Tueadsy. the 14th day of November, ltlt, at the hour of tea o'dockAJd. of said day, as tha time, and tha County Court Room la Jha Con sty Cosrt Hone at Salem, ta Marlon Coaa ty. Oregon, as the place for hear lag said final account aad all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem; Orecon, this 14th day of October, 1131. B. J. TEEL. Executor of the last will aad to element and Estata of Cyrus Clouser, Deceased GLOVER tt LAM KIN, - Attorneys for Executor, Salem, Orecon. O. 14-J1-2I N. 4-11 JXCUTORS ' NOTICE OP APPCTMICST Notice Is hereby siren that tha imderstcned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the 8ute of Orocoa. for tha County of Marlon, aa Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Ellxa J. Morley, de ceased, and that ha has duly Qualified aa such Executor: all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me. at the office of Glover JY Lamktn. say attorneys, 10S Orecon Bulldiac Salem. Mar lon County, Oregon, wlthla alx months from the date of this aotlce. Dated t Salem. Oregon, this lta day of October. 1 111. , 40HN E. MORLET, as Executor of the last will and testament aad estate of Ellsa J. Morley, Deceased. OLOVER A LAM KIN, i Attorneys for Executor, C , Salem, Orecon. O 14-Z1-.2S N. 4-11. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned by nn order of tho County Court of tha State of Orecon, for tho County of Marlon, duly made and entered oa tho Ird day of November, list, was appointed as Administrator of the Estate of Minnie C. Brooks, deceased, and that Letters of Ad ministration have issued to him. All persons ha vine claims against said estate are herehv I notified to present tha same, duly eruiea as required, Dy law to tha undersigned at tha of flea of Dwlshi Lear, 202 Orecon Bulld lnc. taetha -City of Salem, Marlon County, Orecon. on or bet ore six months from tha data of tha first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 4th day of November, list. -, CHARLIE BROOKS. Administrator of tha Es - tats of Minnie C. Brooks, Deceased. D WIGHT LEAR, Attorney for Administrator, 202 Orecon Bnlldlnc,' Salem, Orecon. - N 4, 11, IS, 25 ,2. Sirs. Taylor Recovering rOX VALLEY Word from Mrs. Nora Taylor, who is In Sa lem coavalescluc from a major operation, stated she waa feellsa Quite well and expects to bo able to resume her . work aa teacher at Weasel Flat la the near future. Cross Word Puzzle 2 16 10 1 21 22 2 2S 27 28 53 36 37 3? ft HI HORIZONTAL 1 portico 8 Petty falsehood a crust on the . surface of s . aore 12 oven 13 bird of the cuckoo family 14 41 snap of three 15 insertlnx 29 eiogie units 40 " make 44 delights 44 gifted 48 hersJdle bearing- v 42 feminine - name . SO lisnonso in small quantitiea 81 biennlAl plant 82 aimpletoa U bridg 17 weird IS ' rsnns of Old WorU trees ft auntod 22 a deep snore I- Uerewith is the solution to tcrdxrs tmxda. It-M A t rU N xri 1 I I IUO I an w4n- - f 4)1 -y4i"" 3IMIII2 - - immk -1 1 I 4 4 . Tfcj aT:q a vt n 1 i 1 -)'' "I ' i re. 4- - T 44 rolled for - smoldng 23 wrath 2 succulent fruit W masculine 21 weep 22 haul X3 Gaelic . sea-god ZiA Und- saalWi t a 4) i f rS stride 21 buxwl &3 11 prcyot-Uoa Biiday Club . Plans Bazaar WEST STATION Wednesday afternoon tha Birthday club was j eatertalned at the McClellan hall by tha hostesses, Mrs. Frank Al len and Mrs. Robert Goss. Present were It members and a special Cnest, Larry Goes and son. Jimmy. It waa announced the quilting club would resume their meetings acala for the winter with all-day meeting on November 20, wbea work will be dona oa the Qillt for the -bazaar that Is to.be sold m the near' future for the benefit of tho hot school lunches. Mrs. Howard Gilbert and Mrs. Edwsrd Uankel will bo the next to enter tain the club at the former's home, November IS. Mrs. King Named Atmliary Officer SILVXRTON Mrs. Lncile Kins waa elected. 11-month trustee at the Veterans, of Foreign Wars auxiliary at Its Wednesday night meetlnc. Mrs. Lester Standard Is tho retirlag trustee. Mrs. Henry Johnson and Mrs. King were In stalled by Mrs. Standard as the flag and banner bearers. The auxiliary also voted to send tho annual check to the Parent Teacher association milk fund and to assist the Red Cross with sew ing. Tho Invitation of the Legion to participate la the Armistice day parade waa accepted. Mrs. Esther Long, president, ap pelated Mrs. Frank Flerst and Mrs. Elmer Johasoa as captains of tho membership drive. Aurora Woman Will Spend Winter at Stiver SUVER Mrs. Anna Tremsyne of Aurora has come to spend the winter with her daughter, Mr 9. Earl Conkey and care for her small cranddauchter, E a r 1 e n , while Mrs. Conkey runs the store. Mr- Conkey will work In the Mon mouth creamery until spring. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carter - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carter and son, of Santa Rosa, CaliL, are spending; a 10-day vacstlon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carter of Wells. Still Uave Picnics SILVER FALLS 8TATE PARK Rain alone will not keep pic nickers away from the state park, according to the keepers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin. Sunny days la tho early part of the week brought out a large number of tourists, but the lodges, with their kitchen equipment and huge fire places are proving attractive to visitors daring the dsmper days and for evening suppers. Over 200 cars had registered by the middle of the week. OES Plan Dinner INDEPENDENCE Adah chap ter. Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Tuesday night at tho chapter rooms at 7 o'clock for a covered dish dinner served preceding chsp ter. The following committee will set tables, furnish bread, butter, coffee and cream, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Dle trick. Miss Haxel Hughes, Mrs. D. A. Hoag. Miss Mary Donaldson. Mrs. W. T. MeBee and Mrs. Mar. garet Crlder. 1 JIO III it 17 20 23 21 2 32 35 3D HO HI H2 H3 0 C3 VERTICAL S ruide 9 living organism 10 i atmosphere 11 Junior male 15 unit of Urns 3 Confederate general 22 created 23 - roughly elliptical ' . 24 cloth fragments 25 .i the young of the cow 20 notion XT ornamental ure tl topped -22 protects 24 consumed 25 email orlSi XT Impetuous attack 43 a guid!c thread 41 above 42 web-liLe membracs 3rsrai;as 44 position 45 natural substance ' eontiici.-j metal 4 7 h urn mLa f tird . . lightly a surface 2 prone a wide mouLhej Jar 4 tranaposl. tioa f let tars from one word ta another " 5 equitable 6 hostelry T Intolerance 77 L2 VA 6.