.PAGE SIX Game Today to Attract Many Salem Folk A large number of parties are being made upjto motor, to the Oregon State- University of Sou- V avw nlffAmla r tm a In TrtTt. tucau VAlliVl Ue- aiu sa w land this afternoon. Many will re- mxinr in , Portland for . dinners, dances and parties tonight. A Portland hostess has invited the following; Salem couples to a party following the game: Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad. W. Peulus, Mr. and Mrs. James Young, . Mr. and ; Mrs. : Thomas DeBeca IJvesley, rMf. and Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs Roger Mything, and Mr. Carl Gabrlelson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drynan ' will attend the game and a dance at the Columbia Country club. . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse -A. Fehler and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Fehl er will make un-aparty to motor upntoftfc-gine today and will go on to St. Helens to be guests pf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrns over the weekend. . Legion Women Meeting On Monday The American Legion auxiliary; will meet at the Fraternal temple Monday at 8 o'clock and plans for Armistice . day will be completed wun several interesting speakers on the program. Mrs. Frank Waters, who attend- ed the national convention in Chi- wlhilght. of the TconvenUon! Member, of the auxiliary are taking an active interest in the sale of Christmas seals, and Mr. Tommie Hoxie Christnlas seal sale chairman. 'will rive further detalls of the work. In observance Of National Education week. Mr. iary. .Armistice day will be commem- orated Sunday in the American Lutueran cuurcu oi wmcu ner. P. W. Eriksen is nastor. Members of the auxiliary are planning to meet by the monument at the - m . i.nn J ,Ka maw court nouse ana attena tne rT- ' - - , , F" , iai . alio. . . fnic, wai married -4o-Mr. Edward Lee Ack- -Til 1 -. ... n . rfren ioroy Mansffefd? CaJhe sahg "I Love You Truly" and ,n SlaPP. Jn Speer; and Mes- 1 was accompanied by Miss Mar- dames Tony Painter, Bernlce Tay- garet Prescott. lor. Myrtle Ireland. Benlah Tal- ; . madge. Ralnh Nohlaren J n n . Pattern Wave goodbye to middle-age in this stunning frock. Pattern 3220. Expertly conceived by Anne Adams, It makes the most of your good points, and gives you a won derfully slim figure. The neck line is a graceful, low V a flatter ing line you may accent with a row or tiny buttons. Those deco- xauye scauopea . yofcea together- with the waistline darts. , ,.id fullneae in, through the bustline- keeping your silhouette slender Make the sleeves short or In three- w.v -. w aw ww , uvawie sstv iiuye), There's a bright note in the belt with its stitched-on taba and Ue f contrast. - The double-panelled front slims your hips. ; Pattern 4229 la arallable In women's alses 24. 2ff. 18. 40, 42, 44. 40 and 48. SIse SO Ukes ' yards 89-lnch fabric and U yard contrast Sul riFTEES CENTS (lSe) b coiaa for tkia Ant Aaama patter. Writ plainly 8XZZ. NAME, AJK CHES8 aa 8TTLK HUHBSA. v v Smut elethea azpreaa rear perse alfty. eo tat then b dleUaetWel Vet ANN ADAMS' iSEW PATTI&3 BOOK and caaoM troas ia away a atari atylea ahewa or every ace, type, aad para I Taar ar "bis af traOB" aa "Httle vaiag' atylea J eiee-Tera. Tea'U e atreav ba freeka for th gay Xertie . . . art ktai aa4 atrret wear ... , gilt areaaa accsrie . . . erari. rba fr -4 and toddler t Plaa eriater raeatiea eiornea, a ttlttl wardrobe, aad ifted" hall da y ldeail Order jvqt copy NOW I BOOK riFTBEJI CENTS PATTERN . , TEEN CENTS. BOOK AND FAT TER3C TOQITHIB, TWXJiTT-rTTS CXNTS. - Bead yaar tin t Ta Orerea BUtaaataa, Pattern departaaeat. Get direct relief frost 'Inn ":ee-3rts..c (''if Croat, cheat, bacJe wiufr clinie-teiatad 5ir3 Mr 2 4220 '' CLUB CALENDAR , - t . i ' Saturday, November 4 1 ' WRC at Miller hall. 2 p.m. , : ', . ' -. - " i - ' '" . Monday, iJovember 0 Knight Memorial church, sil ver tea. Peter Mudie, speaker. Richmond PTA open house at . 7:30 p.m. ' I Hal Blbbard auxiliary and YXTw w will meet at the Women clubhouse ! P. m. Monday, November -American Legion auxiliary, Fraternal temple, 8 p.m. Kappa Uelta Alumnae, with Mrs. Ralph Steele, 321 Cascade drive. - . , - )' . Tuesday, November 7 Ht-Y mothers, with Mrs. Gus Moore, 2 p.m. i ; . ' Missouri club auxiliary, with Mrs. Edna Gilkey, 657 South Liberty street, no-host lunch, all-day meeting, f - Ministers' wives with Mrs. John M. Allen, 975 Shipping street, 2 p.m. , , i . ' ' Wednesday, November 8 Woman's Missionary society of First Congregational church, with Mrs. George Rossman, 910 North Capitol street, 2:30 p.m. '. . FOB social club with Mrs. El gar t Zimmerman, 824 Breys avenue, 2 p.m. ! MlSS Ramp Honored at -U'U TJ V-Jllla Home i. . . iuC amy HU UUUUi Thursday at a charmingly lnfor- mai evening arranged by Miss Etta RnH( t th- Tjrt rM.,ant,a The guest list comprised many of her former associate employes with whom she was connected for tita , ""a"""'" Of great interest, and coming as a complete surprise to the assem- bled aroun. was i the annonnp- of Miss Ruth Vivian Corning; to Mr. Waldo D. Kleen of Pratum. Miss Corning is theidaughter of Mr. and Mrs. sNed Corning of Sa- iem. s The announcement was cleverly j, m , x ' .U6 "J LUC IIVBICBB alia TC yealed on a screen with the use of snnoueites aepicung the prospect- Tf bfde nd groom about to leap TirsS ZLZ is... ttamp were: Misses liorna Roach, JlnfT HWIurl Ua..Ja. Tl 1- A n nVt t T?i tuto ,rV , i nomas. Lola. Dumas. Tout pam- lg. Raymond! Roach Loren Snauldins-. Hnrv Vr mi Brasher-end the hostess. Mi Etta. Sutter. . i - j j 1 Valley In the Social Real m DALLAS The; annual tea giv en by the Dallas branch of the Needlework Guild of America was neio. Wednesday at the Presbyterian church. Several-hun - -w dred new garmenU riven br th. memners of thejguUd were on if. tt! .... B6cn;ieraa cnarge of the program i participated in by Dimpy Spaulding, members of Mrs. Dorothy Craven's kinder garten. Miss Harriet Fallen wirier Miss Margaret Pemberton, Miss Margaret LindahL Raymond Van Dyke and Clark Robb. The guild, announces two new directors. Mrs. A. F Toner " anri Mrs. Ivan E. Warner, and a large number .of new members. Clothing, household linens and money received from the mem bers are used to heln tha oraHv of the local community during mo coming months. ' INDEPENDENCE - Saturday auaepenaence woman's club entertained the third district of me uregon federation jot Wom an's clubs as the last of the Octo ber series of conventions of the six districts. u The third district which. in cludes Portland,? reelected vice presidents, Mrs. I. M. Schannep of Salem and Mrs. Ernest Harris of St. Helens, and recording sec- ?t,7 .Mra- LeRoy Mason of Portland. -i v mSStSSSt dent; Mrs? G H MacrJm PnS" land. JZLZL ill: Port: :.UtoHmttZZ. New director, are Mrs. Thelma Stewart of Nehalem and Mrs. Os car Hayter of Dallas. el the Calyary Presbyl terian church served luncheon at VT- j, . ' C. tab! r.v.r - ers. LoyVlv aV - uow" StedtS Kr?fi?i T 4f Harold D Peters vv ,7' tsd afiii'iIrST:, Ir Mlx u min aiyra Montgomery. sk ' - - DALLAS Miss Anne Schmidt, bride-elect, was the guest of hon or when Mrs. Charles Wiedeman Miaa Arlene Voth and Miaa E itfi McFetrldge enUrtaiMJfth a shower at the Wiedeman homt Wednesday. : " Present were Mrs. Frank Ham- ejv Sam - ar a . m miaa Anne Schmidt, Miaa Frieda Schmidt, Miss ,1 M"n' Virginia Peterson! ML" Maxine Rowell, Miss GertI wi mS Uin Etfler Aebi. Miss Minnie iLemberg, Mrs! George Schmidt, Mrs. Arch Mc Fetrldge, Miss Betty Pence. Mrs. Peter Neufeld. .Jr Mrs. Eldon Sams, Miss Mildred Lang. Miaa Velma Schroeder and the nost . eases; . . "It's Economy to Ect Down Toicn" : Complete Dinner 50c Six Marvelous Entrees Including Chops Fish Chicken. -.. Other Complete Dinners 40c - 65c S5c . r r--r'ia Entree) Potatoes Radio programs are worthwhile . during the weekend, with several: symphony programs listed. ; SATURDAY - ; KEX, 7-8:30 Arturo Toscanlni: directs the. NBC Symphony r - cbestra In the second concert of a six-week Beethoven festival: 8ympaoay No. 2, in 0 major. . f Sm phony N. 4, ii B flat major. Leanr OTertur . No. S . " SUNDAY ": ' J ' I KOIN. 12 m-2 p. m. New York - Philharmonic - S y m p hony or chestra; John Barbirolll, con ductor; soloist, Mario Castelnu- ovo-Tedesco, composer-pianist. ' Jatrodoctioa and AllegTO for Striata ' Elrax Concert tet piano and oreheetra. No. 2 (tint time) . CaetelnOTO-Tdeee Overture to 'Twelfth Nigfct'.: .. CaatoBUTo-Todose TekaikoTnky "Ron and Juliet1 VV.V m l a J Kimm eniig "hour; Eugene ormandy. ZMtii!!?101' Jascha He! " - ii a T a Valhalla Warner from "The Khiold' OivMvatia SaLnt-Saeaa . . itr. Heifota wriieatra Karea from Th, Quo,, of Taraateii. Orebestra Thompaem T.o.derV;0 !tt " Iriah air Mm' !!i!!w. Mr. Heifeta and orcheatr. riWi. SiWiw ureneatn l1.?". ... -v.?i!?iB,0, Qf Daughter & Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shreve en tertained a group of young people f nin no Tlnnf 9 nn . . . , . 4V Thursday night to announce the - engagement of t h e i r daughter, Miss Jfiditn snreve to Mr. uavia Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Bat of Rout 5v The eddlQ .r. ..r CQyiCU KIRSU UUUII UIO VTVIUUK. Invited by Mr. and Mrs. Shreve gjjs "V"!?- Bates, Mrs. Fred Bates, Miss El- SSSarSnaX Mlss Katherine Sharpnack. Miss Lois Hymes, Miss Laura Hymes, 1U1M Wlrt Mr Rex WIrt Mr ROIanI uieason, Mr. Jim jnism ana sir. Pro America Will Have Bridge Party Pro-America, women's republi- can organization of Marion coun- ty will sponsor a benefit bridge party, November 16 at 8 p. m. in the Salem-Woman's clubhouse. ; Mrs. R. L. Wright, president of the organization has named the . . " 7 . Attai w m m t ht Trass Tnimwinsr ai 1 1 ra of the following com- m".f . -il" 4 - i w i mittees: telephone, Mrs. Floyd propp; tea. Mrs. Harold Prultt. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Floyd Headrtea at 4946. Mehama Woman's aiib Plan Bazaar UEHAMA The Mehama Wom an's club met Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Rus sell Wilson and Mrs. John Tee ters." Twenty two members were present. December 2 was the date set for a bazaar to be held at the new school house ia Mehama. The club's aim this year Is the better ment of their school. The pur- nosa of the bazaar is to raise money - to buy a piano for the school. The delegates who attended the convention at Union Hill gave an account of the day. The committee on fancy work for the bazaar showed what they had chosen and members selected pieces to work on. The club will meet with Mrs. Drsel Wilson Wednesday after noon, November 8, and with Mrs. Roy Phillppi Thursday, night fol lowing tec do needlework for the bazaar. The regular meeting will be an all-day meting and a lunch November IS with Mrs. Rex Klnv aey. ; - . ; . Boy Sentenced To Three Years DALLAS Lester. Daniel Wea ver, 17, was sentenced to three years in the Oregon state peniten tiary by Circuit Judge Arlie O. Walker here Tuesday afternoon. Weaver, who had escaped from the state - training school, was charged with stealing an automo bile at Mt. Angel and 'coming on to West alem , where he was charged with taking money from a dwelling. He pleaded guilty. Return From Alaska WALDO HILLS Waldo and Norman Rue have returned from Alaska, where they have been em ployed during the summer. They win ee at tne borne of their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Rue, duriner the winter. Drink Rolls and Jam A la Mode Desserts The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, UAXINE BUREN !' . ' V' X" I l ..jrtv.A.A, vw.,...........,.. '1rr--ir-t--ft i A Warsfssni r-i Mmmmammimmaamm ' NEW RESIDENTS two more in the series of active Willamette nniverslty freshmen who will live In Salem for the next four years. Left fs Kathleen Bloom, right is r Freshmen at Willamette From North, Sooth lamette university, new to the campus, are Kathleen Bloom and William Nesbitt. Kathleen, came from Nebraska to portiana where she went to Waverley high school. Although e d "reVunaVof wlfrtitV. fcnnS -XL t. u lelfnin5. hndre n? ..U oi ousmess. um oi nign acnooi 'or seven years she has worked In the Truck Exchange in Port- Und ud Angeles, to make Cap, Gown Planning Banquet Monday Can and Gown will entertain Un... . n.11 .tit. , . , a formal dinner honorinar the freshman girls who won scholar- ghips to Willamette. Miss Edna Thoman, president of the organ- nation. wUl act a. toastmistress. xf lIC", ZiY' mm uumnura, JU1H Irene Christie. Miss Barbara Gear- Jffi- JS&JSr MU Rebekah F tnam Miss Mar- ifiL Sc-rothy inn PaZiofk and Miss Dorothy Ann Paddock, and Miss Delma Jean Jones. & -t. - uuo Brace Baxter, Dr. Helen Pearce, . Mrs. iaui wauace, aliss Irma Oehler and Mrs. Chester P. Lu- irs. r-aui wauace, aiiss irma ther. The hostesses are: Miss Edna Thoman, Miss Elizabeth James, Miss Dorothy Wright. Miss Olive Clemeg and Miss Verna Vosper. km s A xoaay cap and Gown members with Miss Olive Dahl will ro to McMlnnvllle to meet the LInfleld group. The Willamette girls will be-' entertained with a luncheon in Failiag hall following a tour - of the campus. American war aiotners are lanniV7 .t tZ r. 7V n ,7k services at the American Luther- an church on Sunday morning, at me mTuauon or ev. tr. w. .na sen. pastor of the church. Reward Offered For Sheep Thief SCIO Reward offered by J D. Densmore, sr., for the arrest and conviction of the party who allegedly stole a registered buck sheep from his place has failed thus far to produce the anlmaL The buck was the property of J. L. Rodgers of Albany, former Sclo sheepman, and was being pastured at the Densmore resi dence on the northwest outskirts of Sclo at the time of Its disap pearance. Lions at Dallas Sponsor Magician DALLAS The Dallas Lions club will sponsor a show, with Birch, the master magician, and his company at a performance to be given at the Dallas high school auditorium on Wednesday night, November 8. Birch will perform' with his many tricks and Illusions. He will aiso attempt to . escape from a wooden box in which he' will be nailed. This box Is on display at the Mountain - States Power com pany office and was constructed at the local mill. i Proceeds which, are received by the Lions club from the show will be used by them for local charity work. School Has Party GERVAIS The upper grade room of the Oervais grade school enjoyed a Hallowe'en party. Tues day afternoon. .Those who wished dressed , up and paraded ; through both rooms. First prise was awarded to AUeen Armstrong. aressed as a witch and - second prize went to Irene Adams, dress ed as a ghost.. After the parade games were played. , .i 9 a ' . Charles of the Bitz ' Special $3.50 . Jar. : vThroat Cream - LOO Afctfrming Today, at j i-- A I .- JWHUer's Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 4, 1939 o o i7twnejT Editor. William NeebltU Come money to further her education. She likes hiking and ping pong. and wants to write story that will bo published. Young William Nesbitt comes from Gardiner where he was president of the high school stu- dent body, played basketball and !S!IS! li faotball and basketball, h.uk.,,.ba11 "d vet ri . , and gray eyes, and will Uke busi- ness administration ette. at Willam- Dakotans Hold Meeting The Salem Dakota - club met WeOneSaSV IOr a nO-OOSl QlllUCr and business meeting. Election of ... UII1CC19 WM) 11C1U UU Mft V.. . Reilly was elected president. Mr. IhvlilJ W a v tvu aa voiuvai u ' Forrest Bouehle, vice president, Mrs. Ferrol Gibson, secretary and Mr. and Mrs. John Robins pub licity. Following the business meet ing a program by the Blind school we7e:Georglana"- YoungrDaM Drier Arlene Barbel. Eugene Greenfield. Chester Barney, Allan Perdue and William Jones. was presented, on tne program -v jiris vrganize Vrroup rl.r inl. A Calvary Ciiurcll On Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jena Svlnth, a group of high and Junior high school girls from the Calvary Baptist church, met d organized a new chapter of AV a W F . S m. WWTS . a . m wona wiae uuua. Those present were: Miss Tom- m7 Alexander, Mrs. " Jens Svlnth, Mrs. Bern Wright, and the Miss- e Barbara Scrafford, Naideen Straw, Betty Ann Willis, June George, Betty Lou Evans, Shirley Kenagy, Doris McReynolds, and iean itae smith. . airs, maicoim uiibert of Port- land was a Salem visitor on Frl- day. She was here to see her aunt, miss Mary Reynolds who lives on Market street. Union Hill Qub Meets Thursday UNION HILL Mrs. Verny D. Scott entertained the members of the Union Hill Woman's club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Miss Sprout of Salem and Mrs. Harley Scott, Maxlne and Lynn and Marjorle Tate were visitors. The next meeting will be No vember 10 at the home of Mrs. W. M. Tat. Return From East BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Overlund and their aon : and daughter, Albert and Lena, and Mrs. H. Flaaten, have returned from a month's visit to the mid west. They went east as far as Chicago. .1 f . .liAt mm- r r IFabcDaD Red Vegetable New Market O tiering RED CAULIFLOWER Is the market's biggest surprise for the morning, and though it's new here, the variety is an old-time fa vorite ' OTHER GREENS are broccoli, spinach, curly kale, mustard greens, lettuce and endive. CABBAGE comes in variety, with red, white. Savoy and Chinese cabbages appearing in most mar kets. - BRUSSELS SPROUTS make an other antomn addition to the veg etable menu possible. GREEN ONIONS, tomatoes and cucumbers are salad vegetable. rnwwrn mTimtnKrq r in the markets for good. the bananas lengthwise, spread over In every store's stock, best - PUMPKINS and squash are at with peanut butte rand put halves proves the popularity of dressmak their best. . back together like a sandwich. lng as a diversion. GREEN AND SHELL BEANS, , Cut the bananas in very thick Piece-goods departments rustle are to be found. slices (about S to the Inch) and with Important stiff silks as per- . CORN is still good. arrange on lettuce leaves.. Arrange fectly keyed to the' bustles, bus- EGG PLANT is a colorful vege- cubes of red anpeeled apples tie-draperies, polonaise a d a p t a- table. ALL THE ROOT vegetables are available, including celery root. GREEN CELERY is good to serve raw or cooked. AMONO the fruits there are several tropical and sub tropical specials. AVOCADOS, fresh pineapple. persimmons, and pomegranates about complete the list. STRAWBERRIES are a local Pr a ... a .rA APPLES are good, with red and yellow Delicious. Kings, Rome Beauties and others being offered by the grocer. A LONG finger-shaped red grape, with an unpronouncabl. fiJSLT "" f0f eating purposes. bananas are on special in most markets. CITRUS FRUITS are In great abundance, as always. , n v-. Father-Son Banquet on a jav aw tycii i. Willamette tmpuS The annual Blue Key father and son banquet was held last night at the First Methodist church. The affair is to honor the fathers of Willamette stu dents, jg -f Dr. Frank Pemberton of the First Methodist church of Dallas was the main speaker and Dr. Bruce R. Baxter gave the ad dress of welcome. Several musical selections were on the program. Following the banquet the fa thers and sons attended the Willamette-San Jose game at Sweet land field. The committee In charge of the banquet was headed by Mr. Wil- . Ham Thomas and assisted by Mr. Cami Oneaaeth. Mr Rrno. w- Hams, Mr. Al Ferrin, Mr. Henry Frantx and Mr. Ed Cone, . - ' Pringle Pleasant Point social club met on Wednesday with Mrs. u. F. Mumm. Present were Mrs. E. G.Clark, Mrs. M. R. Clark, Mrs. u. coates, Mrs.' Vernon Coates, Mrs. C. E. Duf field, Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Miss Grace Rob- ertson, Mrs. C. T. Mumm, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. George Oraben- horst, Mrs. George Guerne, Mrs. P. M. Hllmoe, Mrs. J. W. Keyes. The Salem Photographic Arts club met on Wednesday at the home of Mr. Jo Thompson and planned next year's work and an exhibition to be given soon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Nellie Whereat, the first Tuesdsy in December. Mrs. Ted Paulua and email daughter Miss Jean left Tuesday for their home in Grants Pass. They have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Kuhn the vast two months. Mrs. Ralph Glover has Just re turned from San Francisco where she has been guest of Mrs. Con stance Thompson for the past three weeks. Hah I. Miller .f,:;..;::;-:,:rv::- Famed RsreCUmorier ia Our Corset Department to :.;Today y . . LAST DAY! by this spectators, jeall wonder ikaialfciiiaarbiifr J" f Tail mint" tv at the i fsswesrestrVsnel Phestt for ae i Today's Menu Bananas and peanuts, tomatoes and persimmons and apples and gelatine, combine In salads for the weekend menus. - TODAY I Molded apple and cherry salad Lamb stew Cheese dumplings Broccoli Mince pie ' SUNDAY Tomato-persimmon salad Roast -veal Browned potatoes Buttered celery Apple fritters, pineapple sauce MONDAY Peanut butter-banana salad Broiled bam Baked 8weet potatoes Greenbeans Strawberry sbortcake The banana, peanut butter sal- ad Is a favorite with children. Cut around the bananas, sprinkle with lemon Juice. Bread Pointers Given By Expert When wheat flour and liquid are combined, gluten Is farmed. The dough is kneaded to develop the glnteil lnto a me,hwork which 1 ttrtteh when thedough rises. . . kneading Urn. required to make a smooth, elastic dough which will hold the leavening gas efficiently is from 8 to 10 minutes. Wn kneding begins yeast dough I. rather sticky, but this ' does not indicate that too little flour has been used. As kneading continues, the doughs becomes r , V ' .v Soft doughs m a k e the best breads, so do not use too much flour during kneading. Kneading sort aougns on a pastry cioin or canvas makes them easy to han dle. When yeast dough is ready for molding,' divide into portions for loaves or rolls. Form each portion into a ball and allow to "rest" for 10 to IB minutes. This rest period Improves the shspe of the rolls and loaves, because the dough re covers its resiliency after being punched down. The rolls, there- fore, are easier to handle and will retain their shapes, Gay Colors Used in Basement Room Gay colors are in order when the family builds a game room in the basement. Colors can be much brighter than in more conserva tive rooms of the house, advise decorators. One lively game room is finished with insulating color panels of a pinkish tint on two walls, blending with panels of ap ple green on- the ether two walls They're Ready to Wear! Our Famous Belle-Sharmcer Stockings in Your Own Leg Size s4rcf Carried Right in Stock Btllt-Sbsmtir'i Ui ma4e-to-crdcT but you don't have to wait aa extra minute to get them! We carry these lovely flatterers right in our stock in your own leg size ready for you to step out any rime la prettier legs! Individually sized ; i totttttj leg ia viMh as well as length they c perfectly . where fit Is most important at bl, arnUt, csJft and : Stop in foe your leg size fdj. Here exclusively, of course. rBcUc-Sharmccr Strain-Ease Stodans 1.15 to 1.65 Xtvr Foot Vs9 Mat Number Your Ug tlx bi a Usnt9 BEIT tttfiH. frrmsflk MODin I for mMZmp urdusrw Ladies Are in Style; With . Elegance - Ladies are back in style! Not the frail type that used to swoos around, bruiso easily and be able to sit on their hair, but a new, streamlined kind of lady with modern improvements, who moves graciously, observes the small so cial amenities she wss inclined to disregard since the Iste world war . . . . and who, above a iL harbors a genuine appreciation of the lady like fashions and exquisite swish of silk fabrics made famous by the ladles of the elegant eighths. With this return la the Jsdylifce, we also discover that many wora- en have gone back to making their own clothes, and you'd be surpris ed at the smart looking woman who does make her own. The imnfensely dependable pat- terns of today, and the bnge turn- uons. inir nata luuness ana as sorted flares revived for the mod ern scene. Silk failles sod benga llnes. silk moires, silk taffetss, silk ottomans and in more drama tic vein, sumptuous silk brocades, silk and metal lames, silk satins that could stand alone should the occasion require and silk velvets that are positively breath-taking iui, inn, , n,rn,. displayed or can be had for the asking. v Een5 necessarily go hand In hand with extravagance, becauM for the Womsn who knows her fine seams, the only outlay Is for materials, and a little cash lon w7 toward psylng for the nam wardrobe. 1 Cranberries Make Salad T n i i 111 '"B WOIU Cranberry ring salad fs a re- QnMt from a reader, and here is a recipe for one of the many ver- .inn r h. eai.ii r- CRANBERRY RING SALAD 1 quart cranberries - 2i cups wster V teaspoon salt 1 Vi cups chopped celery 1 tablespoon gelatine In cup cold water 1 cup chopped apples ''a cup chopped nuts Cook cranberries in mater when oft, run through a sieve. Dissolve gelatine in the hot cranberry sauce, and when it begins to thick en, add remaining Ingredients snd mold in a ring. Fill renter with mayonnaise. MACHIXELESS PERM. $2.00 Oil Perm., J(l complete...... True-Ware Perm. $1.00 Rose Perm. Wave Salon 408 Guardian Bid. Plume 7076 liberty dt State DUCHIIS . .it.... frull, CLASSIC ...... . fr pUr:ft wt 1- III MiUer's IVlillers 1 I .!