The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 04, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 4, 1939 -
n a rT trr-trr
M. AUU 11 I 14
JLiOcal News B
Road Laws Compiled Cora"
filiation of all Oregon laws relat
ing: to roads, highways, bridges
and terries has been completed
by the state highway commission.
The compilation is. in book form
and is now. ready for distribution.
The book' contains approximately
153 pages, and was Issued for the
period 1939 and 1940. The com
pilation previouslywas printed
under the direction of, the secre
tary of state bat this law was
repealed by the 1939 legislature.
The laws are now being printed
by the state highway commission
and will be paid for out of their
. funds.,' . ,. .
Rum. Sale, FrL-Sat. Otto Wilson.
, 1 Tax Levy Tae The 1940 tax
levy, based on valuations for the
year 1939, will be announced
shortly after November 20,
Charles V. Galloway, chariman of
the state tax commission an
nounced Friday. Members of. the
tax commission conferred with
Gorernor Charles A. Sprague here
Friday, regarding the lery.
Men's suit special -Local tailored
sult-S&l.oO-few days only. Mo
shers, 474 Court.
- No Fatal Accidents T h e re
were no fatalities in Oregon due
to industrial accidents "daring the
week ending Norember 2, the
state industrial accident commis
sion reported Friday. There were
77 S accidents reported to the
commission during the week.
Will trade A-1 7 rm house, close
in, for smaller. Ph. 6222.
In Albany Thursday, November
2, Lenora Kriesel, aged 3 years.
Late resident of 249 South Cot
tage street. Mother of James C.
Kriesel of Salem and Richard M.
Kriesel of Bolivia, South America;
sister of James Coleman of Sa
lem, Mrs. George E. Neely of Port
land and Mrs. George Beck of
Los Angeles. Member of the Re
bekah lodge. No. 1, Salem, and
the United Artisans, Capitol as
sembly. No. 84. Funeral services
will be held from the chapel of
the.W. T. Rigdon company Satur
day, November 4, at 3 p. m. Dr.
J. C. Harrison will officiate. Con
cluding services at Belcrest Me
morial park. . J' .
Horace Albert Smith, late resi
dent of 1810 North Commercial
street, passed away at a local hos
pital October 31. Survived by wid
ow, Katie Smith; daughter, Mrx
E. A.' Pen-in; two grandchildren.
Kay and Patricia, all of Redding.
Calif.; and two sisters, Mrs. Helen
Southwick and Mrs. Antoinette
Bennett, both of Salem. Services
will be held from the Terwilliger
Edwards chapel Saturday, Novem
ber 4, at 10 a. m with Rev. P.
W. Erlkson officiating. The
Spanish-American "War veterans
are in charge. .
- McFadden- - - .-:
At the residence 5 5 ' Union
street, Thursday, November 2,
Miss Margaret Jane McFadden,
aged 88 years. Sister of the late
Alice B. Frlzzell, aunt of Miss
Alicia McElroy, J. C. McElroy and
C, L. McFadden of Portland, Ron
ald J. Frlzzell of Salem, Julian
and Frank McFadden of Corvallis,
Louis D. McFadden of Seattle,
Hugh L. McFadden of Eugene,
Burke L. MoFadden of Junction
City, Charles McFadden of
Pennsylvania, and several other
nephews and nieces. Funeral
services will be held in the chapel
of the W. T. Rigdon company
Saturday, November 4. at 10:30 a.
m. Rev. W. Irvin Williams will
officiate. Concluding services will
be in West Middletown, Pa.
In this city, Thursday, Novem
ber 2, Edna Fandrlch, aged 69
years, late resident of 2390 State
street. Wife of Edward Fand
rlch and sister of Mrs. Effie Hast
ay of Salem, aunt of Floy,' Ken
neth and Linn Hastay,. all of Sa
lem. Funeral services will be held
in the chapel of the"W. T. Rigdon
company, Saturday, November 4,
at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Guy Lv Drill
will officiate. Concluding services
Belcrest Memorial Park.
Oregon Boy Wins
'. M-MjuijjMiiiiiiiaMtSBMni Aii- -v-:- '-.- ----MasssenneaP . i . , .
nut r,nn.U ia Tear old farmer from' The Dalles; Oregon, Is pic-
. pion tops the scales at a,ww P"" "rL . tK. nrixm
Jo3b about f 1.000 at auction. Ho said lie the prue
. money to purchase more stoclfc
j Coming Events
Nov. . 4 Klngwood post,
American Legion, dance. West
Nov. 7 Homer Rodeheaver,
song leader, at Leslie auditor
ium, 8 p.m., sponsored by Mar
ion county Christian Endeavor.
Nov. 8 Odd Fellows father
and son banquet, - lOOF ball,
6:15 p.m. . y .
Nov. 10 -N e b r a s k a club
meeting, 246 H North . Com
mercial street, 7:SO p. m.
Nov. 5-1 f American Edu
cation week, to be observed in
Salem public schools.
Nor. 10 Nebraska club
meeting, 246 H North - Com
mercial street, 7: SO pjn.
Nov. 11 Fonrth annual
peace rally, .- First Christian
church, 7:30 p. m. Sponsored
by Salem Christians' Youth Coun
cil, f i , :rr . :
Nov. 10-11 Willamette nni
versity homecoming ; homecom
ing play Nov. 11.
Nov. 10-12 Gideons conven
tion. First Methodist church.
Not.- 11 Armistice day,
American Legion program.
First Aid Given Mrs. Ed Ga
briel,! 1751 South Church street,
was treated for shock by city first
aid men yesterday after an auto
mobile accident in the 1100 block
on South High street. There were
no apparent injuries. The first
aid car was also called to 1765
State street, where, a needle was
removed from the finger of Mrs.
Merle DeLapp. Raymond Mans
field, 12, 1396 Walled street, was
treated after he fell while walk
ing home from school and re
ceived serious knee lacerations.
Wanted: $1500 1st mortgage.imp.
acreage close in. 792 Statesman.
Traffic Arrests Arrested yes
terday by city police for infrac
tions of traffic rules were Roy
L. -1190 Columbia
street; Colin r Gail Scott, 1177
North Commercial street; jonn
Rraecher 280 North Fifth street:
John S. Fisher, route one; Orval
J. Rove, SHverton; Belle Carey.
Seattle; Jean O. Curtis. Portland;
Edward A. Dolan. Z365 roruana
road; Charles H. Carter, Port
land? Charles M. Cannan. 586
North Liberty street; Eugene J.
Forsythe, Portland; Mrs. Asei
Eoff, 690 North Summer street.
Investigate the new class in be
ginning shorthand to be started
at the Capital Business College
(day school) next Monday.
Building Permits Building per
mits were Issued yesterday , to
Lane Morley to repair a store
building at 1725 Center street.
$35:i Evelyn Oberer to reroof a
dwelling at 385 ' North 24th
street, 8150; Hawkins & Roberts
to repair a marquee at 256 North
High street, $100.
Rummage, WCTU today. -
Teaches Art at College Gor
don Gilkeyrson of Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Gllkey, is this year art in
structor at Stephens college in
Columbia, Mo. During the sum
mer Mr. jGilkey did a series 'of
etchings at the New York World's
fair, which were put in book form
by Scribner's publishing company.
Hear Credit Reports Salem
Retail Credit association met yes
terdav noon at the Areo hotel for
its weekly luncheon meeting. Fol
lowing a report of the associa
tion's Hallowe'en party, a discus
sion of names relative to credit
standings was held.
F.O.E. Rummage Sale Fri A Sat.
Nov. 3 ft 4. 370 State.
Not Local Man The William
Jennings Pruitt, a transient, who
was sentenced to five days in Jail
in justice court for having no
driver's license is not the W. J.
Pruitt who lives on route one,
Log Permit Given G. W. Wire
of Turner received county court
permission yesterday to haul logs
over certain market and county
' RkebH School Boys from
9 to 16 will meet at the TMCA
this! afternoon at 1:30 for the
second of a series of basketball
classes. More than 70 attended
last Saturday.
Stock Sho w Award
, - - -
4 Vr- m
Altered Plaint
Filed in Action
$26,567 Damage 'Asked
For Injuries as ,
Fall Result.
Amended complaint for 125,000
general and 11567.50 special dam
ages for injuries sustained in
fall was filed in circuit court yes
terday by Anna. Bayers against
Minnie Boise and others. ' She al
leged she fell on- the sidewalk . in
front of the Hutcheon paint "tore,
1 7 4 North Commercial street
when she slipped on a defective
steel walk door. . - t ,
G. H. Hanna vs. Evan. Davis et
Circuit Court
al; trial concluded,. case taken un
der advisement by - Judge ,-L. G.
Lewelling. - '. i, k- ?-f-
Arl Jeffers vs. City of Silem
and Louts A. Burgess; one demur
rer sastained, another overruled.
Bessie Fischer vs. Antone Fisch
er; answer and cross-complaint al
leging plaintiff in divorce action
treated defendant Cruelly and In
humanly. . ' '
Vera Johnson vs. Gerald 8.
Cone; answer, i
Nona Elfberg vs. Jalmer M. Elf
berg; amended divorce decree giv
ing plaintiff custody of two chil
dren, $20 a month support money
and 50 attorney fee. '
Margaret J. McFadden estate;
$3500 personal property estate ad
mitted to probate, Agnes Alicia
McElroy, a nieve, appointed execu
trix and E. O. Stadter, H. C. Comp
ton and G. H- Riches named ap
praisers; will leaves a 8500 bond
to a sister. Alicia Bell Frlzzell to
use in meeting church fund
pledge, $500 bond and certain per
sonal effects to the niece, jewelry
to certain grandchildren and res
idue to the niece and the sister
Sarah Starr estate; supplement
al final account of Nellie Hamil
ton, administratrix, showing es
tate's only property, two Salem
lots have been transferred to city
of Salem by devisees.
Hannah E, Elder estate; excep
tions of David G. Drager, admin
istrator, to sufficiency of J. J. Nei
bert as surety for Grace Neibert
in appeal to supreme court.
Minnie Moeller estate; apprai
sal,. $9042.25, including $3580 in
real property, by J. C. Evans, Wil
liam McGilchrist, Jr., and Arthur
William K. Irwin estate; hear
ing set December 12 on final ac
count of Agnes R. Irwin, adminis
tratrix, showing all bills paid from
her personal funds.
Betty, Chsrles, Helen and Hope
Ross , guardianship; annual ac
count of Avery Thompson, guar
dian, showing $924-42 received,
$716.20 paid out and assets con
sisting of $208.02 cash, mortgage
valued at $400 and $2000 in real
Marriage Licenses
Frank B. Swlderskle, 22, mould
er, and Viola S. Anderson, r9,
housekeeper,- both of Portland.
Municipal Court
Eugene Van Buren, left hand
turn; fined $1.
Fined $2.50 for violation of
basic rule: Ted Rostwald, Harriet
E. Smith, Wellington J. Peterson,
S. Grant Robinson. :
Peace Rally to Be
Armistice Night
Fourth annual peace rally, spon
sored by young people from var
ious Salem churches, will "be held
at the First Christian church Ar
mistice night.
Members of the Youth Council
and the Marion county Christian,
endeavor are planning the pro
gram, which will feature an ad
dress by Charles Paddock of Eu
gene. Armistice day music and
readings will be Included, Those
attending will have the oppor
tunity to .participate in ' a poll
similar to those taken . recently
at Mt. Angel and at Willamette
Local members of the commit
tee "on arrangements include Mary
Kroger. Roland Wirt, Don Douris,
and George Bowen. j
Revival Meetings
Hue to Continue
Continuance of the revival
meetings at the Church of the
Nazarene through next week la
being announced by the church.
Kev. Johnnie Douglas, singing
evangelist from Kansas City, Mo.,
Is in charge. -
An attendance of 1.000 is an.
ticipated for Sunday : morning
when Rev. Douglas will speak on
"jf entecostal Revivals." He will
dramatize his sermon, "The Spid
er's Web at the Sunday school
session meeting at 8:45. Meet
ings will continue each night of
the week at 7:30 and day services
at 9:30 .each morning except
Saturday. ; ,
Americans Awarded .
LONDON. Nov. 2P)-The roy
al society tonight announced
awards to two Americans, Prof.
Thomas Hunt Morgan of the Cali
fornia Institute of Technology for
his work on heredity, and Prof.
J. W. McBain of Stanford univer
sity for research in colloidal elec
trolytes. ; . '
We want to thank all our
many friends and neighbors for
their sympathy and : beautiful
floral offerings in memory of our
dear son and brother.- '
The Jones Family. .
Yoira TiivoinTE
Wo specialize in Chew aleln,
Chop Baey, Noodles, Egg Fo
young, and all . fancy Chinere
dishes. TJNIOX 1IOUSE.
Chicken Dinner -w3a
Phone Tour Order for Chinese Dishes to Take Home Any Time
121 So. Commercial - Opp. Ladd Bash Bank
Return for Church Homecoming
4 .
Three former pastors of the First Evangelical church will speak at
homecoming and rally day services Sunday at the church. Dr. C C
i Poling (lebt above) has served the church as minister number of
I times dnrinc the past SO years. 'Dr. E. W. Pettlcord (right above)
will speak at the 7:80 service.
P. Layton. -
On on oa3uD
msi cHtracH or chxxst.
- CaiMfcU md Liberty streets. 8aa
av school at .11 a.m. Services st 11 -.
ana 8 p.m. Letsoa-senaoa, "Asam aa
raUea Man." Weaaeadar ai(Bt aieeUas
at S includes tectimoaies ot aeaUag
tkroacb. Christiaa Scieace. Tree psblic
reading reota, SOS Maseaie temple, epea
aaUr except Bandar aad hoUdaya from
It to-9 P-L, Wednesday! an til T:0.
Hood and North Summer streets. X.
L. Piareaot, pastor. Sabbath school Sat
arday at S:S0 a.av Service, at IX. Tanas
people's aisetiaf, S:S0. Prayer meeting
Wednraday at 7:4 fa,
17th street and Nsbrsska aveaa. Da
vids h. Rinrland. minUter. Son4ar achool,
9:45 a.m. Morning worahip, IX a.m., ser
mon: "The Oremt Commiaaioa." Pro
prayer service, S:1S p.m. Christiaa En
deavor, o:30 p.m. Kveaing service, 7:SO
p m. Special program ia ehatgo of the
Woman's Misaionary society ia observ
ance of World Kissioa Advancement day.
Address by Mrs. Vincent Scott, Bible
atndy clsss Wednesday, 7 pja.
North Capitol and Marion streets. Ed
vria Borstman, pastor. Sunday school,
10 a.SL, Albert Barth Bupt. Harvest
Homo services, 11 a.m. Be v. X, Geo. Nate,
execntive aecrctary of the Portland Coun
cil of Churches, gaest speaker. Special
music by male quartet. Vissioa services
at S p.m. Address by Bev. I. Oeo. Nace.
Selections by, aula quartet aad ladies'
trio. Christian Endeavor groups at 1 p.m.
Bobert Nace. of Portland, will address the
senior group. Neon loach ia the church
dining room.
Highland avenue at Church street. T.
CUo Brown, pastor. Prayer meeting at S
a.m. Bible school at 10 sju. Preaching
service at 11 a.m. Message: "Lovers of
Pleasure More than Lovers of Oed," by
Evangelist Paul Mills. Meetnig on miais
try and oversight at S p.m. Christiaa En
deavor at S:SO p.m. Evangeliatie service
at 7: S3 p.m. Evangelist Mills will speak
on the subject, "The Sinner's Place."
The . Bevival meetings will continue
throughout the week each night at 7:30
aad at 10 o'clock each day except Satur
South Commercial at Wash in (ton street.
Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday seaool,
10 ajn. Mae ting for worship, 11 a.m.,
sermon by the pastor. Christiaa Eadeaver
S:45 p.m. Evangelistic service, 7:80 p.m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:0 p.m.
mn CHEisriAir
Center and High streets. Guy L. Drill,
minister. Church school. 8:80 a.m. Lord's
Supper and morning worship at 10:45.
Pastor's ' sermoa themo is "Ought to
Have and Ought Not to Have." tour C.
E. societies meet at :15. Bible study
and opens foram st 6:30. Evangelistic
song service and sermon at 7:30. Sermoa
theme. "The Great Beiusal." Midweek
meeting of the church Wednesday at
7:45 p.m.
17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman,
minister. Bible school assembly, 9:45 .m.
Morning worship and communion, 10:45
aja, sermon, "God Is Por Us." Chris
tiaa Endeavor meetings, S:80 p.m. Eve
ning service, 7:30 pjn- sermon. What
Is the Matter t" Midweek service,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Bev.
Rum H Swift, rector. Holy Commun
ion, 7 a.m. Church school, 9 a.m. Holy
Eucharist aad sermoa, 11 a.m. simem;
"The Lord Is Exalted," West. Choir
director, Ronald Craven; Mrs. &enneta
Daltoa, trganist.
Leo. W. Collar, pastor. Center Street
at Thirteenth. S a.m.. Christian workers
prayer meeting. 9:45, Sunday Bible
schcoL Great Sunday school rally with
1000 anticipated ia attendance. The
Sincin Evanselist. Bev. Johnnie Doug
las of Kansas City, Mo, will dramatise.
"The Spider's Web." 10:45, Morning
worahip. Special ainging by the choir
with a vocal duet by P. Litwiller and Uw
ell Loveall. Bev. Douglas will preface his
sirmon "Pentecostal Revivals" with a
message ia song. 6:30 p.m Young peo
ple's services, junior, intermediate, Hi-N-T
and senior groups. 7:30, evening
revivsl service. Spirited congregations!
singing. Voesl Trio, Misses Prsnces, Hel
en and Msrjorie Prieeea. Special music
by the choir and orchestra. Solo, Bev.
Johnnie Douglas. Sermon, "Keeping la
Step 'With the Holy Spirit," by Evsnge
li.t Johnnie Donzlne of Kansas City. The
revival continues each evening aext week
st 7:80, and the day services begin each
morning at 9:80 except Bararaay.
vsr.-R ireTBOom
Corner North Winter and Market
streets. Bev. D. A. Cohsgan, pastor, eon
i a . r : 11
Y. P. lueetinc 6:30. Esther BeudL Sopt.
Evangelistic service, 7:30. Sermoa by
pastor, audweea prsyer meeting i nnre
day at 7:80.
Corner Marion and - Summer . Streets.
Bev. James E. Campbell, minister. Oscar
Carlson. - minister of music aad director
of youth activities. - Sunday achool at
9:45 am.. Mrs. W. A. xtarkas. superin
tendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Throe great services with great speakers
for ea-.h: Bev. A. P. Layton ia the morn
ing. Dr. O. a Poling a- 8:80 in the af
ternoon, and Dr. E. W. Petticord at 7 :80
ia the evening. - Bible study aad prayer
service at 7;80 Thursday. .
' ; "'CT It A. GOSPEL
5th street at Gains street.' fie v. Paul
A. Collard, pastor. Sunday: 8:80,
"Stresses wf Grace," efoadcaat K8LM.
B 'Ai an. ltihla mnhtuL ntrBtieaal ka-
aoav 11 sermon, ''Waters from the
Tearnle." . S:SO .bl. veuth arroups. T:80,
p.m., E range lis tie service; sermon, "Age
End Preaching." Taeaday S P- ' atis-
street. Wednesday, 7 :4S pja, prayer ser
hmj. Thnradsv. T:30 ja- chair re
hearsal. - .. , ;
ohiiese: DnniEns
We cater ' to banquets; pri
vate parties. Special Sunday
Dinner 60c Orders to Uko
outday or night. ? ' '
Merchant Xnnch
Third returning minister Is Kev. A.
RI dices
S15M North Commercial street. Sun
day services: Bible school, S pmv De
votional, S p.m. Evangeliatie. 7:80 pas.
Meetings every might except Monday.
Pridsy alght ia young people's Bight,
7:80. Alma Beppoad is ia charge. J. C.
aad Daisy Wilson, pastors.
Perry aad 18th streets. Saadsy school
at 8:45 ajn, Doasld P. Elliott, Sapt.
Church service at 11 a. as. Evangelistic
service at 7:80 p.m. EvangeUst Cecil W.
Grico apoakiag at each service aad cea
tiaaiag at 7:80 p.m. aightly except Men
day aad Saturday. Special music by the
Grieo paTty is a feature of each service.
C. Q. WostoB. pastor.
' Tha regalsr Bible study will bo held
Suadsy evening at 7 O'clock ia Fraternal
Tempi. 447 Center street.
848 North Commercial street. 1:30
pa, Short talk, followed by meeting of
th members. S:80, No-host supper.
7:45. lecture. Bev. Lula Mittlesteadt at
Portland, will speak at both services.
Hood aad Cottage, Bev. J. V. Lawsoa,
pastor. Saaday school at 9 :45. Lylo Kaex,
Bupt. Preaching at 11 o'clock. The morn
ing aad evening services of Sunday will
conclude a two-weeks' revival meeting.
Miss Mabel Lewis of Arkansas City, Kas,
has been preaching some very interesting
sermons the past two weeks. Crowds and
interest 'have increased. Many aavo re
ceived help from God.
North Winter at Jefferson. S. Baynor
Smith, minister. Tha Church school meets
st 9:45. Morning worship at 11 o'clock
when th pastor will preach oa "Look
ing Upward and Moving Forward." The
choir directed by Prof. Herman Clark,
will sing. A sub-district Epworth League
rally will b held at 4 o'clock Saaday
afternoon with Dr. Staples, general sec
retary of the Epworth League, from Chi
cago as speaker. Evening worship at T :80
with Jimmy MeOiffin of Lea Angeles as
ths speaker. Midweek service Thursday
at 7:80, at th parsonage.
Mission street near 12th. A. 8. Header
son, pastor, residence, 1155 Mission St.
Saadsy school at 10 a.m. 11 o'clock
services ia charge of Bev. P. B. Keaoyer,
superintendent f th Oregon conference.
Christiaa Endeavor Sunday at S:SO p-as.
Evengaliatie services at 7:8o by Elder
Kenoyor. We are planning revival services
beginning Suaday morning and continuing
two or three weeks.
Corner Liberty aad Marion. Irving A,
Fox, D.D., minister. Suadsy school. 8: 45
a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sermoa:
' 'Baptism in Belatioa to th Lord's Sap
per.' Communion and reception of aew
membere. Senior BYPD, 6:15 p.m. High
school BTPU, 8:30 p.m. The Volunteers,
intermediate aad junior BYPC, 6:15 p.m.
Evening gospel service, 7:30 p.m. Ser
mon: "How God WiU Judge th Na
tions.' ' Ordinance of Baptism.
Miller and South Liberty streets. Bev.
Arao J. Weniger, pastor. Sunday services
ss follows: ill Die scaool a :4a a.m., de
psrtmeats and classes for all ages. Mora'
ing worship 11 o'clock, anniverssry of
the aew building. Orgaa prelude "Kamen
noi Ostroa" (Bu ben stein), offertory
"Adagio" (Anding); choir anthem "God
la Love" (Wilson). Sermoa "by the pas
tor, "What Is a Christian Church t" High
school and senior young people a meetings
6:15. Evening worship 7:80 'clock, or
gan prelude "By Still Waters' (Hors
pool); offertory "Lead Me Savior V (Da-
tujj caoir aataem, "Take Thoa My
Hand" (Wildermere). Sermoa by th
pastor, ji x-reaener s voentioa. alia
week service of prayer and Bible atady,
Wedaesdsy, 7:80 pjn.
Haisl and Academy. Suaday school 19
a.m. Charch 11 a.m., aad 7:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting, Thursdsy, 7:30 p.m.
Oao mile north of the city limits an
th Portland highway. Sunday school at
9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m.. Miss
Mary Ay res, speaker. Evening vesper ser
vice, p.m., ia eaargo of tko seam
mru ox tne Jlrst Bsptist church I
North Cottar and D streets. J. P.
Oltkoff, D. D-.paitor. Bibl seaool at
of the
15th and
Center Sts.
Evangelist -J.
Bevival Heelings
Every Nile aTWa ; y
- v " " - ' ,. . .
. , all ; next week except
Sattrrday. Hear the
s in g; i n sr evangelist,
. . Rev. Johnnie Douglas
of Kansas City, Mis
" souri! , " y-
. -v .: ' ... - .,
Sunday, 9:45 A. M.
10:00 in Sunday School
"Pentecostal Revivals"
7:30 P. M. "
Keeping Step WitK
'the HolySpiritw
r 1 "
: '," f JZ- -
Observance Is Set
Calvary BapUst Chnrcb to
Have Special Service
For5 Sunday
Sunday will mark another mile
stone In the life and history of
the Calvary Baptist church. It
being the first anniversary of the
dedication of their new house of
worship and the fourth anniver
sary of the coming to the church
or ita present pastor. Rev. Arao
Q. Wenlgec.
Both services Sunday will be
preceded by an organ recital con
ducted by Miss' Doris Schunke on
the Howard Emmerson memorial
Organ. The senior choir will sing
under the direction of E. D. Lind
burg. .
In the morning Rev. F. C. Stan
nard, moderator of the church,
will give a brief summary of the
year's accomplishments which
will be followed by the pastorf
message on the subject, "What
Is a Christian Church?"
Sunday night the pastor will
speak on the subject, "A Preach
era Vocation.' By way of intro
duction to the subject he will tell
of those things and events that
led up to his entrance into the
ministry thus, .recognising his
fourth anniversary as pastor of
the church.
:45 a.m.. Samasl Schirman, Sapt. Mora
lag worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. William
Kaha, general missionary secretary, of
Forest Park, 111- wiU preach. Observ
ance of th Lord's Sapper. Eveaiag gos
pel services with t message by th pas
tor at 7:80. Midweek service Wednesday
at 7:45; chair rehearsal at 8:45.
' ltta aad Perry. Howard 0. Stover,
minister. Morning worship at 11: "Ths
Philosophy of Giving." Anthem. 'Esther.
One Mere Wlthla Thy Holy Place, " Mat
thews. Eveaiag service a t7tS0: sermon,
"What's Right with Evangelises." Saa
day school at 10 bjb. Toaag people at
C:80 p.m.
SUte at Charck street. Dr. J. O. Har
rison, pastor. Mrs. Sarah Louis, director
of Christiaa education, Deaa Malvia H.
Geist, director of masie. Saadsy school
8:45 ml, classes for all ages. Dr K, M.
Gatks. Sept. Morning worship, 10:50
a .am. . Evening worahip, T :30 p.aa. Th
pastor wiU occupy the palpit aotk mora
lag aad evening. Aataem, "Slag Allo
rajah Perth," Dudley Buck with th
charch choir. The Junior high school Ea
werth League, 5:80 p.aa. High achool Ep
worth Lea rue, S:80 p.m. Toaag adults,
6:80 p.m. University vespers eanaet hoar,
8:80 p.aa Devotional hoar, 6:80-7:80 p.aa.
South Commercial aad Myers streets.
Deaa C Poindexter, minister. Saadsy
charch school, 6:45 a.m. Meralag wor
ship, 11. Sermoa: "The Voice of the
Charch." The leagues will ioia la a great
youth gathering at Jasoa Leo charch at
4 p.m., with Dr. Staples, general secre
tary of th Epworth League from Chica
go aad Jimmy McGiffia of Los Angeles,
At the 7 :80 service the messsgo at Les
lie will be, "The Place of BeUgioa ia our
Democracy." Both messages will empha
sise edncatioa week aad good literature.
(Missouri Synod 1
16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class, 6 a.m.
Services, 10 a.m. Lutheran Badio hoar
over K.8LM at 1:80 p.m, speaker. Dr.
Walter A. Meier.
North Winter sad Chemeketa. Kev. W.
Irvin Williams, minister. George Loo
Marks, minister of axasie. Church school
t:45 a.m. Morning worahip 11 o'clock.
Armistice day sermoa by the pastor, "Th
Impossible Commandment I" Anthesa,
"Our Hop Is la The." Solo. "Com
T Blessed," Viviaa Benaer. Christiaa
Endeavor groups meet at 6:80 p.m. Eve
ning worship, 7:80. Bsdio drama presen
tation of "Samaoa sad Delilah." Speak
er, Mary Moor, board of foreign mis
sions. Midweek service Thursday, T:80, led by th pastor. Study of Jo ha.
State and 17th streets. A. E. Mtane
man, A.M pastor. P. H. Theuer, B.D,
supply pastor. Suaday school, 10 a.m..
Otto Groaks. Sapt. Divine worship at 9
'mmm lll,,-----af-aaaaaSaBaaWSa ' t. mmm
paaaaaaaaaaaaasiaaaa f . ' .
foa-Spaedway Cootpe.'All NTaoas
avas, Toledo. Federal, Scat
and local taxes (if aay aad
a.m. la Germaa, aad at It aJ. ia Ssr
li.k wltk mmm aubieeh ' 'Christ An
plains th Pitta Petition." Lather leagao
meets av 7 P-m. Ooafarmetloa iaatrartioa,
Ba tarda y, 10 a. Charch ooaacil, Tae-
dsy, 7:30 pja. Dorcas Society, Wodaes
day, I if m.
Center at Liberty streets. Bobert A.
Hutchinson, minister. Church echoel at
:4S. Dr. W. C. Jones, Sapt. University
forum at 10. Dr. E. 8. OUver. leader.
Worship servlco St 11, 0r. Kantner
Saaday," taeeae: ' IB immortals Bat
ata Us." Asthem: "Love Divine;" solo,
"I Heard a forest Praying," Miss Helen
Deaa. Youth rally at 8. Mariorio McCaU
isUr will speak oa th subject : ;Xulh
Looks at the World."
Charch street betweea Chemeketa tad
Ceater streets, kev, P. W. Erik sea, pas
tor, f :4 a.m, Saaday school, a elase
for all ages, Oscar Liadahl. Sept. 11 a.m,
Armaitiro Bandar worship. Frelade: As-
daatisa, (Harris), Bath Bedford; Call to.
worahip: iMar ixira aaa astDor ei jiaa
klnd. chelrj.raith of Oar Esthers Liv
ing Still, audience;. Tha Commea Service,
audience; Anthem: The' Kecessionsl (De
Keven), cho.r; incidental solo. Miss Jos
Jihiae Broaa. Words of weleeme to Csp
tai Foot No. S, the anailiary aad to all
patriotic ergaaisaUens of Salem. Re
sponse, Poet Commander Art Jebnaea eud
Uean Adama en behalf of the United af
filiated Patriotic Societies of Salem. Her
moa topic, "America's Coaetaat Chal
lenge." Offertory, "Dear Land of Home"
(Sibelius), mslo chores. Postlad ia D.
(Scarmolia), Bath Bedford. This service
wilt be broadcast orer K8LM. 11U3:80.
6:30 p.m- Yeaag people's service. Luth
er Leegu. Th Ladies guild wiU held its
Kev ember aaeeting ea Sot em her 6th, at
CotUge at SUppiag streeU George
Desha, minister.. Bible study, 16 a.m.
Sermoa, 11 a.av. subject, "la vast menu
ia Life." The Lord's Sapper, 11:80 a.m.
Sermoa, 7:80 p.m, "Baptist Doetriae
Upset." Training class. 6:45 p.m. Prsyer
meotiag. Wednesday a t 7:30 p.m.
Housing Loans
Is Speech Topic
Representative of Can (Hand
Company Addresses
Realty Board
Method and procedure of hand
ling federal housing - loans were
discussed before ths 8alem Realty
board yesterday noon by John
Wymetalek, Jr., representing the
Candland company.
Wymetalek said the time ele
ment on FHA loans appears of
mors Importance to most appli
cants than the cash, that ths main
idea, of FHA is to keep an appli
cant from going beyond his means
and that an applicant's credit ra
ting is the primary consideration
given by FHA.
"FHA limits everything that
goes into a house in order to
make it possible for a person to
get Just what he pays for," Wy
metalek said.
Up to July 1 of this year, he
stated. 400,000 FHA loans hare
been made and but 610 houses
have v been taken back. Of the
610, 271 were immediately re
sold, leaving a net loss of but
112,000 of one per cent net loss.
"Inasmuch as congress appro
priated six billion dollars for FHA
houses, and inasmuch as the -income
from six billion dollars is
sufficient to maintain FHA, I
can't see but what FHA will con
tinue for as long as there are
people willing to loan money at
4 per cent interest,' Wymetalek
United Brethren AU-Day
Educational Service Today
The young people of the United
Brethren church are having an
all-day religious educational serv
ice today. Rev. F. B. Kenoyer
will speak at 7: SO p. m. and each
night during the coming week.
A basket lunch will be served
at noon and a' dinner will be
given at church tonight.
IL. o Earris
Temporary Location: 523
O V7Ulfi-OrtxlAod is prood to announce the appointment
of this well-qualified firm as sales and service representa
tives for the new Willjs products ia this territory.
The New Villvs. for 190 has become the sensation of
the nation with its style, besoty, comfort and economy at
. the lowest price of any full-size car in the world
; In the New Lillys you will enjoy latest luxury features
ruches chrome ndUtot grille, nitura!-grip iteeriog wheel,
steering'. post gearshift all-steel body, safety glass ia U
windows. Oversize hydraulic brakes. --
Von are wrdiaKy Invited to Inspect the NewTOIys sod
to bring your friends for a thrilling trial drive
Homecoming and
Rally Day Booked
First Evangelical Cliurclt
Will Celebrate With
. Four Ministers
Homecoming and rally dy at
the First Evanicellcal church will
be celebrated Sunday with for
mer mlnlaterg speaking at tbe
three services of the day.
Rev. A. P. Layton, who was
minister during the erection of
the present edifice, will be heard
at the 11 o'clock worrVlp service.
The choir will sing "The Presence
of the Lord," von Bene, and
Mrs. D. B. Kleihege, organist, will
use "All 8ouls' Day." Schubert.
s", uu ma u.yisiiun vi
the hymn, "We Thank Thee,
Lord," Quale, as offertory
A fellowship dinner will be
served in the dining room of the
church at 12:20. '
A musical progum at'S o'clock
in the afternoon wni opea with
"The Bells of Aberdovey.' Stew
art, as prelude. Oscar Carlson,
director of the choir, has ar
ranged a program of special num
bers which will include "My
Home, Sweet Home," Vandall,
sung as a tenor solo by Rev. J.
E. Campbell, and the choir an
them, "He Was Despised. lloa-
jner. , .
The measage of the afternoon
will be brongbt by Dr. C. C. Pol
ing, who has served this charch
as minister a number of times
during the past 50 years. Dr. E.
W. Pettlcord will be the speaker
at the 7:20 evangeliatie service
which will open with a congre
gational sonar servlra mnr imci.i
numbers sung by the choir and
nor. vampocii.
Bean Opposed to
Rate Suspension
State. Utilities Commissioner
Orraoad R. Bean Friday sent a
telegram to the Interstate com
merce commission opposing sus
pension of reduced freight rates
on beets shipped from Oregon te
Texas destinations.
Action of the utilities commis
sioner wss taken at the request
of the Nrsaa and Ontario farmtna-
and business interests and offic
ials Of the Amslfimatad . JZnear
company. Bean said sugar prices la
tne Texas area were based on the
price at Surarland. Texas, nlna
Texas intrastate freight rates be
yond that point.
Freight rates in Texaa were re
duced September 18 which placed
the Nyssa plant of the Amalga
mated Sugar company at a dis
advantage with respect to sales
in that state. Bean said.
Reduced rates now have beea
filed with Nrssa and other com
petitive refineries in Texas, bat
the rates have beea protested.
Eastern Business
Is Up Says Cooke
Eas( coast business is looking
up, James L. Cooke, local mer
chant, said yesterday on bis re
turn from a trip to tbe Atlantic
seaboard. Trsde generally seems
to be lively and industries, par
ticularly the steel mills, arer wa
ning at capacity, j
Cooke went east last month te
meet his wife, woh left Silem
two months ago to visit relatives
in Baltimore, Md., and Johnstown,
Pa. They also stopped la Wash
ington, DC, and New Tork City.
E - Iofios - s '
Marion Street