The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 04, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tt 02EG0H CTATESIIAIT, Cilia, Ortjcn, Satcr&r IIcixIs;, Horea&tr 4 1S33
Parlies Given
: At Buena Vista
Woman Club . Discusses
Modern Magazines;
Union Meets
-' BUENA VISTA Mr. Louli
Price set a Hallowe'en party At
her home (or- the -school dhldren
of the first room. The older child
'ren held their party In the school
gymnasium . sponsored by Mr.
Price. ,
- The Woman's club met Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. N. C. An
derson and ; Mrs. Earl -Arley as
hostess. Mrs. George Webster led
In a discussion of modern maga
zines. Farmers Union met Friday
night. The men senred oyster soap.
' . The E. H. Busby family were
Wednesday night dinner guests at
E. D. Long's. ' .
Is Weekend Gnest
Mary Mitchell of Independence
was a weekend guest of Lena Co
bine. , "Mr. and Mrs. Lei and Prather
and children were Monday night
dinner guests at Cecil Hultman'e.
The Welbin Grey family return
ed Wednesday from a trip to 'east
ern Oregon.
The Sheep club met Thursday
night at Perry Wells.
Mrs. Alice Pean of Bufte, Mont.
Tislted Sunday with her brother,
C. E. Miller. She sails Norember
S, from San Francisco enroute to
Honolulu where she will visit her
Mrs. Leland Prather and Mrs.'
Jon Graber entertained the mem
bers of the Friendship class at a
Hallowe'en party Tuesday night at
the Graber home. Funds were rais
ed by the class to purchase rubber
treads for the . stairway at the
Grows Big Sunflower
has bee nsuccessful in sunflower"
growing this season if sis of bloom
is any Indication. Donelly pro
duced one that measured 15
Inches In diameter.
m bt-M is asrssrlets ,
fwsl Ws3a yM MS
I van sm sets It rot
r . v
. V
Wddlsr, Irash
1 S M' m S
vtsin wmstfn
Mickey Mow
MaBass Today - Boy
covrixrrous today 2:oo to liioo
0 'fMf
Gntntland Rice S?ortli
, Latest World
We're Glad!' Ruth JuddKin Say as
"We're glad she's been raptured,
starred fngltiTO from the Arizona tate Hospital was captured after attempting to rob a nome ww
the asylum for food. Dr. W. C. Judd, husband of the murderess. Is pictured comforting her seed
and dying father. Dr. Harrey McKlnnell, while Ruth's mother looks on. The captured woman was
glrrn medical attention at the hospital, was not questioned. . " '
SUverton Union
To Give Program
SILVERTON The Industrial
Employes union Is sponsoring, a
"Song and Dance" program Satur
day night at the local armory. The
program will start at t o'clock
and will be followed by dancing.
" Among the numbers will be a
short concert by the O. K. Cole
band, selections by the Little Ger
man band and the string quartet
from the high school under the di
rection of F. I. Ellefson; tap danc
ing by Juanita Wlckert; saxo
phone solo by Ruth Hassenstab;
- -JT
vi rc ii is r v
"BOYS TOWN" I America's new Uracils. Virginia
fcora her triumph la THX WOMEN
liijMjrtsrs mars whols-lstfJy
k :
With Charles Peienea
BUhdrd Expert
rUadov Wsslstn Stars"
J t ...,:
C71 UU
- ht "Good Skates"
News Flash
i I
were the sentiments of Ruth Jndd's
readings by Paul Plank; selections
by the Silrerton community band
directed by Hal Campbell; selec
tions by a quartet composed of
Elmer Palmquist,- Wilfred Wills,
Henry and Max Holland; Dorgan
Brothers accordion selections.
Arranging the night's enter
tainment are Alrin Noren, Martin
Hannan, Arthur Pederson. Henry
Oreross, Al Anderson. Clarence
Plank. Ted Finley, Del Bowen.
Lew DeTerlcks and Ernest Boescn.
Sliver Commiurity
Meeting Planned
STJVER-r-A program of plays,
readings, and music Is. being pre
pared for the Community .meet
log Friday night, Norember 10,
at which time a pie sale will be
held for the benefit of the club.
Mrs. C D. Rltchey and Mrs.
Lloyd Goodman will entertain the
Iry dub at the home of the for
mer in Independence Wednesday,
Norember 8, for an all day meet
ing with a eorered ' dinner at
noon. The elnb quilt will be
worked on.
Airs. Lester Mason
Dies at Mill City
MILL CITY Funeral services
were held at the Presbyterian
church Wednesday at 2 p.m. ; for
Mrs. Lester Mason, who passed
away Monday night. Mrs. Mason
was taken HI when on the street
and carried home and she llred
about two hours.
Mrs. Mason, formerly Laura
Fanington, was born In Colum
bia Falls, Montana, In 1898, com
ing to Mill City in 1920, where
she taught In the grade school
for four years. In .1925 she was
married to Lester Mason, who
survives. Her two daughters, Tru
dy and Marie, a father and moth
er in Montana, an aunt, Mrs. Van
Loan of Monmouth, all . survive.
West Stayton Has
Hallowe'en Pranksters
night passed very quietly here
with; a-few windows receiving a
eoat of soap. More pranks were
played on Monday night. The
most serious was the taking of
Oscar SUhl's ear from his garage
across the road from his home
and letting the air out of all the
tires, then throwing the caps
away. ,
UNION HILL Mrs. Byron Me
Elhaney will entertain the mem
bers of the union Hill Grange
Home Economics club at : her
home on Wednesday, Norember
8. Roll call will be What Are
Yon Thankful for.? Program com
mittee head is Mrs. Verny Scott.
' The 8 ; Chester : ' r
I .Uewpri- Morris T
' teers Ann J)
- in Dvorak
" "The in
i . - Klght - - "Blind : " r
't Rldyrs .Alley i
Added News, Our! Gang.
Comedy, -Alfalfa's Aunt,"
and Chapter 5 of "Bock
Rogers." . ;
; On Our Stage at 1:30 PJiL
' Seth Jayne and the Ilolly
; wood Baekaroo Program
Broadcast. t .
: Starts Tomorrow r.:?:"
i ii5c asc
. Cont. Tomorrow 1 to llv P. M.
.i. i-
And Second Feature r,
lard l Ut el "Vssriej Lii'i
News and Mnslcal
Killer Is Nabbed
ii ' . J
family in Phoenix after the half
Silverton Youth's
Funeral Is Held
SILVERTON Visitors from
far and near attended the funeral
services Friday afternoon at the
Ekman Memorial chapel for young
George Steelhammer, Is," only
child of Mr. and Mrs. George
Dr. Sidney Hall, former pastor
of Silverton's Methodist church,
delivered the talk. Pall bearers
were close friends of the family
and included George Hubbs, Nor
lis-Ames. Wendell Heath, Nelson
Adams, Dr. C R. Wilson and Rho-
lln Cooley.
George Steelhammer. . Jr., was
born at Silverton, August C, 1923.
He attended Silrerton schools.
where he was a Junior in the
high school at the time of his
death. He was active In school and
local affairs of his age. He play
ed basketball last season and had
planned to go out again this year.
His activities In outdoor life were
widely known and he was presi
dent of the Junior Ixaak Walton
league at Silrerton.
Last jane he accompanied
group of hoys on a tour of the
east and -while at New York be
came ill. An emergency operation
resulted and his father flew east
to be with him. The two returned
by - airplane and while Young
George had not been strong since
the Illness, it was believed that
he was -steadily improving. He
was attending high school and
was at school Monday morning,
He became 111 and was rushed to
Portland In an ambulance where
Tuesday an operation followed.
tie never regained consciousness.
menas of the family stated.
Harry Carson. Salem drurrlst.
Is an uncle, as are also Dr. Wil
liam Steelhammer of Portland
and John Steelhammer. sr.. of
Altrustic Glib
Meets at Dallas
DALLAS Members of the Al
trustic club were entertained at
the home of Mrs. E. A. Wagner
Wednesday night with Mrs. Mir
iam Murrary as assistant hostess.
Several tables of "500" were In
play with prizes presented to Mrs.
Mary Starr and Mrs. L. H. Rowell
and a guest prize '-o Mrs. Elwyn
Mrs. Elwyn Craven and Mrs.
Arthur May were guests.
New House Will Be
Shown at Silverton
SILVERTON Open house will
be held at the new six-room colon
ial house recently completed by
Guy DeLay on Wesley street. Mr.
DeLay has set the Inspection
house on Saturday from S to 9 p
m. and on Sunday from t to 1 p.
m. Anyone interested la welcome
to come, says DeLay.
DeLay Is a member of the senior
high, school faculty.
, . in i i
Silverton to Hare Clinic
SILVERTON A baby and pre
school clinic will be held at the
Eugene Filed health center Tues
day with Mrs. Edward Ekman In
charge. '.Mrs. H W. Preston and
Mrs. . George Jaeschke are assist
ing Mrs. Ekman locally.
: . TALBOT Members of the Sld-ney-Talbot
Farmer's union en
Joyed a masquerade Hallowe'en
party this week. Games were en
joyed ; A Hallowe'en lunch was
serred. - - , :
f ARBOR GROVE Arbor Grove
local of " Farmers Union met at
Donald last week. After a short
business meeting president Lorn
called on two visitors from G er
rata local, Mr. and Mrs. St. John.
Both gave instructive talks con
cerning the business of Farmers'
Union warehouse in Salem.
The public is to be invited to
the next meeting, November 24,
to hear a speaker on health. '
Union Newd
ED i Dj (5 H Every StOurday Nite
' 2 inies North cf Independence f , .'.
with -
. nniin cennne : -
- A 10-Picce Sweet-Swing Band
Admission 25c
Boosters (Hub
Y7U1 'Give Series, of. Card
Parties r at -Jefferson ;
Pep Meeting Planned J '
JEFTE-rS0N The ;4 Jefferson
Community - Boosters L clab met
Taesday nixht in the club room.
with W. L. Cobb presiding. Plana
were discussed for the series of
card 'parties to be given by the
clnb for the benefit of the Christ
mas fund. - Hal Wiley - was ap
pointed thalrman.of a committee
to make arrangements for a ,pep
meeting at the next regular: meet
ing of the elnb. Jack Tyson spoke
of the possibilities of shipping a
great many tons of vegetables
from here next year, and what
has been done In that line this
summer and fall. . - ; '
Arthur Lake arrived this week
from Berkeley, Califs tor an ex
tended stay; with hi parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey en
tertained with a Hallowe'en'party
Tuesday night for members of the
school faculty. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs,
E. B. Henningsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Looney, Mrs. Emma Whed
bee. Miss Josephine Getchell. E. A.
Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey.
Win Have Sale
The Methodist Ladles' Aid so
ciety are sponsoring a cooked
food sale Saturday afternoon. De
ginning at 1 o'clock, in the Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Weiss,
Fred Weiss and Ben Jacob of Tilla
mook were guests Monday ft the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Ja
cob and Mrs. S. M. Green. They
were en route home from a trip
to San Diego, Calif., and the Gold
en Gate exposition.
The Marion County chapter or
Red Cross Is sponsoring 'a one
o'clock luncheon in the domestic
science room of the school build
ing, Monday, Norember (. repre
sentatives from the various organi
zations in the community will at
tend, and Judge Rossman of Sa
lem will sneak. The meeting is
to promote community Inter t in
the annual roll call of the Red
Cross. - -
The Jefferson library board an
nounces that beginnlg with Novem
ber 1, the library will be open
three days a week Instead of two
as before. Library days will be
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
afternoons. Miss Addle Llbby is
attmsvillb Sunday will be
rally day at the Anmsrille Church
of Christ. Rev. E. J. Gilstrap
win sire a trareloaue of his four
weeks trip in the east. A basket
dinner will be serrea at. noon.
UNION HILL Rev. Trailer of
the Christian church in Stayton
will hold church serrices at the
Union Hill grange hall, sunaay
at 1:30 o'clock. Sunaay scnooi
will be at 1:30 o'clock.
Baptist church new Sutfday school
classes are starting Sunday morn-
lnr with Jack Green as superin
tendent. The pastor win speaa
on "God's Fellow-Workers" at the
morn in r worshln service at 11
a.m. Young people's meeting is
at 6: SO. Midweek actlritlee In
clude prayer - and' Bible study
Wednesday r at 7:30 p.m. and la
dies missionary society Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Harriet Busby, choir meeting
Thursday night.
Epworth league members from
the First Methodist church will
attend the Methodist Youth
Council at t h e Jason Lee church
at Salem at 4 o'clock. Sunday
school will be at 10 o'clock.
morning worship at 11 and eve
ning service at 7 p.m.
missionary day at the Calvary
Presbyterian church at Indepen
dence. Rer. W. N. Wysham; west
ern representative of the board
of foreign missions of the Pres
byterian church, will preach. Spe
cial music will be furnished by
the choir. The service will begin
at 11 a.m., followng Sunday school
at 10 o'clock.
The Informal serrice held each
Sunday night at 7:10 will have
In charge Dr George C. Knott,
who will present a travelogue on
beau ty 'spots in the west. The talk
will be Illustrated ny mones.
Question box topics are: How was
the presence of tne uoiy spine
manifested In the early church?
And How Does the Holy Spirit
work today? Christian Endearor
meets at :45 with Marjorte Tra
vis as leader for a discussion on
"Jlnit'Wi Hire Wtrt" ;
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock
a missionary conference will be
held, with Dr. W. N. . Wysham
conducting the- conference. Junior
Christian Endeavor meets Wed
nesday afternoon: at 4 o'clock
with Mrs. Swan son and Mrs. Ma
li on In charge. Needlecraft meets
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Calbreath with Mrs. John
Hlltebrand assisting.
SILVERTON The upper Wil
lamette Sunday School Teachers
association will meet Sunday , af
ternoon - and evening at Trinity
church, i The .afternoon session
opens at 2:30.
Mondar nixht at t o'clock the
Lutheran Sunday 'school Teach
er's institute will be at Calvary
church. "Faith la Action" Is the
subject to be considered.
Sunday morning Norwegian ser
vices will be held at ! a.m. at
Immaauel Lutheran church. At 11
o'clock the regular. American ser
vices will be held. Sunday school
will be ' held simultaneously with
the services ,in . the, 'Norwegian
language. Young" People's society
will follow the 11 o'clock ser
vices. .Dinner - will be' serred and
a program given.. Rev; J M. Jen
sen "will speak at . both morning
services. ;-...-'- - -
r Hayes -BealL former president
of. the National Council. of Metho
dist. Youth; will be guest speak
er at the ' 4: SO resper serrices
at' the local" Methodist church. He
will discuss the place of coopera
tives in a Christian economic so
ciety. At the 11 - o'clock' Sunday
morning i -service, J ' Rev. ' Ed ward
Terry "win speak tn ''The Place
or- Religion in our Democracy."
The Junior high' and senior Ep
worth' leagues will meet at 6:30
Sunday .afternoon at the Metho
dist church .The Woman's Mis
sionary society; will meet at the
home of Mrs. H. G. Iverson Tues
day afternoon. - Young People's
night has been planned for Wed
nesday night from 7 to 10 o'clock.
The Ladles Aid will meet Thurs
day afternoon in the church social
rooms. November 10, District Su
perintendent Dr. J. Edgar Pur
ely, will conduct, a quarterly con
ference following a fellowshin
dinner at f :30. . .
be no Sunday school at the hall
on Sunday as the school will go
by special bus to the district con
vention at Rosedale, leering the
hall at 9:15.
Stayton Stores
Agree - to Close -Armistice
STAYTON The Stayton post of
the American Legion has dis
tinguished Itself by its success in
promoting the nation-wide cam
paign for the advancement of
American patriotism in peace. The
local post is receiving one hundred
per cent cooperation of the mer
chants in the suspension of all
business activities on -Armistice
The immediate undertaking in
the Legion's movement la to se
cure universal observance of patri
otic days throughout the calendar
A number of the stores in Stay
ton have agreed to remain open
one extra hour on Friday evening
to avoid Inconvenience to many
of their patrons.
Funeral Is Today
For Mrs. K. Gray
LEBANON Mrs. Kazia Ro
berts Gray, 84, died Wednesday
night at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Claud Smith near Soda
rllle.' Funeral services will be
Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Harry
C. Howe funeral home, with Rev.
George Simons officiating. Inter
ment will be at the IOOF ceme
tery. Mrs. Gray was born October
1, 1855 In Ohio.
w ' ; ..." .i
Bay Store at Salem
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kann nave purchased a
nelghbrhood grocery en South
Winter street at Salem. At pres
ent they are driving back and forth
to their new place of business.
Rahn haa been employed In local
grocry stores for a number of
V. -. v. W
in I ,i i inn ' .i.ji...i..ii)fimMMi .-.
Vvoy LiLnJ
Plans for Bazaar
ley Parent Teacher association la
dles held a meeting at the school
Wednesday. Plans were discussed
for the benefit bazaar, which will
be 'held early In December. Mrs.
McRae,;and Mrs. Anna Julian, will
take care of the., applications f rr
things on which to sew.. , iV",'. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett have
their "home nearly- finished. The
dwelling has been remodeled both
inside, and out and la quite r Od
er n. The interior has been finished
in plywood with the gumwood de
sign which is very, artistic, while
the exterior ; Ct tha . building' la
sniagiea. .v .
Mrs. Anna Keeton, mother of
Mrs. Ed Spa. arrived by Tuesday
to visit her -daughter and family.
Woodbum Rotary
-Hear Neutrality
WOODBURN Attorney Roy E.
Hewitt of Salem was the speaker
at the meeting of the Woodburn
Rotary club Thursday noon. His
subject was- neutrality legislation
and he presented his opinion thst
factors other than any alteration
of present laws would ultimately
determine whether or not the
United States would be- Involved
in the second world war. ..
Local guests were George C.
Foster, Kenneth Smith and J.
Sidney Johnson. The latter intro
duced a special guest, Carl Schultz.
of. the local . high school stock
judging team who recently gained
national recognition In Judging
stock in Kansas City.
' Rotarian guests from Silverton
were Tom Anderson, Parsy Rose
and Harry Riches and from Salem,
Dr. H. O. Miller. x
President Willeford announced
the charter presentation meeting
of the newly formed Sheridan club
next Thursday, November 9.
Today "Rose Marie" with
Jeanette MacDonald and
Nelson Eddy. "Women in
the Wind" with Kay Fran-
els. William Gargan, Vie-
7tor Jory and Maxie Rosen-
Saturday midnight show
-Wolf Call" with John
Carroll and Movita.
Today "The Night Riders"
with the Three Mesqat-
teers. "Blind Alley with
Chester Morris, Ralph Bel-
lamy and Ann Drorak.
Today "Kid Nightmare"
with John Payne and Jane
. Wyman. "Legion of Lost
Flyers'- with Richard Ar-
f len and Andy Devlne,
T o d a y "Pack Up Your
Troubles" with Jane Wl'-h-
ers and the Rlts Brothers.
Today "Jamaica Inn" with
Charles Laughton. Short
f V .
( . v.- -.
' ' o ...
rtal drono ...
tiannlag scent!
Call Board
o I 0 il " 1 "
Cs I . -. 1
w f ' r y . v.
i V . I
Gardeners Plan )
Show, Oak (Jroyc
OAK GROVE The Oak Grove
Gardeners club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Warren Allen Mon
day, November f , at I p. m, The
annual chrysanthemum show of
the aGrdeners will be. held Thurs
day at the Grange hall. All ex
hibits must be in by, t p. m.
Miss Alice Riggs, Mrs. Webb
Lewis and Mrs. Justin Rowland
were hostesses to the Oak Grove
aid at the home of Miss Rfrra In
Salem, Thursday afternoon.
Jeanette MacDonald
Nslsoa Eddy
Kay Francis
"WOMZlf fat n WIND"
1 -
s L i j
if 2ND IflM
( big , fccar ttr,
si urn
11 V II