0O Ml 5. Sr. PAGE SIX Clubs Meet at ' Member? Homes ' Club hostesses for the wek In dude Mrs. John Beakey and Mrs. Robert Needham. .' Mrs. Beaker will entertain Iter 'bridge club Thursday night at her home on East Rural street, jlarge bouquets ot bright autumn f lowen will decorate the rooms. Those bidden are Mrs. Elmer Wooton, Mrs. U. V. Benson, Mrs. Verden E.f Hockett. Mrs. A. I. Adolphson, Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mrs. L. L. Jensen and Mrs. E. Row land. , ' Mrs. Needham Hostess Mrs. Needham was hostess to her clnb on Tuesday night at her home on Winona Court. A buffet hb -a . SI M ! supper will oe serrea ana me eve nine spent playing: b rid re. Members Include: Mrs. Kenneth Potts. Mrs. Howard Adams, Mrs. Crelgnton Jones,- Mrs. Reynolds Allen. Mrs. Homer Goulet. Jr.. Mrs. Robert Joseph. Mrs. Harold Hank and Mrs. Robert Needham. - ' Rebekalis Enjoy Social Meeting Mrs. Hannah Beard, noble grand presided at the IOOF hall Monday at the " Salem Rebekah n lodge No. 1 meeting. Mr. Peter t Philiippe,. who bas been a mem 1 ber of the Rebekah lodge for 37 years and who celebrated his 87th birthday anniversary Satur day, was presented with a - bou quet of flowers. Mrs. Mamie Cal loway won tbe attendance prize, Mrs. Wright from Prlnevillr was a guest. Alier loags sauicm were ynijci. Mrs. Mary Gosser won the first prlre for the best ladles costume and Mr"l Carl Lachelle won first prize for the men's best cos-, tUThV committee consisted of Mrs. Lor a GroTes. chairman. WiU Ham Siegmund. William Cladek. Mrs. .Anna Hunsaker. Ida -Me- After lodge games were played. Adams. Helen MeElroy. Bertha Reeder Blanche Scheelar, Zeda Lisle Elsie Rhoten. Ethel Hun- .r vi.i. Tnwn.Bnrf i?rhi Mi. Clay, Ardona Pratt. Sally Curtis. Henry A. Orth officiated at the a . handkerchief snower. Mrs. Gil Era MarUn.t Clara Zuber. Marie mass, which was attended by many liland Is leayinsw Thursday with villa Pwnlr.ntii Pets, Phil. Mmifi and relatives of the her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice G II- llppe. Rnby Mead. Olive Scott, Carrie Littevick and Victoria Stlffier. FL club will meet at the home of ,Mrs. Marjorie Goplerud at 8 -o'clock In the Palace Court apart ments on Thursday evening, k u:.. wn -X: rial Talm Tie November Wrti- di rAmmltU will K in fliar. Mrs. Power Hostess To Club Mrs. Kenneth Power will en- tertain this afternoon ith V.1 n riAir innrnMn r i rrT tai. a a . . . M . - . , lowed by n few hours of bridge. Members of her club are to be ker guests. , Club members are: Mrs. Rex Adolph. Mrs. Kenneth Power. Mrs. John CanghelL Mrs. Wallace Carson. Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren. Mrs. Frank Chapman. Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Kenneth Perry. r w - mm w V Mrs. H. L. Moore has returned from San Francisco, where be M -fc- vw ' w spent two weeks as the guest of dai!thr ?A.?;l'lw' lfr aiuu mi. vr. JU. vj ill LU. With Salem Folk at U. of O. By BETTY HAMILTON After a busy weekend climaxed a J u Ana i.iuiiai, Biuucnia ae back in the swing again, study- war aaraer man ever. Aeuvities will be abandoned for the time being due to mid semester tests coming up this week. The AWS carnival was voted a big. success by all those who at tended. Bill Mudd. Phil Barrett. Stuart Nelson and Bill Snell did thelrjart in making their house booths outstanding. Phil, barker for the carnival AWS booth, says Clarence Hamilton, Mrs. Al Pe he Is reduced to mere whispering tre. Mrs. Rex Adolph. Mrs. because he "barked" so -much. However, Judging from his reci tation on the good time he had, he still has part ot his voice left. Eleanor Swift was picked by student body prexy to head the Homecoming welcoming- commit- horaecomlnjr welcoming commit- ef Homecoming, the university ex- tnila Its wl nm o in all atnmnl who will be down for the big get- together. Extensive plans axe be- ing made to snow everyone a good time. Verdi Sederstrom and John Dick are hard at work with Homecoming committees. A o'clock rally was called Monday morning- to be held at the depot to welcome the foot ball boys hack from California. Barbara Williams and sopobo- more class president Boh Calkins announced the committee ap- m-m ,v. ..Vnnn-l. - formal dance this weekend. Ac- cording to . Barbara, everything Is coming along fine. : r In the world of sports. . . . Rickey Grabeahorst has made 'a name for himself in rnlermurals. He is playing football and swim- mlng for his fraternity house. . . uaroara wuuini ana wary Ann v .1 iN m 1 . . , . - m theiVVororltyT . . . Verdi Me' strom Is finding time to practice iunTronnV t r -nJ V Jm w up on his bowling. June Toon- . : dnonstration which was One of the busiest girls on the to be given at the Salem high campus is Helen Angell, who re- (uteni araeata have beea visit. cao1 auditorium under the spon cently moved to Salem. Helen Is iBt Ae home of Mr d- Mrs. orh,I ot the Oregon SUte cot the news editor of the college Mmtrd oa routo ittw past '"enslon serrlce. with n daily. The Emerald.- and ahe'i Hermiston and Miss Carol Minard. aonstrator from the national only a sophomore. Nice going, weekend. Miss Wanda Tiller of livestock and meat board, has Helen! Barbara Pierce, Mary Jane students at Oregon SUte college, been postponed untU . next Shaw and Eleanor Sederstrom BaT been Tlsiting. and Mr. and Wednesday. broke Into print this weekend T.v nwt. nt rnr,.ni. " when their pictures appeared In gpent Sundty at-Minards. Both the Emerald as publicity for the UUa umard and Mrs. Roberts carnival and a prevue ofwhat are daughters of the Mlnards. the co-eds would wear to that function. 1 Seen around were: Dinny Cross Mrs. R. H. Baldock. Sirs, Bar and Pat Vandenynde studying in ry Craln. Mrs.! Roger Mything the CoHege Side. ... EdlthTand Mrs. John Beakey will motor Olglesby working on the Emerald to CorraUis Friday to attend a copy desk. . . . Margaret Barrett lacbeoa to be given by Mrs. B. wearing a stunning Black dress Glenn, with lace trimmed hood at an -ex-- . , change ttessert. , ,. Allon Elewert ' ' f studying la the library. . . . Eta- The Business and Professional art Kelson working on the Beta Women's dub will hold Initiation booth at the carnival ... Frances for the new members Tuesday. Aaa Mott selling Ice cream cones November T. at g o'clock in the at the AWS booth. . Women's clubhouse. CLUB CALENDAR ; Wednesday, Hot. 1 , Willamette Tent Hire No hosts at Marlon county meeting. Miller hall. S p.m. , Frultlaad Women's ' circle, with Mrs. U K. Bruce, 1 p.m. ; Women's Missionary society ot Jason Lee chorea, 1'IS p - -Dakota per :30 crab. no-hot sup- at Episcopal parUn boose. s r Woman's Home Ml&ftonary society, first Methodist rturca. p. m. i FOB . auxiliary benefit card party at Fraternal temple S P. Jtt. " ' i ' ' ! ' Royal Neighbors Sewing club will meet at the Fair grounds cabin, i ' Missionary and Aid societies. Knight Memorial church beglar nlng at 11 a.m.: AAUW literary class Tith Mrs. Deane Patterson. IMS South Church street. 8 p.m. Thursday, Xovesaber HayesnUe Woman's club with Un J. W. Pentner. Z P.m KCKT club with Mrs. Delia. Schellberg. S47 South Commer cial street. 2 p.m. Liberty Women's club, with. Mrs. Harold Lane. 2 p. m. Klngwood American Legion auxiliary. Legion hall. Parkway DrlTe. S p. m. i i !.!' Merry Mlnglers Sewing club, with Mrs. C. Caldwell, 2 p. m. -"It ' '. ... Friday, November S - Englewood Woman's clnb with Mrs." Jack Barker. 10S0 North lth street at 2 p.m. Unitarian Women's alliance with Mrs. C. S. Hamilton. 20 North Front street?: SO. Mrs. Hallie Hinges, co-hostess. m . T . KlTRDatTlCkS at w A rinTt7rC5rV ViiIJI VC1 Z iy CetetTlOTiy . ; KlrVnat Mr. and Mrs. Hugh . Kapat tie celebrated their golden wed dlnr on- Monday morning by an anniTersary mass at 8 o clock in historical St. Paul's Catholic rhnrch at St. Paul. ReT. Father couple. 1 ! The couple were married on rtnhor an. is 89 at St. Paul, by the ReT. Father; P. X. Blanchet, an Important character In the early day Catholic church in Ore- gon. Mrs. iiirupainc was w- ly Mary DTldson .Winner was itC ir iui' on Monday night at the home of ir tri.Vo.t.V'a krntfia anil Mrs. Kirkpatrick's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson. I The list was made up of mem bers ot the family and close ' friends. Present were Rer. Father - a a B. Jg r tfn sV t-t fTi in . iirLa. air uiu mi s. isuku 0 Kirkpatrlck. Mr. and Mrs. uugene Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. John Dartdson. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Davidson. Mr; and Mrs. Ralph Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gooding. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gearin. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Davidson, Mrs. Emma . Murphy, Mrg, Dora Coleman, Miss Frances Murphy. Mrs. Mary Coleman. Mr. Jackson. Mr. P.! F. Reidy, MisS Honorla Reldy Miss Alice David- T,mHn.Tin. James E. Smith, Mrs. Jerome Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dartdson. Guest Honored at Luncheon I Mrs. Robert . Taylor and Mrs. James Clayton I entertained for Mrs. Robert B. I Stone of Enter prise 'Tuesday afternoon at the home ot . Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Clayton's sis- oioar, wuu s mi. sijivu a ter. is returning trom San ran- Cisco ana win oe a guest or bit. and Mrs. James Clayton for WeThs affair honorln Mrs. Stone was a 1:30 dessert luncheon and bridge. Autumn : iiowers were used about the gnest rooms. Those bidden to compliment Mrs. Stone were; Mrs. W. T. Wa terman. Mrs, James Walton, Mrs. Creighton Jones. Mrs. Kenneth Perry. Mrs. Alden Adolph.. Mrs. Sidney Hoffman and Mrs. ker Wlckwlre. s ' Par- Mpg. Brady Hostess . , - r t rr Tii.- - for group ZlrlenZ St home on -Tuesday night. Yellow and bronze chrysanthemums were used to decorate. -Present were Miss ' Marjorie Knox, Miss Josephine Bross, Miss Teresa Alman. Miss June Welch, Miss Blanche Ferguson, Miss Kathleen Furlong. Mrs. " J. H. Brady. Mrs. H. E. Jaeckel and Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, , . ' ! - ' TTm mrmmtH tTui. flirt Ttai entertained Monday night at the TWCA with a Hallowe'en party. Those attending, were: Miss Bon- nle Carmichael . and Barbara Ferguson, advisers, and the Misses Betty Zoe Allen, Patricia Brown, Carolyn Carson, Jean FIdler. Dar- iene Gardner, 1 Carol Gragg. Josenbina s. VKyutuv nasiiuso, auu;h STZ rZZ? Shaw Play on Willamette Campus Ce&ge Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," which the Theta Alpha Phi national honorary dramatic fraternity presents In the Willamette University chape. Saturday. Norember 11, at I:1S. caused a tremendous furore when produced in His Majesty's theater in London. The play U being presented In connection with the homecoming celebration on the Willamette, campus. In "Arms and the Man." Shaw uses a musical comedy, happy ending plot to bombard the false heroics of war time Idealism. The- role of the sane, practical Captain BluntchU (Douglas Olds) -who enters - the bed-chamber of the heroine, Ralna (Irma Calvert) contrasts with the theatrical emo tionalism of the two Bulgarian women who abelter him. , ' Major Petkor (D. de Lancy) la the typical fat soldier who is happy to be home safely with his collection of honorary medals! Mme. Petkor Is played by Fran ces Plckard. Louka (Merle Kyle) the tempestuous serrant girl. Is the mouthpiece of Shaw's demo cratic, social theory. The handsome, young soldier, Sergius (Cory don Blodgett) de sires abore all things, to be lie roic. The butler. Nicola, is played by , Pat Dorsey. Major Phllopopllis by Stuart Bush. Kinswood Legion at Mobley Home, Members - of the Klngwood American Legion auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Karl Mobley in Parkway drire Monday afternoon, to honor Mrs. Ora Gilllland with liland. for a visit at the latter' home? in Raton. New Mexico, after which she will Journey to Ari zona and Missouri, then on to. Hartford. Conn.; for aa Indefinite stay with her sister.- At the close of an Interesting travelogue, many lovely handker chiefs were presented to the honor rnest anil refreshments aria served to the following members riitM... v Tr Mrs. Ora Gilllland. Mrs. Kenneth Abbott. Mrs. Fred Birch. Mrs. Emmett- Dickson. Mrs. George Combs, Mrs. George Barsnesa, Mrs. Gene Diets, Mrs. Frank Llghtfoot, Mrs. Ross Clark, Mrs. William Schwarx, Mrs. . Henry Boyd, Mrs. John Boening, Mrs. - W T . S 1 . n aa ooun- wur. Mrs LUlian Williams, Mrs. Karl.Mobley, Mrs. G. C. Eksman, f Kue!,'1Mr8A1,ce?il" "land. Mrs. Evelyn Van Dyke nd M,M Cef." Schwarx. "n Costume Party for J Willy Uiapman . ' '''' Mrs. Bruce Gambill gave a cos- tume Hallowe'en party Monday man, and a group of his class mates from Washington grade school. Orange and black deco rations were curried out. The evening was spent informally playing games. . Those bidden were: Mary Ko witx. Patsy Nickens. Joan L de head, Janice Davis, Betty Lou Edwards. Alfred Loue. Allan Bel linger, Kenneth Alberts, Clarence Hammer and Billy Chapman. ' yy if a n gi iiaiiowc en rany Vriven . t -r:ll "C...1, "J "y twv . m7 Tawk Inrlted a grpup of .Wlenda to Jne country home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Harold Freeman Monday at 10 o'clock for a Hal lowe'en party. The group later went on a treasure hunt which took them through a deserted church, a cemetery and a haunted house and later ended at the home of Miss Maxine Ferguson in Eola where refreshments were served. I s Assisting with the - arrange ments were Miss Edna Hall. Har old Dalke, Miss Maxine Fergu son, Harold Hahn and Mrs. Har old Freeman. The missionary society of the First Christian church will hold " U, meeting oa Thursday at Z o'clock In the church par lors Mrs. E. W. Cooley will lead devotions and Mrs. Dean Scho maker .will be in charge" of the lesson. Mrs. J. A. Pointer will give a talk on Christian homes and Mrs. Schomaker will talk about Christian homes in foreign lands. Mrs. Harold Lyman and Miss Mary Jewell Ladd will also participate In the program. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman and Dr. and . Mrs. Dolph Craig hare returned from a vacation to California. j Friends in Salem received word from the Frank Durblns. who are on a trip In the east and south, in which they reported a -few days' stay fn Washington. D. C, They left the last of the week for Florida and will return home of the year. do mis i To help prevent i colds developing. : tae this special-; bed rvdrTition ' VOGC at first warning? ww saie or sneeze. X fm L UU, j t,,,C w '. UAXINE BUR EN , 10 i - p I si y i V. t f - "She absolutely refuses to help with the housework. She's afraid of getting 'dishwater hands! The little buck-passer's mother wears a gay multicolor print. Note the short puffed sleeves, notched collar, and bodice fullness. Her guest has one of those grand, boxy sports coats, with wide revers and large patch pockets. It's tailored of a green woolen material and looks awfully smart over a slim black skirt. - PeerGynt Suite on Recorded Program The Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 by Grieg will be heard during the regular .weekly program of re corded music In the music room of the Salem public library Wednes day afternoon from 8 to 4. The complete program Is as fol lows: . - " Poet aas Peaaaat oWartara Sapp J&ataa "Papa" orchestra Arthur Fiedlar, eoaductor ' Uolitra (Tfca Prarer) , Paris Irr Gorin, baritoaa with arehcatrs - Diraetaa y Mataaaiai aausrat CaiMrea'a Caraav Saita Debany j Ir. Ora d us aad ParmaMaa Jamba's Lullaby Alfred Cortet, piaaiit Hcstoratqae . .. . Tithaikoraky , frits Kraialar, vioUaist Aaf Fiscal das Oasaacca (Oi Wiaca Holds Lasbaasks, aopraaa with orchestra Aadanta taotsbila front "Strinf Quar tet, Wo. 1. Op. 11" TlcasikoTskr Philadalphia Orchestra Karens Ormsndy. eoadaetor . Cavalleria Ra.ticaBS Opaoiaa Choros , Hascssai Blossoms af Orangva Metropolitaa Opera Chorss with rehettrs Giolie 8etti, director Pear Orat Soits Na. 1 irig Maniac Death Asa ' Aattra's Taara ' la the HaU af the HoantaU Klaf . Synphaay arehestra John Bsrbirotli, eeadaetor a a Community Players Give Dance The Knights of Pythias hall was the scene of n gay dance when friends and members of the Community Playhouse met at a masquerade party. The hall was attractively decorated in autumn colors with a large centerpiece of corn -stalks, squashes, pump kins and apples. Music was furn ished by Mrs. Earl Andreason. Miss Myrl Terry. and Mr. Her man . Domagalla. Dancing and old-time party games were fea tured. Thirty five guests were present. r j I 111 I n j in SOaws : m Y ( Season after season UX&R0 leads with; new im-i provemeiiUsafcabirca. Here's the most crrirmg thing that has ever happened to sauce pane . .' improvements desicned cspeciany for easfrr titan tngi Only ldTKRO offers nil these reniarkable sdvaaced features. Sea then today. tar. li mt tmtwmdm,tmrrri,;mmtt-rtmmmSm K.UtK-qtjOaly$tJ.waBaSae 1. IK. tt Otaiy $1 JS, WiU Ba SLSS IK. S. t-qXJDntf 2XXK WO Bs SIM i aaaaOaMe iar mU mmm mt I . E. tZZ XL CcnmsMcJal Or I IFawteVa Editor- 7 TS c Evening Party ' Given At Hillman's Tuesday night Miss Calllne Hillman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G rover Hillman and Miss Naney Wallace, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, were hostesses with a gay Hallowe'en party. ' A dessert was ' served at the Hillman home and the eve ning spent Informally. Those bidden were: the Misses Imogene Mcintosh, Pat Zeller, Ruth Bain, Joan Ruth Kuck, Margaret-Jane Emmons, Ruth Ann Larson, Lois . Cunningham. Maxine - Smaller, Nancy Mont gomery, Patsy Schneider, Mari lyn Wyatt, Frances Hertz, Estella Warner, Kathleen Hug, Marilyn Hjort. Patsr Varley and Jeanne Buslck. 1 , ; i : Mrs. McCall Hostess At Dinner Mrs.. Marie Flint McCall wIU be hostess tonight at a beauti fully arranged dinner party at her home on Wallace, road. Chry santhemums and Mexican colors will be used on the table. Guests will be: Mrs. James Mott, . Mrs. Lynn Purvine, , Mrs. Marvin Lewis, Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Mrs. J. Wall ing, Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mrs. T. O. Russell, Mrs. Philiippe, Mrs. Bertha Bergman, Mrs. May Gib son, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Helen Y o c k e y. Miss Nellie Schwab, Miss Edna McElhaney, Miss Constance Kantner. Miss La Verne Kantner, Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Grace Babcock, Miss Jean Harold, Mrs. John Rand, Mrs. Pearl Grote. Miss Mlra Belt, Mrs. T. A. McBride and Miss Hilda Crawford. Miss Elizabeth Smith has just returned from, a vacation trip to San Francisco. n O u THE FINEST ALUMINUM kusso L' J sWMsassatasI -Cap,9U S-Cuo, $i.r lj-cuics $zas WMafHat Tas Kattsa S-QuartBiaa aaoe kew rem SAIMIIE urz MUUO mmmm ' Haattaa Tsa t-CaeStst ismo 3adMaaqar M;Hdv. mo Pumpkin Pie Recipes to Repeat When the frost ta on the pnmp ttln, the pumpkin pie should be on the menu, There are Just about so many recipes for pump kin pie that are ; really worth publishing, although there are many fancy quirks to the old for mulas and every year we must repeat the best ones. Here's a standard chiffon pumpkin pie re cipe, well worth trying over on your family. 'CHIFFOW PUMPKIN PTB i : 1 enp pumpkin or squash. ' 1 cup sugar , 1 enp rich milk S eggs beaten separately : 2 tablespoons melted butter - K teaspoon ginger M teaspoon cloves teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon Siere cooked (preferably bak ed) pumpkin, mix with remaining ingredients, adding stiffly beaten whltea last. ' Pour into unbaked shell and bake for 10 minutes at 425 degrees, reducing heat to 350 degrees for the next 30 min utes. Then there's the regulation custard Itype pumpkin pie fill ing, the kind that mother, grand mother 'and all the other ances tors made. And here's a, typical . recipe: PCMPKIX PIE 14 cups pumpkin . ' 1 egg, slightly beaten teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon y. teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk Dust of allspice Mix as for custard, -bake for first 10 minutes at 425 degrees, reduce heat to S50 degrees for MACHIXELESS PERM. $2.00 OU Pcrnu, 9 JdO complete.. Trne-Wav -Perm. $1.00 ' Rose Perm. Wave Saloas 4 OS Guardian Bid. Phone 7070) Liberty SUte ' FRO II OUR NEVZ FALL aAND WINTER ICOOHOF PATTERNS barfiew FaUTnd Winter Pattern ookvAnne Ad&ms l a . mX a s D9 maas loaayi le ana Dacic-interest silhouettes; nincr styles fox bia afternoons and ittle evenings . . cioinen xor xne young generation, Om the tiniest toddler thrrninri in f ht co-ed rUngeriehougedressei and 'amort tnnal-tri oralis eV:A. j nmcducling the fair-and-forty and lie matronly older woman!, art FIFTEEN CEZITS lcsybuthis thrhl ttg Anns) Adams Pattnm Dook. And fox 1A7QIT7-FIVE CEI2TS won maw nnW . ORDER YfSuirCOPY TODAY rFROM Today's Menu An oyen meal wfll & planned for the family tonight. Tomato Juice Ground Meat Rolls Escalloped Potatoes v Baked Diced Carrots ; Brown Betty GBODND MEAT ROIXS 1H ponnda ground heef pound ground pork ' '.2 eggs Salt and pepper 6 slices bacon - Bread dressing - Pare beef neck or ahank - a-rnnfid with fresh DOrk ShOUlder. . Season with salt and pepper, and moisten witn augnwy om.n Pat to : one-half inch thickness mA i. HAtinrnlir ahane about three by four Inches. Spread with bread dressing and rou. riace in , n baking dish and bake fn n mod erate oven degrees) until done, about one honr. . . . : Books Available for Salem Cooks ' Salem women attending the Statesman's cooking school are Invited to borrow any of the more than SO books about cooking at the public library. All the fam ous cook books such as the "Bos ton Cooking School Cook Book; "Good Cooking" by Haseltine, and. "America's New Cook Boor nre available. Howeyer, many ot remainder of time. Just before done, rub the top with a- piece of butter to make a rich brown top. One very good cook uses cut candied ginger Instead of ground ginger, for n - delightful flavor variation. IICI II ilTllll ta takes you to a pre? xouu see Xhm new page after page of imj : PATTERN DEPT. wm wm w the not-so-famous eooTc hooks! contain unusual and foreign re cipes that will please the most discriminating family. For the husband who likes to cook there are at least two books of recent date. AbdaUah'a "For Men Only, a Cook Book," Squire's The Stag at Ease, a Cook Book." are especially recommended by the librarian. - v9 (. Or? "Don't (lido Your Hands At luncheons and eMrjos emnts. hkto'thaBr head in one way or aaotbsc Have you found yourself doing this? 0 ft yoa havaa't yet eJsoevscsd FLAMINGO NAIL POLISH. FLAMINGO... with its esse ef application and longw.wesriao; ejMliuse ...will be a revelation to you. Baauufui naUa ate always admbed...lst FLAMINGO nuke you proud of : Tuzizsn mz cur' tzizzt To asset every costume raqulrarBsnt... FLAMINGO oners five "must" shades, Ton can have all five and still Mve mousy.-. fc FLAMINGO is slxty-cent quality for a dissei BSIIUCT ITILtf a ISSSt At Toilet Goods M' Counters l 'jr v VaU00EEDVinC3 Uurnf I LL ,esJi,.i i 40' 000, j 'r '2 '"''"'''nBsaJ THE