Th OREGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregon, Wednesday Montis;, November 1, PAGE TXIIIEI JL ! Consolidation Measure Passes Sophomores to . Entertain Freshman at Skating -Party Thursday PERRYDALE Enterprise school district Toted Monday night to coneolldste with Perrydale wlta a rote of 19 to 12. There were It Toted at Perrydale. Enterprise Toted earlier and It did not pass. They hare one teacher and two pupils who will come to Perry dale. ' Two pins pons tables hare been purchased by the school board and set up on the stage for play. Play pace Is crowded for so many pu pils of all ages and time Is dlrtded for play .There are 147 students registered now. Sarah Dick of Smithfield has left school here and will attend Bible school in Dallas which op ened last week. Her father. IL H. Dick, will teach In the Bible school. The sophomore class will enter tain the freshmen Thursday night with a skating party in Salem. Thursday la the last day of school this week due to teachers' insti tute In Dallas. . The football team of Perrydale had a rery- good week defeating Rlckreall 36 to 0 and taking Air lie Infeqgcamp S4 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell returned Sunday from San Fran cisco where they spent the past .week. : - Lincolnites Have Hallowe'en Frolic LINCOLN. -A Hallowe'en fun frolic was siren by the Lincoln Community club for the first fall meeting, Friday night. Mrs. Mar tha Burt, in charge of arrange ments, requested Vernon Merrick to be chairman of the business meeting. A new secretary, Mrs. Merle Curtis, was elected for the year, and Mrs. J. D. Walling was nominated as chairman of the next meeting in Norember. Games and contests were supervised by Vernon Merrick. Appropriate Hal lowe'en refreshments were b erred by Mrs. B. E. Buckles and Mrs. J. D. Walling. . Mrs. Frank Stowe, a frequent Lincoln visitor and a sister of Mrs. T." J. Merrick, Is seriously 111 at her home at Monroe. John Walling, who has been a patient at the Deaconess hospital since be broke his leg while work ing with a truck, is now at home again. . Liberty Party Attended by 60 LIBERTY. -rThe Albert Brown lee home was the setting for a merry masquerade Hallowe'en party for the young people's Christian Endeavor and their friends Friday.' 1 Arriving guests were taken through a series of dark "death chambers, after which games were played. Prises for costumes went to Mrs. Frank Hauser for most original costume; Leo Ba ton, as Evangeline, the prettiest; Betty Nelson of Northwest Chris tian college, dressed as a moun taineer, the funniest. . About CO were present. Church Holy Days Will Be Observed ST. LOUIS. Wednesday, No vember 1, All Saints day will be observed at the Catholic church here with masses at 7 and 9 o'clock. . v Thursday, All Saints' day will be observed, with mass being ob served at 9. Next Sunday night, November 5, a card party -will be held here In the parish ball. The public Is Invited. Calif ornians Visit Friends at Zena ZENA. Frank and Louis Bee bo of San Diegor-Calif., brothers of Mrs. C. F. Butler, were guests here several days last week while en route to their former home at Sorlnrfleld. Mass. Mrs. W. Frank Crawford. Mrs. Milton. Stephens and Mrs. R. H. Scott will be hostesses to the Spring Valley home-missionary society at the Crawford home at Zena Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. Plant Strawberries FOX VALLEY Mrs. Errol KInts. at Frank's mill, is helping the Milo Kinta family dls straw berry plants near Sublimity. Tney plan to set out about st.ooe pianis this fall. ANNUAL ONE WEES OIILY 23 Par Cant Oil On All Prinrcss Uqzzz Nationally Famous , for Finer Beauty Preparations Brians' Crown Dm j S!:ro 532 State St. rhone SS23 Balem, Ore&m Perrvd 9; Ready for J One of the two ships that wm be used by the Antarctic expedition of Admiral Richard E. Byrd fa shown at Boston, ready for a final checkup prior Roberts Women's Club Has Meeting ROBERTS. The O. T. club held its regular meeting with a 1 o clock dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. S. C. Davenport. with Mrs. Oral Stutsman and Mrs. Albert Blankenship assisting host esses. " ' Covers were placed for 25 members and children, and four special guests, Mrs. Cora Smith, Mrs. Carl Bewley. Mrs. Frances Zeelke and Mrs. Walter Eldrldge of Portland. ; Mrs. Floyd Avery was surprised with a shower during the after noon, t The contest prize went to Mrs. John O reborn. Mrs. Nan Lou Pettyjohn will entertain the club November. 9. Hiatt Is Home From Hospital LYONS Amoa Hiatt was brought home from the Salem Deaconess hospital Saturday. He is much improved but still con fined to his bed. . k Miss Constance Bodeker,' a stu dent at Oregon State college, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. She had as her guest Miss Lillian Susman of Pendleton, also a student at Oregon State. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask and son Dean of Albany spent the weekend with Mrs. Trash's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Brassfleld ands son Bob spent Sunday at Hillsboro visiting at the home of Mr. Brassfield's sister. RickreaUQub ; To Hear Collins RICKREALL Dean Cofilns ot Portland has been secured for Community club Wednesday night. The meeting was ; set ahead as Collins could not ; come Friday night. ; . f . ' An entertaining ; program has been arranged by the committee. Collins subject will be:. "Do You Want to Buy a War?" Handicraft 4-H Club Elects Officers HAZEL GREEN-r The Handi craft 4H club, with Miss Geral- f dine Fry leader, hare officers and members as follows: president. Alvln Schiiengles; vice president, Juniro Williamson: secretary. Delbert Combs: Roland Zlrllnlsk. Vernon Reld. Cecil Wright, Earl Johnson, Richard Kasper, Gerald Thurman. Daryl Van Cleave. Union Keating Oils are scientifically refined pad carefully handled.. .frea from Dos combuctibla materials and dirt that cause cloezlns trouble, waste. They ere safe to nse, uniform fca quality. Mods clean sod aVltarred dert to your homo, UNION OIL COMPANY pnnfp C3 Ordtr from na ot thss9 distributors today: CITY ICE WORKS - PHONE S121 ; 1 L. R. TWEED IE - PHONE 96S8 UNION OIL C02IPANY - PHONE 767S ale Schools 'Combine Byrd's South Pole Expedition f v ! ,.' , .:: A v f 1 !; -l ..r "f X U. S. 8. North Star Union News ROSEDALE. Officers for the coming year were elected for the Rosedale Junior7 Farmers Union at a meeting held Thursday night, as follows: President, f Virgil Trick; vice president, I Glen Sparks; secretary, Dorothy Sher man; conductor, Dick Morgan; doorkeeper, Robert Ladd. Valleda Trick, Arthur Blngenheimer and Francis Morgan were named on the executive committee. Meetings during the coming winter months will be held twice a month, on the second and fourth Monday evenings at 8 p. m. at the Rosedale schoolhouse. Applications for membership were .received from Hulda Beckley and Arlene Jensen. The obligation and initiation will be given them at the next meeting. TALBOT Sidney-Talbot Fann ers Union met In regular forum Sunday night in the Talbot school house. : ; S Re freshment committee Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blinston, Mr. pointed for the next meeting Is appointed for the next meeting is Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blinston, Mr. and Mrs. John Bostract, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allen. 3 Mrs. William Wlederrehr was in charge of the program. D. E. Tnrnldge told of their recent visit to the San Francisco fair. Committees Named At Club Meeting J GRAND ISLAND The mothers circle club held its regular meet ing last week at the borne of Mrs. Henry Taylor with Mrs. Eld win Magness assisting hostess. Standing committees appointed for the year by the president, Mrs. Charles A. Ferguson, were: flower committee, Mrs. Clarence Badger and Mrs. Roy E. .Will; lookout committee, Mrs. J. H. Tompkins and Mrs. C. A. Rock- hill. The next meeting will be Wed nesday afternoon, November 8, at the home of Mrs. Fred Flnni- cum with Mrs. Dale Fowler "a sisting hostess. Go to Convention LYONS Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Leon Smith, Mrs. Albert Bass, and Mrs. John Caldon were, the delegates from the Lyons community club who at tended the district convention of Federation of Women's clubs held at Union. Hill Friday. .to departure. Nov. 1. The craft Is the North Star. Supplies and materials are being' loaded now for the long; voyage south. Rickey 4H Clubs Elect Officers RICKEY A 4H Health club, the "Health Builders," has been organized with Mrs. Hazel Hol boke, principal, as leader. Offi cers are: president, R. 1 c b a r d Schllcker; vice president, Gladys Brandt secretary, Jack Corning; yell leader. Robert Gilbert; , ser-geant-at-arms, Roderick Hen drickson; club reporter, Gayle Crorier; demonstration commit tee for the year, Anita Faye Ha ger, Marvls Beck, Emelia Lanln ger. New officers for the- Forestry club continued from last year are: president, Roderick Hendrlckson; vice president. Jack Cornlns; sec retary, Ota Binegar, Jr.; sergeant alarms, Richard Schllcker; yell leader and song leader. Earl Bens. Waldo Miller is club leader. Officers for the Room Improve ment club are: president, Anita Faye Hager; vice-president, Glad ys Brandt; secretary. Mavis Beck; reporter, Gayle Crosier. Newlyweds Honored At Lyons Sunday1'., 1 1 i- LYONS Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Klmery honoring their son Clif ford who was recently married in Salem, to Miss Veronica Sheldon were Mr. and -Mrs. Art Ayres, Dor othy, Harold and Blllle Ayres, Wlllard, George and Frank Klm ery. Mr. and Mrs. Klmery will make their home In Salem. They were Sunday night guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayres.: Mkt FHII OFFER wm Nib year's pick el "Cane Qmm" bceo site Imm Ike right OMibineKoft of chora end tows tlaets typical of the raoaem American s M. Nr real (inekinf oUowre Hie pick of Hmhi aW b Cfcattertfald bicawi ht right comb noflan off the world's hott tobacco abas moken Real Mildness and latter TaHo. Cepjtifibt 1939, - - i ... Reception Will Honor Teachers .'- i Silverton ' Women's Qub . ; Plans Event for . ' November 6 SILVERTON The-. Silverton Woman's club will hold a teach ers' reception November 6,. begin ning at p. m., in the small audi torium of the new high school building in honor of Superinten dent H. W. Adams and his staff of teachers. Mrs. Jonas- J. Byberg. clnb president, will be official hostess to the group, r will wel come the guests during the pro gram hqur. Response will be made by Adams. Mayor Zetta Schlador will bring greetings. The entertainment planned in cludes a vocal solo by Mrs. Tom Anderson, a violin solo by Mrs. Irene Morley Franke, and readings by Mrs. Floyd Ellefson. Group singing will be led by Floyd Ellef son. v Following the program refresh ments will be served. All teachers and their wives have been invited and club mem bers will be accompanied by their husbands. i SILVERTON Mrs. J o n a s J. Byberg, president of the Silverton Woman's club, Mrs. George Jaes chke, vice - president, and . Mrs. A. P. Solie, chairman of publicity tor the state federation, attended the third district meeting in Inde pendence on October 28. Marion, Polk, Clackamas, Yamhill, Clat sop, Columbia, Tillamook, Mult nomah and Washington counties are Included in this district Mrs. Byberg gave a short report of her e 1 n b's outstanding accomplish ments this past year, and Mrs. So lie reported on her department's plans for this year. Mrs. Jaeschke was named as Marlon county's member of next year's nominating committee. District Governor Carr will be guest speaker at the Active club Wednesday night at the clubs' weekly dinner meeting. Qub Gives Shower At Brush College BRUSH COLLEGE. Mrs. Mar garet Hadespeck entertained the Brush College Helpers Thursday afternoon. The group gave a mis cellaneous shower for a recent bride, Mrs. Wlllard Wells (Betty Singer). Miss Wells Is a niece of Mrs. Hadespeck. Mrs. Karl Hac ritt appointed Mrs. .Charles Mc Carter, Mrs. A. E. Utley and Mrs. Mike Focht as nominating com mittee for election of officers at the next meeting, November 9, when guest day is also to be f ea tared,,' ' , : , Election of officers will be held at Brush College Grange Friday night. Arrested at Silverton SILVERTON Franklyn Blank was lodged In the county Jail Sat urday nglht on a complaint sign ed by Harvey Anderson. The charge was taking groceries out of parked ears and bail was fixed at $250, which Blank was unable to furnish. y CTtM ' . Stayton Gets ' Street Work Resurfacing Progresses, Sidewalks Built, Signs Placed STAYTON The WPA crew In Stayton are working on the build ing of sidewalks, placing of street 'signs and resurfacing of streets. The crew . .is headed by Foreman William Smith, of Woodburn. -. The crew has filled A street in front of the Eloper residence. "The sidewalks Include those in front of the Jake Spanlol home, the Ernest Doxler residence In the .Albas block, on T Washington street . in front of-Walter Bell's and the new Eas ton house, and from Dr. Burl Better's home north. , ;, The street signs are being built here and then hauled to Salem where they are painted - and let tered. Later there will be some main Improvements of streets. , STAYTON Honoring the birth, day of Dan Britner in Stayton a dinner was held at his' home Sun day. - r - Present were: Mrs. Minnie Schuenaman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckner," Mrs. Elsie Boston and son, Loren Boston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bales, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ashbaugh, and daughter, Miss Kreta - Fae 'Ash baugh, Miss Neva Ramp, Mrs. Mat tie Brace and Miss Marjorle Davis. Members of Honor Society Announced WOODBURN The Woodburn high school Torch honoh society has announced new members for the first six weeks period of the school year which has just been completed. In order to maintain membership in the Torch Honor society, a pupil must have an av erage grade of two or better. Citi zenship also plays an huportant part in . attaining membership in the society. Doris Jones is the only pupil who received straight l's. Jeanne Lee has been a mem ber ot the society since she start ed In as a freshman with 19 consecutive times on the honor roll The complete list Is as follows! Francis Alleman, Herbert Asbur ry, Ambrose Asper, Luther Asper, Thelma Asper,- Leona Ballweber, Robert Bellamy, Margaret Beyer, Rose Breuninger, Mabel Burk hart, Boyce Cannon, Arlene Cole man, Leonard Coleman, Tom Col-, lister, Frances Copeland, Loretta Copeland, Dorothy Craft. ' John Cummings, Virginia Cush lng, Marjory Davis, Arlene Davis; Paul Dowd, Raymond Erb, Millf cent Evenden, Marjery Evenson, Luella Gurney, Edwin Gurney, Carl Gustafson, Geraldlne Han auska, Bernlce Hanson, Oreta Harr, Harold Herlgstad, Doris Jones, Lorene Kahut, Jeanne Lee, Betty Lou Leigh ty, Genevieve Letcher, Grace Lindeken, Tom Loser, Etta Mae Losey, LaVerne Martin. Floyd Mattson, Corrine Miller, Viola-Mills. Rodney Mills, Helen Moedins. William McHollck, Helen Nussear, Loren Olson, Pauline Phares, Gail Polly, Doris Pome roy, Herbert Ramage, Ada Claire Renn, Jean Royse, Shirley Seely, Kenneth Steffen, Jean Thompson, Maybelle Vorels, Grace Warwick, Dai Wertz, Virginia Williams, Leo Wulff, Helen Yoder and El sie Yoder. THE of them yictor Brunners Receive 150 Guests Sunday on 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated at lneir Sdvertoii Home siLVERTON Present at the orieinal weddinir. Dresent at the silver wedding and present at the golden wedding ob servance is the record achieved by Mrs. Dan Geiser when she attended the 50th wedding anniversary of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .Vjctor Brunrier at Silverton Sunday. Others present Sunday who were present 50 years ago were Leah , 1 ' ' OLlchty Dick, -Rose LIchty Ste- Stayton Student : v r Of ficers Named Steve ' Proctor Will Head ( . Two Organizations; Club Started : . STAYTON Officers of the stu dent body of the Stayton high school are; Steve Proctor, presi dent;; Darrel ' Lewis," rice presi dent; Velma Toeman, secretary; Ruby - Hughes, treasurer; Ray mond Gries, student" manager; Edward Kreltzer, sergeant-at-arms; Clell Crane, student coun cil representative; Anita Hum phreys and Margaret Lewis, yell leaders; Betty Jean Chltwood, sonjr queen.' and Bob .Bennett, pianist. Senior class officers are Steve Proctor, president; Velma Yeo man, vice president; ' Darell Lewis, secretary-treasurer; Cloyd Harrel, student body representa tive. Junior' class officers are Clell Crane, president; Albert Vernon, vice president; Margaret Knight, secretary-treasurer; George Mi elke, student body representa tive. Sophomore class officers are Lela Mae Bell, president; Wil bur Blum, vice president; Leo nard Gisler, secretary-treasurer; Glen Haworth, sergeant-at-arms; Dina. Champ, student body repre sentative. The girls glee club officers are Rosella Mae Bell, president; Betty Jean Chltwood, vice presi dent; Lela Mae Bell, secretary treasurer; Iris Carter, librarian. A club has been organized and is 'called the Girls' Handicraft club. The officers are Marie Nelke, president: Bobby Sue Mc Call, vice president; Margaret Fair, secretary-treasurer; Oleatha Johnson, reporter. Waldo Hills Qub Will Give Dance WALDO HILLS Waldo Hills community club will hold its first dance j of the season Saturday night at the club house. Music will be furnished by the Paul Winslow orchestra. Arranging the affair are Dudley Morton, Theodore Riches, Ralph Egan.- Karl Haberly and John Goodknecht. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Jr., have arrived here from the Ha waiian Islands for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, sr. The younger Morton Is con nected with sugar manufacturing plants "on the islands. ' The par ents formerly lived there also but retired a few years ago to make their home here. Stitchers to Meet McALPIN Mrs. Mae McEl- haney wUl be home hostess for the first fall meeting of the Mc Alpin Stitchers' club Thursday. Mrs. Audrey Morley is club presi dent and Mrs. McBlhaney secre tary of the group. PICK OF THEM ALL FOR is Chesterfield because of its right combination of the best American and Turkish tobaccos Real mildness is more important in a cigarette today than ever before because j people smoke more now than ever before. .That' 8 why so many smokers have changed to Chesterfield they ore finding out that for Real Mildness and Better Taste the pick all is Chesterfield. V Yciillfind that Chesterfields are cooler, better-tasting, and definitely milder e you can't buy a better cigarette, MAKE YOUR iiesieriieio. THEY REALLY pnen, Mary Krug Schar and Mar tha Brunner Sampson. One hundred and twenty guests in all, coming from as far away as Walla Walla, Wash., attended the all-day reception held at the Knights of Pythias hall. Victor Brunner, 72, and Emma Kribbs, 68 were married at the Marlon., county courthouse, No rember 2, 1889. They were both born at Vera Kruez, Ind. Brun ner came here 60 years ago and she- followed fire years later. Guests Listed . Those attending were A It Is Brunner, Mr. and Mrs: D. F. Brunner of Salem; from Port land were Mrs. Martha Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schanen and Carroll Jeanne. Mrs. Anna Hew ltt, Don Hewitt, Mrs. Elizabeth Brasier. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Green and June, Mr. and Mrs, Verne Green, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Strubel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dye, Mr. and . Mrs. Emery R. Dye and. Jean nette, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bayles, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Black, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Handley and Richard Dal Handley; from Sa lem, Miss Audrey Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bertuleit and Mrs. Alice Kaser; From Silverton were Mr. . and Mrs. Alphus Schar and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. George Elton, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krug and Donna and Dale Krug, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Egan and Colleen arid Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dick erson and Vadis. Vayle and Rich ard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug, Henry Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaser and Freddie and Raymond, Lou Guard. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Knight, Calvin Ka ser, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo McMor rls and Wayne, Leah and Dinah Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Audnle Tok Stad, Dr. E. A. Wrightman, sr.. Dr. E. A. Wrightman. Jr., Lela Stortz, Mrs. Emma Stortt, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mathys, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Kaser and Allen, Mrs. Ruth " Hannah and Jackie and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bai ler, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steffen and Ellen, L. J: Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Geiser, Lyle Krug, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaser and Sammy; T 'From Battleground, Wash., were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Wulff and Alfred and Neva; Mrs. Sarah ' Trumble of Walla Walla, Wash., Joe and Frank Eberbart of Boring; from Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. ' Ernest Bailer and Lar ry and Ronald, Mrs. Mary Bailer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moser; from Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. William Garver and JoAnne and Valenla; and from. Garibaldi, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jackson. Births Reported At Silverton SILVERTON Three births are reported from the Silverton hos pital during the weekend. . A second aon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swartout Octo ber 27. Their, first child, Kenneth Howard, is 3. A son was also born to Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Parks ofScotts Mills, October Z7, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell October 28. SATISFY r t - r