- - . a i-.- -i -v -r 32 OREGON STATESMAN, Salm; Oregon, Wednesday Monitor, November 1, 1933 PAGE ELEVEN"" Salem's Market ElacefdiTi Broyortg; 9 Honey to Loan Money to Loan For Rc ApsrtaestJ For Sale-Used Cars For Sale Used Cart Leal Notice am-. i-J cTm fhi im nf .? rfli II 71 im (ITT Bang up! Classified Ads Call 9101 . . Classified Advertising . Three Insertions per line- i.25c Six Insertions per line Jl 40e One month per line ., fl.lt Minimum ehsrge 25c; 2 U. min imum 35c; t tL min. 4 Sc. No . refunds. ... - Copy for this page accepted trntO t:3t tb vealng before publica tion for classification. Copy re-' celved after this time will be ram under the heading "Too Late to Classify." .- . The .Statesman assumes no ftoaa clal responsibility for errora which mar appear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and In ease where th: paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which 'the typographical mistake occurs. ,r - . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. - t A "Blind. Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman I not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind4 ad. Livestock a as a . mj t e Bwt.. . picked op lr Ph. collet 4 1 1 .tatetn tonuenmerr- nerra , mm - t - i FOR SALE 4 yr. old Jersey. 1 to t gal. every day. Tear old Guernsey heifer. Tel. SeL j . GOOD. DARK JERSEY COW, fresh ta Pec. 4i. 284 Fairview Ave. A actions . AtrCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT, this week. Nov. 8, T :8t p. m. sharp, at the F. N. Woed ry Auction Furniture Mart. Ill N. Bummer. A lot of good consigned fur niture. Rugs, linoleum, davenport seta, S-piece walnut : dining room suite, breakfast sets, radios, piano, dressers, beds, springs A mattresses, stands, odd dishes, 8upermaid aluraln. set, table lamps, elec. sweeper. Qts. fine bom canned fruit, carpet, pictures, alee, range, wood range, gas range, beatsre and a hundred other items not men tioned. A store full of wonderful bar gains at private sal daily. Terms of auction cash. F. K. and Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers, ph. St Is. Yea. we pay cash or trad for used furniture or sell any thing on commission. See us before yon buy, sell or trade. Help Wanted tit WKKKI.V O ROW sturfirwHn cellar, sbed W boy.tSe lb. World's largest company FRKB BOOK. Mush reoma SO It Sereod Seattle Wash Help Wanted Male MIDDLE AGED man tn eonvalesA cent home. 231 N. Fourth. Ph. Tift. . Situations Wanted RtklMCKIH TltlKTK earvtr. oral iMuilng. reasonable rates, P. 888 DftCSSMAK. MRS Adstrt Ph tltS PAPER. PAINT: t- Johnson. 111. YARD A GARDEN work. Ph. - DRESSMAKING CAN go tnte the home $. a day. Phoa ItU Mil av C om L rrorjSEWORK, DAY er hour. Phone EXP. 4KKFR. Ret. 774 Statesman, IS TR; OLD girl wants housework la town. 71 N. Front Salem Exjf. -young ' woman wants kitchen work in restaurant. Bx 771 Statesman. Want 'Exp. .Rest, cooking, nursing; a am stress. R 4, Bx lit. Salem. Exp. hskpr. Ref. Bx 77 S, Statesman. "WILL CARE for elderly lady, my home. Mrs. Audrey Clark. Indepen dence. 4, For Sale Miscellaneous Rlkes v)rs Ramaden 141 I Jo. CASH FOR used fum. Ph. 111. WESTING HOUSE WASHERS. . per month. Y EATER A RT7SH CO. tSI N. Liberty Nest To Power Oe. WASHER SPECIAL this week. New f I4.S Magneltc. now tSt.tt. Othct waabers low mm IIS. Guar. Hogs Broa APPLES. VARIETIES. S5 an, 1 Wallace Road. Ph. SF1L Pratf a D CASH REGISTER. Adding machine. Typewriter. Duollcator. Calculator sad Seal aervir. All makes sold, rested. swspMd. Roen Typewriter Esehanae. 41 Court. WESTlNOHOtTSB RANGE. S-bara-er. smooth top. Corox high speed ea Its, This rang lis new. No down pay ment f 3.S1 per month Including tnter- TEATER RTTSH CO. tSS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. APPLES. VARIETY. Ill & Cottage. HOTPOINT RANGE with cooker, two even onita smooth top. used only 11 months: ItJ.St tf.Sft down. SS.ST r """"ytcater' a RUSH CO. " tSS N. Liberty Next To Power C. ESTATE GAS range coat tlS4.tt. sed two yean, now only IMi GOOD HODSEKERPINO INC 4SS Court Street mipiv nrvin 1 . 1 1 I M ms m gas anea. fulhr reTOrilttoaes. TEATER RUSH CO. BSS N. Liberty Next To Power Cv LANG WOOD ranges, brand l discount. - tSS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. seaSsSasakBbSSSssaaSjS SALE WALNUT sheila Se a sack bring sacks. Klorfela Packing Co, SM a High. - S DOZ. WHITS LEGHORNS. Ph S7F14. - . . ADVERTISJNO Westers Adftrtlslai Stpresaauuves - George D. CI sea. In. Frsnclaco. Lea Angeieev AUstera Advertialna RepreeentaUves , Bryant unfflth a BrBev, ta Cbiaago. New Tors. Detroit Poetefi. Afete Catered t lA Petre t Oresoa ee Sesead Cieae Mitt. Pae- aased seers aseraca - Bruin mfimm Sat SaJ Street SUBSCRIPTION BATCSt - -MaD Subacrtpuoa Rates m Advaaea Within Oregoa : Dally sad ,8v..day tlx It eeots: t lift $t t Ma U S I rear ti t. Elsewhere St eeats pm Ua or I tit for I rear to advaaea Per eoy s cents, Newsatanda cents Br C:ty Carrier i rests a month fT.J a year ta advaaos la itario CJ adjacent eeaaUaa, We Lend You Money STTTH RlATMENT ' PLAM ARRANQED. ft FIT TOUR CYCOICB No Endorsees No Comakert Yoar Signature Onl KCPAl iNI Dit TO RKDUCB COSn. BORROW PROM BALElTt OLDE81 AND LA R I EST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHER8 YOUB NEEDS BJi CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFT Kit AS .WELL AS BXFORa A LOAJI U MADK. I : , . . .. . I. General FmancevX its 8a OumiwreUl St Flrat Door South mt I Add a WHEN CASH IS NEEDED Tea want the money quickly, without delay, without a lot of questions be ing asked of friend a. relatives, or your employer. You want your questions re garding loan plans answered frankly, courteously, and in the privacy of aa tanroffic. You do not want other people knowing your business. YOU WANT LOW RATES AND EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS i i f 4.ts per mo. repays f 4t.tt in IS mo. ; 4.7S per mo. repays f tS.OS tn It mo. -i $11.44 per mo." repays $200.00 la St mo. Too want the privilege of paying more on your account at any time la order to pay your loan faster and thus reduce the coat - Your wants, your needs, and your desire are understood by the attendants of our office. See us today for a Complete Loan-Service that will really help. People with modest income are especially invited. PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY ! Rffl. 291. 2nd floor. First National Bank BuOdlng ' ' Oregoa Pboa 4444. BENJ. FRANKLIN FEDERAL Rome Loan with reserve protection clause. The moat desirable loan ta Oregon. Available for building. Moderntxing, refinancing. See F. G. DELANO. t N. Church. i For Sale Miscellaneous ONE USED Pacific wood furnace. Good shape. Cheap, Tel. t51S. FRES KITTENS 17S Lee St 8TEPPINO i STONES, gravel for driveway, lumber, doors, windows lathes, Ige. carpet Otto Tlmm. S9S & Liberty. eaeeabaneeeae aaaeaaeaebeaeaeaaaaewsee LATE MODEL Hot point range, thrift cooker, closed units A automatic clock, special at $ . Sears-Roebuck Stove Dept NICK LANG rang, good condition. Good Master plan. ItSS N. Winter. USED BOOKS sacrificed. 477 Court Colored fryer. IS Ih. Ph. 4117. November Bargains RADIO "CROSLET cabinet Beau tiful walnut overhauled, plays like new. Cost $ ISO. Today $7.5. RADIO "Radiola" table model Re conditioned, play perfect Cost $t. Today $4.SS. COOK STOVE It wiS do the work. Special today. $t.7S. - SALEM AUCTION HOUSE Ste North High StOt BOXES KINO. Spltxenberg. Dellcioua. Jonsthan and Newtowa ap- S'ea. I So box. Bring boxes. Purltaa ider Works. West Salem. " LIMITED NUMBER - various sixes new electric refrigerators. Pay only $5.tt down and no payments till next spring S-year service policy national concern delivery new or for Xmaa Ad. salesman. Box 1 lit Statesman. S TRAILER HOUSES. Willys Se dan. '14 model. King. Sit N. Front SAWDUST BURNER, Tel 45L FERTILIZER, RTE. t. Box 114. m0nmn0mmm4tMimMmm&wmm9mm0mimM BOrS BIKE. $7.St 2lt N. Lib, 41kaeaesaeaaehAaaaaaaBssB 27.St VAL.' PHILCO record player. a la contest. Sea SIS. Box 7SL Sta teaman. ( TranV Mis4tllaneous WILL TRADE musical Instrument for short gun. JAQUITH MUSIC CO. ltl a High. Wantrd Furniture CASH PAID for furniture.- Ph. 4 SIT. USED FTJRN. R. Rorgty. Ph. 741S. WANTED. USED furn. Ph. Silt. OLD SEWING machine wanted. Pa. 4S1T. t USED FURN W. Brooks. Ph. 1749. WantH M isrellanoua WANTED TO boy for easn, 1st A tad mortgages real sotate contra rt a sasrchsadls discount proper. S44 State Street Salem Or faciei WANTED FOR cash walnuts a ffl eerta. Aia meat a IL BHorfefn Pack ing Co. ISt & High. Phone ISIS. WALNTTT DRYING Quick serrlee. Ftoae ISSFS. i aliseellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced " in Two Hours OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In eharge of Dr. Fred Pageler end Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrists Adolpk Bids.. State a Commercial Phone till PtUCTICX PIANOS. II. H. L Sttff EXCHANGE GOOD guitar for wood, 1SS Court St , - For Rent Rooms HOTKI MARION Metal Mklt and amoathr ratea te perax guests Msrtoa Coffee Shoo asUdens meals St msx ariose. SebAaaaAsSMBaaaaa SI PI NO ROOM 7ZS Coart St HOTEI SAIJCM. tow monthly rate STM HTD. nuu kltch S9I H. Cot. atJaASta.eatesasg LT. HSKP. rm. til N. High. WELL HEATED. priv. heme. Man preferred. Phone 7tt4 SLEEPING ROOM A .Garage, T7S K. cottage c tie mo. NICE CLEAN sleeping room, close bx reasonable, tat Union. - FURN. RM. a gar. f wa. If lata Hetgtrt Ave. SINGLE ROOM for CaplteL : man. SIS N. LARGE. MODERN ROOM Joining sleep, porcfa. S closets. 410 N. 2 tth. St SEMI - INVALID .wants laee board A room in quiet bom. 2t4S N. Feartb St Lirestock FARMERS ' STOCKMEN Blontcomery, Rendering 7orks p i c fc a np. Free of Charge, dead, and worthless Horses and Cows anywhere in the Willamette Valley. We Pey To Price ' PHOX3 US COLLECT" SAI.7CM Lie. Me S-US ltt k Coareaieat Ground Fleer S-21J State License M-22t AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sta FLOOR GUARDIAN RUIIXUNn LIC EN 8 9 Nft M-tSt ; FHA LOANS 4tt. aTa priv. loana Abrama A Ellta. Ine. Maaoat Bldg. PRIVATE ItfONEY Arrro and tmoti imni CONTRACTS REFINANCED te ro IO Pa I uienta llane for new av aaad eara No delav or red use. To will r i asssssiua of the vehicle. 1 TO $0 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS.! tit Sooth CMnmarHal Street SIOS L4. NO. M-ISS 1st Choice From Coast to Coast. t Here's Why: Reasonable Terms I t.tt me. repays tt ta IS tnoa. 7.17 mo. repays $100 ta It mo. $11.09 mo. repay $110 ta It mo, fltlt me, repays $t ta IS moa. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The quicker yon repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FRETS CONSULTATION. TN OUR OF FIOK OR AT TOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH, PERSONAL; Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bids.' - Sit Stat Street Salem. Oregoa Stat License Numbers S-lll M-ltS Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea farm aad eftr operty. Beore borrewina taoajre a wklns A Roberta WANTED PRIVATE MONET - TO LOAN ea coed Salens real a tate. Wm pay t tatcrest' W. H. GRABBNHORST A CO, v REALTORS $4000. Kx. State St nse. Ph. 7 lit. Room and Board RMS. MEN Table bd. St Marioo eSSAeaasJaaa4ajtaasa4aaaasaja BD. RM. Bear P. a Ph. S4tt OR. 8LP. nut close in. S4S Marlon. CLOSED-IN alp. porch A dresa, nn. with board SSS N. Church. 4 a Ubertv Street Phone t4t For Rent- Apartments ATTRACTIVE MODERN ram. I room cottage. Edgewater Court Cos. rafrut. garage. SIS. Tel. 14 It CLOSE IN. ttl N. Commercial St ON8 RM. and kltchenetla. wen-fur nlshed apt. alee, refrig.. automaUr host emnlnyed girls preferred. -M sear capltoL Winnie Psttyiohn. 14S N 14th or TeL 4614 for appointment S RM. FURN. apt. 1S Court. - t RM. FURN- close tn. gar, refrig. Adults. SIS N. Wtnfr. .....l.i. AVAnJVBliNOT. L unfTirnlshed 4 room heated apt Wired for elae. Steve. Adult. Apply tS MiQ. . TWO ROOMS furalshed. adulta ground floor, close in, light water phono. SIS. IU Mill. oasaeehsssna 4 R. FURN. Priv. bath, beat refrig. gar adults. 171 N. Cottage. LOB. S ft APT. around floor. SIS. 4SS 8. Commercisl. - t B. HTD. APT, IIS. lilt Centss CLEAN S RM. furn. coart ant. priv. bath, taundry AV gmr. Baa service. ItOS at. APTS. FOR rent 4S N. Liberty. APTS. FOR rent 14 1 State.- FURN. LQAV Hv. rm kttetk. art bath, dress, rm, stm. bt. water fvra. Hakpg. rm. S0S4 -N. CapitoL . . ACANCT. Roberts Apts, t BaMtaBhssaAeaaB t Sit, ROT water beat lights, wa ter, gar- tit SSS K. CapltoL APTS. CHILD 111S & IS. a RM. FURN. ISt 8. Church Street FURN. APTS. SSS Division Street PRIVATE, CLOSE-IN. clesa home. 4 rm, prtv. bath A gar. 1047 A Coax). aeaajBaaebjsMBbABaBA ONE AND S ROOM fare, apta, Cleaa warm. Adults. 44 S Ferry. ... S A S RM. APTS. Cfnfura. and fura SIS te $40 Roval Coart Apt. TeL tots. , . PATTON APTS. tit State j tiahed. Adaltsealy Pb SS44 ' t4aBabasaajsjaaaaa4a SEB THS Fisher Apta before re decide, Large A Airy. Reckwooi la sols ted against beat A cold. Venetla Blind throughout A CoraL A Oak Sta, COMFORTABLE. HOMB-UKt easnftsM. Ha wi home Court I tot N FURN. UN FURN 4 Froal. tlSS- t ROOM. PRL bath; I room. $lt$0. Ill Center. S RM- 1st Coor. 411 Marion. rles4feSftaaaab CLOSE IN rm. mod. apt Inq. ttS N. Liberty. Ph. 4S5S. FURN. AFTSL. IS1 N. 11th. FURN. S RM. Frt. bath, 411 JC t Bit APT. PuHmaa Mtcbea. nlcei fura. Womea er glria only. 11 IS Oak St t RM. FURN. AFT, prtvata beta, entrance. Frig, adults, 4 w. rmter. eeAaaa4xeaalteat S R. APTS. NEWLY fura. Heat wa ter, light furn. Near boa Una. xzai HaxeL Ph. 74t4- ; A-S. aTUaSaAa VAOlilOi a vaas aab wu, f 3.0 wk. fihotra' CUUM JuM, lltb- tAATFXTX . aWTBll svltsewsi aav ATs xt ai S RM. FURN. "LPT. dose to Capitol Bidgs, ugnta, heat- water, ss if Capitol.-. . .?. .-:.,-.-.-.:. .- I SMALL t ROOM APT. Heat, tights, water, garage. 14SI Stats Street i MMWMM4 FURN. APT, 11$S MIU St --. . sesababehlasesjg S RMS. LT. W, Gar. $18. 711a. For Rent Honses FURNISHED AND anfarav O. P. GRANT f St Coart 474. "babjaBe4SBsaa HOUSES FOR rant It FORSj. NEB. ItSS N. Capitol Bt ' RENT NEW S-rm. 1S2S ML water.- Pboa 0410. I BbS4sSaAeaeaAaAaM . amWA71A29 aS JKv. A7 AesOaton A 43 xuvaa. hAMe. part firrn. Oom tn. Tel. Tit. aSS4eaaseeberf A fYBTeSJ 4b a tBas bTVbT bsi ii NEW MOD. 4 nftWtCS N. Itch. FOR RENT A new, five room, mod. boose. $2110. - Phone SIF1S. Cbrry av. and River road. f- FURN. S rm. duplex. ttS Center, t SR. FURN. HOUSE near school. 1110 N. Cottage, ph. S17S. I j PARTLT FURN. t rm. bse, gar. Loreue's Grocery, hi mL N. underpaaa. T RM. MOD. HSB, Wired for else range. $zs. mi Market street .4 I S RMS. W. Salem, f.1. Ph. Tilt. saaaaseehaaaajsa HOUSE ON 8 II vert on road. S blka, from bus one. TeL 1041. evenings. NOV. IS. MOD. S rm. house. SSS. Hot- a . -. - . . .... ij wwu sw. xnq. IB. xs. liHWk .. S ROOM HOUSB. stove connect Joe, ae chUdrea. SSS N. Church. TeL 4414. B'exabieeaeA BRICK COTTAGE. 71$ N. Cot 4440. MODERN HOUSE, close la. for 140. 141 Ferry St Pboa 747. FOUR RM. partly fura. house, close to junior at senior ntga. litt it. is 2 For Rent Farms 4 ACRES. large old nous A ba mllea N. oa Wallace Road. SIS. iit!t3 bobu. none . For Rent , OFFICB ROOMS, III State Street Inquire room see. Tt 17 It Wanted to Rent PROPERTY OWNERS, attention! Good billboard locations wanted. Pboaa S74S er call United Outdoor Adv. Co. OSS Ferry St j SMALL HSE, near acheoL Iaxt or writ A. A. Adams, Rt f. Box S14 Cherry Ave. . MIDDLE AGED employed, man and rue wife wish to rent three orfeur reem fairly modem anfumlshed bouse. -71 5 For SaleReal EsUte WBt HA V THB PROSPECT ' rou want ta saO rent as Mr. La rate er Mr. Cee- Uaa with Hawkins A Roberta. " TRADB CIT1 property for farm Oooert unities tn exchange, HAWKINS A ROBERTA INC . NEW. MOD. home. SStt te tltt da. Easy monthly payments, See as be fore you buy. - , j R. A. FORKNER 1SS8 N. Capitol WHY RENT cbeaalv a new Restricted district Una. Owner SStt 1 block from Easy tarma, sun on i.i , wx t . bath, new root paint newly decorated WkT 01f n . t mm m 3 bike, capital. Iikj. so Traae. FOR SALE It A. of timber, near Turner. Iao, l$7t N, Cottage eves, or; Sat A Sun. l HOMES FOR SALE. Will build te suit on rour land or lota er wm obtain locations. Complete plaa service, finan cing and construction, , SALEM LAND A BUILDING CO. Sit Oregoa Bids. Phone Sttt.; NEW 4 R S bedrm- 11800. terms. SS A, trad for Salem prop. S R, new.; tax loc or acre, ra. essa. S LOTS WITH bidgs. tit Division. t RMS, PRACnCALLT new cabin, nicely fura, including $80 radio. Priced $100 for immediate sale. Cost $100 terms easn. investigate ax oaoa. Se owner at- 14S S. ACiller. NEW. MODERN rm, cottage. ttS Pine, open for inspect ioa 2 to 4 after noons. Priced for quick sale.- Terms, SALEM LAND A BUILDING CO. Sit Oregoa Bids. $1000.00 t BEDROOMS. GARAGE, -large lot-- - SlSOAtt S room bouse with bath. House needs some repair but ' Is wU built. j tlTSt.lf t room house with basement' large lot ISxISt. $24(0.00 4 room bease, on acre of Sousef 1t" Crnit cnJclt Call P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bids. Phoa S1IL FOR SALE Lots owned by City SltS. to $100. See any real estate man or call tttt - It7 8. High Street NEW HOME BARGAIN MODERN S ROOM home unfinish ed attic hardwood floors la S rma. Fireplace, full basement nice back yard Center St tltoe. $10 da $14 monthly. Have several other similar rood buys in S A 4 rm. home. Call Art Medsea at SSSt. SALE OR TRADE for Salem novae, 1 A, modern bidgs.. t mile eat Bex 777. Statesman. SMALL HSE. AIA. Easy tarma, snv an. pnHs, fenoea, us tommm-t. Aui'ut crikir& cti-M. av tvuwntslat w . wrinni it iir i i . v ... , - ' oa Caarade Tetrscea, new mod. Srm. noma. nasenaajBi, innaKt . bbwb. Price $410. $100 da. BaL monthly. WEST SALEM HEAL ESTATE tSt Edgewater .. Fh. SMS MUST SELL My t lota with t-R. bouse A garaga Corner Church Highland. A steal at $800.00. Se Mr. Larsea. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Iae, 17 H - ACRES with a good S room house, barn, garage, chicken house, hot A cold water, electricity, snd small creek. A real buy for $1710. ' S RM. HOUSE aad targe let Just off State Street $1110 or will trad for small acreage, -, ROSTE1N A ADOLPH. INC . ; 110H N. Commercial St . S Brand aew borne very modern. One S nu, one S rm. both fireplace, bssemants. Hdwd, flra, etc $H6 A 14400. Very easy terms. Ph. SSSA Exchange Real Estate - WANTED Clear Hon y wood Home, Hav mod. dear Portland home. 181. M. sis street USED CARS 34 Plymouth Cch...$315 '33 Ford Sedan , 245 34 Dodge Sed. (2) 345 36 Dodge . Coupe 425 '32 Fori-adi.. 195 '31 Auburn Sedan 85 '28 Dodge Sedan 85 Special 1939 Dodge Sedan Many extra and radio. Golden beige finish low mileage new tire a, new car guarantee. HERRALL-OWENS CO. DEPENDABILITY S Sixes Pontlao Eights SSS & Commercial Street 1110 BU1CK "40 4-CTL. Cpe.. good motor condition, beater, defroster. Phone 4414. Exchange Real Estate CORNER LOT TSxlOO. sewer A wa ter: will trade, for late model car or equity In nse. A lot Ph. St?7. For Sale Farms 117 A. with 4f A. river bottom soil fat cult, all surveyed for Irrigation. 1st water right oa large stream. Nsw Irri gation pump A equip, in place, tt - A, good pasture with some Umber. t-R home with spring water piped in, dairy barn with It stanchions, full of hay A feed. Silo full of ensilage. Stocked with 11 cows, 1 heifer. S horse A chickens. Full line of farm equip. In cluding tractor. Due to death of owner, everything to offered for quick sal for only $4110.00. See Mr. Collins, HAW KINS A ROBERTS, INC. Acreage FOR SALE S acres, 4 R. bouse, electricity, double garage, chicken boose, fruit cellar, woodshed, barn, ber r lea, fruit, ate, $1100.00, K down bal ance $20.00 per mo. lac lnt Writ SSI Roasment Ave., city. S A. PICNIC GROVE. 4 rm. has, gar. cAick. brooder houses, barn, orchard, berries. Terms, H mL E. Bwsgl sen. Garden Rd. Box Sit or lttt N. CapltoL Ph. S46S. $50.04 DOWN, fit. mo. for this week only, 1-Av 1-room house. Bath, lights, water, BuUt-ln garage, f mL so. Look this over. WESOLOW8KI US So. High Wanted Real Estate WANT 1 ACRE or less with small er unfinished nous. $110 down, $11 mo. Pboae 0714, eve. WANTED TO BUT Wa have a party wishing te buy about $18,000.00 worth of Salem prop erty for investment purposes. Must be safs and show abov average os sibUltiea. What hav youT Se Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. WANTED TO BUT We nave a party ready to nay cash p to $1004.00 for a country borne near Salem. Mast be modern to every respect A well located. What have your See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. ; REAL ESTATE listings wanted. N. S. Lindgren. IIS & High. TeL SSltv Business Opportnnltles STORK BUILDING with basement tt front ea N. CapltoL t entrances, Inq. V. L, Iriah. S0S4 N. CapltoL NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERT 1478. Living quarters, B. P. Grant SSt Court Street . BEATJTT OPERATOR with small amount of capital to manage chela beauty salon te open In your city In the near future. Give age, experience, state amount of money willing te ta veat, character references aad phots. Box Tit, Statesman. FILLING STATION with roach room connecting on , MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR US Court Street . Phone 8728. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. SS7t. Graan. 41S N. list SaTSaataaeaaanjaa- OAK A tad growth. 4704. Bradley. ASH A FIR. Ph. tttt Aahcraft FIB WOOD Call S?8t r 4154. Wood Sawins SS FOR rtr PHONB T4SL bjsneaMaaeaeaabAaaaSb WOOD SAWINa Ed Sproed. P. 8118. fsJMsaabMBasg St N. COMI TEL, SUS. Lost and Found LOST Bill fold, containing currency. Reward. Ph. T7F8. e4eaaasasaiaats LOST LAD TS black kid glove. Finder please call 48J. ; ; Business Cferda ta chSs fllrectory aaj a aaesKbly assets esxry. it S pee line mm Attto Drakes MOs Pa nek ' Stt South Dicycles B1CT MB IV ana Barry W t 147 a ceart r. tei Drnshes SBTTH BRUSHES. PHONB 4714. Qiimntry Sweeps rSCLatPHiiNn44te R B Wort' CHI MN ITT OLStANEO PIPES. FURNACES, etov. gutter. Ray U Fanaer Hdwr. Oa. Pb, Stt. Chirbpractors DR. a L. SOOTT PSC Chii epractor SSt St High. ,TL ftea SSt A Cxcavatins b'Yi-lV Af-IMfl ' Og " aa Starts Pa, meats dim Dirt hauled er ateved. Din re aaia SaUm Band Aad Gravel Oe Film Developing SOe ROLL, S pta. PO bos T4A Florists BrHhp(a 4 It t'nwrt ,ttt4 Laundries THB NEW SALEM LA ON D "IT THB WElDai LAUNDal 28 SL Uiab , Tat tltt CALLING AU Owners of 35, '36 .md7 Cars,; WB WILL FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLT. MAKE A SPECIAL ALLOW ANCE FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE CARS TO COMPLETE OUR USED CAR STOCKS. OUR SALS POSITIVELY ENDS NOV Tth. , t Hurry While You Can Buy at Such Savings '36 Terraplane Tr. Sedan Low mileage. Immaculate Interior. beautiful finish electric hand This la a perfect used car. - - It's yours today for $445 '37 Chrysler Royal Tour, Sedan A small, fast economical carwith 84 new car service still la It W hav ao cleaner car than this It. beaa reduced to- 4545 '36 Chev. Town Sedan l-door, fanmaculate, original black fin ish like new. spotless Interior A runs like new la every detalL Drive It you'll ouy . Reduced to- . '37 Dodge Tour. Sed. Original brown color, motor thorough' ty reconditioned, exceptionally clean truly a fine family car. It's Solas for only $5T5 '35 Chrysler Royal Sed. Original finish flawless, motor perfect radio, beater very clean throughout; Its one of our very best buys A Bargain at- -$425 '38 Dodge Tr. Sedan Original finish, real low mileage. This is a very famous modeL It s '70 C simply a steal at - - V 4 dZD '35 Pontiac Coach Vary clean, radio, beater, dual eon fo ment throughout; If aa outstanding Think of It only $385 See these many used car bargains St SALEM AUTO CO. Big New Used Car Simer Market CHRTSLER-PLTMOUTH 4SS N. Com'L Salem Sseb4aaajatabaaaaa Automobiles & Trucks lttt Ford Coach lilt Ford New Motor. Model B lttt Pontlae like new lttt Ford Coup 10X4 G. SC. C tt-toa panel lttt tt-toa panel 1IXS Chevrolet Pickup lttf Chevrolet Pickup 1117 O. M. C. Pickup Federal two-ton with trailing axle Federal 114-1. excellent condition Others te select from. Come ta and j t look them ever. JAMES H. MADEN CO. ! t!7 STATE 81KILRT 4 -t ?: lt i CHEV4 LOW mileage, perfect condition bargain. Exceptionally easy tanas, 111 lxirt Bt ? FOR SALS OR TRADE ST DeLUXE FORD Sedan. Ask for tnc -m. iti7. Personal, LONELY -WOKTMWHII.SS heart husbaad. wife tor yon. P. O. It Las Angeles, JOIN THE Lonesome Cerreoend eee dub, P, O. Box tl7. Portland. Ore Transnortation LADT WILL share expeases to Cal- tforaia. 44 AiilL Four Generations Meet at Keizer KEIZER. Represents tires of four fenerations met t tbs Wll bnr Trsglio horns on mate 7 Sns- dsy. The rreat-granamotner, Mrs. T .nla TattarsAB ' rrandnarenta Mr. nil lira r C Rnxsellr the nar- nU, Mr. sad Mrs. Ward Rnssell of Aurora, and Mr. and .Mrs. wu- bnr TTSgiio (Lorraine .Kosseui with i their new arrival. Jaaa Louise, vers) present. tuners present were sir. ana We Pearl Pattersvn aad ana. Norman ; Gerald and Wsyns Rus- seii. Mrs. Kooert i;oie ana ear. and Mrs, H. W. Irvine. - XX . mnA Mrm Weed Rnusll raw turned to Aurora, taking, with them Mrs. Lola Patterson, where he. will spend the winter. Directory ElattresAes ffn FtUrW ItUU saA Ma tactacy. NSUlMATT-UCa rtxtngl fluff rug weevtef, A ltta trubnr. TeL I44L OTTO F. SW1CX ER Eat ttlt CAP1T04 Rsmotfea en. ess rtatnropathie PbvsieLsa OBL W tt ROCKWELL, Natw te Ffcystetaa, I Its Falrgraeads BA TeL 4848. Offtae Hears 18 a. at tettM FwEB EXAM OONSOUTA Painting Papcrhanginff LOW VTLNTER pries Pa, TSSS. Printing FOB STSTIOMBRI earea aeaayaaaa ftosks ar aav kind mi bag. eaS The Snatsanms Prtattas D sejtBssBt Sll a CeesasareaU. Teta- tltl. . , Stove nepslrins STOVB Repairing, ttS Transfer FOB LOCAL er Stataat traaarer. stor age, auraer eft aB StSt Cermet Transfer Ce TreHis te Portland da Br Vacnnm Cleaners REBUILT SS.tf 0 P. Brush rebrlsU toe reps Ira ail make, 4tt A Slat Pb 4871 - v ' st, A. west, rttkn 44S. ra titrs I KOTXCS OF IXSAItlNa 07 : FtTTAX. ACCOUNT , ,. Km 100411 IB the Coemrr Coart of the 8Ute 'of Orrxoet for tbe) County , -of - Uarloa In the Matter ot the Estate of Stella Morley. Deceased. NOTICE IS : HEREBY GIVEN that the anderslgned. Administra tor of the EsUte of Stella Morley. Deceased, has Hied his Final Ac count snd report in the Connty Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Connty. and that-Friday, the trd day of November. ItSS, at the boor of 19:00 A.M. of said day at the Connty Coart Room is the ' County. Coart House at the City of Salem, in said County and State, has been appointed ae tbe time and place for hearinf any ob jections to said Final Aecount and Report and the final settlement of said, estate. ; . The date of the first publication of this notice Is the 4th day of October,' lilt and the last is the 1st day of November. 1910.' LAURENCE MORLEY. Administrator of the Estate of Stella Morley, Deceased. DWIGHT LEAR. Attorney for Administrator , 202 Oreton Balldlnr. -Salem. Oreron. O 4-11-11-2S N 1 EXECUTRIX NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby siren that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Conn ty of Marion, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Van M. Lowman, deceased, and that she has duly qualified ss such executrix: all persons h ev 1 a a claims aralnst the estate of said decedent are hear by notified te present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Glover snd Lamkin, attorneys, 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. i Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th day of October, 1029. EMMA E. LOWMAN. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Van M. Lowman, Deceased. Glover snd Lamkin, Attorneys for Executrix, 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon. O 4-11-18-21 N 1 Gates Delegates Attend Qiib Meet GATES Those who attended the Federation of Woman's clubs at Union Hill Friday included Reeva Moberg. Lola Henness, Hal lie Mnisap. Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mrs. Maude Davis and Ruby Horner. ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stoakes announce the birth of a son on October 20. The child weighed 4 pounds and Is called Charles Ed ward.' -. The tirit logs were being trucked through Gates Friday from the hill two miles north of town. Adam Shepherd, has the contract to haul the logs to the Frank and Etxel sawmill ust be low Mm City. In Critical Condition MISSION BOTTOM Mrs. Cla rindn Collard, better known as "Grandma Collard' suffered s paralytic stroke Monday aoon and Is In a critical condition Cross Word Puzzle 3 12 id -i 11 777 10. 11 22 2H 2S 26 31 32 I HO 35 36 37 3f HI H2 fa 55 S3 Oe HOaXZONTAX ' tJTtnda rarnesat 5 NoUinthe '.''.cattle . SS-dlglt of a fOOt V: , II slcoholit - beverage 15 If tit derr t finale ...... 97 dltcovaT, . VTJlTlCAt 1 tribal race ruled tr a . beredltAry chief. .. Guide 1 S frigid H-Pars4Ie leTuTklah ; inaristrabt lT-frbs of a dia. fU;teratioa 24 towi ,- 27-ancient -wsr-ehartot , 21 large tub 22 pertaining ;to puaisa . ment - - ': -Siliterary miscellany -tS oval sphere ' ; of action er contest- v 17 female harem slave 22 eeedle- shaped 41--f lossy '. Tarnuli t , i-wig iS fairy -& 1 1 rr4gfertflS Eerewilh la the gclstba ta rts terdayesvax!. 11-1 - " ' - oin s)jr J i . i-i- ( usw a - 4 4 Averse taa mt sessUeat 88 sUMtsa. With shoot lax. lootlag and U sorts of doable-dyed villainy go ins; oa aboat bins, Charles Laagbton is la his element In his aew show, "Jamaica Inn," which eosnes Tharsday to the Elstnore theatre. , Hallo we'en Party Given, Aumsville AUMSVILLE. A high school Hallowe'en party and dance was1 held at the ' schoolhouse Friday night. The gymnasium was gay with appropriate Hallowe'en deco rations, of pumpkins, vegetables, corn stalks snd black cats. Miss Maxine Versteeg, Betty Jo Rob ers, Nellie Roberts, Stsnley Rus-. sell, Ray Straws were responsible for the spooky apeparanee of the rooms. Donghnnts and cider were served by Alios "Dsvenport, Grace McCoy, Lillian Chrlstlsnsen. Mu sic for the affair was arranged by Raymond Lane, Alice Tucker and Jena Perry. About 40 students ab. tended the party. Rebekalis Attend Lodge Convention JEFFERSON. Members of Mt, Jefferson Re bekah lodge who at tended the convention st Sweet Home Ssturdsy were Mrs. Lee' Wells, Miss Laura Thomas, Mrs. Effle Terhune, Mrs. Grace Thurs ton, Mrs. Bessie Porter, Mrs. R. , W. Curl, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Coin, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hart and Mrs. Leo 8mlth. Fifteen members of the local Evangelical Christian Endeavor society attended a Hallowe'en party Saturday night at the Le ttish Center schoolhouse. Joining the young people of Fruitland and Lablsa Center groups. 10 II IT 17 2 20 21- 27 2a 2H SO 33 3 3 HH Hi HI SI 07 1 Ileorew month t ' netwoTar 4Wncloeed lhaef . various snlmalt lA-Httako nse as a dummy by swords men f a youth 7 goetSye t ulcsrstloa of a bene er tooth 9 ' gougtiy " v eipUcat 10 . eettoa tlHrher ecdesiaxtles . 23- e rentlemaa (Spanish) tl succulent fruit J Roman houssholi fSTht honeaa Iac.an ettlse . snoakry 23 bclggia tie sbstrset tO East-lnd!i Inland mail f 3 acer t toraei .W Cadis, ees-god 40 enthuse - 41 osrratjve poetry 43 nearest la place . . 4-epaee 45 employs . 45 retain 47 weird f) reixst &i la Lave exlttescs i MM 1 1 l I '"'I - V i 1: ! ' t i 1 j. 1 t . ; f i'- i ..- i i . i'