Hit OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Bunday Morning, October 29, 1939 VAdE FIVE Local News Briefs Polk Water filed on Clifford II. Leonard, Chicago, 111., has filed application with the state engineer here to appropriate fire second feet of water from Rogue river and Applegate river, for irrigation purposes in Josephine county. Limestone Products, Inc., Dallas, would appropriate 1.5 second feet of water from an unnamed stream tributary of the Lucklamute rlrer for mining, .manufacturing and fire protection in Polk county. Turkey pickers report 9 a.m. Mon day, Marion Creamery Poultry Co. 105 Union. Appointment Held Vol(F Attor ney General Van Winkle Saturday Coming Events Oct. 80 All Penaton Friends get-acquainted Hallowe'en par ty. Eagles hall. Upstairs corner Commercial and Chemeketa. Not. 7 Homer Rodeheaver, sons leader, at Leslie auditor lam, 8 pan., sponsored by Mar ion county Christian Endeavor. Not. 10 X ebitika club meeting, 246 North Com mercial street, 7:30 p. m. Grand Jury to Meet Monday Denies Violence Band Parents Elect The par ents' organization of the Master Bread band met at the Cherry City auditorium Friday night and elected officers as follows: Charles a recent appointment to the state Jones was elected president; Floyd board of cosmetic therapy exam- Semster. rice president; Mrs. Lot iners is not qualified to serve. Pro- tie Apple, secretary-treasurer ard test was filed bT a arouo headed imer ruem, puDiicuy cnair- ty C. F. Strathouse, P o r 1 1 a n d . I man. The organization is spoo Strathouse charged that the ap-"ring a series of card parties nnlntea wan licensed as a hair-1 through the winter months. The dresser but not as a cosmetologist Hrst f this series will be held at lment, in which plaintiff asks ens- as required under the cosmetic-1 IQo vnerry city auaiiorium inurs- i tody of a minor son and $25 therapy law. The opinion was I aay ai o ciocs. . or mose wno asked by Governor Charles A. I aon't play cards there wm De um- Sprague, who recently appointed I nese checkers. the woman a member of the board. I . . . , . r ur ntitu aiiu u icyainus' H. T. Love, 141 S. Liberty. Routine Criminal Blatters Now Pending to Be Considered The Marlon county grand Jury will meet tomorrow morning at I the court house at the behest of I District Attorney Lyle J. Page to consider routine criminal mat ters which are now pending. The grand jury has devoted the major portion of Its time for the past several weeks to the cur-1 rent investigation of county of- iiciais, and has not lonnd It con venient to deal with criminal cases Circuit Court Talliena Williamson vs. Edwin Williamson; divorce complaint alleging cruel and inhuman treat- Loan of J1500.00 to $2000.00, Al security, high Interest rate 1 year. Phone Mr. Smith, 7545. . Traffic Arrests Arrested by city police yesterday on speeding wo wmrira - u Jefferson : John E. Roth, route state highway commission Satur day awarded a contract lor con struction of a 7 5-foot concrete bridge across Lang Canyon, on the Columbia river highway in Gilliam countv, to Denton & Young, Boise, Ida., on a low bid of $7500. The bridge would be located a few miles west of Arlington. Con tract for' grading 5.63 miles of the Lang Canyon-Arlington sec tion of the Columbia River hlgh waywas awarded to Leonard & Slate, Multnomah, on $182,165.50. six; Harriet E. Smith, Silverton; Ralph H. Pierce, Eugene r Leo N. Dugan, Portland; Eva L. Ferrel, 1154 Oak street; Ida Mary Schultz, Portland; William T. J. Foster, 1045 North Fifth street ; Clarence A. Higglns, route four. New Nash with "convertible bed." See Clifford Harold with Carter Motor Co. Pension Party Monday No for bid oflmal invitations are required and uo admission will be charged per sons attending the "pension New Nash "conditioned with com-1 friendly" booster party to be held plete change of air inside the car I at the Eagles hall Monday night, every 12 to 17 seconds. See Clif-1 according to Mrs. Helen Starr, ford Harold with Carter Motor Co. I president of the Salem Pension boosters. Erma Col Honored Miss Erma Cole, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. I "Mark Twain" white broadcloth Curtis C. Cole of Salem, has been I shirts with double wear collar, placed on the dean's honor roll of I $1.65. A. A. Clothing Co., 121 N. the college of the bible for tne i High firBt six weeks at Phillips unlver- monthly support money In addi tion to attorney's fees They were married on July 27, 1935, in Jackson county. . Evelyn M. Linr vs. Clifford E. Ling; divorce complaint alleg ing cruel and Inhuman treatment. Plaintiff asks restoration of her former name of Evelyn M. Sny der, a two-thirds interest in a house and lot, all household fur niture and $45 monthly support money. They were married here May 23. 1935. Margaret Balch ts. Ernest Floyd Balch; motion advising de fendant that unless he comply with an order as to alimony pay ments, appropriate contempt pro ceedings will be filed. Robert Fromm vs. Guy O. and Frieda M. Smith; demurrer overruled. Anne Cooke estate; answering brief opposing a motion to sub stitute parties. Credit Bureau, Inc., ts. A. F. Elkins: motion for change of venue to Polk county on ground that it would be more convenient for parties and witnesses. Probate Court Marie Kittelson estate; estate admitted to probate with Clar ence Kittelson, a son, as execu : :.. k '"V . . 4 Gaps. Robert H. Allea Replying to charges of passengers who complained of Inefficiency, Indolence and fighting aboard the liner Acadia, on its westward At lantic crossing,- officers and crew members testified at & govern? ment investigation in New York that complaints were grossly ex aggerated. CapL Robert H. Allen, above, explained the trip was made unpleasant because the ship encountered heavy seas and storms. Passengers had told re porters that most of the trouble had arisen from fights between members of rival unions. Gas-Heat Firm Site Purchased Salem Youth Center Will Present Afternoon, Evening Open House In Old Gty Auto Park November 9 ; An afternoon and evening open house program will be presented at the Salem Youth Center, in the old city auto park, November 9 to acquaint the public with this agency's service to boys and young men from 18 to 25 years of age, according to Mrs. David Wright, president of the center advisory board. The center will be opened to the public that day from 1 to B p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. En tertainment will be presented by' boys attending the center. The Salem council of women's organi sations is assisting ln arrange ments. Also on the center's schedule first aid classes Monday and Wednesday of this week, open house for boys Friday night and a motion picture program and community sing the night of No vember 10 The center Is kept only daily from 2 to 11 p. m. and is open to all young men in Salem and vicinity who are interested and come within the age limits. The Center's program is supervised and operated under the sponsor ship of Salem women's clubs, la bor organizations, the public school system, the WPA, the city council, the national youth ad ministration and the Salem art center. Jury Is Selected PORTLAND, Oct. i$iJfyk Jury of five men and seven women will try Allen Brambield, 27, Monday He was Indicted for "first degree murder in the death of Mrs. Hat tie Hooker. Former Salem Man Is Elected M. J. Elle Vice-President Of High School Principals Martin J. Elle, former assistant principal and curriculum super visor at Salem high. school, was elected vice-president of the Ore gon High School Principals' as sociation at the closing session of the principals' annual confer ence at the capitol yesterday. Elle is now principal of Marshfield high school. The association also elected Harry S. Parker, Corvallis, presi dent D. A. Emerson, Salem, sec retary-treasurer; G. D. urr, &an Av mmber at laree. and Dean J. ' R. Jewell. Eugene, member ex-officio. by Rex Putnam, state superin tendent of public Instruction, that . new graduation requirements will ; go Into effect in 1940. The change means that gradua ting classes of 1940 and ensuing years will automatically meet the requirements for admission to Oregon institutions f higher learning. Putnam told the state principals' annual conference here. Assistance of the principals was asked by the superintendent in bringing up to date the state high school standards, which Putnam said had not been for mally readjusted since 1924. Mrs. Cobban Home PO XV ALLEY Mrs. Gwendo lyn Cobban who has been In a Portland hospital for several weeks, was able to return home this week. Her health is much improved. Silo filling In Fox Valley la cm-; ploying several of the farmers this week. The silo at the Alva Wise farm was filled Wednesday' and the machine moved to the. The principals were reminded Cobban farm. sity, Enid Okla. Only students with an average of B with no grade below C are eligible. Club 3 to Meet Townsend club No. 3 will meet at 8 p .m. Tues day in the Sunday school room of the Court Street Christian church, 17th and Court street. A Hal lowe'en party will be held follow- Morris to Speak Local Kiwan lan will hear Dean Victor P. Morris of the school of educa- HnS the business meeting, tion of the University of Oregon at their regular luncheon on I f . Ti 1 .TJ! ? Court Declines November . 6 in honor of District Governor Emerson and Lieuten ant Governor Seaton at Canby. and will hold its own ladies' night on November 14. Money Request New Nash with "Fourth Speed Forward." See Clifford Harold with Carter Motor Co. Thumb Is Cat R. L. Coster, 1731 Broadway, was treated by city first aid men yesterday after he cut his thumb while splitting wood. . Willis Sharp, six years old. IBS North 13th street, was treated at the first aid station for lip abrasions and a nose bleed after he fell from a bicycle. " WUl Speak of Travels Joseph Portal, who has spent some time board, will speak .at various schools and clubs near Aumsville concerning his travels and various arts and crafts which he has ob served. Bays Property Raymond Myres of Salem has purchased the George Giles property at Spongs Landing and will continue in the poultry business The trans action was made through the Moses Realty company. New Nash with "air conditioning. See Clifford Harold with Carter Couple Gets License A mar riage license was issued at Van couver, Wash., to Cleo L. Wlmmer and Nita Stallings, both of Salem. Masquerade Hallowe'en Dance at VflP Hall Tiih n!t Father 111 Here Mrs. Edward Frants arrived here yesterday be cause of the illness of her father. - A. M. Chapman, who is tn the Dea coness hospital.. The Marion county court yes' terday declined the request of the Pacific Highway association for $1500 for promotion work on be half of the main state north-south artery on the ground that insuffl cient public support had been manifested locally to justify such an outlay by the court. The information was contained in a letter written by County Com. missioner Roy S. Mel son to Carl Rynearson, Eugene, an official of the association The court expressed its sympa- Gas-Heat, Inc., of 129 North Commercial street yesterday an nounced the purchase of a site for the bulk storaee of liauefied tor, and Prine E. Barclay, Winton petroleum gas for distribution to J. Hunt and Wayne B, Gill, ap- homes and businesses throughout praisers. Value of the estate is northwest Oregon off of the piped estimated at $4500. Devisees are gag nnes. A complete line of gas Clarence Kittelson, Clare Barstad, domestic' and industrial equip- Woodburn; Tena Anderson, Sil- ment and appliances are being verton; Melvln Myhre, Myrtle distributed through the store. Barstad Albert Myhre, Clifford The gag ,g not new inasmuch Myhre. Clarence Moe and Violet a8 u hag been 8old OTer a con. Myhre, of whom residuary lega- 6ideraDie tlme ln Bman contain- tees are Clare Barstad, Tena An- howeTt, h bulk distribu- derson and Clarence Kittelson. I K tnV tP11-v new to the Ezra Beckley guardianship; fi-Urt,-,t The uma tvn of nn. uo.1 uctice Kiauieu tjim.cu owra , . i he forrloH nn er ward on August 27 and filing of final account showing receipts of $774, cash on hand of $631.78, and total assets, $5307. sec- tensively throughout other tions of the United States. H. G. Mount, president, stated that Salem had been chosen as Vi en A nn ft pro an A tTiA firm 'a first V T m 1 J T n.ltln I 0 . "Kiauu coj-aic. """"" plant location in the northwest Cross named executrix and F. E Needham, H. E. Cross and Mar garet Ross, appraisers, of the es tate valued at $2550. The will leaves $25 each to Dorrls Need- ham, a daughter, and to the children .of a deceased son, Clay England. Residue goes to Lucille Cross, a daughter. . W. A. Johnson estate; supple mental report of Grace Johnson, administratrix, shows disposal of Salem Golf club shares and of after an extensive survey which indicated that the trading areas throughout the Willamette valley could expect the greatest growth and development ni the future. Percy Black has been appoint ed sales manager and will direct the sales activities of the com pany." A staff of salesmen is be ing assembled at the present time. A v . .V F I Salem Golf club shares ana or Tr .... All J thy with the purposes of the or- accounts of deceased. Final IVIlltting, Allied arflnlZAtlnn. find nnprifid that thfl I j i . ....ij I o7 i ororr II H a ntfii kikulcu. i a Crafts Offered association might feel free to pre sent its case- before the county budget committee at its first meet ing November 3. In the meantime, however, the court emphasized the number of pressing demands for' funds to car ry on county projects as a further reason for declining to make the $1500 appropriation order has been granted. Gottfried Schultz estate; semi annual account of D. W. Eyre and Anna Seeger. executors, shows re ceipts of $732.37 and no dis bursements. Estate of Helen F. Carson; E. M. Page, Paul R. Hendricks and Lyle J. Pare named appraisers. Nancy Jane Lewis estate; oraer for sale of real property granted. Semi-annual account of Lee E. Wornom, administrator, shows receipts of $25 and disbursements Of $24. Victoria Strain guardianship; Velma Strain, guardian, has re ported receipts and disbursements Mrs. Ida Doolittle Fleming, Sa- of $300. Order of final discharge lem resident from 1909 to 1929, 1 of guardian also filed. was lntombed in the Mt. Crest Otto Davenport guardianship; Abbey mausoleum here yesterday. order to sell real property grant- She passed away in M o n t e r e y ed O. H. raters, guaraian Fleming Services Read in Salem Park, California, October $. Serv ices were read by Rev. W. C. Kantner of Salem. Ida Doolittle was born July 19, 18$C, in Nebraska. She was mar ried to William Fleming, and they Justice Court James L. Williams; non-sup- Instruction in knitting and al lied crafts is being offered in four Marlon county communities as part of the WPA recreation program. Each Monday afternoon at S o'clock a group meets ln Brooks at the home of Rev. Cecil Asn bausch. An upstairs room in the old postoffice at Aurora provides a meeting place lor a class eacn Tuesday at 1 o'clock. In Hubbard, the class meets every Thursday at 1 p. m. in the Red & White store. The Wood burn xroun meets twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday, in Tre- maine's store. The Instruction in these classes is free to all who are interested James I Williams; non-sup-1 -t i i port, continued for second time ArtlCleS INeeded to 10 a. m. Monday for preum- inarv hearing, Charles C. Hodgson; zaiiure to came to Salem in 1909. While I give arm signal, fined $2.60 and here she was a teacher in tne i costs. high school and he was ln the real estate business. They were mem bers of the First Congregational church. Mrs. Fleming was a presi dent of the Woman's elab. Mr. Fleming died In 1930 and Is also lntombed In Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Survivors are. two daughters. Mrs. Judson Jones of Monterey Park and Ruth Fleming of San Francisco. By Youth Center Chalmers H. Brown; failure to stop, fined $1 and costs. Burned Silverton FLOWERS! 0LS0H, ilorist Court & High Ph.7166 1 iU - Jb J X. X. lu, ST. D O. Ckn. O. Herbal remedies, for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin, blood, glands, ft urinary aya tem of men ft women. SS years ln service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM, n.cnnn Lnm CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 Vi Court St, corner Uber ty. Office open Tuesday ft, Sat urday only. 10 a. m. to 1 p. to T p. m. Consultation, blood pressure ft urine tests sxe free of chsrge. " Petitions Filed OREGON CITT, Oct. li.-OfY- Nine petitions for a Clackamas I ona degree burns when her cloth- county public -utility district elee- ling caught fire as she was stand- tlonwere on file today with Coun- fog ia front of a fireplace. Burns ty Clerk Guy H. Pace, bringing extended over her entire back and the total of signatures to 991 of lower limbs, hands and feet. which 395 are unchecked. A total I Mrs. Montgomery is the daugh of 729 signatures is needed for an Iter et Mrs. George Wlnchell of Sil- electlon. 'verton The Salem Touth center board yesterday announced it was ln need of a number of articles to complete equipment of the cen ter building in the old city auto park These include two ping pong tables, a fireplace "screen, crlb baee boards and such games as TT7J T "O... I monopoly and croaulnole. H UlUdll JL JL9CIIC1 piftT hovs are now enrolled In the first aid classes being con ducted at the center. Other classes include landscaping, woodcraft and mnsic. Boys and young men participating, in center activities receive music lessons on piano and guitar free of charge. SILVERTON Mrs. Grant Mont gomery, who was seriously burned at her home at Valsets Wednes day, is reported .doing as well as could be expected at the Silverton hospital. Mrs. Montgomery suffered sec- One 5x6 Photograph Hand Colored in Oils For Complete Details Listen to PIANO QUE 11:15 P. M. Monday A 32-Page Atlas of Maps so arranged as to be easy to follow events in European countries. This beauti ful book is, given for two empty Avalon packages. Tune to "News and Views v 6:30 P.M. Monday Nln Complete) Newscasts Dafty ' Measure the Value your prescription not by the price alone, but by the reputation and integ rity of your druggist. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 1899 -1939 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 185 N. Phones OossX Bl 97-7023 So) II u DD. PARRY SOILED Dentist -i ' i ' V i X Let me Help You! kYou are invited to consult with me about your dental requirements, either by writing, phoning or per sonal call. I welcome the opportunity to discuss your dental problems with you. "Missing and infected Teeth... too often (Detract from your Personal Appearance" Many times the difference between old-age and "Youthful Appearance" is heeded dental attention. Yes, it's true that dentistry goes beyond the need of utility, becauss dentists are now able to plump out sunken cheeks, remove the tell tale lines of old age. and In many other ways Improve your faded features. Not only is dentistry an aid to your health, but it is also a distinct aid to your personal appearance. In many cases the entire facial expression Is dependent upon dentistry. Why gamble business and social success with missing and Infected teeth that mar your Personal Appearance I JJ QOQg Teeth i Out-of- Patienfs are invited to use the facilities of either my Portland or Salem offices . . .phone, call or write and an appointment will be arranged to suit your convenience whenever possible. your are among most Valued Possessions! they deserve and demand your most diligent care. Good teeth are a reed asset, not only because they enhance the beauty 1 your fadal features, but because they are the outward reflec tion of Good Health, one of the most precious human posses sions. DO NOT WAIT until you have a toothache before you visit a dentist . ; . see him at regular intervals for q general examination. This, in many cases, will avoid the necessity of extended treatment. We are primarily fudged by. appearance . . . an "appointment with a dentist will be the first Important step in maintaining lustrous, healthy teeth and a pleasing smile which wiH Impress your personality on all you meet Don! Postpone Heeded Denial Allenlica Ccssrdl He Uilhcd Delay BSSSSBSB8BWaSSflBBBBBB In Portland 2nd Floor AliskyBldg. Third and Morrison Adolph Bldg. Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. SALEI1 State and Commercial Sts. Phone 3311