The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1939, Page 13, Image 13

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 29, 1939
In t lie Valley
Social Realm
, -SILVERTON Miss Dorothy
Stlrber, daughter of Mr. and
wn. eusei auroer oi silverton,
'was a charming bride Satin-day
xhorning at 9 o'clock when her
' marriage to Joseph Sterk of Se
attle was solemnized at St. Pvil's
- Catholic church. Father Richard I
Carberry read the ceremony
The bride -wore white satin
! fashioned with a long train with
lace inserts, a stand-up lace col
lar and long close fitting sieves.
: ' Her yell of tulle and lace was
arranged in cap effect with rb;ne
stones and tiny calla lilies. She
carried white rosebuds and too-
Miss Verna Stirber, in floor
Unrth, blue taffeta, was her sis-
" ' ter's only attendant. She -ar-ried
small pompons, wine colored
. chrysanthemums, matching the
velvet bow in her hair. Charles
Stirber was best man.
Slsterv Olivette presided at the
organ and Mrs. Ben Zoliner sang,
Following the ceremony, ihe
bridal party was entertained at
breakfast at the home of the
bride. A noon luncheon was
. wUK t lifts fn rtiitrii- aKn
! Tom Relling of Woodburn, Mrs.
William Rue, Mrs. Ben Zollrer,
Mrs. Joseph Shnelder and Mrs.
L B. Scharback.
Covers were placed for the trl
dal party and for Father Carber
ry, Father G. M. Snederhorn of
Stayton, Rev. J. C. McGrath of
Portland university, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Stirber. Mis Edna Stl'ber
, and Miss Geraldine Gates of Sil
verton;;. Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Bjerks and Theodore, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Williama and Alfred
and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
- Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Stirber
andJack, Mr. and Mrs win mc
Grata and Casllda, Mr. and Mrs.
BenKomp, Ernest Bjerke, Eu
gene" May all of Portland; Mr.
andMrs. Frank Fessler, Mr. and
Mrs". George May, Mr. and Mrs.
John Komp and James Erven of
Mt. Angel.,
For going away, the bride
wore a moss green crepe dress
with matching hat, black coat
and accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterk will make
their home in Seattle.
Hassler was honored with a mis
cellaneous shower Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Hassler. MIbs Hassler will become
the bride of Edward Ebner -Saturday
morning at 9 o'clock in St.
uoniiace g cnurcn. Mrs. aois
Hassler assisted. Those atteniing
the shower were Miss Ben!tia
Saturday, October 2S
Willamette tent hiTe No.
practice of colorbearers and of
fleers. Miller hall, 1 p. m.
American War Mothers at
Rigdon's at 10 a. m. for the fu
neral of Mrs. Lisbeth Waters.
Monday, October SO
Royal Neighbors of America,,
district rally Fraternal temple,
8 p.m.
ARTE club auxiliary with
Corrine Irish 2054 North Cap
itol street, 2 p. m.
Wednesday, Nov. 1
Willamette Tent Hire No. 6,
hosts at Marion county meeting,
Miller hall, 8 p.m.
Fruitland Women's circle,
with Mrs. L. K. Brnce, 2 p.m. '
Women's Missionary society
of Jason Lee church, 215 p.
Dakota club, no-hot sup
per 6:30 at Episcopal perish
Woman's Home Misslonaty
society, first Methodist church,
2:15 p. m.
FOE auxiliary benefit card
party at Fraternal temple 2
P. m.
Royal Neighbors Sewing
club will meet, at the Fair
grounds cabin.
No 'Grapes of Wtaih'Heie
t'' ""
It-.: X :.-:.-l.. sKsfW . '"
Returns Filed From Six
Conservation Elections
Returns were reported yesterday from six of the 11
districts ia Marion county which held elections of com
munity committeemen Friday for the Marion county agri
cultural conservation association.
Salem district elected Ralph Wilson, chairman ; C. A.
Ratcliff , vice chairman; W. A. Jones, member; Hugh L.
Harris, alternate. Wilson andO ;
Ratcliff were chosen delegate and I .
Kural Women near
Talk on Clothes
En rope's war didn't Interfere with the gay "feast of the grapes' at Rome, Italy, where Italian dancers
help celebrate a snccesstni narvesu
BRIDE Mrs. Allan Craig, the
former Blanche Roddy, who was
married on October 14 at the
First Methodist church. (Bruno
Rita Susbauer, Miss Eleanor Et
tel. Miss Ethel Riesterer, Miss
Dolores Bentz, Miss Maxlne Al
bas, Miss Anna Lulay, Miss Ber
nlce Lambrecht, Miss Loretts Et
zel. Miss Walnetta Hafner, Miss
Marie Butler, Miss Vera Holtbian,
Miss Germaine Etiel, Miss Vera
Hassler, Miss Evelyn Kints and
Miss Rita Frank.
Looney was hostess Wednesday
afternoon to the Jefferson Wom
an's club.
Mrs. C. J. Thurston pres.ded.
During the business meeting, the
following were elected delegates
to attend the Federation of Wom
an's clubs at Union Hill October
27: Mrs. Robert Terhune, Mr?.
Fred Wied. Miss Myrtle Myers,
Mrs. Eugene Finlay and Mrs. Hal
Wiley. Alternates were Mrs. A.
B. Hinz, Mrs. C. M. Smith, Miss
Marguerite Looney, Mrs. M D;
Hassler. Miss Katherine Lam- Looney and Mrs. K. u. 'l nomas,
brecht. Miss Leona Bentz, Viss Mrs. J. G. Fontaine, past county
Cantilever Scout Shoes
REMEMBER There are No Spare Parts for
Broken-Down FEET . . . Take Care of Them.
105 N. High
Opposite Court House
Anniversary at Middle Grove on
Friday; HonorecJ by Many Friends
MIDDLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. August Scharf of
Santa Monica, Calif., visiting relatives here for the past two
chairman of the ChUdren's Fann l contest sponsored by the local Coime dplplirate Ooldptt Weddinff
home, and Mrs. C. J. Thurston, I theater and newspaper. VAJUpiC ClCUiaiC UU1UCU ncuuillg
county committee chairman, wiui ine onae wore
be county delegates. j suit with white accessories and
a mmmM Mia- nrrnrit carried a bouquet of Cecil Brun-
Looney, Mrs. W. H. Sherman, and roses and white PdWM
Mrs. Robert Terhune, are to pro-
pose a name for the new mem- Gehlen. Leo Lasko attended the
ber on the library board, to serve groom.
. . Tt. Ml...iMu Fallnwlnar the ceremonT a re-
iur iwu jctwo. "- I .7 . . : I 4.1... i i it. r i j jj: rvjj
named tn arrange the tea for No-cepuon was neia ai me noun vi i iiiumiis, tcieuxaicu tucir uuiueu wcuuuik auutvcisaijr x.iiuajr
vember 8 are: Mrs. Hal wiiey, Mrs. Deimar Gehlen. I night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scharf. They were
Mrs m. D. Looney and Mrs. A. The couple , mads n0(rt.wfa- especially honored by the presence of their three children,
Mr- W.ltor vrnnn nt Albanv now at home in the DeldrtCh xua yavics ui ovuw uoxics t. .cioajr, nux-
.i,7i.i MH. rVtnr from apartments. meaa, uant., ana ciyae s-.narr.-p-
w -- i - I Redmond.
a world tour, was guest speaker, v.i nn,w. St
Mrs. D. H. Looney was assisted rian. ar. '"8 cu- , ; --- ---- -- - o ;.
i r t aho niptii tnr r no annual men u'""v
vj airs. - . iuu.u, 7--."7 ... " Hnrn.hnrh noenmniiTilM tha
AssiVinT in-BingUWre K neld at t'lm PrVsTytTriana and
Hal Wiley, MissMarguerite Loo- church on Wednesday afternoon , dtol were u s ed about the
y, and Miss Eleanor looney. a program nas oeen arraogea - . u- -'eddlna- cake
r! v Vt- I i m-o Unto, an1 In. I wuiereu wiib a wcuuuig case,
ov.i I..! j - n - I j. i v w f I ift of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scharf,
Vuarxes Jiul uu bid u.tuu v- nuu. uuuiucxa uj I anrf m. flunks rnlAn t.irpm
ouma oi du c, mr. uuruluJ- V"" ' in crystal holders. Gold tapers
Doak Bynon, Miss Eula McCully ten classes; vocal solo, Miss Har- ' , - d th mnfie
and Miss Mattle Beatty of Salem; rlet Fullenwider; reading, Miss J V "aftg remved
Mrs. waiter Kropp and Alice and m vocal- 8olo8, Many "g
' " T J " Tk'; Kaymona van uyse. graciously responded with words
aim. fiea 1 i utner commuiee memoeri unu j appreciation.
ounsaums, ais. x. I are making arrangements lor me ararHna In Colorado
iru tl TT ILTnTTaa r V 11.1. . . . l
ii. ia. "... Ilea mciuae: recepuon cuiamiuee, Hr V Valaav Inmtt
Looney. Mrs. L. L. Shields. Miss Un- t n van n! Mm John .Mattle E. Kelsay and Aupust
Ethel Hickey, Miss Olive E. Coo- jjarjn" Mrs. M. M. Ellis. Mrs. "7 1889 where
MSiSi? Mr"' Co-ad BUfrln. Mrs. Howard gS-JSu it.
uieming, airs. a. i. auen, . when Mr gcharf retired from 42
Ray Gohrke and Mrs. a. . rres- Tear- aervice with Denver. Rio
RTT.VF.RTON The engagement I ton; decoration, Mrs. J. C. Tracy I Grande Western and Santa Fe
of Miss Maxine Oeder, daughter and Mrs. V. Ray Boydston; gar- railroads. Since February, 1930,
of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Oeder, to ments, Mrs. Oscar aayter, Mrs.
tiii H9n ann nf Mr and Mrs. I John K. blDiey, Mrs. tiarry a,
alternate to the county conven
Howell Prairie elected John
Tweed, chairman; John Steel-
hammer, vice-chairman; John
Lauderback; C. L. Simmons, al
ternate; Tweed and Steelhammer,
delegate and alternate to the
county- contention.
Jefferson chose Homer M.
Smith, chairman;' A. L. Page,
vice-chairman;. B. Homer Smith:
Harley Libby, first aUernate; Dal
las Harris, second alternate:
Smith and Page, delegate and al
ternate to county convention.
Gervais choee Robert Harper.
chairman; B. J J. Miller, vice
chairman; Homer Egan; Arthur
Coffin, alternate; Harper ana
Miller, delegate and alternate to
county convention.
Woodburn elected Ralph K.
Seely. chairman; H- E. Feller.
vice-chairman: R. L. Free berg;
Harry Hngill. alternate; Jim Wil
son, second alternate; seeiy ana
Feller, delegate and alternate to
county convention.
At St. Paul A. R. Coleman was
elected chairman; Fred Dentel.
vice-chairman; Robert McNamee;
James Gooding, first alternate;
Lester Kirk, second alternate;
Coleman and Dentel, delegate and
alternate to county convention.
they have resided in Santa Monica.
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Scharf
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scharf
(brother), Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kelsay and Dorothy, Alameda;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davies, Santa
Monica; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Scharf and Beverly, Redmond;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Super and Mrs Hoyt
Carey, Portland; Mr. and Vrs.
E. J. Scharf, Dorothy and Ken
neth, Perrydale; Mr. and Mrs.
John Van Laanen, Jean and Dale,
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Wolfe. Lo
ween and Gertrude Scharf, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Wikoff. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Sim and Daryl, tin
Daphne Randall, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Scharf, Joan and Janice, Mr
and Mrs. Joseph Bartruff, Mr
and Mrs. W. H. Scha'f, Mr. and
Mrs. Wlllard Hornscuch and Mr,
and Mrs.' Fred Scharf and Gene
; Mrs. George Harden, Mrs. Gerald
"W MUST wm
This Great Maytag Contest"
Says Bruce Cooley
Crew Manager for Hoaa Bros.
Btof Saturday Night to Complete the
9 I . 1 TTT . I Ml-H- lB
C. J. Hagen or saiem nas oeen '""""""". 7.-Ill t Hewett. Mrs. Frank Moran, Mrs
announced, ine weaaing ; u Fred Knowland and Mrs. Ted
Deing sei iur iaio ixuicuiuci. I linn mo, iuio. u. t. i luwiuvi,
Mrs. Maurice Dalton and Mrs. W. I ,J,imD'
I v a. nkllA4t H r-m I
STAYTON Miss Irene Bell. ? l"' SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs
daughter of Mr and Mrs Clar- Guild Include Jlui Thurman . .
enpft Bell, and Mr. John Lasko t.. aiAt. I the marriage of their daughter.
were united In marriage recently Srs! W. C pYmberton aqi Mia'JMJaa Billle Thurman. to HayM
at a, ceremony performed by Rev. Boydston ce-Dresldeits-rHlDl,s' 8m ot Mr nd MrB' Cha"
George Sulderhon at the Catholic L HarJy'T Woldl'Sre
narlRh. i o fr. I took place Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
The bride will be remembered "he. Dallas TWanch the Ne'e- Weley DBoer ot Silverton were
as tne one wno won a wip iuo l,iv nna f Amarta a tiin I iuo biicuubum.
's Fair In a tra-1 , branch in Orecron outside of I
Portland. To be a member of thel BETHEL A feature of the
Guild one must give at least two! meeting of the community club
new garments or pieces of house- j on Friday aignt win De a neign
hold linen or a money donation! borhood shower for Mr. and Mrs
each year. The garments, linens warrej rung yaiaria rruemwu,
or money donated are used to help
the needy of the local communi
ty. The garments given are on dis
play at the tea. Last year about
700 new garments were displayed.
New York World'i
Flood Project Worker
Busy at North Howell
local assurance that the Willa
mette valley flood control project
is really at work is found at the
Cline bridge over Pudding river,
where a group of engineers have
been busy for the past iu aays in
stalling a water guage to deter
mine the volume and velocity of
the water.
This work is carried on under a
geological survey by the US de
nartment ot interior. Clin es bridge
was the only place on the river
where they could find the full
amount of the water flow. George
Cline will read the meters.
OAK POINT Mrs. Orley
Brown was hostess to Independ
ence Rural Woman's club last
week at her home. An in vita Hon
to attend Neighborhood club day
of Independence Woman a club
November 7 was read and ac
cepted. Mrs. Grove Peterson gave
a report on the meeting at Guth
rie schoolhouse of Polk county
Federation ot Women's clvba.
Mrs. Mary Peterson also attended
this meeting.
Asalea Sager, state home dem
onstration agent of Oregon State
college was the speaker for the
afternoon. Her subject was "Buy
ing and Selecting" and "Materials
In Cloth." Mrs. Walter Brown
assisted in the .serving.
Forget-Me-Not Plants
12 large JSAc
clumps for w
Mrs. B. O. Schooling, Ph. 5780
75 of mtttnroKS
The average Doctor Is a food example of what his pa Meat
shouldn't do, la the way of burning up energy faster than It
can be replaced by nature.
Directly, or Indirectly. In the cast of 75 of the Doctors who
die each year, plain exhaustion is the cause. Depletion front
over .work, worry and lack of rest Induces heart trouble,
kidney disorders, acute gastric conditions.
The physical and mental demand on Doctor with a busy
practice, would appall the average business man. He simply
would not be able to understand why the Doctor does not
systematise his practice better and Insure himself a more
healthfully rounded out routine.
However, the patient can often help, by being on time te
appointments, telephoning only when necessary, calling at
night only In cases of emergency and co-operating with the
Doctor's treatment. .
Usually when It Is necessary for you to wait en a Doctor.
NWM ha been late to an appointment, or some unexpected
emergency has arisen.
"A L. Kl
riage of Miss Josephine Wood,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ptrle
Wood of Howell Prairie, and Don
ald Sawyer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Sawyer of Silverton, bich
was an event of October 15 at
La Center, Wash., was announc
ed this week. Attendants at the
wedding were Miss Evelyn Han
son and Clarence Schuknecht of
The bride and groom are grad
uates of Silverton high school.
After November 1 the young cou
ple will be at home In Silverton.
friends have learned of the mar
riage on October 8 of Miss Laura
I C. Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Ferguson, and Carl
Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A.1
Leach of Portland, at a ceremony
performed by Rev. E. B. Lock
hart at the First United Presby
terian church in Portland.
LEBANON Members of the
Fellowship Guild entertained the
women of the faculty, wires of
faculty members and of members
of the board of education at a
tea at the home of Mrs Harold
Irvine Wednesday afternoon.
Assisting About the rooms ere
Wellll IEimvflDip
giving jgou quality and appearance combined
with convenience in gour business envelope
Soles Force felondiaa), Oscar Sederstrouv loo Chamben. Byron Jackson. Cy Kaded, Nick Hem,
Bruce Cooley, Burton Randall, and L1S07 Ishham. Service Dept (seated) Fred Carstensen. BIB
Cameron. Im Mm, Clyde Fence, ana M voeiscn.
W 'hart been leading all other Northwest dealers In
CbLs great Maytag contest foe the past 6 weeks. We hare
but 30 washers remaining of oar second great carload
and the contest ends Saturday sight NoTember 4th, SO
4.95 3.90
Down Per Mo.
Buys Best Family Sixe
Don't Hide
Your Hands
At luncheons and other social events
way woman often uncccacioualy try k
hide their heads In one wsy or aaothen
Hive you faund yourself doing Bus? If so,
you haven't yet discovered FLAMINGO
mo of ppUcmtioa and longer-wearing
qmlitiM ...will be revelation to you.
BftniM nails are always admired... 1st
FLAMINGO nuke you pcond of youa.
aiuixco'e nTE"i::jrsn:E$
To suet every coshune raquiremeot...
FLAMINGO ofins five"teisr shades.
Ton cuhav ell live and still seen
Money ...fcx JLAMINGO is stxry-oant
quality far a duasf
At Toilet Goods
Counters -
stasaBe4 an4
printed envelepee have nn
rev priatia limiutions-
require six weeks advenes
rderinf and a heavy Jawes
i in postage,
StampedMmil-Tell Envelopes
offer unlimited opportunities
for distinctive printing im
mediate deliveries, and prac
tically n carry-over invest
ment in postage.
Lumber co.:
Altai. Cmtlfvtml
In Mall-Well Stamped Envelopes you get AIX the advantages
of government envelopes, plus
L A better envelope yotir choice of any style or sise of envelope, regular ef
window, and a wide range of quality and colon of paper stocks from whicK
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2. Envelopes delivered to yon an yoa need them with' postage stamps alread
affixed no ticking of stamps and no loose stamps laying around.
5. No printing restrictionn yoa may use any design you choose, any color et
combination of colors of ink, nse cats and distinctive type faces. Yost ca4
utilize your badness envelope as a valuable medium of advertising.
. Immediate delivery of any amount of stamped envelopes yoa may need thus:
eliminating heavy postage investment.
S. Money that has been going east for envelopes will Hay here In our city 14
increase our own payrolls. Mail-Well envelopes are a 99.6 Pacific Coast
product. '
Call us today we'll be glad to explain thU new stamped
envelope service in , detail von will be under no obligation
whatever ee end wo will appreciate the calL
215 Soulh Connerrial Slreel Phone 9101
PHONE 6022